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Не наследуются слоты при дропе

Сделал два конфига:

В первом редактировал части тел мутантов  из нх, аод, модовских пауков и ванильного мишку. Изменял  хп, имена, слоты, добавил нх радиацию аод частям.
Во втором конфиге так же редактировал имена, хп, мутантов и добавил дроп с них частей мутантов из первого конфига.


При спавне админкой части тела работают исправно 
При разделывании модовских пауков, ванильного медведя и аод мутантов все работает

Собственно проблема: 

При разделывании нх мутантов спавнятся нужные части тела и наследуют имена+хп но слоты почему-то не наследуются и проблема не только в нх частях тела - при добавлении аод частей тела в дроп нх мутантам они перестают наследовать слоты прописанные в первом конфиге)

Как решить проблему или куда копать?


class CfgPatches
	class aa_rebalance_mutant
		units[] = {};
		weapons[] = {};
		requiredVersion = 0.1;
		requiredAddons[] = {"DZ_Scripts","DZ_Data","DZ_Gear_Food","DZ_Animals","DZ_Data_Bliss","DZ_AI_Bliss","DZ_Weapons_Melee","NH_Mutants","dbo_spiders","DZ_Characters_Zombies"};
class CfgVehicles

	class NH_BloodSucker;
	class NH_BloodSucker_Bolot;
	class NH_BloodSucker_noLoot;
	class NH_BloodSucker_Bolot_noLoot;
	class NH_Kontroler;
	class NH_Kontroler_noLoot;
	class NH_PsiDog;
	class NH_PsiDog_noLoot;
	class NH_PseudoGiant;
	class NH_Snork;
	class Mutant_AoD_Himera1;
	class Mutant_AoD_Himera2;
	class Mutant_AoD_Himera3;
	class Mutant_AoD_Tark1_Female;
	class Mutant_AoD_Tark1_Male;
	class Mutant_AoD_Tark_Child;
	class Mutant_AoD_Tushkano1_Easy;
	class Mutant_AoD_Tushkano2_Easy;
	class Mutant_AoD_Tushkano3_Easy;
	class Mutant_AoD_Izlom1_Easy;
	class Mutant_AoD_Izlom2_Easy;
	class Mutant_AoD_Izlom3_Easy;
	class Mutant_AoD_Fresh1_Easy;
	class Mutant_AoD_Fresh2_Easy;
	class Mutant_AoD_Fresh3_Easy;
	class Mutant_AoD_Cat_Bayn1;
	class Mutant_AoD_Cat_Bayn2;
	class Mutant_AoD_Cat_Bayn3;
	class Mutant_AoD_Dog_Red;
	class Mutant_AoD_Dog_White;
	class Mutant_AoD_Dog_Fur;
	class Mutant_AoD_Dog_Brown;
	class Mutant_AoD_Pse_Dog1;
	class Mutant_AoD_Pse_Dog2;
	class Zombi_AoD_Duty_Zorya;
	class Zombi_AoD_Freedom_Zorya;
	class Zombi_AoD_Loner_Zorya;
	class Mutant_AoD_Forester1;
	class Mutant_AoD_Rat_Wolf;
	class Mutant_AoD_Poltergeist;
	class Zombi_AoD_Novice1;
	class Zombi_AoD_Novice4;
	class Zombi_AoD_Novice7;
	class BPZMB_Goliy;
	class BPZMB_Samara;
	class Animal_UrsusArctos;
	class Animal_dbo_spiderMomma;
	class Animal_dbo_spider;
	class Animal_dbo_spiderb;

	class aa_NH_BloodSucker: NH_BloodSucker
		scope = 2;
		class Skinning
			class ObtainedPelt
				item = "NH_krovosos_jaw";
				count = 0;
				quantityCoef = 0;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
			class ObtainedGuts
				item = "Guts";
				count = 0;
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0};
			class ObtainedBones
				item = "Bones";
				count = 0;
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0};
				transferToolDamageCoef = 0;
			class ObtainedPelt2
				item = "aa_NH_krovosos_jaw";
				count = 1;
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 5;
			class DamageZones
				class Head
					class Health
						hitpoints = 700;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
							class Shock
								damage = 1.5;
						class FragGrenade
							class Health
								damage = 1;
					componentNames[] = {"Head","Neck"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Headgear","Mask"};
				class Torso
					class Health
						hitpoints = 900;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class ArmorType
						class FragGrenade
							class Health
								damage = 0.2;
					componentNames[] = {"Spine1","Spine3"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Vest","Body","Back"};
					inventorySlotsCoefs[] = {1,1,0.5};
				class LeftArm
					class Health
						hitpoints = 1000;
					class ArmorType
						class FragGrenade
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"LeftArm","LeftForeArm"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
				class RightArm
					class Health
						hitpoints = 1000;
					class ArmorType
						class FragGrenade
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"RightArm","RightForeArm"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
				class LeftLeg
					class Health
						hitpoints = 20000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class FragGrenade
							class Health
								damage = 0;
					componentNames[] = {"LeftLeg","LeftUpLeg"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Legs"};
				class RightLeg
					class Health
						hitpoints = 20000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class FragGrenade
							class Health
								damage = 0;
					componentNames[] = {"RightLeg","RightUpLeg"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Legs"};
				class LeftFoot
					class Health
						hitpoints = 20000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.1;
					class ArmorType
						class FragGrenade
							class Health
								damage = 0;
					transferToZonesNames[] = {"LeftLeg"};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.1};
					componentNames[] = {"LeftFoot"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Feet"};
				class RightFoot
					class Health
						hitpoints = 20000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.1;
					class ArmorType
						class FragGrenade
							class Health
								damage = 0;
					transferToZonesNames[] = {"RightLeg"};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.1};
					componentNames[] = {"RightFoot"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Feet"};
		class aa_NH_BloodSucker_Bolot: NH_BloodSucker_Bolot
		scope = 2;
		class Skinning
			class ObtainedPelt
				item = "aa_NH_krovosos_jaw";
				count = 1;
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
			class ObtainedGuts
				item = "Guts";
				count = 0;
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.5,1};
			class ObtainedBones
				item = "Bones";
				count = 0;
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.25,1};
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 5;
			class DamageZones
				class Head
					class Health
						hitpoints = 700;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
							class Shock
								damage = 1.5;
						class FragGrenade
							class Health
								damage = 1;
					componentNames[] = {"Head","Neck"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Headgear","Mask"};
				class Torso
					class Health
						hitpoints = 900;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class ArmorType
						class FragGrenade
							class Health
								damage = 0.2;
					componentNames[] = {"Spine1","Spine3"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Vest","Body","Back"};
					inventorySlotsCoefs[] = {1,1,0.5};
				class LeftArm
					class Health
						hitpoints = 1000;
					class ArmorType
						class FragGrenade
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"LeftArm","LeftForeArm"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
				class RightArm
					class Health
						hitpoints = 1000;
					class ArmorType
						class FragGrenade
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"RightArm","RightForeArm"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
				class LeftLeg
					class Health
						hitpoints = 20000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class FragGrenade
							class Health
								damage = 0;
					componentNames[] = {"LeftLeg","LeftUpLeg"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Legs"};
				class RightLeg
					class Health
						hitpoints = 20000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class FragGrenade
							class Health
								damage = 0;
					componentNames[] = {"RightLeg","RightUpLeg"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Legs"};
				class LeftFoot
					class Health
						hitpoints = 20000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.1;
					class ArmorType
						class FragGrenade
							class Health
								damage = 0;
					transferToZonesNames[] = {"LeftLeg"};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.1};
					componentNames[] = {"LeftFoot"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Feet"};
				class RightFoot
					class Health
						hitpoints = 20000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.1;
					class ArmorType
						class FragGrenade
							class Health
								damage = 0;
					transferToZonesNames[] = {"RightLeg"};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.1};
					componentNames[] = {"RightFoot"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Feet"};
	class aa_NH_BloodSucker_noLoot: NH_BloodSucker_noLoot
		scope = 2;
		class Skinning
			class ObtainedPelt
				item = "NH_krovosos_jaw";
				count = 0;
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
			class ObtainedGuts
				item = "Guts";
				count = 0;
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.5,1};
			class ObtainedBones
				item = "Bones";
				count = 0;
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.25,1};
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 900;
			class DamageZones
				class Head
					class Health
						hitpoints = 700;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
							class Shock
								damage = 1.5;
						class FragGrenade
							class Health
								damage = 1;
					componentNames[] = {"Head","Neck"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Headgear","Mask"};
				class Torso
					class Health
						hitpoints = 900;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class ArmorType
						class FragGrenade
							class Health
								damage = 0.2;
					componentNames[] = {"Spine1","Spine3"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Vest","Body","Back"};
					inventorySlotsCoefs[] = {1,1,0.5};
				class LeftArm
					class Health
						hitpoints = 1000;
					class ArmorType
						class FragGrenade
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"LeftArm","LeftForeArm"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
				class RightArm
					class Health
						hitpoints = 1000;
					class ArmorType
						class FragGrenade
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"RightArm","RightForeArm"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
				class LeftLeg
					class Health
						hitpoints = 20000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class FragGrenade
							class Health
								damage = 0;
					componentNames[] = {"LeftLeg","LeftUpLeg"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Legs"};
				class RightLeg
					class Health
						hitpoints = 20000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class FragGrenade
							class Health
								damage = 0;
					componentNames[] = {"RightLeg","RightUpLeg"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Legs"};
				class LeftFoot
					class Health
						hitpoints = 20000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.1;
					class ArmorType
						class FragGrenade
							class Health
								damage = 0;
					transferToZonesNames[] = {"LeftLeg"};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.1};
					componentNames[] = {"LeftFoot"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Feet"};
				class RightFoot
					class Health
						hitpoints = 20000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.1;
					class ArmorType
						class FragGrenade
							class Health
								damage = 0;
					transferToZonesNames[] = {"RightLeg"};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.1};
					componentNames[] = {"RightFoot"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Feet"};
	class aa_NH_BloodSucker_Bolot_noLoot: NH_BloodSucker_Bolot_noLoot
		scope = 2;
		class Skinning
			class ObtainedPelt
				item = "NH_krovosos_jaw";
				count = 0;
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
			class ObtainedGuts
				item = "Guts";
				count = 0;
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.5,1};
			class ObtainedBones
				item = "Bones";
				count = 0;
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.25,1};
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 900;
			class DamageZones
				class Head
					class Health
						hitpoints = 700;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
							class Shock
								damage = 1.5;
						class FragGrenade
							class Health
								damage = 1;
					componentNames[] = {"Head","Neck"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Headgear","Mask"};
				class Torso
					class Health
						hitpoints = 900;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class ArmorType
						class FragGrenade
							class Health
								damage = 0.2;
					componentNames[] = {"Spine1","Spine3"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Vest","Body","Back"};
					inventorySlotsCoefs[] = {1,1,0.5};
				class LeftArm
					class Health
						hitpoints = 1000;
					class ArmorType
						class FragGrenade
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"LeftArm","LeftForeArm"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
				class RightArm
					class Health
						hitpoints = 1000;
					class ArmorType
						class FragGrenade
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"RightArm","RightForeArm"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
				class LeftLeg
					class Health
						hitpoints = 20000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class FragGrenade
							class Health
								damage = 0;
					componentNames[] = {"LeftLeg","LeftUpLeg"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Legs"};
				class RightLeg
					class Health
						hitpoints = 20000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class FragGrenade
							class Health
								damage = 0;
					componentNames[] = {"RightLeg","RightUpLeg"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Legs"};
				class LeftFoot
					class Health
						hitpoints = 20000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.1;
					class ArmorType
						class FragGrenade
							class Health
								damage = 0;
					transferToZonesNames[] = {"LeftLeg"};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.1};
					componentNames[] = {"LeftFoot"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Feet"};
				class RightFoot
					class Health
						hitpoints = 20000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.1;
					class ArmorType
						class FragGrenade
							class Health
								damage = 0;
					transferToZonesNames[] = {"RightLeg"};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.1};
					componentNames[] = {"RightFoot"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Feet"};
	class aa_NH_Kontroler: NH_Kontroler
		scope = 2;
		class Skinning
			class ObtainedPelt
				item = "aa_Mutant_AoD_Controller_Hand";
				count = 1;
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
			class ObtainedGuts
				item = "Guts";
				count = 0;
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0,0.1};
			class ObtainedBones
				item = "Bones";
				count = 0;
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.25,1};
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
			class ObtainedPelt2
				item = "aa_NH_Controller_Brain";
				count = 1;
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {1,1};
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;

