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Проблема с BEC

Доброго времени суток, у меня проблема, а именно: BEC не видит сервер, в конфиге BEC путь к фильтрам и BEserver.cfg указан правильно.
Порты открыты, сервер видно в поиске мультиплеера, в мониторингах тоже видно, люди играют нормально.
Выделенный IP сервер на локалхосте, по запросу предоставлю любые батники или конфиги, не бросайте в беде.
Скриншо ошибки 



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Проблему решил, спасибо за советы.

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Логи из папки BEC\Log\config\Error

Ну и конфиг BEC\Config приготовь



а по текущему видно, что неверно прописан админ. Убедись, что прописал Guid, а не steamid для админа

Edited by godfatherbul (see edit history)

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Лог Error'ов

12:41:58 : Admin file contains a error. guid tag is not correct, Location id=0

12:47:15 : Admin file contains a error. guid tag is not correct, Location id=0
12:50:17 : Admin file contains a error. guid tag is not correct, Location id=0
12:51:02 : Admin file contains a error. guid tag is not correct, Location id=0
13:10:03 : Admin file contains a error. guid tag is not correct, Location id=0
17:13:01 : Admin file contains a error. guid tag is not correct, Location id=0
18:23:26 : Admin file contains a error. guid tag is not correct, Location id=0
18:34:56 : Admin file contains a error. guid tag is not correct, Location id=0
18:36:57 : Admin file contains a error. guid tag is not correct, Location id=0
18:37:43 : Admin file contains a error. guid tag is not correct, Location id=0
18:44:22 : Admin file contains a error. guid tag is not correct, Location id=0
18:46:48 : Admin file contains a error. guid tag is not correct, Location id=0
18:47:09 : Admin file contains a error. guid tag is not correct, Location id=0
18:48:09 : Admin file contains a error. guid tag is not correct, Location id=0
18:50:52 : Admin file contains a error. guid tag is not correct, Location id=0
19:45:09 : Admin file contains a error. guid tag is not correct, Location id=0
19:49:17 : Admin file contains a error. guid tag is not correct, Location id=0
23:11:41 : Admin file contains a error. guid tag is not correct, Location id=0

Конфиг BEC

# This config file is only provided as an example file.
# Edit it to sute your needs.
# For more info on how to edit this file. use the Readme.txt file or visit http://www.ibattle.org/install-and-configure


# Set the ip to your server. normally will be fine.
Ip =

# Set the port to the server. default port is 2302
Port = 2302

# Set the path to the BattlEye directory that is currently in use by the server.
BePath = D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\instance_11_Chernarus\BattlEye

# Set the path to your Admins.xml file containing your admins.
Admins = Admins.xml

# Set the path to your Commands.xml file.
Commands = Commands.xml


# Set which type of hacks that will be added to your banlist.
# 0 = none. 1 = GameHack. 2 = Battleye Hack. 3 = both GameHack & Battleye Hack.
# value 3 is set as default if this parameter is not defined.
Ban = 3

# Set the names of your custom ban files, Separate each file with "," (comma): file1.txt, banfile2.txt, newfile.txt
# If you do not use any custom ban files. delete this option or leave this option commented.
# This option will check ban files for changes and automatic do a loadbans file when a file gets changed
# Do not specify the default bans.txt file here.
BeCustomBanFiles = BanSPlatoon.txt

# Set the height & width of Becs console window
ConsoleHeight = 45
ConsoleWidth = 165

# Only allow english chars.
AsciiNickOnly = False

# Only allow english chars to be typed on the chat. Note, Warnings must be enabled. 0 or more.
AsciiChatOnly = False

# If AsciiChatOnly is set True. you can define none english chars that will be accepted.
# You separate each char with a , "note you need to define lower and upper case of the chars."
IgnoreChatChars = €,£,æ,Æ,ø,Ø,å,Å,ö,ä,ü,ß

# Set the amount of warnings a player will get before kicked. -1 is disabled. 0 instant kick
# 1 == one warning on a bad word. next bad word results in kick
Warnings = 0

