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Создал файл constants.c, куда вставил следующий текст:
modded class GameConstants { /** * \defgroup Configurations for StaminaHandler class * \desc Configurations for StaminaHandler class * @{ */ // unit = currently percent (stamina max is 100) const int STAMINA_DRAIN_STANDING_SPRINT_PER_SEC = 1; //in units (how much sprint depletes stamina) const int STAMINA_DRAIN_CROUCHED_SPRINT_PER_SEC = 1; //in units (how much sprint in crouch depletes stamina) const int STAMINA_DRAIN_PRONE_SPRINT_PER_SEC = 1; //in units (how much sprint in prone depletes stamina) const int STAMINA_DRAIN_SWIM_FAST_PER_SEC = 1; //in units (how much fast swimming depletes stamina) const int STAMINA_DRAIN_LADDER_FAST_PER_SEC = 1; //in units (how much fast ladder climb depletes stamina) const float STAMINA_DRAIN_HOLD_BREATH = 0.2; //in units (how much holding breath depletes stamina) const float STAMINA_DRAIN_JUMP = 6; // in units (how much jumping depletes stamina) const float STAMINA_DRAIN_VAULT = 10; // in units (how much jumping depletes stamina) const float STAMINA_DRAIN_CLIMB = 15; // in units (how much jumping depletes stamina) const float STAMINA_DRAIN_MELEE_LIGHT = 2; //in units (how much light melee punch depletes stamina) const float STAMINA_DRAIN_MELEE_HEAVY = 3; //in units (how much heavy melee punch depletes stamina) const float STAMINA_DRAIN_MELEE_EVADE = 3; // in units (how much evade depletes stamina) const int STAMINA_GAIN_JOG_PER_SEC = 2; //in units (how much of stamina units is gained while jogging) const int STAMINA_GAIN_WALK_PER_SEC = 4; //in units (how much of stamina units is gained while walking) const int STAMINA_GAIN_IDLE_PER_SEC = 5; //in units (how much of stamina units is gained while iddling) const int STAMINA_GAIN_SWIM_PER_SEC = 1; //in units (how much of stamina units is gained while slowly swim) const int STAMINA_GAIN_LADDER_PER_SEC = 1; //in units (how much of stamina units is gained while slowly swim) const float STAMINA_GAIN_BONUS_CAP = 3.0; //in units (tells how much extra units can be added at best to stamina regain) const float STAMINA_KG_TO_STAMINAPERCENT_PENALTY = 0.75; //in units (by how many units is max stamina bar reduced for each 1 kg of load weight) const float STAMINA_MIN_CAP = 5; //in units (overload won't reduce max stamina bar under this value) const float STAMINA_HOLD_BREATH_THRESHOLD = 10; // in units const float STAMINA_JUMP_THRESHOLD = 20; // in units const float STAMINA_MELEE_HEAVY_THRESHOLD = STAMINA_DRAIN_MELEE_HEAVY; // in units (how many units we need to make a heavy hit in melee) const float STAMINA_MELEE_EVADE_THRESHOLD = 8; // in units const float STAMINA_REGEN_COOLDOWN_DEPLETION = 0.45; // in secs (how much time we will spend in cooldown before the stamina will starts with regeneration) const float STAMINA_REGEN_COOLDOWN_EXHAUSTION = 0.5; const float STAMINA_WEIGHT_LIMIT_THRESHOLD = 6000; //! in grams (weight where the player is not penalized by stamina) const float STAMINA_KG_TO_GRAMS = 1000; //for kg to g conversion const float STAMINA_SYNC_RATE = 1; //in secs const float STAMINA_MAX = 100; /** @}*/ /** * \defgroup Configurations for Environment class * \desc Configurations for Environment class * @{ */ const float ENVIRO_TICK_RATE = 2; //! in secs. how often should enviro effet process const float ENVIRO_TICKS_TO_WETNESS_CALCULATION = 2; //! each X (ticks) is processed wetness on items on player const float ENVIRO_TICK_ROOF_RC_CHECK = 10; //! in secs. how often we should check if player is under the roof (raycast) const float ENVIRO_WET_INCREMENT = 0.01; //! amount of wetness added to items wet value each tick if is raining const float ENVIRO_DRY_INCREMENT = 0.0005; //! amount