		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 5;
					healthLevels[] = {{1,{}},{0.7,{}},{0.5,{}},{0.3,{}},{0,{}}};
			class DamageZones
				class Head
					class Health
						hitpoints = 2500;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 1;
					componentNames[] = {"Head"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Headgear","Mask"};
				class Torso
					class Health
						hitpoints = 3000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 1;
					componentNames[] = {"Spine1","Spine3"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Vest","Body","Back"};
				class LeftArm
					class Health
						hitpoints = 3000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 1;
					componentNames[] = {"LeftArm","LeftForeArm"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
				class RightArm
					class Health
						hitpoints = 3000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 1;
					componentNames[] = {"RightArm","RightForeArm"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
				class LeftLeg
					class Health
						hitpoints = 20000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0;
					componentNames[] = {"LeftLeg","LeftUpLeg"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Legs"};
				class RightLeg
					class Health
						hitpoints = 20000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0;
					componentNames[] = {"RightLeg","RightUpLeg"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Legs"};
				class LeftFoot
					class Health
						hitpoints = 20000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0;
					transferToZonesNames[] = {"LeftLeg"};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.1};
					componentNames[] = {"LeftFoot"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Feet"};
				class RightFoot
					class Health
						hitpoints = 20000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0;
					transferToZonesNames[] = {"RightLeg"};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.1};
					componentNames[] = {"RightFoot"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Feet"};
	class aa_NH_Kontroler_noLoot: NH_Kontroler_noLoot
		scope = 2;
		class Skinning
			class ObtainedPelt
				item = "Mutant_AoD_Controller_Hand";
				count = 0;
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
			class ObtainedGuts
				item = "Guts";
				count = 0;
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.5,1};
			class ObtainedBones
				item = "Bones";
				count = 0;
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.25,1};
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
			class ObtainedPelt2
				item = "alt_NH_Controller_Brain";
				count = 0;
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.1,1};
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 2500;
					healthLevels[] = {{1,{}},{0.7,{}},{0.5,{}},{0.3,{}},{0,{}}};
			class DamageZones
				class Head
					class Health
						hitpoints = 2500;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 1;
					componentNames[] = {"Head"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Headgear","Mask"};
				class Torso
					class Health
						hitpoints = 3000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 1;
					componentNames[] = {"Spine1","Spine3"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Vest","Body","Back"};
				class LeftArm
					class Health
						hitpoints = 3000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 1;
					componentNames[] = {"LeftArm","LeftForeArm"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
				class RightArm
					class Health
						hitpoints = 3000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 1;
					componentNames[] = {"RightArm","RightForeArm"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
				class LeftLeg
					class Health
						hitpoints = 20000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0;
					componentNames[] = {"LeftLeg","LeftUpLeg"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Legs"};
				class RightLeg
					class Health
						hitpoints = 20000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0;
					componentNames[] = {"RightLeg","RightUpLeg"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Legs"};
				class LeftFoot
					class Health
						hitpoints = 20000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0;
					transferToZonesNames[] = {"LeftLeg"};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.1};
					componentNames[] = {"LeftFoot"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Feet"};
				class RightFoot
					class Health
						hitpoints = 20000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0;
					transferToZonesNames[] = {"RightLeg"};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.1};
					componentNames[] = {"RightFoot"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Feet"};
	class aa_NH_PsiDog: NH_PsiDog
		scope = 2;
		class Skinning
			class ObtainedPelt
				item = "aa_NH_PsiDog_tail";
				count = 1;
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
			class ObtainedGuts
				item = "Guts";
				count = 0;
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.5,1};
			class ObtainedBones
				item = "Bones";
				count = 0;
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {1,1};
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 450;
					healthLabels[] = {1,0.7,0.5,0.3,0};
				class Blood
					hitpoints = 5000;
				class Shock
					hitpoints = 5000;
	class aa_NH_PsiDog_noLoot: NH_PsiDog_noLoot
		scope = 2;

		class Skinning
			class ObtainedPelt
				item = "aa_NH_PsiDog_tail";
				count = 0;
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
			class ObtainedGuts
				item = "Guts";
				count = 0;
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.5,1};
			class ObtainedBones
				item = "Bones";
				count = 0;
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {1,1};
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 450;
					healthLabels[] = {1,0.7,0.5,0.3,0};
				class Blood
					hitpoints = 5000;
				class Shock
					hitpoints = 5000;
	class aa_NH_PseudoGiant: NH_PseudoGiant
		scope = 2;

		class Skinning
            class ObtainedPelt
                item = "aa_NH_GiantEye";
                count = 1;
                quantityCoef = 1;
                transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
            class ObtainedGuts
                item = "Guts";
                count = 0;
                quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.5,1};
            class ObtainedBones
                item = "Bones";
                count = 0;
                quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.25,1};
                transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
    class aa_NH_Snork: NH_Snork
		scope = 2;

		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 800;
			class DamageZones
				class Head
					class Health
						hitpoints = 600;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
							class Shock
								damage = 1.5;
						class FragGrenade
							class Health
								damage = 1;
				class Torso
					class Health
						hitpoints = 800;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class ArmorType
						class FragGrenade
							class Health
								damage = 0.2;
					componentNames[] = {"bip01_pelvis","bip01_spine"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
				class LeftArm
					class Health
						hitpoints = 800;
					class ArmorType
						class FragGrenade
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"leftarm","bip01_l_forearm"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
				class RightArm
					class Health
						hitpoints = 800;
					class ArmorType
						class FragGrenade
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"rightarm","bip01_l_forearm"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
				class LeftLeg
					class Health
						hitpoints = 30000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class FragGrenade
							class Health
								damage = 0;
					componentNames[] = {"LeftLeg","LeftUpLeg"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
				class RightLeg
					class Health
						hitpoints = 30000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class FragGrenade
							class Health
								damage = 0;
					componentNames[] = {"RightLeg","RightUpLeg"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
				class LeftFoot
					class Health
						hitpoints = 20000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.1;
					class ArmorType
						class FragGrenade
							class Health
								damage = 0;
					transferToZonesNames[] = {"LeftLeg"};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.1};
					componentNames[] = {"LeftFoot"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
				class RightFoot
					class Health
						hitpoints = 20000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.1;
					class ArmorType
						class FragGrenade
							class Health
								damage = 0;
					transferToZonesNames[] = {"RightLeg"};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.1};
					componentNames[] = {"RightFoot"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
			class Skinning
				class ObtainedPelt
					item = "aa_NH_SnorkFoot";
					count = 1;
					quantityCoef = 1;
					transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
				class ObtainedGuts
					item = "Guts";
					count = 0;
					quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.5,1};
				class ObtainedBones
					item = "Bones";
					count = 0;
					quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.25,1};
					transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
		class aa_NH_Snork_noLoot: NH_Snork
		scope = 2;

		class Skinning
			class ObtainedPelt
				item = "aa_NH_SnorkFoot";
				count = 0;
				quantityCoef = 0;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
			class ObtainedGuts
				item = "Guts";
				count = 0;
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.5,1};
			class ObtainedBones
				item = "Bones";
				count = 0;
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.25,1};
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
	class aa_Mutant_AoD_Himera1: Mutant_AoD_Himera1
		scope = 2;

		class Skinning
			class ObtainedPelt
				item = "aa_Mutant_AoD_Himera_Kogot";
				count = 1;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Legs_Front","Zone_Legs_Back"};
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
			class ObtainedSteaks
				item = "MutantHimeraSteakMeat";
				count = 0;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Belly","Zone_Pelvis"};
				countByZone[] = {1,1};
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.7,1};
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 19000;
				class Blood
					hitpoints = 5000;
				class Shock
					hitpoints = 5000;
			class DamageZones
				class Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Head"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.1;
					canBleed = 0;
					class Health
						hitpoints = 17000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class Blood: Health
						hitpoints = 5000;
					class Shock: Health
						hitpoints = 5000;
					class ArmorType
						class Melee
							class Health
								damage = 0.51;
						class Projectile: Melee
							class Health: Health
								damage = 0.56;
						class FragGrenade: Melee{};
				class Zone_Neck: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Neck"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.1;
					class Health
						hitpoints = 23000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class ArmorType: ArmorType
						class Melee: Melee
							class Health: Health
								damage = 0.15;
						class Projectile: Projectile
							class Health: Health
								damage = 0.8;
				class Zone_Belly: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Belly"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.01;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 23000;
					class ArmorType: ArmorType
						class Melee: Melee
							class Health: Health
								damage = 0.3;
				class Zone_Pelvis: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Pelvis"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.01;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 23000;
					class ArmorType: ArmorType
						class Melee: Melee
							class Health: Health
								damage = 0.3;
				class Zone_Legs: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Legs"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.01;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 23000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0;
	class aa_Mutant_AoD_Himera2: Mutant_AoD_Himera2
		scope = 2;

		class Skinning
			class ObtainedPelt
				item = "aa_Mutant_AoD_Himera_Kogot";
				count = 1;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Legs_Front","Zone_Legs_Back"};
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
			class ObtainedSteaks
				item = "MutantHimeraSteakMeat";
				count = 0;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Belly","Zone_Pelvis"};
				countByZone[] = {1,1};
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.7,1};
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 19000;
				class Blood
					hitpoints = 5000;
				class Shock
					hitpoints = 5000;
			class DamageZones
				class Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Head"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.1;
					canBleed = 0;
					class Health
						hitpoints = 17000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class Blood: Health
						hitpoints = 5000;
					class Shock: Health
						hitpoints = 5000;
					class ArmorType
						class Melee
							class Health
								damage = 0.51;
						class Projectile: Melee
							class Health: Health
								damage = 0.56;
						class FragGrenade: Melee{};
				class Zone_Neck: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Neck"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.1;
					class Health
						hitpoints = 23000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class ArmorType: ArmorType
						class Melee: Melee
							class Health: Health
								damage = 0.15;
						class Projectile: Projectile
							class Health: Health
								damage = 0.8;
				class Zone_Belly: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Belly"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.01;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 23000;
					class ArmorType: ArmorType
						class Melee: Melee
							class Health: Health
								damage = 0.3;
				class Zone_Pelvis: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Pelvis"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.01;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 23000;
					class ArmorType: ArmorType
						class Melee: Melee
							class Health: Health
								damage = 0.3;
				class Zone_Legs: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Legs"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.01;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 23000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0;
	class aa_Mutant_AoD_Himera3: Mutant_AoD_Himera3
		scope = 2;