# Kick players who has listed chars in their name
#DisallowPlayerNameChars = €,£,æ,Æ,ø,Ø,å,Å,ö,ä,ü,ß

# Min length, kicks players who has to short name.
MinPlayerNameLength = 3

# Max length, kicks players who has to long name.
MaxPlayerNameLength = 20

# Set the name of your Arma3server.exe if it has been renamed from arma3server.exe to something else!
# if the exe has its original name. comment it out.
ServerExeName = arma2oaserver.exe

# Set path to the file containing a list of bad words. Note, Warnings must be enabled. 0 or more.
WordFilterFile = BadWords.txt

# Set the path to the file containing whitelisted guids.
#WhiteListFile = WhiteList.txt

# Set custom whitelist kick message. Text must be in ascii letters. MAX 58 CHARS. BE only does ascii on messages
WhiteListKickMsg = You are not whitelisted on this server.

# Kick people with offensive names
NickFilterFile = BadNames.txt

# Set the path to the Scheduler.xml file.
Scheduler = Scheduler.xml

# Kick people who are idleing in the lobby, kick will happen after given time, Min time is 90 sec. use 0 to disable this function.
KickLobbyIdlers = 600

# If enabled. Bec will create separate chat files for each channel along with the main file.
#ChatChannelFiles = false

# Set the amount of Normal players who can connect. Set it to -1 to disable it.
# If set to 0 it means only players who are listed in the Admins.xml, (or whatever you call it) will be able to connect to the server.
# Quick Example 1: server can holed 50 players. and you want to reserve 5 slots for admins. then set SlotLimit to 45.
# Quick Example 2: server can holed 50 players. and you want to reserve 5 slots for admins and 5 slots for friends. then set SlotLimit to 40,
# AND edit your admins.xml. ADD in all your frineds guid and remaining data, put them in group example 100. or whatever you feel likt.
# by using this method you can give some of your friends some access to some commands if you like or none.
# in general this is works like .Whitelisting X player slots for admins and friends, while leaving the remaining Y slots for public.
SlotLimit = -1

# Set the message people will get when they try to connect and is not whitelisted. Text must be in ascii letters.
SlotLimitKickMsg = The Server has reached its player limit.

# The amount of time Bec will wait for the server to start up.
Timeout = 60

# Reporter account. Fill in the username and password for your reporter account.
# GameHacks, BattlEye Hacks will be reported to a database. all players who connect will also be checked against this database.

# Set the Username for your account
#User = DrTauren71

# Set the Password for your account
#Password = 3kidxup3

# Set max amount of chat lines a player is allowed to send for each channel.
# Going passed the number will result in kick. -1 is disabled, 0 instant kick.
# If the number is higher than 0 players will be sent warnings.

Lobby = -1
Global = -1
Side = -1
Group = -1
Vehicle = -1
Command = -1
Commander = -1
Direct = -1


# Set max amount of chat lines per channel allowed within given time frame.
# Set the values to 0 to disable this function(s)

# Quick Example:
# Lobby = 5
# Lobby_Time_Lower = 10
# Lobby_Time_Upper = 15

# If the time between each new chatlines from a player is less than CHANNEL_Time_Lower the spam counter increases by + 1.
# Consider the CHANNEL (Lobby) as the spam counter.
# When a player has (CHANNEL - 1) in spam counting. a warning will be sent to whom it may concern.
# If the time between each new chatline from the player is Greater than CHANNEL_Time_Lower and Less than CHANNEL_Time_Upper the spam counter stay as it is.
# If the time since the last chatline is greater then CHANNEL_Time_Upper the spam counter is reset to 1.
# To get optimal result play around a bit with the values on your server.

