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Падает сервер tbb4malloc_bi.dll

Доброго времени суток!

Прошу помощи.

Стал часто падать(крашится) сервер.

РПТ говорит это :

Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 7440BC19
Allocator: E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\dll\tbb4malloc_bi.dll
graphics:  No
resolution:  160x120x32

После куча описаний аддонов вроде.

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Сервер офицалка.

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Проблему решил полным удалением с++ библиотек. Переставил все поочередно с 2005 по 2017.

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37 минут назад, TheFirstNoob сказал:

Полный РПТ приложите.

Не получается загрузить файл.

Вложу в спойлер.

Скрытый текст

2018/11/05, 12:04:11 "*** REALDATE *** Current real date: [2018,11,5,12,4,11,1,308,0]"
2018/11/05, 12:04:11 "*** REALDATE *** Current day number: 1"
2018/11/05, 12:04:11 "*** REALDATE *** Current real day name is: Monday"
2018/11/05, 12:04:11 "*** REALDATE *** Short date is: [2018,11,5,12,4]"
2018/11/05, 12:04:11 "*** REALDATE *** Current day game set to Monday (AFTER ANOTHER PRIORITY DATE ACCEPT)..."
2018/11/05, 12:04:11 "dayz_preloadFinished reset"
2018/11/05, 12:04:19 "<infiSTAR.de> updatearmalog callExtension: [05.11.2018][12:04:19] Downloaded and installed new armalog.dll"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "IAH_fnc_getIntFromString: 1"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> infiSTAR dll loaded successfully"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> ok"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> Loading infiSTAR code.."
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "Epoch detected"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> BIS_fnc_init done - AntiHack STARTING...!"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 Warning Message: Script low_admins.sqf not found
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 Warning Message: Script normal_admins.sqf not found
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 Warning Message: Script super_admins.sqf not found
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 Warning Message: Script blacklist.sqf not found
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> iproductVersion: 15-02-2018 04-00-45-v1448 | Server productVersion: ["ArmA 2 OA","ArmA2OA",163,131129] | worldName: Chernarus | dayz_instance: 11 | missionName: DayZ_Epoch_11"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> start: <infiSTAR.de> iproductVersion: 15-02-2018 04-00-45-v1448 | Server productVersion: ["ArmA 2 OA","ArmA2OA",163,131129] | worldName: Chernarus | dayz_instance: 11 | missionName: DayZ_Epoch_11"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _fnc_RandomGen: {
_abc = ['z','y','x','w','v','u','t','s','r','q','p','o','n','m','l','k','j','i','h','g','f','e','d','c','b','a'];
_gen = _abc select (random ((count _abc)-1));
_arr = ['a','9','f','3','9','5','0','6','9','8','d','b','7','1','6','9','5','c','4','5','d','2','1','b','2','0','c','d','b','4','5','8','0'];
for '_i' from 0 to (8+(round(random 3))) do {_gen = _gen + str(round(random 9)) + (_arr select (random ((count _arr)-1)));};
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _simple: j0d8b6b3512777c158389"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _dialogIds: s5504656559828b550924"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _badtxts: l1d765f6b533f7c5f6d"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar1: q6531754d503b418c82"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar2: h45052d044340496d9c752d"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar0: r7d8d02292384793b651429"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar3: n7746171d1553252372"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar4: e2b955b897b39678f1611"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar5: v6519880d4b8d544f246890"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar6: e8849004b18895b68820b"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar8: e100d5926457b095c5c"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar9: j98402d83744972794a05"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar11: r79696f6c6b9b25077d1b44"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar12: i5c8d494b3b8b0b94969336"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar13: q4d696d881b4c582072"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar19: p72451c595b214b3c1b39"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar27: j4d57498025127f1b26"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar26: n518b390c6d15196229166b1c"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar25: d724b151638306b6a9c3b"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar31: n7d3558011d20352d5f391935"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar33: m343c321421183d7437"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar34: c9f185c95506073357d"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar35: v9f5b561c64344035595f6c"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar36: w5847655b39791d313a8f"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar37: d104d7945816c5d5b707880"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar39: f007d54585288825188"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _clickOnMapTimer: q474240123c3b1d3a508d49"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _clickOnMapCaught: v6d765b7b622b5b0982"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _fnc_handlerandvar10: l1c732245430095065859"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _remark: j013255794745616b75990b"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _AHpos: v3515847d8964545b9940"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _loadedcheckpos: a876c48268c7556501d182635"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _loadedchecktime: d391c32596d12182048611c"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _MenuChecksRunningx: i0574871972318d597c9d"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _oneachframe: a35057528346f2c604d"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _anotherloop: s764161594c1084680257"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _clientoncetwo: i4b59816321128d303d3655"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _lastUnlock: m365426612b71458d08252b"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _AdminReqCheck: r6c057089526267257d5b"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _antidupeCheckVar: q954d4d8026826525172b49"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _antiantihack1_rndvar: c549d5f033538654f18"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _antiantihack2_rndvar: n31566d1b85484b6c42663549"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _antidupePVResVar: h381b981c1f2c0b694880"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _antidupePVCheckVar: PVAHR_0_u5b7507714d4505006d96"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar10: PVAHR_0_a224976025809716b582545"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> AntiHack LOADED!"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> CREATING AdminMenu"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> AdminMenu LOADED!"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> ADDING SERVERSIDE HANDLERS"
2018/11/05, 12:04:20 "<infiSTAR.de> AntiHack FULLY LOADED"
2018/11/05, 12:04:21 "<infiSTAR.de> starting main server loop"
2018/11/05, 12:04:22 "HIVE: Starting"
2018/11/05, 12:04:22 "z\addons\dayz_code\system\REsec.sqf:Monitoring Remote Exe..."
2018/11/05, 12:04:22 ["TIME SYNC: Local Time set to:",[2012,8,2,11,4],"Fullmoon:",true,"Date given by HiveExt.dll:",[2018,11,5,11,4]]
2018/11/05, 12:04:22 "HIVE: trying to get objects"
2018/11/05, 12:04:22 "HIVE: found 646 objects"
2018/11/05, 12:04:22 "HIVE: Request sent"
2018/11/05, 12:04:22 "HIVE: Streamed 646 objects"
2018/11/05, 12:04:23 "Res3tting B!S effects..."
2018/11/05, 12:04:27 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines.45Rnd_545x39_RPK'.
2018/11/05, 12:04:27 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'.
2018/11/05, 12:04:27 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 12:04:27 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'.
2018/11/05, 12:04:27 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 12:04:27 Warning Message: Error: creating magazine 45Rnd_545x39_RPK with scope=private
2018/11/05, 12:04:27 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'.
2018/11/05, 12:04:27 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 12:04:27 Warning Message: No entry '.displayNameShort'.
2018/11/05, 12:04:27 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 12:04:27 Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'.
2018/11/05, 12:04:27 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 12:04:27 Warning Message: No entry '.Library'.
2018/11/05, 12:04:27 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'.
2018/11/05, 12:04:27 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 12:04:27 Warning Message: No entry '.type'.
2018/11/05, 12:04:27 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 12:04:27 Warning Message: No entry '.count'.
2018/11/05, 12:04:27 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 12:04:27 Warning Message: No entry '.maxLeadSpeed'.
2018/11/05, 12:04:27 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 12:04:27 Warning Message: No entry '.initSpeed'.
2018/11/05, 12:04:27 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 12:04:27 Warning Message: No entry '.reloadAction'.
2018/11/05, 12:04:27 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 12:04:27 Warning Message: No entry '.modelSpecial'.
2018/11/05, 12:04:27 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 12:04:27 Warning Message: No entry '.ammo'.
2018/11/05, 12:04:27 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 12:04:28 "HIVE: BENCHMARK - Server_monitor.sqf finished streaming 646 objects in 6.26599 seconds (unscheduled)"
2018/11/05, 12:04:28 "Total Number of spawn locations 6"
2018/11/05, 12:04:28 "CLEANUP: INITIALIZING Vehicle SCRIPT"
2018/11/05, 12:04:28 "EPOCH EVENTS INIT"
2018/11/05, 12:04:48 "CRASHSPAWNER: Starting crash site spawner. Frequency: 15±10 min. Spawn chance: 0.55"
2018/11/05, 12:04:48 "CRASHSPAWNER: Spawning crash site (CrashSite_UN) at [11876.9,9391.56,0] with 10 items."
2018/11/05, 12:04:48 "DEBUG: Spawning a care package (Misc_cargo_cont_net3) at [12514.5,8936.88,0] with 9 items."
2018/11/05, 12:04:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 0.771977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 4 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 0.771977."
2018/11/05, 12:04:50 "DEBUG: Spawning a care package (Misc_cargo_cont_net3) at [3863.76,7359.64,0] with 11 items."
2018/11/05, 12:04:51 "HIVE: Vehicle Spawn limit reached!"
2018/11/05, 12:04:51 "HIVE: Spawning # of Ammo Boxes: 20"
2018/11/05, 12:04:53 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Total vehicles 100, key vehicles 36, public vehicles 64, limit public vehicles is 60 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:04:53 "Vehicles&Objects Spawner# Loading..."
2018/11/05, 12:04:53 "Vehicles&Objects Spawner# Random seed spRS_1985586538238552 generated..."
2018/11/05, 12:04:53 "Vehicles&Objects Spawner# Loaded..."
2018/11/05, 12:04:53 "Bike Spawner is loading..."
2018/11/05, 12:04:53 "Bike Spawner is loaded!"
2018/11/05, 12:04:53 "#PLAYER EVENT HANDLERS - LOADING...!"
2018/11/05, 12:04:53 "#PLAYER EVENT HANDLERS - LOADING COMPLETE...!"
2018/11/05, 12:04:54 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Initialize ..."
2018/11/05, 12:04:54 "EVENTSHAKER# - Starting ..."
2018/11/05, 12:04:54 "DAY NIGHT CONTROL# Starting ... "
2018/11/05, 12:04:55 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a SOLDIERS HELI - at position [14182.1,2695.89]"
2018/11/05, 12:04:55 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a SOLDIERS HELI - at position [14382.1,2675.89]"
2018/11/05, 12:04:55 "INFO - Player: PID#3(Sa[Y]reX)(UID:76561198143112441/CID:5697) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 12:04:56 Server: Object 3:23 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 12:04:56 Server: Object 3:24 not found (message 98)
2018/11/05, 12:04:56 Server: Object 3:25 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 12:04:56 Server: Object 3:26 not found (message 98)
2018/11/05, 12:04:56 Server: Object 3:27 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 12:04:56 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Sa[Y]reX with UID 76561198143112441 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 12:04:56 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Sa[Y]reX with UID 76561198143112441 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 12:04:56 "INFO - Player: PID#3(Sa[Y]reX)(UID:76561198143112441/CID:5697) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Зуб [066101]"
2018/11/05, 12:04:56 "HIVE: Spawning # of Veins: 30"
2018/11/05, 12:04:56 "BANDITS BASE - BEGIN"
2018/11/05, 12:04:56 "<infiSTAR.de> Player-Log: Sa[Y]reX(76561198143112441) - 0h 00min"
2018/11/05, 12:04:56 "#LOGIN#: Player Sa[Y]reX with ID 76561198143112441 connected!"
2018/11/05, 12:04:56 "INFO - Player: Sa[Y]reX(UID:76561198143112441/CID:5697) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 12:04:57 "HIVE: BENCHMARK - Server finished spawning 0 DynamicVehicles, 0 Debris, 20 SupplyCrates and 30 MineVeins in 29.269 seconds (scheduled)"
2018/11/05, 12:05:09 "#FPSFixer: Player Sa[Y]reX with ID 76561198143112441 FPS: 56 in coords: [6618.86,5196.21,0.00115967] ..."
2018/11/05, 12:05:18 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @044130 - Kamaz_DZE, worldspace [357.974,[4495.88,2340.85,0.054215]], CharId 0, objID 16682, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/05, 12:05:23 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @035131 - SkodaGreen, worldspace [263.022,[3528.72,2212.94,0.0295787]], CharId 0, objID 16687, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/05, 12:05:23 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @063128 - SkodaRed, worldspace [118.406,[6332.84,2493.73,0.0562716]], CharId 0, objID 16690, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/05, 12:05:24 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @071121 - SkodaBlue, worldspace [73.0004,[7114.85,3170.16,0.0299997]], CharId 0, objID 16691, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/05, 12:05:24 "SECTOR - BEGIN"
2018/11/05, 12:05:24 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a SOLDIERS HELI - at position [13693.4,2884.84]"
2018/11/05, 12:05:25 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @035128 - SUV_Orange, worldspace [113.295,[3547.49,2516.56,-0.0670328]], CharId 0, objID 16688, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/05, 12:05:26 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @077121 - datsun1_civil_3_open_DZE, worldspace [102.359,[7759.64,3171.81,0.0360122]], CharId 0, objID 16692, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/05, 12:05:29 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @093134 - Volha_2_TK_CIV_EP1, worldspace [255.348,[9304.47,1951.25,0.0966244]], CharId 0, objID 16693, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/05, 12:05:30 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @019131 - hilux1_civil_1_open_DZE, worldspace [47.0071,[1999.49,2169.31,0.047596]], CharId 0, objID 16686, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/05, 12:05:30 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @127051 - SUV_Blue, worldspace [271.928,[12765.7,10239.5,0.0508766]], CharId 0, objID 16698, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/05, 12:05:31 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @129052 - Ural_TK_CIV_EP1, worldspace [208.012,[12917.1,10066.8,0.0810742]], CharId 0, objID 16699, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/05, 12:05:33 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @131085 - Volha_1_TK_CIV_EP1, worldspace [101.246,[13185.8,6813.65,0.00909615]], CharId 0, objID 16696, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/05, 12:05:33 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @131051 - MtvrRefuel_DES_EP1_DZ, worldspace [218.762,[13178.4,10247.7,0.0854402]], CharId 0, objID 16700, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/05, 12:05:34 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @121118 - VWGolf, worldspace [208.023,[12103.7,3522.76,0.0254245]], CharId 0, objID 16695, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/05, 12:05:34 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @126054 - SUV_Orange, worldspace [199,[12680.6,9881.27,0.0425086]], CharId 0, objID 16697, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/05, 12:05:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 12:05:54 "EVENTSHAKER# - Spawn missions & events processes ..."
2018/11/05, 12:05:54 "EVENTSHAKER# - All processes are spawned ..."
2018/11/05, 12:05:54 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 1, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:05:56 Warning: looped for animation: ca\anims\characters\data\anim\sdr\mov\erc\stp\non\non\amovpercmstpsnonwnondnon_amovpercmstpsraswpstdnon_end.rtm differs (looped now 0)! MoveName: amovpercmstpsnonwnondnon_amovpercmstpsraswpstdnon_end
2018/11/05, 12:05:57 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Locked Vehicle destroyed @086116 - SUV_Blue, worldspace [78.1012,[8656.03,3693.26,0.177063]], CharId 3872, objID 16770, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/05, 12:06:03 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @045074 - ATV_CZ_EP1, worldspace [73.7625,[4583.02,7951.97,0.0811157]], CharId 0, objID 16769, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/05, 12:06:11 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @074098 - Old_moto_TK_Civ_EP1, worldspace [215.375,[7427.07,5546.95,-0.0138245]], CharId 0, objID 16803, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/05, 12:06:21 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Spawn new public vehicles ..."
2018/11/05, 12:06:21 "PUBLISH: Created Mi17_Civilian_DZ with ID "50851019671367""
2018/11/05, 12:06:21 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Heli Mi17_Civilian_DZ spawned in [4717.97,9670.75] ..."
2018/11/05, 12:06:21 "PUBLISH: Created UH60M_MEV_EP1_DZ with ID "488928410613367""
2018/11/05, 12:06:21 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Heli UH60M_MEV_EP1_DZ spawned in [4521.87,10612.8] ..."
2018/11/05, 12:06:21 "PUBLISH: Created UH1H_DZE with ID "1275810312623367""
2018/11/05, 12:06:21 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Heli UH1H_DZE spawned in [12391.3,12623.2] ..."
2018/11/05, 12:06:22 "PUBLISH: Created Ural_UN_EP1 with ID "49652332601367""
2018/11/05, 12:06:22 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Camp vehicle Ural_UN_EP1 spawned in [4597.54,2600.82] ..."
2018/11/05, 12:06:22 "PUBLISH: Created UAZ_Unarmed_TK_CIV_EP1 with ID "23561422254368""
2018/11/05, 12:06:22 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle UAZ_Unarmed_TK_CIV_EP1 spawned in [1988.19,2254.3] ..."
2018/11/05, 12:06:22 "PUBLISH: Created Volha_2_TK_CIV_EP1 with ID "39561092201368""
2018/11/05, 12:06:22 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle Volha_2_TK_CIV_EP1 spawned in [3587.78,2200.74] ..."
2018/11/05, 12:06:22 "PUBLISH: Created UAZ_Unarmed_TK_EP1 with ID "38832242475368""
2018/11/05, 12:06:22 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle UAZ_Unarmed_TK_EP1 spawned in [3515.42,2474.97] ..."
2018/11/05, 12:06:22 "PUBLISH: Created VWGolf with ID "48382892538368""
2018/11/05, 12:06:22 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle VWGolf spawned in [4470.22,2537.81] ..."
2018/11/05, 12:06:23 "PUBLISH: Created LandRover_MG_TK_EP1_DZE with ID "80723103274369""
2018/11/05, 12:06:23 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle LandRover_MG_TK_EP1_DZE spawned in [7702.54,3273.38] ..."
2018/11/05, 12:06:23 "PUBLISH: Created Ural_TK_CIV_EP1 with ID "96891222084369""
2018/11/05, 12:06:23 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle Ural_TK_CIV_EP1 spawned in [9319.68,2084.79] ..."
2018/11/05, 12:06:23 "PUBLISH: Created Lada1 with ID "124053353460369""
2018/11/05, 12:06:23 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle Lada1 spawned in [12035.8,3460.61] ..."
2018/11/05, 12:06:23 "PUBLISH: Created SUV_Orange with ID "137783515480369""
2018/11/05, 12:06:23 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle SUV_Orange spawned in [13409.2,5479.71] ..."
2018/11/05, 12:06:24 "PUBLISH: Created VWGolf with ID "137682786017370""
2018/11/05, 12:06:24 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle VWGolf spawned in [13398.3,6016.93] ..."
2018/11/05, 12:06:24 "PUBLISH: Created V3S_Refuel_TK_GUE_EP1_DZ with ID "13604226718370""
2018/11/05, 12:06:24 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle V3S_Refuel_TK_GUE_EP1_DZ spawned in [13233.6,6717.94] ..."
2018/11/05, 12:06:24 "PUBLISH: Created SkodaGreen with ID "129612889942370""
2018/11/05, 12:06:24 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle SkodaGreen spawned in [12590.4,9941.93] ..."
2018/11/05, 12:06:24 "PUBLISH: Created hilux1_civil_2_covered_DZE with ID "1327627610073370""
2018/11/05, 12:06:24 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle hilux1_civil_2_covered_DZE spawned in [12905.6,10073.3] ..."
2018/11/05, 12:06:25 "PUBLISH: Created Ural_CDF with ID "13514810272371""
2018/11/05, 12:06:25 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle Ural_CDF spawned in [13143.1,10272.1] ..."
2018/11/05, 12:06:25 "PUBLISH: Created HMMWV_DZ with ID "74712007750371""
2018/11/05, 12:06:25 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle HMMWV_DZ spawned in [7100,7750,300] ..."
2018/11/05, 12:06:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/05, 12:06:55 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 1, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:07:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/05, 12:07:55 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 1, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:08:02 Server: Object 3:73 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 12:08:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/05, 12:08:56 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 2, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:09:12 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Voron(76561198077224462)"
2018/11/05, 12:09:12 "<infiSTAR.de> Player-Log: Voron(76561198077224462) - 0h 08min"
2018/11/05, 12:09:13 "INFO - Player: PID#4(Voron)(UID:76561198077224462/CID:5698) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 12:09:18 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Voron with UID 76561198077224462 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 12:09:18 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Voron with UID 76561198077224462 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 12:09:18 "INFO - Player: PID#4(Voron)(UID:76561198077224462/CID:5698) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location ВПП [049132]"
2018/11/05, 12:09:19 "INFO - Player: Voron(UID:76561198077224462/CID:5698) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 12:09:22 "<infiSTAR.de> SLOG_NP: Voron (76561198077224462) | New Player: ["5698",[],[],[0,0,0,0],true,"DayZ Epoch","Survivor2_DZ",true,true,0,[],0,0,0,[],1000]"
2018/11/05, 12:09:22 "<infiSTAR.de> SLOG_NP: Voron (76561198077224462) | New Player: ["5698",[],[],[0,0,0,0],true,"DayZ Epoch","Survivor2_DZ",true,true,0,[],0,0,0,[],1000]"
2018/11/05, 12:09:22 "["PVAHR_0_a224976025809716b582545",["Voron","76561198077224462","SLOG_NP",[78,101,119,32,80,108,97,121,101,114,58,32,91,34,53,54,57,56,34,44,91,93,44,91,93,44,91,48,44,48,44,48,44,48,93,44,116,114,117,101,44,34,68,97,121,90,32,69,112,111,99,104,32,49,46,48,46,54,46,50,34,44,34,83,117,114,118,105,118,111,114,50,95,68,90,34,44,116,114,117,101,44,116,114,117,101,44,48,44,91,93,44,48,44,48,44,48,44,91,93,44,49,48,48,48,93]]]"
2018/11/05, 12:09:29 "#LOGIN#: Player Voron with ID 76561198077224462 connected!"
2018/11/05, 12:09:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 12:09:56 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 2, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:10:01 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Starting ..."
2018/11/05, 12:10:02 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 2, FPS 47.1976, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 12:10:02 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 11, West Units (Players): 2, East Units (AI): 9, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 2, SERVER FPS: 47.1976 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:10:13 "#FPSFixer: Player Voron with ID 76561198077224462 FPS: 43 in coords: [4894.55,2184.53,0.00143862] ..."
2018/11/05, 12:10:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 15 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/05, 12:10:56 ["HEARDSOMETHING# Started..."]
2018/11/05, 12:10:56 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 2, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:11:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 3 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/05, 12:11:57 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 2, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:12:10 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/05, 12:12:10 "SOLDIER AI (air) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Voron from 138.898m"
2018/11/05, 12:12:13 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Locked Vehicle destroyed @048129 - UH1H_DZ, worldspace [240.001,[4840.58,2418.47,3.40537]], CharId 0, objID 0, objUID 0, nearby ["Voron (76561198077224462)"]"
2018/11/05, 12:12:13 "EVENTSHAKER# Start MINOR Mission SM8 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:12:13 "MISSION - MINOR 8 - Start"
2018/11/05, 12:12:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 7 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/05, 12:12:57 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 2, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:13:01 Server: Object 4:94 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 12:13:01 Server: Object 4:93 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 12:13:03 "EVENTSHAKER# Start MAJOR Mission SM11 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:13:03 "MISSION - MAJOR 11 - Start"
2018/11/05, 12:13:13 "MISSION - MAJOR 11 - Activated - player in 1200m, spawning crates and additional AI"
2018/11/05, 12:13:13 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - Begin"
2018/11/05, 12:13:13 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - End"
2018/11/05, 12:13:13 "MISSION - MAJOR 2 - Spawning car!"
2018/11/05, 12:13:13 "PUBLISH: Created Old_moto_TK_Civ_EP1 with ID "6861118537779""
2018/11/05, 12:13:14 "MISSION - MAJOR 2 - Car spawned!"
2018/11/05, 12:13:14 "MISSION - MAJOR 2 - Spawning car!"
2018/11/05, 12:13:14 "PUBLISH: Created Old_moto_TK_Civ_EP1 with ID "6868288539780""
2018/11/05, 12:13:15 "MISSION - MAJOR 2 - Car spawned!"
2018/11/05, 12:13:15 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6091,8540.58,0]"
2018/11/05, 12:13:16 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of BANDITS - 1 Infantry, 1 Stormtrooper, 1 Sniper, 1 Boss, 1 Elite 1 Nuker at position [6096.7,8549.28,0]"
2018/11/05, 12:13:16 Duplicate weapon ItemGPS detected for RUS_Soldier_Sab
2018/11/05, 12:13:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/05, 12:13:57 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 2, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:14:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 2 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/05, 12:14:57 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.584, players: 2, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:14:58 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a SOLDIERS HELI - at position [14282.1,2595.89]"
2018/11/05, 12:14:58 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a SOLDIERS HELI - at position [14282.1,2475.89]"
2018/11/05, 12:15:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 12:15:58 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 2, AI units: 19 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:16:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 12:16:58 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 2, AI units: 19 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:17:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 1 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 5 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/05, 12:17:58 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 2, AI units: 19 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:18:12 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Sa[Y]reX with ID 76561198143112441 try withdraw from bank 10000 ... now Sa[Y]reX has COINS:10000, BANK:207950 "
2018/11/05, 12:18:29 Server: Object 3:192 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 12:18:29 "Trader Menu: Sa[Y]reX (76561198143112441) purchased 1x SVD_des_EP1 into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 2,400 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 12:18:40 Server: Object 3:194 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 12:18:40 "Trader Menu: Sa[Y]reX (76561198143112441) purchased 6x 10Rnd_762x54_SVD into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 2,400 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 12:18:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 12:18:59 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 2, AI units: 19 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:19:02 Server: Object 3:198 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 12:19:02 "Trader Menu: Sa[Y]reX (76561198143112441) purchased 1x ItemBandage into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 30 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 12:19:02 "Trader Menu: Sa[Y]reX (76561198143112441) purchased 1x ItemAntibiotic into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 600 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 12:19:02 "Trader Menu: Sa[Y]reX (76561198143112441) purchased 1x ItemBloodbag into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 12:19:02 "Trader Menu: Sa[Y]reX (76561198143112441) purchased 1x ItemMorphine into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 12:19:02 "Trader Menu: Sa[Y]reX (76561198143112441) purchased 1x ItemPainkiller into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 20 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 12:19:48 Server: Object 3:209 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 12:19:48 "**** server_verifySender **** [[310,[6292.99,7806.43,0.000152588]],"SUV_TK_CIV_EP1",false,"ItemKeyYellow637",B 1-1-B:1 (Sa[Y]reX) REMOTE,"Euf1vISm57He*"] * PublishVehicle2 * [6292.99,7806.43,0.000152588] * Euf1vISm57He* * 76561198143112441 * B 1-1-B:1 (Sa[Y]reX) REMOTE ****"
2018/11/05, 12:19:48 "PUBLISH: PID#3(Sa[Y]reX)(76561198143112441) bought SUV_TK_CIV_EP1 with UID 746731078061174 @Старый Собор [062075]"
2018/11/05, 12:19:48 "Trader Menu: Sa[Y]reX (76561198143112441) purchased 1x SUV_TK_CIV_EP1 into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 3,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 12:19:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.4848. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.4848."
2018/11/05, 12:19:56 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_TK_CIV_EP1 (objid: 16826) UNLOCKED @062075 [6292.98,7806.42,0.000274658]"
2018/11/05, 12:19:59 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 2, AI units: 19 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:20:06 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 2, FPS 45.8453, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 12:20:06 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 21, West Units (Players): 2, East Units (AI): 19, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 16, SERVER FPS: 45.8453 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:20:13 "#FPSFixer: Player Sa[Y]reX with ID 76561198143112441 FPS: 68 in coords: [6292.98,7806.42,-0.0071106] ..."
2018/11/05, 12:20:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 8 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 15 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 12:20:59 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 2, AI units: 19 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:21:22 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_TK_CIV_EP1 (objid: 16826) LOCKED @061072 ([6190.48,8088.12,0.0217896]) [6190.48,8088.12,0.0217896] BY Sa[Y]reX(76561198143112441)"
2018/11/05, 12:21:40 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 12:21:40 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Sa[Y]reX from 466.83m"
2018/11/05, 12:21:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/05, 12:21:58 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_TK_CIV_EP1 (objid: 16826) UNLOCKED @061072 ([6190.51,8088.2,0.0204773]) [6190.51,8088.2,0.0204773] BY Sa[Y]reX(76561198143112441)"
2018/11/05, 12:21:59 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.8453, players: 2, AI units: 18 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:22:01 "P1ayer PID#4(Voron) hit by AI with UH1H_DZ from 177 meters in head_hit for 0.198345 damage"
2018/11/05, 12:22:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 12:23:00 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 2, AI units: 18 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:23:22 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 12:23:22 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Sa[Y]reX from 263.543m"
2018/11/05, 12:23:23 "P1ayer PID#3(Sa[Y]reX) hit by AI with Mk48_CCO_DZ/B_762x51_Ball <ammo left:97> from 191 meters in head_hit for 0.298795 damage"
2018/11/05, 12:23:24 "Player UID#76561198143112441 CID#5697 PID#3(Sa[Y]reX) as Survivor2_DZ died at Старый Собор [061071]"
2018/11/05, 12:23:24 "DeathMessage: Sa[Y]reX был убит игроком ИИ с Mk48_CCO_DZ с расстояния 191м"
2018/11/05, 12:23:25 "MISSION - MAJOR 11 - Fail"
2018/11/05, 12:23:36 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Sa[Y]reX(76561198143112441)"
2018/11/05, 12:23:36 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is near respawn_west. This is normal after death. ["76561198143112441","Sa[Y]reX"]"
2018/11/05, 12:23:40 "MISSION - MAJOR 11 - Cleaning completed"
2018/11/05, 12:23:42 "MISSION - MAJOR 11 - End"
2018/11/05, 12:23:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.8453. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 2 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.8453."
2018/11/05, 12:24:00 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 2, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:24:01 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Sa[Y]reX(76561198143112441)"
2018/11/05, 12:24:02 "INFO - Player: PID#3(Sa[Y]reX)(UID:76561198143112441/CID:5699) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 12:24:06 "EVENTSHAKER# MAJOR Mission SM11 completed ..."
2018/11/05, 12:24:32 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Sa[Y]reX with UID 76561198143112441 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 12:24:32 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Sa[Y]reX with UID 76561198143112441 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 12:24:32 "INFO - Player: PID#3(Sa[Y]reX)(UID:76561198143112441/CID:5699) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location ВПП [048127]"
2018/11/05, 12:24:33 "INFO - Player: Sa[Y]reX(UID:76561198143112441/CID:5699) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 12:24:34 "#LOGIN#: Player Sa[Y]reX with ID 76561198143112441 connected!"
2018/11/05, 12:24:41 "Player UID#76561198077224462 CID#5698 PID#4(Voron) as Survivor2_DZ died at Балота [045127]"
2018/11/05, 12:24:41 "DeathMessage: Voron умер от потери крови."
2018/11/05, 12:24:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 8 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 22 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/05, 12:24:53 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Voron(76561198077224462)"
2018/11/05, 12:24:53 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is near respawn_west. This is normal after death. ["76561198077224462","Voron"]"
2018/11/05, 12:24:53 Client: Remote object 4:17 not found
2018/11/05, 12:25:00 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.584, players: 2, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:25:03 "#FPSFixer: Player Sa[Y]reX with ID 76561198143112441 FPS: 58 in coords: [4741.77,2592.46,0.00143909] ..."
2018/11/05, 12:25:04 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Voron(76561198077224462)"
2018/11/05, 12:25:05 "INFO - Player: PID#4(Voron)(UID:76561198077224462/CID:5700) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 12:25:08 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Voron with UID 76561198077224462 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 12:25:08 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Voron with UID 76561198077224462 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 12:25:08 "INFO - Player: PID#4(Voron)(UID:76561198077224462/CID:5700) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location ВПП [048133]"
2018/11/05, 12:25:08 "INFO - Player: Voron(UID:76561198077224462/CID:5700) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 12:25:21 "#LOGIN#: Player Voron with ID 76561198077224462 connected!"
2018/11/05, 12:25:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 12:26:01 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 2, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:26:05 "#FPSFixer: Player Voron with ID 76561198077224462 FPS: 35 in coords: [4747.55,2229.07,0.0014782] ..."
2018/11/05, 12:26:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 8 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 7 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/05, 12:27:01 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 2, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:27:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/05, 12:28:01 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 3, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:28:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 2 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/05, 12:29:01 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 3, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:29:06 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - МР.KOT(76561198088233186)"
2018/11/05, 12:29:06 "<infiSTAR.de> Player-Log: МР.KOT(76561198088233186) - 0h 28min"
2018/11/05, 12:29:14 "INFO - Player: PID#5(МР.KOT)(UID:76561198088233186/CID:5701) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 12:29:20 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player МР.KOT with UID 76561198088233186 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 12:29:20 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player МР.KOT with UID 76561198088233186 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 12:29:20 "INFO - Player: PID#5(МР.KOT)(UID:76561198088233186/CID:5701) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location ВПП [054127]"
2018/11/05, 12:29:25 "INFO - Player: МР.KOT(UID:76561198088233186/CID:5701) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 12:29:30 "#LOGIN#: Player МР.KOT with ID 76561198088233186 connected!"
2018/11/05, 12:29:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 20 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 12:30:02 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.7143, players: 3, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:30:10 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 3, FPS 46.6472, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 12:30:10 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 15, West Units (Players): 3, East Units (AI): 12, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 9, SERVER FPS: 46.6472 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:30:14 "#FPSFixer: Player МР.KOT with ID 76561198088233186 FPS: 33 in coords: [5357.41,2612.25,0.00163269] ..."
2018/11/05, 12:30:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.584. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 15 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.584."
2018/11/05, 12:31:02 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.8453, players: 3, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:31:06 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/05, 12:31:06 "SOLDIER AI (air) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Voron from 188.147m"
2018/11/05, 12:31:06 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/05, 12:31:06 "SOLDIER AI (air) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Voron from 188.147m"
2018/11/05, 12:31:07 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/05, 12:31:07 "SOLDIER AI (air) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Voron from 261.901m"
2018/11/05, 12:31:22 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Set new date to [2012,8,2,11,0] with message: А вот и день...."
2018/11/05, 12:31:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/05, 12:32:02 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.4545, players: 3, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:32:17 "MISSION - MINOR 8 - Timeout"
2018/11/05, 12:32:22 "MISSION - MINOR 8 - Cleaning completed"
2018/11/05, 12:32:22 "MISSION - MINOR 8 - End"
