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Помогите с player_updateGui.sqf

Помогите пожалуйста переделать player_updateGui.sqf
дело в том что когда я вот эти строки разкоментирую


//_ctrlCash =_display displayCtrl 1429;
//_ctrlBank =_display displayCtrl 1431;

//_cashMoney         = _thePlayer getVariable["cashMoney",0];
//_bankMoney         = _thePlayer getVariable["bankMoney",0];
//_cash=[_cashMoney] call BIS_fnc_numberText;//3
//_balance=[_bankMoney] call BIS_fnc_numberText;

//_ctrlCash= ctrlSetText str(player getVariable["cashMoney",0]);
//_ctrlBank= ctrlSetText str(player getVariable["bankMoney",0]);


Включаю сервер и иконки глючат. показывает все по 1000, ноги сломаны, хуманити тоже 1000 и монет тоже 1000. в банке тоже 1000.
дело в том что у меня Банковская система основана на headShots - ах 
помогите пожалуйста переделать player_updateGui.sqf для моей банковской системы


private ["_display","_ctrlBlood","_pOn","_wpui","_rplayeruid","_ctrlCash","_ctrlBleed","_bloodVal","_humanityName","_ctrlFood","_ctrlThirst","_thirstVal","_foodVal","_ctrlTemp","_tempVal","_combatVal","_array","_ctrlEar","_ctrlEye","_ctrlCombat","_ctrlFracture","_visualText","_visual","_audibleText","_audible","_blood","_thirstLvl","_foodLvl","_tempImg","_thirst","_food","_temp","_bloodLvl","_tempLvl","_color","_string","_humanity","_size","_friendlies","_charID","_rcharID","_rfriendlies","_rfriendlyTo","_distance","_targetControl","_humanityTarget","_ctrlBloodOuter","_ctrlFoodBorder","_ctrlThirstBorder","_ctrlTempBorder"];
//_thePlayer =player;
_foodVal =         1 - (dayz_hunger / SleepFood);
_thirstVal =     1 - (dayz_thirst / SleepWater);
_tempVal     =     1 - ((dayz_temperatur - dayz_temperaturmin)/(dayz_temperaturmax - dayz_temperaturmin));    // Normalise to [0,1]
_combatVal =    1 - dayz_combat; // May change later to be a range of red/green to loosely indicate 'time left in combat'
//_cashMoney         = _thePlayer getVariable["cashMoney",0];
//_bankMoney         = _thePlayer getVariable["bankMoney",0];
//_cash=[_cashMoney] call BIS_fnc_numberText;//3
//_balance=[_bankMoney] call BIS_fnc_numberText;

_pOn= (count playableUnits);
_display = uiNamespace getVariable 'DAYZ_GUI_display';

_ctrlBloodOuter = _display displayCtrl 1200;
_ctrlFoodBorder = _display displayCtrl 1201;
_ctrlThirstBorder = _display displayCtrl 1202;
_ctrlTempBorder = _display displayCtrl 1208;
//Border white
_ctrlBloodOuter ctrlSetTextColor [1,1,1,1];
_ctrlFoodBorder ctrlSetTextColor [1,1,1,1];
_ctrlThirstBorder ctrlSetTextColor [1,1,1,1];
_ctrlTempBorder ctrlSetTextColor [1,1,1,1];

_ctrlBlood =     _display displayCtrl 1300;
_ctrlBleed =     _display displayCtrl 1303;
_bloodVal =        r_player_blood / r_player_bloodTotal;
_ctrlFood =     _display displayCtrl 1301;
_ctrlThirst =     _display displayCtrl 1302;
_ctrlTemp     =     _display displayCtrl 1306;                    //TeeChange
_ctrlEar =         _display displayCtrl 1304;
_ctrlEye =         _display displayCtrl 1305;
_ctrlHumanity = _display displayCtrl 1207;
_ctrlCash = _display displayCtrl 1431;
_ctrlCombat = _display displayCtrl 1307;
_ctrlFracture =     _display displayCtrl 1203;
_ctrlPlayerOnline =_display displayCtrl 1427;
//_ctrlCash =_display displayCtrl 1429;
//_ctrlBank =_display displayCtrl 1431;

_ctrlBloodAmount = _display displayCtrl 1420;
_ctrlHumanityAmount = _display displayCtrl 1421;
_ctrlServerRestart = _display displayCtrl 1422;

