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Подскажите скрипт для продления срока базы через плот

Подскажите скрипт для продления срока базы через плот, если не кто не продлевает, база удаляется. Только не плот лайф, нужно только, чтобы постройки исчезали если за плот не кидают деньги.

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Подскажите скрипт для продления срока базы через плот, если не кто не продлевает, база удаляется. Только не плот лайф, нужно только, чтобы постройки исчезали если за плот не кидают деньги.

Вот. Plot Management идеально подходит для твоего запроса

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Вот. Plot Management идеально подходит для твоего запроса

А какую версию ставить? 

MaintainVersion или DefaultVersion

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А какую версию ставить? 

MaintainVersion или DefaultVersion


Не ставить никакой. Если при постройке сервера правильно залил в базу евенты и функции, то стандартная поддержка построек работает на отлично.

А плот менеджер багнутый. сам ставил, проверял.

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Подскажите скрипт для продления срока базы через плот, если не кто не продлевает, база удаляется. Только не плот лайф, нужно только, чтобы постройки исчезали если за плот не кидают деньги.

Попробуйте P4L, но тогда вам придется сервер перебирать полностью

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Не ставить никакой. Если при постройке сервера правильно залил в базу евенты и функции, то стандартная поддержка построек работает на отлично.

А плот менеджер багнутый. сам ставил, проверял.

У меня стояла стандартная. Мне кроме продления жизни плота ничего не надо больше, как это сделать под валюту и добавить евенты на 7 дней обновления? 

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в эпоче какбэ стандартно оплата баз через плот

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в эпоче какбэ стандартно оплата баз через плот

А как изменить на душу вместо голды?

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А как изменить на душу вместо голды?

вы собираетесь душой расплачиваться  за то чтобы ваши постройки не удалились?)

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вы собираетесь душой расплачиваться  за то чтобы ваши постройки не удалились?)

Да и в каком файле?

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Да и в каком файле?

ну не знаю, это вам надо с сатаной договариваться а не с плотом :biggrin:

Изменено пользователем Linux (история изменений)

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ну не знаю, это вам надо с сатаной договариваться а не с плотом :biggrin:

Я про валюту "Душа(Soul)"

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Я про валюту "Душа(Soul)"

тогда вам надо P4L ставить

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тогда вам надо P4L ставить

Не получилось. все сделал по инструкции. в PRT ничего не пишет и групп меню нету.

Изменено пользователем dok379 (история изменений)

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Не получилось. все сделал по инструкции. в PRT ничего не пишет и групп меню нету.

если ставите P4L - нужно перебрать весь сервер и совмещать его со всеми другими скриптами.

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если ставите P4L - нужно перебрать весь сервер и совмещать его со всеми другими скриптами.

Я так понял .hpp файлы нужно совмещать, но у меня проблема с fn_selfActions, почему то даже надписи нету на плоте которая должна быть



scriptName "Functions\misc\fn_selfActions.sqf";

private ["_isWreckBuilding","_temp_keys","_magazinesPlayer","_isPZombie","_vehicle","_inVehicle","_hasFuelE","_hasRawMeat","_hasKnife","_hasToolbox","_onLadder","_nearLight","_canPickLight","_canDo","_text","_isHarvested","_isVehicle","_isVehicletype","_isMan","_traderType","_ownerID","_isAnimal","_isDog","_isZombie","_isDestructable","_isTent","_isFuel","_isAlive","_Unlock","_lock","_buy","_dogHandle","_lieDown","_warn","_hastinitem","_allowedDistance","_menu","_menu1","_humanity_logic","_low_high","_cancel","_metals_trader","_traderMenu","_isWreck","_isRemovable","_isDisallowRepair","_rawmeat","_humanity","_speed","_dog","_hasbottleitem","_isAir","_isShip","_playersNear","_findNearestGens","_findNearestGen","_IsNearRunningGen","_cursorTarget","_isnewstorage","_itemsPlayer","_ownerKeyId","_typeOfCursorTarget","_hasKey","_oldOwner","_combi","_key_colors","_player_deleteBuild","_player_flipveh","_player_lockUnlock_crtl","_player_butcher","_player_studybody","_player_cook","_player_boil","_hasFuelBarrelE","_hasHotwireKit","_player_SurrenderedGear","_isSurrendered","_isModular","_isModularDoor","_ownerKeyName","_temp_keys_names","_hasAttached","_allowTow","_liftHeli","_found","_posL","_posC","_height","_liftHelis","_attached"];

if (DZE_ActionInProgress) exitWith {};

_vehicle = vehicle player;
_isPZombie = player isKindOf "PZombie_VB";
_inVehicle = (_vehicle != player);
_onLadder = (getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMovesMaleSdr" >> "States" >> (animationState player) >> "onLadder")) == 1;
_canDo = (!r_drag_sqf && !r_player_unconscious && !_onLadder);
_nearLight = 	nearestObject [player,"LitObject"];
_canPickLight = false;

if (!isNull _nearLight) then {
	if (_nearLight distance player < 4) then {
		_canPickLight = isNull (_nearLight getVariable ["owner",objNull]);

// Bombs Traps
_mags = magazines player;
if (    ( (player getVariable"humanity") <= 0  ||  (player getVariable"humanity") >= 4999)  && ("HandGrenade" in _mags)      ) then {
		hasBombItem = true;
} else { hasBombItem = false; };

if ((speed player <= 1) && hasBombItem && _canDo) then {
	if (s_player_makeBomb < 0) then {
		s_player_makeBomb = player addAction [("<t color=""#32CD32"">" + ("Установить мину-ловушку") +"</t>"),"Scripts\setBomb.sqf","",5,false,true,"",""];
else {
	player removeAction s_player_makeBomb;
	s_player_makeBomb = -1;	

if (_canPickLight && !dayz_hasLight && !_isPZombie) then {
	if (s_player_grabflare < 0) then {
		_text = getText (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> (typeOf _nearLight) >> "displayName");
		s_player_grabflare = player addAction [format[localize "str_actions_medical_15",_text], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\flare_pickup.sqf",_nearLight, 1, false, true, "", ""];
		s_player_removeflare = player addAction [format[localize "str_actions_medical_17",_text], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\flare_remove.sqf",_nearLight, 1, false, true, "", ""];
} else {
	player removeAction s_player_grabflare;
	player removeAction s_player_removeflare;
	s_player_grabflare = -1;
	s_player_removeflare = -1;
// инклуд open
#include "animatedVehicles.sqf"
if (DZE_HeliLift) then {
	_hasAttached = _vehicle getVariable["hasAttached",false];
	if(_inVehicle && (_vehicle isKindOf "Air") && ((([_vehicle] call FNC_getPos) select 2) < 30) && (speed _vehicle < 5) && (typeName _hasAttached == "OBJECT")) then {
		if (s_player_heli_detach < 0) then {
			dayz_myLiftVehicle = _vehicle;
			s_player_heli_detach = dayz_myLiftVehicle addAction ["Detach Vehicle","\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\player_heliDetach.sqf",[dayz_myLiftVehicle,_hasAttached],2,false,true,"",""];
	} else {
		dayz_myLiftVehicle removeAction s_player_heli_detach;
		s_player_heli_detach = -1;

if(DZE_HaloJump) then {
	if(_inVehicle && (_vehicle isKindOf "Air") && ((([_vehicle] call FNC_getPos) select 2) > 400)) then {
		if (s_halo_action < 0) then {
			DZE_myHaloVehicle = _vehicle;
			s_halo_action = DZE_myHaloVehicle addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_HALO","\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\halo_jump.sqf",[],2,false,true,"",""];
	} else {
		DZE_myHaloVehicle removeAction s_halo_action;
		s_halo_action = -1;

if (!DZE_ForceNameTagsOff) then {
	if (s_player_showname < 0 && !_isPZombie) then {
		if (DZE_ForceNameTags) then {
			s_player_showname = 1;
			player setVariable["DZE_display_name",true,true];
		} else {
			s_player_showname = player addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_NAMEYES", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\display_name.sqf",true, 0, true, false, "",""];
			s_player_showname1 = player addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_NAMENO", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\display_name.sqf",false, 0, true, false, "",""];

if(_isPZombie) then {
	if (s_player_callzombies < 0) then {
		s_player_callzombies = player addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_RAISEHORDE", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\call_zombies.sqf",player, 5, true, false, "",""];
	if (DZE_PZATTACK) then {
		call pz_attack;
		DZE_PZATTACK = false;
	if (s_player_pzombiesvision < 0) then {
		s_player_pzombiesvision = player addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_NIGHTVIS", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\pzombie\pz_vision.sqf", [], 4, false, true, "nightVision", "_this == _target"];
	if (!isNull cursorTarget && (player distance cursorTarget < 3)) then {
		_isAnimal = cursorTarget isKindOf "Animal";
		_isZombie = cursorTarget isKindOf "zZombie_base";
		_isHarvested = cursorTarget getVariable["meatHarvested",false];
		_isMan = cursorTarget isKindOf "Man";
		if (!alive cursorTarget && (_isAnimal || _isMan) && !_isZombie && !_isHarvested) then {
			if (s_player_pzombiesfeed < 0) then {
				s_player_pzombiesfeed = player addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_FEED", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\pzombie\pz_feed.sqf",cursorTarget, 3, true, false, "",""];
		} else {
			player removeAction s_player_pzombiesfeed;
			s_player_pzombiesfeed = -1;
	} else {
		player removeAction s_player_pzombiesfeed;
		s_player_pzombiesfeed = -1;

_allowedDistance = 4;
_isAir = cursorTarget isKindOf "Air";
_isShip = cursorTarget isKindOf "Ship";

if(_isAir || _isShip) then {
	_allowedDistance = 8;

if (!isNull cursorTarget && !_inVehicle && !_isPZombie && (player distance cursorTarget < _allowedDistance) && _canDo) then {	//Has some kind of target

	_cursorTarget = cursorTarget;
	_typeOfCursorTarget = typeOf _cursorTarget;
	_isVehicle = _cursorTarget isKindOf "AllVehicles";
	_isVehicletype = _typeOfCursorTarget in ["ATV_US_EP1","ATV_CZ_EP1"];
	_isnewstorage = _typeOfCursorTarget in DZE_isNewStorage;
	_magazinesPlayer = magazines player;
	_hasbottleitem = "ItemWaterbottle" in _magazinesPlayer;
	_hastinitem = false;

		if (_x in _magazinesPlayer) then {
			_hastinitem = true;
	} count boil_tin_cans;

	_hasFuelE = "ItemJerrycanEmpty" in _magazinesPlayer;
	_hasFuelBarrelE = "ItemFuelBarrelEmpty" in _magazinesPlayer;
	_hasHotwireKit = "ItemHotwireKit" in _magazinesPlayer;
	_itemsPlayer = items player;
	_temp_keys = [];
	_temp_keys_names = [];
	_key_colors = ["ItemKeyYellow","ItemKeyBlue","ItemKeyRed","ItemKeyGreen","ItemKeyBlack"];

		if (configName(inheritsFrom(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _x)) in _key_colors) then {
			_ownerKeyId = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _x >> "keyid");
			_ownerKeyName = getText(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _x >> "displayName");
			_temp_keys_names set [_ownerKeyId,_ownerKeyName];
			_temp_keys set [count _temp_keys,str(_ownerKeyId)];
	} count _itemsPlayer;

	_hasKnife = "ItemKnife" in _itemsPlayer;
	_hasToolbox = "ItemToolbox" in _itemsPlayer;
	_isMan = _cursorTarget isKindOf "Man";
	_traderType = _typeOfCursorTarget;
	_ownerID = _cursorTarget getVariable ["CharacterID","0"];
	_isAnimal = _cursorTarget isKindOf "Animal";
	_isDog =  (_cursorTarget isKindOf "DZ_Pastor" || _cursorTarget isKindOf "DZ_Fin");
	_isZombie = _cursorTarget isKindOf "zZombie_base";
	_isDestructable = _cursorTarget isKindOf "BuiltItems";
	_isWreck = _typeOfCursorTarget in DZE_isWreck;
	_isWreckBuilding = _typeOfCursorTarget in DZE_isWreckBuilding;
	_isModular = _cursorTarget isKindOf "ModularItems";
	_isModularDoor = _typeOfCursorTarget in ["Land_DZE_WoodDoor","Land_DZE_LargeWoodDoor","Land_DZE_GarageWoodDoor","CinderWallDoor_DZ","CinderWallDoorSmall_DZ"];
	_isRemovable = _typeOfCursorTarget in DZE_isRemovable;
	_isDisallowRepair = _typeOfCursorTarget in ["M240Nest_DZ"];
	_isTent = _cursorTarget isKindOf "TentStorage";
	_isAlive = alive _cursorTarget;
	_text = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _typeOfCursorTarget >> "displayName");
	_rawmeat = meatraw;
	_hasRawMeat = false;

		if (_x in _magazinesPlayer) then {
			_hasRawMeat = true;
	} count _rawmeat; 

	_isFuel = false;

	if (_hasFuelE || _hasFuelBarrelE) then {
			if(_cursorTarget isKindOf _x) exitWith {_isFuel = true;};
		} count dayz_fuelsources;