2018/11/05, 12:32:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 6 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 12:33:03 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 3, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:33:20 "EVENTSHAKER# MINOR Mission SM8 completed ..."
2018/11/05, 12:33:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/05, 12:34:03 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 3, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:34:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/05, 12:35:03 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.8453, players: 3, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:35:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/05, 12:36:03 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 3, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:36:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 1 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 7 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/05, 12:37:04 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 3, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:37:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 21 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 100 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/05, 12:37:55 "EVENTSHAKER# Start MAJOR Mission SM9 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:37:55 "MISSION - MAJOR 9 - Start"
2018/11/05, 12:38:04 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 3, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:38:43 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player МР.KOT with UID 76561198088233186 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 12:38:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/05, 12:39:04 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 3, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:39:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/05, 12:40:04 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Sync date on clients to [2012,8,2,11,8]."
2018/11/05, 12:40:05 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 4, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:40:07 "#FPSFixer: Player Sa[Y]reX with ID 76561198143112441 FPS: 65 in coords: [5781.36,7412.37,-0.0124512] ..."
2018/11/05, 12:40:14 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 4, FPS 46.1095, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 12:40:14 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 12, West Units (Players): 3, East Units (AI): 9, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 10, SERVER FPS: 46.1095 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:40:42 Server: Object 4:527 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 12:40:42 Server: Object 4:526 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 12:40:42 Server: Object 4:524 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 12:40:42 Server: Object 4:525 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 12:40:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/05, 12:41:05 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 4, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:41:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.7143. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.7143."
2018/11/05, 12:42:05 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 41.5584, players: 4, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:42:13 Server: Object 4:595 not found (message 98)
2018/11/05, 12:42:13 Server: Object 4:596 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 12:42:14 Server: Object 4:600 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 12:42:14 Server: Object 4:599 not found (message 98)
2018/11/05, 12:42:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 8 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 12:42:49 "#FPSFixer: Player Voron with ID 76561198077224462 FPS: 43 in coords: [5176.44,2288.2,0.00143909] ..."
2018/11/05, 12:43:06 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 4, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:43:28 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_TK_CIV_EP1 (objid: 16826) LOCKED @062075 ([6292.49,7816.05,-0.00128174]) [6292.49,7816.05,-0.00128174] BY Sa[Y]reX(76561198143112441)"
2018/11/05, 12:43:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/05, 12:44:06 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 4, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:44:18 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Sa[Y]reX with ID 76561198143112441 try withdraw from bank 1000 ... now Sa[Y]reX has COINS:1000, BANK:206950 "
2018/11/05, 12:44:37 Server: Object 3:424 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 12:44:37 "Trader Menu: Sa[Y]reX (76561198143112441) purchased 1x ItemCrowbar into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 80 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 12:44:37 "Trader Menu: Sa[Y]reX (76561198143112441) purchased 1x ItemSledge into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 60 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 12:44:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/05, 12:45:06 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 4, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:45:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.8453. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.8453."
2018/11/05, 12:46:06 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 4, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:46:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/05, 12:47:07 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 4, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:47:45 "#FPSFixer: Player МР.KOT with ID 76561198088233186 FPS: 34 in coords: [4658.34,2559.41,0.00135803] ..."
2018/11/05, 12:47:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/05, 12:47:55 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_TK_CIV_EP1 (objid: 16826) UNLOCKED @062075 ([6292.49,7816.05,-0.0012207]) [6292.49,7816.05,-0.0012207] BY Sa[Y]reX(76561198143112441)"
2018/11/05, 12:48:07 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 4, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:48:10 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player МР.KOT with UID 76561198088233186 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 12:48:12 "EVENTSHAKER# Start MINOR Mission SM9 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:48:12 "MISSION - MINOR 9 - Start"
2018/11/05, 12:48:18 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player МР.KOT with UID 76561198088233186 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 12:48:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 17 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 61 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/05, 12:49:07 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 4, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:49:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/05, 12:50:04 "CRASHSPAWNER: Spawning crash site (CrashSite_EU) at [6027.7,8415.9,0] with 11 items."
2018/11/05, 12:50:08 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 3, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:50:19 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 3, FPS 46.5116, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 12:50:19 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 12, West Units (Players): 3, East Units (AI): 9, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 14, SERVER FPS: 46.5116 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:50:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.4545. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 6 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.4545."
2018/11/05, 12:51:08 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 3, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:51:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 2 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/05, 12:52:08 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 3, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:52:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/05, 12:53:08 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 3, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:53:11 Server: Object 4:680 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 12:53:11 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 1x MortarBucket from vehicle at Unknown Trader for 200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 12:53:45 "MISSION - MINOR 9 - Activated - player in 1200m, spawning crates and additional AI"
2018/11/05, 12:53:45 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - Begin"
2018/11/05, 12:53:45 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - End"
2018/11/05, 12:53:45 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of BANDITS - 2 Infantry, 2 Stormtrooper, 1 Sniper, 0 Boss, 0 Elite 0 Nuker at position [11669.9,5623.45,0]"
2018/11/05, 12:53:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/05, 12:54:09 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.8453, players: 3, AI units: 14 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:54:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 1 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 6 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 12:55:02 Server: Object 4:720 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 12:55:02 Server: Object 4:727 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 12:55:02 Server: Object 4:726 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 12:55:02 Server: Object 4:719 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 12:55:02 Server: Object 4:723 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 12:55:02 Server: Object 4:721 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 12:55:02 Server: Object 4:722 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 12:55:02 Server: Object 4:725 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 12:55:02 Server: Object 4:724 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 12:55:02 Server: Object 4:733 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 12:55:02 Server: Object 4:732 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 12:55:02 Server: Object 4:740 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 12:55:02 Server: Object 4:739 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 12:55:02 Server: Object 4:728 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 12:55:02 Server: Object 4:729 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 12:55:02 Server: Object 4:730 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 12:55:02 Server: Object 4:731 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 12:55:02 Server: Object 4:738 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 12:55:02 Server: Object 4:735 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 12:55:02 Server: Object 4:734 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 12:55:02 Server: Object 4:736 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 12:55:02 Server: Object 4:737 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 12:55:02 Server: Object 4:744 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 12:55:02 Server: Object 4:742 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 12:55:02 Server: Object 4:748 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 12:55:02 Server: Object 4:743 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 12:55:02 Server: Object 4:747 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 12:55:02 Server: Object 4:741 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 12:55:02 Server: Object 4:746 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 12:55:02 Server: Object 4:745 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 12:55:02 Server: Object 4:750 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 12:55:02 Server: Object 4:749 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 12:55:09 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.584, players: 3, AI units: 14 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:55:19 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Voron with UID 76561198077224462 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 12:55:42 MuzzleFlashROT - unknown animation source ammoRandom
2018/11/05, 12:55:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 1 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/05, 12:56:09 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 3, AI units: 14 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:56:20 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player МР.KOT with UID 76561198088233186 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 12:56:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 31 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 12:57:10 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 44.3213, players: 3, AI units: 14 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:57:36 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 12:57:36 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Sa[Y]reX from 208.762m"
2018/11/05, 12:57:39 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 12:57:39 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Sa[Y]reX from 206.16m"
2018/11/05, 12:57:45 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 12:57:45 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Sa[Y]reX from 261.935m"
2018/11/05, 12:57:48 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_TK_CIV_EP1 (objid: 16826) LOCKED @113096 ([11382.7,5722.81,0.00393677]) [11382.7,5722.81,0.00393677] BY Sa[Y]reX(76561198143112441)"
2018/11/05, 12:57:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/05, 12:57:49 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_TK_CIV_EP1 (objid: 16826) UNLOCKED @113096 ([11382.7,5722.81,0.00393677]) [11382.7,5722.81,0.00393677] BY Sa[Y]reX(76561198143112441)"
2018/11/05, 12:57:58 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - prizrak65(76561198359965418)"
2018/11/05, 12:57:58 "<infiSTAR.de> Player-Log: prizrak65(76561198359965418) - 0h 57min"
2018/11/05, 12:57:59 "MISSION - MAJOR 9 - Timeout"
2018/11/05, 12:57:59 "INFO - Player: PID#8(prizrak65)(UID:76561198359965418/CID:5585) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 12:57:59 Server: Object 8:23 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 12:57:59 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player prizrak65 with UID 76561198359965418 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 12:57:59 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player prizrak65 with UID 76561198359965418 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 12:57:59 Server: Object 8:24 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 12:57:59 Server: Object 8:26 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 12:57:59 Server: Object 8:25 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 12:57:59 Server: Object 8:27 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 12:57:59 "INFO - Player: PID#8(prizrak65)(UID:76561198359965418/CID:5585) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Wilderness [040036]"
2018/11/05, 12:58:04 "MISSION - MAJOR 9 - Cleaning completed"
2018/11/05, 12:58:04 "INFO - Player: prizrak65(UID:76561198359965418/CID:5585) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 12:58:05 "MISSION - MAJOR 9 - End"
2018/11/05, 12:58:10 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 4, AI units: 11 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:58:12 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 12:58:12 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Sa[Y]reX from 204.72m"
2018/11/05, 12:58:15 "#LOGIN#: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 connected!"
2018/11/05, 12:58:15 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_TK_CIV_EP1 (objid: 16826) LOCKED @113096 ([11382.7,5722.81,0.00393677]) [11382.7,5722.81,0.00393677] BY Sa[Y]reX(76561198143112441)"
2018/11/05, 12:58:19 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_TK_CIV_EP1 (objid: 16826) UNLOCKED @113096 ([11382.7,5722.81,0.00393677]) [11382.7,5722.81,0.00393677] BY Sa[Y]reX(76561198143112441)"
2018/11/05, 12:58:31 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 12:58:31 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Sa[Y]reX from 213.052m"
2018/11/05, 12:58:35 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_TK_CIV_EP1 (objid: 16826) LOCKED @113096 ([11382.7,5722.81,0.00393677]) [11382.7,5722.81,0.00393677] BY Sa[Y]reX(76561198143112441)"
2018/11/05, 12:58:40 "#FPSFixer: Player Sa[Y]reX with ID 76561198143112441 FPS: 52 in coords: [11381,5723.19,0.00166321] ..."
2018/11/05, 12:58:41 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_TK_CIV_EP1 (objid: 16826) UNLOCKED @113096 ([11382.7,5722.79,0.00305176]) [11382.7,5722.79,0.00305176] BY Sa[Y]reX(76561198143112441)"
2018/11/05, 12:58:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/05, 12:58:59 "#FPSFixer: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 FPS: 22 in coords: [4064.67,11665.7,0.00128174] ..."
2018/11/05, 12:59:02 "EVENTSHAKER# MAJOR Mission SM9 completed ..."
2018/11/05, 12:59:10 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.584, players: 4, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 12:59:13 "MISSION - MINOR 9 - Success"
2018/11/05, 12:59:14 "MISSION - MINOR 9 - Mission end. Bot in 1000m, name: Tyler Rochelle"
2018/11/05, 12:59:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/05, 13:00:11 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 4, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:00:21 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x Attachment_BELT from gear at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 50 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:00:23 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 4, FPS 46.6472, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 13:00:23 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 13, West Units (Players): 4, East Units (AI): 9, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 14, SERVER FPS: 46.6472 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:00:43 Server: Object 8:47 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:00:43 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x Attachment_PSO1 from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:00:43 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x Attachment_BELT from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 50 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:00:43 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x CZ550_DZ from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 400 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:00:43 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x AK74_Kobra_DZ from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 550 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:00:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 52 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/05, 13:00:55 "#FPSFixer: Player Voron with ID 76561198077224462 FPS: 43 in coords: [4372.95,2246.27,0.00410509] ..."
2018/11/05, 13:01:01 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/05, 13:01:01 "SOLDIER AI (air) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Sa[Y]reX from 51.8003m"
2018/11/05, 13:01:07 Server: Object 4:800 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:01:07 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 1x CinderBlocks from vehicle at Unknown Trader for 300 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:01:11 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.584, players: 4, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:01:18 Server: Object 8:50 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:01:18 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x 20Rnd_762x51_FNFAL from gear at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 50 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:01:18 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x 100Rnd_762x51_M240 from gear at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 300 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:01:18 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag from gear at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 50 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:01:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/05, 13:01:51 Server: Object 8:51 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:01:51 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x 75Rnd_545x39_RPK from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 150 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:01:51 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x 100Rnd_762x51_M240 from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 300 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:01:51 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x 5Rnd_17HMR from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 50 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:01:51 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x 30Rnd_762x39_SA58 from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 35 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:01:51 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x 200Rnd_556x45_M249 from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:01:51 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x 30Rnd_762x39_AK47 from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 60 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:01:51 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 3x 100Rnd_556x45_M249 from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 900 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:02:11 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.7143, players: 4, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:02:29 Server: Object 8:52 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:02:29 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x Binocular from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 30 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:02:29 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x NVGoggles_DZE from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:02:29 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 3x ItemGPS from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 750 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:02:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 13 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/05, 13:02:49 "#FPSFixer: Player МР.KOT with ID 76561198088233186 FPS: 20 in coords: [4527.83,2586.48,0.00141525] ..."
2018/11/05, 13:03:11 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 4, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:03:15 Server: Object 8:53 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:03:15 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) purchased 1x ItemToolbox into gear at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:03:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/05, 13:04:12 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.8453, players: 4, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:04:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 15 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 13 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/05, 13:05:12 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 4, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:05:30 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-E:1 (prizrak65) REMOTE is complete, player name is prizrak65 in coords [4094.26,11653.4,0]."
2018/11/05, 13:05:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 23 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/05, 13:06:12 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.8453, players: 4, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:06:19 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_TK_CIV_EP1 (objid: 16826) UNLOCKED @112096 ([11280.7,5669.94,0.20517]) [11280.7,5669.94,0.20517] BY Sa[Y]reX(76561198143112441)"
2018/11/05, 13:06:39 "CRASHSPAWNER: Spawning crash site (CrashSite_US) at [4217.92,7944.02,0] with 10 items."
2018/11/05, 13:06:39 CrashSite_US: MainTurret - unknown animation source MainTurret
2018/11/05, 13:06:39 CrashSite_US: MainGun - unknown animation source mainGun
2018/11/05, 13:06:39 CrashSite_US: Gatling - unknown animation source Gatling
2018/11/05, 13:06:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 1 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 7 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/05, 13:07:13 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.7143, players: 4, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:07:31 Server: Object 4:842 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:07:31 Server: Object 4:839 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:07:31 Server: Object 4:840 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:07:31 Server: Object 4:841 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:07:31 Server: Object 4:847 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:07:31 Server: Object 4:852 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:07:31 Server: Object 4:853 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:07:31 Server: Object 4:849 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:07:31 Server: Object 4:848 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:07:31 Server: Object 4:851 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:07:31 Server: Object 4:850 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:07:31 Server: Object 4:855 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:07:31 Server: Object 4:854 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:07:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 3 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/05, 13:08:11 Server: Object 8:88 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:08:11 Server: Object 8:89 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:08:11 Server: Object 8:90 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:08:11 Server: Object 8:91 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:08:11 Server: Object 8:92 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:08:11 Server: Object 8:99 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:08:11 Server: Object 8:97 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:08:11 Server: Object 8:98 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:08:11 Server: Object 8:102 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:08:11 Server: Object 8:101 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:08:11 Server: Object 8:100 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:08:11 Server: Object 8:104 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:08:11 Server: Object 8:103 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:08:11 Server: Object 8:110 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:08:11 Server: Object 8:109 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:08:11 Server: Object 8:111 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:08:11 Server: Object 8:112 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:08:11 Server: Object 8:113 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:08:11 Server: Object 8:114 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:08:11 Server: Object 8:118 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:08:11 Server: Object 8:119 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:08:11 Server: Object 8:115 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:08:11 Server: Object 8:116 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:08:11 Server: Object 8:117 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:08:11 Server: Object 8:121 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:08:11 Server: Object 8:120 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:08:11 Server: Object 8:122 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:08:13 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 4, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:08:14 "Bike packed by player prizrak65 in coords [4071.27,10778.9,0.0112915] ..."
2018/11/05, 13:08:14 "MISSION - MINOR 9 - Cleaning completed"
2018/11/05, 13:08:14 "server_updateObject.sqf _object null or nil, could not update object"
2018/11/05, 13:08:16 "MISSION - MINOR 9 - End"
2018/11/05, 13:08:19 "EVENTSHAKER# MINOR Mission SM9 completed ..."
2018/11/05, 13:08:35 MuzzleFlashROT - unknown animation source ammoRandom
2018/11/05, 13:08:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.8453. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.8453."
2018/11/05, 13:09:13 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 4, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:09:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 4 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/05, 13:10:13 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Nikita (76561198394535192)"
2018/11/05, 13:10:13 "<infiSTAR.de> Player-Log: Nikita (76561198394535192) - 1h 09min"
2018/11/05, 13:10:13 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:10:15 "TREASURE EVENT# Players online: 5, starting event ..."
2018/11/05, 13:10:21 "INFO - Player: PID#9(Nikita )(UID:76561198394535192/CID:5702) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 13:10:24 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Nikita  with UID 76561198394535192 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 13:10:24 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Nikita  with UID 76561198394535192 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 13:10:24 "INFO - Player: PID#9(Nikita )(UID:76561198394535192/CID:5702) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location ВПП [053131]"
2018/11/05, 13:10:27 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 5, FPS 46.1095, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 13:10:27 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 11, West Units (Players): 5, East Units (AI): 6, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 18, SERVER FPS: 46.1095 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:10:29 "INFO - Player: Nikita (UID:76561198394535192/CID:5702) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 13:10:37 "#LOGIN#: Player Nikita  with ID 76561198394535192 connected!"
2018/11/05, 13:10:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/05, 13:11:14 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.584, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:11:21 "#FPSFixer: Player Nikita  with ID 76561198394535192 FPS: 26 in coords: [5196.05,2275.02,0.00143909] ..."
2018/11/05, 13:11:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 17 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 21 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/05, 13:12:14 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.7143, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:12:25 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_TK_CIV_EP1 (objid: 16826) LOCKED @063075 ([6351.51,7782.54,-0.000762939]) [6351.51,7782.54,-0.000762939] BY Sa[Y]reX(76561198143112441)"
2018/11/05, 13:12:29 Server: Object 3:606 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:12:29 Server: Object 3:607 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:12:29 Server: Object 3:608 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:12:33 Server: Object 3:609 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:12:33 "Trader Menu: Sa[Y]reX (76561198143112441) sold 2x ItemGoldBar from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:12:37 Server: Object 3:610 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:12:37 "Trader Menu: Sa[Y]reX (76561198143112441) sold 15x ItemGoldBar10oz from vehicle at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 15,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:12:37 "Trader Menu: Sa[Y]reX (76561198143112441) sold 14x ItemGoldBar from vehicle at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,400 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:12:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 11 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/05, 13:13:08 Server: Object 3:637 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:13:08 "Trader Menu: Sa[Y]reX (76561198143112441) sold 1x Sa61_EP1 from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 50 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:13:08 "Trader Menu: Sa[Y]reX (76561198143112441) sold 1x RPK74_DZ from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:13:12 Server: Object 3:638 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:13:12 "Trader Menu: Sa[Y]reX (76561198143112441) sold 1x SVD_PSO1_DZ from vehicle at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:13:12 "Trader Menu: Sa[Y]reX (76561198143112441) sold 1x M40A3_DZ from vehicle at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 600 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:13:12 "Trader Menu: Sa[Y]reX (76561198143112441) sold 1x M14_DZ from vehicle at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:13:12 "Trader Menu: Sa[Y]reX (76561198143112441) sold 2x Remington870_FL_DZ from vehicle at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 300 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:13:14 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:13:33 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_TK_CIV_EP1 (objid: 16826) UNLOCKED @063075 ([6351.53,7782.56,-0.000671387]) [6351.53,7782.56,-0.000671387] BY Sa[Y]reX(76561198143112441)"
2018/11/05, 13:13:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 8 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 11 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/05, 13:13:59 Server: Object 8:174 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:14:15 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:14:21 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @064129 - Lada1_TK_CIV_EP1, worldspace [291.296,[6419.1,2367.51,0.00877142]], CharId 0, objID 16705, objUID 0, nearby ["Voron (76561198077224462)"]"
2018/11/05, 13:14:21 "DELETE: PUID(76561198077224462) requested destroy on object Lada1_TK_CIV_EP1 ID:16705 UID:0"
2018/11/05, 13:14:21 Client: Object 4:913 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 13:14:21 Client: Object 4:913 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 13:14:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 14 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 3 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/05, 13:14:50 "#FPSFixer: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 FPS: 26 in coords: [4482.01,10816.8,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 13:15:03 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_TK_CIV_EP1 (objid: 16826) LOCKED @063075 ([6337.81,7781.29,0.00137329]) [6337.81,7781.29,0.00137329] BY Sa[Y]reX(76561198143112441)"
2018/11/05, 13:15:08 "EVENTSHAKER# Start MAJOR Mission SM3 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:15:08 "MISSION - MAJOR 3 - Start"
2018/11/05, 13:15:13 Server: Object 3:687 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:15:13 "Trader Menu: Sa[Y]reX (76561198143112441) sold 1x ItemCrowbar from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 30 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:15:13 "Trader Menu: Sa[Y]reX (76561198143112441) sold 1x ItemSledge from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 20 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:15:14 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Sync date on clients to [2012,8,2,11,43]."
2018/11/05, 13:15:15 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.8453, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:15:20 Server: Object 3:688 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:15:20 "Trader Menu: Sa[Y]reX (76561198143112441) sold 1x ItemVault from vehicle at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 5,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:15:20 "Trader Menu: Sa[Y]reX (76561198143112441) sold 2x ItemToolbox from vehicle at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:15:33 Server: Object 3:699 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:15:33 "Trader Menu: Sa[Y]reX (76561198143112441) sold 1x ItemSodaCoke from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 5 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:15:33 "Trader Menu: Sa[Y]reX (76561198143112441) sold 6x FoodRabbitCooked from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 60 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:15:36 Server: Object 3:700 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:15:36 "Trader Menu: Sa[Y]reX (76561198143112441) sold 9x ItemSodaRbull from vehicle at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,800 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:15:36 "Trader Menu: Sa[Y]reX (76561198143112441) sold 4x FishCookedTuna from vehicle at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 400 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:15:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 13:16:15 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:16:26 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_TK_CIV_EP1 (objid: 16826) UNLOCKED @063075 ([6337.81,7781.3,0.00149536]) [6337.81,7781.3,0.00149536] BY Sa[Y]reX(76561198143112441)"
2018/11/05, 13:16:41 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Sa[Y]reX with ID 76561198143112441 try deposit to bank 26000 ... now Sa[Y]reX has COINS:2025, BANK:232950 "
2018/11/05, 13:16:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.8453. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.8453."
2018/11/05, 13:16:52 Server: Object 3:733 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:16:52 "Trader Menu: Sa[Y]reX (76561198143112441) purchased 2x ItemPainkiller into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 40 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:17:13 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Sa[Y]reX with ID 76561198143112441 try withdraw from bank 15 ... now Sa[Y]reX has COINS:2000, BANK:232935 "
2018/11/05, 13:17:16 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:17:27 MuzzleFlashROT - unknown animation source ammoRandom
2018/11/05, 13:17:28 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-E:1 (prizrak65) REMOTE is complete, player name is prizrak65 in coords [4493.47,10819.6,0]."
2018/11/05, 13:17:45 "#FPSFixer: Player Voron with ID 76561198077224462 FPS: 37 in coords: [7812.36,3529.05,0.00143862] ..."
2018/11/05, 13:17:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 40 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/05, 13:17:57 "#FPSFixer: Player Sa[Y]reX with ID 76561198143112441 FPS: 58 in coords: [6619.31,7603.55,-0.0233765] ..."
