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By Tamirlan
Народ помогите! У меня проблема! В один момент все персонажи (игроки), когда залетают на остров одеты не в свою одежду и у всех в рюкзаках пустые пластиковые бутылки! не знаю вообще как это исправить! SOS! Есть подозрение что что то произошло с базой данных! но не уверен! Может кто сталкивался с такой проблемой? Как решали... не будьте равнодушными пожалуйста помогите... (началось с того что один из игроков покупал пластиковые бутылки и не заметил что купил слишком много что у него они стали вываливаться и появляться на земле (в рюкзаке место закончилось)) в момент покупки бутылок говорит что что то на секунду подвисло и после этого все кто залетает в игру стали появляться в его одежде и с бутылками. Это было вчера. Сегодня кто то купил одежду сантаклауса и теперь все появляются в одежде санты. Причем если корректно выйти из миссии и после зайти на последнюю точку подключения все ок. А если выбрать любой город то все как я описывал выше. Плиз помогите решить этот полтергейст!)
By DrTauren
Собственно, некоторым не нравится стандартный Statusbar, кому-то он не нужен, а кто-то хочет установить свой statusbar, для этого вам пригодится данная статья. Итак, как убрать стандартный statusbar в Altis Life:
1) Открываем description.ext и комментируем, либо удаляем эту строку:
#include "dialog\hud_stats.hpp" то есть должно получиться так (если кто не понял ):
2) Открываем файл core\functions\fn_hudSetup.sqf и комментируем эти строки:
disableSerialization; cutRsc ["playerHUD", "PLAIN", 2, false]; [] call life_fnc_hudUpdate; [] spawn { private["_dam"]; for "_i" from 0 to 1 step 0 do { _dam = damage player; waitUntil {(damage player) != _dam}; [] call life_fnc_hudUpdate; }; }; Результат:
3) Открываем файл core\functions\fn_hudUpdate.sqf и комментируем эти строки:
disableSerialization; if (isNull LIFEdisplay) then {[] call life_fnc_hudSetup;}; LIFEctrl(2200) progressSetPosition (life_hunger / 100); LIFEctrl(2201) progressSetPosition (1 - (damage player)); LIFEctrl(2202) progressSetPosition (life_thirst / 100); Примеры того как это должно выглядеть есть выше, не буду повторяться.
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By DrTauren
На сколько я знаю, есть другой скрипт для создания системы крафта на сервер Altis Life, но данная статья позволит сделать это в разы проще. Без необходимости изменять кучу всего.
1) Идём в папку core и создаем в ней папку craft. Затем в ней создаём файлы fn_craft.sqf, fn_craft_update.sqf, fn_craft_updateFilter.sqf, fn_craftAction.sqf и fn_craftCfg.sqf
2) В файл fn_craft.sqf вставляем этот код:
private["_dialog","_inv","_itemInfo","_filter"]; //Declare all private variables if(!dialog) then { //Verify if the window is open createDialog "Life_craft"; }; disableSerialization; //Disable Serialization if(life_is_processing) exitWith{ closeDialog 2001; closeDialog 0; }; _dialog = findDisplay 666; //find the craft dialog/window _inv = _dialog displayCtrl 669; //find the listbox of items can be created lbClear _inv; //clear the listbox _filter = _dialog displayCtrl 673; _filter lbAdd localize "STR_CRAFT_FILTER_Weapon"; _filter lbSetData[(lbSize _filter)-1,"weapon"]; _filter lbAdd localize "STR_CRAFT_FILTER_Uniform"; _filter lbSetData[(lbSize _filter)-1,"uniform"]; _filter lbAdd localize "STR_CRAFT_FILTER_Backpack"; _filter lbSetData[(lbSize _filter)-1,"backpack"]; _filter lbAdd localize "STR_CRAFT_FILTER_Item"; _filter lbSetData[(lbSize _filter)-1,"item"]; _filter lbSetCurSel 0; 3) В файл fn_craft_update.sqf вставляем это:
#include "..\..\script_macros.hpp" private["_dialog","_inv","_mats","_item","_struct","_str","_invSize","_matsNeed","_matsNum","_config","_itemFilter"]; //Declare all private variables disableSerialization; //Disable Serialization _dialog = findDisplay 666; //find the craft dialog/window _inv = _dialog displayCtrl 669; //find the listbox of items can be created _mats = _dialog displayCtrl 672; _struct = ""; if ((lbCurSel 669) == -1) exitWith {hint localize "STR_ISTR_SelectItemFirst";}; _item = lbData[669,(lbCurSel 669)]; _itemFilter = lbData[673,(lbCurSel 673)]; _config = [_itemFilter] call life_fnc_craftCfg; { if (_item == _x select 0) then { _matsNeed = _x select 1; _invSize = count _matsNeed; for [{_i = 0},{_i < _invSize - 1},{_i = _i + 2}] do { _str = M_CONFIG(getText,"VirtualItems",(_matsNeed select _i),"displayName"); _matsNum = _matsNeed select _i+1; _struct = _struct + format["%1x %2<br/>",_matsNum,(localize _str)]; }; }; } foreach (_config); if (_struct == "") then { _struct = "Es wird nichts benötigt"; }; _mats ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format[" <t size='0.8px'> %1 </t> ",_struct]; 4) В fn_craft_updateFilter.sqf:
#include "..\..\script_macros.hpp" disableSerialization; private["_list","_filter","_dialog","_inv","_mats","_filterBox","_item","_itemFilter"]; _dialog = findDisplay 666; //find the craft dialog/window _inv = _dialog displayCtrl 669; //find the listbox of items can be created _mats = _dialog displayCtrl 672; _filterBox = _dialog displayCtrl 673; _itemFilter = lbData[673,(lbCurSel 673)]; lbClear _inv; _struct = ""; _config = [_itemFilter] call life_fnc_craftCfg; { if(_itemFilter == "item") then{ _str = localize M_CONFIG(getText,"VirtualItems",(_x select 0),"displayName"); _inv lbAdd format["%1",_str]; //add a gun to the listbox _inv lbSetData[(lbSize _inv)-1,_x select 0]; //set the data of the gun } else { _itemInfo = [_x select 0] call life_fnc_fetchCfgDetails; _inv lbAdd format["%1",_itemInfo select 1]; //add a gun to the listbox _inv lbSetData[(lbSize _inv)-1,_itemInfo select 0]; //set the data of the gun _inv lbSetPicture[(lbSize _inv)-1,_itemInfo select 2]; }; } foreach (_config); _inv lbSetCurSel 0; _item = lbData[669,(lbCurSel 669)]; _config = [_itemFilter] call life_fnc_craftCfg; { if(_item == _x select 0)then { _matsNeed = _x select 1; _invSize = count _matsNeed; for [{_i = 0},{_i < _invSize - 1},{_i = _i + 2}] do { _str = M_CONFIG(getText,"VirtualItems",(_matsNeed select _i),"displayName"); _matsNum = _matsNeed select _i+1; _struct = _struct + format["%1x %2<br/>",_matsNum,(localize _str)]; }; }; } foreach (_config); _mats ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format[" <t size='0.8px'> %1 </t> ",_struct]; 5) В fn_craftAction.sqf:
#include "..\..\script_macros.hpp" private["_dialog","_item","_itemInfo","_oldItem","_newItem","_upp","_itemName","_ui","_progress","_pgText","_cP","_allMaterial","_matsNeed","_invSize","_handledItem","_itemFilter","_backpackOldItems","_weight","_weightUsedItems"]; disableSerialization; _dialog = findDisplay 666; if((lbCurSel 669) isEqualTo -1) xitWith {hint localize "STR_ISTR_SelectItemFirst";}; _item = lbData[669,(lbCurSel 669)]; _allaterial = true; _itemFilter = lbData[673,(lbCurSel 673)]; _matsNeed = 0; _config = [_itemFilter] call life_fnc_craftCfg; life_action_inUse = true;//Lock out other actions during processing. { if (_item isEqualTo (_x select 0))then { _matsNeed = _x select 1; _invSize = count _matsNeed; for [{_i=0},{_i<_invSize-1},{_i=_i+2}] do { _matsNum = _matsNeed select _i+1; if ((ITEM_VALUE(_matsNeed select _i)) < _matsNum) then {_allMaterial = false;}; }; }; } foreach (_config); _newItem = _item; diag_log format ["%1",allMaterial]; if (!