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Помгите с ошибкой

При установке скрипта "Открытие информации о предмете "

начал спамить в rpt массив :


//start loop
while {P2_INSPECT_ENABLE} do {
//declare this here instead of down there because it is used in both scopes

//get near objects (P2_INSPECT_DISTANCE meters)
_nearObjects = player nearObjects P2_INSPECT_DISTANCE;



вот что в логе:



13:23:47 Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
13:23:47 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\p2_inspectLoop.sqf, line 62
13:23:48 Bad conversion: array
13:23:48 Error in expression <_nearObjects"];

_nearObjects = player nearObjects P2_INSPECT_DISTANCE;



Пишет что "ошибка в выражении  _nearObjects"];"

а что именно не так я не пойму((

Помогите с этим разобраться. Заранее благодарен!!!

Edited by Chaser (see edit history)

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< плохо ошибку читаете. Значки в Арме не просто так придуманы (< - знак меньше или позади _nearObjects"];"). Файл полностью приложите, а не часть кода.

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гайд полностью.



и вот мой файл.



    Player2's Inspect Item Script
    Version: 1.0
    /*--Configuration Options----------------------------------------------------
    //enable/disable this script (you could do it here or just remove its execVM, up to you m8)
    P2_INSPECT_ENABLE = true;
    //distance at which items can be inspected (default: 2.75)
    /*--End of Configuration Options---------------------------------------------
    /*--Start of Script----------------------------------------------------------
    //set up global vars
    //ensure user didnt fuck up the config
    if (isNil 'P2_INSPECT_DISTANCE') then { P2_INSPECT_DISTANCE = 2.75; };
    if (isNil 'P2_INSPECT_ENABLE') then { P2_INSPECT_ENABLE = true; };
    //	make sure key function exists / hasnt been renamed by exile mod team
    //declare these
    //initialise these
    _timeSlept 	= 0;
    _errorMsg 	= "P2_INSPECT: Error - ExileMod has removed or renamed the key function 'ExileClient_gui_itemDetails_show'";
    _quit 		= false;
    	//wait 10 seconds per check
    	uiSleep 10; 
    	//add to total time waited so far
    	_timeSlept = _timeSlept + 10;
    	//wait up to 30 seconds for function to be defined
    	if (_timeSlept > 30) exitWith {
    		//30 second limit reached, function isnt gonna be found bruh
    		_quit = true;
    	//if function exists, continue
    	!isNil 'ExileClient_gui_itemDetails_show';
    //output error messages before quitting
    if (_quit) exitWith { 
    //start loop
    while {P2_INSPECT_ENABLE} do {
    	//declare this here instead of down there because it is used in both scopes
    	//get near objects (P2_INSPECT_DISTANCE meters)
    	_nearObjects = player nearObjects P2_INSPECT_DISTANCE;
    	//wait a moment so we retrieve the objects properly (script would only fail without this on super slow systems surrounded by items)
    	sleep 0.01;
    	//for all nearby objects found
    		//declare our private vars for this scope
    		private ["_obj", "_mags", "_weps", "_bags", "_items", "_full"];
    		//store current object
    		_obj = _x;
    		//if object not the player themselves
    		if (player != _obj && ((vehicle player) != _obj) && !isNull _obj && (typeOf _obj == "GroundWeaponHolder")) then {
    			//get object contents
    			_mags  = getMagazineCargo 	_obj;
    			_weps  = getWeaponCargo 	_obj;
    			_bags  = getBackpackCargo 	_obj;
    			_items = getItemCargo 		_obj;
    			//we only want the classnames, not the amount of items there are, so we select 0
    			_mags  = _mags 	select 0;
    			_weps  = _weps 	select 0;
    			_bags  = _bags 	select 0;
    			_items = _items select 0;
    			//combine object contents into 1 array
    			_full = []; _full = _mags + _weps + _bags + _items;
    			//if there are items in the object
    			if (count _full > 0) then {
    				//for all things inside the object
    					//declare our privates for this scope
    					private ["_itemClassName", "_configName", "_itemDispName", "_inspectActionText", "_inspectAction"];
    					//store classname
    					_itemClassName = _x;
    					//retrieve configname
    					_configName = _itemClassName call ExileClient_util_gear_getConfigNameByClassName;
    					//retrieve item display name
    					_itemDispName = getText (configFile >> _configName >> _itemClassName >> "displayname");
    					//Create inspect text
    					_inspectActionText = ("Inspect " + _itemDispName);
    					//Add scroll action
    					_inspectAction = player addAction [
    						_inspectActionText, //scroll text
    						//code that gets run when action is clicked
    							//needed since we're calling a dialog script
    							//use input vars (see below) to call up the item detail menu
    							[_this select 3 select 0, _this select 3 select 1] call ExileClient_gui_itemDetails_show;
    							//ensure that while the menu is open that the consume/construct/inspect buttons cannot be clicked
    							[] spawn {
    								//while dialog is open
    								while {(str(uiNameSpace getVariable ["RscExileItemDetailsDialog", displayNull]) != "No display")} do {
    									_dialog = uiNameSpace getVariable ["RscExileItemDetailsDialog", displayNull];
    									(_dialog displayCtrl 1300) ctrlEnable false; //disable consume button
    									(_dialog displayCtrl 1301) ctrlEnable false; //disable inspect button
    									(_dialog displayCtrl 1303) ctrlEnable false; //disable construct button
    						//vars parsed to code (see above)
    						[_configName, _itemClassName],
    						//priority (lower the number the lower priority)
    						//show text in center screen
    						//hide on use?
    					//add action to our array of all inspect actions
    					INSPECT_ITEM_ACTIONS set [count INSPECT_ITEM_ACTIONS, _inspectAction];
    				} count _full;
    				//wait until player is no longer near the object or the object is null
    				waitUntil {
    					//lonely private var is lonely
    					//hold up a moment, we dont want to run this every 0.00001 seconds now do we?
    					uiSleep 0.1;
    					//if undefined it should default to this and assume the items gone and exit
    					_dist = P2_INSPECT_DISTANCE + 1;
    					//if item not found, it is null
    					if (isNil '_obj') then { _obj = objNull; };
    					//if item not null, check distance from it
    					if (!isNull _obj) then {
    						_dist = player distance _obj;
    					//if item is null, then set distance to > P2_INSPECT_DISTANCE so it exits
    					} else {
    						_dist = P2_INSPECT_DISTANCE + 1;
    					//if item distance > P2_INSPECT_DISTANCE, then exit, otherwise keep loopin'
    					(_dist > P2_INSPECT_DISTANCE)
    				//remove all actions now that player has moved away from object
    				{ player removeAction _x } count INSPECT_ITEM_ACTIONS;
    	} count _nearObjects;
    	//wait a moment before checking nearby objects again - using uiSleep as we're not waiting for code to process
    	uiSleep 0.667;
    }; //byPlayer2




Edited by Chaser (see edit history)

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