_bloodTotal = r_player_blood;
_RestartTime = 360-(round(serverTime/60));

_ctrlBloodAmount      ctrlSetText str(_bloodTotal);
_ctrlHumanityAmount ctrlSetText str(player getVariable['humanity', 0]);
_ctrlPlayerOnline ctrlSetText str(_pOn);
_Player = player;
Money                 =         _Player getVariable["cashMoney",0];
Bank_Balance         =         _Player getVariable["bankMoney",0];
_ctrlCash ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format 
<t size='0.9'> %1 </t><img size='0.9' align='right' image='custom\gui\status\dollars.paa'/><br/>
<t size='0.9'> %2 </t><img size='0.9' align='right' image='custom\gui\status\Bank.paa'/><br/>",
[Money] call BIS_fnc_numberText,
[Bank_Balance] call BIS_fnc_numberText
    _ctrlCash ctrlCommit 0;
//_ctrlCash= ctrlSetText str(player getVariable["cashMoney",0]);
//_ctrlBank= ctrlSetText str(player getVariable["bankMoney",0]);
_ctrlServerRestart  ctrlSetText str(_RestartTime);

_ctrlFPS = _display displayCtrl 1321;
_ctrlFPSOuter = _display displayCtrl 1322;

_fps = round diag_FPS;
_ctrlFPS ctrlSetText str(_fps);
_ctrlFPS ctrlSetTextColor [0.6, 0.73, 0.0, 0.75];

_ctrlhumanKills = _display displayCtrl 1400;
//_ctrlhHeadshots = _display displayCtrl 1401;
_ctrlbanditKills= _display displayCtrl 1402;
_ctrlzombieKills= _display displayCtrl 1403;

_ctrlhumanKills  ctrlSetText str(player getVariable["humanKills", 0]);
_ctrlbanditKills ctrlSetText str(player getVariable["banditKills", 0]);
_ctrlzombieKills ctrlSetText str(player getVariable["zombieKills", 0]);
//_ctrlhHeadshots  ctrlSetText str(player getVariable["headShots", 0]);

_ctrlBlood ctrlSetTextColor     [(Dayz_GUI_R + (0.3 * (1-_bloodVal))),(Dayz_GUI_G * _bloodVal),(Dayz_GUI_B * _bloodVal), 0.5];
_ctrlFood ctrlSetTextColor         [(Dayz_GUI_R + (0.3 * (1-_foodVal))),(Dayz_GUI_G * _foodVal),(Dayz_GUI_B * _foodVal), 0.5];
_ctrlThirst ctrlSetTextColor     [(Dayz_GUI_R + (0.3 * (1-_thirstVal))),(Dayz_GUI_G * _thirstVal),(Dayz_GUI_B * _thirstVal), 0.5];
_ctrlTemp ctrlSetTextColor         [(Dayz_GUI_R + (0.3 * (1-_tempVal))), (Dayz_GUI_G * _tempVal), _tempVal, 0.5];    // Color ranges from iceblue (cold) to red (hot)
_ctrlCombat ctrlSetTextColor    [(Dayz_GUI_R + (0.3 * (1-_combatVal))),(Dayz_GUI_G * _combatVal),(Dayz_GUI_B * _combatVal), 0.5];

_blood = "";
_thirst = "";
_food = "";
_temp = "";
_tempImg = 0;
_bloodLvl = round((r_player_blood / 2) / 1000);
_thirstLvl = round(_thirstVal / 0.25);
_foodLvl = round(_foodVal / 0.25);
_tempLvl = round(dayz_temperatur);

if (_bloodLvl <= 0) then { 
    _blood = "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status\status_blood_inside_1_ca.paa";
    } else {
    _blood = "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status\status_blood_inside_" + str(_bloodLvl) + "_ca.paa";

if (_thirstLvl < 0) then { _thirstLvl = 0 };
_thirst = "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status\status_thirst_inside_" + str(_thirstLvl) + "_ca.paa";

if (_foodLvl < 0) then { _foodLvl = 0 };
_food = "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status\status_food_inside_" + str(_foodLvl) + "_ca.paa";

if ( _tempLvl >= 36 )                            then { _tempImg = 4 };
if ( _tempLvl > 33 && _tempLvl < 36 )            then { _tempImg = 3 };
if ( _tempLvl >= 30 && _tempLvl <= 33 )            then { _tempImg = 2 };
if ( _tempLvl > 28 && _tempLvl < 30 )            then { _tempImg = 1 };
if ( _tempLvl <= 28 )                            then { _tempImg = 0 };