_allMaterial) exitWith {hint localize "STR_PM_NoMaterial"; life_action_inUse = false;}; //Some checks if ((count _matsNeed) isEqualTo 0) exitWith {life_action_inUse = false;}; if (_itemFilter isEqualTo "backpack" && backpack player != "") exitWith { //hint localize "STR_CRAFT_AR_Backpack"; hint "Remove your backpack before making a new one."; life_action_inUse = false; }; if (_itemFilter isEqualTo "uniform" && uniform player != "") exitWith { //hint localize "STR_CRAFT_AR_Uniform"; hint "Remove your uniform before making a new one."; life_action_inUse = false; }; if (_itemFilter isEqualTo "weapon") then { if (!(player canAdd _newItem) || currentWeapon player != "") exitWith { hint localize "STR_NOTF_NoRoom"; life_action_inUse = false; }; }; if (_itemFilter isEqualTo "item") then { _weight = [_item] call life_fnc_itemWeight; _weightUsedItems = 0; for [{_i=0},{_i<(count _matsNeed)-1},{_i=_i+2}] do { _matsNum = _matsNeed select _i+1; _weightUsedItems = _weightUsedItems + (([(_matsNeed select _i)] call life_fnc_itemWeight) * _matsNum); diag_log format ["%1 - %2",(_matsNeed select _i),_weightUsedItems]; } if ((life_carryWeight - _weightUsedItems + _weight) > life_maxWeight) exitWith { hint localize "STR_NOTF_NoRoom"; life_action_inUse = false; }; }; _oldItem = _matsNeed; if (_itemFilter isEqualTo "item") then { _itemName = localize M_CONFIG(getText,"VirtualItems",_newItem,"displayName"); } else { _itemInfo = [_newItem] call life_fnc_fetchCfgDetails; _itemName = _itemInfo select 1; }; life_is_processing = true; _upp = format["Crafting %1",_itemName]; closeDialog 0; //Setup our progress bar. disableSerialization; 5 cutRsc ["life_progress","PLAIN"]; _ui = uiNamespae getVariable "life_progress"; _progress = _ui displayCtrl 38201; _pgText = _ui displayCtrl 38202; _pgText ctrlSetText format["%2 (1%1)...","%",_upp]; _progress progressSetPosition 0.01; _cP = 0.01; _removeItemSuccess = true; _invSize = count _oldItem; for [{_i=0},{_i<_invSize-1},{_i=_i+2}] do { _handledItem = (_oldItem select _i); if(!([false,_handledItem,_oldItem select _i+1] call life_fnc_handleInv)) exitWith {_removeItemSuccess = false;}; }; if (!_removeItemSuccess) exitWith {5 cutText ["","PLAIN"]; life_is_processing = false; life_action_inUse = false;}; for "_i" from 0 to 1 step 0 do { sleep 0.3; _cP = _cP + 0.01; _progress progressSetPosition _cP; _pgText ctrlSetText format["%3 (%1%2)...",round(_cP * 100),"%",_upp]; if(_cP >= 1) exitWith {}; }; if (_itemFilter isEqualTo "backpack") then { if(backpack player isEqualTo "") then { player addBackpack _newItem; } else { hint localize "STR_CRAFT_AR_Backpack"; life_is_processing = false; life_action_inUse = false; }; }; if (_itemFilter isEqualTo "uniform") then{ if(uniform player isEqualTo "") then{ player addUniform _newItem; } else { hint localize "STR_CRAFT_AR_Uniform"; life_is_processing = false; life_action_inUse = false; }; }; if (_itemFilter isEqualTo "weapon") then{ if(player canAdd _newItem) then{ player addIem _newItem; } else { if(currentWeapon player isEqualTo "") then{ player addWeapon _newItem; } else { 5 cutText ["","PLAIN"]; for [{_i=0},{_i<_invSize-1},{_i=_i+2}] do { _handledItem = (_oldItem select _i); [true,_handledItem,_oldItem select _i+1] call life_fnc_handleInv; }; life_is_processing = false; life_action_inUse = false; }; }; }; if (_itemFilter isEqualTo "item") then{ _handledItem = _newItem; [true,_handledItem,1] call life_fnc_handleInv; }; 5 cutText ["","PLAIN"]; titleText[format[localize "STR_CRAFT_Process",_itemName],"PLAIN"]; [0] call SOCK_fnc_updatePartial; life_is_processing = false; life_action_inUse = false; 6) В fn_craftCfg.sqf:
