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Clothes Pack #1 1.0.0

38,50 USD

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Buying products not through S-Platoon, you risk being deceived, or you can get a strike on your mod on Steam, because most users who sell products through PM and Discord, sell someone else's (stolen) mods. Be vigilant and do not let yourself be deceived

7 Screenshots

Product description


A small pack of unique clothes, each model is created from scratch, not purchased.

All clothes are retextured, have a small number of polygons, do not create lags.


Небольшой пак уникальной одежды, каждая модель - создана с нуля, не покупная.

Вся одежда ретекстурится, имеет малое количество полигонов, не создаёт лаги.




Compatible version


Acceptance of the Terms of the marketplace


Terms of usage


1) Использование разрешено на вашем проекте. Вы можете загрузить мод в свой основной модпак.

2) Запрещается загружать в мастерскую одиночный мод, чтобы его могли использовать другие проекты(не приобретавшие).

3) Разрешается редактирование файлов текстур, конфигов и т.п.

4) Запрещается любое редактирование моделей, дебинаризация моделей и т.п.


1) Use is allowed for the next project. You can load the mod into your main modpack.

2) It is forbidden to order his single mod in the workshop in order to be able to carry out other projects (not purchased).

3) Editing texture files, configs, etc. is allowed.

4) Any editing of models, debinarization of models, etc. is prohibited.


Actions after purchase


После приобретения, напишите мне в дискорд и укажите ссылку на ваш модпак.

При возникновении проблем, можете смело писать мне в дискорд, я постараюсь вам помочь.


After purchasing, write to me on discord and provide a link to your modpack.

If you have any problems, feel free to write to me in the discord, I will try to help you.

Discord Malinin#5394

All files published by users, thus s-platoon.ru is not responsible for their content. All copyrights belong to the specified owners. If you are the copyright holder of a file located on the site s-platoon.ru and if you do not want it to continue to be freely available, then we are ready to assist in the removal of this material. Just write to us using the feedback form.

Другие товары Malinin

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