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Всем привет! Делаю карту с нуля. В редакторе возникли проблемы с MapLegend. MapLegend создавал в фотошопе, цвета брал из  gtt_export.

При генерировании слоя выдаёт ошибку Layers generation - Bad texel mapping for surface mask image (379.453x379.453).


[## Export settings ##]
scaling enabled = True
tiling enabled = 0
tile resolution = 4096
real terrain size (m) = 12700

[## Terrain Details ##]
grid size = 4096 x 4096
cell size (m) = 3.076171875
terrain size (m) = 12600
satmap size (px) = 12600 x 12600
resolution (m/px) = 1.0

[## Surface entries ##]
road = (193, 114, 170)  #c172aa
concrete = (249, 44, 212)  #f92cd4
water = (91, 137, 223)  #5b89df
grass = (80, 148, 55)  #509437
field = (128, 197, 46)  #80c52e
forest = (0, 94, 26)  #005e1a
dirt = (126, 62, 6)  #7e3e06
sand = (203, 190, 0)  #cbbe00


class Layers
	class cp_grass
	   texture = "I:\DZ\surfaces\data\terrain\cp_grass_ca.paa";
	   material = "I:\DZ\surfaces\data\terrain\cp_grass.rvmat";
	class cp_dirt
		texture = "I:\DZ\surfaces\data\terrain\cp_dirt_ca.paa";
		material = "I:\DZ\surfaces\data\terrain\cp_dirt.rvmat";
	class cp_road
		texture = "I:\DZ\surfaces\data\terrain\cp_rock_ca.paa"
		material = "I:\DZ\surfaces\data\terrain\cp_rock.rvmat";
	class cp_concrete
		texture = "I:\DZ\surfaces\data\terrain\cp_concrete_ca.paa";
		material = "I:\DZ\surfaces\data\terrain\cp_concrete.rvmat";

class Legend 
  picture = "I:\B\source\MapLegend.png";
  class Colors
	cp_grass[] = {{80, 148, 55}};
	cp_road[] = {{193, 114, 170}};
	cp_dirt[] = {{126, 62, 6}};
	cp_concrete[] = {{249, 44, 212}};



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Edited by slyfoxcrew (see edit history)

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