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SearchToSurvive 1.0.0

   (6 reviews)

Buying products not through S-Platoon, you risk being deceived, or you can get a strike on your mod on Steam, because most users who sell products through PM and Discord, sell someone else's (stolen) mods. Be vigilant and do not let yourself be deceived

1 Screenshot

Product description

Функционал - добавлено 60 предметов которые можно обыскать. Среди них - шкафы, холодильник, касса, мусорные бачки, кучи и др.
Устанавливать все предметы на карту при помощи функционала оффлайн режима (Custom_Building).

Шанс нахождения предметов вообще 50%. Отдельных меньше. Время между возможностью обыскать - 1 час.
Возможна переработка мода за отдельную плату.

Мод клиентско-серверный.
Подробное наполнение мода и класснеймы - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1abmd9wYX9x4IJWLQh-ku8Fo7vJ6cXwfUExIRgJPejZ0/edit#gid=0

Обзор по ссылке - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdcBB--GNlI




Compatible version


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Terms of usage

Прошу хотя бы упоминать меня при использовании мода.

All files published by users, thus s-platoon.ru is not responsible for their content. All copyrights belong to the specified owners. If you are the copyright holder of a file located on the site s-platoon.ru and if you do not want it to continue to be freely available, then we are ready to assist in the removal of this material. Just write to us using the feedback form.

User Feedback

You may only provide a review once you have downloaded the file.


   4 of 6 members found this review helpful 4 / 6 members

Доброго времени суток! Это нужно прописывать каждый мусор, помойку, и т.д. на сервере чтобы обыскать его? А на те что на сервере, их использовать нельзя?

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   2 of 4 members found this review helpful 2 / 4 members

Mod is very good, but there is no configuration file. I can reward you. Can you give me a copy of the file?