		class Skinning
			class ObtainedPelt
				item = "aa_Mutant_AoD_Himera_Kogot";
				count = 1;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Legs_Front","Zone_Legs_Back"};
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
			class ObtainedSteaks
				item = "MutantHimeraSteakMeat";
				count = 0;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Belly","Zone_Pelvis"};
				countByZone[] = {1,1};
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.7,1};
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 19000;
				class Blood
					hitpoints = 5000;
				class Shock
					hitpoints = 5000;
			class DamageZones
				class Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Head"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.1;
					canBleed = 0;
					class Health
						hitpoints = 17000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class Blood: Health
						hitpoints = 5000;
					class Shock: Health
						hitpoints = 5000;
					class ArmorType
						class Melee
							class Health
								damage = 0.51;
						class Projectile: Melee
							class Health: Health
								damage = 0.56;
						class FragGrenade: Melee{};
				class Zone_Neck: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Neck"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.1;
					class Health
						hitpoints = 23000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class ArmorType: ArmorType
						class Melee: Melee
							class Health: Health
								damage = 0.15;
						class Projectile: Projectile
							class Health: Health
								damage = 0.8;
				class Zone_Belly: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Belly"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.01;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 23000;
					class ArmorType: ArmorType
						class Melee: Melee
							class Health: Health
								damage = 0.3;
				class Zone_Pelvis: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Pelvis"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.01;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 23000;
					class ArmorType: ArmorType
						class Melee: Melee
							class Health: Health
								damage = 0.3;
				class Zone_Legs: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Legs"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.01;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 23000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0;
	class aa_Mutant_AoD_Tark1_Female: Mutant_AoD_Tark1_Female
		scope = 2;

		class Skinning
			class ObtainedPelt
				item = "aa_Mutant_AoD_Tark_Horn";
				count = 1;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Neck","Zone_Head"};
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
			class ObtainedSteaks
				item = "MutantTarkSteakMeat";
				count = 0;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Belly","Zone_Pelvis"};
				countByZone[] = {1,1};
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.7,1};
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 9000;
				class Blood
					hitpoints = 5000;
				class Shock
					hitpoints = 5000;
			class DamageZones
				class Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Head"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.1;
					canBleed = 0;
					class Health
						hitpoints = 6000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class Blood: Health
						hitpoints = 5000;
					class Shock: Health
						hitpoints = 5000;
					class ArmorType
						class Melee
							class Health
								damage = 0.51;
						class Projectile: Melee
							class Health: Health
								damage = 0.56;
						class FragGrenade: Melee{};
				class Zone_Neck: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Neck"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.1;
					class Health
						hitpoints = 9000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class ArmorType: ArmorType
						class Melee: Melee
							class Health: Health
								damage = 0.15;
						class Projectile: Projectile
							class Health: Health
								damage = 0.8;
				class Zone_Belly: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Belly"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.01;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 9000;
					class ArmorType: ArmorType
						class Melee: Melee
							class Health: Health
								damage = 0.3;
				class Zone_Pelvis: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Pelvis"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.01;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 9000;
					class ArmorType: ArmorType
						class Melee: Melee
							class Health: Health
								damage = 0.3;
				class Zone_Legs: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Legs"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.01;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 9000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0;
	class aa_Mutant_AoD_Tark1_Male: Mutant_AoD_Tark1_Male
		scope = 2;

		class Skinning
			class ObtainedPelt
				item = "aa_Mutant_AoD_Tark_Horn";
				count = 1;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Neck","Zone_Head"};
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
			class ObtainedSteaks
				item = "MutantTarkSteakMeat";
				count = 0;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Belly","Zone_Pelvis"};
				countByZone[] = {1,1};
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.7,1};
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 9000;
				class Blood
					hitpoints = 5000;
				class Shock
					hitpoints = 5000;
			class DamageZones
				class Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Head"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.1;
					canBleed = 0;
					class Health
						hitpoints = 6000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class Blood: Health
						hitpoints = 5000;
					class Shock: Health
						hitpoints = 5000;
					class ArmorType
						class Melee
							class Health
								damage = 0.51;
						class Projectile: Melee
							class Health: Health
								damage = 0.56;
						class FragGrenade: Melee{};
				class Zone_Neck: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Neck"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.1;
					class Health
						hitpoints = 9000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class ArmorType: ArmorType
						class Melee: Melee
							class Health: Health
								damage = 0.15;
						class Projectile: Projectile
							class Health: Health
								damage = 0.8;
				class Zone_Belly: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Belly"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.01;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 9000;
					class ArmorType: ArmorType
						class Melee: Melee
							class Health: Health
								damage = 0.3;
				class Zone_Pelvis: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Pelvis"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.01;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 9000;
					class ArmorType: ArmorType
						class Melee: Melee
							class Health: Health
								damage = 0.3;
				class Zone_Legs: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Legs"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.01;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 9000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0;
	class aa_Mutant_AoD_Tark_Child: Mutant_AoD_Tark_Child
		scope = 2;