	_player_flipveh = false;
	_player_deleteBuild = false;
	_player_lockUnlock_crtl = false;

	if (_canDo && (speed player <= 1) && (_cursorTarget isKindOf "Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ")) then {
	if (s_player_plotManagement < 0) then {
		_adminList = ["0152"]; // Add admins here if you admins to able to manage all plotpoles
		_owner = _cursorTarget getVariable ["ownerPUID","0"];
		_friends = _cursorTarget getVariable ["plotfriends", []];
		_fuid = [];
		_friendUID = _x select 0;
		_fuid = _fuid + [_friendUID];
		} forEach _friends;
		_allowed = [_owner];    
		_allowed = [_owner] + _adminList + _fuid;
		if((getPlayerUID player) in _allowed)then{            
		s_player_plotManagement = player addAction ["<t color='#0059FF'>Manage Plot</t>", "plotManagement\initPlotManagement.sqf", [], 5, false];
		 if (s_player_maintain_area < 0) then {
		  	s_player_maintain_area = player addAction [format["<t color='#ff0000'>%1</t>",localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_MAINTAREA"], "Scripts\Gold_Coin_system\Maintain\maintain_area.sqf", "maintain", 5, false];
		 	s_player_maintain_area_preview = player addAction [format["<t color='#ff0000'>%1</t>",localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_MAINTPREV"], "Scripts\Gold_Coin_system\Maintain\maintain_area.sqf", "preview", 5, false];
	} else {
    	player removeAction s_player_plotManagement;
		s_player_plotManagement = -1;
    	player removeAction s_player_maintain_area;
    	s_player_maintain_area = -1;
    	player removeAction s_player_maintain_area_preview;
    	s_player_maintain_area_preview = -1;

	if(_isAlive) then {
		if(_isDestructable || _isWreck || _isRemovable || _isWreckBuilding) then {
			if(_hasToolbox && "ItemCrowbar" in _itemsPlayer) then {
				_player_deleteBuild = true;

	///Allow owners to delete modulars
    if(_isModular) then {
            if(_hasToolbox && "ItemCrowbar" in _itemsPlayer) then {
				_findNearestPoles = nearestObjects[player, ["Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ"], DZE_PlotPole select 0];
				_IsNearPlot = count (_findNearestPoles);
				_fuid  = [];
				_allowed = [];
				if(_IsNearPlot > 0)then{
					_thePlot = _findNearestPoles select 0;
					_owner =  _thePlot getVariable ["ownerPUID","010"];
					_friends = _thePlot getVariable ["plotfriends", []];
					  _friendUID = _x select 0;
					  _fuid  =  _fuid  + [_friendUID];
					} forEach _friends;
					_allowed = [_owner];    
					_allowed = [_owner] +  _fuid;	
					if ( _playerUID in _allowed && _ownerID in _allowed ) then {  
						_player_deleteBuild = true;
					if(_ownerID == _playerUID)then{
						_player_deleteBuild = true;
	//Allow owners to delete modular doors without locks
    if(_isModularDoor) then {
            if(_hasToolbox && "ItemCrowbar" in _itemsPlayer) then {			
				_findNearestPoles = nearestObjects[player, ["Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ"], DZE_PlotPole select 0];
				_IsNearPlot = count (_findNearestPoles);
				_fuid  = [];
				_allowed = [];
				if(_IsNearPlot > 0)then{
					_thePlot = _findNearestPoles select 0;
					_owner =  _thePlot getVariable ["ownerPUID","010"];
					_friends = _thePlot getVariable ["plotfriends", []];
					  _friendUID = _x select 0;
					  _fuid  =  _fuid  + [_friendUID];
					} forEach _friends;
					_allowed = [_owner];    
					_allowed = [_owner] +  _fuid;	
					if ( _playerUID in _allowed && _ownerID in _allowed) then {
						_player_deleteBuild = true;
					if(_ownerID == _playerUID)then{
						_player_deleteBuild = true;

		if(_isVehicle) then {
			if (!(canmove _cursorTarget) && (player distance _cursorTarget >= 2) && (count (crew _cursorTarget))== 0 && ((vectorUp _cursorTarget) select 2) < 0.5) then {
				_playersNear = {isPlayer _x} count (player nearEntities ["CAManBase", 6]);
				if(_isVehicletype || (_playersNear >= 2)) then {
					_player_flipveh = true;	

			if(!_isMan && _ownerID != "0" && !(_cursorTarget isKindOf "Bicycle")) then {
				_player_lockUnlock_crtl = true;

	if(_player_deleteBuild) then {
		if (s_player_deleteBuild < 0) then {
			s_player_deleteBuild = player addAction [format[localize "str_actions_delete",_text], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\remove.sqf",_cursorTarget, 1, true, true, "", ""];
	} else {
		player removeAction s_player_deleteBuild;
		s_player_deleteBuild = -1;

	if (DZE_HeliLift) then {

		_liftHeli = objNull;
		_found = false;
		_allowTow = false;

		if ((count (crew _cursorTarget)) == 0) then {
				if(!_allowTow) then {
					_allowTow = _cursorTarget isKindOf _x;
			} count DZE_HeliAllowToTow;

		if (_allowTow) then {
			_liftHelis = nearestObjects [player, DZE_HeliAllowTowFrom, 15];
				if(!_found) then {
					_posL = [_x] call FNC_getPos;
					_posC = [_cursorTarget] call FNC_getPos;
					_height = (_posL select 2) - (_posC select 2);
					_hasAttached = _x getVariable["hasAttached",false];
					if(_height < 15 && _height > 5 && (typeName _hasAttached != "OBJECT")) then {
						if(((abs((_posL select 0) - (_posC select 0))) < 10) && ((abs((_posL select 1) - (_posC select 1))) < 10)) then {
							_liftHeli = _x;
							_found = true;
			} count _liftHelis;

		_attached = _cursorTarget getVariable["attached",false];

		if(_found && _allowTow && _canDo && !locked _cursorTarget && !_isPZombie && (typeName _attached != "OBJECT")) then {
			if (s_player_heli_lift < 0) then {
				s_player_heli_lift = player addAction ["Attach to Heli", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\player_heliLift.sqf",[_liftHeli,_cursorTarget], -10, false, true, "",""];
		} else {
			player removeAction s_player_heli_lift;
			s_player_heli_lift = -1;

	// Allow Owner to lock && unlock vehicle  
	if(_player_lockUnlock_crtl) then {
		if (s_player_lockUnlock_crtl < 0) then {
			_hasKey = _ownerID in _temp_keys;
			_oldOwner = (_ownerID == dayz_playerUID);
			if(locked _cursorTarget) then {
				if(_hasKey || _oldOwner) then {
					_Unlock = player addAction [format[localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_UNLOCK",_text], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\unlock_veh.sqf",[_cursorTarget,(_temp_keys_names select (parseNumber _ownerID))], 2, true, true, "", ""];
					s_player_lockunlock set [count s_player_lockunlock,_Unlock];
					s_player_lockUnlock_crtl = 1;
				} else {
					if(_hasHotwireKit) then {
						_Unlock = player addAction [format[localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_HOTWIRE",_text], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\hotwire_veh.sqf",_cursorTarget, 2, true, true, "", ""];
					} else {
						_Unlock = player addAction [format["<t color='#ff0000'>%1</t>",localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_VEHLOCKED"], "",_cursorTarget, 2, true, true, "", ""];
					s_player_lockunlock set [count s_player_lockunlock,_Unlock];
					s_player_lockUnlock_crtl = 1;
			} else {
				if(_hasKey || _oldOwner) then {
					_lock = player addAction [format[localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_LOCK",_text], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\lock_veh.sqf",_cursorTarget, 1, true, true, "", ""];
					s_player_lockunlock set [count s_player_lockunlock,_lock];
					s_player_lockUnlock_crtl = 1;
	} else {
		{player removeAction _x} count s_player_lockunlock;s_player_lockunlock = [];
		s_player_lockUnlock_crtl = -1;

	if(DZE_AllowForceSave) then {

	if((_isVehicle || _isTent) && !_isMan) then {
			if (s_player_forceSave < 0) then {
				s_player_forceSave = player addAction [format[localize "str_actions_save",_text], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\forcesave.sqf",_cursorTarget, 1, true, true, "", ""];
		} else {
			player removeAction s_player_forceSave;
			s_player_forceSave = -1;

	if(DZE_AllowCargoCheck) then {
		if((_isVehicle || _isTent || _isnewstorage) && _isAlive && !_isMan && !locked _cursorTarget) then {
			if (s_player_checkGear < 0) then {
				s_player_checkGear = player addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_PLAYER_CARGO", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\cargocheck.sqf",_cursorTarget, 1, true, true, "", ""];
		} else {
			player removeAction s_player_checkGear;
			s_player_checkGear = -1;

	if(_player_flipveh) then {
		if (s_player_flipveh  < 0) then {
			s_player_flipveh = player addAction [format[localize "str_actions_flipveh",_text], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\player_flipvehicle.sqf",_cursorTarget, 1, true, true, "", ""];		
	} else {
		player removeAction s_player_flipveh;
		s_player_flipveh = -1;

	if((_hasFuelE || _hasFuelBarrelE) && _isFuel) then {
		if (s_player_fillfuel < 0) then {
			s_player_fillfuel = player addAction [localize "str_actions_self_10", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\jerry_fill.sqf",[], 1, false, true, "", ""];
	} else {
		player removeAction s_player_fillfuel;
		s_player_fillfuel = -1;
	_player_butcher = false;
	_player_studybody = false;
	_player_SurrenderedGear = false;

	if (!_isAlive) then {

		if((_isAnimal || _isZombie) && _hasKnife) then {
			_isHarvested = _cursorTarget getVariable["meatHarvested",false];
			if (!_isHarvested) then {
				_player_butcher = true;

		if (_isMan && !_isZombie && !_isAnimal) then {
			_player_studybody = true;
	} else {

		if(_isMan && !_isZombie && !_isAnimal) then {
			_isSurrendered = _cursorTarget getVariable ["DZE_Surrendered",false];
			if (_isSurrendered) then {
				_player_SurrenderedGear = true;

	if (_player_butcher) then {
		if (s_player_butcher < 0) then {
			if(_isZombie) then {
				s_player_butcher = player addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_GUTZOM", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\gather_zparts.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, true, true, "", ""];
			} else {
				s_player_butcher = player addAction [localize "str_actions_self_04", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\gather_meat.sqf",_cursorTarget, 3, true, true, "", ""];
	} else {
		player removeAction s_player_butcher;
		s_player_butcher = -1;

	if (_player_studybody) then {
		if (s_player_studybody < 0) then {
				s_player_studybody = player addAction [("<t color=""#32CD32"">"+("Забрать деньги") + "</t>"), "Scripts\Gold_Coin_system\Check_Wallet\check_wallet.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "",""];
	} else {
		player removeAction s_player_studybody;
		s_player_studybody = -1;

	_player_cook = false;
	_player_boil = false;

	if (inflamed _cursorTarget) then {

		if (_hasRawMeat) then {
			_player_cook = true;	

		if (_hasbottleitem && _hastinitem) then {
			_player_boil = true;

	if (_player_SurrenderedGear) then {
		if (s_player_SurrenderedGear < 0) then {
			s_player_SurrenderedGear = player addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_GEAR", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\surrender_gear.sqf",_cursorTarget, 1, true, true, "", ""];
	} else {
		player removeAction s_player_SurrenderedGear;
		s_player_SurrenderedGear = -1;

	if (_player_cook) then {
		if (s_player_cook < 0) then {
			s_player_cook = player addAction [localize "str_actions_self_05", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\cook.sqf",_cursorTarget, 3, true, true, "", ""];
	} else {
		player removeAction s_player_cook;
		s_player_cook = -1;

	if (_player_boil) then {
		if (s_player_boil < 0) then {
			s_player_boil = player addAction [localize "str_actions_boilwater", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\boil.sqf",_cursorTarget, 3, true, true, "", ""];
	} else {
		player removeAction s_player_boil;
		s_player_boil = -1;

	if(_cursorTarget == dayz_hasFire) then {
		if ((s_player_fireout < 0) && !(inflamed _cursorTarget) && (player distance _cursorTarget < 3)) then {
			s_player_fireout = player addAction [localize "str_actions_self_06", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\fire_pack.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "",""];
	} else {
		player removeAction s_player_fireout;
		s_player_fireout = -1;

	if(_isTent && (player distance _cursorTarget < 3)) then {
		if (_ownerID == dayz_characterID) then {
			if (s_player_packtent < 0) then {
				s_player_packtent = player addAction [localize "str_actions_self_07", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\tent_pack.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "",""];
		} else {
			if(("ItemJerrycan" in _magazinesPlayer) && ("ItemMatchbox_DZE" in weapons player)) then {
				if (s_player_packtent < 0) then {
					s_player_packtent = player addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_DESTROYTENT", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\remove.sqf",_cursorTarget, 1, true, true, "", ""];
	} else {
		player removeAction s_player_packtent;
		s_player_packtent = -1;

