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Скрипт дефолтного бинта

Может я тупой, но не могу найти найти скрипт дефолтного бинта в котором используется выражение 

if (player.GetBleedingManagerServer() )

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Нашёл только это

class BleedingSourcesManagerServer extends BleedingSourcesManagerBase
  const float TICK_INTERVAL_SEC = 3;
  float m_Tick;
  bool m_DisableBloodLoss = false;
  ref array<int> m_DeleteList = new array<int>;
  const int STORAGE_VERSION = 103;
  protected BleedingSourceZone GetBleedingSourceZone(int bit)
  return m_BleedingSourceZone.Get(GetSelectionNameFromBit(bit));
  int GetStorageVersion()
  void RequestDeletion(int bit)
  override protected void AddBleedingSource(int bit)
  m_Player.SetBleedingBits(m_Player.GetBleedingBits() | bit );
  override protected bool RemoveBleedingSource(int bit)
  Error("Failed to remove bleeding source:" + bit);
  int inverse_bit_mask = ~bit;
  m_Player.SetBleedingBits(m_Player.GetBleedingBits() & inverse_bit_mask );
  return true;
  void RemoveAnyBleedingSource()
  int bleeding_sources_bits = m_Player.GetBleedingBits();
  int rightmost_bit = bleeding_sources_bits & (-bleeding_sources_bits);
  void RemoveMostSignificantBleedingSource()
  int bit = GetMostSignificantBleedingSource();
  int GetMostSignificantBleedingSource()
  int bleeding_sources_bits = m_Player.GetBleedingBits();
  float highest_flow;
  int highest_flow_bit;
  int bit_offset;
  for(int i = 0; i < BIT_INT_SIZE; i++)
  int bit = 1 << bit_offset;
  if( (bit & bleeding_sources_bits) != 0 )
  BleedingSourceZone meta = GetBleedingSourceMeta(bit);
  if( meta.GetFlowModifier() > highest_flow )
  highest_flow = meta.GetFlowModifier();
  highest_flow_bit = bit;
  return highest_flow_bit;
  void OnTick(float delta_time)
  m_Tick += delta_time;
  if( m_Tick > TICK_INTERVAL_SEC )
  while( m_DeleteList.Count() > 0 )
  float blood_scale = Math.InverseLerp(PlayerConstants.BLOOD_THRESHOLD_FATAL, PlayerConstants.BLEEDING_LOW_PRESSURE_BLOOD, m_Player.GetHealth( "GlobalHealth", "Blood" ));
  blood_scale = Math.Clamp( blood_scale, PlayerConstants.BLEEDING_LOW_PRESSURE_MIN_MOD, 1 );
  for(int i = 0; i < m_BleedingSources.Count(); i++)
  m_BleedingSources.GetElement(i).OnUpdateServer( TICK_INTERVAL_SEC, blood_scale, m_DisableBloodLoss );
  m_Tick = 0;
  void ActivateAllBS()
  for(int i = 0; i < m_BleedingSourceZone.Count(); i++)
  int bit = m_BleedingSourceZone.GetElement(i).GetBit();
  if( CanAddBleedingSource(bit) )
  //damage must be to "Blood" healthType
  void ProcessHit(float damage, EntityAI source, int component, string zone, string ammo, vector modelPos)
  float dmg_max = m_Player.GetMaxHealth(zone, "Blood");
  float dmg = damage;
  float bleed_threshold = GetGame().ConfigGetFloat( "CfgAmmo " + ammo + " DamageApplied " + "bleedThreshold" );
  bleed_threshold = Math.Clamp(bleed_threshold,0,1);
  //Print("dmg_max = " + dmg_max);
  //Print("dmg = " + dmg);
  //Print("bleed_threshold = " + bleed_threshold);
  //hackerino for zombino:
  if (source.IsZombie())
  int chance = Math.RandomInt(0,10); //10%
  if (chance == 1)
  else if ( dmg > (dmg_max * (1 - bleed_threshold)) )
  void DebugActivateBleedingSource(int source)
  if(source >= m_BleedingSourceZone.Count() || !m_BleedingSourceZone.GetElement(source)) return;
  int bit = m_BleedingSourceZone.GetElement(source).GetBit();
  if( bit && CanAddBleedingSource(bit) )
  void SetBloodLoss(bool status)
  m_DisableBloodLoss = status;
  void OnStoreSave( ParamsWriteContext ctx )
  //int count = m_BleedingSources.Count();
  int active_bits = m_Player.GetBleedingBits();
  int bit_offset = 0;
  for(int i = 0; i < BIT_INT_SIZE; i++)
  int bit = 1 << bit_offset;
  if( (bit & active_bits) != 0 )
  int active_time = GetBleedingSourceActiveTime(bit);
  bool OnStoreLoad( ParamsReadContext ctx, int version )
  int active_bits;
  return false;
  int bit_offset = 0;
  for(int i = 0; i < BIT_INT_SIZE; i++)
  int bit = 1 << bit_offset;
  if( (bit & active_bits) != 0 && CanAddBleedingSource(bit))
  int active_time = 0;
  return false;
  return true;
  void ~BleedingSourcesManagerServer()
  if (m_Player && !m_Player.IsAlive())


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10.07.2021 в 23:44, DrZiLLo сказал:

