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    • Автор: Ford
      Создание скрипта можно разделить на 2 этапа: написание кода и его тестирование. Второй у меня занимает около 80% всего времени, т.к. каждый раз нужно загружать сервер и миссию.
      Есть ли более быстрый способ отлаживать код?
    • Автор: JolyMonk
      Здравствуйте, как можно создать свой, прозрачный, hint для дебаг монитора? 
    • Автор: ZizionarD
      Тема взята с сайта: EpochMod.com

      1. Скачиваем архив и распаковываем его
      2. Открываем кастомный файл compiles.sqf и находим строку:
      DZ_KeyDown_EH = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\keyboard.sqf"; И меняем ее на:
      DZ_KeyDown_EH = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "PATHTOYOUR\keyboard.sqf"; 3. Открываем файл init.sqf и находим строку:
      waitUntil {scriptDone progress_monitor}; И под ней вставляем
      if (isNil 'debugMonitor') then {debugMonitor = true; _nill = execvm "dayz_code\compile\player_debug.sqf"; }; *Файл init.sqf который находится в архиве ни в коем случае не заменяйте его! В этом файле прописано то, что выше написано.
      На это все, всем спасибо за внимание!
      // (c) facoptere@gmail.com, licensed to DayZMod for the community #include "\ca\editor\Data\Scripts\dikCodes.h" _dikCode = _this select 1; _shiftState = _this select 2; _ctrlState = _this select 3; _altState = _this select 4; _handled = false; if (isNil "keyboard_keys") then { _cancelBuild = { DZE_cancelBuilding = true; call dayz_EjectPlayer; _handled = false; if (r_player_dead) then {_handled = true;}; // Disable ESC after death }; _dze_f = { if (!_ctrlState && !_altState) then {DZE_F = true;}; }; _dze_q = { if (!_ctrlState && !_altState) then {DZE_Q = true;}; if (!_ctrlState && _altState) then {DZE_Q_alt = true;}; if (_ctrlState && !_altState) then {DZE_Q_ctrl = true;}; }; _dze_z = { if (!_ctrlState && !_altState) then {DZE_Z = true;}; if (!_ctrlState && _altState) then {DZE_Z_alt = true;}; if (_ctrlState && !_altState) then {DZE_Z_ctrl = true;}; }; _autoRun = { if (!dayz_autoRun) then { dayz_autoRun = true; dayz_autoRunThread = [] spawn { _weapon = currentWeapon player; while {dayz_autoRun} do { // SurfaceIsWater does not work for ponds // Check weapon to detect Arma action (dayz action is handled in dz_fn_switchWeapon) if (player != vehicle player or (surfaceIsWater getPosASL player) or ((call fn_nearWaterHole) select 0) or (currentWeapon player != _weapon) or r_fracture_legs) exitWith { call dayz_autoRunOff; }; player playAction "FastF"; uiSleep 0.5; }; }; } else { call dayz_autoRunOff; }; _handled = true; }; _filterCheat = { //Overriding default engine handling does not stop cheat input, need manual disableUserInput too _handled = [displayNull,_dikCode,_shiftState] call dze_filterCheats; }; _openGroups = { if (dayz_requireRadio && !("ItemRadio" in items player)) then { localize "STR_EPOCH_NEED_RADIO" call dayz_rollingMessages; } else { if (isNull findDisplay 80000) then { if (!isNil "dayz_groupInit") then {[] spawn dayz_openGroupDialog;}; } else { findDisplay 80000 closeDisplay 2; }; }; _handled = true; }; _muteSound = { call player_toggleSoundMute; _handled = true; }; _rifle = { 2 call dz_fn_switchWeapon; _handled = true; }; _pistol = { 3 call dz_fn_switchWeapon; _handled = true; }; _melee = { // Also works for rifle on back if DZE_TwoPrimaries = 2; 4 call dz_fn_switchWeapon; _handled = true; }; _throwable = { // select next non empty throwable weapon if (vehicle player == player) then { _ammo_throwable = []; _muzzles_throwable = []; _weapon_throwable = []; { _weapon = _x; _muzzles = getArray(configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _weapon >> "muzzles"); if (count _muzzles == 0) then { _muzzles = [_weapon ]; }; { _muzz = _x; { if (_x in magazines player) then { _ammo_throwable set [ count _ammo_throwable, getText(configFile >> "cfgMagazines" >> _x >> "ammo") ]; _muzzles_throwable set [ count _muzzles_throwable, _muzz ]; _weapon_throwable set [ count _weapon_throwable, _weapon ]; }; } forEach getArray(configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _weapon >> _muzz >> "magazines"); } forEach _muzzles; } forEach ["Throw"]; _magCount = count _ammo_throwable; if (_magCount > 0) then { if (isNil "KB_CurrentThrowable") then { KB_CurrentThrowable = -1; }; _currentAmmo = (weaponState player) select 3; _idx = _ammo_throwable find _currentAmmo; if (_idx >= 0) then { KB_CurrentThrowable = _idx; }; KB_CurrentThrowable = (KB_CurrentThrowable + 1) mod _magCount; player selectWeapon (_muzzles_throwable select KB_CurrentThrowable); _handled = true; }; }; }; _surrender = { call player_surrender; _handled = true; }; _gear = { if ((vehicle player != player) and !_shiftState and !_ctrlState and !_altState && !dialog) then { createGearDialog [player, "RscDisplayGear"]; _handled = true; } else { if ((vehicle player == player) and (speed vehicle player > 0)) then { //[objNull, player, rSwitchMove,""] call RE; _handled = true; };}; }; _forcesave = { dayz_lastCheckBit = diag_ticktime; call player_forceSave; call dayz_EjectPlayer; }; _forcesave2 = { if ((!isNull (findDisplay 106)) OR dialog) then { call player_forceSave; }; }; _drop = { if (r_drag_sqf) then { _doors = nearestObjects [player, DayZ_DropDrageeObjects, 3]; //Prevent dropping dragged player through objects if (count _doors > 0) then {_handled = true;}; force_dropBody = true; } else { _doors = nearestObjects [player, DZE_DoorsLocked, 3]; if (count _doors > 0 && {speed player > 0}) then {_handled = true;}; //Prevent sprint and prone through doors glitch }; }; _interrupt = { if (vehicle player == player) then { //allow med actions in moving vehicles r_interrupt = true; }; if (DZE_Surrender) then {call dze_surrender_off}; if (dayz_autoRun) then {call dayz_autoRunOff;}; }; // TODO: left/right, when gear open: onKeyDown = "[_this,'onKeyDown',0,107,0,107] execVM '\z\addons\dayz_code\system\handleGear.sqf'"; _noise = { //Overriding default engine handling does not stop combination binds, need manual disableUserInput too _handled = [displayNull,_dikCode,_shiftState] call dze_filterCheats; if (diag_ticktime - dayz_lastCheckBit > 10 && !(_dikCode in channel_keys)) then { dayz_lastCheckBit = diag_ticktime; [player,20,true,(getPosATL player)] call player_alertZombies; }; }; _journal = { if (!dayz_isSwimming and !dialog) then { [player,4,true,(getPosATL player)] call player_alertZombies; createDialog 'horde_journal_front_cover'; }; _handled = true; }; _build_left = { DZE_4 = true; // fence construction if (0 != count Dayz_constructionContext) then { _angleRef = Dayz_constructionContext select 1; _dir = _angleRef - (getDir player) -5; if (_dir > 180) then {_dir = _dir - 360}; if (_dir < -180) then {_dir = _dir + 360}; if ( _dir > -75) then { _new = floor((_angleRef - 5)/5)*5; Dayz_constructionContext set [ 1, _new]; // favorite angle r_interrupt = true; }; _handled = true; }; // tents and stash construction _object = player getVariable ["constructionObject", objNull]; if (!isNull _object) then { _dir = getDir _object - 3; _object setDir _dir; _handled = true; }; dayz_dodge = true; }; _build_right = { DZE_6 = true; if (0 != count Dayz_constructionContext) then { _angleRef = Dayz_constructionContext select 1; _dir = _angleRef - (getDir player) +5; if (_dir > 180) then { _dir = _dir - 360; }; if (_dir < -180) then { _dir = _dir + 360; }; if (_dir < 75) then { _new = ceil((_angleRef + 5)/5)*5; Dayz_constructionContext set [ 1, _new]; // favorite angle r_interrupt = true; }; _handled = true; }; // tents and stash construction _object = player getVariable ["constructionObject", objNull]; if (!isNull _object) then { _dir = getDir _object + 3; _object setDir _dir; _handled = true; }; dayz_dodge = true; }; _build_camOnOff = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_buildCamera.sqf"; _build_str8OnOff = { if (0 != count Dayz_constructionContext) then { Dayz_constructionContext set [ 5, !(Dayz_constructionContext select 5) ]; _handled = true; r_interrupt = true; }; if (animationState player in ["bunnyhopunarmed","bunnyhoprifle"]) then { //Fixes invisible weapon switch glitch if double tapping vault with no weapon in hands _handled = true; }; if (player isKindOf "PZombie_VB") then { _handled = true; // do not allow player zombies to vault or jump } else { _nearbyObjects = nearestObjects[getPosATL player, dayz_disallowedVault, 8]; if (count _nearbyObjects > 0) then { if ((diag_tickTime - dayz_lastCheckBit > 4)) then { [objNull, player, rSwitchMove,"GetOver"] call RE; player playActionNow "GetOver"; dayz_lastCheckBit = diag_tickTime; } else { _handled = true; }; }; }; }; _block = { _handled = true; }; _addArray = { { keyboard_keys set [_x, _this select 1]; } forEach (_this select 0); }; keyboard_keys = []; channel_keys = []; voice_keys = []; {voice_keys = voice_keys + (actionKeys _x)} count voice_actions; {channel_keys = channel_keys + (actionKeys _x)} count ["NextChannel","PrevChannel"]; keyboard_keys resize 256; [[DIK_ESCAPE], _cancelBuild] call _addArray; [[DIK_INSERT], {DZE_Q_alt = true;}] call _addArray; [[DIK_A,DIK_D,DIK_LEFT,DIK_RIGHT], _interrupt] call _addArray; [[DIK_F], _dze_f] call _addArray; [[DIK_PRIOR], _dze_q] call _addArray; [[DIK_NEXT], _dze_z] call _addArray; [[DIK_Q], {DZE_4 = true;}] call _addArray; [[DIK_E], {DZE_6 = true;}] call _addArray; [[DIK_0], _autoRun] call _addArray; [[DIK_NUMPADMINUS,DIK_LSHIFT], _filterCheat] call _addArray; [[DIK_SPACE], {DZE_5 = true;}] call _addArray; [actionKeys "User6", {DZE_F = true;}] call _addArray; [actionKeys "User7", {DZE_Q_ctrl = true;}] call _addArray; [actionKeys "User8", {DZE_Z_ctrl = true;}] call _addArray; [actionKeys "User13", {DZE_Q_alt = true;}] call _addArray; [actionKeys "User14", {DZE_Z_alt = true;}] call _addArray; [actionKeys "User15", {DZE_Q = true;}] call _addArray; [actionKeys "User16", {DZE_Z = true;}] call _addArray; [actionKeys "User17", {DZE_4 = true;}] call _addArray; [actionKeys "User18", {DZE_6 = true;}] call _addArray; [actionKeys "User19", {DZE_5 = true;}] call _addArray; [actionKeys "Surrender", _surrender] call _addArray; [[DIK_1], _rifle] call _addArray; [[DIK_2], _pistol] call _addArray; [[DIK_3], _melee] call _addArray; //[[DIK_4], _throwable] call _addArray; [actionKeys "Gear", _gear] call _addArray; [actionKeys "Prone", _drop] call _addArray; [actionKeys "Crouch", _drop] call _addArray; [actionKeys "MoveLeft", _interrupt] call _addArray; [actionKeys "MoveRight", _interrupt] call _addArray; [actionKeys "MoveForward", _interrupt] call _addArray; [actionKeys "MoveBack", _interrupt] call _addArray; [actionKeys "TurnLeft", _interrupt] call _addArray; [actionKeys "TurnRight", _interrupt] call _addArray; [actionKeys "PushToTalk", _noise] call _addArray; [actionKeys "PushToTalkAll", _noise] call _addArray; [actionKeys "PushToTalkCommand", _noise] call _addArray; [actionKeys "PushToTalkDirect", _noise] call _addArray; [actionKeys "PushToTalkGroup", _noise] call _addArray; [actionKeys "PushToTalkSide", _noise] call _addArray; [actionKeys "PushToTalkVehicle", _noise] call _addArray; [actionKeys "VoiceOverNet", _noise] call _addArray; [actionKeys "NextChannel", _noise] call _addArray; [actionKeys "PrevChannel", _noise] call _addArray; [actionKeys "Chat", _noise] call _addArray; [actionKeys "User20", _journal] call _addArray; [actionKeys "Diary", _journal] call _addArray; [actionKeys "NetworkStats", _journal] call _addArray; [[DIK_F1], _muteSound] call _addArray; //[[DIK_F4, DIK_TAB, DIK_DELETE], _forcesave] call _addArray; //[[DIK_F4, DIK_RMENU, DIK_LMENU,DIK_LSHIFT,DIK_RSHIFT,DIK_ESCAPE], _forcesave2] call _addArray; [actionKeys "LeanLeft", _build_left ] call _addArray; [actionKeys "LeanRight", _build_right ] call _addArray; [actionKeys "PersonView", _build_camOnOff ] call _addArray; // Camera Mode [actionKeys "GetOver", _build_str8OnOff ] call _addArray; // V // [[DIK_NUMPAD7], _rotate_left] call _addArray; // [[DIK_NUMPAD9], _rotate_right] call _addArray; [actionKeys "ForceCommandingMode", {DZE_5 = true;_handled = true;}] call _addArray; [[ DIK_F9,DIK_F10,DIK_F11,DIK_F12, DIK_F8,DIK_F7,DIK_F6,DIK_F5,DIK_F4, DIK_F3,DIK_F2,DIK_9, DIK_8,DIK_7,DIK_6,DIK_5,DIK_4], _block] call _addArray; if (dayz_groupSystem) then { [[DIK_F5], _openGroups] call _addArray; [[DIK_LWIN,DIK_RWIN], {dayz_groupNameTags = !dayz_groupNameTags;_handled = true;}] call _addArray; [actionKeys "TacticalView", _block] call _addArray; }; diag_log "keyboard_keys reset"; if (!isNil "bis_fnc_halo_keydown_eh") then {bis_fnc_halo_keydown_eh = (finddisplay 46) displayaddeventhandler ["keydown","_this call bis_fnc_halo_keydown;"];}; // halo in progress }; if (r_player_unconsciousInputDisabled) exitWith {true}; _code = keyboard_keys select _dikCode; if (!isNil "_code") then { call _code; }; //------------------DEBUG-----------------// if (_dikCode == 210) then { // _dikCode 210 = InsertKey if (isNil 'debugMonitor') then { debugMonitor = true; _nill = execvm "PATHTOYOUR\player_debug.sqf"; } else { debugMonitor = !debugMonitor; hintSilent ''; _nill = execvm "PATHTOYOUR\player_debug.sqf"; }; }; //-----------------DEBUGEND---------------// _handled  
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    • Автор: Alex39
      Дебаг монитор
      Идем в корень сервера в папку SE1\serverDZ.cfg  и открываем блокнотом, и вставляем код, ну к примеру после строки BattlEye = 1;
      loginQueueMaxPlayers = 10; storageAutoFix = 1; disablePublisherBanKick = 1; updateStrategyVersion = 1; showPlayerStatus = 1; И получаем

      Сам дебаг вкл/выкл  showPlayerStatus = 1;
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