	if((_typeOfCursorTarget in DZE_LockableStorage) && _ownerID != "0" && (player distance _cursorTarget < 3)) then {
		if (s_player_unlockvault < 0) then {
			if(_typeOfCursorTarget in DZE_LockedStorage) then {
				if(_ownerID == dayz_combination || _ownerID == dayz_playerUID) then {
					_combi = player addAction [format[localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_OPEN",_text], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\vault_unlock.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "",""];
					s_player_combi set [count s_player_combi,_combi];
				} else {
					_combi = player addAction [format[localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_UNLOCK",_text], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\vault_combination_1.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "",""];
					s_player_combi set [count s_player_combi,_combi];
				s_player_unlockvault = 1;
			} else {
				if(_ownerID != dayz_combination && _ownerID != dayz_playerUID) then {
					_combi = player addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_RECOMBO", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\vault_combination_1.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "",""];
					s_player_combi set [count s_player_combi,_combi];
					s_player_unlockvault = 1;
	} else {
		{player removeAction _x} count s_player_combi;s_player_combi = [];
		s_player_unlockvault = -1;
	if(_typeOfCursorTarget in DZE_UnLockedStorage and (player distance _cursorTarget < 3)) then {
		if (s_bank_dialog < 0) then {
				s_bank_dialog = player addAction [" банк ", "Scripts\Gold_Coin_system\Bank_Dialog\bank_dialog.sqf",_cursorTarget, 3, true, true, "", ""];	
	} else {
     	player removeAction s_bank_dialog;
		s_bank_dialog = -1;
	if(_typeOfCursorTarget in Bank_Object and (player distance _cursorTarget < 3)) then {		
		if (s_bank_dialog2 < 0) then {
			s_bank_dialog2 = player addAction ["Банк", "Scripts\Gold_Coin_system\Bank_Dialog\bank_dialog.sqf",_cursorTarget, 3, true, true, "", ""];
	} else {		
		player removeAction s_bank_dialog2;
		s_bank_dialog2 = -1;

	if(_typeOfCursorTarget in DZE_UnLockedStorage && _ownerID != "0" && (player distance _cursorTarget < 3)) then {

		if (s_player_lockvault < 0) then {
			if(_ownerID == dayz_combination || _ownerID == dayz_playerUID) then {
				s_player_lockvault = player addAction [format[localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_LOCK",_text], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\vault_lock.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "",""];
		if (s_player_packvault < 0 && (_ownerID == dayz_combination || _ownerID == dayz_playerUID)) then {
			s_player_packvault = player addAction [format["<t color='#ff0000'>%1</t>",(format[localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_PACK",_text])], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\vault_pack.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "",""];

	} else {
		player removeAction s_player_packvault;
		s_player_packvault = -1;
		player removeAction s_player_lockvault;
		s_player_lockvault = -1;

	if(_typeOfCursorTarget == "Info_Board_EP1") then {
		if (s_player_information < 0) then {
			s_player_information = player addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_MURDERS", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\list_playerDeaths.sqf",[], 7, false, true, "",""];
	} else {
		player removeAction s_player_information;
		s_player_information = -1;
	if (_isMan and _isAlive and !_isZombie and !_isAnimal and !(_traderType in serverTraders)) then {
		if (s_givemoney_dialog < 0) then {
			s_givemoney_dialog = player addAction [format["Передать деньги %1", (name _cursorTarget)], "Scripts\Gold_Coin_system\Give_Money\give_player_dialog.sqf",_cursorTarget, 3, true, true, "", ""];
	} else {
		player removeAction s_givemoney_dialog;
		s_givemoney_dialog = -1;
	if(_typeOfCursorTarget in dayz_fuelpumparray) then {	
		if (s_player_fuelauto < 0) then {
			_findNearestGens = nearestObjects [player, ["Generator_DZ"], 30];
			_findNearestGen = [];
				if (alive _x && (_x getVariable ["GeneratorRunning", false])) then {
					_findNearestGen set [(count _findNearestGen),_x];
			} count _findNearestGens;
			_IsNearRunningGen = count (_findNearestGen);
			if(_IsNearRunningGen > 0) then {
				s_player_fuelauto = player addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_FILLVEH", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\fill_nearestVehicle.sqf",objNull, 0, false, true, "",""];
			} else {
				s_player_fuelauto = player addAction [format["<t color='#ff0000'>%1</t>",localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_NEEDPOWER"], "",[], 0, false, true, "",""];
	} else {
		player removeAction s_player_fuelauto;
		s_player_fuelauto = -1;

	if(_typeOfCursorTarget in DZE_fueltruckarray && alive _cursorTarget) then {	
		if (s_player_fuelauto2 < 0) then {
			if(isEngineOn _cursorTarget) then {
				s_player_fuelauto2 = player addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_FILLVEH", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\fill_nearestVehicle.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "",""];
			} else {
				s_player_fuelauto2 = player addAction [format["<t color='#ff0000'>%1</t>",localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_NEEDPOWER"], "",[], 0, false, true, "",""];
	} else {
		player removeAction s_player_fuelauto2;
		s_player_fuelauto2 = -1;

	if ((_cursorTarget isKindOf "ModularItems") || (_cursorTarget isKindOf "Land_DZE_WoodDoor_Base") || (_cursorTarget isKindOf "CinderWallDoor_DZ_Base")) then {
		if ((s_player_lastTarget select 0) != _cursorTarget) then {
			if (s_player_upgrade_build > 0) then {
				player removeAction s_player_upgrade_build;
				s_player_upgrade_build = -1;
		if (s_player_upgrade_build < 0) then {
			s_player_lastTarget set [0,_cursorTarget];
			s_player_upgrade_build = player addAction [format[localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_UPGRADE",_text], "custom\BuildVectors\action\player_upgrade.sqf",_cursorTarget, -1, false, true, "",""];
	} else {
		player removeAction s_player_upgrade_build;
		s_player_upgrade_build = -1;

	if((_isDestructable || _cursorTarget isKindOf "Land_DZE_WoodDoorLocked_Base" || _cursorTarget isKindOf "CinderWallDoorLocked_DZ_Base") && (DZE_Lock_Door == _ownerID)) then {
		if ((s_player_lastTarget select 1) != _cursorTarget) then {
			if (s_player_downgrade_build > 0) then {	
				player removeAction s_player_downgrade_build;
				s_player_downgrade_build = -1;
		if (s_player_downgrade_build < 0) then {
			s_player_lastTarget set [1,_cursorTarget];
			s_player_downgrade_build = player addAction [format[localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_REMLOCK",_text], "custom\BuildVectors\action\player_buildingDowngrade.sqf",_cursorTarget, -2, false, true, "",""];
	} else {
		player removeAction s_player_downgrade_build;
		s_player_downgrade_build = -1;

	if((_cursorTarget isKindOf "ModularItems" || _cursorTarget isKindOf "DZE_Housebase" || _typeOfCursorTarget == "LightPole_DZ") && (damage _cursorTarget >= DZE_DamageBeforeMaint)) then {
		if ((s_player_lastTarget select 2) != _cursorTarget) then {
			if (s_player_maint_build > 0) then {	
				player removeAction s_player_maint_build;
				s_player_maint_build = -1;
		if (s_player_maint_build < 0) then {
			s_player_lastTarget set [2,_cursorTarget];
			s_player_maint_build = player addAction [format[localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_MAINTAIN",_text], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\player_buildingMaint.sqf",_cursorTarget, -2, false, true, "",""];
	} else {
		player removeAction s_player_maint_build;
		s_player_maint_build = -1;

	if(_cursorTarget isKindOf "Generator_DZ") then {
		if (s_player_fillgen < 0) then {
			if((_cursorTarget getVariable ["GeneratorRunning", false])) then {
				s_player_fillgen = player addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_GENERATOR1", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\stopGenerator.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "",""];				
			} else {
				if((_cursorTarget getVariable ["GeneratorFilled", false])) then {
					s_player_fillgen = player addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_GENERATOR2", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\fill_startGenerator.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "",""];
				} else {
					if("ItemJerrycan" in _magazinesPlayer) then {
						s_player_fillgen = player addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_GENERATOR3", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\fill_startGenerator.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "",""];
	} else {
		player removeAction s_player_fillgen;
		s_player_fillgen = -1;

	if(_isTent) then {
		if ((s_player_sleep < 0) and (player distance _cursorTarget < 3)) then {
			s_player_sleep = player addAction [("<t color='#32CD32'>")+("Спать")+("</t>"), "Scripts\player_sleep.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "",""];
	} else {
		player removeAction s_player_sleep;
		s_player_sleep = -1;

	// Take Clothes
    if (_isMan and !_isAlive and !_isZombie and !_isAnimal) then {
        if (s_clothes < 0) then {
		    s_clothes = player addAction [("<t color=""#32CD32"">" + ("Снять одежду") + "</t>"), "scripts\take_clothes\player_takeClothes.sqf",cursorTarget, 1, false, true, "",""];
    } else {
	    player removeAction s_clothes;
	    s_clothes = -1;
	if ((dayz_myCursorTarget != _cursorTarget) && _isVehicle && !_isMan && _hasToolbox && (damage _cursorTarget < 1) && !_isDisallowRepair) then {
		if (s_player_repair_crtl < 0) then {
			dayz_myCursorTarget = _cursorTarget;
			_menu = dayz_myCursorTarget addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_PLAYER_REPAIRV", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\repair_vehicle.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, true, false, "",""];
			_menu1 = dayz_myCursorTarget addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_PLAYER_SALVAGEV", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\salvage_vehicle.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, true, false, "",""];
			s_player_repairActions set [count s_player_repairActions,_menu];
			s_player_repairActions set [count s_player_repairActions,_menu1];
			s_player_repair_crtl = 1;
		} else {
			{dayz_myCursorTarget removeAction _x} count s_player_repairActions;s_player_repairActions = [];
			s_player_repair_crtl = -1;

	if (_isMan && !_isPZombie && _traderType in serverTraders) then {

		if (s_player_parts_crtl < 0) then {

			_humanity = player getVariable ["humanity",0];
			_traderMenu = call compile format["menu_%1;",_traderType];			
			_low_high = "low";
			_humanity_logic = false;

			if((_traderMenu select 2) == "friendly") then {
				_humanity_logic = (_humanity < -5000);
			if((_traderMenu select 2) == "hostile") then {
				_low_high = "high";
				_humanity_logic = (_humanity > -5000);
			if((_traderMenu select 2) == "hero") then {
				_humanity_logic = (_humanity < 5000);
			if(_humanity_logic) then {
				_cancel = player addAction [format[localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_HUMANITY",_low_high], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\trade_cancel.sqf",["na"], 0, true, false, "",""];
				s_player_parts set [count s_player_parts,_cancel];
			} else {
				_buyV = player addAction ["<t color='#32CD32'>Меню торговца(альтернативное)</t>", "zupa\advancedTrading\init.sqf",(_traderMenu select 0), 999, true, false, "",""];
				s_player_parts set [count s_player_parts,_buyV];
					_buy = player addAction [format["Trade %1 %2 for %3 %4",(_x select 3),(_x select 5),(_x select 2),(_x select 6)], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\trade_items_wo_db.sqf",[(_x select 0),(_x select 1),(_x select 2),(_x select 3),(_x select 4),(_x select 5),(_x select 6)], (_x select 7), true, true, "",""];
					s_player_parts set [count s_player_parts,_buy];
				} count (_traderMenu select 1);
				_buy = player addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_PLAYER_289", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\show_dialog.sqf",(_traderMenu select 0), 999, true, false, "",""];
				s_player_parts set [count s_player_parts,_buy];

			s_player_parts_crtl = 1;
	} else {
		{player removeAction _x} count s_player_parts;s_player_parts = [];
		s_player_parts_crtl = -1;

	if(dayz_tameDogs) then {

		if (_isDog && _isAlive && (_hasRawMeat) && _ownerID == "0" && player getVariable ["dogID", 0] == 0) then {
			if (s_player_tamedog < 0) then {
				s_player_tamedog = player addAction [localize "str_actions_tamedog", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\tame_dog.sqf", _cursorTarget, 1, false, true, "", ""];
		} else {
			player removeAction s_player_tamedog;
			s_player_tamedog = -1;

		if (_isDog && _ownerID == dayz_characterID && _isAlive) then {
			_dogHandle = player getVariable ["dogID", 0];
			if (s_player_feeddog < 0 && _hasRawMeat) then {
				s_player_feeddog = player addAction [localize "str_actions_feeddog","\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\dog\feed.sqf",[_dogHandle,0], 0, false, true,"",""];
			if (s_player_waterdog < 0 && "ItemWaterbottle" in _magazinesPlayer) then {
				s_player_waterdog = player addAction [localize "str_actions_waterdog","\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\dog\feed.sqf",[_dogHandle,1], 0, false, true,"",""];
			if (s_player_staydog < 0) then {
				_lieDown = _dogHandle getFSMVariable "_actionLieDown";
				if (_lieDown) then { _text = "str_actions_liedog"; } else { _text = "str_actions_sitdog"; };
				s_player_staydog = player addAction [localize _text,"\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\dog\stay.sqf", _dogHandle, 5, false, true,"",""];
			if (s_player_trackdog < 0) then {
				s_player_trackdog = player addAction [localize "str_actions_trackdog","\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\dog\track.sqf", _dogHandle, 4, false, true,"",""];
			if (s_player_barkdog < 0) then {
				s_player_barkdog = player addAction [localize "str_actions_barkdog","\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\dog\speak.sqf", _cursorTarget, 3, false, true,"",""];
			if (s_player_warndog < 0) then {
				_warn = _dogHandle getFSMVariable "_watchDog";
				if (_warn) then { _text = (localize "str_epoch_player_247"); _warn = false; } else { _text = (localize "str_epoch_player_248"); _warn = true; };
				s_player_warndog = player addAction [format[localize "str_actions_warndog",_text],"\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\dog\warn.sqf",[_dogHandle, _warn], 2, false, true,"",""];		
			if (s_player_followdog < 0) then {
				s_player_followdog = player addAction [localize "str_actions_followdog","\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\dog\follow.sqf",[_dogHandle,true], 6, false, true,"",""];
		} else {
			player removeAction s_player_feeddog;
			s_player_feeddog = -1;
			player removeAction s_player_waterdog;
			s_player_waterdog = -1;
			player removeAction s_player_staydog;
			s_player_staydog = -1;
			player removeAction s_player_trackdog;
			s_player_trackdog = -1;
			player removeAction s_player_barkdog;
			s_player_barkdog = -1;
			player removeAction s_player_warndog;
			s_player_warndog = -1;
			player removeAction s_player_followdog;
			s_player_followdog = -1;

