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has been kicked by BattlEye: Script Restriction #60
В чём косяк фильтра? инф? или косяк скрипта и как пофиксить?

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8 answers to this question

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Скрипт лог


13.08.2016 15:48:21: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #60 "leMarker setMarkerSizeLocal [1.0, 1.0];

_vehicleMarker setMarkerTextLocal format ["Here is your: %1",_vehicleName];

systemChat f"

13.08.2016 16:07:57: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #60 "leMarker setMarkerSizeLocal [1.0, 1.0];

_vehicleMarker setMarkerTextLocal format ["Here is your: %1",_vehicleName];

systemChat f"


скрипт txt



5 "dedicatedServerInterface"

5 setDammage

5 "_unit createUnit"

5 "createUnit _array"

5 "[_pos, _grp, \";\" +"

5 "\"+ \""

5 "\" +\""

5 "\"+ \""

5 "\" +\""

5 "\" + \""

5 "\" + \""

5 "\" + \""

5 "\"+ \""

5 "'+ '"

5 "'+ '"

5 "' +'"

5 "' + '"

5 "' + '"

5 "' + '"

5 "'+ '"

5 "\"+\""

5 "'+'"

5 "+ \";\""

5 "+\";\""

5 "+ \";\"]"

5 "+\";\"]"

5 "], \"Logic\"]"

5 "],\"Logic\"]"

5 "\"FunctionsManager\", 10000000]) select 0"

5 "(createGroup sideLogic)"

5 "_g = createGroup sidelogic;"

5 "_u = _g createUnit ["

5 "_u = _g createUnit [\"Fun\"+\"ctions\"+\"Man\"+\"ager\",[0,0,0],[],0,\"NONE\"];"

5 "_MissionZBoar"

5 "10000000]) select 0"

5 "join _Editor;"

5 "_Editor ="

5 "\"F\"+\"u\"+\"n\"+\"c\"+\"t\"+\"i\"+\"o\"+\"n\"+\"s\"+\"M\"+\"a\"+\"n\"+\"a\"+\"g\"+\"e\"+\"r\""

5 "Fun\"+\"ctions\"+\"Man\"+\"ager"

5 "allmissionobjects 'FunctionsManager'"

5 "allmissionobjects \"FunctionsManager\""

5 "], \"FunctionsManager\"]"

5 "],\"FunctionsManager\"]"

5 "\"Functions\" + \"Manager\""


5 "\"Fuck server\""

5 "c\"+\"reateGroup"

5 "cr\"+\"eateGroup"

5 "cre\"+\"ateGroup"

5 "crea\"+\"teGroup"

5 "creat\"+\"eGroup"

5 "create\"+\"Group"

5 "createG\"+\"roup"

5 "createGr\"+\"oup"

5 "createGro\"+\"up"

5 "createGrou\"+\"p"

5 "_BB_"

5 "_mapBB"

5 "ckpackCargoGlobal [_x, 2];} forEach _backpacks;"

5 "{_tentbox addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x, 2];} forEach _items;"

5 "setMarkerTextLocal" !="_markerstr setMarkerTextLocal _name;" !="_mrkr setMarkerTextLocal format [\"%1\",_name];" !"_vm setMarkerTextLocal" !"_pm setMarkerTextLocal format" !="BIS_DEBUG_CAM_MARKER setmarkertextlocal \"BIS_DEBUG_CAM\";" !="_name setMarkerTextLocal format [_showMarkerSearchText + \" \" + \"%1\" + \" \" + \"[%2 m]\", _vehDisplayName, _vehDistance];"

5 "setMarkerTypeLocal" !="_pm setMarkerTypeLocal \"destroyedvehicle\";" !="_vm setMarkerTypeLocal \"" !="_mrkr setMarkerTypeLocal \"DestroyedVehicle\";" !="_marker setMarkerTypeLocal \"Empty\";" !="BIS_DEBUG_CAM_MARKER setmarkertypelocal \"mil_start\";" !="_name setMarkerTypeLocal _showMarkerType;"


Попробуй убрать последние 2 строки

p.s. у меня, по-сути, только их нет и техника нормально ищется.

