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Всех приветствую. Такая проблема у меня. Пытаюсь на основе ванильных экшен крафтов сделать свой. Вроде сделал крафт и регистрацию, но в игре когда держу предмет действие не появляется. Вот код
class ActionMyCraftCourierBagCB : ActionContinuousBaseCB
private const float TIME_TO_CRAFT_BurlapSack = 5;
override void CreateActionComponent()
m_ActionData.m_ActionComponent = new CAContinuousTime(TIME_TO_CRAFT_BurlapSack);
class ActionMyCraftCourierBag: ActionContinuousBase
void ActionMyCraftCourierBag()
m_CallbackClass = ActionMyCraftCourierBagCB;
m_CommandUID = DayZPlayerConstants.CMD_ACTIONFB_CRAFTING;
m_FullBody = true;
m_StanceMask = DayZPlayerConstants.STANCEMASK_ERECT;
m_SpecialtyWeight = UASoftSkillsWeight.ROUGH_LOW;
m_Text = "#развернуть";
override void CreateConditionComponents()
m_ConditionTarget = new CCTSelf;
m_ConditionItem = new CCINonRuined;
override bool ActionCondition(PlayerBase player, ActionTarget target, ItemBase item)
EntityAI inHandItem = player.GetItemInHands();
if (inHandItem && inHandItem.GetType() == "BurlapSack")
return true;
return false;
override void OnFinishProgressServer( ActionData action_data )
EntityAI item_ingredient = action_data.m_MainItem;
EntityAI bag;
bag = action_data.m_Player.SpawnEntityOnGroundPos("CourierBag", action_data.m_Player.GetPosition());
MiscGameplayFunctions.TransferItemProperties(item_ingredient, bag);
modded class ActionConstructor
override void RegisterActions(TTypenameArray actions)
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