2018/11/05, 13:18:03 Server: Object 4:976 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:18:03 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 1x M4SPR_DZE from gear at южный рынок for 600 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:18:09 Server: Object 4:977 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:18:09 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 1x M1911_DZ from vehicle at южный рынок for 10 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:18:16 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:18:42 Server: Object 4:986 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:18:42 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 1x ItemWire from vehicle at южный рынок for 30 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:18:42 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 1x ItemTankTrap from vehicle at южный рынок for 10 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:18:42 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 1x ItemGenerator from vehicle at южный рынок for 300 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:18:42 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 1x ItemToolbox from vehicle at южный рынок for 50 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:18:42 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 3x ItemJerrycan from vehicle at южный рынок for 15 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:18:42 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 3x PartWheel from vehicle at южный рынок for 60 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:18:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 8 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 36 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/05, 13:19:04 Server: Object 4:995 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:19:04 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 1x ItemSodaOrangeSherbet from vehicle at южный рынок for 200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:19:04 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 1x FoodPistachio from vehicle at южный рынок for 10 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:19:04 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 1x ItemSodaSacrite from vehicle at южный рынок for 100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:19:05 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 1x FoodCanPotatoes from vehicle at южный рынок for 10 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:19:05 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 1x ItemSodaLirik from vehicle at южный рынок for 100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:19:05 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 1x FoodCanBadguy from vehicle at южный рынок for 10 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:19:05 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 1x FoodCanRusPeas from vehicle at южный рынок for 10 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:19:05 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 1x ItemSodaPeppsy from vehicle at южный рынок for 100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:19:16 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.4545, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:19:41 Server: Object 4:998 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:19:41 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 1x 100Rnd_762x51_M240 from vehicle at южный рынок for 300 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:19:41 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 2x 7Rnd_45ACP_1911 from vehicle at южный рынок for 10 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:19:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/05, 13:20:16 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:20:31 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 5, FPS 47.1976, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 13:20:31 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 11, West Units (Players): 5, East Units (AI): 6, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 21, SERVER FPS: 47.1976 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:20:48 Server: Object 8:230 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:20:48 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x Binocular from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 30 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:20:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 1 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/05, 13:20:59 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Nikita  with UID 76561198394535192 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 13:21:10 Server: Object 8:231 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:21:10 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x SVD_des_EP1 from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:21:10 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x CZ550_DZ from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 400 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:21:17 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:21:23 "#FPSFixer: Player МР.KOT with ID 76561198088233186 FPS: 20 in coords: [4528.67,2567.6,0.00121689] ..."
2018/11/05, 13:21:33 Server: Object 8:232 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:21:33 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 2x 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag from gear at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:21:33 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 2x 30Rnd_545x39_AK from gear at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:21:36 Server: Object 4:1005 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:21:36 "DELETE: Player PID#4(Voron)(76561198077224462) deleted object with ID: 16809"
2018/11/05, 13:21:36 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 1x Ural_UN_EP1 from gear at южный рынок for 1,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:21:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/05, 13:21:56 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_TK_CIV_EP1 (objid: 16826) LOCKED @068080 ([6883.78,7352.94,0.00912476]) [6883.78,7352.94,0.00912476] BY Sa[Y]reX(76561198143112441)"
2018/11/05, 13:22:16 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Sa[Y]reX(76561198143112441)"
2018/11/05, 13:22:16 "INFO - Player: Sa[Y]reX(UID:76561198143112441/CID:5699) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location Новый Собор [068080]"
2018/11/05, 13:22:16 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: Sa[Y]reX with uid 76561198143112441 disconnected ..."
2018/11/05, 13:22:16 Client: Remote object 3:246 not found
2018/11/05, 13:22:16 Client: Remote object 3:245 not found
2018/11/05, 13:22:17 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:22:19 Warning: Cleanup player - person 3:247 not found
2018/11/05, 13:22:21 Server: Object 4:1012 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:22:21 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) purchased 1x ItemCrowbar into gear at южный рынок for 80 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:22:21 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) purchased 1x ItemKnife into gear at южный рынок for 10 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:22:21 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) purchased 1x ItemSledge into gear at южный рынок for 60 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:22:21 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) purchased 1x ItemMatchbox into gear at южный рынок for 2 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:22:33 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player МР.KOT with UID 76561198088233186 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 13:22:33 Server: Object info 5:347 not found during Changing Owner
2018/11/05, 13:22:33 Server: Object info 5:346 not found during Changing Owner
2018/11/05, 13:22:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/05, 13:22:51 Server: Object 4:1019 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:22:51 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 1x ItemCompass from gear at южный рынок for 30 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:22:51 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 1x Binocular from gear at южный рынок for 30 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:23:00 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 try deposit to bank 6000 ... now prizrak65 has COINS:888, BANK:15710 "
2018/11/05, 13:23:02 Server: Object 4:1032 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:23:02 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 3x ItemAntibacterialWipe from gear at южный рынок for 30 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:23:14 Server: Object 4:1033 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:23:14 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) purchased 6x ItemBandage into gear at южный рынок for 180 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:23:17 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:23:20 Server: Object 4:1036 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:23:20 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) purchased 1x ItemAntibiotic into backpack at южный рынок for 600 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:23:30 Server: Object 4:1037 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:23:30 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 2x ItemPainkiller from backpack at южный рынок for 20 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:23:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 17 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 2 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/05, 13:24:18 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.8453, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:24:34 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Orcus(76561198064249725)"
2018/11/05, 13:24:34 "<infiSTAR.de> Player-Log: Orcus(76561198064249725) - 1h 23min"
2018/11/05, 13:24:36 "EVENTSHAKER# Start MINOR Mission SM12 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:24:36 "MISSION - MINOR 12 - Start"
2018/11/05, 13:24:39 "INFO - Player: PID#10(Orcus)(UID:76561198064249725/CID:5665) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 13:24:39 Server: Object 10:23 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:24:39 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Orcus with UID 76561198064249725 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 13:24:39 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Orcus with UID 76561198064249725 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 13:24:39 "INFO - Player: PID#10(Orcus)(UID:76561198064249725/CID:5665) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Старый Собор [060075]"
2018/11/05, 13:24:46 "INFO - Player: Orcus(UID:76561198064249725/CID:5665) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 13:24:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.7143. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 9 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 2 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.7143."
2018/11/05, 13:24:54 "#LOGIN#: Player Orcus with ID 76561198064249725 connected!"
2018/11/05, 13:24:59 Server: Object 10:77 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:24:59 Server: Object 10:76 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:24:59 Server: Object 10:75 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:24:59 Server: Object 10:74 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:24:59 Server: Object 10:69 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:24:59 Server: Object 10:70 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:24:59 Server: Object 10:71 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:24:59 Server: Object 10:72 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:24:59 Server: Object 10:73 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:24:59 Server: Object 10:78 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:25:13 Server: Object 4:1073 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:25:13 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 6x FoodBeefCooked from gear at южный рынок for 12 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:25:18 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:25:38 "#FPSFixer: Player Orcus with ID 76561198064249725 FPS: 60 in coords: [5970.14,7844.33,0.00164795] ..."
2018/11/05, 13:25:47 Server: Object 8:246 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:25:47 Server: Object 8:247 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:25:47 Server: Object 8:252 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:25:47 Server: Object 8:250 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:25:47 Server: Object 8:251 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:25:47 Server: Object 8:253 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:25:47 Server: Object 8:254 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:25:47 Server: Object 8:255 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:25:47 Server: Object 8:258 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:25:47 Server: Object 8:257 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:25:47 Server: Object 8:256 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:25:47 Server: Object 8:259 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:25:47 Server: Object 8:260 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:25:47 Server: Object 8:263 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:25:47 Server: Object 8:262 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:25:47 Server: Object 8:261 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:25:47 Server: Object 8:266 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:25:47 Server: Object 8:265 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:25:47 Server: Object 8:267 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:25:47 Server: Object 8:269 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:25:47 Server: Object 8:268 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:25:47 Server: Object 8:264 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:25:47 Server: Object 8:274 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:25:47 Server: Object 8:277 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:25:47 Server: Object 8:273 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:25:47 Server: Object 8:276 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:25:47 Server: Object 8:275 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:25:48 Server: Object 8:271 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:25:48 Server: Object 8:272 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:25:48 Server: Object 8:270 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:25:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/05, 13:26:00 Server: Object 4:1076 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:26:00 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 1x 200Rnd_556x45_M249 from gear at южный рынок for 500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:26:00 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 2x 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag from gear at южный рынок for 100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:26:08 Server: Object 4:1077 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:26:08 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 9x 30Rnd_556x45_G36 from backpack at южный рынок for 450 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:26:08 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 2x 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag from backpack at южный рынок for 100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:26:14 "CRASHSPAWNER: Spawning crash site (CrashSite_EU) at [7299.24,5409.7,0] with 10 items."
2018/11/05, 13:26:18 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:26:26 Server: Object 4:1080 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:26:26 "**** server_verifySender **** [[222,[7778.9,3529.3,0.000999928]],"SUV_Red",false,"ItemKeyRed303",B 1-1-D:1 (Voron) REMOTE,"^Ess7RTIygr!9"] * PublishVehicle2 * [7778.9,3529.3,0.000999928] * ^Ess7RTIygr!9 * 76561198077224462 * B 1-1-D:1 (Voron) REMOTE ****"
2018/11/05, 13:26:26 "PUBLISH: PID#4(Voron)(76561198077224462) bought SUV_Red with UID 1295122235295172 @Пригородки [077118]"
2018/11/05, 13:26:27 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) purchased 1x SUV_Red into gear at южный рынок for 3,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:26:31 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_Red (objid: 16827) UNLOCKED @077118 [7778.9,3529.31,-4.76837e-007]"
2018/11/05, 13:26:32 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_Red (objid: 16827) LOCKED @077118 [7778.9,3529.31,-4.76837e-007]"
2018/11/05, 13:26:33 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_Red (objid: 16827) UNLOCKED @077118 [7778.9,3529.31,-4.76837e-007]"
2018/11/05, 13:26:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/05, 13:27:05 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_Red (objid: 16827) LOCKED @077118 ([7778.9,3529.31,-4.76837e-007]) [7778.9,3529.31,-4.76837e-007] BY Voron(76561198077224462)"
2018/11/05, 13:27:19 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:27:37 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_Red (objid: 16827) UNLOCKED @077118 ([7778.9,3529.31,-4.76837e-007]) [7778.9,3529.31,-4.76837e-007] BY Voron(76561198077224462)"
2018/11/05, 13:27:38 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_Red (objid: 16827) LOCKED @077118 ([7778.9,3529.31,-4.76837e-007]) [7778.9,3529.31,-4.76837e-007] BY Voron(76561198077224462)"
2018/11/05, 13:27:40 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_Red (objid: 16827) UNLOCKED @077118 ([7778.9,3529.31,-4.76837e-007]) [7778.9,3529.31,-4.76837e-007] BY Voron(76561198077224462)"
2018/11/05, 13:27:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 9 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 23 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/05, 13:28:19 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.8453, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:28:36 Server: Object 9:358 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:28:36 "Trader Menu: Nikita  (76561198394535192) sold 1x Attachment_PSO1 from gear at южный рынок for 500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:28:36 "Trader Menu: Nikita  (76561198394535192) sold 1x MP5_DZ from gear at южный рынок for 100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:28:45 Server: Object 9:359 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:28:45 "Trader Menu: Nikita  (76561198394535192) sold 1x AKM_DZ from backpack at южный рынок for 500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:28:45 "Trader Menu: Nikita  (76561198394535192) sold 1x L110A1_DZ from backpack at южный рынок for 2,200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:28:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/05, 13:28:59 "#FPSFixer: Player Nikita  with ID 76561198394535192 FPS: 24 in coords: [7809.32,3528.1,0.00143862] ..."
2018/11/05, 13:29:09 Server: Object 9:366 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:29:09 "Trader Menu: Nikita  (76561198394535192) sold 1x 30Rnd_9x19_MP5 from gear at южный рынок for 35 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:29:09 "Trader Menu: Nikita  (76561198394535192) sold 1x 100Rnd_762x54_PK from gear at южный рынок for 300 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:29:09 "Trader Menu: Nikita  (76561198394535192) sold 2x 20Rnd_B_765x17_Ball from gear at южный рынок for 20 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:29:11 Server: Object 5:678 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:29:11 "Trader Menu: МР.KOT (76561198088233186) sold 4x 100Rnd_556x45_M249 from backpack at южный рынок for 1,200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:29:11 "Trader Menu: МР.KOT (76561198088233186) sold 2x 200Rnd_556x45_M249 from backpack at южный рынок for 1,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:29:18 Server: Object 9:367 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:29:18 "Trader Menu: Nikita  (76561198394535192) sold 2x 30Rnd_762x39_AK47 from backpack at южный рынок for 120 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:29:19 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:29:31 Server: Object 9:374 not found (message 132)
2018/11/05, 13:29:34 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Nikita  with ID 76561198394535192 try deposit to bank 3750 ... now Nikita  has COINS:25, BANK:18500 "
2018/11/05, 13:29:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 9 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 3 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 13:29:57 Server: Object 5:685 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:29:57 "Trader Menu: МР.KOT (76561198088233186) purchased 1x ItemAntibiotic into gear at южный рынок for 600 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:30:12 Server: Object 4:1146 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:30:12 Server: Object 4:1147 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:30:12 Server: Object 4:1154 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:30:12 Server: Object 4:1160 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:30:12 Server: Object 4:1161 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:30:12 Server: Object 4:1157 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:30:12 Server: Object 4:1155 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:30:12 Server: Object 4:1156 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:30:12 Server: Object 4:1158 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:30:12 Server: Object 4:1159 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:30:19 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:30:35 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 5, FPS 46.1095, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 13:30:35 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 11, West Units (Players): 5, East Units (AI): 6, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 13, SERVER FPS: 46.1095 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:30:39 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_Red (objid: 16827) LOCKED @066123 ([6683.35,3010.63,0.0024066]) [6683.35,3010.63,0.0024066] BY Voron(76561198077224462)"
2018/11/05, 13:30:41 "#FPSFixer: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 FPS: 36 in coords: [4098.01,10737.1,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 13:30:47 Server: Object 5:690 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:30:47 "Trader Menu: МР.KOT (76561198088233186) sold 1x SCAR_L_STD_EGLM_RCO from backpack at южный рынок for 700 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:30:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/05, 13:30:52 Server: Object 10:152 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 13:30:52 Server: Object 10:152 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 13:30:52 Server: Object 10:151 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 13:30:52 Server: Object 10:152 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 13:30:52 Server: Object 10:152 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 13:30:52 Server: Object 10:152 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 13:31:19 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player МР.KOT with ID 76561198088233186 try deposit to bank 2300 ... now МР.KOT has COINS:0, BANK:2300 "
2018/11/05, 13:31:20 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:31:21 MuzzleFlashROT - unknown animation source ammoRandom
2018/11/05, 13:31:45 Server: Object 10:188 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:31:45 Server: Object 10:187 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:31:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/05, 13:32:20 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:32:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 38 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/05, 13:33:20 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:33:29 "Bike packed by player prizrak65 in coords [4583.94,10636.1,0.00311279] ..."
2018/11/05, 13:33:29 Server: Object 8:300 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:33:29 Server: Object 8:310 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:33:29 Server: Object 8:306 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:33:29 Server: Object 8:307 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:33:29 Server: Object 8:308 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:33:29 Server: Object 8:309 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:33:29 Server: Object 8:318 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:33:29 Server: Object 8:311 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:33:29 Server: Object 8:312 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:33:29 Server: Object 8:313 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:33:29 Server: Object 8:314 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:33:29 Server: Object 8:315 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:33:29 Server: Object 8:316 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:33:29 Server: Object 8:317 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:33:29 Server: Object 8:319 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:33:29 Server: Object 8:320 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:33:29 Server: Object 8:321 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:33:29 Server: Object 8:322 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:33:29 Server: Object 8:323 not found (message 69)
2018/11/05, 13:33:29 Server: Object 8:324 not found (message 69)
2018/11/05, 13:33:29 Server: Object 8:329 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:33:29 Server: Object 8:325 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:33:29 Server: Object 8:326 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:33:29 Server: Object 8:327 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:33:29 Server: Object 8:328 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:33:29 Server: Object 8:330 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:33:29 Server: Object 8:334 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:33:29 Server: Object 8:331 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:33:29 Server: Object 8:332 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:33:29 Server: Object 8:333 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:33:29 Client: Object 8:323 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 13:33:29 Client: Object 8:324 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 13:33:29 "server_updateObject.sqf _object null or nil, could not update object"
2018/11/05, 13:33:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 8 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 2 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/05, 13:34:21 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:34:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 11 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/05, 13:35:10 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-E:1 (prizrak65) REMOTE is complete, player name is prizrak65 in coords [4576.87,10640.1,0]."
2018/11/05, 13:35:12 "MISSION - MAJOR 3 - Timeout"
2018/11/05, 13:35:17 "MISSION - MAJOR 3 - Cleaning completed"
2018/11/05, 13:35:18 "MISSION - MAJOR 3 - End"
2018/11/05, 13:35:21 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:35:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.7143. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 36 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.7143."
2018/11/05, 13:36:15 "EVENTSHAKER# MAJOR Mission SM3 completed ..."
2018/11/05, 13:36:18 "#FPSFixer: Player Voron with ID 76561198077224462 FPS: 42 in coords: [6685.51,3009.82,0.00143623] ..."
2018/11/05, 13:36:21 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:36:22 "Bike packed by player prizrak65 in coords [4862.22,10311.6,0.0213318] ..."
2018/11/05, 13:36:22 "server_updateObject.sqf _object null or nil, could not update object"
2018/11/05, 13:36:23 Server: Object 8:355 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:36:24 Server: Object 8:357 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:36:24 Server: Object 8:363 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:36:24 Server: Object 8:364 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:36:24 Server: Object 8:368 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:36:24 Server: Object 8:372 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:36:24 Server: Object 8:366 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:36:24 Server: Object 8:367 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:36:24 Server: Object 8:371 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:36:24 Server: Object 8:369 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:36:24 Server: Object 8:370 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:36:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/05, 13:37:22 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.7143, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:37:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.8453. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.8453."
2018/11/05, 13:38:17 Server: Object 10:254 not found (message 98)
2018/11/05, 13:38:17 Server: Object 10:255 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 13:38:22 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.8453, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:38:26 Server: Object 5:703 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 13:38:26 Server: Object 5:704 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 13:38:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 13:39:21 "#FPSFixer: Player МР.KOT with ID 76561198088233186 FPS: 42 in coords: [6037.55,8477.97,0.00131226] ..."
2018/11/05, 13:39:22 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:39:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.7143. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.7143."
2018/11/05, 13:40:15 "TREASURE EVENT# Player near treasure is: Nikita "
2018/11/05, 13:40:22 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.584, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:40:40 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 5, FPS 46.6472, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 13:40:40 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 11, West Units (Players): 5, East Units (AI): 6, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 28, SERVER FPS: 46.6472 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:40:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/05, 13:41:23 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:41:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/05, 13:42:23 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:42:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 13:43:02 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_Red (objid: 16827) UNLOCKED @066123 ([6683.41,3010.61,2.90871e-005]) [6683.41,3010.61,2.90871e-005] BY Voron(76561198077224462)"
2018/11/05, 13:43:09 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_Red (objid: 16827) LOCKED @066123 ([6683.41,3010.61,2.90871e-005]) [6683.41,3010.61,2.90871e-005] BY Voron(76561198077224462)"
2018/11/05, 13:43:23 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:43:32 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-E:1 (prizrak65) REMOTE is complete, player name is prizrak65 in coords [4805.27,10261,0]."
2018/11/05, 13:43:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 28 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 86 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/05, 13:43:54 "#FPSFixer: Player Orcus with ID 76561198064249725 FPS: 60 in coords: [3968.18,8943.81,0.00158691] ..."
2018/11/05, 13:44:13 Server: Object 9:466 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:44:13 Server: Object 9:465 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:44:20 "CRASHSPAWNER: Spawning crash site (CrashSite_UN) at [6435.64,10514.9,0] with 9 items."
2018/11/05, 13:44:24 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:44:26 "#FPSFixer: Player Nikita  with ID 76561198394535192 FPS: 24 in coords: [5025.49,10004.7,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 13:44:40 "MISSION - MINOR 12 - Timeout"
2018/11/05, 13:44:45 "MISSION - MINOR 12 - Cleaning completed"
2018/11/05, 13:44:46 "MISSION - MINOR 12 - End"
2018/11/05, 13:44:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 19 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 13:45:24 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:45:37 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - МР.KOT(76561198088233186)"
2018/11/05, 13:45:37 "INFO - Player: МР.KOT(UID:76561198088233186/CID:5701) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location аэродром [050053]"
2018/11/05, 13:45:37 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: МР.KOT with uid 76561198088233186 disconnected ..."
2018/11/05, 13:45:37 Client: Remote object 5:16 not found
2018/11/05, 13:45:37 Client: Remote object 5:615 not found
2018/11/05, 13:45:37 Client: Object 9:473 (type Type_149) not found.
2018/11/05, 13:45:43 "EVENTSHAKER# MINOR Mission SM12 completed ..."
2018/11/05, 13:45:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.8453. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.8453."
2018/11/05, 13:46:24 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.3258, players: 4, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:46:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/05, 13:46:51 Server: Object 10:400 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:46:51 MuzzleFlashROT - unknown animation source ammoRandom
2018/11/05, 13:47:18 Server: Object 8:455 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:47:18 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 2x Binocular from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 60 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:47:25 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:47:26 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_Red (objid: 16827) UNLOCKED @068123 ([6879.09,3020.99,0.0172625]) [6879.09,3020.99,0.0172625] BY Voron(76561198077224462)"
2018/11/05, 13:47:47 Server: Object 8:456 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:47:47 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x Attachment_SCOPED from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:47:47 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x Attachment_FL from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 50 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:47:47 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x Attachment_BELT from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 50 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:47:47 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x Attachment_GP25 from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 400 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:47:47 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x SVD_PSO1_Gh_DZ from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:47:47 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x Bizon_DZ from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:47:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 8 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 13:47:50 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: UAZ_Unarmed_UN_EP1 (objid: 16747) LOCKED @068123 [6880.61,3025.26,0.0795469]"
2018/11/05, 13:48:04 Server: Object 8:457 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:48:04 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x 100Rnd_762x54_PK from gear at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 300 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:48:24 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - МР.KOT(76561198088233186)"
2018/11/05, 13:48:25 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:48:29 "INFO - Player: PID#11(МР.KOT)(UID:76561198088233186/CID:5701) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 13:48:29 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player МР.KOT with UID 76561198088233186 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 13:48:29 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player МР.KOT with UID 76561198088233186 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 13:48:29 "INFO - Player: PID#11(МР.KOT)(UID:76561198088233186/CID:5701) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location аэродром [050053]"
2018/11/05, 13:48:34 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 try deposit to bank 3000 ... now prizrak65 has COINS:348, BANK:18710 "
2018/11/05, 13:48:40 "INFO - Player: МР.KOT(UID:76561198088233186/CID:5701) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 13:48:46 "#LOGIN#: Player МР.KOT with ID 76561198088233186 connected!"
2018/11/05, 13:48:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.7143. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.7143."
2018/11/05, 13:49:03 Server: Object 10:448 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 13:49:21 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_Red (objid: 16827) LOCKED @078118 ([7805.84,3519.61,0]) [7805.84,3519.61,0] BY Voron(76561198077224462)"
2018/11/05, 13:49:25 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.1976, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:49:26 Server: Object 4:1326 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:49:26 Server: Object 4:1325 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:49:27 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_Red (objid: 16827) UNLOCKED @078118 ([7805.66,3519.56,-4.29153e-006]) [7805.66,3519.56,-4.29153e-006] BY Voron(76561198077224462)"
2018/11/05, 13:49:28 "#FPSFixer: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 FPS: 28 in coords: [4060.66,11662.4,0.00125122] ..."
2018/11/05, 13:49:29 "#FPSFixer: Player МР.KOT with ID 76561198088233186 FPS: 16 in coords: [5016.22,9973.15,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 13:49:38 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: UAZ_Unarmed_UN_EP1 (objid: 16747) UNLOCKED @078118 [7800.03,3518.05,0.0393858]"
2018/11/05, 13:49:42 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_Red (objid: 16827) LOCKED @078118 ([7805.66,3519.56,-4.29153e-006]) [7805.66,3519.56,-4.29153e-006] BY Voron(76561198077224462)"
2018/11/05, 13:49:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 20 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/05, 13:50:01 Server: Object 4:1346 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:50:01 "DELETE: Player PID#4(Voron)(76561198077224462) deleted object with ID: 16747"
2018/11/05, 13:50:01 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 1x UAZ_Unarmed_UN_EP1 from gear at южный рынок for 400 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:50:24 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Sync date on clients to [2012,8,2,12,18]."
2018/11/05, 13:50:25 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.584, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:50:44 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 5, FPS 47.1976, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 13:50:44 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 11, West Units (Players): 5, East Units (AI): 6, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 36, SERVER FPS: 47.1976 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:50:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/05, 13:50:49 Server: Object 4:1383 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:50:49 "DELETE: Player PID#4(Voron)(76561198077224462) deleted object with ID: 16748"
2018/11/05, 13:50:49 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 1x Lada1_TK_CIV_EP1 from gear at южный рынок for 100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:50:49 Server: Object 2:679 not found (message 105)
2018/11/05, 13:51:11 Server: Object 4:1384 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:51:11 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 1x ItemSandbag from gear at южный рынок for 30 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:51:11 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 1x Binocular from gear at южный рынок for 30 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:51:11 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 1x ItemWatch from gear at южный рынок for 5 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:51:20 Server: Object 4:1387 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:51:20 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 1x equip_duct_tape from backpack at южный рынок for 5 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:51:20 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #537109015, users.card=4
2018/11/05, 13:51:20 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 537109015
2018/11/05, 13:51:20 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 537109015 (МР.KOT)
2018/11/05, 13:51:20 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #537109015, users.card=4
2018/11/05, 13:51:20 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 537109015
2018/11/05, 13:51:20 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 537109015 (МР.KOT)
2018/11/05, 13:51:20 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 1x ItemFlashlight from backpack at южный рынок for 10 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:51:20 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 5x Binocular from backpack at южный рынок for 150 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:51:20 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - МР.KOT(76561198088233186)"
2018/11/05, 13:51:20 "PLAYER COMBAT LOGGED: МР.KOT(76561198088233186) at location [4883.95,10095,1.14432]"
2018/11/05, 13:51:20 "INFO - Player: МР.KOT(UID:76561198088233186/CID:5701) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location аэродром [048052]"
2018/11/05, 13:51:20 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: МР.KOT with uid 76561198088233186 disconnected ..."
2018/11/05, 13:51:20 Client: Remote object 11:14 not found
2018/11/05, 13:51:20 Client: Remote object 11:22 not found
2018/11/05, 13:51:20 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 3x ItemMap from backpack at южный рынок for 6 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:51:20 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 3x ItemKnife from backpack at южный рынок for 15 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:51:20 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 2x ItemCompass from backpack at южный рынок for 60 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:51:20 Client: Object 9:499 (type Type_149) not found.
2018/11/05, 13:51:26 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 4, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:51:28 "EVENTSHAKER# Start MAJOR Mission SM2 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:51:28 "MISSION - MAJOR 2 - Start"
2018/11/05, 13:51:30 "#FPSFixer: Player Voron with ID 76561198077224462 FPS: 36 in coords: [7805.3,3521.14,0.00143862] ..."
2018/11/05, 13:51:30 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_Red (objid: 16827) UNLOCKED @078118 ([7805.66,3519.56,-4.29153e-006]) [7805.66,3519.56,-4.29153e-006] BY Voron(76561198077224462)"
2018/11/05, 13:51:31 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_Red (objid: 16827) LOCKED @078118 ([7805.66,3519.56,-4.29153e-006]) [7805.66,3519.56,-4.29153e-006] BY Voron(76561198077224462)"