Lobby = 0
Lobby_Time_Lower = 0
Lobby_Time_Upper = 0

Global = 0
Global_Time_Lower = 0
Global_Time_Upper = 0

Side = 0
Side_Time_Lower = 0
Side_Time_Upper = 0

Group = 2
Group_Time_Lower = 1
Group_Time_Upper = 3

Vehicle = 0
Vehicle_Time_Lower = 0
Vehicle_Time_Upper = 0

Command = 0
Command_Time_Lower = 0
Command_Time_Upper = 0

Commander = 0
Commander_Time_Lower = 0
Commander_Time_Upper = 0

Direct = 0
Direct_Time_Lower = 0
Direct_Time_Upper = 0

Админс xml




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Лог Error'ов

12:41:58 : Admin file contains a error. guid tag is not correct, Location id=0

12:47:15 : Admin file contains a error. guid tag is not correct, Location id=0

12:50:17 : Admin file contains a error. guid tag is not correct, Location id=0

12:51:02 : Admin file contains a error. guid tag is not correct, Location id=0

13:10:03 : Admin file contains a error. guid tag is not correct, Location id=0

17:13:01 : Admin file contains a error. guid tag is not correct, Location id=0

18:23:26 : Admin file contains a error. guid tag is not correct, Location id=0

18:34:56 : Admin file contains a error. guid tag is not correct, Location id=0

18:36:57 : Admin file contains a error. guid tag is not correct, Location id=0

18:37:43 : Admin file contains a error. guid tag is not correct, Location id=0

18:44:22 : Admin file contains a error. guid tag is not correct, Location id=0

18:46:48 : Admin file contains a error. guid tag is not correct, Location id=0

18:47:09 : Admin file contains a error. guid tag is not correct, Location id=0

18:48:09 : Admin file contains a error. guid tag is not correct, Location id=0

18:50:52 : Admin file contains a error. guid tag is not correct, Location id=0

19:45:09 : Admin file contains a error. guid tag is not correct, Location id=0

19:49:17 : Admin file contains a error. guid tag is not correct, Location id=0

23:11:41 : Admin file contains a error. guid tag is not correct, Location id=0



Конфиг BEC


# This config file is only provided as an example file.

# Edit it to sute your needs.

# For more info on how to edit this file. use the Readme.txt file or visit http://www.ibattle.org/install-and-configure







# Set the ip to your server. normally will be fine.

Ip =



# Set the port to the server. default port is 2302

Port = 2302



# Set the path to the BattlEye directory that is currently in use by the server.

BePath = D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\instance_11_Chernarus\BattlEye



# Set the path to your Admins.xml file containing your admins.

Admins = Admins.xml



# Set the path to your Commands.xml file.

Commands = Commands.xml







# Set which type of hacks that will be added to your banlist.

# 0 = none. 1 = GameHack. 2 = Battleye Hack. 3 = both GameHack & Battleye Hack.

# value 3 is set as default if this parameter is not defined.

Ban = 3



# Set the names of your custom ban files, Separate each file with "," (comma): file1.txt, banfile2.txt, newfile.txt

# If you do not use any custom ban files. delete this option or leave this option commented.

# This option will check ban files for changes and automatic do a loadbans file when a file gets changed

# Do not specify the default bans.txt file here.

BeCustomBanFiles = BanSPlatoon.txt



# Set the height & width of Becs console window

ConsoleHeight = 45

ConsoleWidth = 165



# Only allow english chars.

AsciiNickOnly = False



# Only allow english chars to be typed on the chat. Note, Warnings must be enabled. 0 or more.

AsciiChatOnly = False



# If AsciiChatOnly is set True. you can define none english chars that will be accepted.

# You separate each char with a , "note you need to define lower and upper case of the chars."

IgnoreChatChars = €,£,æ,Æ,ø,Ø,å,Å,ö,ä,ü,ß



# Set the amount of warnings a player will get before kicked. -1 is disabled. 0 instant kick

# 1 == one warning on a bad word. next bad word results in kick

Warnings = 0



# Kick players who has listed chars in their name

#DisallowPlayerNameChars = €,£,æ,Æ,ø,Ø,å,Å,ö,ä,ü,ß



# Min length, kicks players who has to short name.

MinPlayerNameLength = 3



# Max length, kicks players who has to long name.

MaxPlayerNameLength = 20



# Set the name of your Arma3server.exe if it has been renamed from arma3server.exe to something else!

# if the exe has its original name. comment it out.


ServerExeName = arma2oaserver.exe



# Set path to the file containing a list of bad words. Note, Warnings must be enabled. 0 or more.

WordFilterFile = BadWords.txt



# Set the path to the file containing whitelisted guids.

#WhiteListFile = WhiteList.txt



# Set custom whitelist kick message. Text must be in ascii letters. MAX 58 CHARS. BE only does ascii on messages

WhiteListKickMsg = You are not whitelisted on this server.