Edited by godfatherbul (see edit history)

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5 "" !"PVDZE_" !"norrn" !"usec" !="remExField" !="remExFP" !="currentInvites" !="drn_AskServerDynamicWeatherEventArgs" !="norrinRAlie" !="BIS_effects_gepv" !="dayzPlayerLogin" !="dayzPlayerLogin2" !"PVAHR_" !="PVAH_AdminReq" !="PVAH_WriteLogReq"
5 "norrn" !="norrnRACarUp" !="norrnRAPicUp" !="norrnRaDrag" !="norrnR180" !="norrnRalie" !="norrnRLact" !="norrnRALW" !="norrnRDead"
5 "usec" !="usecMorphine" !="usecBandage" !="usecBleed" !="PVDZE_veh_Colour"
5 "PVDZE_" !"PVDZE_player" !="PVDZE_send" !="PVDZE_log_lockUnlock" !="PVDZE_Server_Simulation" !="PVDZE_veh_Update" !="PVDZE_plr_GutBody" !="PVDZE_plr_GutBodyZ" !="PVDZE_veh_Lock" !="PVDZE_plr_DeathB" !="PVDZE_maintainArea" !="PVDZE_obj_Publish" !="PVDZE_obj_Swap" !="PVDZE_plr_Save" !="PVDZE_obj_Delete" !="PVDZE_obj_Trade" !="PVDZE_veh_Publish2" !="PVDZE_zed_Spawn" !="PVDZE_plr_Died" !="PVDZE_plr_TradeMenu" !="PVDZE_veh_Upgrade" !="PVDZE_atp" !="PVDZE_plr_Login" !="PVDZE_plr_Login2" !="PVDZE_plr_LoginRecord" !="PVDZE_plr_DeathBResult" !="PVDZE_veh_SFix" !="PVDZE_plr_Hit" !="PVDZE_plr_HitV" !="PVDZE_veh_SFuel" !="PVDZE_plr_HideBody" !="PVDZE_plr_Morph" !="PVDZE_veh_Publish" !="PVDZE_plr_Characters" !="PVDZE_lockVault" !="PVDZE_obj_setlocalVars" !="PVDZE_obj_getlocalVars" !="PVDZE_bank_Save" !="PVDZE_account_Doublecheck" !="PVDZE_veh_Colour"
5 "PVAHR_" !"PVAHR_0_"
1 "PVAH"
5 "remExFP" !="\"remExFP\" = \[,,\"per\",\"execVM\",\"ca\\Modules\\Functions\\init.sqf\"\]" !"\[,,\"per\",\"execVM\",\"ca\\Modules\\Functions\\init.sqf\"\]"
5 "fnc_plyrHit"
5 "AntiHack"
1 "Delete"

Лог если это он, я в BE не шарю...