2018/11/05, 13:51:32 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_Red (objid: 16827) UNLOCKED @078118 ([7805.66,3519.56,-4.29153e-006]) [7805.66,3519.56,-4.29153e-006] BY Voron(76561198077224462)"
2018/11/05, 13:51:43 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_Red (objid: 16827) LOCKED @078118 ([7805.66,3519.56,-4.29153e-006]) [7805.66,3519.56,-4.29153e-006] BY Voron(76561198077224462)"
2018/11/05, 13:51:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.7143. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.7143."
2018/11/05, 13:51:51 MuzzleFlashROT - unknown animation source ammoRandom
2018/11/05, 13:51:56 Server: Object 4:1389 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:51:56 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 1x ItemJerrycan from vehicle at южный рынок for 5 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:52:06 Server: Object 4:1390 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:52:06 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 1x Makarov_DZ from gear at южный рынок for 10 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:52:11 Server: Object 4:1391 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:52:11 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 1x Attachment_SCOPED from backpack at южный рынок for 200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:52:11 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 1x Attachment_FL from backpack at южный рынок for 50 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:52:11 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 1x G17_DZ from backpack at южный рынок for 20 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:52:11 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 1x M9_DZ from backpack at южный рынок for 50 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:52:24 Server: Object 4:1392 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:52:24 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 1x FoodCanBoneboy from gear at южный рынок for 10 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:52:24 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 1x FoodCanRusStew from gear at южный рынок for 10 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:52:24 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 1x FoodCandyAnders from gear at южный рынок for 10 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:52:24 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 1x Skin_Functionary1_EP1_DZ from gear at южный рынок for 100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:52:24 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 2x ItemSodaSmasht from gear at южный рынок for 200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:52:26 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.8453, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:52:26 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - МР.KOT(76561198088233186)"
2018/11/05, 13:52:29 "INFO - Player: PID#12(МР.KOT)(UID:76561198088233186/CID:5701) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 13:52:29 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player МР.KOT with UID 76561198088233186 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 13:52:29 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player МР.KOT with UID 76561198088233186 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 13:52:29 "INFO - Player: PID#12(МР.KOT)(UID:76561198088233186/CID:5701) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location аэродром [048052]"
2018/11/05, 13:52:30 "INFO - Player: МР.KOT(UID:76561198088233186/CID:5701) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 13:52:41 Server: Object 4:1393 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:52:41 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 2x ItemPainkiller from vehicle at южный рынок for 20 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:52:41 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 2x ItemBloodbag from vehicle at южный рынок for 40 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:52:45 "#LOGIN#: Player МР.KOT with ID 76561198088233186 connected!"
2018/11/05, 13:52:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 24 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 8 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/05, 13:53:08 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_Red (objid: 16827) UNLOCKED @078118 ([7805.66,3519.56,-4.29153e-006]) [7805.66,3519.56,-4.29153e-006] BY Voron(76561198077224462)"
2018/11/05, 13:53:26 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:53:29 "#FPSFixer: Player МР.KOT with ID 76561198088233186 FPS: 15 in coords: [4884.6,10094.9,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 13:53:42 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_Red (objid: 16827) LOCKED @078118 ([7805.66,3519.56,-4.29153e-006]) [7805.66,3519.56,-4.29153e-006] BY Voron(76561198077224462)"
2018/11/05, 13:53:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/05, 13:53:56 Server: Object 4:1408 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:53:56 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 1x FoodCanRusPork from vehicle at южный рынок for 10 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:54:06 Server: Object 4:1409 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:54:06 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 1x 5Rnd_17HMR from vehicle at южный рынок for 50 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:54:06 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) sold 1x 10Rnd_303British from vehicle at южный рынок for 25 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:54:27 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.7143, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:54:34 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_Red (objid: 16827) UNLOCKED @078118 ([7805.66,3519.56,-4.29153e-006]) [7805.66,3519.56,-4.29153e-006] BY Voron(76561198077224462)"
2018/11/05, 13:54:42 Server: Object 8:479 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:54:42 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x 10Rnd_762x54_SVD from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 150 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:54:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 8 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 82 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/05, 13:55:04 Server: Object 8:480 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:55:04 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x 10Rnd_762x54_SVD from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 150 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:55:09 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_Red (objid: 16827) LOCKED @078118 ([7805.66,3519.56,-4.29153e-006]) [7805.66,3519.56,-4.29153e-006] BY Voron(76561198077224462)"
2018/11/05, 13:55:23 Server: Object 8:481 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:55:23 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x 10Rnd_762x54_SVD from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 150 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:55:27 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:55:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.7143. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.7143."
2018/11/05, 13:56:00 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Orcus(76561198064249725)"
2018/11/05, 13:56:00 "INFO - Player: Orcus(UID:76561198064249725/CID:5665) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location Выбор [036058]"
2018/11/05, 13:56:00 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: Orcus with uid 76561198064249725 disconnected ..."
2018/11/05, 13:56:00 Client: Remote object 10:17 not found
2018/11/05, 13:56:00 Client: Remote object 10:22 not found
2018/11/05, 13:56:02 Warning: Cleanup player - person 10:21 not found
2018/11/05, 13:56:06 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_Red (objid: 16827) UNLOCKED @078118 ([7805.66,3519.56,-4.29153e-006]) [7805.66,3519.56,-4.29153e-006] BY Voron(76561198077224462)"
2018/11/05, 13:56:06 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_Red (objid: 16827) LOCKED @078118 ([7805.66,3519.56,-4.29153e-006]) [7805.66,3519.56,-4.29153e-006] BY Voron(76561198077224462)"
2018/11/05, 13:56:07 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_Red (objid: 16827) UNLOCKED @078118 ([7805.66,3519.56,-4.29153e-006]) [7805.66,3519.56,-4.29153e-006] BY Voron(76561198077224462)"
2018/11/05, 13:56:09 Server: Object 8:482 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:56:09 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 9x 10Rnd_762x54_SVD from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,350 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:56:09 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 3x 100Rnd_762x54_PK from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 900 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:56:09 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 2x 100Rnd_556x45_M249 from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 600 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:56:09 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 2x 30Rnd_762x39_SA58 from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 70 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:56:09 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 2x 5Rnd_17HMR from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:56:09 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 2x 64Rnd_9x19_Bizon from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 150 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:56:27 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 4, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:56:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 13:56:50 Server: Object 4:1469 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 13:56:50 "Trader Menu: Voron (76561198077224462) purchased 3x 20Rnd_762x51_DMR into backpack at южный рынок for 1,800 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:56:54 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_Red (objid: 16827) LOCKED @078118 ([7805.66,3519.56,-4.29153e-006]) [7805.66,3519.56,-4.29153e-006] BY Voron(76561198077224462)"
2018/11/05, 13:56:55 Server: Object 8:489 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 13:56:55 Server: Object 8:490 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 13:56:56 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_Red (objid: 16827) UNLOCKED @078118 ([7805.66,3519.56,-4.29153e-006]) [7805.66,3519.56,-4.29153e-006] BY Voron(76561198077224462)"
2018/11/05, 13:57:11 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player МР.KOT with UID 76561198088233186 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 13:57:28 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.8453, players: 4, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:57:29 "EVENTSHAKER# Start MINOR Mission SM13 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:57:29 "MISSION - MINOR 13 - Start"
2018/11/05, 13:57:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 2 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/05, 13:57:49 Server: Object 8:499 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 13:57:49 "**** server_verifySender **** [[358,[4037.26,11673.5,0.00289917]],"hilux1_civil_1_open_DZE",false,"ItemKeyBlue508",B 1-1-E:1 (prizrak65) REMOTE,"*pIA3Gb^Vh83I"] * PublishVehicle2 * [4037.26,11673.5,0.00289917] * *pIA3Gb^Vh83I * 76561198359965418 * B 1-1-E:1 (prizrak65) REMOTE ****"
2018/11/05, 13:57:50 "PUBLISH: PID#8(prizrak65)(76561198359965418) bought hilux1_civil_1_open_DZE with UID 11093358116737056 @Wilderness [040036]"
2018/11/05, 13:57:50 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) purchased 1x hilux1_civil_1_open_DZE into gear at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 800 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 13:58:12 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: hilux1_civil_1_open_DZE (objid: 16828) UNLOCKED @040036 [4037.27,11669.5,0.00662231]"
2018/11/05, 13:58:28 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.584, players: 4, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:58:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/05, 13:59:03 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 try deposit to bank 3000 ... now prizrak65 has COINS:168, BANK:21710 "
2018/11/05, 13:59:28 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.7143, players: 4, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 13:59:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/05, 13:59:52 "MISSION - MAJOR 2 - Activated - player in 1200m, spawning crates and additional AI"
2018/11/05, 13:59:52 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - Begin"
2018/11/05, 13:59:52 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - End"
2018/11/05, 13:59:52 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - Begin"
2018/11/05, 13:59:53 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - End"
2018/11/05, 13:59:53 "MISSION - MAJOR 2 - Spawning car!"
2018/11/05, 13:59:53 "PUBLISH: Created V3S_Open_TK_CIV_EP1 with ID "121778235657179""
2018/11/05, 13:59:54 "MISSION - MAJOR 2 - Car spawned!"
2018/11/05, 13:59:54 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [5011.95,3579.23,0]"
2018/11/05, 13:59:54 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of BANDITS - 1 Infantry, 2 Stormtrooper, 2 Sniper, 1 Boss, 1 Elite 1 Nuker at position [5011.23,3579.54,0]"
2018/11/05, 13:59:54 Duplicate weapon ItemGPS detected for RUS_Soldier_Sab
2018/11/05, 14:00:28 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.8453, players: 4, AI units: 15 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:00:41 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 try withdraw from bank 1000 ... now prizrak65 has COINS:1168, BANK:20710 "
2018/11/05, 14:00:48 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 4, FPS 46.2428, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 14:00:48 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 19, West Units (Players): 4, East Units (AI): 15, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 5, SERVER FPS: 46.2428 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:00:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/05, 14:00:56 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_Red (objid: 16827) LOCKED @054118 ([5490.91,3544.61,0.0129852]) [5490.91,3544.61,0.0129852] BY Voron(76561198077224462)"
2018/11/05, 14:01:04 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Set new date to [2012,8,2,19,0] with message: Вечер в хату...."
2018/11/05, 14:01:14 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_Red (objid: 16827) UNLOCKED @054118 ([5490.83,3544.68,0.0125885]) [5490.83,3544.68,0.0125885] BY Voron(76561198077224462)"
2018/11/05, 14:01:15 Server: Object 8:502 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:01:15 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) purchased 1x ItemToolbox into gear at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 14:01:29 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 4, AI units: 15 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:01:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.8453. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 1 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 2 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.8453."
2018/11/05, 14:01:56 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_Red (objid: 16827) LOCKED @053116 ([5332.91,3724.84,-0.0142059]) [5332.91,3724.84,-0.0142059] BY Voron(76561198077224462)"
2018/11/05, 14:02:11 "P1ayer PID#4(Voron) hit by AI with M249_DZ/B_556x45_Ball <ammo left:188> from 268 meters in head_hit for 0.216207 damage"
2018/11/05, 14:02:29 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 5, AI units: 15 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:02:37 "EVENTSHAKER# PVP Missions process stopped & exiting ..."
2018/11/05, 14:02:44 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - G U A R D(76561198164108782)"
2018/11/05, 14:02:44 "<infiSTAR.de> Player-Log: G U A R D(76561198164108782) - 2h 02min"
2018/11/05, 14:02:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 9 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 42 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/05, 14:02:51 "INFO - Player: PID#13(G U A R D)(UID:76561198164108782/CID:5678) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 14:02:52 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player G U A R D with UID 76561198164108782 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 14:02:52 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player G U A R D with UID 76561198164108782 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 14:02:52 "INFO - Player: PID#13(G U A R D)(UID:76561198164108782/CID:5678) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location ВПП [118021]"
2018/11/05, 14:03:00 "INFO - Player: G U A R D(UID:76561198164108782/CID:5678) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 14:03:02 "#FPSFixer: Player Nikita  with ID 76561198394535192 FPS: 31 in coords: [5000.83,9967.74,173.07] ..."
2018/11/05, 14:03:05 "P1ayer PID#4(Voron) hit by AI with AK_47_S/B_762x39_Ball <ammo left:27> from 353 meters in head_hit for 0 damage"
2018/11/05, 14:03:11 "P1ayer PID#4(Voron) hit by AI with AK_107_pso/B_545x39_Ball <ammo left:24> from 163 meters in head_hit for 3.08615 damage"
2018/11/05, 14:03:13 "#LOGIN#: Player G U A R D with ID 76561198164108782 connected!"
2018/11/05, 14:03:16 "P1ayer PID#4(Voron) hit by AI with AK_47_S/B_762x39_Ball <ammo left:21> from 355 meters in head_hit for 0.0343828 damage"
2018/11/05, 14:03:16 "P1ayer PID#4(Voron) hit by AI with AK_107_pso/B_545x39_Ball <ammo left:9> from 163 meters in head_hit for 0.896284 damage"
2018/11/05, 14:03:17 "Player UID#76561198077224462 CID#5700 PID#4(Voron) as Ins_Soldier_2_DZ died at Wilderness [053116]"
2018/11/05, 14:03:17 "DeathMessage: Voron был убит игроком ИИ с AK_107_pso с расстояния 163м"
2018/11/05, 14:03:18 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16730) UNLOCKED @118021 [11863.1,13181.1,0.0228119]"
2018/11/05, 14:03:19 "P1ayer PID#4(Voron) hit by AI with AK_107_pso/B_545x39_Ball <ammo left:0> from 163 meters in head_hit for 4.0866 damage"
2018/11/05, 14:03:20 "MISSION - MAJOR 2 - Players moved away without contact, performing partial cleaning"
2018/11/05, 14:03:29 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Voron(76561198077224462)"
2018/11/05, 14:03:29 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is near respawn_west. This is normal after death. ["76561198077224462","Voron"]"
2018/11/05, 14:03:29 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:03:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 7 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/05, 14:03:55 "#FPSFixer: Player G U A R D with ID 76561198164108782 FPS: 41 in coords: [11854.7,13182.9,-0.110352] ..."
2018/11/05, 14:04:07 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: hilux1_civil_1_open_DZE (objid: 16828) LOCKED @048050 ([4846,10323.6,-0.000579834]) [4846,10323.6,-0.000579834] BY prizrak65(76561198359965418)"
2018/11/05, 14:04:15 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Voron(76561198077224462)"
2018/11/05, 14:04:16 "INFO - Player: PID#4(Voron)(UID:76561198077224462/CID:5703) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 14:04:20 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Voron with UID 76561198077224462 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 14:04:20 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Voron with UID 76561198077224462 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 14:04:20 "INFO - Player: PID#4(Voron)(UID:76561198077224462/CID:5703) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Балота [045131]"
2018/11/05, 14:04:22 "INFO - Player: Voron(UID:76561198077224462/CID:5703) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 14:04:23 Server: Object 8:546 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:04:23 Server: Object 8:560 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:04:24 Server: Object 8:569 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:04:24 Server: Object 8:566 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:04:24 Server: Object 8:567 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:04:24 Server: Object 8:568 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:04:24 Server: Object 8:570 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:04:24 Server: Object 8:571 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:04:24 Server: Object 8:572 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:04:24 Server: Object 8:573 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:04:24 Server: Object 8:574 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:04:24 Server: Object 8:575 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:04:30 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.584, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:04:32 "#LOGIN#: Player Voron with ID 76561198077224462 connected!"
2018/11/05, 14:04:41 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: hilux1_civil_1_open_DZE (objid: 16828) UNLOCKED @048050 ([4846,10323.6,-0.000579834]) [4846,10323.6,-0.000579834] BY prizrak65(76561198359965418)"
2018/11/05, 14:04:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.8453. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.8453."
2018/11/05, 14:05:01 Server: Object 9:828 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:05:01 "Trader Menu: Nikita  (76561198394535192) sold 1x Attachment_GP25 from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 400 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 14:05:08 Server: Object 9:835 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:05:08 "Trader Menu: Nikita  (76561198394535192) sold 1x 100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 300 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 14:05:08 "Trader Menu: Nikita  (76561198394535192) sold 1x 1Rnd_Smoke_M203 from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 50 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 14:05:17 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Voron(76561198077224462)"
2018/11/05, 14:05:17 "INFO - Player: Voron(UID:76561198077224462/CID:5703) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location Балота [045131]"
2018/11/05, 14:05:17 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: Voron with uid 76561198077224462 disconnected ..."
2018/11/05, 14:05:17 Client: Remote object 4:1514 not found
2018/11/05, 14:05:17 Client: Object 9:838 (type Type_149) not found.
2018/11/05, 14:05:30 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.8453, players: 4, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:05:31 Server: Object 9:847 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:05:31 "Trader Menu: Nikita  (76561198394535192) sold 1x BAF_L86A2_ACOG from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 14:05:35 Server: Object 12:133 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:05:35 "Trader Menu: МР.KOT (76561198088233186) sold 3x 100Rnd_762x51_M240 from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 900 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 14:05:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/05, 14:06:03 Server: Object 9:850 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:06:03 "Trader Menu: Nikita  (76561198394535192) sold 1x SVD_PSO1_DZ from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 14:06:03 "Trader Menu: Nikita  (76561198394535192) sold 2x PKM_DZ from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 3,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 14:06:07 "Trader Menu: МР.KOT (76561198088233186) sold 1x Attachment_PSO1 from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 14:06:12 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: hilux1_civil_1_open_DZE (objid: 16828) LOCKED @048050 ([4846,10323.6,-0.000488281]) [4846,10323.6,-0.000488281] BY prizrak65(76561198359965418)"
2018/11/05, 14:06:28 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player МР.KOT with ID 76561198088233186 try deposit to bank 1400 ... now МР.KOT has COINS:0, BANK:3700 "
2018/11/05, 14:06:30 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.584, players: 4, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:06:37 Server: Object 9:851 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:06:37 "Trader Menu: Nikita  (76561198394535192) sold 1x Mk48_DZ from vehicle at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 2,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 14:06:44 Server: Object 9:852 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:06:44 "Trader Menu: Nikita  (76561198394535192) sold 1x SVD_PSO1_DZ from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 14:06:44 "Trader Menu: Nikita  (76561198394535192) sold 1x SVD_des_EP1 from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 14:06:46 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16730) LOCKED @114040 ([11453.6,11344.6,-0.000793457]) [11453.6,11344.6,-0.000793457] BY G U A R D(76561198164108782)"
2018/11/05, 14:06:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.8453. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.8453."
2018/11/05, 14:06:58 Server: Object 9:853 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:06:58 "Trader Menu: Nikita  (76561198394535192) sold 1x m240_scoped_EP1_DZE from vehicle at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 2,500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 14:06:58 "Trader Menu: МР.KOT (76561198088233186) sold 3x 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 150 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 14:06:59 Server: Object 8:598 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:06:59 Server: Object 8:599 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:06:59 Server: Object 8:600 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:07:03 Server: Object 9:854 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:07:03 "Trader Menu: Nikita  (76561198394535192) sold 1x m240_scoped_EP1_DZE from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 2,500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 14:07:10 Server: Object 13:35 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:07:10 "Trader Menu: G U A R D (76561198164108782) purchased 8x PartWheel into backpack at торговую зону Клена! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,600 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 14:07:10 "Trader Menu: G U A R D (76561198164108782) purchased 1x PartEngine into backpack at торговую зону Клена! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 800 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 14:07:26 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player МР.KOT with ID 76561198088233186 try deposit to bank 120 ... now МР.KOT has COINS:30, BANK:3820 "
2018/11/05, 14:07:31 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.584, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:07:32 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: hilux1_civil_1_open_DZE (objid: 16828) UNLOCKED @048050 ([4846,10323.6,-0.000488281]) [4846,10323.6,-0.000488281] BY prizrak65(76561198359965418)"
2018/11/05, 14:07:36 "#FPSFixer: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 FPS: 36 in coords: [4843.53,10325.5,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 14:07:48 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Nikita  with ID 76561198394535192 try deposit to bank 14675 ... now Nikita  has COINS:0, BANK:33175 "
2018/11/05, 14:07:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/05, 14:08:00 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: hilux1_civil_1_open_DZE (objid: 16828) LOCKED @048050 ([4846,10323.6,-0.000488281]) [4846,10323.6,-0.000488281] BY prizrak65(76561198359965418)"
2018/11/05, 14:08:02 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16730) UNLOCKED @114040 ([11453.6,11344.6,-0.000793457]) [11453.6,11344.6,-0.000793457] BY G U A R D(76561198164108782)"
2018/11/05, 14:08:25 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Orcus(76561198064249725)"
2018/11/05, 14:08:26 "INFO - Player: PID#14(Orcus)(UID:76561198064249725/CID:5665) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 14:08:26 Server: Object 14:23 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:08:26 Server: Object 14:24 not found (message 98)
2018/11/05, 14:08:26 Server: Object 14:25 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 14:08:26 Server: Object 14:26 not found (message 98)
2018/11/05, 14:08:26 Server: Object 14:27 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 14:08:26 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Orcus with UID 76561198064249725 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 14:08:26 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Orcus with UID 76561198064249725 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 14:08:26 "INFO - Player: PID#14(Orcus)(UID:76561198064249725/CID:5665) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Выбор [036058]"
2018/11/05, 14:08:26 "INFO - Player: Orcus(UID:76561198064249725/CID:5665) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 14:08:29 Server: Object 8:636 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:08:31 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:08:42 "#LOGIN#: Player Orcus with ID 76561198064249725 connected!"
2018/11/05, 14:08:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/05, 14:09:25 "#FPSFixer: Player МР.KOT with ID 76561198088233186 FPS: 32 in coords: [9647.08,10658.2,137.13] ..."
2018/11/05, 14:09:25 "#FPSFixer: Player Orcus with ID 76561198064249725 FPS: 60 in coords: [3662.82,9544,0.0012207] ..."
2018/11/05, 14:09:31 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:09:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 6 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/05, 14:10:31 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16730) LOCKED @114040 ([11453.6,11344.6,-0.000793457]) [11453.6,11344.6,-0.000793457] BY G U A R D(76561198164108782)"
2018/11/05, 14:10:31 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:10:46 Server: Object 9:879 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:10:46 "DELETE: Player PID#9(Nikita )(76561198394535192) deleted object with ID: 16806"
2018/11/05, 14:10:46 "Trader Menu: Nikita  (76561198394535192) sold 1x Mi17_Civilian_DZ from gear at зону торговли Авиатехникой for 10,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 14:10:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.3258. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.3258."
2018/11/05, 14:10:50 Server: Object 12:165 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:10:50 "DELETE: Player PID#12(МР.KOT)(76561198088233186) deleted object with ID: 16807"
2018/11/05, 14:10:50 "Trader Menu: МР.KOT (76561198088233186) sold 1x UH60M_MEV_EP1_DZ from gear at зону торговли Авиатехникой for 6,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 14:10:52 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 5, FPS 46.6472, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 14:10:52 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 11, West Units (Players): 5, East Units (AI): 6, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 18, SERVER FPS: 46.6472 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:11:01 Server: Object 13:41 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:11:01 "Trader Menu: G U A R D (76561198164108782) purchased 5x ItemPainkiller into backpack at торговую зону Клена! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 14:11:01 "Trader Menu: G U A R D (76561198164108782) purchased 2x ItemBloodbag into backpack at торговую зону Клена! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 14:11:11 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16730) UNLOCKED @114040 ([11453.6,11344.6,-0.000793457]) [11453.6,11344.6,-0.000793457] BY G U A R D(76561198164108782)"
2018/11/05, 14:11:29 "MISSION - MAJOR 2 - Timeout"
2018/11/05, 14:11:32 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:11:34 "MISSION - MAJOR 2 - Cleaning completed"
2018/11/05, 14:11:34 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16730) LOCKED @114040 ([11453.6,11344.6,-0.000793457]) [11453.6,11344.6,-0.000793457] BY G U A R D(76561198164108782)"
2018/11/05, 14:11:35 "MISSION - MAJOR 2 - End"
2018/11/05, 14:11:35 "EVENTSHAKER# MAJOR Mission SM2 completed ..."
2018/11/05, 14:11:37 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16730) UNLOCKED @114040 ([11453.6,11344.6,-0.000793457]) [11453.6,11344.6,-0.000793457] BY G U A R D(76561198164108782)"
2018/11/05, 14:11:46 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16730) LOCKED @114040 ([11453.6,11344.6,-0.000793457]) [11453.6,11344.6,-0.000793457] BY G U A R D(76561198164108782)"
2018/11/05, 14:11:47 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player МР.KOT with ID 76561198088233186 try give to player 76561198394535192 with ID  4 some money: 6030 coins ... now МР.KOT has COINS:0, BANK:3820 ... 76561198394535192 has COINS:16030, BANK:33175 "
2018/11/05, 14:11:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 1 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/05, 14:12:29 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-E:1 (prizrak65) REMOTE is complete, player name is prizrak65 in coords [4806.4,10351.6,0]."
2018/11/05, 14:12:30 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16730) UNLOCKED @114040 ([11453.6,11344.6,-0.000793457]) [11453.6,11344.6,-0.000793457] BY G U A R D(76561198164108782)"
2018/11/05, 14:12:31 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16730) LOCKED @114040 ([11453.6,11344.6,-0.000793457]) [11453.6,11344.6,-0.000793457] BY G U A R D(76561198164108782)"
2018/11/05, 14:12:32 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:12:32 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16730) UNLOCKED @114040 ([11453.6,11344.6,-0.000793457]) [11453.6,11344.6,-0.000793457] BY G U A R D(76561198164108782)"
2018/11/05, 14:12:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.7143. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 12 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 67 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.7143."
2018/11/05, 14:12:49 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player G U A R D with ID 76561198164108782 try deposit to bank 3320 ... now G U A R D has COINS:0, BANK:6320 "
2018/11/05, 14:13:00 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-C:2 (Nikita ) REMOTE is complete, player name is Nikita  in coords [12145,12627,0]."
2018/11/05, 14:13:08 Server: Object 14:58 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:13:08 Server: Object 14:57 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:13:14 Server: Object 14:106 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:13:14 Server: Object 14:105 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:13:14 Server: Object 14:107 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:13:20 Server: Object 14:124 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:13:20 Server: Object 14:123 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:13:20 Server: Object 14:121 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:13:20 Server: Object 14:122 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:13:20 Server: Object 14:134 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:13:20 Server: Object 14:133 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:13:20 Server: Object 14:132 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:13:20 Server: Object 14:131 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:13:20 Server: Object 14:130 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:13:32 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:13:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 1 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 15 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 32 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/05, 14:14:33 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:14:45 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Nikita  with ID 76561198394535192 try give to player 76561198088233186 with ID  4 some money: 6000 coins ... now Nikita  has COINS:10030, BANK:33175 ... 76561198088233186 has COINS:6000, BANK:3820 "
2018/11/05, 14:14:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/05, 14:14:56 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Nikita  with ID 76561198394535192 try deposit to bank 8000 ... now Nikita  has COINS:2030, BANK:41175 "
2018/11/05, 14:15:06 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player МР.KOT with ID 76561198088233186 try deposit to bank 6000 ... now МР.KOT has COINS:0, BANK:9820 "
2018/11/05, 14:15:33 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.8453, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:15:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 14:16:20 MuzzleFlashROT - unknown animation source ammoRandom
2018/11/05, 14:16:29 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16730) LOCKED @104064 ([10446.9,8870.84,-6.10352e-005]) [10446.9,8870.84,-6.10352e-005] BY G U A R D(76561198164108782)"
2018/11/05, 14:16:33 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.4545, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:16:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.7143. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.7143."
2018/11/05, 14:17:33 "MISSION - MINOR 13 - Timeout"
2018/11/05, 14:17:34 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:17:38 "MISSION - MINOR 13 - Cleaning completed"
2018/11/05, 14:17:39 "MISSION - MINOR 13 - End"
2018/11/05, 14:17:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/05, 14:17:50 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 try withdraw from bank 2000 ... now prizrak65 has COINS:2968, BANK:18710 "
2018/11/05, 14:18:15 Server: Object 8:691 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:18:15 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) purchased 2x ItemAntibiotic into gear at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 14:18:15 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) purchased 2x ItemBloodbag into gear at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 14:18:34 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.8453, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:18:36 "#FPSFixer: Player Nikita  with ID 76561198394535192 FPS: 20 in coords: [7231.49,7611.69,14.1732] ..."
2018/11/05, 14:18:36 "EVENTSHAKER# MINOR Mission SM13 completed ..."
2018/11/05, 14:18:37 Server: Object 9:900 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:18:37 Server: Object 9:899 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:18:37 "DELETE: PUID(76561198394535192) requested destroy on object UH1H_DZE ID:16808 UID:0"
2018/11/05, 14:18:37 "P1ayer PID#12(МР.KOT) hit by PID#9(UID#76561198394535192) with UH1H_DZE from 0 meters in  for 1.20059 damage"
2018/11/05, 14:18:38 "Player UID#76561198088233186 CID#5701 PID#12(МР.KOT) as GUE_Soldier_Sniper_DZ died at Новый Собор [072077]"
2018/11/05, 14:18:38 "DeathMessage: МР.KOT умер от взрыва."
2018/11/05, 14:18:38 "Player UID#76561198394535192 CID#5702 PID#9(Nikita ) as BAF_Soldier_Officer_MTP_DZ died at Новый Собор [072077]"
2018/11/05, 14:18:38 "DeathMessage: Nikita  умер от взрыва."
2018/11/05, 14:18:38 Client: Object 9:900 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 14:18:38 Client: Object 9:899 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 14:18:38 Server: Object 9:905 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:18:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.8453. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.8453."
2018/11/05, 14:18:50 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Nikita (76561198394535192)"
2018/11/05, 14:18:50 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is near respawn_west. This is normal after death. ["76561198394535192","Nikita "]"
2018/11/05, 14:18:50 Client: Remote object 9:1 not found
2018/11/05, 14:18:51 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - МР.KOT(76561198088233186)"
2018/11/05, 14:18:51 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is near respawn_west. This is normal after death. ["76561198088233186","МР.KOT"]"
2018/11/05, 14:18:51 Client: Remote object 12:17 not found