_temp = "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status\status_temp_" + str(_tempImg) + "_ca.paa";

_ctrlBlood ctrlSetText _blood;
_ctrlThirst ctrlSetText _thirst;
_ctrlFood ctrlSetText _food;
_ctrlTemp ctrlSetText _temp;

_visual = (dayz_disVisual / 185) min 1;
if (_visual < 0.2) then {_visual = 0.2;};
_ctrlEye  ctrlSetTextColor [1, 1, 1, _visual];

_audible = (dayz_disAudial / 40) min 1;
if (_audible < 0.2) then {_audible = 0.2;};
_ctrlEar ctrlSetTextColor [1, 1, 1, _audible];

if (!canStand player) then {
    if (!(ctrlShown _ctrlFracture)) then {
        r_fracture_legs = true;
        _ctrlFracture ctrlShow true;

if (_combatVal == 0) then {
    _ctrlCombat call player_guiControlFlash;

if (_bloodVal < 0.2) then {
    _ctrlBlood call player_guiControlFlash;

if (_thirstVal < 0.2) then {
    _ctrlThirst call player_guiControlFlash;

if (_foodVal < 0.2) then {
    _ctrlFood call player_guiControlFlash;

if (_tempVal > 0.8) then {    //TeeChange
    _ctrlTemp call player_guiControlFlash;
} else {
    _ctrlTemp ctrlShow true;

if (r_player_injured) then {
    _ctrlBleed call player_guiControlFlash;

Opt-in tag system with friend tagging
_string = "";
_humanityTarget = cursorTarget;
if (!isNull _humanityTarget && isPlayer _humanityTarget && alive _humanityTarget) then {

    _distance = player distance _humanityTarget;

    if (_distance < DZE_HumanityTargetDistance) then {
        _size = (1-(floor(_distance/5)*0.1)) max 0.1;

        // Display name if player opt-in || if friend
        _friendlies = player getVariable ["friendlies", []];
        //_charID = player getVariable ["CharacterID", "0"];
        if (DZE_APlotforLife) then {
            _playerUID = [player] call FNC_GetPlayerUID;
            _rplayerUID = [_humanityTarget] call FNC_GetPlayerUID;
            _playerUID = player getVariable ["CharacterID", "0"];
            _rplayerUID = _humanityTarget getVariable ["CharacterID", "0"];

        _rfriendlies = _humanityTarget getVariable ["friendlies", []];
        _rfriendlyTo = _humanityTarget getVariable ["friendlyTo", []];

        if ((_rplayerUID in _friendlies) && (_playerUID in _rfriendlies)) then {

            if !(_playerUID in _rfriendlyTo) then {
                // diag_log format["IS FRIENDLY: %1", _player];
                _rfriendlyTo set [count _rfriendlyTo, _playerUID];
                _humanityTarget setVariable ["friendlyTo", _rfriendlyTo, true];
            // <br /><t %2 align='center' size='0.7'>Humanity: %3</t>

            _color = "color='#339933'";
            _string = format["<t %2 align='center' size='%3'>%1</t>",(name _humanityTarget),_color,_size];
        } else {

            // Humanity checks
            _humanity = _humanityTarget getVariable ["humanity",0];

            _color = "color='#ffffff'";
            if(_humanity < -5000) then {
                _color = "color='#ff0000'";
            } else {
                if(_humanity > 5000) then {
                    _color = "color='#3333ff'";
            if((_humanityTarget getVariable ["DZE_display_name", false]) || (DZE_ForceNameTagsInTrader && isInTraderCity)) then {
                _string = format["<t %2 align='center' size='%3'>%1</t>",(name _humanityTarget),_color,_size];

// update gui if changed
if (dayz_humanitytarget != _string) then {
    _targetControl = _display displayCtrl 1199;
    _targetControl ctrlSetStructuredText (parseText _string);
    dayz_humanitytarget = _string;
_array = [_foodVal,_thirstVal];


Edited by TheFirstNoob (see edit history)

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14 часа назад, BIG_MONSTR сказал:

CaptainStubin в папке аддона @DayZ_Epoch\addons\dayz_code\compile

этот файл при кастомном GUI должен находится в папке с миссией.... и вызыватся так же из кастомного compile.sqf

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