12.08.2016 18:57:18: Tvigle ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1234,,"76561198248757030"]
12.08.2016 18:57:28: Tvigle ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,"Tvigle TP infront of you ON"]
12.08.2016 18:57:30: Tvigle ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,"Tvigle PlotPoleMarker Activated"]
12.08.2016 18:57:35: Tvigle ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1,,[3649.82,10185.2,0]]
12.08.2016 19:03:06: Tvigle ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
12.08.2016 19:03:20: Tvigle ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
12.08.2016 19:03:20: Tvigle ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,"Tvigle used Remove Plotpoles"]
12.08.2016 19:03:33: Tvigle ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1,,[2670.14,14222.1,0]]
12.08.2016 19:04:30: Tvigle ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [10,,]
12.08.2016 19:04:30: Tvigle ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,"Tvigle Disconnected Tvigle"]
12.08.2016 19:09:13: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1234,,"76561198248757030"]
12.08.2016 19:14:08: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,"Boom TP infront of you ON"]
12.08.2016 19:14:10: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,"Boom G_o_d ON"]
12.08.2016 19:14:14: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1,,[7971.76,5345.46,0]]
12.08.2016 19:14:14: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1,,[7971.76,5345.46,0]]
12.08.2016 19:18:59: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1234,,"76561198248757030"]
12.08.2016 19:19:16: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,"Boom TP infront of you ON"]
12.08.2016 19:19:21: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1,,[4550.85,10257.7,0]]
12.08.2016 19:25:02: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1,,[10199.7,2316.87,0]]
12.08.2016 19:25:27: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1,,[6682.49,3645.49,0]]
12.08.2016 19:27:00: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,"Boom ZedShield Disabled"]
12.08.2016 19:29:28: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
12.08.2016 19:29:45: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [0,,"Su25_TK_EP1",[12046.8,12662.1,0]]
12.08.2016 19:35:03: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1234,,"76561198248757030"]
12.08.2016 19:35:21: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1,,[11763,12827.6,0]]
12.08.2016 19:35:23: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,"Boom TP infront of you ON"]
12.08.2016 19:35:29: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [0,,"Su25_TK_EP1",[11781,12827.4,0]]
12.08.2016 19:49:27: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1234,,"76561198248757030"]
12.08.2016 19:49:32: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,"Boom TP infront of you ON"]
12.08.2016 19:49:33: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,"Boom TP infront of you OFF"]
12.08.2016 19:49:33: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,"Boom TP infront of you ON"]
12.08.2016 19:49:39: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1,,[11758.7,12840.1,0]]
13.08.2016 00:18:43: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1234,,"76561198248757030"]
13.08.2016 00:25:37: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,"Boom G_o_d ON"]
13.08.2016 00:25:44: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,"Boom TP infront of you ON"]
13.08.2016 01:21:50: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1234,,"76561198248757030"]
13.08.2016 01:59:09: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1234,,"76561198248757030"]
13.08.2016 02:48:24: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1234,,"76561198248757030"]
13.08.2016 02:49:53: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,"Boom TP infront of you ON"]
13.08.2016 02:50:07: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [0,,"Su25_TK_EP1",[11771.4,12824.2,0]]
13.08.2016 03:04:28: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 03:12:38: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 03:12:58: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,"Boom DEADMarker Activated"]
13.08.2016 03:13:03: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1,,[6415.61,11152.3,0]]
13.08.2016 03:13:11: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1,,[6404.26,11140.9,0]]
13.08.2016 03:13:16: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 03:13:30: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,"Boom DEADMarker Disabled"]
13.08.2016 03:13:35: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1,,[7830.25,8389.71,0]]
13.08.2016 03:13:40: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 03:14:09: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,"Boom G_o_d ON"]
13.08.2016 03:14:10: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1,,[11293.3,12850.5,0]]
13.08.2016 03:16:20: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,"Boom adminammo_recoil ON"]
13.08.2016 03:17:42: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1,,[8336.23,9252.2,0]]
13.08.2016 03:21:25: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1,,[6180.37,7693.27,0]]
13.08.2016 03:21:34: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1,,[6315.13,7809.36,0]]
13.08.2016 03:42:58: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1234,,"76561198248757030"]
13.08.2016 03:44:38: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [8,,]
13.08.2016 03:44:38: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,"Boom Removes Boom Gear"]
13.08.2016 03:44:45: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,"Boom adminammo_recoil ON"]
13.08.2016 03:44:46: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,"Boom adminammo_recoil OFF"]
13.08.2016 03:44:47: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,"Boom No Zed Aggro - On"]