		class Skinning
			class ObtainedPelt
				item = "aa_Mutant_AoD_Tark_Horn";
				count = 1;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Neck","Zone_Head"};
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
			class ObtainedSteaks
				item = "MutantTarkSteakMeat";
				count = 0;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Chest","Zone_Pelvis"};
				countByZone[] = {1,1};
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.5,1};
			class ObtainedBones
				item = "Bone";
				count = 0;
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.05,1};
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
	class aa_Mutant_AoD_Tushkano1_Easy: Mutant_AoD_Tushkano1_Easy
		scope = 2;
		class Skinning
			class ObtainedSteaks
				item = "MutantTushkanoSteakMeat";
				count = 0;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Chest","Zone_Spine_Front"};
				countByZone[] = {1,1};
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.5,1};
			class ObtainedPelt
				item = "aa_NH_leTushkano_Head";
				count = 1;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Head","Zone_Neck"};
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 150;
				class Blood
					hitpoints = 5000;
				class Shock
					hitpoints = 250;
			class DamageZones
				class Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Head"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.15;
					canBleed = 0;
					class Health
						hitpoints = 150;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class Blood: Health
						hitpoints = 0;
					class Shock: Health
						hitpoints = 0;
				class Zone_Neck: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Neck"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 150;
				class Zone_Chest: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Chest"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 150;
				class Zone_Spine: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Spine_Front"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 150;
				class Zone_Legs: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Legs_Front"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 150;
	class aa_Mutant_AoD_Tushkano2_Easy: Mutant_AoD_Tushkano2_Easy
		scope = 2;
		class Skinning
			class ObtainedSteaks
				item = "MutantTushkanoSteakMeat";
				count = 0;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Chest","Zone_Spine_Front"};
				countByZone[] = {1,1};
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.5,1};
			class ObtainedPelt
				item = "aa_NH_leTushkano_Head";
				count = 1;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Head","Zone_Neck"};
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 150;
				class Blood
					hitpoints = 5000;
				class Shock
					hitpoints = 250;
			class DamageZones
				class Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Head"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.15;
					canBleed = 0;
					class Health
						hitpoints = 150;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class Blood: Health
						hitpoints = 0;
					class Shock: Health
						hitpoints = 0;
				class Zone_Neck: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Neck"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 150;
				class Zone_Chest: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Chest"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 150;
				class Zone_Spine: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Spine_Front"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 150;
				class Zone_Legs: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Legs_Front"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 150;
	class aa_Mutant_AoD_Tushkano3_Easy: Mutant_AoD_Tushkano3_Easy
		scope = 2;
		class Skinning
			class ObtainedSteaks
				item = "MutantTushkanoSteakMeat";
				count = 0;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Chest","Zone_Spine_Front"};
				countByZone[] = {1,1};
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.5,1};
			class ObtainedPelt
				item = "aa_NH_leTushkano_Head";
				count = 1;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Head","Zone_Neck"};
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 150;
				class Blood
					hitpoints = 5000;
				class Shock
					hitpoints = 250;
			class DamageZones
				class Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Head"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.15;
					canBleed = 0;
					class Health
						hitpoints = 150;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class Blood: Health
						hitpoints = 0;
					class Shock: Health
						hitpoints = 0;
				class Zone_Neck: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Neck"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 150;
				class Zone_Chest: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Chest"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 150;
				class Zone_Spine: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Spine_Front"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 150;
				class Zone_Legs: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Legs_Front"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 150;
	class aa_Mutant_AoD_Izlom1_Easy: Mutant_AoD_Izlom1_Easy
		scope = 2;
		class Skinning
			class ObtainedSteaks
				item = "MutantIzlomSteakMeat";
				count = 0;
				itemZones[] = {"Spine1","Spine3"};
				countByZone[] = {1,1};
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.5,1};
			class ObtainedPelt
				item = "aa_Mutant_AoD_Izlom_Hand";
				count = 1;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_LeftArm","Zone_RightArm"};
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 175;
			class DamageZones
				class Head
					class Health
						hitpoints = 100;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"Head"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Headgear","Mask"};
				class Torso
					class Health
						hitpoints = 175;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"Spine1","Spine3"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Vest","Body","Back"};
				class LeftArm
					class Health
						hitpoints = 175;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"LeftArm","LeftForeArm"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
				class RightArm
					class Health
						hitpoints = 175;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"RightArm","RightForeArm"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
				class LeftLeg
					class Health
						hitpoints = 175;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"LeftLeg","LeftUpLeg"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Legs"};
				class RightLeg
					class Health
						hitpoints = 175;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"RightLeg","RightUpLeg"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Legs"};
				class LeftFoot
					class Health
						hitpoints = 175;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					transferToZonesNames[] = {"LeftLeg"};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.1};
					componentNames[] = {"LeftFoot"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Feet"};
				class RightFoot
					class Health
						hitpoints = 175;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					transferToZonesNames[] = {"RightLeg"};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.1};
					componentNames[] = {"RightFoot"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Feet"};
	class aa_Mutant_AoD_Izlom2_Easy: Mutant_AoD_Izlom2_Easy
		scope = 2;
		class Skinning
			class ObtainedSteaks
				item = "MutantIzlomSteakMeat";
				count = 0;
				itemZones[] = {"Spine1","Spine3"};
				countByZone[] = {1,1};
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.5,1};
			class ObtainedPelt
				item = "aa_Mutant_AoD_Izlom_Hand";
				count = 1;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_LeftArm","Zone_RightArm"};
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 175;
			class DamageZones
				class Head
					class Health
						hitpoints = 100;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"Head"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Headgear","Mask"};
				class Torso
					class Health
						hitpoints = 175;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"Spine1","Spine3"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Vest","Body","Back"};
				class LeftArm
					class Health
						hitpoints = 175;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"LeftArm","LeftForeArm"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
				class RightArm
					class Health
						hitpoints = 175;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"RightArm","RightForeArm"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
				class LeftLeg
					class Health
						hitpoints = 175;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"LeftLeg","LeftUpLeg"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Legs"};
				class RightLeg
					class Health
						hitpoints = 175;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"RightLeg","RightUpLeg"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Legs"};
				class LeftFoot
					class Health
						hitpoints = 175;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					transferToZonesNames[] = {"LeftLeg"};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.1};
					componentNames[] = {"LeftFoot"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Feet"};
				class RightFoot
					class Health
						hitpoints = 175;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					transferToZonesNames[] = {"RightLeg"};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.1};
					componentNames[] = {"RightFoot"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Feet"};
	class aa_Mutant_AoD_Izlom3_Easy: Mutant_AoD_Izlom3_Easy
		scope = 2;
		class Skinning
			class ObtainedSteaks
				item = "MutantIzlomSteakMeat";
				count = 0;
				itemZones[] = {"Spine1","Spine3"};
				countByZone[] = {1,1};
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.5,1};
			class ObtainedPelt
				item = "aa_Mutant_AoD_Izlom_Hand";
				count = 1;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_LeftArm","Zone_RightArm"};
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 175;
			class DamageZones
				class Head
					class Health
						hitpoints = 100;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"Head"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Headgear","Mask"};
				class Torso
					class Health
						hitpoints = 175;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"Spine1","Spine3"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Vest","Body","Back"};
				class LeftArm
					class Health
						hitpoints = 175;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"LeftArm","LeftForeArm"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
				class RightArm
					class Health
						hitpoints = 175;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"RightArm","RightForeArm"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
				class LeftLeg
					class Health
						hitpoints = 175;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"LeftLeg","LeftUpLeg"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Legs"};
				class RightLeg
					class Health
						hitpoints = 175;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"RightLeg","RightUpLeg"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Legs"};
				class LeftFoot
					class Health
						hitpoints = 175;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					transferToZonesNames[] = {"LeftLeg"};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.1};
					componentNames[] = {"LeftFoot"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Feet"};
				class RightFoot
					class Health
						hitpoints = 175;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					transferToZonesNames[] = {"RightLeg"};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.1};
					componentNames[] = {"RightFoot"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Feet"};
	class aa_Mutant_AoD_Fresh1_Easy: Mutant_AoD_Fresh1_Easy
		scope = 2;
		class Skinning
			class ObtainedSteaks
				item = "MutantFreshSteakMeat";
				count = 0;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Chest","Zone_Pelvis"};
				countByZone[] = {1,1};
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.5,1};
			class ObtainedPelt
				item = "aa_NH_FleshEye";
				count = 1;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Head","Zone_Neck"};
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 800;
				class Blood
					hitpoints = 5000;
				class Shock
					hitpoints = 1600;
			class DamageZones
				class Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Head"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.15;
					canBleed = 0;
					class Health
						hitpoints = 500;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class Blood: Health
						hitpoints = 0;
					class Shock: Health
						hitpoints = 0;
				class Zone_Neck: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Neck"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 800;
				class Zone_Chest: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Chest"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 800;
				class Zone_Belly: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Belly"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 800;
				class Zone_Spine: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Spine_Front","Zone_Spine_Back"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 800;
				class Zone_Pelvis: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Pelvis"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {"Zone_Spine"};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.5};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 800;
				class Zone_Legs: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Legs_Front","Zone_Legs_Back"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 800;
	class aa_Mutant_AoD_Fresh2_Easy: Mutant_AoD_Fresh2_Easy
		scope = 2;
		class Skinning
			class ObtainedSteaks
				item = "MutantFreshSteakMeat";
				count = 0;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Chest","Zone_Pelvis"};
				countByZone[] = {1,1};
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.5,1};
			class ObtainedPelt
				item = "aa_NH_FleshEye";
				count = 1;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Head","Zone_Neck"};
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 800;
				class Blood
					hitpoints = 5000;
				class Shock
					hitpoints = 1600;
			class DamageZones
				class Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Head"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.15;
					canBleed = 0;
					class Health
						hitpoints = 500;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class Blood: Health
						hitpoints = 0;
					class Shock: Health
						hitpoints = 0;
				class Zone_Neck: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Neck"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 800;
				class Zone_Chest: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Chest"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 800;
				class Zone_Belly: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Belly"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 800;
				class Zone_Spine: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Spine_Front","Zone_Spine_Back"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 800;
				class Zone_Pelvis: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Pelvis"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {"Zone_Spine"};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.5};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 800;
				class Zone_Legs: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Legs_Front","Zone_Legs_Back"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 800;
	class aa_Mutant_AoD_Fresh3_Easy: Mutant_AoD_Fresh3_Easy
		scope = 2;
		class Skinning
			class ObtainedSteaks
				item = "MutantFreshSteakMeat";
				count = 0;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Chest","Zone_Pelvis"};
				countByZone[] = {1,1};
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.5,1};
			class ObtainedPelt
				item = "aa_NH_FleshEye";
				count = 1;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Head","Zone_Neck"};
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 800;
				class Blood
					hitpoints = 5000;
				class Shock
					hitpoints = 1600;
			class DamageZones
				class Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Head"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.15;
					canBleed = 0;
					class Health
						hitpoints = 500;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class Blood: Health
						hitpoints = 0;
					class Shock: Health
						hitpoints = 0;
				class Zone_Neck: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Neck"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 800;
				class Zone_Chest: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Chest"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 800;
				class Zone_Belly: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Belly"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 800;
				class Zone_Spine: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Spine_Front","Zone_Spine_Back"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 800;
				class Zone_Pelvis: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Pelvis"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {"Zone_Spine"};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.5};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 800;
				class Zone_Legs: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Legs_Front","Zone_Legs_Back"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 800;
	class aa_Mutant_AoD_Cat_Bayn1: Mutant_AoD_Cat_Bayn1
		scope = 2;
		class Skinning
			class ObtainedSteaks
				item = "MutantCatSteakMeat";
				count = 0;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Chest","Zone_Pelvis"};
				countByZone[] = {1,1};
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.5,1};
			class ObtainedPelt
				item = "aa_Mutant_AoD_Cat_Leg";
				count = 1;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Legs_Front","Zone_Legs_Back"};
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
			class ObtainedPelt2
				item = "aa_NH_CatTail";
				count = 1;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Legs_Front","Zone_Legs_Back"};
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 900;
				class Blood
					hitpoints = 5000;
				class Shock
					hitpoints = 1500;
			class DamageZones
				class Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Head"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.15;
					canBleed = 0;
					class Health
						hitpoints = 600;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class Blood: Health
						hitpoints = 0;
					class Shock: Health
						hitpoints = 0;
				class Zone_Neck: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Neck"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 900;
				class Zone_Chest: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Chest"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 900;
				class Zone_Belly: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Belly"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 900;
				class Zone_Spine: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Spine_Front","Zone_Spine_Back"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 900;
				class Zone_Pelvis: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Pelvis"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {"Zone_Spine"};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.5};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 900;
				class Zone_Legs: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Legs_Front","Zone_Legs_Back"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 900;
	class aa_Mutant_AoD_Cat_Bayn2: Mutant_AoD_Cat_Bayn2
		scope = 2;
		class Skinning
			class ObtainedSteaks
				item = "MutantCatSteakMeat";
				count = 0;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Chest","Zone_Pelvis"};
				countByZone[] = {1,1};
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.5,1};
			class ObtainedPelt
				item = "aa_Mutant_AoD_Cat_Leg";
				count = 1;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Legs_Front","Zone_Legs_Back"};
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
			class ObtainedPelt2
				item = "aa_NH_CatTail";
				count = 1;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Legs_Front","Zone_Legs_Back"};
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 900;
				class Blood
					hitpoints = 5000;
				class Shock
					hitpoints = 1500;
			class DamageZones
				class Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Head"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.15;
					canBleed = 0;
					class Health
						hitpoints = 600;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class Blood: Health
						hitpoints = 0;
					class Shock: Health
						hitpoints = 0;
				class Zone_Neck: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Neck"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 900;
				class Zone_Chest: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Chest"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 900;
				class Zone_Belly: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Belly"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 900;
				class Zone_Spine: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Spine_Front","Zone_Spine_Back"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 900;
				class Zone_Pelvis: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Pelvis"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {"Zone_Spine"};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.5};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 900;
				class Zone_Legs: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Legs_Front","Zone_Legs_Back"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 900;
	class aa_Mutant_AoD_Cat_Bayn3: Mutant_AoD_Cat_Bayn3
		scope = 2;
		class Skinning
			class ObtainedSteaks
				item = "MutantCatSteakMeat";
				count = 0;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Chest","Zone_Pelvis"};
				countByZone[] = {1,1};
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.5,1};
			class ObtainedPelt
				item = "aa_Mutant_AoD_Cat_Leg";
				count = 1;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Legs_Front","Zone_Legs_Back"};
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
			class ObtainedPelt2
				item = "aa_NH_CatTail";
				count = 1;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Legs_Front","Zone_Legs_Back"};
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 900;
				class Blood
					hitpoints = 5000;
				class Shock
					hitpoints = 1500;
			class DamageZones
				class Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Head"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.15;
					canBleed = 0;
					class Health
						hitpoints = 600;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class Blood: Health
						hitpoints = 0;
					class Shock: Health
						hitpoints = 0;
				class Zone_Neck: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Neck"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 900;
				class Zone_Chest: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Chest"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 900;
				class Zone_Belly: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Belly"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 900;
				class Zone_Spine: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Spine_Front","Zone_Spine_Back"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 900;
				class Zone_Pelvis: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Pelvis"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {"Zone_Spine"};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.5};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 900;
				class Zone_Legs: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Legs_Front","Zone_Legs_Back"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 900;
	class aa_Mutant_AoD_Dog_Red: Mutant_AoD_Dog_Red
		scope = 2;

		class Skinning
			class ObtainedSteaks
				item = "MutantDogSteakMeat";
				count = 0;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Chest","Zone_Pelvis"};
				countByZone[] = {1,1};
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.5,1};
			class ObtainedPelt
				item = "aa_NH_DogTail";
				count = 1;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Spine_Back","Zone_Pelvis"};
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 600;
				class Blood
					hitpoints = 5000;
				class Shock
					hitpoints = 1500;
			class DamageZones
				class Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Head"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.15;
					canBleed = 0;
					class Health
						hitpoints = 400;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class Blood: Health
						hitpoints = 0;
					class Shock: Health
						hitpoints = 0;
				class Zone_Neck: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Neck"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 600;
				class Zone_Chest: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Chest"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 600;
				class Zone_Belly: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Belly"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 600;
				class Zone_Spine: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Spine_Front","Zone_Spine_Back"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 600;
				class Zone_Pelvis: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Pelvis"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {"Zone_Spine"};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.5};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 600;
				class Zone_Legs: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Legs_Front","Zone_Legs_Back"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 600;
	class aa_Mutant_AoD_Dog_White: Mutant_AoD_Dog_White
		scope = 2;

		class Skinning
			class ObtainedSteaks
				item = "MutantDogSteakMeat";
				count = 0;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Chest","Zone_Pelvis"};
				countByZone[] = {1,1};
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.5,1};
			class ObtainedPelt
				item = "aa_NH_DogTail";
				count = 1;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Spine_Back","Zone_Pelvis"};
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 600;
				class Blood
					hitpoints = 5000;
				class Shock
					hitpoints = 1500;
			class DamageZones
				class Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Head"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.15;
					canBleed = 0;
					class Health
						hitpoints = 400;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class Blood: Health
						hitpoints = 0;
					class Shock: Health
						hitpoints = 0;
				class Zone_Neck: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Neck"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 600;
				class Zone_Chest: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Chest"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 600;
				class Zone_Belly: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Belly"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 600;
				class Zone_Spine: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Spine_Front","Zone_Spine_Back"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 600;
				class Zone_Pelvis: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Pelvis"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {"Zone_Spine"};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.5};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 600;
				class Zone_Legs: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Legs_Front","Zone_Legs_Back"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 600;
	class aa_Mutant_AoD_Dog_Fur: Mutant_AoD_Dog_Fur
		scope = 2;