2018/11/05, 14:18:57 Server: Object 14:191 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:18:58 Server: Object 14:204 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:18:58 Server: Object 14:205 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:18:58 Server: Object 14:203 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:18:58 Server: Object 14:202 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:18:58 Server: Object 14:199 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:18:58 Server: Object 14:200 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:18:58 Server: Object 14:201 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:18:58 Server: Object 14:209 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:18:58 Server: Object 14:208 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:18:58 Server: Object 14:216 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:18:58 Server: Object 14:215 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:18:58 Server: Object 14:214 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:18:58 Server: Object 14:206 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:18:58 Server: Object 14:207 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:18:58 Server: Object 14:213 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:18:58 Server: Object 14:210 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:18:58 Server: Object 14:211 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:18:58 Server: Object 14:212 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:18:58 Server: Object 14:224 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:18:58 Server: Object 14:223 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:18:58 Server: Object 14:222 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:18:58 Server: Object 14:241 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:18:58 Server: Object 14:239 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:18:58 Server: Object 14:235 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:18:58 Server: Object 14:240 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:18:58 Server: Object 14:234 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:18:58 Server: Object 14:236 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:18:58 Server: Object 14:237 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:18:58 Server: Object 14:238 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:19:17 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - МР.KOT(76561198088233186)"
2018/11/05, 14:19:19 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16730) UNLOCKED @104064 ([10446.9,8870.84,-6.10352e-005]) [10446.9,8870.84,-6.10352e-005] BY G U A R D(76561198164108782)"
2018/11/05, 14:19:19 "INFO - Player: PID#12(МР.KOT)(UID:76561198088233186/CID:5704) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 14:19:23 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player МР.KOT with UID 76561198088233186 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 14:19:23 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player МР.KOT with UID 76561198088233186 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 14:19:23 "INFO - Player: PID#12(МР.KOT)(UID:76561198088233186/CID:5704) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location ВПП [052134]"
2018/11/05, 14:19:25 "INFO - Player: МР.KOT(UID:76561198088233186/CID:5704) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 14:19:34 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.7143, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:19:35 "#LOGIN#: Player МР.KOT with ID 76561198088233186 connected!"
2018/11/05, 14:19:40 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Nikita (76561198394535192)"
2018/11/05, 14:19:42 "INFO - Player: PID#9(Nikita )(UID:76561198394535192/CID:5705) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 14:19:46 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Nikita  with UID 76561198394535192 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 14:19:46 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Nikita  with UID 76561198394535192 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 14:19:46 "INFO - Player: PID#9(Nikita )(UID:76561198394535192/CID:5705) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location ВПП [050132]"
2018/11/05, 14:19:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.7143. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 6 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 3 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.7143."
2018/11/05, 14:19:50 "INFO - Player: Nikita (UID:76561198394535192/CID:5705) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 14:19:54 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-K:1 (МР.KOT) REMOTE is complete, player name is МР.KOT in coords [5295.41,1993.7,0]."
2018/11/05, 14:19:58 "#LOGIN#: Player Nikita  with ID 76561198394535192 connected!"
2018/11/05, 14:20:19 "#FPSFixer: Player МР.KOT with ID 76561198088233186 FPS: 26 in coords: [5350.56,2124.26,0.0542536] ..."
2018/11/05, 14:20:34 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.3373, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:20:42 "#FPSFixer: Player Nikita  with ID 76561198394535192 FPS: 25 in coords: [5172.7,2289.15,0.00140572] ..."
2018/11/05, 14:20:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.1976. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.1976."
2018/11/05, 14:20:57 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 5, FPS 46.1095, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 14:20:57 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 11, West Units (Players): 5, East Units (AI): 6, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 15, SERVER FPS: 46.1095 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:21:29 Server: Object 8:716 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:21:29 Server: Object 8:714 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:21:29 Server: Object 8:715 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:21:29 Server: Object 8:717 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:21:29 Server: Object 8:718 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:21:30 Server: Object 8:719 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:21:30 Server: Object 8:720 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:21:30 Server: Object 8:722 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:21:30 Server: Object 8:721 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:21:30 Server: Object 8:724 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:21:30 Server: Object 8:725 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:21:30 Server: Object 8:728 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:21:30 Server: Object 8:727 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:21:30 Server: Object 8:723 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:21:30 Server: Object 8:726 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:21:30 Server: Object 8:733 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:21:30 Server: Object 8:730 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:21:30 Server: Object 8:731 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:21:30 Server: Object 8:732 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:21:30 Server: Object 8:729 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:21:33 "Bike packed by player prizrak65 in coords [4100.93,10748.5,0.0101013] ..."
2018/11/05, 14:21:33 Client: Object 8:734 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 14:21:33 Client: Object 8:735 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 14:21:33 Client: Object 8:735 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 14:21:33 Client: Object 8:734 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 14:21:33 "server_updateObject.sqf _object null or nil, could not update object"
2018/11/05, 14:21:35 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:21:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.1976. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.1976."
2018/11/05, 14:22:35 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.3373, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:22:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.7612. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 9 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.7612."
2018/11/05, 14:23:17 "#FPSFixer: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 FPS: 53 in coords: [4097.66,10742.9,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 14:23:22 Server: Object 14:271 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:23:22 Server: Object 14:270 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:23:22 Server: Object 14:275 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:23:22 Server: Object 14:274 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:23:22 Server: Object 14:269 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:23:22 Server: Object 14:273 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:23:22 Server: Object 14:272 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:23:22 Server: Object 14:280 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:23:22 Server: Object 14:279 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:23:22 Server: Object 14:288 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:23:22 Server: Object 14:287 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:23:22 Server: Object 14:286 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:23:22 Server: Object 14:276 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:23:22 Server: Object 14:277 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:23:22 Server: Object 14:278 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:23:22 Server: Object 14:285 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:23:22 Server: Object 14:281 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:23:22 Server: Object 14:282 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:23:22 Server: Object 14:283 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:23:22 Server: Object 14:284 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:23:22 Server: Object 14:290 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:23:22 Server: Object 14:291 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:23:22 Server: Object 14:289 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:23:22 Server: Object 14:292 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:23:22 Server: Object 14:310 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:23:22 Server: Object 14:314 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:23:22 Server: Object 14:319 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:23:22 Server: Object 14:318 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:23:22 Server: Object 14:317 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:23:22 Server: Object 14:316 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:23:22 Server: Object 14:315 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:23:22 Server: Object 14:313 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:23:22 Server: Object 14:309 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:23:22 Server: Object 14:311 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:23:22 Server: Object 14:312 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:23:22 Server: Object 14:321 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:23:22 Server: Object 14:320 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:23:35 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:23:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 7 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/05, 14:24:02 Server: Object 14:331 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:24:08 "EVENTSHAKER# Start MAJOR Mission SM6 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:24:08 "MISSION - MAJOR 6 - Start"
2018/11/05, 14:24:09 "#FPSFixer: Player G U A R D with ID 76561198164108782 FPS: 32 in coords: [7495.32,8395.54,0.00183105] ..."
2018/11/05, 14:24:36 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:24:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 1 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 9 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 75 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/05, 14:25:14 Server: Object 14:356 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:25:14 Server: Object 14:354 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:25:14 Server: Object 14:355 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:25:14 Server: Object 14:366 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:25:14 Server: Object 14:362 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:25:14 Server: Object 14:363 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:25:14 Server: Object 14:364 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:25:14 Server: Object 14:365 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:25:35 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Sync date on clients to [2012,8,2,19,24]."
2018/11/05, 14:25:36 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:25:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 14:26:28 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16730) LOCKED @063075 ([6335.85,7798.72,-0.00012207]) [6335.85,7798.72,-0.00012207] BY G U A R D(76561198164108782)"
2018/11/05, 14:26:36 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:26:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/05, 14:26:49 Server: Object 13:142 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:26:49 "Trader Menu: G U A R D (76561198164108782) sold 2x AK_107_pso from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 2,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 14:27:37 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.1976, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:27:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 14:27:51 "#FPSFixer: Player Orcus with ID 76561198064249725 FPS: 62 in coords: [4702.41,10422.6,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 14:28:01 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player G U A R D with ID 76561198164108782 try withdraw from bank 200 ... now G U A R D has COINS:2200, BANK:6120 "
2018/11/05, 14:28:26 Server: Object 13:180 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:28:26 "Trader Menu: G U A R D (76561198164108782) purchased 2x PartEngine into backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,600 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 14:28:26 "Trader Menu: G U A R D (76561198164108782) purchased 2x PartFueltank into backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 600 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 14:28:34 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16730) UNLOCKED @063075 ([6335.85,7798.72,0]) [6335.85,7798.72,0] BY G U A R D(76561198164108782)"
2018/11/05, 14:28:37 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.3373, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:28:37 MuzzleFlashROT - unknown animation source ammoRandom
2018/11/05, 14:28:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 22 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 37 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/05, 14:29:14 Server: Object 14:427 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:29:14 Server: Object 14:425 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:29:14 Server: Object 14:426 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:29:14 Server: Object 14:421 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:29:14 Server: Object 14:420 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:29:14 Server: Object 14:422 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:29:14 Server: Object 14:423 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:29:14 Server: Object 14:424 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:29:14 Server: Object 14:428 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:29:14 Server: Object 14:430 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:29:14 Server: Object 14:429 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:29:14 Server: Object 14:436 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:29:14 Server: Object 14:435 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:29:14 Server: Object 14:439 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:29:14 Server: Object 14:437 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:29:14 Server: Object 14:438 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:29:14 Server: Object 14:440 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:29:14 Server: Object 14:441 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:29:14 Server: Object 14:442 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:29:28 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16730) LOCKED @063075 ([6335.85,7798.72,0]) [6335.85,7798.72,0] BY G U A R D(76561198164108782)"
2018/11/05, 14:29:37 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.0588, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:29:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 9 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/05, 14:30:10 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-K:2 (Nikita ) REMOTE is complete, player name is Nikita  in coords [4696.66,2444.15,0]."
2018/11/05, 14:30:37 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:30:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.8453. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 13 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.8453."
2018/11/05, 14:31:01 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 5, FPS 47.0588, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 14:31:01 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 11, West Units (Players): 5, East Units (AI): 6, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 11, SERVER FPS: 47.0588 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:31:04 "CRASHSPAWNER: Spawning crash site (CrashSite_RU) at [4522.88,9172.18,0] with 12 items."
2018/11/05, 14:31:28 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Set new date to [2012,8,2,3,0] with message: Наступила ночь...."
2018/11/05, 14:31:38 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.0588, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:31:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 19 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 6 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 14:32:05 Server: Object 8:804 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:32:38 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:32:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 8 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 35 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 14:32:55 "EVENTSHAKER# Start MINOR Mission SM3 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:32:55 "MISSION - MINOR 3 - Start"
2018/11/05, 14:33:38 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:33:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/05, 14:34:08 Server: Object 14:481 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:34:08 Server: Object 14:480 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:34:08 Server: Object 14:477 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:34:08 Server: Object 14:478 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:34:08 Server: Object 14:479 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:34:39 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.3373, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:34:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.7612. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 1 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 1 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 7 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.7612."
2018/11/05, 14:35:01 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player МР.KOT with ID 76561198088233186 try to get 2030 coins from body Nikita ... now МР.KOT has COINS:2030, BANK:9820 and body has 0 coins "
2018/11/05, 14:35:20 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player МР.KOT with UID 76561198088233186 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 14:35:20 Server: Object info 12:250 not found during Changing Owner
2018/11/05, 14:35:20 Server: Object info 12:249 not found during Changing Owner
2018/11/05, 14:35:39 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 6, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:35:48 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Scorch(76561198338825905)"
2018/11/05, 14:35:48 "<infiSTAR.de> Player-Log: Scorch(76561198338825905) - 2h 35min"
2018/11/05, 14:35:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 9 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/05, 14:35:56 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - МР.KOT(76561198088233186)"
2018/11/05, 14:35:56 "INFO - Player: МР.KOT(UID:76561198088233186/CID:5704) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location Новый Собор [072077]"
2018/11/05, 14:35:56 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: МР.KOT with uid 76561198088233186 disconnected ..."
2018/11/05, 14:35:56 Client: Remote object 12:323 not found
2018/11/05, 14:35:58 Warning: Cleanup player - person 12:322 not found
2018/11/05, 14:36:04 "INFO - Player: PID#15(Scorch)(UID:76561198338825905/CID:5706) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 14:36:11 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Scorch with UID 76561198338825905 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 14:36:11 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Scorch with UID 76561198338825905 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 14:36:11 "INFO - Player: PID#15(Scorch)(UID:76561198338825905/CID:5706) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Электрозаводск [096132]"
2018/11/05, 14:36:13 "#FPSFixer: Player Nikita  with ID 76561198394535192 FPS: 28 in coords: [6434.13,3193.37,-0.0299797] ..."
2018/11/05, 14:36:20 "<infiSTAR.de> SLOG_NP: Scorch (76561198338825905) | New Player: ["5706",[],[],[0,0,0,0],true,"DayZ Epoch","Survivor2_DZ",true,true,0,[],0,0,0,[],1000]"
2018/11/05, 14:36:20 "<infiSTAR.de> SLOG_NP: Scorch (76561198338825905) | New Player: ["5706",[],[],[0,0,0,0],true,"DayZ Epoch","Survivor2_DZ",true,true,0,[],0,0,0,[],1000]"
2018/11/05, 14:36:20 "["PVAHR_0_a224976025809716b582545",["Scorch","76561198338825905","SLOG_NP",[78,101,119,32,80,108,97,121,101,114,58,32,91,34,53,55,48,54,34,44,91,93,44,91,93,44,91,48,44,48,44,48,44,48,93,44,116,114,117,101,44,34,68,97,121,90,32,69,112,111,99,104,32,49,46,48,46,54,46,50,34,44,34,83,117,114,118,105,118,111,114,50,95,68,90,34,44,116,114,117,101,44,116,114,117,101,44,48,44,91,93,44,48,44,48,44,48,44,91,93,44,49,48,48,48,93]]]"
2018/11/05, 14:36:20 "#LOGIN#: Player Scorch with ID 76561198338825905 connected!"
2018/11/05, 14:36:39 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:36:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 1 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 11 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 45 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/05, 14:37:04 "#FPSFixer: Player Scorch with ID 76561198338825905 FPS: 45 in coords: [9673.2,2165.06,0.00164986] ..."
2018/11/05, 14:37:25 Bad muzzle direction in MeleeFlashlight:'usti hlavne'-'konec hlavne'
2018/11/05, 14:37:26 "MISSION - MINOR 3 - Activated - player in 1200m, spawning crates and additional AI"
2018/11/05, 14:37:26 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - Begin"
2018/11/05, 14:37:27 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - End"
2018/11/05, 14:37:27 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of BANDITS - 0 Infantry, 1 Stormtrooper, 2 Sniper, 0 Boss, 1 Elite 1 Nuker at position [7184.5,5341.99,0]"
2018/11/05, 14:37:27 Duplicate weapon ItemGPS detected for RUS_Soldier_Sab
2018/11/05, 14:37:40 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 5, AI units: 11 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:37:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/05, 14:38:29 MuzzleFlashROT - unknown animation source ammoRandom
2018/11/05, 14:38:40 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 5, AI units: 11 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:38:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.1976. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.1976."
2018/11/05, 14:39:03 "#FPSFixer: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 FPS: 44 in coords: [4585.02,10619.7,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 14:39:23 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-E:1 (prizrak65) REMOTE is complete, player name is prizrak65 in coords [4599.06,10630,0]."
2018/11/05, 14:39:40 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.0588, players: 5, AI units: 11 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:39:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.3373. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 12 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 39 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.3373."
2018/11/05, 14:40:41 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 5, AI units: 11 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:40:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/05, 14:41:05 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 5, FPS 46.1095, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 14:41:05 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 16, West Units (Players): 5, East Units (AI): 11, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 7, SERVER FPS: 46.1095 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:41:35 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16730) UNLOCKED @104127 ([10478.7,2601.19,-0.00251055]) [10478.7,2601.19,-0.00251055] BY G U A R D(76561198164108782)"
2018/11/05, 14:41:41 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.048, players: 5, AI units: 11 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:41:41 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16730) LOCKED @104127 ([10478.7,2601.19,-0.00249815]) [10478.7,2601.19,-0.00249815] BY G U A R D(76561198164108782)"
2018/11/05, 14:41:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/05, 14:42:09 Server: Object 14:491 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:42:09 Server: Object 14:490 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:42:20 Server: Object 14:496 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:42:32 Server: Object 8:900 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:42:32 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x ItemGPS from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 250 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 14:42:32 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 2x Binocular from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 60 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 14:42:36 Server: Object 14:499 not found (message 98)
2018/11/05, 14:42:36 Server: Object 14:500 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 14:42:41 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 5, AI units: 11 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:42:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 14:42:52 "#FPSFixer: Player G U A R D with ID 76561198164108782 FPS: 21 in coords: [10437.1,2595.65,0.00104046] ..."
2018/11/05, 14:43:05 Server: Object 8:901 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:43:05 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x SCAR_L_STD_HOLO from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 400 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 14:43:05 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x SVD_PSO1_Gh_DZ from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 14:43:21 "P1ayer PID#9(Nikita ) hit by AI with Mk48_CCO_DZ/B_762x51_Ball <ammo left:96> from 337 meters in head_hit for 0.522923 damage"
2018/11/05, 14:43:25 Server: Object 8:902 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:43:25 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x 30Rnd_545x39_AK from gear at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 50 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 14:43:25 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 2x 10Rnd_762x54_SVD from gear at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 300 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 14:43:26 "P1ayer PID#9(Nikita ) hit by AI with SVD_PSO1_DZ/B_762x54_noTracer <ammo left:9> from 339 meters in head_hit for 0.0585823 damage"
2018/11/05, 14:43:30 "P1ayer PID#9(Nikita ) hit by AI with M249_DZ/B_556x45_Ball <ammo left:178> from 319 meters in head_hit for 0.014543 damage"
2018/11/05, 14:43:30 "P1ayer PID#9(Nikita ) hit by AI with VSS_vintorez_DZE/B_9x39_SP5 <ammo left:20> from 316 meters in head_hit for 0.502279 damage"
2018/11/05, 14:43:32 "P1ayer PID#9(Nikita ) hit by AI with Mk48_CCO_DZ/B_762x51_Ball <ammo left:71> from 336 meters in head_hit for 0.0347825 damage"
2018/11/05, 14:43:33 "P1ayer PID#9(Nikita ) hit by AI with M249_DZ/B_556x45_Ball <ammo left:165> from 319 meters in head_hit for 0.0412285 damage"
2018/11/05, 14:43:34 "Player UID#76561198394535192 CID#5705 PID#9(Nikita ) as Survivor2_DZ died at Зуб [068101]"
2018/11/05, 14:43:34 "DeathMessage: Nikita  был убит игроком ИИ с M249_DZ с расстояния 319м"
2018/11/05, 14:43:34 "MISSION - MINOR 3 - Players moved away without contact, performing partial cleaning"
2018/11/05, 14:43:41 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:43:46 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Nikita (76561198394535192)"
2018/11/05, 14:43:46 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is near respawn_west. This is normal after death. ["76561198394535192","Nikita "]"
2018/11/05, 14:43:46 Client: Remote object 9:1419 not found
2018/11/05, 14:43:46 Client: Remote object 9:1418 not found
2018/11/05, 14:43:46 Warning: Cleanup player - person 9:1420 not found
2018/11/05, 14:43:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.8453. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.8453."
2018/11/05, 14:44:05 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 try deposit to bank 3000 ... now prizrak65 has COINS:828, BANK:21710 "
2018/11/05, 14:44:11 "MISSION - MAJOR 6 - Timeout"
2018/11/05, 14:44:12 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Nikita (76561198394535192)"
2018/11/05, 14:44:14 "INFO - Player: PID#9(Nikita )(UID:76561198394535192/CID:5707) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 14:44:16 "MISSION - MAJOR 6 - Cleaning completed"
2018/11/05, 14:44:17 "MISSION - MAJOR 6 - End"
2018/11/05, 14:44:19 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Nikita  with UID 76561198394535192 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 14:44:19 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Nikita  with UID 76561198394535192 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 14:44:19 "INFO - Player: PID#9(Nikita )(UID:76561198394535192/CID:5707) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Высота [067121]"
2018/11/05, 14:44:22 "INFO - Player: Nikita (UID:76561198394535192/CID:5707) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 14:44:30 "#LOGIN#: Player Nikita  with ID 76561198394535192 connected!"
2018/11/05, 14:44:41 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-C:1 (Nikita ) REMOTE is complete, player name is Nikita  in coords [6766.55,3183.32,0]."
2018/11/05, 14:44:42 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:44:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.1976. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 2 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.1976."
2018/11/05, 14:44:59 "#FPSFixer: Player Orcus with ID 76561198064249725 FPS: 60 in coords: [2816.11,9810.59,0.00161743] ..."
2018/11/05, 14:45:14 "#FPSFixer: Player Nikita  with ID 76561198394535192 FPS: 36 in coords: [6822.42,3327.9,0.221222] ..."
2018/11/05, 14:45:14 "EVENTSHAKER# MAJOR Mission SM6 completed ..."
2018/11/05, 14:45:38 Server: Object 14:567 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:45:38 Server: Object 14:566 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:45:38 Server: Object 14:565 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:45:38 Server: Object 14:574 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:45:42 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:45:44 MuzzleFlashROT - unknown animation source ammoRandom
2018/11/05, 14:45:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.1976. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 7 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.1976."
2018/11/05, 14:45:50 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16730) UNLOCKED @104127 ([10478.7,2601.19,-0.00239801]) [10478.7,2601.19,-0.00239801] BY G U A R D(76561198164108782)"
2018/11/05, 14:46:42 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:46:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 16 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 26 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 14:46:53 Server: Object 8:914 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:46:53 Server: Object 8:916 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:46:53 Server: Object 8:915 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:46:53 Server: Object 8:917 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:46:53 Server: Object 8:918 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:46:53 Server: Object 8:922 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:46:53 Server: Object 8:919 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:46:53 Server: Object 8:920 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:46:53 Server: Object 8:921 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:46:53 Server: Object 8:924 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:46:53 Server: Object 8:923 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:46:53 Server: Object 8:925 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:46:53 Server: Object 8:926 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:46:53 Server: Object 8:929 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:46:53 Server: Object 8:927 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:46:53 Server: Object 8:928 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:46:53 Server: Object 8:930 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:46:53 Server: Object 8:931 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:46:53 Server: Object 8:932 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:46:55 "Bike packed by player prizrak65 in coords [4613.07,10629.4,0.0117798] ..."
2018/11/05, 14:46:55 Client: Object 8:933 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 14:46:55 Client: Object 8:934 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 14:46:55 Client: Object 8:934 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 14:46:55 Client: Object 8:933 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 14:46:55 "server_updateObject.sqf _object null or nil, could not update object"
2018/11/05, 14:47:31 "MISSION - MINOR 3 - Activated - player in 1200m, spawning crates and additional AI"
2018/11/05, 14:47:31 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - Begin"
2018/11/05, 14:47:31 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - End"
2018/11/05, 14:47:31 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of BANDITS - 0 Infantry, 1 Stormtrooper, 2 Sniper, 0 Boss, 1 Elite 1 Nuker at position [7180.88,5344.54,0]"
2018/11/05, 14:47:41 Server: Object 8:939 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:47:43 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 5, AI units: 11 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:47:46 "MISSION - MINOR 3 - Players moved away without contact, performing partial cleaning"
2018/11/05, 14:47:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 5 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/05, 14:47:51 "MISSION - MINOR 3 - Activated - player in 1200m, spawning crates and additional AI"
2018/11/05, 14:47:51 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - Begin"
2018/11/05, 14:47:52 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - End"
2018/11/05, 14:47:52 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of BANDITS - 0 Infantry, 1 Stormtrooper, 2 Sniper, 0 Boss, 1 Elite 1 Nuker at position [7181.06,5343.88,0]"
2018/11/05, 14:48:43 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.1928, players: 5, AI units: 11 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:48:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 14:48:59 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-E:1 (prizrak65) REMOTE is complete, player name is prizrak65 in coords [4577.36,10637.7,0]."
2018/11/05, 14:49:43 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 5, AI units: 11 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:49:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.1976. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 29 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.1976."
2018/11/05, 14:50:11 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16730) LOCKED @073105 ([7355.47,4829.3,0.0815277]) [7355.47,4829.3,0.0815277] BY G U A R D(76561198164108782)"
2018/11/05, 14:50:44 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 5, AI units: 11 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:50:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.1976. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 2 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.1976."
2018/11/05, 14:50:53 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16730) UNLOCKED @073105 ([7355.29,4829.3,0.0809021]) [7355.29,4829.3,0.0809021] BY G U A R D(76561198164108782)"
2018/11/05, 14:51:09 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 5, FPS 46.7836, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 14:51:09 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 16, West Units (Players): 5, East Units (AI): 11, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 19, SERVER FPS: 46.7836 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:51:20 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16730) LOCKED @073105 ([7355.29,4829.3,0.0809021]) [7355.29,4829.3,0.0809021] BY G U A R D(76561198164108782)"
2018/11/05, 14:51:28 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16730) UNLOCKED @073105 ([7355.29,4829.3,0.0809021]) [7355.29,4829.3,0.0809021] BY G U A R D(76561198164108782)"
2018/11/05, 14:51:30 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16730) LOCKED @073105 ([7355.29,4829.3,0.0809021]) [7355.29,4829.3,0.0809021] BY G U A R D(76561198164108782)"
2018/11/05, 14:51:44 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 5, AI units: 11 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:51:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 1 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/05, 14:52:26 "#FPSFixer: Player Scorch with ID 76561198338825905 FPS: 24 in coords: [7240.21,4930.39,0.00228882] ..."
2018/11/05, 14:52:33 "MISSION - MINOR 3 - Success"
2018/11/05, 14:52:33 "MISSION - MINOR 3 - Mission end. Bot in 30m, name: Ladislav Rybski"
2018/11/05, 14:52:34 "MISSION - MINOR 3 - Mission end. Bot in 30m, name: Andrej Vitek"
2018/11/05, 14:52:34 "MISSION - MINOR 3 - Mission end. Player in 30m, name: Nikita "
2018/11/05, 14:52:35 "MISSION - MINOR 3 - Mission end. Bot in 1000m, name: Ladislav Rybski"
2018/11/05, 14:52:35 "MISSION - MINOR 3 - Mission end. Bot in 1000m, name: Andrej Vitek"
2018/11/05, 14:52:35 "MISSION - MINOR 3 - Mission end. Player in 1000m, name: Nikita "
2018/11/05, 14:52:35 "MISSION - MINOR 3 - Mission end. Bot in 1000m, name: Chernarus Bandit"
2018/11/05, 14:52:35 "MISSION - MINOR 3 - Mission end. Bot in 1000m, name: Chernarus Bandit"
2018/11/05, 14:52:35 "MISSION - MINOR 3 - Mission end. Bot in 1000m, name: Chernarus Bandit"
2018/11/05, 14:52:36 "MISSION - MINOR 3 - Mission end. Player in 1000m, name: G U A R D"
2018/11/05, 14:52:36 "MISSION - MINOR 3 - Mission end. Player in 1000m, name: Scorch"
2018/11/05, 14:52:36 "MISSION - MINOR 3 - Mission end. Bot in 1000m, name: Chernarus Bandit"
2018/11/05, 14:52:36 "MISSION - MINOR 3 - Mission end. Bot in 1000m, name: Chernarus Bandit"
2018/11/05, 14:52:36 Server: Object 8:964 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:52:37 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x M24_des_EP1 from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 600 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 14:52:37 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x MG36 from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 600 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 14:52:44 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 5, AI units: 11 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:52:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.7612. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.7612."
2018/11/05, 14:53:06 Server: Object 8:965 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:53:06 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x 200Rnd_556x45_M249 from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 14:53:06 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 50 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 14:53:06 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x 100Rnd_762x54_PK from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 300 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 14:53:07 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 12x 30Rnd_545x39_AK from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 600 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 14:53:07 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 2x 75Rnd_545x39_RPK from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 300 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 14:53:29 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16730) UNLOCKED @073105 ([7355.29,4829.3,0.0809021]) [7355.29,4829.3,0.0809021] BY G U A R D(76561198164108782)"
2018/11/05, 14:53:39 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 try deposit to bank 3000 ... now prizrak65 has COINS:778, BANK:24710 "