13.08.2016 03:44:51: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,"Boom ZedShield Disabled"]
13.08.2016 03:44:55: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [3,]
13.08.2016 03:44:55: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,"Boom Invisibility Activated"]
13.08.2016 03:47:23: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,"Boom TP infront of you ON"]
13.08.2016 03:47:29: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1,,[4804.86,9786.88,0]]
13.08.2016 03:47:43: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [9004,]
13.08.2016 03:47:43: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,"Boom - SMALL SUPPLY PACKAGE at 048052"]
13.08.2016 04:20:50: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1234,,"76561198248757030"]
13.08.2016 04:21:07: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,84,101,114,114,97,105,110,32,76,111,119]]
13.08.2016 04:21:08: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,84,101,114,114,97,105,110,32,78,111,114,109,97,108]]
13.08.2016 04:21:33: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [9004,]
13.08.2016 04:21:33: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,45,32,83,77,65,76,76,32,83,85,80,80,76,89,32,80,65,67,75,65,71,69,32,64,48,51,52,48,54,51]]
13.08.2016 04:23:47: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 04:23:48: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 04:23:49: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 04:24:18: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,84,80,32,105,110,102,114,111,110,116,32,111,102,32,121,111,117,32,79,78]]
13.08.2016 04:24:26: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 04:24:28: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 04:24:29: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 04:24:30: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 04:24:31: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 04:24:32: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 04:24:32: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 04:24:33: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 04:24:34: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 04:24:36: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 04:27:08: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,71,95,111,95,100,32,79,78]]
13.08.2016 04:27:15: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1,,[1296.7,4714.51,0]]
13.08.2016 04:28:09: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,97,100,109,105,110,97,109,109,111,95,114,101,99,111,105,108,32,79,78]]
13.08.2016 04:28:11: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,70,97,115,116,70,105,114,101,32,79,78]]
13.08.2016 04:40:14: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,"Boom gave 100000 coins to Boom"]
13.08.2016 04:40:49: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1234,,"76561198248757030"]
13.08.2016 04:41:24: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,71,95,111,95,100,32,79,78]]
13.08.2016 04:41:28: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,78,111,32,90,101,100,32,65,103,103,114,111,32,45,32,79,110]]
13.08.2016 04:41:29: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,84,80,32,105,110,102,114,111,110,116,32,111,102,32,121,111,117,32,79,78]]
13.08.2016 04:41:34: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,97,100,109,105,110,97,109,109,111,95,114,101,99,111,105,108,32,79,78]]
13.08.2016 04:41:35: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,70,97,115,116,70,105,114,101,32,79,78]]
13.08.2016 04:42:18: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 04:42:39: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1,,[6305.6,7804.43,0]]
13.08.2016 04:42:39: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1,,[6305.6,7804.43,0]]
13.08.2016 04:43:12: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,67,108,111,110,101,100,32,66,111,111,109]]
13.08.2016 04:43:24: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [110,,,"HitHands",1]
13.08.2016 04:43:24: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,72,105,116,72,97,110,100,115,32,66,111,111,109,40,66,97,110,100,105,116,50,95,68,90,41,32,119,105,116,104,32,49,32,100,97,109,97,103,101]]
13.08.2016 04:43:42: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [0,,"AH1Z",[6352.26,7776.53,0]]
13.08.2016 04:44:33: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [110,,,"HitHRotor",1]
13.08.2016 04:44:33: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,72,105,116,72,82,111,116,111,114,32,66,111,111,109,40,65,72,49,90,41,32,119,105,116,104,32,49,32,100,97,109,97,103,101]]
13.08.2016 04:44:35: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [110,,,"HitVRotor",1]
13.08.2016 04:44:35: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,72,105,116,86,82,111,116,111,114,32,66,111,111,109,40,65,72,49,90,41,32,119,105,116,104,32,49,32,100,97,109,97,103,101]]
13.08.2016 04:45:28: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 04:45:58: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 13:55:39: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1234,,"76561198248757030"]
13.08.2016 14:21:36: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,84,80,32,105,110,102,114,111,110,116,32,111,102,32,121,111,117,32,79,78]]
13.08.2016 15:17:56: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1234,,"76561198248757030"]
13.08.2016 15:21:28: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,83,112,101,99,116,97,116,105,110,103,32,106,111,107,101,114]]
13.08.2016 15:22:00: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,71,95,111,95,100,32,79,78]]
13.08.2016 15:22:01: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,77,111,118,105,110,103,32,116,111,32,106,111,107,101,114]]
13.08.2016 15:22:25: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,"Boom gave 100000 coins to joker"]