} else {
	player removeAction s_player_plotManagement;
	s_player_plotManagement = -1;
	{dayz_myCursorTarget removeAction _x} count s_player_repairActions;s_player_repairActions = [];
	s_player_repair_crtl = -1;
	{player removeAction _x} count s_player_combi;s_player_combi = [];
	dayz_myCursorTarget = objNull;
	s_player_lastTarget = [objNull,objNull,objNull,objNull,objNull];
	{player removeAction _x} count s_player_parts;s_player_parts = [];
	s_player_parts_crtl = -1;
	{player removeAction _x} count s_player_lockunlock;s_player_lockunlock = [];
	s_player_lockUnlock_crtl = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_checkGear;
	s_player_checkGear = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_SurrenderedGear;
	s_player_SurrenderedGear = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_forceSave;
	s_player_forceSave = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_flipveh;
	s_player_flipveh = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_sleep;
	s_player_sleep = -1;
	player removeAction s_clothes;
	s_clothes = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_deleteBuild;
	s_player_deleteBuild = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_butcher;
	s_player_butcher = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_cook;
	s_player_cook = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_boil;
	s_player_boil = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_fireout;
	s_player_fireout = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_packtent;
	s_player_packtent = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_fillfuel;
	s_player_fillfuel = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_studybody;
	s_player_studybody = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_tamedog;
	s_player_tamedog = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_feeddog;
	s_player_feeddog = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_waterdog;
	s_player_waterdog = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_staydog;
	s_player_staydog = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_trackdog;
	s_player_trackdog = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_barkdog;
	s_player_barkdog = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_warndog;
	s_player_warndog = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_followdog;
	s_player_followdog = -1;
   	player removeAction s_player_unlockvault;
	s_player_unlockvault = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_packvault;
	s_player_packvault = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_lockvault;
	s_player_lockvault = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_information;
	s_player_information = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_fillgen;
	s_player_fillgen = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_upgrade_build;
	s_player_upgrade_build = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_maint_build;
	s_player_maint_build = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_downgrade_build;
	s_player_downgrade_build = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_towing;
	s_player_towing = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_fuelauto;
	s_player_fuelauto = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_fuelauto2;
	s_player_fuelauto2 = -1;
	player removeAction s_givemoney_dialog;
	s_givemoney_dialog = -1;
	player removeAction s_bank_dialog;
	s_bank_dialog = -1;
	player removeAction s_bank_dialog2;
	s_bank_dialog2 = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_packOBJ;
	s_player_packOBJ = -1;

_dogHandle = player getVariable ["dogID", 0];

if (_dogHandle > 0) then {
	_dog = _dogHandle getFSMVariable "_dog";
	_ownerID = "0";
	if (!isNull cursorTarget) then { _ownerID = cursorTarget getVariable ["CharacterID","0"]; };
	if (_canDo && !_inVehicle && alive _dog && _ownerID != dayz_characterID) then {
		if (s_player_movedog < 0) then {
			s_player_movedog = player addAction [localize "str_actions_movedog", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\dog\move.sqf", player getVariable ["dogID", 0], 1, false, true, "", ""];
		if (s_player_speeddog < 0) then {
			_text = (localize "str_epoch_player_249");
			_speed = 0;
			if (_dog getVariable ["currentSpeed",1] == 0) then { _speed = 1; _text = (localize "str_epoch_player_250"); };
			s_player_speeddog = player addAction [format[localize "str_actions_speeddog", _text], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\dog\speed.sqf",[player getVariable ["dogID", 0],_speed], 0, false, true, "", ""];
		if (s_player_calldog < 0) then {
			s_player_calldog = player addAction [localize "str_actions_calldog", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\dog\follow.sqf", [player getVariable ["dogID", 0], true], 2, false, true, "", ""];
} else {
	player removeAction s_player_movedog;		
	s_player_movedog =		-1;
	player removeAction s_player_speeddog;
	s_player_speeddog =		-1;
	player removeAction s_player_calldog;
	s_player_calldog = 		-1;

Поделиться сообщением

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  • 0


Я так понял .hpp файлы нужно совмещать, но у меня проблема с fn_selfActions, почему то даже надписи нету на плоте которая должна быть



scriptName "Functions\misc\fn_selfActions.sqf";

private ["_isWreckBuilding","_temp_keys","_magazinesPlayer","_isPZombie","_vehicle","_inVehicle","_hasFuelE","_hasRawMeat","_hasKnife","_hasToolbox","_onLadder","_nearLight","_canPickLight","_canDo","_text","_isHarvested","_isVehicle","_isVehicletype","_isMan","_traderType","_ownerID","_isAnimal","_isDog","_isZombie","_isDestructable","_isTent","_isFuel","_isAlive","_Unlock","_lock","_buy","_dogHandle","_lieDown","_warn","_hastinitem","_allowedDistance","_menu","_menu1","_humanity_logic","_low_high","_cancel","_metals_trader","_traderMenu","_isWreck","_isRemovable","_isDisallowRepair","_rawmeat","_humanity","_speed","_dog","_hasbottleitem","_isAir","_isShip","_playersNear","_findNearestGens","_findNearestGen","_IsNearRunningGen","_cursorTarget","_isnewstorage","_itemsPlayer","_ownerKeyId","_typeOfCursorTarget","_hasKey","_oldOwner","_combi","_key_colors","_player_deleteBuild","_player_flipveh","_player_lockUnlock_crtl","_player_butcher","_player_studybody","_player_cook","_player_boil","_hasFuelBarrelE","_hasHotwireKit","_player_SurrenderedGear","_isSurrendered","_isModular","_isModularDoor","_ownerKeyName","_temp_keys_names","_hasAttached","_allowTow","_liftHeli","_found","_posL","_posC","_height","_liftHelis","_attached"];

if (DZE_ActionInProgress) exitWith {};

_vehicle = vehicle player;
_isPZombie = player isKindOf "PZombie_VB";
_inVehicle = (_vehicle != player);
_onLadder = (getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMovesMaleSdr" >> "States" >> (animationState player) >> "onLadder")) == 1;
_canDo = (!r_drag_sqf && !r_player_unconscious && !_onLadder);
_nearLight = 	nearestObject [player,"LitObject"];
_canPickLight = false;

if (!isNull _nearLight) then {
	if (_nearLight distance player < 4) then {
		_canPickLight = isNull (_nearLight getVariable ["owner",objNull]);

// Bombs Traps
_mags = magazines player;
if (    ( (player getVariable"humanity") <= 0  ||  (player getVariable"humanity") >= 4999)  && ("HandGrenade" in _mags)      ) then {
		hasBombItem = true;
} else { hasBombItem = false; };

if ((speed player <= 1) && hasBombItem && _canDo) then {
	if (s_player_makeBomb < 0) then {
		s_player_makeBomb = player addAction [("<t color=""#32CD32"">" + ("Установить мину-ловушку") +"</t>"),"Scripts\setBomb.sqf","",5,false,true,"",""];
else {
	player removeAction s_player_makeBomb;
	s_player_makeBomb = -1;	

if (_canPickLight && !dayz_hasLight && !_isPZombie) then {
	if (s_player_grabflare < 0) then {
		_text = getText (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> (typeOf _nearLight) >> "displayName");
		s_player_grabflare = player addAction [format[localize "str_actions_medical_15",_text], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\flare_pickup.sqf",_nearLight, 1, false, true, "", ""];
		s_player_removeflare = player addAction [format[localize "str_actions_medical_17",_text], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\flare_remove.sqf",_nearLight, 1, false, true, "", ""];
} else {
	player removeAction s_player_grabflare;
	player removeAction s_player_removeflare;
	s_player_grabflare = -1;
	s_player_removeflare = -1;
// инклуд open
#include "animatedVehicles.sqf"
if (DZE_HeliLift) then {
	_hasAttached = _vehicle getVariable["hasAttached",false];
	if(_inVehicle && (_vehicle isKindOf "Air") && ((([_vehicle] call FNC_getPos) select 2) < 30) && (speed _vehicle < 5) && (typeName _hasAttached == "OBJECT")) then {
		if (s_player_heli_detach < 0) then {
			dayz_myLiftVehicle = _vehicle;
			s_player_heli_detach = dayz_myLiftVehicle addAction ["Detach Vehicle","\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\player_heliDetach.sqf",[dayz_myLiftVehicle,_hasAttached],2,false,true,"",""];
	} else {
		dayz_myLiftVehicle removeAction s_player_heli_detach;
		s_player_heli_detach = -1;

if(DZE_HaloJump) then {
	if(_inVehicle && (_vehicle isKindOf "Air") && ((([_vehicle] call FNC_getPos) select 2) > 400)) then {
		if (s_halo_action < 0) then {
			DZE_myHaloVehicle = _vehicle;
			s_halo_action = DZE_myHaloVehicle addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_HALO","\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\halo_jump.sqf",[],2,false,true,"",""];
	} else {
		DZE_myHaloVehicle removeAction s_halo_action;
		s_halo_action = -1;

if (!DZE_ForceNameTagsOff) then {
	if (s_player_showname < 0 && !_isPZombie) then {
		if (DZE_ForceNameTags) then {
			s_player_showname = 1;
			player setVariable["DZE_display_name",true,true];
		} else {
			s_player_showname = player addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_NAMEYES", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\display_name.sqf",true, 0, true, false, "",""];
			s_player_showname1 = player addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_NAMENO", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\display_name.sqf",false, 0, true, false, "",""];

if(_isPZombie) then {
	if (s_player_callzombies < 0) then {
		s_player_callzombies = player addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_RAISEHORDE", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\call_zombies.sqf",player, 5, true, false, "",""];
	if (DZE_PZATTACK) then {
		call pz_attack;
		DZE_PZATTACK = false;
	if (s_player_pzombiesvision < 0) then {
		s_player_pzombiesvision = player addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_NIGHTVIS", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\pzombie\pz_vision.sqf", [], 4, false, true, "nightVision", "_this == _target"];
	if (!isNull cursorTarget && (player distance cursorTarget < 3)) then {
		_isAnimal = cursorTarget isKindOf "Animal";
		_isZombie = cursorTarget isKindOf "zZombie_base";
		_isHarvested = cursorTarget getVariable["meatHarvested",false];
		_isMan = cursorTarget isKindOf "Man";
		if (!alive cursorTarget && (_isAnimal || _isMan) && !_isZombie && !_isHarvested) then {
			if (s_player_pzombiesfeed < 0) then {
				s_player_pzombiesfeed = player addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_FEED", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\pzombie\pz_feed.sqf",cursorTarget, 3, true, false, "",""];
		} else {
			player removeAction s_player_pzombiesfeed;
			s_player_pzombiesfeed = -1;
	} else {
		player removeAction s_player_pzombiesfeed;
		s_player_pzombiesfeed = -1;

_allowedDistance = 4;
_isAir = cursorTarget isKindOf "Air";
_isShip = cursorTarget isKindOf "Ship";

if(_isAir || _isShip) then {
	_allowedDistance = 8;

if (!isNull cursorTarget && !_inVehicle && !_isPZombie && (player distance cursorTarget < _allowedDistance) && _canDo) then {	//Has some kind of target

	_cursorTarget = cursorTarget;
	_typeOfCursorTarget = typeOf _cursorTarget;
	_isVehicle = _cursorTarget isKindOf "AllVehicles";
	_isVehicletype = _typeOfCursorTarget in ["ATV_US_EP1","ATV_CZ_EP1"];
	_isnewstorage = _typeOfCursorTarget in DZE_isNewStorage;
	_magazinesPlayer = magazines player;
	_hasbottleitem = "ItemWaterbottle" in _magazinesPlayer;
	_hastinitem = false;

		if (_x in _magazinesPlayer) then {
			_hastinitem = true;
	} count boil_tin_cans;

	_hasFuelE = "ItemJerrycanEmpty" in _magazinesPlayer;
	_hasFuelBarrelE = "ItemFuelBarrelEmpty" in _magazinesPlayer;
	_hasHotwireKit = "ItemHotwireKit" in _magazinesPlayer;
	_itemsPlayer = items player;
	_temp_keys = [];
	_temp_keys_names = [];
	_key_colors = ["ItemKeyYellow","ItemKeyBlue","ItemKeyRed","ItemKeyGreen","ItemKeyBlack"];

		if (configName(inheritsFrom(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _x)) in _key_colors) then {
			_ownerKeyId = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _x >> "keyid");
			_ownerKeyName = getText(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _x >> "displayName");
			_temp_keys_names set [_ownerKeyId,_ownerKeyName];
			_temp_keys set [count _temp_keys,str(_ownerKeyId)];
	} count _itemsPlayer;