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   1 of 2 members found this review helpful 1 / 2 members
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actioncheckscbag_dz.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actioncheckscclass_case_b_closed.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actioncheckscgarbage_bin.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscgarbage_pile3.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscgarbage_pile3.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscgarbage_pile8.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscgarbage_pile8.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticsclocker_closed_v3.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticsclocker_closed_v3.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscwardrobe_b.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscwardrobe_b.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actionchecksccashier.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actioncheckscgarbage_pile1.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actioncheckscgarbage_pile6.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actionchecksclibrary_a_open.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actionchecksclocker_closed_v3.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actioncheckscmisc_postbox1.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticsccase_bedroom_a.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticsccase_bedroom_a.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscgarbage_container2_open.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscgarbage_container2_open.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actioncheckscgarbage_container2_open.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscalmara.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscalmara.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscgarbage_container_plastic.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscgarbage_container_plastic.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actionchecksccase_bedroom_a.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actionchecksccase_cans_b.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actioncheckscgarbage_container_plastic.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actionchecksclocker_closed_blue_v2.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actioncheckscscgarbage_container.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscgarbage_bin.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscgarbage_bin.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscgarbage_pile5.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscgarbage_pile5.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscskrin_bar.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscskrin_bar.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actionchecksccase_sink_a.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actioncheckscclassroom_case_a_crushed.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actioncheckscgarbage_pile3.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actioncheckscgarbage_pile8.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticsccashier.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticsccashier.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticsclab_teacher_bench.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticsclab_teacher_bench.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticsclocker_closed_blue_v2.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticsclocker_closed_blue_v2.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actioncheckscammobox.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actioncheckscgarbage_bin2.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actioncheckscshelfs_small_crushed.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actioncheckscwardrobe_a.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actioncheckscwashing_machine.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscfridge.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscfridge.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticsctable_crushed.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticsctable_crushed.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscvending_machine.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscvending_machine.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscbed_large_metal_crushed.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscbed_large_metal_crushed.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscgarbage_pile2.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscgarbage_pile2.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscgarbage_pile7.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscgarbage_pile7.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticsclocker_closed_v2.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticsclocker_closed_v2.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscmisc_postbox2.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscmisc_postbox2.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscpokladna.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscpokladna.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscwardrobe_a.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscwardrobe_a.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actioncheckscalmara.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actioncheckscbed_large_metal_crushed.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actioncheckscbox_c_multi.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actioncheckscgarbage_pile5.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actionchecksclab_teacher_bench.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actionchecksclekarnicka.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actionchecksclibrary_a.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actionchecksclocker_closed_v2.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actioncheckscmetalcase_01.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actioncheckscoffice_desk.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscammobox.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscammobox.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticsccase_cans_b.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticsccase_cans_b.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticsccase_sink_a.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticsccase_sink_a.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscclassroom_case_a.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscclassroom_case_a.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscclassroom_case_a_crushed.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscclassroom_case_a_crushed.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscgarbage_bin2.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscgarbage_bin2.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscgarbage_container.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscgarbage_container.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actioncheckscclassroom_case_a.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscgarbage_container_glass.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscgarbage_container_glass.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actioncheckscclassroom_case_b_crushed.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actionchecksclocker_closed_blue_v1.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actionchecksctable_crushed.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actionchecksctable_drawer.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actioncheckscwoodencrate.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticsccase_a.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticsccase_a.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscclass_case_b_closed.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscclass_case_b_closed.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscgarbage_pile4.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscgarbage_pile4.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticsckitchenstove_elec.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticsckitchenstove_elec.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticsclekarnicka.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticsclekarnicka.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscmetalcase_01.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscmetalcase_01.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actioncheckscfridge.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actioncheckscgarbage_pile2.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actioncheckscgarbage_pile7.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actioncheckscmisc_postbox2.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscbag_dz.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscbag_dz.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticsccase_bedroom_b.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticsccase_bedroom_b.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticsclocker_closed_blue_v1.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticsclocker_closed_blue_v1.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticsctable_drawer.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticsctable_drawer.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actionchecksckitchenstove_elec.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actioncheckscvaulting_box_large.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscbox_c_multi.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscbox_c_multi.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscgarbage_container_paper.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscgarbage_container_paper.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticsckitchen_unit_a_dz.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticsckitchen_unit_a_dz.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscoffice_desk.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscoffice_desk.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscvaulting_box_large.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscvaulting_box_large.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscwashing_machine.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscwashing_machine.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actionchecksccase_bedroom_b.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actionchecksclocker_closed_blue_v3.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actioncheckscskrin_bar.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscclassroom_case_b_crushed.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscclassroom_case_b_crushed.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscgarbage_pile1.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscgarbage_pile1.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscgarbage_pile6.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscgarbage_pile6.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticsclocker_closed_v1.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticsclocker_closed_v1.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscmisc_postbox1.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscmisc_postbox1.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscoffice_table_a.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscoffice_table_a.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscshelfs_small_crushed.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscshelfs_small_crushed.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscwoodencrate.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscwoodencrate.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actioncheckscgarbage_container2_closed.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actioncheckscgarbage_container_paper.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actioncheckscgarbage_pile4.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actionchecksclocker_closed_v1.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actioncheckscpokladna.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscgarbage_container2_closed.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticscgarbage_container2_closed.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticsclibrary_a.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticsclibrary_a.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticsclocker_closed_blue_v3.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticsclocker_closed_blue_v3.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actionchecksccase_a.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actionchecksckitchen_unit_a_dz.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actioncheckscoffice_table_a.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actioncheckscvending_machine.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/actioncheckscwardrobe_b.c,44": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticsclibrary_a_open.c,8": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT    (W): @"SCSearchToSurvive\Scripts\4_World/staticitem\staticsclibrary_a_open.c,15": Missing ';' at the end of line


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   0 of 2 members found this review helpful 0 / 2 members

Hello, amazing mod! I would like your permission to modify / repack this & i will give you credit also. Would you approve?

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   0 of 3 members found this review helpful 0 / 3 members

Не знаю, не рабочий мод, батник крашит с ним, ничего не менял прост закатал в ПБО и подписал. 

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Does this mod still working ?

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