13.08.2016 15:22:27: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,"Boom gave 100000 coins to joker"]
13.08.2016 15:22:29: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,"Boom gave 100000 coins to joker"]
13.08.2016 15:22:31: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,112,108,117,115,32,50,53,48,48,32,72,117,109,97,110,105,116,121,32,116,111,32,106,111,107,101,114]]
13.08.2016 15:22:31: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,112,108,117,115,32,50,53,48,48,32,72,117,109,97,110,105,116,121,32,116,111,32,106,111,107,101,114]]
13.08.2016 15:22:31: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,112,108,117,115,32,50,53,48,48,32,72,117,109,97,110,105,116,121,32,116,111,32,106,111,107,101,114]]
13.08.2016 15:22:42: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1,,[6325.03,7877.77,0]]
13.08.2016 15:22:47: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,84,80,32,105,110,102,114,111,110,116,32,111,102,32,121,111,117,32,79,78]]
13.08.2016 15:24:22: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,83,112,101,99,116,97,116,105,110,103,32,106,111,107,101,114]]
13.08.2016 15:28:42: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,83,112,101,99,116,97,116,105,110,103,32]]
13.08.2016 15:28:43: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,77,111,118,105,110,103,32,116,111,32,106,111,107,101,114]]
13.08.2016 15:28:44: joker ( ee77f4a770df41ec5ef00a049b227558 - #5 "PVAHR_0_gguutur_435136" = ["joker","76561198286426898","SLOG",[66,97,100,75,101,121,58,32,83,104,105,102,116,32,43,32,80,32,116,111,32,67,111,109,98,97,116,76,111,103]]
13.08.2016 15:32:12: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,45,32,97,100,100,101,100,32,77,57,32,116,111,32,104,105,115,32,105,110,118,101,110,116,111,114,121]]
13.08.2016 15:32:20: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 15:32:33: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,83,112,101,99,116,97,116,105,110,103,32,91,98,97,100,93,65,90,79,77,66,73,69,32,50,49]]
13.08.2016 15:33:27: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1,,[12627.7,12909.8,0]]
13.08.2016 15:36:17: joker ( ee77f4a770df41ec5ef00a049b227558 - #5 "PVAHR_0_gguutur_435136" = ["joker","76561198286426898","SLOG",[66,97,100,75,101,121,58,32,83,104,105,102,116,32,43,32,80,32,116,111,32,67,111,109,98,97,116,76,111,103]]
13.08.2016 15:41:37: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-3,,"SUV_Camo_DZE1",[265.234,[12574.1,12897.6,0]],"ItemKeyRed1158"]
13.08.2016 15:41:48: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,45,32,78,111,32,66,117,105,108,100,32,76,105,109,105,116,32,45,32,79,78]]
13.08.2016 15:41:50: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,45,32,78,111,32,79,118,101,114,66,117,114,100,101,110,101,100,32,45,32,79,78]]
13.08.2016 15:41:51: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,45,32,49,32,83,116,101,112,32,66,117,105,108,100,105,110,103,32,45,32,79,78]]
13.08.2016 15:41:52: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,45,32,78,111,32,80,108,111,116,80,111,108,101,32,45,32,79,78]]
13.08.2016 15:42:52: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,45,32,97,100,100,101,100,32,73,116,101,109,71,117,110,82,97,99,107,75,105,116,32,116,111,32,104,105,115,32,105,110,118,101,110,116,111,114,121]]
13.08.2016 15:43:18: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,45,32,97,100,100,101,100,32,73,116,101,109,84,111,111,108,98,111,120,32,116,111,32,104,105,115,32,105,110,118,101,110,116,111,114,121]]
13.08.2016 15:43:19: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,45,32,97,100,100,101,100,32,73,116,101,109,69,116,111,111,108,32,116,111,32,104,105,115,32,105,110,118,101,110,116,111,114,121]]
13.08.2016 15:43:20: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,45,32,97,100,100,101,100,32,73,116,101,109,72,97,116,99,104,101,116,32,116,111,32,104,105,115,32,105,110,118,101,110,116,111,114,121]]
13.08.2016 15:43:20: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,45,32,97,100,100,101,100,32,73,116,101,109,77,97,116,99,104,98,111,120,32,116,111,32,104,105,115,32,105,110,118,101,110,116,111,114,121]]
13.08.2016 15:43:50: joker ( ee77f4a770df41ec5ef00a049b227558 - #5 "PVAHR_0_gguutur_435136" = ["joker","76561198286426898","SLOG",[66,97,100,75,101,121,58,32,83,104,105,102,116,32,43,32,80,32,116,111,32,67,111,109,98,97,116,76,111,103]]
13.08.2016 15:44:04: joker ( ee77f4a770df41ec5ef00a049b227558 - #5 "PVAHR_0_gguutur_435136" = ["joker","76561198286426898","SLOG",[66,97,100,75,101,121,58,32,83,104,105,102,116,32,43,32,80,32,116,111,32,67,111,109,98,97,116,76,111,103]]
13.08.2016 15:44:07: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-3,,"UAZ_RU_DZE3",[104.711,[12575.7,12893.4,0]],"ItemKeyYellow2485"]
13.08.2016 15:44:53: [bad]AZOMBIE 21 ( 866760fce5195dcb4e5843ea3b5c0ceb - #5 "PVAHR_0_gguutur_435136" = ["[bad]AZOMBIE 21","76561198083202194","SLOG",[78,101,119,32,80,108,97,121,101,114,58,32,91,34,56,50,34,44,91,93,44,91,93,44,91,48,44,48,44,48,93,44,116,114,117,101,44,34,49,46,48,46,53,46,49,34,44,34,83,117,114,118,105,118,111,114,50,95,68,90,34,44,116,114,117,101,44,116,114,117,101,44,48,93]]
13.08.2016 15:45:31: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [26,,]
13.08.2016 15:46:02: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-3,,"LadaLM",[105.908,[12584,12892.1,0]],"ItemKeyBlack1319"]
13.08.2016 15:46:04: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-3,,"Lada2",[105.908,[12584,12892.1,0]],"ItemKeyGreen621"]
13.08.2016 15:46:10: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 15:47:52: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,45,32,97,100,100,101,100,32,73,116,101,109,77,97,112,32,116,111,32,104,105,115,32,105,110,118,101,110,116,111,114,121]]
13.08.2016 15:55:10: joker ( ee77f4a770df41ec5ef00a049b227558 - #11 "PVDZE_obj_Delete" = ["327","0",]