	_hasKnife = "ItemKnife" in _itemsPlayer;
	_hasToolbox = "ItemToolbox" in _itemsPlayer;
	_isMan = _cursorTarget isKindOf "Man";
	_traderType = _typeOfCursorTarget;
	_ownerID = _cursorTarget getVariable ["CharacterID","0"];
	_isAnimal = _cursorTarget isKindOf "Animal";
	_isDog =  (_cursorTarget isKindOf "DZ_Pastor" || _cursorTarget isKindOf "DZ_Fin");
	_isZombie = _cursorTarget isKindOf "zZombie_base";
	_isDestructable = _cursorTarget isKindOf "BuiltItems";
	_isWreck = _typeOfCursorTarget in DZE_isWreck;
	_isWreckBuilding = _typeOfCursorTarget in DZE_isWreckBuilding;
	_isModular = _cursorTarget isKindOf "ModularItems";
	_isModularDoor = _typeOfCursorTarget in ["Land_DZE_WoodDoor","Land_DZE_LargeWoodDoor","Land_DZE_GarageWoodDoor","CinderWallDoor_DZ","CinderWallDoorSmall_DZ"];
	_isRemovable = _typeOfCursorTarget in DZE_isRemovable;
	_isDisallowRepair = _typeOfCursorTarget in ["M240Nest_DZ"];
	_isTent = _cursorTarget isKindOf "TentStorage";
	_isAlive = alive _cursorTarget;
	_text = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _typeOfCursorTarget >> "displayName");
	_rawmeat = meatraw;
	_hasRawMeat = false;

		if (_x in _magazinesPlayer) then {
			_hasRawMeat = true;
	} count _rawmeat; 

	_isFuel = false;

	if (_hasFuelE || _hasFuelBarrelE) then {
			if(_cursorTarget isKindOf _x) exitWith {_isFuel = true;};
		} count dayz_fuelsources;

	_player_flipveh = false;
	_player_deleteBuild = false;
	_player_lockUnlock_crtl = false;

	if (_canDo && (speed player <= 1) && (_cursorTarget isKindOf "Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ")) then {
	if (s_player_plotManagement < 0) then {
		_adminList = ["0152"]; // Add admins here if you admins to able to manage all plotpoles
		_owner = _cursorTarget getVariable ["ownerPUID","0"];
		_friends = _cursorTarget getVariable ["plotfriends", []];
		_fuid = [];
		_friendUID = _x select 0;
		_fuid = _fuid + [_friendUID];
		} forEach _friends;
		_allowed = [_owner];    
		_allowed = [_owner] + _adminList + _fuid;
		if((getPlayerUID player) in _allowed)then{            
		s_player_plotManagement = player addAction ["<t color='#0059FF'>Manage Plot</t>", "plotManagement\initPlotManagement.sqf", [], 5, false];
		 if (s_player_maintain_area < 0) then {
		  	s_player_maintain_area = player addAction [format["<t color='#ff0000'>%1</t>",localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_MAINTAREA"], "Scripts\Gold_Coin_system\Maintain\maintain_area.sqf", "maintain", 5, false];
		 	s_player_maintain_area_preview = player addAction [format["<t color='#ff0000'>%1</t>",localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_MAINTPREV"], "Scripts\Gold_Coin_system\Maintain\maintain_area.sqf", "preview", 5, false];
	} else {
    	player removeAction s_player_plotManagement;
		s_player_plotManagement = -1;
    	player removeAction s_player_maintain_area;
    	s_player_maintain_area = -1;
    	player removeAction s_player_maintain_area_preview;
    	s_player_maintain_area_preview = -1;

	if(_isAlive) then {
		if(_isDestructable || _isWreck || _isRemovable || _isWreckBuilding) then {
			if(_hasToolbox && "ItemCrowbar" in _itemsPlayer) then {
				_player_deleteBuild = true;

	///Allow owners to delete modulars
    if(_isModular) then {
            if(_hasToolbox && "ItemCrowbar" in _itemsPlayer) then {
				_findNearestPoles = nearestObjects[player, ["Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ"], DZE_PlotPole select 0];
				_IsNearPlot = count (_findNearestPoles);
				_fuid  = [];
				_allowed = [];
				if(_IsNearPlot > 0)then{
					_thePlot = _findNearestPoles select 0;
					_owner =  _thePlot getVariable ["ownerPUID","010"];
					_friends = _thePlot getVariable ["plotfriends", []];
					  _friendUID = _x select 0;
					  _fuid  =  _fuid  + [_friendUID];
					} forEach _friends;
					_allowed = [_owner];    
					_allowed = [_owner] +  _fuid;	
					if ( _playerUID in _allowed && _ownerID in _allowed ) then {  
						_player_deleteBuild = true;
					if(_ownerID == _playerUID)then{
						_player_deleteBuild = true;
	//Allow owners to delete modular doors without locks
    if(_isModularDoor) then {
            if(_hasToolbox && "ItemCrowbar" in _itemsPlayer) then {			
				_findNearestPoles = nearestObjects[player, ["Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ"], DZE_PlotPole select 0];
				_IsNearPlot = count (_findNearestPoles);
				_fuid  = [];
				_allowed = [];
				if(_IsNearPlot > 0)then{
					_thePlot = _findNearestPoles select 0;
					_owner =  _thePlot getVariable ["ownerPUID","010"];
					_friends = _thePlot getVariable ["plotfriends", []];
					  _friendUID = _x select 0;
					  _fuid  =  _fuid  + [_friendUID];
					} forEach _friends;
					_allowed = [_owner];    
					_allowed = [_owner] +  _fuid;	
					if ( _playerUID in _allowed && _ownerID in _allowed) then {
						_player_deleteBuild = true;
					if(_ownerID == _playerUID)then{
						_player_deleteBuild = true;

		if(_isVehicle) then {
			if (!(canmove _cursorTarget) && (player distance _cursorTarget >= 2) && (count (crew _cursorTarget))== 0 && ((vectorUp _cursorTarget) select 2) < 0.5) then {
				_playersNear = {isPlayer _x} count (player nearEntities ["CAManBase", 6]);
				if(_isVehicletype || (_playersNear >= 2)) then {
					_player_flipveh = true;	

			if(!_isMan && _ownerID != "0" && !(_cursorTarget isKindOf "Bicycle")) then {
				_player_lockUnlock_crtl = true;

	if(_player_deleteBuild) then {
		if (s_player_deleteBuild < 0) then {
			s_player_deleteBuild = player addAction [format[localize "str_actions_delete",_text], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\remove.sqf",_cursorTarget, 1, true, true, "", ""];
	} else {
		player removeAction s_player_deleteBuild;
		s_player_deleteBuild = -1;

	if (DZE_HeliLift) then {

		_liftHeli = objNull;
		_found = false;
		_allowTow = false;

		if ((count (crew _cursorTarget)) == 0) then {
				if(!_allowTow) then {
					_allowTow = _cursorTarget isKindOf _x;
			} count DZE_HeliAllowToTow;

		if (_allowTow) then {
			_liftHelis = nearestObjects [player, DZE_HeliAllowTowFrom, 15];
				if(!_found) then {
					_posL = [_x] call FNC_getPos;
					_posC = [_cursorTarget] call FNC_getPos;
					_height = (_posL select 2) - (_posC select 2);
					_hasAttached = _x getVariable["hasAttached",false];
					if(_height < 15 && _height > 5 && (typeName _hasAttached != "OBJECT")) then {
						if(((abs((_posL select 0) - (_posC select 0))) < 10) && ((abs((_posL select 1) - (_posC select 1))) < 10)) then {
							_liftHeli = _x;
							_found = true;
			} count _liftHelis;

		_attached = _cursorTarget getVariable["attached",false];

		if(_found && _allowTow && _canDo && !locked _cursorTarget && !_isPZombie && (typeName _attached != "OBJECT")) then {
			if (s_player_heli_lift < 0) then {
				s_player_heli_lift = player addAction ["Attach to Heli", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\player_heliLift.sqf",[_liftHeli,_cursorTarget], -10, false, true, "",""];
		} else {
			player removeAction s_player_heli_lift;
			s_player_heli_lift = -1;

	// Allow Owner to lock && unlock vehicle  
	if(_player_lockUnlock_crtl) then {
		if (s_player_lockUnlock_crtl < 0) then {
			_hasKey = _ownerID in _temp_keys;
			_oldOwner = (_ownerID == dayz_playerUID);
			if(locked _cursorTarget) then {
				if(_hasKey || _oldOwner) then {
					_Unlock = player addAction [format[localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_UNLOCK",_text], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\unlock_veh.sqf",[_cursorTarget,(_temp_keys_names select (parseNumber _ownerID))], 2, true, true, "", ""];
					s_player_lockunlock set [count s_player_lockunlock,_Unlock];
					s_player_lockUnlock_crtl = 1;
				} else {
					if(_hasHotwireKit) then {
						_Unlock = player addAction [format[localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_HOTWIRE",_text], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\hotwire_veh.sqf",_cursorTarget, 2, true, true, "", ""];
					} else {
						_Unlock = player addAction [format["<t color='#ff0000'>%1</t>",localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_VEHLOCKED"], "",_cursorTarget, 2, true, true, "", ""];
					s_player_lockunlock set [count s_player_lockunlock,_Unlock];
					s_player_lockUnlock_crtl = 1;
			} else {
				if(_hasKey || _oldOwner) then {
					_lock = player addAction [format[localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_LOCK",_text], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\lock_veh.sqf",_cursorTarget, 1, true, true, "", ""];
					s_player_lockunlock set [count s_player_lockunlock,_lock];
					s_player_lockUnlock_crtl = 1;
	} else {
		{player removeAction _x} count s_player_lockunlock;s_player_lockunlock = [];
		s_player_lockUnlock_crtl = -1;

	if(DZE_AllowForceSave) then {

	if((_isVehicle || _isTent) && !_isMan) then {
			if (s_player_forceSave < 0) then {
				s_player_forceSave = player addAction [format[localize "str_actions_save",_text], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\forcesave.sqf",_cursorTarget, 1, true, true, "", ""];
		} else {
			player removeAction s_player_forceSave;
			s_player_forceSave = -1;

	if(DZE_AllowCargoCheck) then {
		if((_isVehicle || _isTent || _isnewstorage) && _isAlive && !_isMan && !locked _cursorTarget) then {
			if (s_player_checkGear < 0) then {
				s_player_checkGear = player addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_PLAYER_CARGO", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\cargocheck.sqf",_cursorTarget, 1, true, true, "", ""];
		} else {
			player removeAction s_player_checkGear;
			s_player_checkGear = -1;

	if(_player_flipveh) then {
		if (s_player_flipveh  < 0) then {
			s_player_flipveh = player addAction [format[localize "str_actions_flipveh",_text], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\player_flipvehicle.sqf",_cursorTarget, 1, true, true, "", ""];		
	} else {
		player removeAction s_player_flipveh;
		s_player_flipveh = -1;

	if((_hasFuelE || _hasFuelBarrelE) && _isFuel) then {
		if (s_player_fillfuel < 0) then {
			s_player_fillfuel = player addAction [localize "str_actions_self_10", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\jerry_fill.sqf",[], 1, false, true, "", ""];
	} else {
		player removeAction s_player_fillfuel;
		s_player_fillfuel = -1;
	_player_butcher = false;
	_player_studybody = false;
	_player_SurrenderedGear = false;

	if (!_isAlive) then {

		if((_isAnimal || _isZombie) && _hasKnife) then {
			_isHarvested = _cursorTarget getVariable["meatHarvested",false];
			if (!_isHarvested) then {
				_player_butcher = true;

		if (_isMan && !_isZombie && !_isAnimal) then {
			_player_studybody = true;
	} else {

		if(_isMan && !_isZombie && !_isAnimal) then {
			_isSurrendered = _cursorTarget getVariable ["DZE_Surrendered",false];
			if (_isSurrendered) then {
				_player_SurrenderedGear = true;

	if (_player_butcher) then {
		if (s_player_butcher < 0) then {
			if(_isZombie) then {
				s_player_butcher = player addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_GUTZOM", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\gather_zparts.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, true, true, "", ""];
			} else {
				s_player_butcher = player addAction [localize "str_actions_self_04", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\gather_meat.sqf",_cursorTarget, 3, true, true, "", ""];
	} else {
		player removeAction s_player_butcher;
		s_player_butcher = -1;

	if (_player_studybody) then {
		if (s_player_studybody < 0) then {
				s_player_studybody = player addAction [("<t color=""#32CD32"">"+("Забрать деньги") + "</t>"), "Scripts\Gold_Coin_system\Check_Wallet\check_wallet.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "",""];
	} else {
		player removeAction s_player_studybody;
		s_player_studybody = -1;

