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Спам в логах

Я не знаю что это, мне кажется все фигня из-за кастомного лута




19:08:31 Creation of object Agent 0x234f0b80 failed, state LOGGED IN
19:08:32 Creation of object Agent 0x2b230100 failed, state LOGGED IN
19:08:32 Creation of object Agent 0x1e052140 failed, state LOGGED IN
19:08:32 Creation of object Agent 0x2b1e6180 failed, state LOGGED IN
19:08:32 Creation of object Agent 0x2bc54240 failed, state LOGGED IN
19:08:32 Creation of object Agent 0x1dfd0680 failed, state LOGGED IN
19:08:32 Creation of object Agent 0x2bcf0700 failed, state LOGGED IN
19:08:32 Creation of object Agent 0x2bd0c880 failed, state LOGGED IN
19:08:32 Creation of object Agent 0x2bd168c0 failed, state LOGGED IN
19:08:32 No owner
19:08:32 Creation of object Agent 0x2bd20980 failed, state LOGGED IN
19:08:32 Creation of object Agent 0x2bd2aac0 failed, state LOGGED IN
19:08:33 Creation of object Agent 0x2bd340c0 failed, state LOGGED IN
19:08:33 Creation of object Agent 0x2bd3e200 failed, state LOGGED IN
19:08:33 Creation of object Agent 0x2c5fc240 failed, state LOGGED IN
19:08:33 Creation of object Agent 0x2c606280 failed, state LOGGED IN
19:08:33 Creation of object Agent 0x2c6102c0 failed, state LOGGED IN
19:08:33 Creation of object Agent 0x2c61a300 failed, state LOGGED IN
19:08:33 Creation of object Agent 0x2c62a440 failed, state LOGGED IN
19:08:33 Creation of object Agent 0x2c634480 failed, state LOGGED IN
19:08:33 Creation of object Agent 0x2c2f0540 failed, state LOGGED IN
19:08:33 Creation of object Agent 0x2c2fa700 failed, state LOGGED IN
19:08:33 Creation of object Agent 0x2c3107c0 failed, state LOGGED IN
19:08:34 Creation of object Agent 0x2c31aac0 failed, state LOGGED IN
19:08:34 No owner
19:08:34 Creation of object Agent 0x2c3360c0 failed, state LOGGED IN
19:08:34 Creation of object Agent 0x2bff0100 failed, state LOGGED IN
19:08:34 Creation of object Agent 0x2bffa140 failed, state LOGGED IN
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 2b8d3900# 981836: basin_a.p3d
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 2b8d1d00# 981840: ch_mod_c.p3d
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 2b8d1600# 981841: ch_mod_c.p3d
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 2b8d0f00# 981842: chair.p3d
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 2b8d0800# 981843: hospital_bench.p3d
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 2b84f200# 981846: conference_table_a.p3d
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 2b82e400# 981867: info_board_ep1.p3d
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 2b7ec100# 981884: chair.p3d
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 2b7db900# 981885: table.p3d
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 2b7db200# 981886: table.p3d
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 2b7dab00# 981887: chair.p3d
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 2b7b4f00# 981893: table.p3d
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 2b779600# 981912: table.p3d
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x234f0b80
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x2b230100
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x1e052140
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x2b1e6180
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x2bc54240
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x1dfd0680
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 1dfc8100# 981929: ch_mod_c.p3d
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 1dfdf900# 981930: table.p3d
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 1dfdf200# 981931: table.p3d
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x2bcf0700
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x2bd0c880
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x2bd168c0
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x2bd20980
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x2bd2aac0
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 2be5c100# 981952: chair.p3d
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 2be56b00# 981955: hospital_bench.p3d
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 2be56400# 981956: conference_table_a.p3d
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 2be55d00# 981957: ch_mod_c.p3d
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 2be54100# 981961: table.p3d
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x2bd340c0
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 2be0cf00# 981965: ch_mod_c.p3d
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 2be0c800# 981966: ch_mod_c.p3d
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 2be0c100# 981967: chair.p3d
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 2bde7900# 981968: hospital_bench.p3d
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 2bde6b00# 981970: conference_table_a.p3d
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 2bdea400# 981980: info_board_ep1.p3d
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 2bde8800# 981984: chair.p3d
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 2bde8100# 981985: table.p3d
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 2bddf900# 981986: table.p3d
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 2bddf200# 981987: chair.p3d
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 2bddc800# 981993: table.p3d
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 2bde0f00# 982001: table.p3d
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 2bdcf200# 982005: table.p3d
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 2bdceb00# 982006: hospital_bench.p3d