		class Skinning
			class ObtainedSteaks
				item = "MutantDogSteakMeat";
				count = 0;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Chest","Zone_Pelvis"};
				countByZone[] = {1,1};
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.5,1};
			class ObtainedPelt
				item = "aa_NH_DogTail";
				count = 1;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Spine_Back","Zone_Pelvis"};
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 600;
				class Blood
					hitpoints = 5000;
				class Shock
					hitpoints = 1500;
			class DamageZones
				class Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Head"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.15;
					canBleed = 0;
					class Health
						hitpoints = 400;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class Blood: Health
						hitpoints = 0;
					class Shock: Health
						hitpoints = 0;
				class Zone_Neck: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Neck"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 600;
				class Zone_Chest: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Chest"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 600;
				class Zone_Belly: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Belly"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 600;
				class Zone_Spine: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Spine_Front","Zone_Spine_Back"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 600;
				class Zone_Pelvis: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Pelvis"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {"Zone_Spine"};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.5};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 600;
				class Zone_Legs: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Legs_Front","Zone_Legs_Back"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 600;
	class aa_Mutant_AoD_Dog_Brown: Mutant_AoD_Dog_Brown
		scope = 2;

		class Skinning
			class ObtainedSteaks
				item = "MutantDogSteakMeat";
				count = 0;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Chest","Zone_Pelvis"};
				countByZone[] = {1,1};
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.5,1};
			class ObtainedPelt
				item = "aa_NH_DogTail";
				count = 1;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Spine_Back","Zone_Pelvis"};
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 600;
				class Blood
					hitpoints = 5000;
				class Shock
					hitpoints = 1500;
			class DamageZones
				class Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Head"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.15;
					canBleed = 0;
					class Health
						hitpoints = 400;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class Blood: Health
						hitpoints = 0;
					class Shock: Health
						hitpoints = 0;
				class Zone_Neck: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Neck"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 600;
				class Zone_Chest: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Chest"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 600;
				class Zone_Belly: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Belly"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 600;
				class Zone_Spine: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Spine_Front","Zone_Spine_Back"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 600;
				class Zone_Pelvis: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Pelvis"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {"Zone_Spine"};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.5};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 600;
				class Zone_Legs: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Legs_Front","Zone_Legs_Back"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 600;
	class aa_Mutant_AoD_Pse_Dog1: Mutant_AoD_Pse_Dog1
		scope = 2;
		class Skinning
			class ObtainedSteaks
				item = "MutantPdogSteakMeat";
				count = 0;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Chest","Zone_Pelvis"};
				countByZone[] = {1,1};
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.5,1};
			class ObtainedPelt
				item = "aa_NH_PseudoDog_tail";
				count = 1;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Spine_Back","Zone_Pelvis"};
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 700;
				class Blood
					hitpoints = 5000;
				class Shock
					hitpoints = 2500;
			class DamageZones
				class Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Head"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.15;
					canBleed = 0;
					class Health
						hitpoints = 500;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class Blood: Health
						hitpoints = 0;
					class Shock: Health
						hitpoints = 0;
				class Zone_Neck: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Neck"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 700;
				class Zone_Chest: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Chest"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 700;
				class Zone_Belly: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Belly"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 700;
				class Zone_Spine: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Spine_Front","Zone_Spine_Back"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 700;
				class Zone_Pelvis: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Pelvis"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {"Zone_Spine"};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.5};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 700;
				class Zone_Legs: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Legs_Front","Zone_Legs_Back"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 700;
	class aa_Mutant_AoD_Pse_Dog2: Mutant_AoD_Pse_Dog2
		scope = 2;
		class Skinning
			class ObtainedSteaks
				item = "MutantPdogSteakMeat";
				count = 0;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Chest","Zone_Pelvis"};
				countByZone[] = {1,1};
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.5,1};
			class ObtainedPelt
				item = "aa_NH_PseudoDog_tail";
				count = 1;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Spine_Back","Zone_Pelvis"};
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 700;
				class Blood
					hitpoints = 5000;
				class Shock
					hitpoints = 2500;
			class DamageZones
				class Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Head"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.15;
					canBleed = 0;
					class Health
						hitpoints = 500;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class Blood: Health
						hitpoints = 0;
					class Shock: Health
						hitpoints = 0;
				class Zone_Neck: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Neck"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 700;
				class Zone_Chest: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Chest"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 700;
				class Zone_Belly: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Belly"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 700;
				class Zone_Spine: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Spine_Front","Zone_Spine_Back"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 700;
				class Zone_Pelvis: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Pelvis"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {"Zone_Spine"};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.5};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 700;
				class Zone_Legs: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Legs_Front","Zone_Legs_Back"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 700;
	class aa_Zombi_AoD_Duty_Zorya: Zombi_AoD_Duty_Zorya
		scope = 2;
		class Skinning
			class ObtainedPelt
				item = "aa_Mutant_AoD_Zombi_Hand";
				count = 1;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Chest","Zone_Belly"};
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 200;
					healthLevels[] = {{1.0,{}},{0.7,{}},{0.5,{}},{0.3,{}},{0.1,{}}};
			class DamageZones
				class Head
					class Health
						hitpoints = 100;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"Head"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Headgear","Mask"};
				class Torso
					class Health
						hitpoints = 200;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"Spine1","Spine3"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Vest","Body","Back"};
				class LeftArm
					class Health
						hitpoints = 200;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"LeftArm","LeftForeArm"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
				class RightArm
					class Health
						hitpoints = 200;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 2;
					componentNames[] = {"RightArm","RightForeArm"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
				class LeftLeg
					class Health
						hitpoints = 200;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"LeftLeg","LeftUpLeg"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Legs"};
				class RightLeg
					class Health
						hitpoints = 200;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 2;
					componentNames[] = {"RightLeg","RightUpLeg"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Legs"};
				class LeftFoot
					class Health
						hitpoints = 200;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 2;
					transferToZonesNames[] = {"LeftLeg"};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.1};
					componentNames[] = {"LeftFoot"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Feet"};
				class RightFoot
					class Health
						hitpoints = 200;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 2;
					transferToZonesNames[] = {"RightLeg"};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.1};
					componentNames[] = {"RightFoot"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Feet"};
	class aa_Zombi_AoD_Freedom_Zorya: Zombi_AoD_Freedom_Zorya
		scope = 2;
		class Skinning
			class ObtainedPelt
				item = "aa_Mutant_AoD_Zombi_Hand";
				count = 1;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Chest","Zone_Belly"};
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 200;
					healthLevels[] = {{1.0,{}},{0.7,{}},{0.5,{}},{0.3,{}},{0.1,{}}};
			class DamageZones
				class Head
					class Health
						hitpoints = 100;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"Head"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Headgear","Mask"};
				class Torso
					class Health
						hitpoints = 200;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"Spine1","Spine3"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Vest","Body","Back"};
				class LeftArm
					class Health
						hitpoints = 200;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"LeftArm","LeftForeArm"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
				class RightArm
					class Health
						hitpoints = 200;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 2;
					componentNames[] = {"RightArm","RightForeArm"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
				class LeftLeg
					class Health
						hitpoints = 200;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"LeftLeg","LeftUpLeg"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Legs"};
				class RightLeg
					class Health
						hitpoints = 200;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 2;
					componentNames[] = {"RightLeg","RightUpLeg"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Legs"};
				class LeftFoot
					class Health
						hitpoints = 200;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 2;
					transferToZonesNames[] = {"LeftLeg"};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.1};
					componentNames[] = {"LeftFoot"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Feet"};
				class RightFoot
					class Health
						hitpoints = 200;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 2;
					transferToZonesNames[] = {"RightLeg"};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.1};
					componentNames[] = {"RightFoot"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Feet"};
	class aa_Zombi_AoD_Loner_Zorya: Zombi_AoD_Loner_Zorya
		scope = 2;
		class Skinning
			class ObtainedPelt
				item = "aa_Mutant_AoD_Zombi_Hand";
				count = 1;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Chest","Zone_Belly"};
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 200;
					healthLevels[] = {{1.0,{}},{0.7,{}},{0.5,{}},{0.3,{}},{0.1,{}}};
			class DamageZones
				class Head
					class Health
						hitpoints = 100;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"Head"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Headgear","Mask"};
				class Torso
					class Health
						hitpoints = 200;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"Spine1","Spine3"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Vest","Body","Back"};
				class LeftArm
					class Health
						hitpoints = 200;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"LeftArm","LeftForeArm"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
				class RightArm
					class Health
						hitpoints = 200;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 2;
					componentNames[] = {"RightArm","RightForeArm"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
				class LeftLeg
					class Health
						hitpoints = 200;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"LeftLeg","LeftUpLeg"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Legs"};
				class RightLeg
					class Health
						hitpoints = 200;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 2;
					componentNames[] = {"RightLeg","RightUpLeg"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Legs"};
				class LeftFoot
					class Health
						hitpoints = 200;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 2;
					transferToZonesNames[] = {"LeftLeg"};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.1};
					componentNames[] = {"LeftFoot"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Feet"};
				class RightFoot
					class Health
						hitpoints = 200;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 2;
					transferToZonesNames[] = {"RightLeg"};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.1};
					componentNames[] = {"RightFoot"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Feet"};
	class aa_Mutant_AoD_Forester1: Mutant_AoD_Forester1
		scope = 2;
		class Skinning
			class ObtainedPelt
				item = "aa_Mutant_AoD_Forester_Kogot";
				count = 1;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Legs_Front","Zone_Legs_Back"};
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
			class ObtainedSteaks
				item = "MutantForesterSteakMeat";
				count = 0;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Belly","Zone_Pelvis"};
				countByZone[] = {1,1};
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.7,1};
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 15000;
				class Blood
					hitpoints = 5000;
				class Shock
					hitpoints = 5000;
			class DamageZones
				class Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Head"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.1;
					canBleed = 0;
					class Health
						hitpoints = 10000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class Blood: Health
						hitpoints = 5000;
					class Shock: Health
						hitpoints = 5000;
					class ArmorType
						class Melee
							class Health
								damage = 0.51;
						class Projectile: Melee
							class Health: Health
								damage = 0.56;
						class FragGrenade: Melee{};
				class Zone_Neck: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Neck"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.1;
					class Health
						hitpoints = 15000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class ArmorType: ArmorType
						class Melee: Melee
							class Health: Health
								damage = 0.15;
						class Projectile: Projectile
							class Health: Health
								damage = 0.8;
				class Zone_Belly: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Belly"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.01;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 15000;
					class ArmorType: ArmorType
						class Melee: Melee
							class Health: Health
								damage = 0.3;
				class Zone_Pelvis: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Pelvis"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.01;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 15000;
					class ArmorType: ArmorType
						class Melee: Melee
							class Health: Health
								damage = 0.3;
				class Zone_Legs: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Legs"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.01;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 15000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0;
	class aa_Mutant_AoD_Rat_Wolf: Mutant_AoD_Rat_Wolf
		scope = 2;
		class Skinning
			class ObtainedSteaks
				item = "MutantRatWolfSteakMeat";
				count = 0;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Chest","Zone_Pelvis"};
				countByZone[] = {1,1};
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.5,1};
			class ObtainedPelt
				item = "aa_Mutant_AoD_RatWolf_Eye";
				count = 1;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Neck","Zone_Head"};
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 700;
				class Blood
					hitpoints = 5000;
				class Shock
					hitpoints = 2500;
			class DamageZones
				class Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Head"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.15;
					canBleed = 0;
					class Health
						hitpoints = 500;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class Blood: Health
						hitpoints = 0;
					class Shock: Health
						hitpoints = 0;
				class Zone_Neck: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Neck"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 700;
				class Zone_Chest: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Chest"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 700;
				class Zone_Belly: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Belly"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 700;
				class Zone_Spine: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Spine_Front","Zone_Spine_Back"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 2500;
				class Zone_Pelvis: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Pelvis"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {"Zone_Spine"};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.5};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 700;
				class Zone_Legs: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Legs_Front","Zone_Legs_Back"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 700;
	class aa_Mutant_AoD_Poltergeist: Mutant_AoD_Poltergeist
		scope = 2;