# Kick people with offensive names

NickFilterFile = BadNames.txt



# Set the path to the Scheduler.xml file.

Scheduler = Scheduler.xml



# Kick people who are idleing in the lobby, kick will happen after given time, Min time is 90 sec. use 0 to disable this function.

KickLobbyIdlers = 600



# If enabled. Bec will create separate chat files for each channel along with the main file.

#ChatChannelFiles = false


# Set the amount of Normal players who can connect. Set it to -1 to disable it.

# If set to 0 it means only players who are listed in the Admins.xml, (or whatever you call it) will be able to connect to the server.

# Quick Example 1: server can holed 50 players. and you want to reserve 5 slots for admins. then set SlotLimit to 45.

# Quick Example 2: server can holed 50 players. and you want to reserve 5 slots for admins and 5 slots for friends. then set SlotLimit to 40,

# AND edit your admins.xml. ADD in all your frineds guid and remaining data, put them in group example 100. or whatever you feel likt.

# by using this method you can give some of your friends some access to some commands if you like or none.

# in general this is works like .Whitelisting X player slots for admins and friends, while leaving the remaining Y slots for public.

SlotLimit = -1


# Set the message people will get when they try to connect and is not whitelisted. Text must be in ascii letters.

SlotLimitKickMsg = The Server has reached its player limit.



# The amount of time Bec will wait for the server to start up.

Timeout = 60






# Reporter account. Fill in the username and password for your reporter account.

# GameHacks, BattlEye Hacks will be reported to a database. all players who connect will also be checked against this database.


# Set the Username for your account

#User = DrTauren71



# Set the Password for your account

#Password = 3kidxup3






# Set max amount of chat lines a player is allowed to send for each channel.

# Going passed the number will result in kick. -1 is disabled, 0 instant kick.

# If the number is higher than 0 players will be sent warnings.


Lobby = -1

Global = -1

Side = -1

Group = -1

Vehicle = -1

Command = -1

Commander = -1

Direct = -1







# Set max amount of chat lines per channel allowed within given time frame.

# Set the values to 0 to disable this function(s)


# Quick Example:

# Lobby = 5

# Lobby_Time_Lower = 10

# Lobby_Time_Upper = 15


# If the time between each new chatlines from a player is less than CHANNEL_Time_Lower the spam counter increases by + 1.

# Consider the CHANNEL (Lobby) as the spam counter.

# When a player has (CHANNEL - 1) in spam counting. a warning will be sent to whom it may concern.

# If the time between each new chatline from the player is Greater than CHANNEL_Time_Lower and Less than CHANNEL_Time_Upper the spam counter stay as it is.

# If the time since the last chatline is greater then CHANNEL_Time_Upper the spam counter is reset to 1.

# To get optimal result play around a bit with the values on your server.


Lobby = 0

Lobby_Time_Lower = 0

Lobby_Time_Upper = 0


Global = 0

Global_Time_Lower = 0

Global_Time_Upper = 0


Side = 0

Side_Time_Lower = 0

Side_Time_Upper = 0


Group = 2

Group_Time_Lower = 1

Group_Time_Upper = 3


Vehicle = 0

Vehicle_Time_Lower = 0

Vehicle_Time_Upper = 0


Command = 0

Command_Time_Lower = 0

Command_Time_Upper = 0


Commander = 0

Commander_Time_Lower = 0

Commander_Time_Upper = 0


Direct = 0

Direct_Time_Lower = 0

Direct_Time_Upper = 0





Админс xml















поменяй steamid(76561198046923109) на guid. Можешь посмотреть его в server_log.txt

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поменяй steamid(76561198046923109) на guid. Можешь посмотреть его в server_log.txt

Ошибка ушла теперь просто Waiting for server startup, хотя сервер запущен...

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Ошибка ушла теперь просто Waiting for server startup, хотя сервер запущен...

Антивирус, фаерволл есть? Возможно, блочат приложение

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Антивирус, фаерволл есть? Возможно, блочат приложение

Антивируса нету,фаервола тож, брэндмауер офф, пойдём в скайп ranzels1 дам тебе доступ через тим вивер полазиешь, мб фикс найдёшь

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Я решил проблему просто. заполнил файл Admins



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