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Кто может вытащить .cfg модели?

Привет. Помогите пожалуйста вытащить .cfg модели из characters_zombies.pbo/citizenA_normal_f.p3d? Спасибо.

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29 минут назад, vasilisk сказал:

Привет. Помогите пожалуйста вытащить .cfg модели из characters_zombies.pbo/citizenA_normal_f.p3d? Спасибо.

//Extracted citizenA_normal_f.cfg for citizenA_normal_f.p3d
//Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 8.00
//'now' is Sat Mar 06 15:37:03 2021 : 'file' last modified on Wed Jan 29 16:59:46 2020

class cfgSkeletons
	class DayzTemporarySkeleton
		skeletonInherit = "";
		isDiscrete = 0;
			"pelvis"	,"",
			"launcher"	,"pelvis",
			"weapon"	,"pelvis",
			"propweaponbody"	,"weapon",
			"propweaponslide"	,"propweaponbody",
			"propweaponmag"	,"propweaponbody",
			"propweapon01"	,"propweaponbody",
			"propweapon02"	,"propweaponbody",
			"propweapon03"	,"propweaponbody",
			"propweapon04"	,"propweaponbody",
			"propweapon05"	,"propweaponbody",
			"propweapon06"	,"propweaponbody",
			"propweapon07"	,"propweaponbody",
			"propweapon08"	,"propweaponbody",
			"propweapon09"	,"propweaponbody",
			"propweapon10"	,"propweaponbody",
			"lefthipextra"	,"pelvis",
			"righthipextra"	,"pelvis",
			"propbeltleft"	,"pelvis",
			"propbeltright"	,"pelvis",
			"propbeltcenter"	,"pelvis",
			"turningaxis"	,"pelvis",
			"propbackpackmain"	,"pelvis",
			"propbackpacktop"	,"propbackpackmain",
			"propbackpackextra"	,"propbackpackmain",
			"propbackpackleft"	,"propbackpackmain",
			"propbackpackright"	,"propbackpackmain",
			"spine"	,"pelvis",
			"spine1"	,"spine",
			"proprifleunderarm"	,"spine1",
			"spine2"	,"spine1",
			"proprifleback"	,"spine2",
			"propvestleft"	,"spine2",
			"propvestright"	,"spine2",
			"propvestfront"	,"spine2",
			"propvestlower"	,"propvestfront",
			"spine3"	,"spine2",
			"propvestupper"	,"spine3",
			"propvestback"	,"spine3",
			"neck"	,"spine3",
			"neck1"	,"neck",
			"head"	,"neck1",
			"prophelmet"	,"head",
			"prophelmetvisor"	,"prophelmet",
			"propmouth"	,"head",
			"propmask"	,"head",
			"propglasses"	,"head",
			"prophelmetchin"	,"head",
			"propcamera1st"	,"head",
			"headcutscene"	,"head",
			"eyeleft"	,"head",
			"eyeright"	,"head",
			"face_browfrontleft"	,"head",
			"face_browfrontright"	,"head",
			"face_browmiddle"	,"head",
			"face_browsideleft"	,"head",
			"face_browsideright"	,"head",
			"face_cornerleft"	,"head",
			"face_cornerright"	,"head",
			"face_eyelidlowerleft"	,"head",
			"face_eyelidlowerright"	,"head",
			"face_eyelids"	,"head",
			"face_eyelidupperleft"	,"head",
			"face_eyelidupperright"	,"head",
			"face_forehead"	,"head",
			"face_cheekfrontleft"	,"head",
			"face_cheekfrontright"	,"head",
			"face_cheeksideleft"	,"head",
			"face_cheeksideright"	,"head",
			"face_cheekupperleft"	,"head",
			"face_cheekupperright"	,"head",
			"face_chin"	,"head",
			"face_chopleft"	,"head",
			"face_chopright"	,"head",
			"face_jawbone"	,"head",
			"face_jowl"	,"head",
			"face_liplowerleft"	,"head",
			"face_liplowermiddle"	,"head",
			"face_liplowerright"	,"head",