		class Skinning
			class ObtainedSteaks
				item = "MutantPoltergeistSteakMeat";
				count = 0;
				itemZones[] = {"Spine1","Spine3"};
				countByZone[] = {0};
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0};
			class ObtainedPelt
				item = "aa_Mutant_AoD_Poltergeist_Eye";
				count = 1;
				itemZones[] = {"Head","Neck"};
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 800;
			class DamageZones
				class Head
					class Health
						hitpoints = 600;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"Head"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Headgear","Mask"};
				class Torso
					class Health
						hitpoints = 800;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"Spine1","Spine3"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Vest","Body","Back"};
				class LeftArm
					class Health
						hitpoints = 800;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"LeftArm","LeftForeArm"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
				class RightArm
					class Health
						hitpoints = 800;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"RightArm","RightForeArm"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
				class LeftLeg
					class Health
						hitpoints = 800;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"LeftUpLeg"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Legs"};
				class RightLeg
					class Health
						hitpoints = 800;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"RightUpLeg"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Legs"};
	class aa_Zombi_AoD_Novice1: Zombi_AoD_Novice1
		scope = 2;
		class Skinning
			class ObtainedPelt
				item = "aa_Mutant_AoD_Zombi_Hand";
				count = 1;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Chest","Zone_Belly"};
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 75;
					healthLevels[] = {{1.0,{}},{0.7,{}},{0.5,{}},{0.3,{}},{0.1,{}}};
			class DamageZones
				class Head
					class Health
						hitpoints = 25;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"Head"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Headgear","Mask"};
				class Torso
					class Health
						hitpoints = 75;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"Spine1","Spine3"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Vest","Body","Back"};
				class LeftArm
					class Health
						hitpoints = 75;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"LeftArm","LeftForeArm"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
				class RightArm
					class Health
						hitpoints = 75;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 2;
					componentNames[] = {"RightArm","RightForeArm"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
				class LeftLeg
					class Health
						hitpoints = 75;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"LeftLeg","LeftUpLeg"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Legs"};
				class RightLeg
					class Health
						hitpoints = 75;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 2;
					componentNames[] = {"RightLeg","RightUpLeg"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Legs"};
				class LeftFoot
					class Health
						hitpoints = 75;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 2;
					transferToZonesNames[] = {"LeftLeg"};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.1};
					componentNames[] = {"LeftFoot"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Feet"};
				class RightFoot
					class Health
						hitpoints = 75;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 2;
					transferToZonesNames[] = {"RightLeg"};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.1};
					componentNames[] = {"RightFoot"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Feet"};
	class aa_Zombi_AoD_Novice4: Zombi_AoD_Novice4
		scope = 2;
		class Skinning
			class ObtainedPelt
				item = "aa_Mutant_AoD_Zombi_Hand";
				count = 1;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Chest","Zone_Belly"};
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 75;
					healthLevels[] = {{1.0,{}},{0.7,{}},{0.5,{}},{0.3,{}},{0.1,{}}};
			class DamageZones
				class Head
					class Health
						hitpoints = 25;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"Head"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Headgear","Mask"};
				class Torso
					class Health
						hitpoints = 75;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"Spine1","Spine3"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Vest","Body","Back"};
				class LeftArm
					class Health
						hitpoints = 75;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"LeftArm","LeftForeArm"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
				class RightArm
					class Health
						hitpoints = 75;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 2;
					componentNames[] = {"RightArm","RightForeArm"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
				class LeftLeg
					class Health
						hitpoints = 75;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"LeftLeg","LeftUpLeg"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Legs"};
				class RightLeg
					class Health
						hitpoints = 75;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 2;
					componentNames[] = {"RightLeg","RightUpLeg"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Legs"};
				class LeftFoot
					class Health
						hitpoints = 75;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 2;
					transferToZonesNames[] = {"LeftLeg"};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.1};
					componentNames[] = {"LeftFoot"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Feet"};
				class RightFoot
					class Health
						hitpoints = 75;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 2;
					transferToZonesNames[] = {"RightLeg"};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.1};
					componentNames[] = {"RightFoot"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Feet"};
	class aa_Zombi_AoD_Novice7: Zombi_AoD_Novice7
		scope = 2;
		class Skinning
			class ObtainedPelt
				item = "aa_Mutant_AoD_Zombi_Hand";
				count = 1;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Chest","Zone_Belly"};
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 75;
					healthLevels[] = {{1.0,{}},{0.7,{}},{0.5,{}},{0.3,{}},{0.1,{}}};
			class DamageZones
				class Head
					class Health
						hitpoints = 25;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"Head"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Headgear","Mask"};
				class Torso
					class Health
						hitpoints = 75;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"Spine1","Spine3"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Vest","Body","Back"};
				class LeftArm
					class Health
						hitpoints = 75;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"LeftArm","LeftForeArm"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
				class RightArm
					class Health
						hitpoints = 75;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 2;
					componentNames[] = {"RightArm","RightForeArm"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
				class LeftLeg
					class Health
						hitpoints = 75;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 0.1;
					componentNames[] = {"LeftLeg","LeftUpLeg"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Legs"};
				class RightLeg
					class Health
						hitpoints = 75;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.33;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 2;
					componentNames[] = {"RightLeg","RightUpLeg"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Legs"};
				class LeftFoot
					class Health
						hitpoints = 75;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 2;
					transferToZonesNames[] = {"LeftLeg"};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.1};
					componentNames[] = {"LeftFoot"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Feet"};
				class RightFoot
					class Health
						hitpoints = 75;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.1;
					class ArmorType
						class Projectile
							class Health
								damage = 2;
					transferToZonesNames[] = {"RightLeg"};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.1};
					componentNames[] = {"RightFoot"};
					fatalInjuryCoef = -1;
					inventorySlots[] = {"Feet"};
	class aa_Animal_UrsusArctos: Animal_UrsusArctos
		scope = 2;

		class Skinning
			class ObtainedPelt
				item = "BearPelt";
				count = 0;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Pelvis","Zone_Belly"};
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
			class ObtainedSteaks
				item = "BearSteakMeat";
				count = 0;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Belly","Zone_Pelvis"};
				countByZone[] = {0};
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0};
			class ObtainedLard
				item = "Lard";
				count = 0;
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0};
			class ObtainedGuts
				item = "Guts";
				count = 0;
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0};
			class ObtainedBones
				item = "Bone";
				count = 0;
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0};
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
			class ObtainedPelt2
				item = "aa_Mutant_AoD_Ursus_Kogot";
				count = 1;
				itemZones[] = {"Zone_Pelvis","Zone_Belly"};
				quantityCoef = 1;
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 1500;
					healthLevels[] = {{1.0,{}},{0.7,{}},{0.5,{}},{0.3,{}},{0.0,{}}};
				class Blood
					hitpoints = 5000;
				class Shock
					hitpoints = 5000;
			class DamageZones
				class Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Head"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.1;
					canBleed = 0;
					class Health
						hitpoints = 1000;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class Blood: Health
						hitpoints = 5000;
					class Shock: Health
						hitpoints = 5000;
					class ArmorType
						class Melee
							class Health
								damage = 0.51;
						class Projectile: Melee
							class Health: Health
								damage = 0.25;
						class FragGrenade: Melee{};
				class Zone_Neck: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Neck"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.1;
					class Health
						hitpoints = 1500;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
					class ArmorType: ArmorType
						class Melee: Melee
							class Health: Health
								damage = 0.15;
						class Projectile: Projectile
							class Health: Health
								damage = 0.25;
				class Zone_Belly: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Belly"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.01;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 1500;
					class ArmorType: ArmorType
						class Melee: Melee
							class Health: Health
								damage = 0.15;
				class Zone_Pelvis: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Pelvis"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.01;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 1500;
					class ArmorType: ArmorType
						class Melee: Melee
							class Health: Health
								damage = 0.15;
				class Zone_Legs: Zone_Head
					componentNames[] = {"Zone_Legs"};
					transferToZonesNames[] = {};
					transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
					fatalInjuryCoef = 0.01;
					class Health: Health
						hitpoints = 1500;
						transferToGlobalCoef = 0.0;
	class aa_Animal_dbo_spiderMomma: Animal_dbo_spiderMomma
		scope = 2;
		class Skinning
			class ObtainedSteaks
				item = "fangknife";
				count = 0;
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.5,0.8};
			class ObtainedBollox
				item = "aa_legspear";
				count = 1;
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.5,0.8};
			class ObtainedLard
				item = "Lard";
				count = 0;
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.5,1};
			class ObtainedBones
				item = "Bone";
				count = 0;
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.7,1};
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
			class ObtainedMeat
				item = "SpiderMeat";
				count = 0;
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.5,0.8};
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 1000;
					healthLabels[] = {1,0.7,0.5,0.3,0};
				class Blood
					hitpoints = 5000;
				class Shock
					hitpoints = 100;
	class aa_Animal_dbo_spider: Animal_dbo_spider
		scope = 2;
		class Skinning
			class ObtainedSteaks
				item = "aa_fangknife";
				count = 1;
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.5,0.8};
			class ObtainedBollox
				item = "legspear";
				count = 0;
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.5,0.8};
			class ObtainedLard
				item = "Lard";
				count = 0;
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.5,1};
			class ObtainedBones
				item = "Bone";
				count = 0;
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.7,1};
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
			class ObtainedMeat
				item = "SpiderMeat";
				count = 0;
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.5,0.8};
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 400;
					healthLabels[] = {1,0.7,0.5,0.3,0};
				class Blood
					hitpoints = 5000;
				class Shock
					hitpoints = 100;
	class aa_Animal_dbo_spiderb: Animal_dbo_spiderb
		scope = 2;
		class Skinning
			class ObtainedSteaks
				item = "aa_fangknife";
				count = 1;
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.5,0.8};
			class ObtainedBollox
				item = "legspear";
				count = 0;
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.5,0.8};
			class ObtainedLard
				item = "Lard";
				count = 0;
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.5,1};
			class ObtainedBones
				item = "Bone";
				count = 0;
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.7,1};
				transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
			class ObtainedMeat
				item = "SpiderMeat";
				count = 0;
				quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.5,0.8};
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 400;
					healthLabels[] = {1,0.7,0.5,0.3,0};
				class Blood
					hitpoints = 5000;
				class Shock
					hitpoints = 100;