2018/11/05, 14:53:44 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 5, AI units: 11 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:53:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 14:54:14 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16730) LOCKED @071102 ([7164.51,5113.3,0.0218811]) [7164.51,5113.3,0.0218811] BY G U A R D(76561198164108782)"
2018/11/05, 14:54:37 "P1ayer PID#9(Nikita ) hit by AI with G36A_Camo_DZ/B_556x45_Ball <ammo left:10> from 46 meters in head_hit for 0 damage"
2018/11/05, 14:54:38 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 14:54:38 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Nikita  from 37.2151m"
2018/11/05, 14:54:39 "P1ayer PID#9(Nikita ) hit by AI with VSS_vintorez_DZE/B_9x39_SP5 <ammo left:18> from 56 meters in head_hit for 0.327626 damage"
2018/11/05, 14:54:45 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 5, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:54:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.7612. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 12 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.7612."
2018/11/05, 14:54:52 "P1ayer PID#9(Nikita ) hit by AI with VSS_vintorez_DZE/B_9x39_SP5 <ammo left:18> from 30 meters in head_hit for 1.95576 damage"
2018/11/05, 14:54:53 "Player UID#76561198394535192 CID#5707 PID#9(Nikita ) as Survivor2_DZ died at Могилевка [071099]"
2018/11/05, 14:54:53 "DeathMessage: Nikita  был убит игроком ИИ с VSS_vintorez_DZE с расстояния 30м"
2018/11/05, 14:55:05 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Nikita (76561198394535192)"
2018/11/05, 14:55:05 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is near respawn_west. This is normal after death. ["76561198394535192","Nikita "]"
2018/11/05, 14:55:05 Client: Remote object 9:1480 not found
2018/11/05, 14:55:05 Client: Remote object 9:1479 not found
2018/11/05, 14:55:05 Warning: Cleanup player - person 9:1481 not found
2018/11/05, 14:55:19 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Nikita (76561198394535192)"
2018/11/05, 14:55:21 "INFO - Player: PID#9(Nikita )(UID:76561198394535192/CID:5708) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 14:55:33 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Nikita  with UID 76561198394535192 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 14:55:33 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Nikita  with UID 76561198394535192 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 14:55:33 "INFO - Player: PID#9(Nikita )(UID:76561198394535192/CID:5708) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location завод [061124]"
2018/11/05, 14:55:37 "INFO - Player: Nikita (UID:76561198394535192/CID:5708) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 14:55:37 "#LOGIN#: Player Nikita  with ID 76561198394535192 connected!"
2018/11/05, 14:55:45 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 5, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:55:47 "P1ayer PID#13(G U A R D) hit by AI with SVD_PSO1_DZ/B_762x54_noTracer <ammo left:9> from 133 meters in head_hit for 0.164727 damage"
2018/11/05, 14:55:48 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-C:1 (Nikita ) REMOTE is complete, player name is Nikita  in coords [6166.79,2960.51,0]."
2018/11/05, 14:55:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 14:56:04 "P1ayer PID#13(G U A R D) hit by AI with SVD_PSO1_DZ/B_762x54_noTracer <ammo left:9> from 115 meters in head_hit for 0.159501 damage"
2018/11/05, 14:56:05 Server: Object 8:974 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:56:05 Server: Object 8:981 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:56:05 Server: Object 8:979 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:56:05 Server: Object 8:980 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:56:05 Server: Object 8:984 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:56:05 Server: Object 8:982 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:56:05 Server: Object 8:983 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:56:05 Server: Object 8:986 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:56:05 Server: Object 8:985 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:56:05 Server: Object 8:988 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:56:05 Server: Object 8:987 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:56:05 Server: Object 8:990 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:56:05 Server: Object 8:989 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:56:05 Server: Object 8:995 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:56:05 Server: Object 8:991 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:56:05 Server: Object 8:992 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:56:05 Server: Object 8:993 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:56:06 Server: Object 8:994 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:56:06 Server: Object 8:1001 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:56:06 Server: Object 8:996 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:56:06 Server: Object 8:997 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:56:06 Server: Object 8:998 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:56:06 Server: Object 8:999 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:56:06 Server: Object 8:1000 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:56:06 Server: Object 8:1002 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:56:06 Server: Object 8:1005 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 14:56:06 Server: Object 8:1003 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:56:06 Server: Object 8:1004 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 14:56:06 "Player UID#76561198164108782 CID#5678 PID#13(G U A R D) as Camo1_DZ died at Могилевка [070101]"
2018/11/05, 14:56:06 "DeathMessage: G U A R D был убит игроком ИИ с SVD_PSO1_DZ с расстояния 115м"
2018/11/05, 14:56:09 "Bike packed by player prizrak65 in coords [4097.38,10756.5,0.0124817] ..."
2018/11/05, 14:56:09 Client: Object 8:1006 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 14:56:09 Client: Object 8:1007 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 14:56:09 Client: Object 8:1007 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 14:56:09 Client: Object 8:1006 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 14:56:09 "server_updateObject.sqf _object null or nil, could not update object"
2018/11/05, 14:56:18 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - G U A R D(76561198164108782)"
2018/11/05, 14:56:18 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is near respawn_west. This is normal after death. ["76561198164108782","G U A R D"]"
2018/11/05, 14:56:18 Client: Remote object 13:15 not found
2018/11/05, 14:56:19 "P1ayer PID#15(Scorch) hit by AI with SVD_PSO1_DZ/B_762x54_noTracer <ammo left:9> from 153 meters in head_hit for 0.587353 damage"
2018/11/05, 14:56:21 "#FPSFixer: Player Nikita  with ID 76561198394535192 FPS: 30 in coords: [6206.79,3107.77,0.0346298] ..."
2018/11/05, 14:56:39 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Nikita (76561198394535192)"
2018/11/05, 14:56:39 "INFO - Player: Nikita (UID:76561198394535192/CID:5708) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location Высота [062122]"
2018/11/05, 14:56:39 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: Nikita  with uid 76561198394535192 disconnected ..."
2018/11/05, 14:56:39 Client: Remote object 9:1506 not found
2018/11/05, 14:56:39 Warning: Cleanup player - person 9:1505 not found
2018/11/05, 14:56:41 Warning: Cleanup player - person 9:1505 not found
2018/11/05, 14:56:42 "CRASHSPAWNER: Spawning crash site (CrashSite_US) at [11789.6,9609.91,0] with 8 items."
2018/11/05, 14:56:45 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.584, players: 4, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:56:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 1 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/05, 14:57:07 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - G U A R D(76561198164108782)"
2018/11/05, 14:57:10 "INFO - Player: PID#13(G U A R D)(UID:76561198164108782/CID:5709) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 14:57:20 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player G U A R D with UID 76561198164108782 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 14:57:20 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player G U A R D with UID 76561198164108782 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 14:57:20 "INFO - Player: PID#13(G U A R D)(UID:76561198164108782/CID:5709) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location завод [064123]"
2018/11/05, 14:57:29 "INFO - Player: G U A R D(UID:76561198164108782/CID:5709) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 14:57:29 "#LOGIN#: Player G U A R D with ID 76561198164108782 connected!"
2018/11/05, 14:57:35 "#FPSFixer: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 FPS: 41 in coords: [4082.7,10738.3,0.00146484] ..."
2018/11/05, 14:57:46 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 4, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:57:48 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-I:1 (G U A R D) REMOTE is complete, player name is G U A R D in coords [6465.39,3002,0]."
2018/11/05, 14:57:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/05, 14:58:10 "#FPSFixer: Player G U A R D with ID 76561198164108782 FPS: 31 in coords: [6500.28,3096.45,0.000442505] ..."
2018/11/05, 14:58:46 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.3373, players: 4, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:58:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 7 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 14:59:46 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.7143, players: 4, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/05, 14:59:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 34 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 15:00:45 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Sync date on clients to [2012,8,2,3,29]."
2018/11/05, 15:00:47 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 4, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:00:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 15:00:52 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Set new date to [2012,8,2,5,0] with message: Время сейчас утреннее...."
2018/11/05, 15:00:59 Server: Object 8:1075 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:00:59 Server: Object 8:1076 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:00:59 Server: Object 8:1074 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:00:59 Server: Object 8:1073 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:00:59 Server: Object 8:1071 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:00:59 Server: Object 8:1072 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:01:14 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 4, FPS 46.5116, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 15:01:14 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 14, West Units (Players): 4, East Units (AI): 10, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 28, SERVER FPS: 46.5116 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:01:21 Server: Object 13:332 not found (message 98)
2018/11/05, 15:01:21 Server: Object 13:333 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 15:01:44 Server: Object 14:833 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:01:44 Server: Object 14:832 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:01:44 Server: Object 14:831 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:01:44 Server: Object 14:830 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:01:44 Server: Object 14:827 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:01:44 Server: Object 14:828 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:01:44 Server: Object 14:829 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:01:47 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 4, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:01:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 1 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 21 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/05, 15:01:51 Server: Object 14:849 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:01:51 Server: Object 14:848 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:01:51 Server: Object 14:847 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:01:51 Server: Object 14:846 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:02:37 "#FPSFixer: Player Orcus with ID 76561198064249725 FPS: 60 in coords: [2603.57,9767.83,0.0017395] ..."
2018/11/05, 15:02:47 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 4, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:02:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/05, 15:03:17 "EVENTSHAKER# Start MAJOR Mission SM2 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:03:17 "MISSION - MAJOR 2 - Start"
2018/11/05, 15:03:31 "P1ayer PID#15(Scorch) hit by AI with G36A_Camo_DZ/B_556x45_Ball <ammo left:27> from 209 meters in head_hit for 0.0804527 damage"
2018/11/05, 15:03:44 "P1ayer PID#13(G U A R D) hit by AI with G36A_Camo_DZ/B_556x45_Ball <ammo left:26> from 165 meters in head_hit for 0.0358505 damage"
2018/11/05, 15:03:47 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.3373, players: 4, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:03:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/05, 15:04:07 "P1ayer PID#15(UID#76561198338825905) hit by AI with G36A_Camo_DZ/B_556x45_Ball <ammo left:24> from 210 meters in head_hit for 1.67134 damage"
2018/11/05, 15:04:07 "Player UID#76561198338825905 CID#5706 PID#15(Scorch) as Survivor2_DZ died at Зуб [070102]"
2018/11/05, 15:04:07 "DeathMessage: Scorch был убит игроком ИИ с G36A_Camo_DZ с расстояния 210м"
2018/11/05, 15:04:19 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Scorch(76561198338825905)"
2018/11/05, 15:04:19 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is near respawn_west. This is normal after death. ["76561198338825905","Scorch"]"
2018/11/05, 15:04:19 Client: Remote object 15:17 not found
2018/11/05, 15:04:34 "P1ayer PID#13(G U A R D) hit by AI with UH1H_DZ from 89 meters in head_hit for 0.0524866 damage"
2018/11/05, 15:04:34 "Player UID#76561198164108782 CID#5709 PID#13(G U A R D) as Survivor2_DZ died at Зуб [070102]"
2018/11/05, 15:04:34 "DeathMessage: G U A R D был убит игроком ИИ с UH1H_DZ с расстояния 77м"
2018/11/05, 15:04:42 "MISSION - MINOR 3 - Cleaning completed"
2018/11/05, 15:04:42 "MISSION - MINOR 3 - End"
2018/11/05, 15:04:46 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Scorch(76561198338825905)"
2018/11/05, 15:04:46 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - G U A R D(76561198164108782)"
2018/11/05, 15:04:46 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is near respawn_west. This is normal after death. ["76561198164108782","G U A R D"]"
2018/11/05, 15:04:46 Client: Remote object 13:336 not found
2018/11/05, 15:04:46 Client: Remote object 13:335 not found
2018/11/05, 15:04:46 Warning: Cleanup player - person 13:337 not found
2018/11/05, 15:04:48 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.4545, players: 4, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:04:48 "INFO - Player: PID#15(Scorch)(UID:76561198338825905/CID:5710) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 15:04:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.584. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.584."
2018/11/05, 15:04:52 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Scorch with UID 76561198338825905 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 15:04:52 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Scorch with UID 76561198338825905 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 15:04:52 "INFO - Player: PID#15(Scorch)(UID:76561198338825905/CID:5710) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location завод [066125]"
2018/11/05, 15:05:02 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - G U A R D(76561198164108782)"
2018/11/05, 15:05:02 MuzzleFlashROT - unknown animation source ammoRandom
2018/11/05, 15:05:04 "INFO - Player: PID#13(G U A R D)(UID:76561198164108782/CID:5711) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 15:05:05 "EVENTSHAKER# MINOR Mission SM3 completed ..."
2018/11/05, 15:05:06 "INFO - Player: Scorch(UID:76561198338825905/CID:5710) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 15:05:07 "#LOGIN#: Player Scorch with ID 76561198338825905 connected!"
2018/11/05, 15:05:08 Server: Object 15:240 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:05:08 Server: Object 15:239 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:05:09 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player G U A R D with UID 76561198164108782 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 15:05:09 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player G U A R D with UID 76561198164108782 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 15:05:09 "INFO - Player: PID#13(G U A R D)(UID:76561198164108782/CID:5711) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location завод [063128]"
2018/11/05, 15:05:09 Server: Object info 2:3877 not found during Changing Owner
2018/11/05, 15:05:09 Server: Object info 2:3876 not found during Changing Owner
2018/11/05, 15:05:24 "INFO - Player: G U A R D(UID:76561198164108782/CID:5711) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 15:05:25 "#LOGIN#: Player G U A R D with ID 76561198164108782 connected!"
2018/11/05, 15:05:48 "#FPSFixer: Player Scorch with ID 76561198338825905 FPS: 39 in coords: [6625.72,2829.08,-0.0503612] ..."
2018/11/05, 15:05:48 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 4, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:05:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 14 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 11 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/05, 15:06:04 "#FPSFixer: Player G U A R D with ID 76561198164108782 FPS: 13 in coords: [6361.42,2614.81,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 15:06:20 Server: Object 14:892 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 15:06:20 Server: Object 14:891 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 15:06:20 Server: Object 14:892 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 15:06:21 Server: Object 14:892 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 15:06:21 Server: Object 14:892 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 15:06:21 Server: Object 14:892 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 15:06:21 Server: Object 14:894 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 15:06:21 Server: Object 14:892 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 15:06:21 Server: Object 14:891 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 15:06:21 Server: Object 14:893 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 15:06:21 Server: Object 14:894 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 15:06:21 Server: Object 14:893 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 15:06:21 Server: Object 14:894 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 15:06:21 Server: Object 14:892 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 15:06:21 Server: Object 14:891 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 15:06:48 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 4, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:06:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 17 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 46 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/05, 15:07:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/05, 15:07:49 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 17.149, players: 4, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:08:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.7143. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.7143."
2018/11/05, 15:08:49 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 17.5631, players: 4, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:08:57 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-D:1 (G U A R D) REMOTE is complete, player name is G U A R D in coords [7129.65,4550.15,0]."
2018/11/05, 15:09:18 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-D:2 (Scorch) REMOTE is complete, player name is Scorch in coords [7137.35,4548.03,0]."
2018/11/05, 15:09:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.7143. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.7143."
2018/11/05, 15:09:50 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.8453, players: 4, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:10:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.8453. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.8453."
2018/11/05, 15:10:50 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.8453, players: 4, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:11:18 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 4, FPS 45.977, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 15:11:18 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 10, West Units (Players): 4, East Units (AI): 6, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 25, SERVER FPS: 45.977 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:11:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.7143. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.7143."
2018/11/05, 15:11:50 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 4, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:12:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.7143. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 7 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.7143."
2018/11/05, 15:12:51 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 4, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:12:54 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Scorch with UID 76561198338825905 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 15:12:54 Server: Object info 15:209 not found during Changing Owner
2018/11/05, 15:12:54 Server: Object info 15:208 not found during Changing Owner
2018/11/05, 15:13:17 "CRASHSPAWNER: Spawning crash site (CrashSite_UN) at [8294.57,9635.31,0] with 10 items."
2018/11/05, 15:13:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 1 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 2 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/05, 15:13:51 "#FPSFixer: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 FPS: 30 in coords: [4711.33,10340.6,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 15:13:51 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 4, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:14:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.3258. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.3258."
2018/11/05, 15:14:51 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 4, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:14:53 Server: Object 13:432 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:15:05 Server: Object 13:434 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:15:13 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16730) UNLOCKED @071102 [7164.5,5113.29,0.0220184]"
2018/11/05, 15:15:14 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16730) LOCKED @071102 [7164.5,5113.29,0.0220184]"
2018/11/05, 15:15:16 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16730) UNLOCKED @071102 [7164.5,5113.29,0.0220184]"
2018/11/05, 15:15:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.8453. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.8453."
2018/11/05, 15:15:51 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 4, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:16:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 13 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 14 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/05, 15:16:52 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 4, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:17:39 "#FPSFixer: Player Orcus with ID 76561198064249725 FPS: 60 in coords: [2859.59,9753.51,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 15:17:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/05, 15:17:52 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:18:12 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16730) LOCKED @063075 ([6357.45,7799.39,-0.000549316]) [6357.45,7799.39,-0.000549316] BY G U A R D(76561198164108782)"
2018/11/05, 15:18:13 Server: Object 15:271 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:18:13 Server: Object 15:272 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 15:18:13 Server: Object 15:273 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 15:18:13 Server: Object 15:274 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:18:34 Server: Object 13:461 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:18:34 "Trader Menu: G U A R D (76561198164108782) sold 1x Pecheneg_DZ from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 2,500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 15:18:34 "Trader Menu: G U A R D (76561198164108782) sold 1x BAF_LRR_scoped from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 2,500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 15:18:34 "Trader Menu: G U A R D (76561198164108782) sold 5x 5Rnd_86x70_L115A1 from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 15:18:46 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16730) UNLOCKED @063075 ([6357.45,7799.39,-0.000488281]) [6357.45,7799.39,-0.000488281] BY G U A R D(76561198164108782)"
2018/11/05, 15:18:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/05, 15:18:52 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:19:00 "EVENTSHAKER# Start MINOR Mission SM10 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:19:00 "MISSION - MINOR 10 - Start"
2018/11/05, 15:19:07 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - AlexXxandeR(76561198066565697)"
2018/11/05, 15:19:07 "<infiSTAR.de> Player-Log: AlexXxandeR(76561198066565697) - 3h 18min"
2018/11/05, 15:19:07 "Player UID#76561198064249725 CID#5665 PID#14(Orcus) as FR_OHara_DZ died at Лопатино [028055]"
2018/11/05, 15:19:07 "DeathMessage: Orcus умер от зомби."
2018/11/05, 15:19:08 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16730) LOCKED @063075 ([6357.45,7799.39,-0.000488281]) [6357.45,7799.39,-0.000488281] BY G U A R D(76561198164108782)"
2018/11/05, 15:19:15 "INFO - Player: PID#16(AlexXxandeR)(UID:76561198066565697/CID:5673) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 15:19:16 Server: Object 16:23 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:19:16 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player AlexXxandeR with UID 76561198066565697 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 15:19:16 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player AlexXxandeR with UID 76561198066565697 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 15:19:16 "INFO - Player: PID#16(AlexXxandeR)(UID:76561198066565697/CID:5673) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Старые поля [065068]"
2018/11/05, 15:19:19 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Orcus(76561198064249725)"
2018/11/05, 15:19:19 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is near respawn_west. This is normal after death. ["76561198064249725","Orcus"]"
2018/11/05, 15:19:19 Client: Remote object 14:17 not found
2018/11/05, 15:19:19 Client: Remote object 14:22 not found
2018/11/05, 15:19:22 "INFO - Player: AlexXxandeR(UID:76561198066565697/CID:5673) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 15:19:22 Warning: Cleanup player - person 14:992 not found
2018/11/05, 15:19:24 Server: Object 13:484 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:19:24 "Trader Menu: G U A R D (76561198164108782) sold 1x VSS_vintorez_DZE from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 15:19:31 "#LOGIN#: Player AlexXxandeR with ID 76561198066565697 connected!"
2018/11/05, 15:19:47 Server: Object 13:492 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:19:47 "Trader Menu: G U A R D (76561198164108782) sold 1x M60A4_EP1_DZE from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,300 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 15:19:47 "Trader Menu: G U A R D (76561198164108782) sold 1x Sa58V_RCO_EP1 from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 400 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 15:19:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.4545. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.4545."
2018/11/05, 15:19:53 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 4, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:20:15 "#FPSFixer: Player AlexXxandeR with ID 76561198066565697 FPS: 60 in coords: [6585.4,8547.03,0.00088501] ..."
2018/11/05, 15:20:18 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16730) UNLOCKED @063075 ([6357.45,7799.39,-0.000488281]) [6357.45,7799.39,-0.000488281] BY G U A R D(76561198164108782)"
2018/11/05, 15:20:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.8453. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 12 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.8453."
2018/11/05, 15:20:53 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 4, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:21:12 "#FPSFixer: Player Scorch with ID 76561198338825905 FPS: 60 in coords: [6304.99,7713.65,-0.0126038] ..."
2018/11/05, 15:21:20 "#FPSFixer: Player G U A R D with ID 76561198164108782 FPS: 22 in coords: [6262.12,7688.16,-0.0144043] ..."
2018/11/05, 15:21:22 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 4, FPS 46.7836, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 15:21:22 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 10, West Units (Players): 4, East Units (AI): 6, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 7, SERVER FPS: 46.7836 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:21:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.584. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.584."
2018/11/05, 15:21:53 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.7143, players: 5, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:22:18 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Nikita (76561198394535192)"
2018/11/05, 15:22:23 "INFO - Player: PID#17(Nikita )(UID:76561198394535192/CID:5708) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 15:22:23 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Nikita  with UID 76561198394535192 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 15:22:23 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Nikita  with UID 76561198394535192 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 15:22:23 "INFO - Player: PID#17(Nikita )(UID:76561198394535192/CID:5708) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Высота [062122]"
2018/11/05, 15:22:29 "INFO - Player: Nikita (UID:76561198394535192/CID:5708) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 15:22:39 "#LOGIN#: Player Nikita  with ID 76561198394535192 connected!"
2018/11/05, 15:22:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/05, 15:22:54 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 6, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:23:20 "MISSION - MAJOR 2 - Timeout"
2018/11/05, 15:23:23 "#FPSFixer: Player Nikita  with ID 76561198394535192 FPS: 29 in coords: [6301.41,3127,0.00181961] ..."
2018/11/05, 15:23:26 "MISSION - MAJOR 2 - Cleaning completed"
2018/11/05, 15:23:26 "MISSION - MAJOR 2 - End"
2018/11/05, 15:23:31 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - [MIR]Arti(76561198336060814)"
2018/11/05, 15:23:31 "<infiSTAR.de> Player-Log: [MIR]Arti(76561198336060814) - 3h 22min"
2018/11/05, 15:23:42 "Player UID#76561198394535192 CID#5708 PID#17(Nikita ) as Survivor2_DZ died at Высота [063122]"
2018/11/05, 15:23:42 "DeathMessage: Nikita  умер от потери крови."
2018/11/05, 15:23:45 "INFO - Player: PID#18([MIR]Arti)(UID:76561198336060814/CID:5712) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 15:23:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.1976. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 13 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.1976."
2018/11/05, 15:23:50 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player [MIR]Arti with UID 76561198336060814 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 15:23:50 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player [MIR]Arti with UID 76561198336060814 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 15:23:50 "INFO - Player: PID#18([MIR]Arti)(UID:76561198336060814/CID:5712) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location электростанция [096129]"
2018/11/05, 15:23:54 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.048, players: 6, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:23:54 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Nikita (76561198394535192)"
2018/11/05, 15:23:54 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is near respawn_west. This is normal after death. ["76561198394535192","Nikita "]"
2018/11/05, 15:23:54 Client: Remote object 17:17 not found
2018/11/05, 15:24:07 "#LOGIN#: Player [MIR]Arti with ID 76561198336060814 connected!"
2018/11/05, 15:24:07 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-E:1 (prizrak65) REMOTE is complete, player name is prizrak65 in coords [4688.58,10488.4,0]."
2018/11/05, 15:24:09 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Nikita (76561198394535192)"
2018/11/05, 15:24:11 "INFO - Player: PID#17(Nikita )(UID:76561198394535192/CID:5713) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 15:24:23 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16763) UNLOCKED @065068 [6570.17,8554.19,-0.000366211]"
2018/11/05, 15:24:24 "EVENTSHAKER# MAJOR Mission SM2 completed ..."
2018/11/05, 15:24:26 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Nikita  with UID 76561198394535192 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 15:24:26 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Nikita  with UID 76561198394535192 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 15:24:26 "INFO - Player: PID#17(Nikita )(UID:76561198394535192/CID:5713) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Березино [121068]"
2018/11/05, 15:24:26 Server: Object info 13:511 not found during Changing Owner
2018/11/05, 15:24:26 Server: Object info 13:510 not found during Changing Owner
2018/11/05, 15:24:28 "INFO - Player: Nikita (UID:76561198394535192/CID:5713) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 15:24:29 "#LOGIN#: Player Nikita  with ID 76561198394535192 connected!"
2018/11/05, 15:24:42 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-H:1 (Nikita ) REMOTE is complete, player name is Nikita  in coords [12141.5,8559.3,0]."
2018/11/05, 15:24:45 "#FPSFixer: Player [MIR]Arti with ID 76561198336060814 FPS: 25 in coords: [9681.81,2442.34,0.00197601] ..."
2018/11/05, 15:24:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 9 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 7 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 15:24:54 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.9042, players: 6, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:25:11 "#FPSFixer: Player Nikita  with ID 76561198394535192 FPS: 33 in coords: [12132.2,8663.5,0.157436] ..."
2018/11/05, 15:25:43 "MISSION - MINOR 10 - Activated - player in 1200m, spawning crates and additional AI"
2018/11/05, 15:25:43 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - Begin"
2018/11/05, 15:25:43 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - End"
2018/11/05, 15:25:43 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of BANDITS - 0 Infantry, 0 Stormtrooper, 2 Sniper, 1 Boss, 1 Elite 1 Nuker at position [3173.33,4397.06,0]"
2018/11/05, 15:25:43 Duplicate weapon ItemGPS detected for RUS_Soldier_Sab
2018/11/05, 15:25:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 15:25:55 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.3373, players: 6, AI units: 11 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:26:07 "Player UID#76561198336060814 CID#5712 PID#18([MIR]Arti) as Survivor2_DZ died at Электрозаводск [096131]"
2018/11/05, 15:26:07 "DeathMessage: [MIR]Arti умер от зомби."
2018/11/05, 15:26:19 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - [MIR]Arti(76561198336060814)"
2018/11/05, 15:26:19 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is near respawn_west. This is normal after death. ["76561198336060814","[MIR]Arti"]"
2018/11/05, 15:26:19 Client: Remote object 18:0 not found
2018/11/05, 15:26:19 Warning: Cleanup player - person 18:45 not found
2018/11/05, 15:26:31 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - [MIR]Arti(76561198336060814)"
2018/11/05, 15:26:34 "INFO - Player: PID#18([MIR]Arti)(UID:76561198336060814/CID:5714) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 15:26:37 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player [MIR]Arti with UID 76561198336060814 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 15:26:37 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player [MIR]Arti with UID 76561198336060814 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 15:26:37 "INFO - Player: PID#18([MIR]Arti)(UID:76561198336060814/CID:5714) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Балота [045128]"
2018/11/05, 15:26:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.048. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 1 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 6 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.048."
2018/11/05, 15:26:51 "CRASHSPAWNER: Spawning crash site (CrashSite_EU) at [9971.19,6637.07,0] with 11 items."
2018/11/05, 15:26:53 "Bike packed by player Nikita  in coords [12589.9,9579.28,0.0117073] ..."
2018/11/05, 15:26:53 Client: Object 17:79 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 15:26:53 Client: Object 17:80 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 15:26:53 Client: Object 17:80 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 15:26:53 Client: Object 17:79 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 15:26:53 "server_updateObject.sqf _object null or nil, could not update object"
2018/11/05, 15:26:53 Client: Object 17:79 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 15:26:55 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.048, players: 6, AI units: 11 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:26:55 "INFO - Player: [MIR]Arti(UID:76561198336060814/CID:5714) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 15:26:55 "#LOGIN#: Player [MIR]Arti with ID 76561198336060814 connected!"
2018/11/05, 15:27:34 "#FPSFixer: Player [MIR]Arti with ID 76561198336060814 FPS: 12 in coords: [4638.5,2564.87,0.00219727] ..."
2018/11/05, 15:27:40 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16730) LOCKED @026109 ([2664.21,4422.04,0.0156555]) [2664.21,4422.04,0.0156555] BY G U A R D(76561198164108782)"
2018/11/05, 15:27:44 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16763) LOCKED @060069 ([6031.87,8404.37,0.00366211]) [6031.87,8404.37,0.00366211] BY AlexXxandeR(76561198066565697)"
2018/11/05, 15:27:46 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16763) UNLOCKED @060069 ([6031.87,8404.37,0.00366211]) [6031.87,8404.37,0.00366211] BY AlexXxandeR(76561198066565697)"
2018/11/05, 15:27:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 1 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 12 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 6 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 15:27:55 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.048, players: 6, AI units: 11 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:28:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 15:28:55 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.3384, players: 6, AI units: 11 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:29:25 MuzzleFlashROT - unknown animation source ammoRandom
2018/11/05, 15:29:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/05, 15:29:56 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.1928, players: 6, AI units: 11 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:30:28 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 15:30:28 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by G U A R D from 335.451m"
2018/11/05, 15:30:35 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 15:30:35 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by G U A R D from 331.048m"
2018/11/05, 15:30:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/05, 15:30:49 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 15:30:49 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by G U A R D from 310.491m"
2018/11/05, 15:30:56 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.9042, players: 6, AI units: 8 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:31:01 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 15:31:01 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by G U A R D from 310.484m"
2018/11/05, 15:31:05 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 15:31:05 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by G U A R D from 349.847m"
2018/11/05, 15:31:26 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 6, FPS 47.9042, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 15:31:26 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 12, West Units (Players): 6, East Units (AI): 6, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 18, SERVER FPS: 47.9042 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:31:29 "#FPSFixer: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 FPS: 28 in coords: [4054.18,11665.8,0.00161743] ..."