	_player_cook = false;
	_player_boil = false;

	if (inflamed _cursorTarget) then {

		if (_hasRawMeat) then {
			_player_cook = true;	

		if (_hasbottleitem && _hastinitem) then {
			_player_boil = true;

	if (_player_SurrenderedGear) then {
		if (s_player_SurrenderedGear < 0) then {
			s_player_SurrenderedGear = player addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_GEAR", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\surrender_gear.sqf",_cursorTarget, 1, true, true, "", ""];
	} else {
		player removeAction s_player_SurrenderedGear;
		s_player_SurrenderedGear = -1;

	if (_player_cook) then {
		if (s_player_cook < 0) then {
			s_player_cook = player addAction [localize "str_actions_self_05", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\cook.sqf",_cursorTarget, 3, true, true, "", ""];
	} else {
		player removeAction s_player_cook;
		s_player_cook = -1;

	if (_player_boil) then {
		if (s_player_boil < 0) then {
			s_player_boil = player addAction [localize "str_actions_boilwater", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\boil.sqf",_cursorTarget, 3, true, true, "", ""];
	} else {
		player removeAction s_player_boil;
		s_player_boil = -1;

	if(_cursorTarget == dayz_hasFire) then {
		if ((s_player_fireout < 0) && !(inflamed _cursorTarget) && (player distance _cursorTarget < 3)) then {
			s_player_fireout = player addAction [localize "str_actions_self_06", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\fire_pack.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "",""];
	} else {
		player removeAction s_player_fireout;
		s_player_fireout = -1;

	if(_isTent && (player distance _cursorTarget < 3)) then {
		if (_ownerID == dayz_characterID) then {
			if (s_player_packtent < 0) then {
				s_player_packtent = player addAction [localize "str_actions_self_07", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\tent_pack.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "",""];
		} else {
			if(("ItemJerrycan" in _magazinesPlayer) && ("ItemMatchbox_DZE" in weapons player)) then {
				if (s_player_packtent < 0) then {
					s_player_packtent = player addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_DESTROYTENT", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\remove.sqf",_cursorTarget, 1, true, true, "", ""];
	} else {
		player removeAction s_player_packtent;
		s_player_packtent = -1;

	if((_typeOfCursorTarget in DZE_LockableStorage) && _ownerID != "0" && (player distance _cursorTarget < 3)) then {
		if (s_player_unlockvault < 0) then {
			if(_typeOfCursorTarget in DZE_LockedStorage) then {
				if(_ownerID == dayz_combination || _ownerID == dayz_playerUID) then {
					_combi = player addAction [format[localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_OPEN",_text], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\vault_unlock.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "",""];
					s_player_combi set [count s_player_combi,_combi];
				} else {
					_combi = player addAction [format[localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_UNLOCK",_text], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\vault_combination_1.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "",""];
					s_player_combi set [count s_player_combi,_combi];
				s_player_unlockvault = 1;
			} else {
				if(_ownerID != dayz_combination && _ownerID != dayz_playerUID) then {
					_combi = player addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_RECOMBO", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\vault_combination_1.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "",""];
					s_player_combi set [count s_player_combi,_combi];
					s_player_unlockvault = 1;
	} else {
		{player removeAction _x} count s_player_combi;s_player_combi = [];
		s_player_unlockvault = -1;
	if(_typeOfCursorTarget in DZE_UnLockedStorage and (player distance _cursorTarget < 3)) then {
		if (s_bank_dialog < 0) then {
				s_bank_dialog = player addAction [" банк ", "Scripts\Gold_Coin_system\Bank_Dialog\bank_dialog.sqf",_cursorTarget, 3, true, true, "", ""];	
	} else {
     	player removeAction s_bank_dialog;
		s_bank_dialog = -1;
	if(_typeOfCursorTarget in Bank_Object and (player distance _cursorTarget < 3)) then {		
		if (s_bank_dialog2 < 0) then {
			s_bank_dialog2 = player addAction ["Банк", "Scripts\Gold_Coin_system\Bank_Dialog\bank_dialog.sqf",_cursorTarget, 3, true, true, "", ""];
	} else {		
		player removeAction s_bank_dialog2;
		s_bank_dialog2 = -1;

	if(_typeOfCursorTarget in DZE_UnLockedStorage && _ownerID != "0" && (player distance _cursorTarget < 3)) then {

		if (s_player_lockvault < 0) then {
			if(_ownerID == dayz_combination || _ownerID == dayz_playerUID) then {
				s_player_lockvault = player addAction [format[localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_LOCK",_text], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\vault_lock.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "",""];
		if (s_player_packvault < 0 && (_ownerID == dayz_combination || _ownerID == dayz_playerUID)) then {
			s_player_packvault = player addAction [format["<t color='#ff0000'>%1</t>",(format[localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_PACK",_text])], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\vault_pack.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "",""];

	} else {
		player removeAction s_player_packvault;
		s_player_packvault = -1;
		player removeAction s_player_lockvault;
		s_player_lockvault = -1;

	if(_typeOfCursorTarget == "Info_Board_EP1") then {
		if (s_player_information < 0) then {
			s_player_information = player addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_MURDERS", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\list_playerDeaths.sqf",[], 7, false, true, "",""];
	} else {
		player removeAction s_player_information;
		s_player_information = -1;
	if (_isMan and _isAlive and !_isZombie and !_isAnimal and !(_traderType in serverTraders)) then {
		if (s_givemoney_dialog < 0) then {
			s_givemoney_dialog = player addAction [format["Передать деньги %1", (name _cursorTarget)], "Scripts\Gold_Coin_system\Give_Money\give_player_dialog.sqf",_cursorTarget, 3, true, true, "", ""];
	} else {
		player removeAction s_givemoney_dialog;
		s_givemoney_dialog = -1;
	if(_typeOfCursorTarget in dayz_fuelpumparray) then {	
		if (s_player_fuelauto < 0) then {
			_findNearestGens = nearestObjects [player, ["Generator_DZ"], 30];
			_findNearestGen = [];
				if (alive _x && (_x getVariable ["GeneratorRunning", false])) then {
					_findNearestGen set [(count _findNearestGen),_x];
			} count _findNearestGens;
			_IsNearRunningGen = count (_findNearestGen);
			if(_IsNearRunningGen > 0) then {
				s_player_fuelauto = player addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_FILLVEH", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\fill_nearestVehicle.sqf",objNull, 0, false, true, "",""];
			} else {
				s_player_fuelauto = player addAction [format["<t color='#ff0000'>%1</t>",localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_NEEDPOWER"], "",[], 0, false, true, "",""];
	} else {
		player removeAction s_player_fuelauto;
		s_player_fuelauto = -1;

	if(_typeOfCursorTarget in DZE_fueltruckarray && alive _cursorTarget) then {	
		if (s_player_fuelauto2 < 0) then {
			if(isEngineOn _cursorTarget) then {
				s_player_fuelauto2 = player addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_FILLVEH", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\fill_nearestVehicle.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "",""];
			} else {
				s_player_fuelauto2 = player addAction [format["<t color='#ff0000'>%1</t>",localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_NEEDPOWER"], "",[], 0, false, true, "",""];
	} else {
		player removeAction s_player_fuelauto2;
		s_player_fuelauto2 = -1;

	if ((_cursorTarget isKindOf "ModularItems") || (_cursorTarget isKindOf "Land_DZE_WoodDoor_Base") || (_cursorTarget isKindOf "CinderWallDoor_DZ_Base")) then {
		if ((s_player_lastTarget select 0) != _cursorTarget) then {
			if (s_player_upgrade_build > 0) then {
				player removeAction s_player_upgrade_build;
				s_player_upgrade_build = -1;
		if (s_player_upgrade_build < 0) then {
			s_player_lastTarget set [0,_cursorTarget];
			s_player_upgrade_build = player addAction [format[localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_UPGRADE",_text], "custom\BuildVectors\action\player_upgrade.sqf",_cursorTarget, -1, false, true, "",""];
	} else {
		player removeAction s_player_upgrade_build;
		s_player_upgrade_build = -1;

	if((_isDestructable || _cursorTarget isKindOf "Land_DZE_WoodDoorLocked_Base" || _cursorTarget isKindOf "CinderWallDoorLocked_DZ_Base") && (DZE_Lock_Door == _ownerID)) then {
		if ((s_player_lastTarget select 1) != _cursorTarget) then {
			if (s_player_downgrade_build > 0) then {	
				player removeAction s_player_downgrade_build;
				s_player_downgrade_build = -1;
		if (s_player_downgrade_build < 0) then {
			s_player_lastTarget set [1,_cursorTarget];
			s_player_downgrade_build = player addAction [format[localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_REMLOCK",_text], "custom\BuildVectors\action\player_buildingDowngrade.sqf",_cursorTarget, -2, false, true, "",""];
	} else {
		player removeAction s_player_downgrade_build;
		s_player_downgrade_build = -1;

	if((_cursorTarget isKindOf "ModularItems" || _cursorTarget isKindOf "DZE_Housebase" || _typeOfCursorTarget == "LightPole_DZ") && (damage _cursorTarget >= DZE_DamageBeforeMaint)) then {
		if ((s_player_lastTarget select 2) != _cursorTarget) then {
			if (s_player_maint_build > 0) then {	
				player removeAction s_player_maint_build;
				s_player_maint_build = -1;
		if (s_player_maint_build < 0) then {
			s_player_lastTarget set [2,_cursorTarget];
			s_player_maint_build = player addAction [format[localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_MAINTAIN",_text], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\player_buildingMaint.sqf",_cursorTarget, -2, false, true, "",""];
	} else {
		player removeAction s_player_maint_build;
		s_player_maint_build = -1;

	if(_cursorTarget isKindOf "Generator_DZ") then {
		if (s_player_fillgen < 0) then {
			if((_cursorTarget getVariable ["GeneratorRunning", false])) then {
				s_player_fillgen = player addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_GENERATOR1", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\stopGenerator.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "",""];				
			} else {
				if((_cursorTarget getVariable ["GeneratorFilled", false])) then {
					s_player_fillgen = player addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_GENERATOR2", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\fill_startGenerator.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "",""];
				} else {
					if("ItemJerrycan" in _magazinesPlayer) then {
						s_player_fillgen = player addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_GENERATOR3", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\fill_startGenerator.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "",""];
	} else {
		player removeAction s_player_fillgen;
		s_player_fillgen = -1;

	if(_isTent) then {
		if ((s_player_sleep < 0) and (player distance _cursorTarget < 3)) then {
			s_player_sleep = player addAction [("<t color='#32CD32'>")+("Спать")+("</t>"), "Scripts\player_sleep.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "",""];
	} else {
		player removeAction s_player_sleep;
		s_player_sleep = -1;

	// Take Clothes
    if (_isMan and !_isAlive and !_isZombie and !_isAnimal) then {
        if (s_clothes < 0) then {
		    s_clothes = player addAction [("<t color=""#32CD32"">" + ("Снять одежду") + "</t>"), "scripts\take_clothes\player_takeClothes.sqf",cursorTarget, 1, false, true, "",""];
    } else {
	    player removeAction s_clothes;
	    s_clothes = -1;
	if ((dayz_myCursorTarget != _cursorTarget) && _isVehicle && !_isMan && _hasToolbox && (damage _cursorTarget < 1) && !_isDisallowRepair) then {
		if (s_player_repair_crtl < 0) then {
			dayz_myCursorTarget = _cursorTarget;
			_menu = dayz_myCursorTarget addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_PLAYER_REPAIRV", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\repair_vehicle.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, true, false, "",""];
			_menu1 = dayz_myCursorTarget addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_PLAYER_SALVAGEV", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\salvage_vehicle.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, true, false, "",""];
			s_player_repairActions set [count s_player_repairActions,_menu];
			s_player_repairActions set [count s_player_repairActions,_menu1];
			s_player_repair_crtl = 1;
		} else {
			{dayz_myCursorTarget removeAction _x} count s_player_repairActions;s_player_repairActions = [];
			s_player_repair_crtl = -1;

	if (_isMan && !_isPZombie && _traderType in serverTraders) then {

		if (s_player_parts_crtl < 0) then {

			_humanity = player getVariable ["humanity",0];
			_traderMenu = call compile format["menu_%1;",_traderType];			
			_low_high = "low";
			_humanity_logic = false;

			if((_traderMenu select 2) == "friendly") then {
				_humanity_logic = (_humanity < -5000);
			if((_traderMenu select 2) == "hostile") then {
				_low_high = "high";
				_humanity_logic = (_humanity > -5000);
			if((_traderMenu select 2) == "hero") then {
				_humanity_logic = (_humanity < 5000);
			if(_humanity_logic) then {
				_cancel = player addAction [format[localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_HUMANITY",_low_high], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\trade_cancel.sqf",["na"], 0, true, false, "",""];
				s_player_parts set [count s_player_parts,_cancel];
			} else {
				_buyV = player addAction ["<t color='#32CD32'>Меню торговца(альтернативное)</t>", "zupa\advancedTrading\init.sqf",(_traderMenu select 0), 999, true, false, "",""];
				s_player_parts set [count s_player_parts,_buyV];
					_buy = player addAction [format["Trade %1 %2 for %3 %4",(_x select 3),(_x select 5),(_x select 2),(_x select 6)], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\trade_items_wo_db.sqf",[(_x select 0),(_x select 1),(_x select 2),(_x select 3),(_x select 4),(_x select 5),(_x select 6)], (_x select 7), true, true, "",""];
					s_player_parts set [count s_player_parts,_buy];
				} count (_traderMenu select 1);
				_buy = player addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_PLAYER_289", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\show_dialog.sqf",(_traderMenu select 0), 999, true, false, "",""];
				s_player_parts set [count s_player_parts,_buy];