Нашёл только это

class BleedingSourcesManagerServer extends BleedingSourcesManagerBase { const float TICK_INTERVAL_SEC = 3; float m_Tick; bool m_DisableBloodLoss = false; ref array<int> m_DeleteList = new array<int>; const int STORAGE_VERSION = 103; protected BleedingSourceZone GetBleedingSourceZone(int bit) { return m_BleedingSourceZone.Get(GetSelectionNameFromBit(bit)); } int GetStorageVersion() { return STORAGE_VERSION; } void RequestDeletion(int bit) { m_DeleteList.Insert(bit); } override protected void AddBleedingSource(int bit) { m_Player.SetBleedingBits(m_Player.GetBleedingBits() | bit ); super.AddBleedingSource(bit); } override protected bool RemoveBleedingSource(int bit) { if(!super.RemoveBleedingSource(bit)) { Error("Failed to remove bleeding source:" + bit); } int inverse_bit_mask = ~bit; m_Player.SetBleedingBits(m_Player.GetBleedingBits() & inverse_bit_mask ); return true; } void RemoveAnyBleedingSource() { int bleeding_sources_bits = m_Player.GetBleedingBits(); int rightmost_bit = bleeding_sources_bits & (-bleeding_sources_bits); RemoveBleedingSource(rightmost_bit); } void RemoveMostSignificantBleedingSource() { int bit = GetMostSignificantBleedingSource(); RemoveBleedingSource(bit); } int GetMostSignificantBleedingSource() { int bleeding_sources_bits = m_Player.GetBleedingBits(); float highest_flow; int highest_flow_bit; int bit_offset; for(int i = 0; i < BIT_INT_SIZE; i++) { int bit = 1 << bit_offset; if( (bit & bleeding_sources_bits) != 0 ) { BleedingSourceZone meta = GetBleedingSourceMeta(bit); if(meta) { if( meta.GetFlowModifier() > highest_flow ) { highest_flow = meta.GetFlowModifier(); highest_flow_bit = bit; //Print(meta.GetSelectionName()); } } } bit_offset++; } return highest_flow_bit; } void OnTick(float delta_time) { m_Tick += delta_time; if( m_Tick > TICK_INTERVAL_SEC ) { while( m_DeleteList.Count() > 0 ) { RemoveBleedingSource(m_DeleteList.Get(0)); m_DeleteList.Remove(0); } float blood_scale = Math.InverseLerp(PlayerConstants.BLOOD_THRESHOLD_FATAL, PlayerConstants.BLEEDING_LOW_PRESSURE_BLOOD, m_Player.GetHealth( "GlobalHealth", "Blood" )); blood_scale = Math.Clamp( blood_scale, PlayerConstants.BLEEDING_LOW_PRESSURE_MIN_MOD, 1 ); for(int i = 0; i < m_BleedingSources.Count(); i++) { m_BleedingSources.GetElement(i).OnUpdateServer( TICK_INTERVAL_SEC, blood_scale, m_DisableBloodLoss ); } m_Tick = 0; } } void ActivateAllBS() { for(int i = 0; i < m_BleedingSourceZone.Count(); i++) { int bit = m_BleedingSourceZone.GetElement(i).GetBit(); if( CanAddBleedingSource(bit) ) { AddBleedingSource(bit); } } } //damage must be to "Blood" healthType void ProcessHit(float damage, EntityAI source, int component, string zone, string ammo, vector modelPos) { float dmg_max = m_Player.GetMaxHealth(zone, "Blood"); float dmg = damage; float bleed_threshold = GetGame().ConfigGetFloat( "CfgAmmo " + ammo + " DamageApplied " + "bleedThreshold" ); bleed_threshold = Math.Clamp(bleed_threshold,0,1); //Print("dmg_max = " + dmg_max); //Print("dmg = " + dmg); //Print("bleed_threshold = " + bleed_threshold); //hackerino for zombino: if (source.IsZombie()) { int chance = Math.RandomInt(0,10); //10% if (chance == 1) { AttemptAddBleedingSource(component); } } else if ( dmg > (dmg_max * (1 - bleed_threshold)) ) { AttemptAddBleedingSource(component); //Print("BLEEDING"); } } void DebugActivateBleedingSource(int source) { RemoveAllSources(); if(source >= m_BleedingSourceZone.Count() || !m_BleedingSourceZone.GetElement(source)) return; int bit = m_BleedingSourceZone.GetElement(source).GetBit(); if( bit && CanAddBleedingSource(bit) ) { AddBleedingSource(bit); } } void SetBloodLoss(bool status) { m_DisableBloodLoss = status; } void OnStoreSave( ParamsWriteContext ctx ) { //int count = m_BleedingSources.Count(); int active_bits = m_Player.GetBleedingBits(); ctx.Write(active_bits); int bit_offset = 0; for(int i = 0; i < BIT_INT_SIZE; i++) { int bit = 1 << bit_offset; if( (bit & active_bits) != 0 ) { int active_time = GetBleedingSourceActiveTime(bit); ctx.Write(active_time); } bit_offset++; } } bool OnStoreLoad( ParamsReadContext ctx, int version ) { int active_bits; if(!ctx.Read(active_bits)) { return false; } int bit_offset = 0; for(int i = 0; i < BIT_INT_SIZE; i++) { int bit = 1 << bit_offset; if( (bit & active_bits) != 0 && CanAddBleedingSource(bit)) { AddBleedingSource(bit); int active_time = 0; if(!ctx.Read(active_time)) { return false; } else { SetBleedingSourceActiveTime(bit,active_time); } } bit_offset++; } return true; } void ~BleedingSourcesManagerServer() { if (m_Player && !m_Player.IsAlive()) RemoveAllSources(); } }


Вот за ссылку спасибо, покопался там и нашел

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