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не спавнится модовая машина

Всех приветствую, я новичок, смотрел по 2-ум урокам как добавить модовое авто в спавн на сервер

делал точно по инструкции и ничего не получилось, машина не заспавнилась не в одном месте которые я прописал в координатах



<type name="Land_Rover_Defender_110">
        <flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/>
	<type name="Land_Rover_Defender_110_Green">
        <flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/>
	<type name="Land_Rover_Defender_110_Blue">
        <flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/>
	<type name="Land_Rover_Defender_110_Grey">
        <flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/>


<event name="VehicleLand_Rover_Defender_110">
        <flags deletable="0" init_random="0" remove_damaged="1"/>
            <child lootmax="0" lootmin="0" max="5" min="3" type="Land_Rover_Defender_110"/>
            <child lootmax="0" lootmin="0" max="5" min="3" type="Land_Rover_Defender_110_Green"/>
            <child lootmax="0" lootmin="0" max="5" min="3" type="Land_Rover_Defender_110_Blue"/>
			<child lootmax="0" lootmin="0" max="5" min="3" type="Land_Rover_Defender_110_Grey"/>



<type name="Land_Rover_Defender_110">
		<attachments chance="1.00">
			<item name="Defender110_wheel" chance="0.80" />
		<attachments chance="1.00">
			<item name="Defender110_wheel" chance="0.80" />
		<attachments chance="1.00">
			<item name="Defender110_wheel" chance="0.80" />
		<attachments chance="1.00">
			<item name="Defender110_wheel" chance="0.10" />
		<attachments chance="1.00">
			<item name="Defender110_wheel" chance="0.10" />
		<attachments chance="1.00">
			<item name="CarRadiator" chance="0.60" />
		<attachments chance="1.00">
			<item name="CarBattery" chance="0.60" />
		<attachments chance="1.00">
			<item name="SparkPlug" chance="0.60" />
		<attachments chance="1.00">
			<item name="HeadlightH7" chance="0.40" />
		<attachments chance="1.00">
			<item name="HeadlightH7" chance="0.40" />
		<attachments chance="1.00">
			<item name="Defender110_door_1_1" chance="0.30" />
		<attachments chance="1.00">
			<item name="Defender110_door_2_1" chance="0.30" />
		<attachments chance="1.00">
			<item name="Defender110_door_1_2" chance="0.30" />
		<attachments chance="1.00">
			<item name="Defender110_door_2_2" chance="0.30" />
		<attachments chance="1.00">
			<item name="Defender110_hood" chance="0.20" />
		<attachments chance="1.00">
			<item name="Defender110_trunk" chance="0.20" />



<event name="VehicleLand_Rover_Defender_110">
    	<pos x="6256.102539" z="8.292483" a="0" /> <!--черно-->
		<pos x="2567.106201" z="193.231750" a="0" /> <!--зеленогорск-->
		<pos x="13399.269531" z="5.926549" a="0" />  <!--солнечный-->
		<pos x="10681.121094" z="211.005890" a="0" /> <!--Поляна-->
		<pos x="12488.291992" z="12.161621" a="0" /> <!--Березино-->
		<pos x="11105.824219" z="199.668213" a="0" /> <!--Красностав-->
		<pos x="7971.697754" z="112.126305" a="0" /> <!--Североград-->
		<pos x="14186.680664" z="129.125168" a="0" /> <!--БелаяПоляна-->
		<pos x="6207.966309" z="300.990875" a="0" /> <!--СтарыйСобор-->
		<pos x="1259.835205" z="295.768951" a="0" /> <!--Синестоки-->


перезапускал сервер несколько раз, так не одной машины и не нашел, в чем может быть проблема? помогите пожалуйста

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<type name="Land_Rover_Defender_110">
        <flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/>

тайпс лучше так....(пример)

<event name="VehicleLand_Rover_Defender_110">
        <flags deletable="0" init_random="0" remove_damaged="1"/>
            <child lootmax="0" lootmin="0" max="3" min="2" type="Land_Rover_Defender_110"/>
            <child lootmax="0" lootmin="0" max="3" min="2" type="Land_Rover_Defender_110_Green"/>
            <child lootmax="0" lootmin="0" max="3" min="2" type="Land_Rover_Defender_110_Blue"/>
			<child lootmax="0" lootmin="0" max="3" min="2" type="Land_Rover_Defender_110_Grey"/>

ивент лучше так..(пример)
После -ВАЙП. (ну или частичный вайп).

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