13.08.2016 16:07:28: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1234,,"76561198248757030"]
13.08.2016 16:07:54: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,84,80,32,105,110,102,114,111,110,116,32,111,102,32,121,111,117,32,79,78]]
13.08.2016 16:09:19: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1234,,"76561198248757030"]
13.08.2016 16:09:49: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,71,95,111,95,100,32,79,78]]
13.08.2016 16:09:51: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 16:09:52: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 16:09:53: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 16:09:55: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 16:11:09: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 16:11:20: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,45,32,97,100,100,101,100,32,73,116,101,109,84,111,111,108,98,111,120,32,116,111,32,104,105,115,32,105,110,118,101,110,116,111,114,121]]
13.08.2016 16:11:26: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,77,111,118,105,110,103,32,116,111,32,106,111,107,101,114]]
13.08.2016 16:11:43: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [5,,]
13.08.2016 16:11:43: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,65,100,109,105,110,72,101,97,108,32,66,111,111,109]]
13.08.2016 16:11:44: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [51,,]
13.08.2016 16:11:44: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,82,101,112,97,105,114,32,66,111,111,109,40,65,114,109,111,114,101,100,83,85,86,95,80,77,67,95,68,90,41]]
13.08.2016 16:11:50: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,84,80,32,105,110,102,114,111,110,116,32,111,102,32,121,111,117,32,79,78]]
13.08.2016 16:12:06: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1,,[6325.85,7799.22,0]]
13.08.2016 16:12:19: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[91,98,97,100,93,65,90,79,77,66,73,69,32,50,49,32,77,111,118,101,100,32,116,111,32,66,111,111,109]]
13.08.2016 16:12:19: [bad]AZOMBIE 21 ( 866760fce5195dcb4e5843ea3b5c0ceb - #5 "PVAHR_0_lnhursb_984770" = ["[bad]AZOMBIE 21","76561198083202194","SLOG",[65,100,109,105,110,32,84,101,108,101,112,111,114,116,58,32,49,50,53,48,50,52,32,116,111,32,48,54,51,48,55,53,32,40,56,49,49,50,109,41,32,124,32,83,117,114,118,105,118,111,114,50,95,68,90,32,124,32,91,49,50,53,57,56,46,49,44,49,50,57,50,48,46,52,44,48,46,48,48,49,50,57,55,93,32,116,111,32,91,54,51,49,57,46,56,49,44,55,55,56,52,46,48,50,44,48,46,48,48,49,51,55,51,50,57,93]]
13.08.2016 16:12:53: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,77,111,118,105,110,103,32,116,111,32,106,111,107,101,114]]
13.08.2016 16:12:56: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[91,98,97,100,93,65,90,79,77,66,73,69,32,50,49,32,77,111,118,101,100,32,116,111,32,66,111,111,109]]
13.08.2016 16:12:57: [bad]AZOMBIE 21 ( 866760fce5195dcb4e5843ea3b5c0ceb - #5 "PVAHR_0_lnhursb_984770" = ["[bad]AZOMBIE 21","76561198083202194","SLOG",[65,100,109,105,110,32,84,101,108,101,112,111,114,116,58,32,48,54,51,48,55,53,32,116,111,32,49,50,54,48,50,52,32,40,56,49,49,48,109,41,32,124,32,83,117,114,118,105,118,111,114,50,95,68,90,32,124,32,91,54,51,50,49,46,48,56,44,55,55,56,50,46,54,50,44,48,46,48,48,49,52,57,53,51,54,93,32,116,111,32,91,49,50,54,48,50,46,54,44,49,50,57,49,48,46,52,44,48,46,48,48,49,52,52,57,53,56,93]]
13.08.2016 16:13:52: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [9004,]
13.08.2016 16:13:52: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,45,32,83,77,65,76,76,32,83,85,80,80,76,89,32,80,65,67,75,65,71,69,32,64,49,50,54,48,50,52]]
13.08.2016 16:14:01: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 16:14:07: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 16:14:13: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 16:14:14: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 16:14:15: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 16:14:15: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 16:14:15: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 16:14:15: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 16:14:16: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 16:14:17: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 16:14:17: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 16:14:18: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 16:14:18: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 16:14:18: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 16:14:18: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 16:14:19: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 16:14:19: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 16:14:19: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 16:14:21: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [-2,,]
13.08.2016 16:15:00: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [91,,[49],"#FFCC00"]
13.08.2016 16:15:31: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,45,32,97,100,100,101,100,32,73,116,101,109,82,97,100,105,111,32,116,111,32,104,105,115,32,105,110,118,101,110,116,111,114,121]]
13.08.2016 16:15:31: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,45,32,97,100,100,101,100,32,73,116,101,109,82,97,100,105,111,32,116,111,32,104,105,115,32,105,110,118,101,110,116,111,114,121]]
13.08.2016 16:15:43: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,45,32,97,100,100,101,100,32,73,116,101,109,82,97,100,105,111,32,116,111,32,104,105,115,32,105,110,118,101,110,116,111,114,121]]
13.08.2016 16:16:37: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_WriteLogReq" = [,[66,111,111,109,32,45,32,97,100,100,101,100,32,73,116,101,109,82,97,100,105,111,32,116,111,32,104,105,115,32,105,110,118,101,110,116,111,114,121]]
13.08.2016 16:16:57: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #5 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1,,[3403.68,9472.56,0]]



