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Safe electronic lock \ Сейф с электронным замком 1.0.0

27,50 USD

   (1 review)

Buying products not through S-Platoon, you risk being deceived, or you can get a strike on your mod on Steam, because most users who sell products through PM and Discord, sell someone else's (stolen) mods. Be vigilant and do not let yourself be deceived

1 Screenshot

Product description


Представляем вам сейф со встроенным электронным замком.
Для игроков 2 расцветки(можно разобрать) - 200 слотов, для трейд зон (нельзя разобрать) 4 расцетки - 600 слотов.
При уничтожении сейфа, есть шанс (50% для каждого предмета) выпадение из сейфа



We present you a safe with a built-in electronic lock!
For players of 2 colors (can be disassembled) - 200 slots, for trade zones (can not be disassembled) 4 colors - 600 slots!
When destroying the safe, there is a chance (50% for each item) falling out of the safe
For all questions in the bos or Discord: [SRS]siman#4011
It is possible to accept payment via paypal





Compatible version


Acceptance of the Terms of the marketplace


Terms of usage


Запрещено продавать/менять/отдавать
Серверная часть обфусцирована, клиентская не обфусцирована


It is forbidden to sell/change/give away
The server part is obfuscated, the client part is not obfuscated


Actions after purchase


1. Упаковать клиентский мод в свою сборку
2. Подключить серверный мод


1. Pack the client mod into your build
2. Connect the server mod


All files published by users, thus s-platoon.ru is not responsible for their content. All copyrights belong to the specified owners. If you are the copyright holder of a file located on the site s-platoon.ru and if you do not want it to continue to be freely available, then we are ready to assist in the removal of this material. Just write to us using the feedback form.

Другие товары siman

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