of wetness subtracted from items wet value each tick if is not raining due to player heat const float ENVIRO_SUN_INCREMENT = 0.002; //! amount of wetness subtracted from items wet value each tick if is not raining due to sun const float ENVIRO_CLOUD_DRY_EFFECT = 0.1; //! how many % of ENVIRO_SUN_INCREMENT is reduced by cloudy sky const float ENVIRO_CLOUDS_TEMP_EFFECT = 0.1; //! how many % of environment temperature can be lowered by clouds const float ENVIRO_FOG_TEMP_EFFECT = 0.2; //! how many % of environment temperature can be lowered by fog const float ENVIRO_WET_PENALTY = 0.5; //! at which state of item wetness (0-1) will heat isolation start having negative effect on heat comfort of item const float ENVIRO_WET_PASSTHROUGH_COEF = 0.1; //! how many times slower is wetting/drying items in backpacks const float ENVIRO_ITEM_HEAT_TRANSFER_COEF = 0.01; //! converts temperature of items to entities heatcomfort gain const float ENVIRO_WATER_TEMPERATURE_COEF = 0.5; //! how many time is water colder than air const float ENVIRO_DEFAULT_ENTITY_HEAT = 0.5; //! heat entity generates if not moving const float ENVIRO_TEMPERATURE_HEIGHT_REDUCTION = 0.0065; //! amount of ?C reduced for each 100 meteres of height above water level const float ENVIRO_TEMPERATURE_INSIDE_COEF = 1.25; //! increases temp in interiors const float ENVIRO_TEMPERATURE_UNDERROOF_COEF = 1.1; const float ENVIRO_WIND_EFFECT = 1; //! amount of % wind affect drying/wetting const float ENVIRO_HIGH_NOON = 12; //! when is sun highest on sky const float ENVIRO_HEATCOMFORT_HEADPARTS_WEIGHT = 0.3; //! how much this head parts (clothing) affects final heatcomfort const float ENVIRO_HEATCOMFORT_BODYPARTS_WEIGHT = 1.0; //! how much this body parts (clothing) affects final heatcomfort const float ENVIRO_HEATCOMFORT_FEETPARTS_WEIGHT = 0.5; //! how much this feet parts (clothing) affects final heatcomfort const float ENVIRO_LOW_TEMP_LIMIT = -40; //! lowest temperature(deg Celsius) where the player gets lowest possible heat comfort (-1) const float ENVIRO_HIGH_TEMP_LIMIT = 50; //! highest temperature(deg Celsius) where the player gets highest possible heat comfort (1) const float ENVIRO_PLAYER_COMFORT_TEMP = 18; //! comfort temperature of environment for the player //! impact of item wetness to the heat isolation const float ENVIRO_ISOLATION_WETFACTOR_DRY = 1.0; const float ENVIRO_ISOLATION_WETFACTOR_DAMP = 0.75; const float ENVIRO_ISOLATION_WETFACTOR_WET = 0.5; const float ENVIRO_ISOLATION_WETFACTOR_SOAKED = 0.0; const float ENVIRO_ISOLATION_WETFACTOR_DRENCHED = -1.0; //! impact of item health (state) to the heat isolation const float ENVIRO_ISOLATION_HEALTHFACTOR_PRISTINE = 1.0; const float ENVIRO_ISOLATION_HEALTHFACTOR_WORN = 0.75; const float ENVIRO_ISOLATION_HEALTHFACTOR_DAMAGED = 0.5; const float ENVIRO_ISOLATION_HEALTHFACTOR_B_DAMAGED = 0.25; const float ENVIRO_ISOLATION_HEALTHFACTOR_RUINED = 0.0; //! impact of item health (state) to absorbency const float ENVIRO_ABSORBENCY_HEALTHFACTOR_PRISTINE = 1.0; const float ENVIRO_ABSORBENCY_HEALTHFACTOR_WORN = 0.75; const float ENVIRO_ABSORBENCY_HEALTHFACTOR_DAMAGED = 0.5; const float ENVIRO_ABSORBENCY_HEALTHFACTOR_B_DAMAGED = 0.25; const float ENVIRO_ABSORBENCY_HEALTHFACTOR_RUINED = 0.0; /** @}*/ /** * \defgroup Cars Fluids * \desc Constants for car fluids * @{ */ const int CARS_FLUIDS_TICK = 1; const int CARS_LEAK_TICK_MIN = 0.02; const int CARS_LEAK_TICK_MAX = 0.05; const int CARS_LEAK_THRESHOLD = 0.5; /** @}*/ /** * \defgroup Item Health States (ItemBase.GetHealthLevel) * \desc Constants for Item Health States * @{ */ const int STATE_RUINED = 4; const int STATE_BADLY_DAMAGED = 3; const int STATE_DAMAGED = 2; const int STATE_WORN = 1; const int STATE_PRISTINE = 