Edited by Boom (see edit history)

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Скрипт лог

13.08.2016 15:48:21: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #60 "leMarker setMarkerSizeLocal [1.0, 1.0];

_vehicleMarker setMarkerTextLocal format ["Here is your: %1",_vehicleName];
systemChat f"
13.08.2016 16:07:57: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #60 "leMarker setMarkerSizeLocal [1.0, 1.0];
_vehicleMarker setMarkerTextLocal format ["Here is your: %1",_vehicleName];
systemChat f"

скрипт txt


5 "dedicatedServerInterface"
5 setDammage
5 "_unit createUnit"
5 "createUnit _array"
5 "[_pos, _grp, \";\" +"
5 "\"+ \""
5 "\" +\""
5 "\"+ \""
5 "\" +\""
5 "\" + \""
5 "\" + \""
5 "\" + \""
5 "\"+ \""
5 "'+ '"
5 "'+ '"
5 "' +'"
5 "' + '"
5 "' + '"
5 "' + '"
5 "'+ '"
5 "\"+\""
5 "'+'"
5 "+ \";\""
5 "+\";\""
5 "+ \";\"]"
5 "+\";\"]"
5 "], \"Logic\"]"
5 "],\"Logic\"]"
5 "\"FunctionsManager\", 10000000]) select 0"
5 "(createGroup sideLogic)"
5 "_g = createGroup sidelogic;"
5 "_u = _g createUnit ["
5 "_u = _g createUnit [\"Fun\"+\"ctions\"+\"Man\"+\"ager\",[0,0,0],[],0,\"NONE\"];"
5 "_MissionZBoar"
5 "10000000]) select 0"
5 "join _Editor;"
5 "_Editor ="
5 "\"F\"+\"u\"+\"n\"+\"c\"+\"t\"+\"i\"+\"o\"+\"n\"+\"s\"+\"M\"+\"a\"+\"n\"+\"a\"+\"g\"+\"e\"+\"r\""
5 "Fun\"+\"ctions\"+\"Man\"+\"ager"
5 "allmissionobjects 'FunctionsManager'"
5 "allmissionobjects \"FunctionsManager\""
5 "], \"FunctionsManager\"]"
5 "],\"FunctionsManager\"]"
5 "\"Functions\" + \"Manager\""
5 "\"Fuck server\""
5 "c\"+\"reateGroup"
5 "cr\"+\"eateGroup"
5 "cre\"+\"ateGroup"
5 "crea\"+\"teGroup"
5 "creat\"+\"eGroup"
5 "create\"+\"Group"
5 "createG\"+\"roup"
5 "createGr\"+\"oup"
5 "createGro\"+\"up"
5 "createGrou\"+\"p"
5 "_BB_"
5 "_mapBB"
5 "ckpackCargoGlobal [_x, 2];} forEach _backpacks;"
5 "{_tentbox addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x, 2];} forEach _items;"
5 "setMarkerTextLocal" !="_markerstr setMarkerTextLocal _name;" !="_mrkr setMarkerTextLocal format [\"%1\",_name];" !"_vm setMarkerTextLocal" !"_pm setMarkerTextLocal format" !="BIS_DEBUG_CAM_MARKER setmarkertextlocal \"BIS_DEBUG_CAM\";" !="_name setMarkerTextLocal format [_showMarkerSearchText + \" \" + \"%1\" + \" \" + \"[%2 m]\", _vehDisplayName, _vehDistance];"
5 "setMarkerTypeLocal" !="_pm setMarkerTypeLocal \"destroyedvehicle\";" !="_vm setMarkerTypeLocal \"" !="_mrkr setMarkerTypeLocal \"DestroyedVehicle\";" !="_marker setMarkerTypeLocal \"Empty\";" !="BIS_DEBUG_CAM_MARKER setmarkertypelocal \"mil_start\";" !="_name setMarkerTypeLocal _showMarkerType;"


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Попробуй убрать последние 2 строки

p.s. у меня, по-сути, только их нет и техника нормально ищется.

