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Flag - No Deploy 1.2

27,50 USD

   (1 review)

Buying products not through S-Platoon, you risk being deceived, or you can get a strike on your mod on Steam, because most users who sell products through PM and Discord, sell someone else's (stolen) mods. Be vigilant and do not let yourself be deceived

3 Screenshots

Product description


Если вы желаете сделать честный рейд баз на своём сервере -этот мод для вас
Данный знак запрещает строительство и размещение объектов в заданном радиусе(задаётся в файле конфигурации), делать пристройки, ставить палатки, бочки и т.д  - если он включен.
Используется для приватизации территории! Знак разбирается пилой и может быть установлен заново
Знак остаётся включён после рестарта!
Запрещает размещение грядок 
По всем вопросам в лс или Discord:     [SRS]siman#4011



If you want to make an honest raid of bases on your server - this mod is for you
This flag prohibits the construction and placement of objects in a given radius (60 meters by default), making extensions, putting up tents, barrels, etc. - if it is enabled.
Used for the privatization of the territory! The flag is disassembled with a saw and can be re-installed
The sign remains on after the restart!
Prohibits the placement of garden

It is possible to accept payment via paypal
For all questions in the bos or Discord: [SRS]siman#4011



What's New in Version 1.2



Сделан отдельный файл конфигурации - радиус запрета строительства и размещения объектов



A separate configuration file has been made - the radius of the prohibition of construction and placement of objects





Compatible version


Acceptance of the Terms of the marketplace


Terms of usage


Запрещено продавать или обменивать


It is forbidden to sell or exchange


Actions after purchase


Переупаковать в свою сборку


Repackage to your own assembly


All files published by users, thus s-platoon.ru is not responsible for their content. All copyrights belong to the specified owners. If you are the copyright holder of a file located on the site s-platoon.ru and if you do not want it to continue to be freely available, then we are ready to assist in the removal of this material. Just write to us using the feedback form.

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