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By SlavaGl
Добрый день. У меня такая проблема: хотел добавить стационарные пулемёты на сектор, прописал в файл спавна ботов на секторе, но после запуска сервера перестали появляться пулемёты и боты вообще. В чём проблема. Файл прилагаю
if(isServer) then { //Custom Spawns file// /* Custom group spawns Eg. [ [953.237,4486.48,0.001], // Position 4, // Number Of units "Random", // Skill level of unit (easy, medium, hard, extreme, Random) "Random", or ["Random","at"], // Primary gun set number and rocket launcher. "Random" for random weapon set, "at" for anti-tank, "aa" for anti-air launcher 4, // Number of magazines "Random", // Backpack classname, use "Random" or classname here "Random", // Skin classname, use "Random" or classname here "Random", // Gearset number. "Random" for random gear set "Bandit" // AI Type, "Hero" or "Bandit". ] call spawn_group; Place your custom group spawns below */ /* Custom static weapon spawns Eg. (with mutiple positions) [ [ // Position(s) (can be multiple) [911.21,4532.76,2.62], [921.21,4542.76,2.62] ], "M2StaticMG", // Classname of turret "easy", // Skill level of unit (easy, medium, hard, extreme, Random) "Bandit2_DZ", // Skin classname, use "Random" or classname here "Bandit", // AI Type, "Hero" or "Bandit". "Random", // Primary gun set number. "Random" for random weapon set 2, // Number of magazines "Random", // Backpack classname, use "Random" or classname here "Random" // Gearset classname, use "Random" or classname here ] call spawn_static; Place your custom static weapon spawns below */ /* Custom Chopper Patrol spawn Eg. [ [725.391,4526.06,0], // Position to patrol [0,0,0], // Position to spawn chopper at 2000, // Radius of patrol 10, // Number of waypoints to give "UH1H_DZ", // Classname of vehicle (make sure it has driver and two gunners) "Random", // Skill level of units (easy, medium, hard, extreme, Random) "Random", // Skin classname, use "Random" or classname here "Bandit" // AI Type, "Hero" or "Bandit". ] spawn heli_patrol; Place your heli patrols below */ /* Custom Vehicle patrol spawns Eg. (Watch out they are stupid) [ [725.391,4526.06,0], // Position to patrol [725.391,4526.06,0], // Position to spawn at 200, // Radius of patrol 10, // Number of waypoints to give "HMMWV_Armored", // Classname of vehicle (make sure it has driver and gunner) "Random", // Skill level of units (easy, medium, hard, extreme, Random) "Random", // Skin classname, use "Random" or classname here "Bandit" // AI Type, "Hero" or "Bandit". ] spawn vehicle_patrol; Place your vehicle patrols below this line */ /* Paradropped unit custom spawn Eg. [ [911.21545,4532.7612,2.6292224], // Position that units will be dropped by [0,0,0], // Starting position of the heli 400, // Radius from drop position a player has to be to spawn chopper "UH1H_DZ", // Classname of chopper (Make sure it has 2 gunner seats!) 5, // Number of units to be para dropped "Random", // Skill level of units (easy, medium, hard, extreme, Random) "Random", // Primary gun set number and rocket launcher. "Random" for random weapon set, "at" for anti-tank, "aa" for anti-air launcher 4, // Number of magazines "Random", // Backpack classname, use "Random" or classname here "Bandit2_DZ", // Skin classname, use "Random" or classname here "Random", // Gearset number. "Random" for random gear set. "Bandit", // AI Type, "Hero" or "Bandit". true // true: Aircraft will stay at position and fight. false: Heli will leave if not under fire. ] spawn heli_para; Place your paradrop spawns under this line */ //SECTOR FNG [[6650.3984, 14177.261, 0.00017547607],4,"extreme","Random",4,"Random","Bandit2_DZ","Random","Bandit"] call spawn_group; //ground troops// [[6789.0361, 14320.882, 0.00017547607],4,"extreme","Random",4,"Random","Bandit2_DZ","Random","Bandit"] call spawn_group; //ground troops// [[6791.7695, 14081.711, 0.00017547607],4,"extreme","Random",4,"Random","Bandit2_DZ","Random","Bandit"] call spawn_group; //ground troops// [[6571.8535, 14275.836, 0.00017547607],4,"extreme","Random",4,"Random","Bandit2_DZ","Random","Bandit"] call spawn_group; //ground troops// [[6670.1357, 14115.218, 0.00017547607],5,"extreme","Random",4,"Random","Bandit2_DZ","Random","Bandit"] call spawn_group; //ground troops// [[6611.9756, 14201, 0.00017547607],3,"extreme","Random",4,"Random","Bandit2_DZ","Random","Bandit"] call spawn_group; //ground troops// [[6488.55, 14203.1, 0.00152588],"KORD_high_TK_EP1","extreme","Bandit2_DZ","Bandit","Random",5,Random","Random"] call spawn_static; [[6497.38, 14264.1, 11.0966],"KORD_high_TK_EP1","extreme","Bandit2_DZ","Bandit","Random",5,Random","Random"] call spawn_static; [[6546.24,14261,14.0237],"KORD_high_TK_EP1","extreme","Bandit2_DZ","Bandit","Random",5,Random","Random"] call spawn_static; [[6573.58,14202.4,0.0015564],"KORD_high_TK_EP1","extreme","Bandit2_DZ","Bandit","Random",5,Random","Random"] call spawn_static; [[6619.83,14200.9,0.00158691],"KORD_high_TK_EP1","extreme","Bandit2_DZ","Bandit","Random",5,Random","Random"] call spawn_static; [[6652.46,14194.7,2.78516],"KORD_high_TK_EP1","extreme","Bandit2_DZ","Bandit","Random",5,Random","Random"] call spawn_static; [[6724.36,14214.6,9.0.05786],"KORD_high_TK_EP1","extreme","Bandit2_DZ","Bandit","Random",5,Random","Random"] call spawn_static; [[6757.06,14301.9,13.8516],"KORD_high_TK_EP1","extreme","Bandit2_DZ","Bandit","Random",5,Random","Random"] call spawn_static; [[6715.3,14315.7,7.35931],"KORD_high_TK_EP1","extreme","Bandit2_DZ","Bandit","Random",5,Random","Random"] call spawn_static; [[6765.04,14225.3,12.8817],"KORD_high_TK_EP1","extreme","Bandit2_DZ","Bandit","Random",5,Random","Random"] call spawn_static; diag_log format["WAI: Static mission for %1 loaded", missionName]; };
У меня такой вопросик, я решил поставить новые WAI 2.2.0 , но на секторе не спавнятся боты) я хз что делать, можете что подсказать ? мне очень хотелось бы сохранить сектор.
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Ребят, просьба в принципе в описании), оч интересно на него поглядеть, буду благдарен, можно и в личку кинуть откуда скачать можно, весь инет обшарил ничего толком не нашел :(
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На секторе стоит ящик с лутом, когда к ниму подходишь его резко подкидывает в воздух, стоит инфистар, с чем это связано?
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Здравствуйте,подскажите пожалуйста как правильно прописать спавн ботов и техники с ботами на сектор ну и десант если возможно WAI 2.2.5.
Прикрепил файл своего сектора ,вроде работает но не знаю как технику добавить и очень много ошибок в РТП.
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