А исключить не? Чтобы не убирать. Тогда уж проще вообще scripts вырезать и остальные фильтры.


5 "setMarkerTextLocal" 


!="_vehicleMarker setMarkerTextLocal format ["Here is your: %1",_vehicleName];"

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А исключить не? Чтобы не убирать. Тогда уж проще вообще scripts вырезать и остальные фильтры.


5 "setMarkerTextLocal" 


!="_vehicleMarker setMarkerTextLocal format ["Here is your: %1",_vehicleName];"

Теперь кикает за Script #61

15.08.2016 18:26:56: Boom ( 42699c6ad2476d1614579b4dd2df0235 - #61 "hicleMarker setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON";
_vehicleMarker setMarkerTypeLocal "DOT";
_vehicleMarker setMarkerColorLocal "ColorOrange"

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Я приложил пример. По нему же и делаем.

Пишем ниже строчкой если нету 


5 "setMarkerShapeLocal"
5 "setMarkerTypeLocal"

И т.д. После дописываем исключения. !="Условие"

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The box may contain items. The box can be transported to a territory and installed to become a normal storage container. */ type = "spawn"; function = "ExileServer_system_event_ikea_start"; minTime = 25; // minutes maxTime = 45; // minutes minimumPlayersOnline = 0; dropRadius = 500; // 500m around an airport (including the main airport on Altis!) dropAltitude = 0; // altitude of the drop markerTime = 10; // minutes /* These are different types of boxes can be dropped. You can specify the cargo a box should contain. The type of box is chosen randomly from the following list. Add a type multiple times to increase the chance of being used. */ types[] = {"Materials1", "Materials2", "Materials3", "WoodBox", "WoodBox2", "ConcreteBuildingSupplies", "SpecialBuildingSupplies", "FortifiedUpgradeSupplies", "FortifiedSupplies"}; class BoxTypes2 { class Materials1 { items[] = { {"Exile_Item_Cement", 5}, {"Exile_Item_Sand", 12}, {"Exile_Item_MetalPole", 8}, {"Exile_Item_WaterCanisterDirtyWater", 5}, {"Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull", 3} }; }; class Materials2 { items[] = { {"Exile_Item_Cement", 11}, {"Exile_Item_Sand", 6}, {"Exile_Item_MetalPole", 9}, {"Exile_Item_WaterCanisterDirtyWater", 8}, {"Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull", 2} }; }; class Materials3 { items[] = { {"Exile_Item_Cement", 8}, {"Exile_Item_Sand", 9}, {"Exile_Item_MetalPole", 12}, {"Exile_Item_WaterCanisterDirtyWater", 4}, {"Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull", 5} }; }; class WoodBox { items[] = { {"Exile_Item_WoodFloorKit", 8}, {"Exile_Item_WoodWallKit", 12}, {"Exile_Item_WooDDoorKit", 2} }; }; class WoodBox2 { items[] = { {"Exile_Item_WoodFloorKit", 14}, {"Exile_Item_WoodWallKit", 9}, {"Exile_IteM_WoodGateKit", 2} }; }; class ConcreteBuildingSupplies { items[] = { {"Exile_Item_ConcreteWallKit", 3}, {"Exile_Item_ConcreteDoorKit", 1}, {"Exile_Item_ConcreteFloorKit", 3} }; }; class SpecialBuildingSupplies { items[] = { {"Exile_Item_CodeLock", 2}, {"Exile_Item_MetalBoard", 4}, {"Exile_Item_CamoTentKit", 3}, {"Exile_Item_DuctTape", 3} }; }; class FortifiedUpgradeSupplies { items[] = { {"Exile_Item_MetalPole", 10}, {"Exile_Item_MetalBoard", 20} }; }; class FortifiedSupplies { items[] = { {"Exile_Item_FortificationUpgrade", 6}, {"Exile_Item_Grinder", 4} }; }; }; }; class Weed { /* Drops a supply box on a parachute next to a random airport on the map. 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