#include "..\..\script_macros.hpp" private["_craft","_return"]; _craft = param [0,"",[""]]; if(_craft == "") exitWith {closeDialog 0}; //Bad shop type passed. switch(_craft) do { case "weapon": { _return = [ //[Object classname, [item #1,quantity item #1,item #2,quantity item #2]],] ["hgun_Pistol_01_F", ["diamond_cut",2,"copper_refined",1]], ["SMG_01_F", ["gunbarrel",2,"copper_refined",5,"cloth",3,"diamond_uncut",2]], ["SMG_05_F", ["gunbarrel",1,"cloth",2,"copper_refined",4,"diamond_uncut",1]], ["hgun_PDW2000_F", ["gunbarrel",1,"cloth",1,"copper_refined",3]], ["optic_Aco", ["diamond_cut",2,"glass",2,"iron_refined",1]], ["optic_ACO_grn", ["diamond_cut",2,"glass",2,"iron_refined",1]], ["optic_Holosight", ["diamond_cut",3,"glass",3,"iron_refined",2]] ]; }; case "uniform": { _return = [ //[Object classname, [item #1,quantity item #1,item #2,quantity item #2]],] ["U_BG_leader", ["diamond_cut",5,"cloth",5,"iron_refined",8]] ]; }; case "backpack": { _return = [ //[Object classname, [item #1,quantity item #1,item #2,quantity item #2]],] ["B_Carryall_mcamo", ["diamond_cut",1,"cloth",4,"kevlar",2]] ]; }; case "item": { _return = [ //[Object classname, [item #1,quantity item #1,item #2,quantity item #2]],] ["spikeStrip", ["copper_refined",2]], ["lockpick", ["copper_refined",1]] ]; }; }; _return; 7) Открываем файл functions.hpp и добавляем туда:
class Crafting { file = "core\craft"; class craft {}; class craftAction {}; class craftCfg {}; class craft_update {}; class craft_updateFilter {}; }; 8) Открываем stringtable.xml и добавляем это:
<Package name="Craft"> <Key ID="STR_CRAFT_Title"> <Original>Crafting Menu</Original> </Key> <Key ID="STR_PM_CraftStats"> <Original>Object to craft</Original> </Key> <Key ID="STR_PM_CraftMaterials"> <Original>Materials needed</Original> </Key> <Key ID="STR_CRAFT_Button"> <Original>Craft</Original> </Key> <Key ID="STR_PM_NoMaterial"> <Original>You do not have all the required materials</Original> </Key> <Key ID="STR_CRAFT_Process"> <Original>You have crafted: %1</Original> </Key> <Key ID="STR_CRAFT_FILTER_Weapon"> <Original>Weapons</Original> </Key> <Key ID="STR_CRAFT_FILTER_PWeapon"> <Original>Prim. Weapons</Original> </Key> <Key ID="STR_CRAFT_FILTER_HWeapon"> <Original>Sec. Weapons</Original> </Key> <Key ID="STR_CRAFT_FILTER_Ammo"> <Original>Ammos</Original> </Key> <Key ID="STR_CRAFT_FILTER_Uniform"> <Original>Uniforms</Original> </Key> <Key ID="STR_CRAFT_FILTER_Vest"> <Original>Vests</Original> </Key> <Key ID="STR_CRAFT_FILTER_Backpack"> <Original>Backpacks</Original> </Key> <Key ID="STR_CRAFT_FILTER_Item"> <Original>Items</Original> </Key> <Key ID="STR_CRAFT_AR_Question"> <Original>Would you like to equip this item?</Original> </Key> <Key ID="STR_CRAFT_AR_Backpack"> <Original>If you chose yes your current backpack will be deleted and replaced by the new one else it will spawn on the ground</Original> </Key> <Key ID="STR_CRAFT_AR_PWeapon"> <Original>If you chose yes your prim. weapon will be deleted and replaced by the new one else it will spawn on the ground</Original> </Key> <Key ID="STR_CRAFT_AR_HWeapon"> <Original>If you chose yes your sec. weapon will be deleted and replaced by the new one else it will spawn on the ground</Original> </Key> <Key ID="STR_CRAFT_AR_Uniform"> <Original>If you chose yes your current uniform will be deleted and replaced by the new one else it will spawn on the ground</Original> </Key> <Key ID="STR_CRAFT_AR_Vest"> <Original>If you chose yes your current vest will be deleted and replaced by the new one else it will spawn on the ground</Original> </Key> </Package> 9) Переходим в папку dialog и создаём там файл craft.hpp со следующим содержимым:
class Life_craft { idd = 666; name= "life_craft"; movingEnable = false; enableSimulation = true; onLoad = "[] spawn life_fnc_craft"; class controlsBackground { class Life_RscTitleBackground:Life_RscText { colorBackground[] = {"(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_R',0.3843])", "(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_G',0.7019])", "(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_B',0.8862])", "(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_A',0.7])"}; idc = -1; x = 0.1; y = 0.2; w = 0.8; h = (1 / 25); }; class MainBackground:Life_RscText { colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0.7}; idc = -1; x = 0.1; y = 0.2 + (11 / 250); w = 0.8; h = 0.6 - (22 / 250); }; }; class controls { class Title : Life_RscTitle { colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; idc = 667; text = "$STR_CRAFT_Title"; x = 0.1; y = 0.2; w = 0.6; h = (1 / 25); }; class craftListHeader : Life_RscText { idc = 668; colorBackground[] = {"(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_R',0.3843])", "(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_G',0.7019])", "(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_B',0.8862])", 0.5}; text = "$STR_PM_CraftStats"; sizeEx = 0.04; x = 0.105; y = 0.26; w = 0.275; h = 0.04; }; //Craft list class craftList : life_RscListBox { idc = 669; sizeEx = 0.030; onLBSelChanged = "[] spawn life_fnc_craft_update"; x = 0.105; y = 0.31; w = 0.275; h = 0.44; }; //Materials list header class materialListHeader : Life_RscText { idc = 670; colorBackground[] = {"(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_R',0.3843])", "(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_G',0.7019])", "(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_B',0.8862])", 0.5}; text = "$STR_PM_CraftMaterials"; sizeEx = 0.04; x = 0.395; y = 0.26; w = 0.275; h = 0.04; }; //Materials list class materialList : Life_RscControlsGroup { idc = 671; w = 0.275; h = 0.44; x = 0.395; y = 0.30; class Controls { class mats : Life_RscStructuredText { idc = 672; sizeEx = 0.020; text = ""; x = 0; y = 0; w = 0.27; h = 0.44; }; }; }; //FILTER class FilterList : Life_RscCombo { idc = 673; colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0.7}; onLBSelChanged = "[] call life_fnc_craft_updateFilter"; x = 0.69; y = 0.32; w = (6.25 / 30); h = (1 / 25); }; //Craft button class ButtonCraft : Life_RscButtonMenu { idc = 674; text = "$STR_CRAFT_Button"; colorBackground[] = {"(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_R',0.3843])", "(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_G',0.7019])", "(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_B',0.8862])", 0.5}; onButtonClick = "if(!life_is_processing) then {[] spawn life_fnc_craftAction};"; x = 0.69; y = 0.26; w = (6.25 / 40); h = (1 / 25); }; class CloseButtonKey : Life_RscButtonMenu { idc = -1; text = "$STR_Global_Close"; onButtonClick = "closeDialog 0;"; x = 0.1; y = 0.8 - (1 / 25); w = (6.25 / 40); h = (1 / 25); }; }; }; 10) Открываем файл Masterhandler.hpp и добавляем туда:
#include "craft.hpp" 11) В папке dialogs открываем player_inv.hpp и добавляем код:
class ButtonCrafting: Life_RscButtonMenu { idc = 2025; text = "Crafting"; onButtonClick = "createDialog ""Life_craft"";"; x = 0.1 + (6.25 / 19.8) + (1 / 250 / (safezoneW / safezoneH)); y = 0.805; w = (6.25 / 40); h = (1 / 25); };
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