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"g_BBPDisableCraftVanillaFence": 0, "g_BBPDisableCraftVanillaWatchtower": 0, "g_BBPRequireLandClaim": 0, "g_BBPLandClaimBlockDismantle": 0, "g_BBPLandClaimRadius": 30, "g_BBPAdminLandClaimRadius": 100, "g_BBPFloatingPlacement": 0, "g_BBPAdvanceRotation": 0, "g_BBPInventoryToggle": 0, "g_BBPBarbedWireRemoveOutside": 1, "g_BBPSetInfiniteLifetime": 0, "g_BBPEnableTimeDestructionMod": 0, "g_BBPRaidOnlyDoors": 0, "g_BBPTier1RaidTime": 300, "g_BBPTier2RaidTime": 600, "g_BBPTier3RaidTime": 1200, "g_BBPTier1RaidToolDamage": 25, "g_BBPTier2RaidToolDamage": 50, "g_BBPTier3RaidToolDamage": 1000, "g_BBPTier1RaidTools": [ "Hatchet", "SledgeHammer", "FirefighterAxe", "WoodAxe" ], "g_BBPTier2RaidTools": [ "SledgeHammer", "FirefighterAxe", "WoodAxe" ], "g_BBPTier3RaidTools": [ "SledgeHammer" ], "g_BBPCementMixerTime": 252, "g_BBPCementMixerLocations": [ { "position": [
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