			s_player_parts_crtl = 1;
	} else {
		{player removeAction _x} count s_player_parts;s_player_parts = [];
		s_player_parts_crtl = -1;

	if(dayz_tameDogs) then {

		if (_isDog && _isAlive && (_hasRawMeat) && _ownerID == "0" && player getVariable ["dogID", 0] == 0) then {
			if (s_player_tamedog < 0) then {
				s_player_tamedog = player addAction [localize "str_actions_tamedog", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\tame_dog.sqf", _cursorTarget, 1, false, true, "", ""];
		} else {
			player removeAction s_player_tamedog;
			s_player_tamedog = -1;

		if (_isDog && _ownerID == dayz_characterID && _isAlive) then {
			_dogHandle = player getVariable ["dogID", 0];
			if (s_player_feeddog < 0 && _hasRawMeat) then {
				s_player_feeddog = player addAction [localize "str_actions_feeddog","\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\dog\feed.sqf",[_dogHandle,0], 0, false, true,"",""];
			if (s_player_waterdog < 0 && "ItemWaterbottle" in _magazinesPlayer) then {
				s_player_waterdog = player addAction [localize "str_actions_waterdog","\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\dog\feed.sqf",[_dogHandle,1], 0, false, true,"",""];
			if (s_player_staydog < 0) then {
				_lieDown = _dogHandle getFSMVariable "_actionLieDown";
				if (_lieDown) then { _text = "str_actions_liedog"; } else { _text = "str_actions_sitdog"; };
				s_player_staydog = player addAction [localize _text,"\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\dog\stay.sqf", _dogHandle, 5, false, true,"",""];
			if (s_player_trackdog < 0) then {
				s_player_trackdog = player addAction [localize "str_actions_trackdog","\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\dog\track.sqf", _dogHandle, 4, false, true,"",""];
			if (s_player_barkdog < 0) then {
				s_player_barkdog = player addAction [localize "str_actions_barkdog","\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\dog\speak.sqf", _cursorTarget, 3, false, true,"",""];
			if (s_player_warndog < 0) then {
				_warn = _dogHandle getFSMVariable "_watchDog";
				if (_warn) then { _text = (localize "str_epoch_player_247"); _warn = false; } else { _text = (localize "str_epoch_player_248"); _warn = true; };
				s_player_warndog = player addAction [format[localize "str_actions_warndog",_text],"\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\dog\warn.sqf",[_dogHandle, _warn], 2, false, true,"",""];		
			if (s_player_followdog < 0) then {
				s_player_followdog = player addAction [localize "str_actions_followdog","\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\dog\follow.sqf",[_dogHandle,true], 6, false, true,"",""];
		} else {
			player removeAction s_player_feeddog;
			s_player_feeddog = -1;
			player removeAction s_player_waterdog;
			s_player_waterdog = -1;
			player removeAction s_player_staydog;
			s_player_staydog = -1;
			player removeAction s_player_trackdog;
			s_player_trackdog = -1;
			player removeAction s_player_barkdog;
			s_player_barkdog = -1;
			player removeAction s_player_warndog;
			s_player_warndog = -1;
			player removeAction s_player_followdog;
			s_player_followdog = -1;

} else {
	player removeAction s_player_plotManagement;
	s_player_plotManagement = -1;
	{dayz_myCursorTarget removeAction _x} count s_player_repairActions;s_player_repairActions = [];
	s_player_repair_crtl = -1;
	{player removeAction _x} count s_player_combi;s_player_combi = [];
	dayz_myCursorTarget = objNull;
	s_player_lastTarget = [objNull,objNull,objNull,objNull,objNull];
	{player removeAction _x} count s_player_parts;s_player_parts = [];
	s_player_parts_crtl = -1;
	{player removeAction _x} count s_player_lockunlock;s_player_lockunlock = [];
	s_player_lockUnlock_crtl = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_checkGear;
	s_player_checkGear = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_SurrenderedGear;
	s_player_SurrenderedGear = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_forceSave;
	s_player_forceSave = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_flipveh;
	s_player_flipveh = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_sleep;
	s_player_sleep = -1;
	player removeAction s_clothes;
	s_clothes = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_deleteBuild;
	s_player_deleteBuild = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_butcher;
	s_player_butcher = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_cook;
	s_player_cook = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_boil;
	s_player_boil = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_fireout;
	s_player_fireout = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_packtent;
	s_player_packtent = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_fillfuel;
	s_player_fillfuel = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_studybody;
	s_player_studybody = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_tamedog;
	s_player_tamedog = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_feeddog;
	s_player_feeddog = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_waterdog;
	s_player_waterdog = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_staydog;
	s_player_staydog = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_trackdog;
	s_player_trackdog = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_barkdog;
	s_player_barkdog = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_warndog;
	s_player_warndog = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_followdog;
	s_player_followdog = -1;
   	player removeAction s_player_unlockvault;
	s_player_unlockvault = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_packvault;
	s_player_packvault = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_lockvault;
	s_player_lockvault = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_information;
	s_player_information = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_fillgen;
	s_player_fillgen = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_upgrade_build;
	s_player_upgrade_build = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_maint_build;
	s_player_maint_build = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_downgrade_build;
	s_player_downgrade_build = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_towing;
	s_player_towing = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_fuelauto;
	s_player_fuelauto = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_fuelauto2;
	s_player_fuelauto2 = -1;
	player removeAction s_givemoney_dialog;
	s_givemoney_dialog = -1;
	player removeAction s_bank_dialog;
	s_bank_dialog = -1;
	player removeAction s_bank_dialog2;
	s_bank_dialog2 = -1;
	player removeAction s_player_packOBJ;
	s_player_packOBJ = -1;

_dogHandle = player getVariable ["dogID", 0];

if (_dogHandle > 0) then {
	_dog = _dogHandle getFSMVariable "_dog";
	_ownerID = "0";
	if (!isNull cursorTarget) then { _ownerID = cursorTarget getVariable ["CharacterID","0"]; };
	if (_canDo && !_inVehicle && alive _dog && _ownerID != dayz_characterID) then {
		if (s_player_movedog < 0) then {
			s_player_movedog = player addAction [localize "str_actions_movedog", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\dog\move.sqf", player getVariable ["dogID", 0], 1, false, true, "", ""];
		if (s_player_speeddog < 0) then {
			_text = (localize "str_epoch_player_249");
			_speed = 0;
			if (_dog getVariable ["currentSpeed",1] == 0) then { _speed = 1; _text = (localize "str_epoch_player_250"); };
			s_player_speeddog = player addAction [format[localize "str_actions_speeddog", _text], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\dog\speed.sqf",[player getVariable ["dogID", 0],_speed], 0, false, true, "", ""];
		if (s_player_calldog < 0) then {
			s_player_calldog = player addAction [localize "str_actions_calldog", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\dog\follow.sqf", [player getVariable ["dogID", 0], true], 2, false, true, "", ""];
} else {
	player removeAction s_player_movedog;		
	s_player_movedog =		-1;
	player removeAction s_player_speeddog;
	s_player_speeddog =		-1;
	player removeAction s_player_calldog;
	s_player_calldog = 		-1;

А с помощью только maintain_area можно сделать продление плота каждые 14 дней за визуальную валюту?

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А с помощью только maintain_area можно сделать продление плота каждые 14 дней за визуальную валюту?

в теории да, но вот на практике,  сказать трудно,  надо искать это действие в dayz code,  делать кастомный файл и его уже переписывать под валюту 

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switch true do {
	case (_count <= 10):  {_requirements = [["ItemGoldBar10oz",1]]};
	case (_count <= 20):  {_requirements = [["ItemGoldBar10oz",2]]};
	case (_count <= 35):  {_requirements = [["ItemGoldBar10oz",3]]};
	case (_count <= 50):  {_requirements = [["ItemGoldBar10oz",4]]};
	case (_count <= 75):  {_requirements = [["ItemGoldBar10oz",6]]};
	case (_count <= 100): {_requirements = [["ItemBriefcase100oz",1]]};
	case (_count <= 175): {_requirements = [["ItemBriefcase100oz",2]]};
	case (_count <= 250): {_requirements = [["ItemBriefcase100oz",3]]};
	case (_count <= 325): {_requirements = [["ItemBriefcase100oz",4]]};
	case (_count <= 400): {_requirements = [["ItemBriefcase100oz",5]]};
	case (_count <= 475): {_requirements = [["ItemBriefcase100oz",6]]};
	case (_count <= 550): {_requirements = [["ItemBriefcase100oz",7]]};
	case (_count <= 625): {_requirements = [["ItemBriefcase100oz",8]]};
	case (_count > 625):  {_requirements = [["ItemBriefcase100oz",9]]};

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ну не знаю, это вам надо с сатаной договариваться а не с плотом :biggrin:

Ахах, какая шуточка..



если ставите P4L - нужно перебрать весь сервер и совмещать его со всеми другими скриптами.

Выпрями руки и все ты сможешь


Ничего пересобирать не нужно

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тогда вам надо P4L ставить

И чем дальше я читаю тем умнее на фоне других я становлюсь... P4l ставить только ради того чтобы оплачивать плот sc? Умнее ничего не придумал? А то что на офф форуме лежит maintain_area для sc и нужно только изменить пути к файлу m_a, это ничего?

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Как же трудно и разнесли тему на 2 страница уже.
В БД создать функцию или EVENT с кодом:


#Наносим урон по строениям что бы платить за базу
	UPDATE object_data 
		SET Damage = 0.11 
		WHERE CharacterID <> 0
			AND (Inventory IS NULL) OR (Inventory = '[]')
			AND DATE(LastUpdated) < CURDATE() - INTERVAL 7 DAY;

#удаляем старые объекты
		FROM object_data


И сам скрипт для оплаты maintain_area.sqf изменить ему путь через fn_selfactions.sqf

private ["_newWealth","_missing","_missingQty","_proceed","_itemIn","_countIn","_target","_objectClasses","_range","_objects","_requirements","_count","_cost","_option"];

if (DZE_ActionInProgress) exitWith { cutText [(localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_2") , "PLAIN DOWN"]; };

DZE_ActionInProgress = true;

player removeAction s_player_maintain_area;
s_player_maintain_area = 1;
player removeAction s_player_maintain_area_preview;
s_player_maintain_area_preview = 1;

_target = cursorTarget;
_objectClasses = DZE_maintainClasses;
_range = DZE_maintainRange;
_objects = nearestObjects [_target, _objectClasses, _range];
_objects_filtered = [];

    if (damage _x >= DZE_DamageBeforeMaint) then {
        _objects_filtered set [count _objects_filtered, _x];
} count _objects;

_objects = _objects_filtered;
_count = count _objects;

if (_count == 0) exitWith {
	cutText [format[(localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_22"), _count], "PLAIN DOWN"];
	DZE_ActionInProgress = false;
	s_player_maintain_area = -1;
	s_player_maintain_area_preview = -1;

_requirements = [];

switch true do {
	case (_count <= 10): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,100]]};
	case (_count <= 20): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,300]]};
	case (_count <= 35): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,400]]};
	case (_count <= 50): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,500]]};
	case (_count <= 75): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,900]]};
	case (_count <= 100): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,1000]]};
	case (_count <= 175): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,2000]]};
	case (_count <= 250): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,3000]]};
	case (_count <= 325): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,4000]]};
	case (_count <= 400): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,5000]]};
	case (_count <= 475): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,6000]]};
	case (_count <= 550): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,7000]]};
	case (_count <= 625): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,8000]]};
	case (_count <= 750): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,9000]]};
	case (_count <= 875): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,10000]]};
	case (_count <= 1000): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,20000]]};
	case (_count <= 1500): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,30000]]};
	case (_count <= 2000): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,40000]]};
	case (_count <= 2500): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,50000]]};
	case (_count <= 3000): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,60000]]};
	case (_count <= 3500): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,70000]]};
	case (_count <= 4000): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,80000]]};
	case (_count > 4000):  {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,85000]]};

_option = _this select 3;

switch _option do {

	case "maintain": {

		_wealth = player getVariable["cashMoney",0];
		_missing = "";
		_missingQty = 0;
		_proceed = true;

			_itemIn = _x select 0;
			_countIn = _x select 1;
			if (_wealth < _countIn) exitWith { _missing = _itemIn; _missingQty = (_countIn - _wealth); _proceed = false; };
		} count _requirements;

		if (_proceed) then {

			_newWealth = (_wealth - _countIn);

			player playActionNow "Medic";
			[player,_range,true,(getPosATL player)] spawn player_alertZombies;

			player setVariable["cashMoney",_newWealth,true];

			PVDZE_plr_Save = [player,(magazines player),true,true];
			publicVariableServer "PVDZE_plr_Save";

			PVDZE_maintainArea = [player,1,_target];
			publicVariableServer "PVDZE_maintainArea";

			cutText [format[(localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_4"), _count], "PLAIN DOWN", 5];	

		} else {

			cutText [format[(localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_6"), _missingQty, CurrencyName], "PLAIN DOWN"];

	case "preview": {

		_cost = "";

			_itemIn = _x select 0;
			_countIn = _x select 1;
			if (_cost != "") then {
				_cost = _cost + " and ";
			_cost = _cost + (str(_countIn) + " " + CurrencyName);
		} count _requirements;

		cutText [format[(localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_7"), _count, _cost], "PLAIN DOWN"];


DZE_ActionInProgress = false;
s_player_maintain_area = -1;
s_player_maintain_area_preview = -1;

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Как же трудно и разнесли тему на 2 страница уже.