2018/11/05, 15:31:38 "HEARDSOMETHING# Make shoot sounds near player AlexXxandeR in 504 metres with ["DMR_DZ","20Rnd_762x51_DMR"] ..."
2018/11/05, 15:31:43 Server: Object 8:1263 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:31:43 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x Binocular from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 30 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 15:31:46 "MISSION - MINOR 10 - Success"
2018/11/05, 15:31:46 "MISSION - MINOR 10 - Mission end. Player in 30m, name: Scorch"
2018/11/05, 15:31:47 "MISSION - MINOR 10 - Mission end. Player in 1000m, name: G U A R D"
2018/11/05, 15:31:47 "MISSION - MINOR 10 - Mission end. Player in 1000m, name: Scorch"
2018/11/05, 15:31:48 "MISSION - MINOR 10 - Mission end. Bot in 1000m, name: David Jones"
2018/11/05, 15:31:48 "MISSION - MINOR 10 - Mission end. Bot in 1000m, name: Jacob Hanau"
2018/11/05, 15:31:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 7 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/05, 15:31:56 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 6, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:32:20 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-H:2 ([MIR]Arti) REMOTE is complete, player name is [MIR]Arti in coords [4589.9,2664.71,0]."
2018/11/05, 15:32:40 Server: Object 16:90 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:32:41 Server: Object 16:98 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:32:41 Server: Object 16:97 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:32:41 Server: Object 16:99 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:32:41 Server: Object 16:112 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:32:41 Server: Object 16:111 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:32:41 Server: Object 16:109 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:32:41 Server: Object 16:110 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:32:41 Server: Object 16:113 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:32:41 Server: Object 16:114 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:32:41 Server: Object 16:115 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:32:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 14 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 57 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 15:32:49 Server: Object 8:1264 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:32:49 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x M4A1_HWS_GL_camo from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 15:32:49 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x SA58_ACOG_DZ from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 950 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 15:32:53 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16730) UNLOCKED @026109 ([2664.17,4422.02,0.0158081]) [2664.17,4422.02,0.0158081] BY G U A R D(76561198164108782)"
2018/11/05, 15:32:57 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.1928, players: 6, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:33:15 Server: Object 8:1265 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:33:15 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 50 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 15:33:15 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 2x 30Rnd_762x39_SA58 from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 70 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 15:33:28 "Bike packed by player [MIR]Arti in coords [4804.85,2908.02,-0.287022] ..."
2018/11/05, 15:33:28 Client: Object 18:188 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 15:33:28 Client: Object 18:189 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 15:33:28 Client: Object 18:189 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 15:33:28 Client: Object 18:188 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 15:33:28 "server_updateObject.sqf _object null or nil, could not update object"
2018/11/05, 15:33:43 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Scorch with UID 76561198338825905 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 15:33:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 15:33:57 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 6, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:33:58 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Scorch with UID 76561198338825905 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 15:33:59 Server: Object 15:349 not found (message 98)
2018/11/05, 15:33:59 Server: Object 15:350 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 15:34:03 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 try deposit to bank 2900 ... now prizrak65 has COINS:78, BANK:27610 "
2018/11/05, 15:34:12 Server: Object 17:113 not found (message 98)
2018/11/05, 15:34:12 Server: Object 17:114 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 15:34:14 Server: Object 17:116 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 15:34:14 Server: Object 17:115 not found (message 98)
2018/11/05, 15:34:14 Server: Object 17:118 not found (message 69)
2018/11/05, 15:34:14 Server: Object 17:117 not found (message 69)
2018/11/05, 15:34:14 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed with <null> @095065 by UNKNOWN (76561198394535192) - Ural_UN_EP1, worldspace [291.947,[9524.91,8819.78,0.0148621]], CharId 0, objID 16645, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/05, 15:34:14 "DELETE: PUID(76561198394535192) requested destroy on object Ural_UN_EP1 ID:16645 UID:0"
2018/11/05, 15:34:14 Client: Object 17:118 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 15:34:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.1928. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 57 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.1928."
2018/11/05, 15:34:49 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16730) LOCKED @031109 ([3170.39,4386.73,0.00939941]) [3170.39,4386.73,0.00939941] BY G U A R D(76561198164108782)"
2018/11/05, 15:34:50 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16730) UNLOCKED @031109 ([3170.39,4386.73,0.00939941]) [3170.39,4386.73,0.00939941] BY G U A R D(76561198164108782)"
2018/11/05, 15:34:51 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16730) LOCKED @031109 ([3170.39,4386.73,0.00939941]) [3170.39,4386.73,0.00939941] BY G U A R D(76561198164108782)"
2018/11/05, 15:34:53 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16730) UNLOCKED @031109 ([3170.39,4386.73,0.00939941]) [3170.39,4386.73,0.00939941] BY G U A R D(76561198164108782)"
2018/11/05, 15:34:55 "P1ayer PID#17(Nikita ) hit by AI with UH1H_DZ from 116 meters in head_hit for 0.0194669 damage"
2018/11/05, 15:34:57 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 6, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:35:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.048. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 2 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.048."
2018/11/05, 15:35:50 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player G U A R D with UID 76561198164108782 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 15:35:50 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player G U A R D with UID 76561198164108782 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 15:35:51 "INFO: Cannot Sync Character G U A R D near respawn_west [-18700,25800,0.00149536]. This is normal when relogging or changing clothes."
2018/11/05, 15:35:51 "INFO: Cannot Sync Character G U A R D near respawn_west [-18700,25800,0.00149536]. This is normal when relogging or changing clothes."
2018/11/05, 15:35:51 Server: Object info 13:362 not found during Changing Owner
2018/11/05, 15:35:51 Server: Object info 13:361 not found during Changing Owner
2018/11/05, 15:35:51 "INFO: Cannot Sync Character G U A R D near respawn_west [-18700,25800,0.00149536]. This is normal when relogging or changing clothes."
2018/11/05, 15:35:56 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Sync date on clients to [2012,8,2,5,34]."
2018/11/05, 15:35:58 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 6, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:35:59 Server: Object 16:160 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:35:59 Server: Object 16:163 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:35:59 Server: Object 16:164 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:35:59 Server: Object 16:161 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:35:59 Server: Object 16:167 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:35:59 Server: Object 16:166 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:35:59 Server: Object 16:162 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:35:59 Server: Object 16:165 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:35:59 Server: Object 16:172 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:35:59 Server: Object 16:170 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:35:59 Server: Object 16:177 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:35:59 Server: Object 16:179 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:35:59 Server: Object 16:178 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:35:59 Server: Object 16:171 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:35:59 Server: Object 16:176 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:35:59 Server: Object 16:168 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:35:59 Server: Object 16:169 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:35:59 Server: Object 16:173 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:35:59 Server: Object 16:175 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:35:59 Server: Object 16:174 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:35:59 Server: Object 16:182 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:35:59 Server: Object 16:180 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:35:59 Server: Object 16:183 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:35:59 Server: Object 16:187 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:35:59 Server: Object 16:185 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:35:59 Server: Object 16:186 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:35:59 Server: Object 16:184 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:35:59 Server: Object 16:181 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:36:00 Server: Object 16:190 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:36:00 Server: Object 16:192 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:36:00 Server: Object 16:188 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:36:00 Server: Object 16:191 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:36:00 Server: Object 16:193 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:36:00 Server: Object 16:189 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:36:00 Server: Object 16:195 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:36:00 Server: Object 16:196 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:36:00 Server: Object 16:194 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:36:00 Server: Object 16:197 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:36:00 Server: Object 16:204 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:36:00 Server: Object 16:201 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:36:00 Server: Object 16:209 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:36:00 Server: Object 16:211 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:36:00 Server: Object 16:208 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:36:00 Server: Object 16:210 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:36:00 Server: Object 16:202 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:36:00 Server: Object 16:198 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:36:00 Server: Object 16:199 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:36:00 Server: Object 16:200 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:36:00 Server: Object 16:207 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:36:00 Server: Object 16:203 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:36:00 Server: Object 16:205 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:36:00 Server: Object 16:206 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:36:00 Server: Object 16:214 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:36:00 Server: Object 16:215 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:36:00 Server: Object 16:213 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:36:00 Server: Object 16:216 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:36:00 Server: Object 16:212 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:36:00 Server: Object 16:217 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:36:02 Server: Object 13:535 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 15:36:02 Server: Object 13:534 not found (message 98)
2018/11/05, 15:36:19 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/05, 15:36:19 "SOLDIER AI (air) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Nikita  from 108.315m"
2018/11/05, 15:36:19 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/05, 15:36:19 "SOLDIER AI (air) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Nikita  from 108.315m"
2018/11/05, 15:36:24 "#FPSFixer: Player G U A R D with ID 76561198164108782 FPS: 30 in coords: [3232.74,4414.66,0.00158691] ..."
2018/11/05, 15:36:25 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/05, 15:36:25 "SOLDIER AI (air) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Nikita  from 119.084m"
2018/11/05, 15:36:31 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Locked Vehicle destroyed @096066 - UH1H_DZ, worldspace [125.712,[9628.34,8666.01,3.77353]], CharId 0, objID 0, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/05, 15:36:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 2 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 15:36:58 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.9042, players: 6, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:37:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 6 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 22 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 70 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 15:37:50 "EVENTSHAKER# Start MAJOR Mission SM6 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:37:50 "MISSION - MAJOR 6 - Start"
2018/11/05, 15:37:50 "MISSION - MAJOR 6 - Activated - player in 1200m, spawning crates and additional AI"
2018/11/05, 15:37:50 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - Begin"
2018/11/05, 15:37:50 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - End"
2018/11/05, 15:37:50 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - Begin"
2018/11/05, 15:37:50 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - End"
2018/11/05, 15:37:50 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [10419.6,8540.17,0]"
2018/11/05, 15:37:50 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of BANDITS - 1 Infantry, 2 Stormtrooper, 3 Sniper, 1 Boss, 1 Elite 1 Nuker at position [10422.2,8543,0]"
2018/11/05, 15:37:58 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 6, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:38:37 "MISSION - MINOR 10 - Cleaning completed"
2018/11/05, 15:38:39 "MISSION - MINOR 10 - End"
2018/11/05, 15:38:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.7612. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 2 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.7612."
2018/11/05, 15:38:52 Server: Object 16:246 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:38:58 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-H:1 (Nikita ) REMOTE is complete, player name is Nikita  in coords [9695.29,8665.16,0]."
2018/11/05, 15:38:59 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 6, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:39:07 "EVENTSHAKER# MINOR Mission SM10 completed ..."
2018/11/05, 15:39:45 "Bike packed by player Nikita  in coords [9962.04,8506.77,-0.658447] ..."
2018/11/05, 15:39:45 Client: Object 17:234 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 15:39:45 Client: Object 17:235 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 15:39:45 Client: Object 17:235 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 15:39:45 Client: Object 17:234 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 15:39:45 "server_updateObject.sqf _object null or nil, could not update object"
2018/11/05, 15:39:47 "Bike packed by player prizrak65 in coords [4063.86,10777.6,0.000335693] ..."
2018/11/05, 15:39:47 Client: Object 8:1297 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 15:39:47 Client: Object 8:1297 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 15:39:47 Client: Object 8:1298 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 15:39:47 Client: Object 8:1298 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 15:39:47 "server_updateObject.sqf _object null or nil, could not update object"
2018/11/05, 15:39:47 Server: Object 8:1303 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:39:47 Server: Object 8:1304 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:39:47 Server: Object 8:1305 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:39:47 Server: Object 8:1306 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:39:47 Server: Object 8:1307 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:39:47 Server: Object 8:1311 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:39:47 Server: Object 8:1308 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:39:47 Server: Object 8:1309 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:39:47 Server: Object 8:1310 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:39:47 Server: Object 8:1312 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:39:47 Server: Object 8:1313 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:39:47 Server: Object 8:1317 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:39:47 Server: Object 8:1314 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:39:47 Server: Object 8:1315 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:39:47 Server: Object 8:1316 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:39:47 Server: Object 8:1319 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:39:47 Server: Object 8:1318 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:39:47 Server: Object 8:1320 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:39:47 Server: Object 8:1323 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:39:47 Server: Object 8:1321 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:39:47 Server: Object 8:1322 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:39:47 Server: Object 8:1327 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:39:47 Server: Object 8:1324 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:39:47 Server: Object 8:1325 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:39:47 Server: Object 8:1326 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:39:47 Server: Object 8:1329 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:39:47 Server: Object 8:1328 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:39:47 Server: Object 8:1334 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:39:47 Server: Object 8:1330 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:39:48 Server: Object 8:1331 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:39:48 Server: Object 8:1332 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:39:48 Server: Object 8:1333 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:39:48 Server: Object 8:1336 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:39:48 Server: Object 8:1337 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:39:48 Server: Object 8:1335 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:39:48 Server: Object 8:1341 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:39:48 Server: Object 8:1342 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:39:48 Server: Object 8:1338 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:39:48 Server: Object 8:1339 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:39:48 Server: Object 8:1340 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:39:48 Server: Object 8:1344 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:39:48 Server: Object 8:1343 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:39:48 Server: Object 8:1345 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:39:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 15:39:59 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 6, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:40:02 "#FPSFixer: Player AlexXxandeR with ID 76561198066565697 FPS: 59 in coords: [4780.7,10237,-0.0682373] ..."
2018/11/05, 15:40:47 "#FPSFixer: Player Scorch with ID 76561198338825905 FPS: 58 in coords: [5513.7,6827.94,0.0210571] ..."
2018/11/05, 15:40:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 1 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 11 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 15:40:50 "HEARDSOMETHING# Make shoot sounds near player G U A R D in 644 metres with ["AK_107_pso","30Rnd_545x39_AK"] ..."
2018/11/05, 15:40:52 "#FPSFixer: Player Nikita  with ID 76561198394535192 FPS: 39 in coords: [10154.3,8511.52,0.0012207] ..."
2018/11/05, 15:40:59 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.9042, players: 6, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:41:14 "P1ayer PID#17(UID#76561198394535192) hit by AI with KORD_high from 268 meters in head_hit for 15.0099 damage"
2018/11/05, 15:41:14 "Player UID#76561198394535192 CID#5713 PID#17(Nikita ) as Survivor2_DZ died at Горка [101068]"
2018/11/05, 15:41:14 "DeathMessage: Nikita  был убит игроком ИИ с KORD_high с расстояния 268м"
2018/11/05, 15:41:16 Server: Object 16:282 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:41:17 "MISSION - MAJOR 6 - Players moved away without contact, performing partial cleaning"
2018/11/05, 15:41:26 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Nikita (76561198394535192)"
2018/11/05, 15:41:26 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is near respawn_west. This is normal after death. ["76561198394535192","Nikita "]"
2018/11/05, 15:41:27 Warning: Cleanup player - person 17:237 not found
2018/11/05, 15:41:31 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 6, FPS 47.0588, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 15:41:31 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 8, West Units (Players): 5, East Units (AI): 3, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 16, SERVER FPS: 47.0588 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:41:42 Server: Object 18:252 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:41:43 "DELETE: Player PID#18([MIR]Arti)(76561198336060814) deleted object with ID: 16703"
2018/11/05, 15:41:43 "Trader Menu: [MIR]Arti (76561198336060814) sold 1x LadaLM from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 15:41:43 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Nikita (76561198394535192)"
2018/11/05, 15:41:46 "INFO - Player: PID#17(Nikita )(UID:76561198394535192/CID:5715) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 15:41:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 8 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 15:41:52 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Nikita  with UID 76561198394535192 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 15:41:52 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Nikita  with UID 76561198394535192 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 15:41:52 Server: Object info 13:542 not found during Changing Owner
2018/11/05, 15:41:52 Server: Object info 13:541 not found during Changing Owner
2018/11/05, 15:41:52 "INFO - Player: PID#17(Nikita )(UID:76561198394535192/CID:5715) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Высота [066123]"
2018/11/05, 15:41:56 Server: Object 18:261 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:41:56 "**** server_verifySender **** [[32,[6292.99,7806.43,0.000152588]],"TT650_TK_CIV_EP1",false,"ItemKeyRed1337",B 1-1-H:2 ([MIR]Arti) REMOTE,"#IFrQv2JlpHAB"] * PublishVehicle2 * [6292.99,7806.43,0.000152588] * #IFrQv2JlpHAB * 76561198336060814 * B 1-1-H:2 ([MIR]Arti) REMOTE ****"
2018/11/05, 15:41:56 "PUBLISH: PID#18([MIR]Arti)(76561198336060814) bought TT650_TK_CIV_EP1 with UID 1959532780613302 @Старый Собор [062075]"
2018/11/05, 15:41:56 "Trader Menu: [MIR]Arti (76561198336060814) purchased 1x TT650_TK_CIV_EP1 into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 15:41:58 "INFO - Player: Nikita (UID:76561198394535192/CID:5715) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 15:41:59 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 6, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:42:00 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: TT650_TK_CIV_EP1 (objid: 16830) UNLOCKED @062075 [6289.21,7802.3,0.00683594]"
2018/11/05, 15:42:02 "#LOGIN#: Player Nikita  with ID 76561198394535192 connected!"
2018/11/05, 15:42:02 Server: Object 15:366 not found (message 98)
2018/11/05, 15:42:02 Server: Object 15:367 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 15:42:09 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-H:1 (Nikita ) REMOTE is complete, player name is Nikita  in coords [6623.76,3041.43,0]."
2018/11/05, 15:42:39 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16730) LOCKED @063075 ([6335.63,7782.72,-3.05176e-005]) [6335.63,7782.72,-3.05176e-005] BY G U A R D(76561198164108782)"
2018/11/05, 15:42:46 "#FPSFixer: Player Nikita  with ID 76561198394535192 FPS: 21 in coords: [6780.54,3064.34,0.00745106] ..."
2018/11/05, 15:42:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.7612. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 6 empty groups, 1 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 17 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 7 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 22 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.7612."
2018/11/05, 15:42:50 Server: Object 13:559 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:42:50 "Trader Menu: G U A R D (76561198164108782) sold 1x BAF_LRR_scoped from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 2,500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 15:42:50 "Trader Menu: G U A R D (76561198164108782) sold 2x VSS_vintorez_DZE from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 3,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 15:42:52 Server: Object 16:325 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:43:00 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 6, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:43:21 Server: Object 13:573 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:43:21 "Trader Menu: G U A R D (76561198164108782) sold 1x ItemVault from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 5,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 15:43:25 Server: Object 13:574 not found (message 132)
2018/11/05, 15:43:37 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player G U A R D with ID 76561198164108782 try deposit to bank 19700 ... now G U A R D has COINS:0, BANK:25820 "
2018/11/05, 15:43:42 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16730) UNLOCKED @063075 ([6335.63,7782.72,-3.05176e-005]) [6335.63,7782.72,-3.05176e-005] BY G U A R D(76561198164108782)"
2018/11/05, 15:43:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.7612. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 6 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 7 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 14 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.7612."
2018/11/05, 15:44:00 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.3384, players: 6, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:44:47 Server: Object 16:369 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:44:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.7612. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 6 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.7612."
2018/11/05, 15:44:54 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16730) LOCKED @065068 ([6521.13,8471.96,0.0927429]) [6521.13,8471.96,0.0927429] BY G U A R D(76561198164108782)"
2018/11/05, 15:45:00 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 6, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:45:06 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Scorch(76561198338825905)"
2018/11/05, 15:45:06 "INFO - Player: Scorch(UID:76561198338825905/CID:5710) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location Старый Собор [065068]"
2018/11/05, 15:45:06 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: Scorch with uid 76561198338825905 disconnected ..."
2018/11/05, 15:45:06 Client: Remote object 15:347 not found
2018/11/05, 15:45:08 Warning: Cleanup player - person 15:346 not found
2018/11/05, 15:45:11 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - G U A R D(76561198164108782)"
2018/11/05, 15:45:11 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is not in playableUnits. ["76561198164108782","G U A R D"]"
2018/11/05, 15:45:11 Client: Remote object 13:527 not found
2018/11/05, 15:45:21 "#FPSFixer: Player [MIR]Arti with ID 76561198336060814 FPS: 39 in coords: [7856.81,8119.14,0.159851] ..."
2018/11/05, 15:45:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 6 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/05, 15:46:01 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 4, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:46:14 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Nikita  with ID 76561198394535192 try withdraw from bank 5000 ... now Nikita  has COINS:5000, BANK:36175 "
2018/11/05, 15:46:27 "CRASHSPAWNER: Spawning crash site (CrashSite_EU) at [3536.33,8197.54,0] with 9 items."
2018/11/05, 15:46:34 Server: Object 17:362 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:46:34 "Trader Menu: Nikita  (76561198394535192) purchased 1x M40A3_DZ into gear at южный рынок for 2,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 15:46:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 7 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 34 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/05, 15:46:52 Server: Object 17:363 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:46:52 "Trader Menu: Nikita  (76561198394535192) purchased 7x 5Rnd_762x51_M24 into gear at южный рынок for 1,050 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 15:46:54 "MISSION - MAJOR 6 - Activated - player in 1200m, spawning crates and additional AI"
2018/11/05, 15:46:55 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - Begin"
2018/11/05, 15:46:55 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - End"
2018/11/05, 15:46:55 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - Begin"
2018/11/05, 15:46:55 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - End"
2018/11/05, 15:46:55 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [10420,8540.98,0]"
2018/11/05, 15:46:55 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of BANDITS - 1 Infantry, 2 Stormtrooper, 3 Sniper, 1 Boss, 1 Elite 1 Nuker at position [10425.1,8542.24,0]"
2018/11/05, 15:47:01 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 4, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:47:05 "#FPSFixer: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 FPS: 38 in coords: [4482.57,10810.5,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 15:47:08 Server: Object 17:372 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:47:08 "**** server_verifySender **** [[340,[7778.9,3529.3,0.000999928]],"M1030_US_DES_EP1",false,"ItemKeyRed944",B 1-1-H:1 (Nikita ) REMOTE,"gKamMZrizYssB"] * PublishVehicle2 * [7778.9,3529.3,0.000999928] * gKamMZrizYssB * 76561198394535192 * B 1-1-H:1 (Nikita ) REMOTE ****"
2018/11/05, 15:47:08 "PUBLISH: PID#17(Nikita )(76561198394535192) bought M1030_US_DES_EP1 with UID 21393340352913614 @Пригородки [077118]"
2018/11/05, 15:47:08 "Trader Menu: Nikita  (76561198394535192) purchased 1x M1030_US_DES_EP1 into gear at южный рынок for 400 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 15:47:13 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: M1030_US_DES_EP1 (objid: 16831) UNLOCKED @077118 [7778.9,3529.3,-0.00494719]"
2018/11/05, 15:47:13 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: M1030_US_DES_EP1 (objid: 16831) LOCKED @077118 [7778.9,3529.3,-0.00494719]"
2018/11/05, 15:47:15 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: M1030_US_DES_EP1 (objid: 16831) UNLOCKED @077118 [7778.9,3529.3,-0.00494719]"
2018/11/05, 15:47:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 1 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 23 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/05, 15:48:01 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.3373, players: 4, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:48:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.3373. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.3373."
2018/11/05, 15:49:02 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 4, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:49:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.1976. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 6 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.1976."
2018/11/05, 15:50:02 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16763) LOCKED @060070 ([6075.36,8354.41,-0.0043335]) [6075.36,8354.41,-0.0043335] BY AlexXxandeR(76561198066565697)"
2018/11/05, 15:50:02 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.0588, players: 4, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:50:23 Server: Object 8:1466 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:50:24 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - AlexXxandeR(76561198066565697)"
2018/11/05, 15:50:24 "INFO - Player: AlexXxandeR(UID:76561198066565697/CID:5673) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location Старый Собор [060070]"
2018/11/05, 15:50:24 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: AlexXxandeR with uid 76561198066565697 disconnected ..."
2018/11/05, 15:50:24 Client: Remote object 16:17 not found
2018/11/05, 15:50:24 Client: Remote object 16:22 not found
2018/11/05, 15:50:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 1 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/05, 15:51:02 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 4, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:51:15 "P1ayer PID#18([MIR]Arti) hit by AI with M2StaticMG from 610 meters in head_hit for 1.34549 damage"
2018/11/05, 15:51:35 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 4, FPS 46.1095, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 15:51:35 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 16, West Units (Players): 3, East Units (AI): 13, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 11, SERVER FPS: 46.1095 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:51:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/05, 15:52:03 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 4, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:52:34 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 15:52:34 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by [MIR]Arti from 611.83m"
2018/11/05, 15:52:44 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 15:52:44 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by [MIR]Arti from 543.565m"
2018/11/05, 15:52:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 4 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/05, 15:52:53 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 15:52:53 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by [MIR]Arti from 633.752m"
2018/11/05, 15:53:00 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 15:53:00 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by [MIR]Arti from 623.793m"
2018/11/05, 15:53:03 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 4, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:53:04 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 15:53:04 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by [MIR]Arti from 617.047m"
2018/11/05, 15:53:09 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 15:53:09 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by [MIR]Arti from 556.339m"
2018/11/05, 15:53:16 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 15:53:16 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by [MIR]Arti from 617.579m"
2018/11/05, 15:53:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 15:54:03 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 4, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:54:18 "EVENTSHAKER# Start MINOR Mission SM1 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:54:18 "MISSION - MINOR 1 - Start"
2018/11/05, 15:54:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 24 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/05, 15:55:04 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 4, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:55:05 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: hilux1_civil_1_open_DZE (objid: 16828) UNLOCKED @048050 ([4846,10323.6,-0.000488281]) [4846,10323.6,-0.000488281] BY prizrak65(76561198359965418)"
2018/11/05, 15:55:27 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 15:55:27 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by [MIR]Arti from 603.794m"
2018/11/05, 15:55:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 1 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/05, 15:56:04 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 4, AI units: 5 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:56:37 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: hilux1_civil_1_open_DZE (objid: 16828) LOCKED @048050 ([4846,10323.6,-0.000488281]) [4846,10323.6,-0.000488281] BY prizrak65(76561198359965418)"
2018/11/05, 15:56:47 Server: Object 8:1579 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:56:48 Server: Object 8:1603 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:56:48 Server: Object 8:1598 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:56:48 Server: Object 8:1599 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:56:48 Server: Object 8:1600 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:56:48 Server: Object 8:1601 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:56:48 Server: Object 8:1602 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:56:48 Server: Object 8:1605 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:56:48 Server: Object 8:1606 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:56:48 Server: Object 8:1609 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:56:48 Server: Object 8:1608 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:56:48 Server: Object 8:1607 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:56:48 Server: Object 8:1604 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 15:56:48 Server: Object 8:1610 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 15:56:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 1 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/05, 15:57:05 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 4, AI units: 5 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:57:25 "MISSION - MAJOR 6 - Success"
2018/11/05, 15:57:25 "MISSION - MAJOR 6 - Mission end. Bot in 30m, name: Chernarus Bandit"
2018/11/05, 15:57:27 "MISSION - MAJOR 6 - Mission end. Bot in 1000m, name: Chernarus Bandit"
2018/11/05, 15:57:28 "MISSION - MAJOR 6 - Mission end. Bot in 1000m, name: Chernarus Bandit"
2018/11/05, 15:57:28 "MISSION - MAJOR 6 - Mission end. Bot in 1000m, name: Dylan Carey"
2018/11/05, 15:57:34 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 15:57:34 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by [MIR]Arti from 21.1197m"
2018/11/05, 15:57:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/05, 15:58:05 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 4, AI units: 4 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:58:35 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - prizrak65(76561198359965418)"
2018/11/05, 15:58:35 "INFO - Player: prizrak65(UID:76561198359965418/CID:5585) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location аэродром [048050]"
2018/11/05, 15:58:35 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: prizrak65 with uid 76561198359965418 disconnected ..."
2018/11/05, 15:58:35 Client: Remote object 8:17 not found
2018/11/05, 15:58:35 Client: Remote object 8:22 not found
2018/11/05, 15:58:38 Warning: Cleanup player - person 16:21 not found
2018/11/05, 15:58:43 Warning: Cleanup player - person 8:21 not found
2018/11/05, 15:58:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 1 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 64 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/05, 15:58:50 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 15:58:50 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by [MIR]Arti from 207.313m"
2018/11/05, 15:59:05 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.7143, players: 2, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 15:59:29 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: TT650_TK_CIV_EP1 (objid: 16830) LOCKED @104068 ([10406.9,8535.95,-0.00871277]) [10406.9,8535.95,-0.00871277] BY [MIR]Arti(76561198336060814)"
2018/11/05, 15:59:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."