Части тел

class CfgPatches
	class aa_NH_Gear_Food
		units[] = {};
		weapons[] = {};
		requiredVersion = 0.1;
		requiredAddons[] = {"DZ_Scripts","DZ_Data","DZ_Gear_Food","DZ_Animals","DZ_Data_Bliss","DZ_AI_Bliss","DZ_Weapons_Melee","NH_Mutants","dbo_spiders","DZ_Characters_Zombies"};
class CfgVehicles
	class NH_BoarHoof;
	class NH_Controller_Brain;
	class NH_CatTail;
	class NH_krovosos_jaw;
	class NH_DogTail;
	class NH_FleshEye;
	class NH_GiantEye;
	class NH_SnorkFoot;
	class NH_leTushkano_Head;
	class NH_PseudoDog_tail;
	class Mutant_AoD_Himera_Kogot;
	class Mutant_AoD_Tark_Horn;
	class Mutant_AoD_Izlom_Hand;
	class Mutant_AoD_Cat_Leg;
	class Mutant_AoD_Zombi_Hand;
	class Mutant_AoD_Forester_Kogot;
	class Mutant_AoD_RatWolf_Eye;
	class Mutant_AoD_Poltergeist_Eye;
	class BearPelt;
	class fangknife;
	class legspear;
	class Mutant_AoD_Controller_Hand;

	class aa_NH_BoarHoof: NH_BoarHoof
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "$STR_NH_BoarHoof0";
		descriptionShort = "$STR_NH_BoarHoof1";
		itemSize[] = {2,2};
		weight = 320;
		varQuantityInit = 200;
		varQuantityMin = 0;
		varQuantityMax = 200;
		absorbency = 0.9;
		isMeleeWeapon = 1;
		inventorySlot[] = {"Ingredient1","Ingredient2","Ingredient3","Ingredient4","Ingredient5","Ingredient6","Ingredient7","Ingredient8","Ingredient9","Ingredient10","Ingredient11","Ingredient12","Ingredient13","Ingredient14","Ingredient15","Ingredient16","Ingredient17","Ingredient18","Ingredient19","Ingredient20"};

		class NH_Fields
			class Radiation
				type = 1;
				radius = 3;
				strenght = 0.23;
				negative_height = 1;
				positive_height = 2;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 100;
		class Nutrition
			fullnessIndex = 1.5;
			energy = 123;
			water = -20;
			nutritionalIndex = 1;
			toxicity = 5000;
		class MeleeModes
			class Default
				ammo = "MeleeBlunt";
				range = 1;
			class Heavy
				ammo = "MeleeBlunt_Heavy";
				range = 1;
			class Sprint
				ammo = "MeleeBlunt_Heavy";
				range = 2.8;
	class aa_NH_Controller_Brain: NH_Controller_Brain
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "$STR_NH_Brain_Controller0";
		descriptionShort = "$STR_NH_Brain_Controller1";
		weight = 1500;
		itemSize[] = {3,3};
		stackedUnit = "g";
		varQuantityInit = 1500;
		varQuantityMin = 0;
		varQuantityMax = 1500;
		quantityBar = 1;
		absorbency = 0.2;
		inventorySlot[] = {"Ingredient1","Ingredient2","Ingredient3","Ingredient4","Ingredient5","Ingredient6","Ingredient7","Ingredient8","Ingredient9","Ingredient10","Ingredient11","Ingredient12","Ingredient13","Ingredient14","Ingredient15","Ingredient16","Ingredient17","Ingredient18","Ingredient19","Ingredient20"};
		class NH_Fields
			class Radiation
				type = 1;
				radius = 3;
				strenght = 0.7;
				negative_height = 1;
				positive_height = 2;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 100;
		class Nutrition
			fullnessIndex = 1.5;
			energy = 500;
			water = 150;
			nutritionalIndex = 1;
			toxicity = 5000;
		class Food
			class FoodStages
				class Raw
					visual_properties[] = {0,0,0};
					nutrition_properties[] = {2.5,20,95,1,0};
					cooking_properties[] = {0,0};
		class AnimEvents
			class SoundWeapon
				class openTunaCan
					soundSet = "openTunaCan_SoundSet";
					id = 204;
				class pickUpItem
					soundSet = "Zucchini_pickup_SoundSet";
					id = 797;
				class Eating_TakeFood
					soundSet = "Eating_TakeFood_Soundset";
					id = 889;
				class Eating_BoxOpen
					soundSet = "Eating_BoxOpen_Soundset";
					id = 893;
				class Eating_BoxShake
					soundSet = "Eating_BoxShake_Soundset";
					id = 894;
				class Eating_BoxEnd
					soundSet = "Eating_BoxEnd_Soundset";
					id = 895;
	class aa_NH_CatTail: NH_CatTail
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "$STR_NH_CatTail0";
		descriptionShort = "$STR_NH_CatTail1";
		itemSize[] = {2,2};
		weight = 400;
		varQuantityInit = 300;
		varQuantityMin = 0;
		varQuantityMax = 200;
		absorbency = 0.9;
		isMeleeWeapon = 1;
		inventorySlot[] = {"Ingredient1","Ingredient2","Ingredient3","Ingredient4","Ingredient5","Ingredient6","Ingredient7","Ingredient8","Ingredient9","Ingredient10","Ingredient11","Ingredient12","Ingredient13","Ingredient14","Ingredient15","Ingredient16","Ingredient17","Ingredient18","Ingredient19","Ingredient20"};
		class NH_Fields
			class Radiation
				type = 1;
				radius = 3;
				strenght = 0.23;
				negative_height = 1;
				positive_height = 2;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 100;
		class Nutrition
			fullnessIndex = 1.5;
			energy = 234;
			water = -20;
			nutritionalIndex = 1;
			toxicity = 5000;
		class MeleeModes
			class Default
				ammo = "MeleeBlunt";
				range = 1;
			class Heavy
				ammo = "MeleeBlunt_Heavy";
				range = 1;
			class Sprint
				ammo = "MeleeBlunt_Heavy";
				range = 2.8;
	class aa_NH_krovosos_jaw: NH_krovosos_jaw
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "$STR_NH_krovosos_jaw0";
		descriptionShort = "$STR_NH_krovosos_jaw1";
		itemSize[] = {3,3};
		weight = 700;
		varQuantityInit = 1000;
		varQuantityMin = 0;
		varQuantityMax = 100;
		absorbency = 0.9;
		isMeleeWeapon = 1;
		inventorySlot[] = {"Ingredient1","Ingredient2","Ingredient3","Ingredient4","Ingredient5","Ingredient6","Ingredient7","Ingredient8","Ingredient9","Ingredient10","Ingredient11","Ingredient12","Ingredient13","Ingredient14","Ingredient15","Ingredient16","Ingredient17","Ingredient18","Ingredient19","Ingredient20"};
		class NH_Fields
			class Radiation
				type = 1;
				radius = 3;
				strenght = 0.5;
				negative_height = 1;
				positive_height = 2;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 100;
		class Nutrition
			fullnessIndex = 1.5;
			energy = 10;
			water = -200;
			nutritionalIndex = 1;
			toxicity = 50000;
		class MeleeModes
			class Default
				ammo = "MeleeBlunt";
				range = 1;
			class Heavy
				ammo = "MeleeBlunt_Heavy";
				range = 1;
			class Sprint
				ammo = "MeleeBlunt_Heavy";
				range = 2.8;
	class aa_NH_DogTail: NH_DogTail
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "$STR_NH_DogTail0";
		descriptionShort = "$STR_NH_DogTail1";
		itemSize[] = {2,2};
		weight = 400;
		varQuantityInit = 300;
		varQuantityMin = 0;
		varQuantityMax = 200;
		absorbency = 0.9;
		isMeleeWeapon = 1;
		inventorySlot[] = {"Ingredient1","Ingredient2","Ingredient3","Ingredient4","Ingredient5","Ingredient6","Ingredient7","Ingredient8","Ingredient9","Ingredient10","Ingredient11","Ingredient12","Ingredient13","Ingredient14","Ingredient15","Ingredient16","Ingredient17","Ingredient18","Ingredient19","Ingredient20"};
		class NH_Fields
			class Radiation
				type = 1;
				radius = 3;
				strenght = 0.23;
				negative_height = 1;
				positive_height = 2;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 100;
		class Nutrition
			fullnessIndex = 1.5;
			energy = 234;
			water = -20;
			nutritionalIndex = 1;
			toxicity = 5000;
		class MeleeModes
			class Default
				ammo = "MeleeBlunt";
				range = 1;
			class Heavy
				ammo = "MeleeBlunt_Heavy";
				range = 1;
			class Sprint
				ammo = "MeleeBlunt_Heavy";
				range = 2.8;
	class aa_NH_DogTail_White: aa_NH_DogTail
	class aa_NH_DogTail_Brown: aa_NH_DogTail
	class aa_NH_FleshEye: NH_FleshEye
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "$STR_NH_FleshEye0";
		descriptionShort = "$STR_NH_DogTail1";
		itemSize[] = {1,2};
		weight = 150;
		varQuantityInit = 100;
		varQuantityMin = 0;
		varQuantityMax = 100;
		absorbency = 0.9;
		isMeleeWeapon = 1;
		inventorySlot[] = {"Ingredient1","Ingredient2","Ingredient3","Ingredient4","Ingredient5","Ingredient6","Ingredient7","Ingredient8","Ingredient9","Ingredient10","Ingredient11","Ingredient12","Ingredient13","Ingredient14","Ingredient15","Ingredient16","Ingredient17","Ingredient18","Ingredient19","Ingredient20"};
		class NH_Fields
			class Radiation
				type = 1;
				radius = 3;
				strenght = 0.23;
				negative_height = 1;
				positive_height = 2;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 100;
		class Nutrition
			fullnessIndex = 1.5;
			energy = 10;
			water = 5;
			nutritionalIndex = 1;
			toxicity = 50000;
		class MeleeModes
			class Default
				ammo = "MeleeBlunt";
				range = 1;
			class Heavy
				ammo = "MeleeBlunt_Heavy";
				range = 1;
			class Sprint
				ammo = "MeleeBlunt_Heavy";
				range = 2.8;
	class aa_NH_GiantEye: NH_GiantEye
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "$STR_NH_GianthEye0";
		descriptionShort = "$STR_NH_DogTail1";
		itemSize[] = {3,3};
		weight = 1000;
		varQuantityInit = 100;
		varQuantityMin = 0;
		varQuantityMax = 100;
		absorbency = 0.9;
		isMeleeWeapon = 1;
		inventorySlot[] = {"Ingredient1","Ingredient2","Ingredient3","Ingredient4","Ingredient5","Ingredient6","Ingredient7","Ingredient8","Ingredient9","Ingredient10","Ingredient11","Ingredient12","Ingredient13","Ingredient14","Ingredient15","Ingredient16","Ingredient17","Ingredient18","Ingredient19","Ingredient20"};

		class NH_Fields
			class Radiation
				type = 1;
				radius = 3;
				strenght = 0.7;
				negative_height = 1;
				positive_height = 2;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 100;
		class Nutrition
			fullnessIndex = 1.5;
			energy = 10;
			water = 5;
			nutritionalIndex = 1;
			toxicity = 50000;
		class MeleeModes
			class Default
				ammo = "MeleeBlunt";
				range = 1;
			class Heavy
				ammo = "MeleeBlunt_Heavy";
				range = 1;
			class Sprint
				ammo = "MeleeBlunt_Heavy";
				range = 2.8;
	class aa_NH_SnorkFoot: NH_SnorkFoot
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "$STR_NH_SnorkFoot0";
		descriptionShort = "$STR_NH_SnorkFoot1";
		itemSize[] = {3,3};
		weight = 700;
		varQuantityInit = 1000;
		varQuantityMin = 0;
		varQuantityMax = 100;
		absorbency = 0.9;
		isMeleeWeapon = 1;
		inventorySlot[] = {"Ingredient1","Ingredient2","Ingredient3","Ingredient4","Ingredient5","Ingredient6","Ingredient7","Ingredient8","Ingredient9","Ingredient10","Ingredient11","Ingredient12","Ingredient13","Ingredient14","Ingredient15","Ingredient16","Ingredient17","Ingredient18","Ingredient19","Ingredient20"};
		class NH_Fields
			class Radiation
				type = 1;
				radius = 3;
				strenght = 0.3;
				negative_height = 1;
				positive_height = 2;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 100;
		class Nutrition
			fullnessIndex = 1.5;
			energy = 10;
			water = -200;
			nutritionalIndex = 1;
			toxicity = 50000;
		class MeleeModes
			class Default
				ammo = "MeleeBlunt";
				range = 1;
			class Heavy
				ammo = "MeleeBlunt_Heavy";
				range = 1;
			class Sprint
				ammo = "MeleeBlunt_Heavy";
				range = 2.8;