			"face_lipupperleft"	,"head",
			"face_lipuppermiddle"	,"head",
			"face_lipupperright"	,"head",
			"face_nostrilleft"	,"head",
			"face_nostrilright"	,"head",
			"face_tongue"	,"head",
			"beard"	,"head",
			"hair"	,"head",
			"leftshoulder"	,"spine3",
			"leftarm"	,"leftshoulder",
			"leftarmextra"	,"leftarm",
			"leftarmroll"	,"leftarm",
			"leftelbowextra"	,"leftarmroll",
			"leftforearm"	,"leftarmroll",
			"leftforearmextra"	,"leftforearm",
			"leftforearmroll"	,"leftforearm",
			"leftwristextra"	,"leftforearmroll",
			"lefthand"	,"leftforearmroll",
			"prophandl"	,"lefthand",
			"lefthandring"	,"lefthand",
			"lefthandring1"	,"lefthandring",
			"lefthandring2"	,"lefthandring1",
			"lefthandring3"	,"lefthandring2",
			"lefthandpinky1"	,"lefthandring",
			"lefthandpinky2"	,"lefthandpinky1",
			"lefthandpinky3"	,"lefthandpinky2",
			"lefthandmiddle1"	,"lefthand",
			"lefthandmiddle2"	,"lefthandmiddle1",
			"lefthandmiddle3"	,"lefthandmiddle2",
			"lefthandindex1"	,"lefthand",
			"lefthandindex2"	,"lefthandindex1",
			"lefthandindex3"	,"lefthandindex2",
			"lefthandthumb1"	,"lefthand",
			"lefthandthumb2"	,"lefthandthumb1",
			"lefthandthumb3"	,"lefthandthumb2",
			"rightshoulder"	,"spine3",
			"rightarm"	,"rightshoulder",
			"rightarmextra"	,"rightarm",
			"rightarmroll"	,"rightarm",
			"rightelbowextra"	,"rightarmroll",
			"rightforearm"	,"rightarmroll",
			"rightforearmextra"	,"rightforearm",
			"rightforearmroll"	,"rightforearm",
			"rightwristextra"	,"rightforearmroll",
			"righthand"	,"rightforearmroll",
			"prophandr"	,"righthand",
			"righthandring"	,"righthand",
			"righthandring1"	,"righthandring",
			"righthandring2"	,"righthandring1",
			"righthandring3"	,"righthandring2",
			"righthandpinky1"	,"righthandring",
			"righthandpinky2"	,"righthandpinky1",
			"righthandpinky3"	,"righthandpinky2",
			"righthandmiddle1"	,"righthand",
			"righthandmiddle2"	,"righthandmiddle1",
			"righthandmiddle3"	,"righthandmiddle2",
			"righthandindex1"	,"righthand",
			"righthandindex2"	,"righthandindex1",
			"righthandindex3"	,"righthandindex2",
			"righthandthumb1"	,"righthand",
			"righthandthumb2"	,"righthandthumb1",
			"righthandthumb3"	,"righthandthumb2",
			"leftupleg"	,"pelvis",
			"leftuplegroll"	,"leftupleg",
			"propthighleft"	,"leftupleg",
			"leftkneeextra"	,"propthighleft",
			"leftleg"	,"propthighleft",
			"leftlegroll"	,"leftleg",
			"leftfoot"	,"leftlegroll",
			"lefttoebase"	,"leftfoot",
			"rightupleg"	,"pelvis",
			"rightuplegroll"	,"rightupleg",
			"propthighright"	,"rightupleg",
			"rightkneeextra"	,"propthighright",
			"rightleg"	,"propthighright",
			"rightlegroll"	,"rightleg",
			"rightfoot"	,"rightlegroll",
			"righttoebase"	,"rightfoot",
			"camera"	,"",
			"righthand_dummy"	,""
class CfgModels
	class Default
		sections[] = {};
		skeletonName = "";
	class citizenA_normal_f:Default

Помог? Ставь лайк 👍

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@vasilisk иди и скачивай элитнесс. Научишься вытаскивать.

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Только что, vasilisk сказал:

т души)


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