0; /** @}*/ /** * \defgroup Item Wetness States (ItemBase.GetWet) * \desc Constants for Item Wetness States * @{ */ const float STATE_DRENCHED = 0.8; const float STATE_SOAKING_WET = 0.5; const float STATE_WET = 0.25; const float STATE_DAMP = 0.05; const float STATE_DRY = 0; /** @}*/ /** * \defgroup Barel related functions constants * \desc Barel related functions constants * @{ */ const int BAREL_LIME_PER_PELT = 100; //grams per pelt const int BAREL_BLEACH_PER_CLOTH = 50; //ml per item const float BAREL_LIME_PER_PLANT = 50; //grams per gram /** @}*/ /** * \defgroup FOV settings * \desc Constats for setting of DayZPlayerCamera FOV */ //! FOV (vertical angle/2) in radians. Take care to modify also in "basicDefines.hpp" const float DZPLAYER_CAMERA_FOV_EYEZOOM = 0.3926; // 45deg const float DZPLAYER_CAMERA_FOV_IRONSIGHTS = 0.5236; // 60deg const string DEFAULT_CHARACTER_NAME = "#str_cfgvehicles_survivor0"; //experiment, used to be "Survivor" const int DEFAULT_CHARACTER_MENU_ID = -1; }
Всё это дело сохранил, и вставил по такому пути @REservermod\Addons\REservermod\scripts\3_Game (Естественно папку REservermod запаковал в pbo).
Мод @REservermod загрузил на сервер, прописал в строке запуска. Однако, стамина по прежнему ваниль.
Вот что у меня прописано в Конфиге.cpp, который лежит тут @REservermod\Addons\REservermod
class CfgPatches // требуется обязательно { class REservermod // требуется обязательно, совпадает с именем мода { units[]={}; // may be not worked weapons[]={}; // may be not worked requiredVersion=0.1; // may be not worked requiredAddons[]={"DZ_Data", "DZ_Scripts"}; }; }; class CfgMods // // требуется обязательно, совпадает с именем мода { class REservermod { dir = "REservermod"; // Имя папки мода, совпадает с именем мода picture = ""; // Картинка в описании мода action = ""; // Ссылка, например вот так: action = ""; hideName = 1; // Не уверен, что этот параметр работает hidePicture = 1; // Не уверен, что этот параметр работает name = "REservermod"; // Имя мода (а также его внутреннее скриптовое имя) logoSmall = "Mods/TestMod/modlogosmall.tga"; // значок рядом с именем мода, если описание не развернуто logo = "Mods/TestMod/modlogo.tga"; // логотип под меню игры logoOver = "Mods/TestMod/modlogohover.tga"; // при наведении курсора мыши на логотип tooltip = "tooltip"; // подсказка при наведении курсора мыши overview = "REservermod"; // Описание credits = "Ghost"; // credits author = "Ghost"; // author authorID = "0"; // author steam ID version = "1.0"; // version extra = 0; // Не уверен, что этот параметр работает type = "mod"; // требуется обязательно, остается неизменным dependencies[]={"Game"}; // необязательно, если необходимо установить зависимость класса class defs { class engineScriptModule { value=""; // если значение пустое, используется функция ввода по умолчанию files[]={"REservermod/scripts/1_Core"}; // вы можете добавить любое количество файлов или каталогов, и они будут скомпилированы вместе с оригинальными скриптами игрового модуля }; class gameLibScriptModule { value=""; files[]={"REservermod/scripts/2_GameLib"}; }; class gameScriptModule { //value="CreateGameMod"; // когда значение заполнено, имя функции ввода модуля скрипта по умолчанию перезаписывается им value = ""; files[]={"REservermod/scripts/3_Game"}; }; class worldScriptModule { value=""; files[]={"REservermod/scripts/4_World"}; }; class missionScriptModule { value=""; files[]={"REservermod/scripts/5_Mission"}; }; }; // Если какой-то из разделов скриптинга вам не нужен и вы не сибираетесь его паковать, сотрите необходимый блок с ним выше и в массиве dependencies }; };
Прошу разъяснить, что я сделал не так. Думаю, вопрос очень актуален.
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