	class aa_NH_leTushkano_Head: NH_leTushkano_Head
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "$STR_NH_leTushkano_Head0";
		descriptionShort = "$STR_NH_leTushkano_Head1";
		itemSize[] = {1,1};
		weight = 150;
		varQuantityInit = 200;
		varQuantityMin = 0;
		varQuantityMax = 200;
		absorbency = 0;
		isMeleeWeapon = 1;
		inventorySlot[] = {"Ingredient1","Ingredient2","Ingredient3","Ingredient4","Ingredient5","Ingredient6","Ingredient7","Ingredient8","Ingredient9","Ingredient10","Ingredient11","Ingredient12","Ingredient13","Ingredient14","Ingredient15","Ingredient16","Ingredient17","Ingredient18","Ingredient19","Ingredient20"};
		class NH_Fields
			class Radiation
				type = 1;
				radius = 3;
				strenght = 0.3;
				negative_height = 1;
				positive_height = 2;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 100;
		class Nutrition
			fullnessIndex = 2.5;
			energy = 150;
			water = 70;
			nutritionalIndex = 1;
			toxicity = 0;
			agents = 4;
		class MeleeModes
			class Default
				ammo = "MeleeBlunt";
				range = 1;
			class Heavy
				ammo = "MeleeBlunt_Heavy";
				range = 1;
			class Sprint
				ammo = "MeleeBlunt_Heavy";
				range = 2.8;
	class aa_NH_PseudoDog_tail: NH_PseudoDog_tail
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "$STR_NH_DogTail0";
		descriptionShort = "$STR_NH_DogTail1";
		itemSize[] = {1,3};
		weight = 400;
		varQuantityInit = 300;
		varQuantityMin = 0;
		varQuantityMax = 200;
		absorbency = 0.9;
		isMeleeWeapon = 1;
		inventorySlot[] = {"Ingredient1","Ingredient2","Ingredient3","Ingredient4","Ingredient5","Ingredient6","Ingredient7","Ingredient8","Ingredient9","Ingredient10","Ingredient11","Ingredient12","Ingredient13","Ingredient14","Ingredient15","Ingredient16","Ingredient17","Ingredient18","Ingredient19","Ingredient20"};
		class NH_Fields
			class Radiation
				type = 1;
				radius = 3;
				strenght = 0.23;
				negative_height = 1;
				positive_height = 2;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 100;
		class Nutrition
			fullnessIndex = 1.5;
			energy = 234;
			water = -20;
			nutritionalIndex = 1;
			toxicity = 5000;
		class MeleeModes
			class Default
				ammo = "MeleeBlunt";
				range = 1;
			class Heavy
				ammo = "MeleeBlunt_Heavy";
				range = 1;
			class Sprint
				ammo = "MeleeBlunt_Heavy";
				range = 2.8;
	class aa_NH_PsiDog_tail: aa_NH_PseudoDog_tail
		scope = 2;
	class aa_Mutant_AoD_Himera_Kogot: Mutant_AoD_Himera_Kogot

		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot[] = {"Ingredient1","Ingredient2","Ingredient3","Ingredient4","Ingredient5","Ingredient6","Ingredient7","Ingredient8","Ingredient9","Ingredient10","Ingredient11","Ingredient12","Ingredient13","Ingredient14","Ingredient15","Ingredient16","Ingredient17","Ingredient18","Ingredient19","Ingredient20"};
		class NH_Fields
			class Radiation
				type = 1;
				radius = 3;
				strenght = 0.23;
				negative_height = 1;
				positive_height = 2;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 100;
	class aa_Mutant_AoD_Tark_Horn: Mutant_AoD_Tark_Horn
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot[] = {"Ingredient1","Ingredient2","Ingredient3","Ingredient4","Ingredient5","Ingredient6","Ingredient7","Ingredient8","Ingredient9","Ingredient10","Ingredient11","Ingredient12","Ingredient13","Ingredient14","Ingredient15","Ingredient16","Ingredient17","Ingredient18","Ingredient19","Ingredient20"};
		class NH_Fields
			class Radiation
				type = 1;
				radius = 3;
				strenght = 0.23;
				negative_height = 1;
				positive_height = 2;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 100;
	class aa_Mutant_AoD_Izlom_Hand: Mutant_AoD_Izlom_Hand
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot[] = {"Ingredient1","Ingredient2","Ingredient3","Ingredient4","Ingredient5","Ingredient6","Ingredient7","Ingredient8","Ingredient9","Ingredient10","Ingredient11","Ingredient12","Ingredient13","Ingredient14","Ingredient15","Ingredient16","Ingredient17","Ingredient18","Ingredient19","Ingredient20"};
		class NH_Fields
			class Radiation
				type = 1;
				radius = 3;
				strenght = 0.23;
				negative_height = 1;
				positive_height = 2;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 100;
	class aa_Mutant_AoD_Cat_Leg: Mutant_AoD_Cat_Leg
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot[] = {"Ingredient1","Ingredient2","Ingredient3","Ingredient4","Ingredient5","Ingredient6","Ingredient7","Ingredient8","Ingredient9","Ingredient10","Ingredient11","Ingredient12","Ingredient13","Ingredient14","Ingredient15","Ingredient16","Ingredient17","Ingredient18","Ingredient19","Ingredient20"};
		class NH_Fields
			class Radiation
				type = 1;
				radius = 3;
				strenght = 0.23;
				negative_height = 1;
				positive_height = 2;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 100;
	class aa_Mutant_AoD_Zombi_Hand: Mutant_AoD_Zombi_Hand
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot[] = {"Ingredient1","Ingredient2","Ingredient3","Ingredient4","Ingredient5","Ingredient6","Ingredient7","Ingredient8","Ingredient9","Ingredient10","Ingredient11","Ingredient12","Ingredient13","Ingredient14","Ingredient15","Ingredient16","Ingredient17","Ingredient18","Ingredient19","Ingredient20"};
		class NH_Fields
			class Radiation
				type = 1;
				radius = 3;
				strenght = 0.23;
				negative_height = 1;
				positive_height = 2;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 100;
	class aa_Mutant_AoD_Forester_Kogot: Mutant_AoD_Forester_Kogot
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot[] = {"Ingredient1","Ingredient2","Ingredient3","Ingredient4","Ingredient5","Ingredient6","Ingredient7","Ingredient8","Ingredient9","Ingredient10","Ingredient11","Ingredient12","Ingredient13","Ingredient14","Ingredient15","Ingredient16","Ingredient17","Ingredient18","Ingredient19","Ingredient20"};
		class NH_Fields
			class Radiation
				type = 1;
				radius = 3;
				strenght = 0.23;
				negative_height = 1;
				positive_height = 2;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 100;
	class aa_Mutant_AoD_RatWolf_Eye: Mutant_AoD_RatWolf_Eye
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot[] = {"Ingredient1","Ingredient2","Ingredient3","Ingredient4","Ingredient5","Ingredient6","Ingredient7","Ingredient8","Ingredient9","Ingredient10","Ingredient11","Ingredient12","Ingredient13","Ingredient14","Ingredient15","Ingredient16","Ingredient17","Ingredient18","Ingredient19","Ingredient20"};
		class NH_Fields
			class Radiation
				type = 1;
				radius = 3;
				strenght = 0.23;
				negative_height = 1;
				positive_height = 2;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 100;
	class aa_Mutant_AoD_Poltergeist_Eye: Mutant_AoD_Poltergeist_Eye
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot[] = {"Ingredient1","Ingredient2","Ingredient3","Ingredient4","Ingredient5","Ingredient6","Ingredient7","Ingredient8","Ingredient9","Ingredient10","Ingredient11","Ingredient12","Ingredient13","Ingredient14","Ingredient15","Ingredient16","Ingredient17","Ingredient18","Ingredient19","Ingredient20"};
		class NH_Fields
			class Radiation
				type = 1;
				radius = 3;
				strenght = 0.23;
				negative_height = 1;
				positive_height = 2;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 100;
	class aa_BearPelt: BearPelt
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot[] = {"Ingredient1","Ingredient2","Ingredient3","Ingredient4","Ingredient5","Ingredient6","Ingredient7","Ingredient8","Ingredient9","Ingredient10","Ingredient11","Ingredient12","Ingredient13","Ingredient14","Ingredient15","Ingredient16","Ingredient17","Ingredient18","Ingredient19","Ingredient20"};
		class NH_Fields
			class Radiation
				type = 1;
				radius = 3;
				strenght = 0.23;
				negative_height = 1;
				positive_height = 2;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 100;
	class aa_fangknife: fangknife
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot[] = {"Ingredient1","Ingredient2","Ingredient3","Ingredient4","Ingredient5","Ingredient6","Ingredient7","Ingredient8","Ingredient9","Ingredient10","Ingredient11","Ingredient12","Ingredient13","Ingredient14","Ingredient15","Ingredient16","Ingredient17","Ingredient18","Ingredient19","Ingredient20"};
		displayName = "Коготь паука";
		descriptionShort = "";
		class NH_Fields
			class Radiation
				type = 1;
				radius = 3;
				strenght = 0.23;
				negative_height = 1;
				positive_height = 2;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 100;
	class aa_legspear: legspear
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot[] = {"Ingredient1","Ingredient2","Ingredient3","Ingredient4","Ingredient5","Ingredient6","Ingredient7","Ingredient8","Ingredient9","Ingredient10","Ingredient11","Ingredient12","Ingredient13","Ingredient14","Ingredient15","Ingredient16","Ingredient17","Ingredient18","Ingredient19","Ingredient20"};
		displayName = "Нога паука";
		descriptionShort = "";
		class NH_Fields
			class Radiation
				type = 1;
				radius = 3;
				strenght = 0.23;
				negative_height = 1;
				positive_height = 2;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 100;
	class aa_Mutant_AoD_Ursus_Kogot: Mutant_AoD_Forester_Kogot
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot[] = {"Ingredient1","Ingredient2","Ingredient3","Ingredient4","Ingredient5","Ingredient6","Ingredient7","Ingredient8","Ingredient9","Ingredient10","Ingredient11","Ingredient12","Ingredient13","Ingredient14","Ingredient15","Ingredient16","Ingredient17","Ingredient18","Ingredient19","Ingredient20"};
		displayName = "Коготь Медведя";
		descriptionShort = "";
		class NH_Fields
			class Radiation
				type = 1;
				radius = 3;
				strenght = 0.23;
				negative_height = 1;
				positive_height = 2;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 100;
	class aa_Mutant_AoD_Controller_Hand: Mutant_AoD_Controller_Hand
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot[] = {"Ingredient1","Ingredient2","Ingredient3","Ingredient4","Ingredient5","Ingredient6","Ingredient7","Ingredient8","Ingredient9","Ingredient10","Ingredient11","Ingredient12","Ingredient13","Ingredient14","Ingredient15","Ingredient16","Ingredient17","Ingredient18","Ingredient19","Ingredient20"};
		displayName = "$STR_AoD_Mutant_Controller_Hand_Name";
		descriptionShort = "$STR_AoD_Mutant_Controller_Hand_Decr";
		class NH_Fields
			class Radiation
				type = 1;
				radius = 3;
				strenght = 0.23;
				negative_height = 1;
				positive_height = 2;
		class DamageSystem
			class GlobalHealth
				class Health
					hitpoints = 100;


Edited by 666Aki (see edit history)

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Как оказалось проблема в том, что предметы дропающиеся при разделывании имели уничтоженное качество хоть и отображались как нетронутые. Быть может кто подскажет как изменить состояние предмета при дропе? что вообще за это отвечает и где? я так понимаю это должно быть указано в самом конфиге мутанта

Edited by 666Aki (see edit history)

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