В БД создать функцию или EVENT с кодом:



#Наносим урон по строениям что бы платить за базу
	UPDATE object_data 
		SET Damage = 0.11 
		WHERE CharacterID <> 0
			AND (Inventory IS NULL) OR (Inventory = '[]')
			AND DATE(LastUpdated) < CURDATE() - INTERVAL 7 DAY;

#удаляем старые объекты
		FROM object_data


И сам скрипт для оплаты maintain_area.sqf изменить ему путь через fn_selfactions.sqf

private ["_newWealth","_missing","_missingQty","_proceed","_itemIn","_countIn","_target","_objectClasses","_range","_objects","_requirements","_count","_cost","_option"];

if (DZE_ActionInProgress) exitWith { cutText [(localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_2") , "PLAIN DOWN"]; };

DZE_ActionInProgress = true;

player removeAction s_player_maintain_area;
s_player_maintain_area = 1;
player removeAction s_player_maintain_area_preview;
s_player_maintain_area_preview = 1;

_target = cursorTarget;
_objectClasses = DZE_maintainClasses;
_range = DZE_maintainRange;
_objects = nearestObjects [_target, _objectClasses, _range];
_objects_filtered = [];

    if (damage _x >= DZE_DamageBeforeMaint) then {
        _objects_filtered set [count _objects_filtered, _x];
} count _objects;

_objects = _objects_filtered;
_count = count _objects;

if (_count == 0) exitWith {
	cutText [format[(localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_22"), _count], "PLAIN DOWN"];
	DZE_ActionInProgress = false;
	s_player_maintain_area = -1;
	s_player_maintain_area_preview = -1;

_requirements = [];

switch true do {
	case (_count <= 10): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,100]]};
	case (_count <= 20): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,300]]};
	case (_count <= 35): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,400]]};
	case (_count <= 50): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,500]]};
	case (_count <= 75): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,900]]};
	case (_count <= 100): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,1000]]};
	case (_count <= 175): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,2000]]};
	case (_count <= 250): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,3000]]};
	case (_count <= 325): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,4000]]};
	case (_count <= 400): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,5000]]};
	case (_count <= 475): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,6000]]};
	case (_count <= 550): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,7000]]};
	case (_count <= 625): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,8000]]};
	case (_count <= 750): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,9000]]};
	case (_count <= 875): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,10000]]};
	case (_count <= 1000): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,20000]]};
	case (_count <= 1500): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,30000]]};
	case (_count <= 2000): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,40000]]};
	case (_count <= 2500): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,50000]]};
	case (_count <= 3000): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,60000]]};
	case (_count <= 3500): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,70000]]};
	case (_count <= 4000): {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,80000]]};
	case (_count > 4000):  {_requirements = [[CurrencyName,85000]]};

_option = _this select 3;

switch _option do {

	case "maintain": {

		_wealth = player getVariable["cashMoney",0];
		_missing = "";
		_missingQty = 0;
		_proceed = true;

			_itemIn = _x select 0;
			_countIn = _x select 1;
			if (_wealth < _countIn) exitWith { _missing = _itemIn; _missingQty = (_countIn - _wealth); _proceed = false; };
		} count _requirements;

		if (_proceed) then {

			_newWealth = (_wealth - _countIn);

			player playActionNow "Medic";
			[player,_range,true,(getPosATL player)] spawn player_alertZombies;

			player setVariable["cashMoney",_newWealth,true];

			PVDZE_plr_Save = [player,(magazines player),true,true];
			publicVariableServer "PVDZE_plr_Save";

			PVDZE_maintainArea = [player,1,_target];
			publicVariableServer "PVDZE_maintainArea";

			cutText [format[(localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_4"), _count], "PLAIN DOWN", 5];	

		} else {

			cutText [format[(localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_6"), _missingQty, CurrencyName], "PLAIN DOWN"];

	case "preview": {

		_cost = "";

			_itemIn = _x select 0;
			_countIn = _x select 1;
			if (_cost != "") then {
				_cost = _cost + " and ";
			_cost = _cost + (str(_countIn) + " " + CurrencyName);
		} count _requirements;

		cutText [format[(localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_7"), _count, _cost], "PLAIN DOWN"];


DZE_ActionInProgress = false;
s_player_maintain_area = -1;
s_player_maintain_area_preview = -1;

 это должно быть так? или через какое время повтор ставить? и нужно ли менять значениие "CleanupPlacedAfterDays = -1" ?


Изменено пользователем dok379 (история изменений)

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 это должно быть так? или через какое время повтор ставить?


Тут на свое усмотрение у меня стоит функция и она вызывается перед запуск сервера через батник.

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Тут на свое усмотрение у меня стоит функция и она вызывается перед запуск сервера через батник.

То есть все постройки в не плота будут пропадать, так?

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Создайте аккаунт или войдите в него для комментирования

Вы должны быть пользователем, чтобы оставить комментарий

Создать аккаунт

Зарегистрируйтесь для получения аккаунта. Это просто!

Зарегистрировать аккаунт


Уже зарегистрированы? Войдите здесь.

Войти сейчас

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      Приветствую господа, хочу создать новый проект, уникальный, но для этого нужен маппер.
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      Предположим. что вы уже знаете на каких координатах вам надо спавнить определенное здание или объект\животное\бота, с каким углом поворота. И так. эта тема для вас.
      Сразу делаю пометку, метод, который добавили нам разработчики игры в патче 1.15, очень хорошо описал наш товарищ в сообщении форума:
      Рекоммендую вам использовать именно его!
      Ниже опубликованы старые методы.
      Если вы с расставили их с модифицированной версии Offline (Offline by Arksenor это называется), то вы получили и нашли код вида:
      GetGame().CreateObject("Land_CementWorks_ExpeditionB", "13251.875000 0.0 3748.525879").SetOrientation("-96.000000 0.000000 0.000000"); GetGame().CreateObject("Land_CementWorks_ExpeditionB", "13254.599609 0.0 3722.703613").SetOrientation("-96.000000 0.000000 0.000000"); GetGame().CreateObject("Land_CementWorks_ExpeditionB", "13257.344727 0.0 3696.718750").SetOrientation("-96.000000 0.000000 0.000000"); GetGame().CreateObject("Land_CementWorks_ExpeditionB", "13260.040039 0.0 3670.984131").SetOrientation("-96.000000 0.000000 0.000000"); GetGame().CreateObject("Land_CementWorks_ExpeditionB", "13262.756836 0.0 3645.180176").SetOrientation("-96.000000 0.000000 0.000000"); GetGame().CreateObject("Land_CementWorks_ExpeditionB", "13265.441406 0.0 3619.531982").SetOrientation("-96.000000 0.000000 0.000000"); GetGame().CreateObject("Land_CementWorks_ExpeditionB", "13268.124023 0.0 3593.995361").SetOrientation("-96.000000 0.000000 0.000000"); GetGame().CreateObject("Land_CementWorks_ExpeditionB", "13270.844727 0.0 3568.186523").SetOrientation("-96.000000 0.000000 0.000000"); GetGame().CreateObject("Land_CementWorks_ExpeditionB", "13273.514648 0.0 3542.561279").SetOrientation("-96.000000 0.000000 0.000000"); GetGame().CreateObject("Land_CementWorks_ExpeditionB", "13276.195313 0.0 3517.048828").SetOrientation("-96.000000 0.000000 0.000000"); GetGame().CreateObject("Land_CementWorks_ExpeditionB", "13278.399414 0.0 3496.097900").SetOrientation("-96.000000 0.000000 0.000000"); Здесь (по примеру первой строки) 1 значение в скобках - id постройки/объекта, 2 значение - координаты в формате X Y Z, разделенные пробелом, 3 - значение поворота примерно в том же формате.
      Как это делать в Offline - статья от автора Offine:
      И так, инструкция:
      1. Добавляем в начало init.c файла в вашей mpmissions следующий код:
      #include "$CurrentDir:mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\spawn_buildings.c" 2. Создаем в папке вашей активной mpmissions файлик spawn_buildings.c и заполняем его следующей информацией.
      void SpawnObject( string type, vector position, vector orientation ) { private string NameBlockLog = "[CreateObject] "; private string InfoLog = ""; if(type != "") { auto obj = GetGame().CreateObject( type, "0 0 0" ); if(obj) { if ((position[0] != 0) && (position[1] != 0) && (position[2] != 0)) { obj.SetPosition( position ); obj.SetOrientation( orientation ); obj.Update(); if (obj.CanAffectPathgraph()) { obj.SetAffectPathgraph(true, false); GetGame().GetCallQueue(CALL_CATEGORY_SYSTEM).CallLater(GetGame().UpdatePathgraphRegionByObject, 100, false, obj); } InfoLog = "[Type: '" + obj.GetType() + "' Position: '" + obj.GetPosition().ToString() + "' Orientation: '" + obj.GetOrientation().ToString() + "']"; Write_Log(NameBlockLog + " Object has been created successfully! Info " + InfoLog); } else { InfoLog = "[Type: '" + type + "' Position: '" + position + "' Orientation: '" + orientation + "']"; Write_Log(NameBlockLog + " Object can't be created! Incorrect writed position. Info " + InfoLog); } } else { InfoLog = "[Type: '" + type + "' Position: '" + position + "' Orientation: '" + orientation + "']"; Write_Log(NameBlockLog + " Object can't be created! Info " + InfoLog); } } else { InfoLog = "[Type: '" + type + "' Position: '" + position + "' Orientation: '" + orientation + "']"; Write_Log(NameBlockLog + " Object can't be created! Incorrect writed type. Info " + InfoLog); } } void Write_Log(string message) { Print(String(message)); } 3. Открываем созданный нами файл,  и в конце файла дописываем следующее:
      void SpawnAirfeeldBuildings() { SpawnObject( "Land_CementWorks_ExpeditionB", "13251.875000 0.0 3748.525879", "-96.000000 0.000000 0.000000"); SpawnObject( "Land_CementWorks_ExpeditionB", "13254.599609 0.0 3722.703613", "-96.000000 0.000000 0.000000"); SpawnObject( "Land_CementWorks_ExpeditionB", "13257.344727 0.0 3696.718750", "-96.000000 0.000000 0.000000"); } void SpawnKrasnoBuildings() { SpawnObject( "Land_CementWorks_ExpeditionB", "13251.875000 0.0 3748.525879", "-96.000000 0.000000 0.000000"); SpawnObject( "Land_CementWorks_ExpeditionB", "13254.599609 0.0 3722.703613", "-96.000000 0.000000 0.000000"); SpawnObject( "Land_CementWorks_ExpeditionB", "13257.344727 0.0 3696.718750", "-96.000000 0.000000 0.000000"); } Где после void - название функции идет, а между открытыми скобками вызов спавна самих зданий на указанных координатах.
      На примере 1 строки:
      Land_CementWorks_ExpeditionB - id постройки (type)
      13251.875000 0.0 3748.525879 - координаты в формате X Y Z
      -96.000000 0.000000 0.000000 - значение поворота в формате X Y Z
      Внимание: id постройки и координаты в примере указаны не верные и требуют подключения дополнительной модификации для корректной работы!!! Координаты не соответствуют названию функции!!!
      4. открываем в MpMissions в папке с вашей активной миссией init.c и перед ЗАКРЫВАЮЩЕЙ скобкой '}' дописываем нужную нам функцию (это будет активация спавна на карте):
      SpawnAirfeeldBuildings(); 5. Готово, Запускайте сервер, и в scripts.log вы увидите процедуру спавна ваших зданий и увидите, спавнятся ли они на карте или нет.
      Можно написать конечно и более готовую, универсальную систему спавна на карте со считыванием конфигурации из файла, но я считаю это лишним.
      Как заполнить добавленные здания лутом на карте:
      вариант 1:
      вариант 2: вручную заполнить xml-файл  mapgrouppos.xml в mpmssions данными о местоположении зданий, где rpy - значение поворота здания в формате Z Y X
      С помощью данной статьи вы можете разместить любой элемент игры(постройку, животное, зомби, бота), доступный к спавну через любую модификацию-админ. панель. Очень полезный мод в этом смысле BuilderItems, с его помощью можно творить поистину интересные локации!
    • Автор: Venom21
      Появилась такая проблема, нужно закрыть некоторые слоты под одежду, когда на определённый слот одет предмет…
      пример: возьмём экзоскелет от Фидова, там есть две версии которая одеваеться как на тело и ноги, и есть которая одеваться на разгрузку и пояс, так вот, нужно например чтобы при одетом экзаче на тело и ноги слоты под пояс и разгрузку блокировались, либо только под определенные предметы, если есть интерес то цену можем в личке обсудить…
      P.S. Разрешение от Фидова на переделку и переупаковку есть)
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