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 2bdbb200# 982011: chair.p3d
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 2bdbab00# 982012: chair.p3d
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 2bdba400# 982013: chair.p3d
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 2bdb8100# 982018: chair.p3d
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 2bdaf200# 982020: table.p3d
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 2bdaeb00# 982021: table.p3d
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 2bdadd00# 982023: chair.p3d
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 2bda3200# 982029: table.p3d
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 2bda2b00# 982030: chair.p3d
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x2bd3e200
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x2c5fc240
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x2c606280
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x2c6102c0
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x2c61a300
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x2c62a440
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x2c634480
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x2c2f0540
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x2c2fa700
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x2c3107c0
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x2c31aac0
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x2c3360c0
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object 2c379600# 982088: info_board_ep1.p3d
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x2bff0100
19:08:34 Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x2bffa140
19:08:36 ca\buildings2\a_advertisingcolumn\a_advertcolumn.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
19:08:36 ca\buildings2\a_advertisingcolumn\a_advertcolumn.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
19:08:36 ca\buildings2\a_advertisingcolumn\a_advertcolumn.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
19:08:36 ca\buildings2\a_advertisingcolumn\a_advertcolumn.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
19:08:36 "HIVE: Starting"
19:08:36 "HIVE: trying to get objects"
19:08:36 "HIVE: found 232 objects"
19:08:36 "HIVE: Commence Object Streaming..."
19:08:36 Ref to nonnetwork object 2c962040# 982565: rabbit.p3d
19:08:36 "HIVE: got 0 Epoch Objects and 232 Vehicles"
19:08:36 Ref to nonnetwork object 2ca2b040# 982566: suv.p3d
19:08:36 Ref to nonnetwork object 2ca2b040# 982566: suv.p3d
19:08:36 Ref to nonnetwork object 2ca2b040# 982566: suv.p3d
19:08:36 Ref to nonnetwork object 2ca2b040# 982566: suv.p3d
19:08:36 Ref to nonnetwork object 2ca2b040# 982566: suv.p3d
19:08:36 Ref to nonnetwork object 2ca2b040# 982566: suv.p3d
19:08:36 Ref to nonnetwork object 2ca2b040# 982566: suv.p3d
19:08:36 Ref to nonnetwork object 2ca2b040# 982566: suv.p3d
19:08:36 Ref to nonnetwork object 2ca2b040# 982566: suv.p3d
19:08:36 Ref to nonnetwork object 2ca2b040# 982566: suv.p3d
19:08:36 Ref to nonnetwork object 2ca2b040# 982566: suv.p3d
19:08:36 Ref to nonnetwork object 2ca2b040# 982566: suv.p3d
19:08:36 Ref to nonnetwork object 2ca2b040# 982566: suv.p3d
19:08:36 Ref to nonnetwork object 2ca2b040# 982566: suv.p3d
19:08:36 Ref to nonnetwork object 2ca2b040# 982566: suv.p3d
19:08:36 Ref to nonnetwork object 2ca2b040# 982566: suv.p3d
19:08:36 Ref to nonnetwork object 2ca2b040# 982566: suv.p3d
19:08:36 Ref to nonnetwork object 2ca2b040# 982566: suv.p3d
19:08:36 Ref to nonnetwork object 2ca2b040# 982566: suv.p3d
19:08:36 Ref to nonnetwork object 2ca2b040# 982566: suv.p3d
19:08:36 Ref to nonnetwork object 2ca2b040# 982566: suv.p3d
19:08:36 Ref to nonnetwork object 2ca2b040# 982566: suv.p3d
19:08:36 Ref to nonnetwork object 2ca2b040# 982566: suv.p3d
19:08:36 Ref to nonnetwork object 2ca2b040# 982566: suv.p3d
19:08:36 Ref to nonnetwork object 2ca2b040# 982566: suv.p3d
19:08:36 Ref to nonnetwork object 2ca2b040# 982566: suv.p3d
19:08:36 Ref to nonnetwork object 2ca2b040# 982566: suv.p3d
19:08:36 Ref to nonnetwork object 2ca2b040# 982566: suv.p3d
19:08:36 Ref to nonnetwork object 2ca2b040# 982566: suv.p3d
19:08:36 Ref to nonnetwork object 2ca2b040# 982566: suv.p3d
19:08:36 Ref to nonnetwork object 2ca2b040# 982566: suv.p3d
19:08:36 Ref to nonnetwork object 2ca2b040# 982566: suv.p3d
19:08:36 Ref to nonnetwork object 2ca2b040# 982566: suv.p3d
19:08:36 Ref to nonnetwork object 2ca2b040# 982566: suv.p3d
19:08:36 Ref to nonnetwork object 2ca2b040# 982566: suv.p3d
19:08:36 Ref to nonnetwork object 2ca2b040# 982566: suv.p3d
19:08:36 Ref to nonnetwork object 2ca2b040# 982566: suv.p3d
19:08:36 Ref to nonnetwork object 2ca2b040# 982566: suv.p3d
19:08:36 Ref to nonnetwork object 2ca2b040# 982566: suv.p3d
19:08:36 Ref to nonnetwork object 2c8f90c0# 982567: mmt.p3d
19:08:36 Ref to nonnetwork object 2c8f90c0# 982567: mmt.p3d
19:08:36 Ref to nonnetwork object 2c8f90c0# 982567: mmt.p3d
19:08:37 Ref to nonnetwork object 2c0b7040# 982568: suv.p3d
19:08:37 Ref to nonnetwork object 2c0b7040# 982568: suv.p3d
19:08:37 Ref to nonnetwork object 2c0b7040# 982568: suv.p3d
19:08:37 Ref to nonnetwork object 2c0b7040# 982568: suv.p3d
19:08:37 Ref to nonnetwork object 2c0b7040# 982568: suv.p3d 




Edited by mafan9 (see edit history)

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Сколько проблем на ровном месте. Тщательно всё тестируй прежде чем ставить. Читай код каждого скрипта который ставишь, внимательно смотри какие файлы заменяешь и так далее. Тогда проблем не будет. Они на ровном месте не появляются. А если ты уже навёл кашу - то тебе будет в ней сложно разобраться.

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