== E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\arma2oaserver.exe
== "E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\arma2oaserver.exe"  -port=2302 -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 -noSound -noPause "-config=E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Epoch_Configs\Alpha\config.cfg" "-cfg=E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Epoch_Configs\Alpha\basic.cfg" "-profiles=E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Epoch_Configs\Alpha" -name=Alpha "-mod=@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server;"
Exe timestamp: 2018/06/08 18:12:39
Current time:  2018/11/05 16:00:34

Version 1.63.131129
Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
Updating base class ->NonStrategic, by ca\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HouseBase/
Updating base class ->HouseBase, by ca\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins/
Updating base class ->DestructionEffects, by ca\config.bin/CfgVehicles/House/DestructionEffects/
Updating base class ->FlagCarrierCore, by ca\ca_pmc\config.bin/CfgVehicles/FlagCarrier/
Updating base class ->VehicleMagazine, by ca\weapons\config.bin/CfgMagazines/14Rnd_FFAR/
Updating base class Default->RifleCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/Rifle/
Updating base class ->LauncherCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/RocketPods/
Updating base class ->RocketPods, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/FFARLauncher/
Updating base class ->UH60_Base, by ca\air\config.bin/CfgVehicles/MH60S/
Updating base class ->Car, by ca\wheeled2\lada\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Lada_base/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UN_CDF_Soldier_base_EP1/HitPoints/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Commander/HitPoints/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Soldier_Militia/HitPoints/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Soldier_Officer/HitPoints/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Soldier_Sniper/HitPoints/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Soldier_Spotter/HitPoints/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lamp_Small_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lamp_Street1_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lamp_Street2_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lampa_Ind_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_PowLines_Conc2L_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseMediumOrange->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_sidl/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseMediumOrange->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_sidl_2/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseMediumOrange->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_sidl_3/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseWeakYellow->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_ind/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseWeakYellow->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_ind_zebr/
Updating base class RscStandardDisplay->, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayStart/
Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscShortcutButtonMain, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/controls/CA_Exit/
Updating base class CA_IGUI_Title->RscText, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/Gear_Title/
Updating base class Available_items_Text->RscText, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/CA_ItemName/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item7->CA_Gear_slot_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_item8/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item7->CA_Gear_slot_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_item9/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item7->CA_Gear_slot_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_item10/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item7->CA_Gear_slot_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_item11/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item7->CA_Gear_slot_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_item12/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item5->CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item6/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item5->CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item7/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item5->CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item8/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_special1->CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory1/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7->CA_Gear_slot_inventory1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory8/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7->CA_Gear_slot_inventory1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory9/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7->CA_Gear_slot_inventory1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory10/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7->CA_Gear_slot_inventory1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory11/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7->CA_Gear_slot_inventory1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory12/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item1->CA_Gear_slot_handgun, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_special1/
Updating base class RscIGUIShortcutButton->RscActiveText, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/ButtonClose/
Updating base class RscText->, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscTitles/Default/
Updating base class ->ViewOptics, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Mi17_base/Turrets/MainTurret/ViewOptics/
Updating base class ->ViewOptics, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UH1H_base/Turrets/MainTurret/ViewOptics/
Updating base class ->ViewOptics, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UH1_Base/Turrets/MainTurret/ViewOptics/
Updating base class Strategic->, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Bomb/
Updating base class HighCommand->Logic, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HighCommandSubordinate/
Updating base class NonStrategic->BuiltItems, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Fort_RazorWire/
Updating base class ->DefaultEventhandlers, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CSJ_GyroP/EventHandlers/
Updating base class AnimationSources->AnimationSources, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CSJ_GyroC/AnimationSources/
Updating base class ->DefaultEventhandlers, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CSJ_GyroC/EventHandlers/
Updating base class BuiltItems->Generator_Base, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Generator_DZ/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/29Rnd_30mm_AGS30/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/48Rnd_40mm_MK19/
Updating base class 4000Rnd_762x51_M134->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/2000Rnd_762x51_M134/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/100Rnd_127x99_M2/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/50Rnd_127x107_DSHKM/
Updating base class 4000Rnd_762x51_M134->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/pook_1300Rnd_762x51_M60/
Updating base class 100Rnd_762x51_M240->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/pook_250Rnd_762x51/
Updating base class 6Rnd_Grenade_Camel->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/pook_12Rnd_Grenade_Camel/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/3Rnd_GyroGrenade/
Updating base class DropWeapon->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgActions/PutWeapon/
Updating base class DropMagazine->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgActions/PutMagazine/
Updating base class Land_HouseBlock_C1->House, by zero_buildings\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_HouseBlock_C4/
Updating base class Land_HouseV_1I2->House, by zero_buildings\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_HouseV_1I3/
Updating base class NonStrategic->House, by zero_buildings\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_A_MunicipalOffice/
Updating base class Land_HouseV_1I2->House, by zero_buildings\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_HouseV_1L2/
Updating base class Land_HouseV_1I2->House, by zero_buildings\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_HouseV_3I3/
Updating base class House->DZE_OpenHouse, by warehouse\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Ind_Pec_03/
2018/11/05, 16:00:43 Initializing Steam server - Game Port: 2302, Steam Query Port: 2303
2018/11/05, 16:00:44 Connected to Steam servers
2018/11/05, 16:01:46 Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
2018/11/05, 16:01:46 Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
2018/11/05, 16:01:49 Server error: Player without identity Nikita  (id 531725533)
2018/11/05, 16:01:49 Server error: Player without identity Nikita  (id 531725533)
2018/11/05, 16:01:49 Server error: Player without identity Nikita  (id 531725533)
2018/11/05, 16:01:49 Server error: Player without identity Nikita  (id 531725533)
2018/11/05, 16:01:49 Server error: Player without identity Nikita  (id 531725533)
2018/11/05, 16:01:49 Server error: Player without identity Nikita  (id 531725533)
2018/11/05, 16:01:49 Server error: Player without identity Nikita  (id 531725533)
2018/11/05, 16:01:49 Server error: Player without identity Nikita  (id 531725533)
2018/11/05, 16:01:49 Server error: Player without identity Nikita  (id 531725533)
2018/11/05, 16:01:49 Server error: Player without identity Nikita  (id 531725533)
2018/11/05, 16:01:49 Server error: Player without identity Nikita  (id 531725533)
2018/11/05, 16:01:49 Server error: Player without identity Nikita  (id 531725533)
2018/11/05, 16:01:49 Server error: Player without identity Nikita  (id 531725533)
2018/11/05, 16:01:49 Server error: Player without identity Nikita  (id 531725533)
2018/11/05, 16:01:49 Server error: Player without identity Nikita  (id 531725533)
2018/11/05, 16:01:49 Server error: Player without identity Nikita  (id 531725533)
2018/11/05, 16:01:49 Server error: Player without identity Nikita  (id 531725533)
2018/11/05, 16:01:50 Server error: Player without identity Nikita  (id 531725533)
2018/11/05, 16:01:50 Server error: Player without identity Nikita  (id 531725533)
2018/11/05, 16:01:50 Server error: Player without identity Nikita  (id 531725533)
2018/11/05, 16:01:57 Strange convex component81 in zero_buildings\models\housev_3i3_i.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 16:02:02 Strange convex component31 in zero_buildings\models\proxies\th_arches.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 16:02:04 Strange convex component207 in zero_buildings\models\a_tvtower\a_tvtower_base.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component44 in zero_buildings\models\houseblock\houseblock_c4.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component288 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component289 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component290 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component291 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component292 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component293 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component294 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component295 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component296 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component297 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component298 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component299 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component300 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component301 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component302 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component303 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component304 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component305 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component306 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component307 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component308 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component309 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component310 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component311 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component312 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component313 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component314 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component315 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component316 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component317 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component252 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component253 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component254 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component255 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component256 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component257 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component258 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component259 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component260 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component261 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component262 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component263 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component264 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component265 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component266 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component267 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component268 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component269 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component270 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component271 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component272 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component273 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component274 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component275 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component276 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component277 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component278 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component279 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component280 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component281 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component249 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component250 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component251 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component252 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component253 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component254 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component255 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component256 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component257 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component258 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component259 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component260 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component261 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component262 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component263 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component264 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component265 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component266 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component267 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component268 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component269 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component270 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component271 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component272 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component273 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component274 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component275 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component276 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component277 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 16:02:05 Strange convex component278 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 16:02:13 "PRELOAD_ Functions\init [[<No group>:0 (FunctionsManager)],any]"
2018/11/05, 16:02:13 "MPframework inited"
2018/11/05, 16:02:14 "*** REALDATE *** Module starting ..."
2018/11/05, 16:02:14 "*** REALDATE *** Full Received Info From System: [2018,11,5,16,2,14,1,308,0]"
2018/11/05, 16:02:14 "*** REALDATE *** Current real date: [2018,11,5,16,2,14,1,308,0]"
2018/11/05, 16:02:14 "*** REALDATE *** Current day number: 1"
2018/11/05, 16:02:14 "*** REALDATE *** Current real day name is: Monday"
2018/11/05, 16:02:14 "*** REALDATE *** Short date is: [2018,11,5,16,2]"
2018/11/05, 16:02:14 "*** REALDATE *** Current day game set to Monday (AFTER ANOTHER PRIORITY DATE ACCEPT)..."
2018/11/05, 16:02:14 "dayz_preloadFinished reset"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> updatearmalog callExtension: [05.11.2018][16:02:24] Downloaded and installed new armalog.dll"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "IAH_fnc_getIntFromString: 1"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> infiSTAR dll loaded successfully"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> ok"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> Loading infiSTAR code.."
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "Epoch detected"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> BIS_fnc_init done - AntiHack STARTING...!"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 Warning Message: Script low_admins.sqf not found
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 Warning Message: Script normal_admins.sqf not found
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 Warning Message: Script super_admins.sqf not found
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 Warning Message: Script blacklist.sqf not found
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> iproductVersion: 15-02-2018 04-00-45-v1448 | Server productVersion: ["ArmA 2 OA","ArmA2OA",163,131129] | worldName: Chernarus | dayz_instance: 11 | missionName: DayZ_Epoch_11"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> start: <infiSTAR.de> iproductVersion: 15-02-2018 04-00-45-v1448 | Server productVersion: ["ArmA 2 OA","ArmA2OA",163,131129] | worldName: Chernarus | dayz_instance: 11 | missionName: DayZ_Epoch_11"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _fnc_RandomGen: {
_abc = ['z','y','x','w','v','u','t','s','r','q','p','o','n','m','l','k','j','i','h','g','f','e','d','c','b','a'];
_gen = _abc select (random ((count _abc)-1));
_arr = ['a','9','f','3','9','5','0','6','9','8','d','b','7','1','6','9','5','c','4','5','d','2','1','b','2','0','c','d','b','4','5','8','0'];
for '_i' from 0 to (8+(round(random 3))) do {_gen = _gen + str(round(random 9)) + (_arr select (random ((count _arr)-1)));};
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _simple: b366d02746999878071"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _dialogIds: v8f613b53030d864733"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _badtxts: b482015105b5018769c5b49"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar1: z7d7568505d5104691646956d"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar2: r6682702981796288156d"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar0: f7d183914024d728958067f"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar3: w68757d452f987979882429"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar4: n8d769f4c5949359441"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar5: o0b9b2b7d6b25365d1249"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar6: q52603580113532626d8859"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar8: q86358946172f3535611b"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar9: p098961289152858c305a30"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar11: c7b88350d7b1f887948457017"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar12: z451904754587793548"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar13: a3d3434790d701d4c098834"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar19: j8c889525555218795d41"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar27: r0f86316529195d8d9d70"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar26: q05123564705f28415b9970"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar25: w391b7b482729381c2d5d"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar31: v28113d75281d5f856820"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar33: o7d3b89628c557974253f2b"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar34: w16073c18081267414b098c74"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar35: f22144b596a5d2822352b69"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar36: o7a3c42086b6876259564"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar37: o094c533383331b48998085"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar39: s395639391929711679687d25"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _clickOnMapTimer: l581026456d6849693559"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _clickOnMapCaught: j610d79444d8c0b751190"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _fnc_handlerandvar10: h3d7f593f516c462c528c4b23"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _remark: v30451f6908311b648228"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _AHpos: d1c1538843808765c758435"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _loadedcheckpos: d341c2f2c656916115c700b"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _loadedchecktime: h114599153659696f5c2b79"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _MenuChecksRunningx: q19311d8d8c64186653"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _oneachframe: n446532357b477f252c64"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _anotherloop: e0671334c121b26494d2621"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _clientoncetwo: r487b2932105230289643"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _lastUnlock: h11542a6829752b417839"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _AdminReqCheck: s541b51366541935063"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _antidupeCheckVar: f537d19740565613c56701a"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _antiantihack1_rndvar: h5625548711290d8541"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _antiantihack2_rndvar: i0d564d65333b6d1478823b"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _antidupePVResVar: b5065713611715f281488"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _antidupePVCheckVar: PVAHR_0_m357a945d78131c7b5b"
2018/11/05, 16:02:24 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar10: PVAHR_0_a90786d2d751b854b5d2039"
2018/11/05, 16:02:25 "<infiSTAR.de> AntiHack LOADED!"
2018/11/05, 16:02:25 "<infiSTAR.de> CREATING AdminMenu"
2018/11/05, 16:02:25 "<infiSTAR.de> AdminMenu LOADED!"
2018/11/05, 16:02:25 "<infiSTAR.de> ADDING SERVERSIDE HANDLERS"
2018/11/05, 16:02:25 "<infiSTAR.de> AntiHack FULLY LOADED"
2018/11/05, 16:02:25 "<infiSTAR.de> starting main server loop"
2018/11/05, 16:02:26 "HIVE: Starting"
2018/11/05, 16:02:26 "z\addons\dayz_code\system\REsec.sqf:Monitoring Remote Exe..."
2018/11/05, 16:02:26 ["TIME SYNC: Local Time set to:",[2012,8,2,11,2],"Fullmoon:",true,"Date given by HiveExt.dll:",[2018,11,5,11,2]]
2018/11/05, 16:02:26 "HIVE: trying to get objects"
2018/11/05, 16:02:26 "HIVE: found 642 objects"
2018/11/05, 16:02:26 "HIVE: Request sent"
2018/11/05, 16:02:26 "HIVE: Streamed 642 objects"
2018/11/05, 16:02:28 "Res3tting B!S effects..."
2018/11/05, 16:02:31 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines.45Rnd_545x39_RPK'.
2018/11/05, 16:02:31 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'.
2018/11/05, 16:02:31 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 16:02:31 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'.
2018/11/05, 16:02:31 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 16:02:31 Warning Message: Error: creating magazine 45Rnd_545x39_RPK with scope=private
2018/11/05, 16:02:31 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'.
2018/11/05, 16:02:31 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 16:02:31 Warning Message: No entry '.displayNameShort'.
2018/11/05, 16:02:31 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 16:02:31 Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'.
2018/11/05, 16:02:31 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 16:02:31 Warning Message: No entry '.Library'.
2018/11/05, 16:02:31 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'.
2018/11/05, 16:02:31 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 16:02:31 Warning Message: No entry '.type'.
2018/11/05, 16:02:31 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 16:02:31 Warning Message: No entry '.count'.
2018/11/05, 16:02:31 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 16:02:31 Warning Message: No entry '.maxLeadSpeed'.
2018/11/05, 16:02:31 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 16:02:31 Warning Message: No entry '.initSpeed'.
2018/11/05, 16:02:31 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 16:02:31 Warning Message: No entry '.reloadAction'.
2018/11/05, 16:02:31 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 16:02:31 Warning Message: No entry '.modelSpecial'.
2018/11/05, 16:02:31 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 16:02:31 Warning Message: No entry '.ammo'.
2018/11/05, 16:02:31 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 16:02:33 "HIVE: BENCHMARK - Server_monitor.sqf finished streaming 642 objects in 6.507 seconds (unscheduled)"
2018/11/05, 16:02:33 "Total Number of spawn locations 6"
2018/11/05, 16:02:49 "CLEANUP: INITIALIZING Vehicle SCRIPT"
2018/11/05, 16:02:49 "EPOCH EVENTS INIT"
2018/11/05, 16:02:49 "CRASHSPAWNER: Starting crash site spawner. Frequency: 15±10 min. Spawn chance: 0.55"
2018/11/05, 16:02:49 "DEBUG: Spawning a care package (Misc_cargo_cont_net3) at [9842.33,7922.81,0] with 11 items."
2018/11/05, 16:02:49 "CRASHSPAWNER: Spawning crash site (CrashSite_RU) at [11034.8,7622.81,0] with 11 items."
2018/11/05, 16:02:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 0.979852. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 4 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 0.979852."
2018/11/05, 16:02:51 "DEBUG: Spawning a care package (Misc_cargo_cont_net3) at [2140.71,4896.44,0] with 6 items."
2018/11/05, 16:02:53 "HIVE: Vehicle Spawn limit reached!"
2018/11/05, 16:02:53 "HIVE: Spawning # of Ammo Boxes: 20"
2018/11/05, 16:02:56 "HIVE: Spawning # of Veins: 30"
2018/11/05, 16:02:56 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Total vehicles 96, key vehicles 40, public vehicles 56, limit public vehicles is 60 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:02:56 "Vehicles&Objects Spawner# Loading..."
2018/11/05, 16:02:56 "Vehicles&Objects Spawner# Random seed spRS_3563161671017498 generated..."
2018/11/05, 16:02:56 "Vehicles&Objects Spawner# Loaded..."
2018/11/05, 16:02:56 "Bike Spawner is loading..."
2018/11/05, 16:02:56 "Bike Spawner is loaded!"
2018/11/05, 16:02:56 "<infiSTAR.de> Player-Log: Nikita (76561198394535192) - 0h 00min"
2018/11/05, 16:02:56 "<infiSTAR.de> Player-Log: AlexXxandeR(76561198066565697) - 0h 00min"
2018/11/05, 16:02:56 "#PLAYER EVENT HANDLERS - LOADING...!"
2018/11/05, 16:02:56 "#PLAYER EVENT HANDLERS - LOADING COMPLETE...!"
2018/11/05, 16:02:56 "DAY NIGHT CONTROL# Starting ... "
2018/11/05, 16:02:56 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Initialize ..."
2018/11/05, 16:02:56 "EVENTSHAKER# - Starting ..."
2018/11/05, 16:02:56 "INFO - Player: PID#4(AlexXxandeR)(UID:76561198066565697/CID:5673) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 16:02:56 "INFO - Player: PID#3(Nikita )(UID:76561198394535192/CID:5715) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 16:02:56 Server: Object 4:23 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:02:56 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player AlexXxandeR with UID 76561198066565697 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 16:02:56 Server: Object 4:24 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 16:02:56 Server: Object 4:26 not found (message 98)
2018/11/05, 16:02:56 Server: Object 4:25 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 16:02:56 Server: Object 4:27 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 16:02:57 Server: Object 3:23 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:02:57 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player AlexXxandeR with UID 76561198066565697 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 16:02:57 "INFO - Player: PID#4(AlexXxandeR)(UID:76561198066565697/CID:5673) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Старый Собор [060070]"
2018/11/05, 16:02:57 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Nikita  with UID 76561198394535192 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 16:02:57 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Nikita  with UID 76561198394535192 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 16:02:57 Server: Object info 2:50 not found during Changing Owner
2018/11/05, 16:02:57 Server: Object info 2:49 not found during Changing Owner
2018/11/05, 16:02:57 "INFO - Player: PID#3(Nikita )(UID:76561198394535192/CID:5715) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Поляна [104068]"
2018/11/05, 16:02:58 "INFO: Cannot Sync Character AlexXxandeR near respawn_west [-18700,25800,3.05176e-005]. This is normal when relogging or changing clothes."
2018/11/05, 16:02:58 "INFO: Cannot Sync Character AlexXxandeR near respawn_west [-18700,25800,3.05176e-005]. This is normal when relogging or changing clothes."
2018/11/05, 16:02:58 "INFO: Cannot Sync Character AlexXxandeR near respawn_west [-18700,25800,3.05176e-005]. This is normal when relogging or changing clothes."
2018/11/05, 16:02:58 "INFO: Cannot Sync Character AlexXxandeR near respawn_west [-18700,25800,3.05176e-005]. This is normal when relogging or changing clothes."
2018/11/05, 16:02:58 "#LOGIN#: Player AlexXxandeR with ID 76561198066565697 connected!"
2018/11/05, 16:02:58 "#LOGIN#: Player Nikita  with ID 76561198394535192 connected!"
2018/11/05, 16:02:58 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a SOLDIERS HELI - at position [14382.1,2675.89]"
2018/11/05, 16:02:58 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a SOLDIERS HELI - at position [14182.1,2695.89]"
2018/11/05, 16:02:58 "INFO - Player: AlexXxandeR(UID:76561198066565697/CID:5673) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 16:02:59 "server_updateObject.sqf _object null or nil, could not update object"
2018/11/05, 16:02:59 "server_updateObject.sqf _object null or nil, could not update object"
2018/11/05, 16:02:59 "BANDITS BASE - BEGIN"
2018/11/05, 16:02:59 "INFO - Player: Nikita (UID:76561198394535192/CID:5715) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 16:02:59 "HIVE: BENCHMARK - Server finished spawning 0 DynamicVehicles, 0 Debris, 20 SupplyCrates and 30 MineVeins in 26.593 seconds (scheduled)"
2018/11/05, 16:03:09 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16763) UNLOCKED @060070 [6075.24,8354.49,0.00274658]"
2018/11/05, 16:03:16 "#FPSFixer: Player Nikita  with ID 76561198394535192 FPS: 47 in coords: [10420.1,8522.13,0.0308075] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:03:19 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @016131 - HMMWV_M1035_DES_EP1, worldspace [246,[1675.55,2229.99,0]], CharId 0, objID 16685, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/05, 16:03:23 "#FPSFixer: Player AlexXxandeR with ID 76561198066565697 FPS: 60 in coords: [6075.24,8354.49,-0.061676] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:03:24 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @071131 - SkodaGreen, worldspace [295.044,[7191.59,2186.51,0.0272837]], CharId 0, objID 16704, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/05, 16:03:24 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @045127 - UAZ_INS, worldspace [99.3164,[4594.96,2599.51,0.0177736]], CharId 0, objID 16740, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/05, 16:03:25 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @100133 - SUV_Silver, worldspace [130.001,[10085.6,1976.61,0.0425]], CharId 0, objID 16706, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/05, 16:03:27 "SECTOR - BEGIN"
2018/11/05, 16:03:27 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a SOLDIERS HELI - at position [13693.4,2884.84]"
2018/11/05, 16:03:27 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @102135 - LandRover_MG_TK_EP1_DZE, worldspace [242.001,[10282.5,1855.44,0.0449991]], CharId 0, objID 16707, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/05, 16:03:41 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @074107 - UAZ_Unarmed_TK_CIV_EP1, worldspace [146.925,[7443.46,4613.26,0.216217]], CharId 0, objID 16785, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/05, 16:03:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.8453. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.8453."
2018/11/05, 16:03:54 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @074098 - Old_moto_TK_Civ_EP1, worldspace [246.52,[7425.81,5547.36,-0.0138855]], CharId 0, objID 16802, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/05, 16:03:57 "EVENTSHAKER# - Spawn missions & events processes ..."
2018/11/05, 16:03:57 "EVENTSHAKER# - All processes are spawned ..."
2018/11/05, 16:03:57 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 2, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:04:18 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Spawn new public vehicles ..."
2018/11/05, 16:04:18 "PUBLISH: Created CH_47F_EP1_DZE with ID "50891532429244""
2018/11/05, 16:04:18 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Heli CH_47F_EP1_DZE spawned in [4844.66,2429.48] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:04:18 "PUBLISH: Created UH60M_MEV_EP1_DZ with ID "49912099689245""
2018/11/05, 16:04:18 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Heli UH60M_MEV_EP1_DZ spawned in [4746.43,9689.17] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:04:19 "PUBLISH: Created Mi17_DZE with ID "475721010579245""
2018/11/05, 16:04:19 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Heli Mi17_DZE spawned in [4511.52,10579.3] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:04:19 "PUBLISH: Created CH_47F_EP1_DZE with ID "1268320612610245""
2018/11/05, 16:04:19 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Heli CH_47F_EP1_DZE spawned in [12437.9,12609.8] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:04:19 "PUBLISH: Created LandRover_CZ_EP1 with ID "5479102230245""
2018/11/05, 16:04:19 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Camp vehicle LandRover_CZ_EP1 spawned in [5233.52,2230.15] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:04:19 "PUBLISH: Created HMMWV_DES_EP1 with ID "54373452411245""
2018/11/05, 16:04:19 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Camp vehicle HMMWV_DES_EP1 spawned in [5191.94,2411.06] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:04:20 "PUBLISH: Created HMMWV_DES_EP1 with ID "47843372291246""
2018/11/05, 16:04:20 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Camp vehicle HMMWV_DES_EP1 spawned in [4537.66,2290.75] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:04:20 "PUBLISH: Created HMMWV_Ambulance with ID "48473162543246""
2018/11/05, 16:04:20 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Camp vehicle HMMWV_Ambulance spawned in [4600.46,2542.79] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:04:20 "PUBLISH: Created Ural_CDF with ID "19341972194246""
2018/11/05, 16:04:20 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Camp vehicle Ural_CDF spawned in [1688.1,2194.59] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:04:20 "PUBLISH: Created SUV_Red with ID "51801262861246""
2018/11/05, 16:04:20 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle SUV_Red spawned in [4933.94,2860.87] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:04:21 "PUBLISH: Created hilux1_civil_2_covered_DZE with ID "65513412296247""
2018/11/05, 16:04:21 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle hilux1_civil_2_covered_DZE spawned in [6303.8,2295.81] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:04:21 Warning: looped for animation: ca\anims\characters\data\anim\sdr\mov\erc\stp\non\non\amovpercmstpsnonwnondnon_amovpercmstpsraswpstdnon_end.rtm differs (looped now 0)! MoveName: amovpercmstpsnonwnondnon_amovpercmstpsraswpstdnon_end
2018/11/05, 16:04:22 "PUBLISH: Created LadaLM with ID "66071182631248""
2018/11/05, 16:04:22 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle LadaLM spawned in [6358.65,2631.46] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:04:22 "PUBLISH: Created S1203_ambulance_EP1 with ID "68791392802248""
2018/11/05, 16:04:22 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle S1203_ambulance_EP1 spawned in [6630.94,2801.76] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:04:22 "PUBLISH: Created V3S_Refuel_TK_GUE_EP1_DZ with ID "7596322281248""
2018/11/05, 16:04:22 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle V3S_Refuel_TK_GUE_EP1_DZ spawned in [7347.22,2279.8] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:04:22 "PUBLISH: Created SUV_Camo with ID "7103243075249""
2018/11/05, 16:04:22 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle SUV_Camo spawned in [6854.49,3075.1] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:04:23 "PUBLISH: Created SUV_Charcoal with ID "79782063558249""
2018/11/05, 16:04:23 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle SUV_Charcoal spawned in [7728.73,3557.61] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:04:23 "PUBLISH: Created HMMWV_DES_EP1 with ID "102292431953249""
2018/11/05, 16:04:23 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle HMMWV_DES_EP1 spawned in [9979.94,1952.62] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:04:23 "PUBLISH: Created SUV_Blue with ID "10682241752249""
2018/11/05, 16:04:23 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle SUV_Blue spawned in [10432.1,1750.73] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:04:23 "PUBLISH: Created MtvrRefuel_DES_EP1_DZ with ID "105272691980250""
2018/11/05, 16:04:23 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle MtvrRefuel_DES_EP1_DZ spawned in [10276.9,1979.94] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:04:24 "PUBLISH: Created HMMWV_DZ with ID "102662112114250""
2018/11/05, 16:04:24 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle HMMWV_DZ spawned in [10016,2114.51] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:04:24 "PUBLISH: Created SUV_White with ID "73502047750250""
2018/11/05, 16:04:24 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle SUV_White spawned in [7100,7750,300] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:04:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/05, 16:04:49 Server: Object 4:53 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:04:49 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 1x AK_107_pso from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:04:56 Server: Object 4:60 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:04:56 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 1x AK_107_pso from vehicle at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:04:56 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 1x VSS_vintorez_DZE from vehicle at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:04:58 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 4, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:05:00 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - prizrak65(76561198359965418)"
2018/11/05, 16:05:00 "<infiSTAR.de> Player-Log: prizrak65(76561198359965418) - 0h 02min"
2018/11/05, 16:05:01 "INFO - Player: PID#5(prizrak65)(UID:76561198359965418/CID:5585) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 16:05:01 Server: Object 5:23 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:05:01 Server: Object 5:24 not found (message 98)
2018/11/05, 16:05:01 Server: Object 5:25 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 16:05:01 Server: Object 5:26 not found (message 98)
2018/11/05, 16:05:01 Server: Object 5:27 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 16:05:01 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player prizrak65 with UID 76561198359965418 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 16:05:01 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player prizrak65 with UID 76561198359965418 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 16:05:01 "INFO - Player: PID#5(prizrak65)(UID:76561198359965418/CID:5585) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location аэродром [048050]"
2018/11/05, 16:05:02 "INFO - Player: prizrak65(UID:76561198359965418/CID:5585) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 16:05:14 Server: Object 4:77 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:05:14 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 1x L110A1_CCO_DZ from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 2,500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:05:14 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - [MIR]Arti(76561198336060814)"
2018/11/05, 16:05:14 "<infiSTAR.de> Player-Log: [MIR]Arti(76561198336060814) - 0h 02min"
2018/11/05, 16:05:17 "#LOGIN#: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 connected!"
2018/11/05, 16:05:20 "INFO - Player: PID#6([MIR]Arti)(UID:76561198336060814/CID:5714) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 16:05:20 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player [MIR]Arti with UID 76561198336060814 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 16:05:20 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player [MIR]Arti with UID 76561198336060814 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 16:05:20 "INFO - Player: PID#6([MIR]Arti)(UID:76561198336060814/CID:5714) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Поляна [104068]"
2018/11/05, 16:05:29 Server: Object 4:78 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:05:29 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 1x SCAR_L_STD_Mk4CQT from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 400 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:05:29 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 1x M14_DZ from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:05:29 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 1x M4A1_DZ from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 400 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:05:30 "INFO - Player: [MIR]Arti(UID:76561198336060814/CID:5714) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 16:05:36 "#LOGIN#: Player [MIR]Arti with ID 76561198336060814 connected!"
2018/11/05, 16:05:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.7143. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.7143."
2018/11/05, 16:05:59 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 4, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:06:01 "#FPSFixer: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 FPS: 57 in coords: [4850.3,10265.9,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:06:09 Server: Object 4:96 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:06:09 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 1x PKM_DZ from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:06:19 "#FPSFixer: Player [MIR]Arti with ID 76561198336060814 FPS: 31 in coords: [10409.7,8550.33,0.00152588] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:06:21 Server: Object 4:98 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:06:21 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 1x SCAR_L_CQC from vehicle at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 300 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:06:21 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 1x SVD_des_EP1 from vehicle at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:06:21 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 1x AK74_Kobra_DZ from vehicle at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 550 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:06:21 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 1x L85A2_DZ from vehicle at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 300 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:06:21 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 2x Bizon_DZ from vehicle at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 400 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:06:21 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 2x SA58_RIS_DZ from vehicle at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 700 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:06:38 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: TT650_TK_CIV_EP1 (objid: 16830) UNLOCKED @104068 [10406.9,8535.97,0.00126648]"
2018/11/05, 16:06:39 Server: Object 4:99 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:06:39 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 1x 20Rnd_762x51_DMR from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 300 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:06:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.4545. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.4545."
2018/11/05, 16:06:55 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-B:2 ([MIR]Arti) REMOTE is complete, player name is [MIR]Arti in coords [10410.2,8534.19,0]."
2018/11/05, 16:06:57 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-C:1 (prizrak65) REMOTE is complete, player name is prizrak65 in coords [4853.27,10255.5,0]."
2018/11/05, 16:06:59 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 4, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:07:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 13 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/05, 16:07:59 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.584, players: 4, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:08:04 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Starting ..."
2018/11/05, 16:08:05 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 4, FPS 45.584, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 16:08:05 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 13, West Units (Players): 4, East Units (AI): 9, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 3, SERVER FPS: 45.584 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:08:11 Server: Object 3:41 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:08:11 "Trader Menu: Nikita  (76561198394535192) sold 1x M40A3_Gh_DZ from vehicle at торговую зону Клена! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 700 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:08:11 "Trader Menu: Nikita  (76561198394535192) sold 1x M24_des_EP1 from vehicle at торговую зону Клена! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 600 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:08:11 "Trader Menu: Nikita  (76561198394535192) sold 1x SVD_PSO1_DZ from vehicle at торговую зону Клена! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:08:11 "Trader Menu: Nikita  (76561198394535192) sold 1x M14_CCO_DZ from vehicle at торговую зону Клена! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,300 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:08:38 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Nikita  with ID 76561198394535192 try deposit to bank 5250 ... now Nikita  has COINS:0, BANK:41425 "
2018/11/05, 16:08:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 7 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 16:08:59 ["HEARDSOMETHING# Started..."]
2018/11/05, 16:08:59 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 5, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:09:00 "TREASURE EVENT# Players online: 5, starting event ..."
2018/11/05, 16:09:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 3 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 2 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/05, 16:09:53 Server: Object 4:148 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:09:53 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 1x KSVK_DZE from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 2,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:09:55 "EVENTSHAKER# Start MINOR Mission SM10 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:09:55 "MISSION - MINOR 10 - Start"
2018/11/05, 16:10:00 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.8453, players: 5, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:10:26 Server: Object 4:180 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:10:26 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 2x ItemJerrycanEmpty from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 2 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:10:32 Server: Object 4:185 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:10:32 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 2x ItemJerrycanEmpty from vehicle at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 2 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:10:38 Server: Object 4:186 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:10:38 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 1x ItemSandbag from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 30 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:10:38 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Gambl(76561198208023211)"
2018/11/05, 16:10:38 "<infiSTAR.de> Player-Log: Gambl(76561198208023211) - 0h 09min"
2018/11/05, 16:10:42 "INFO - Player: PID#7(Gambl)(UID:76561198208023211/CID:5692) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 16:10:42 Server: Object 7:23 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:10:42 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Gambl with UID 76561198208023211 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 16:10:42 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Gambl with UID 76561198208023211 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 16:10:42 "INFO - Player: PID#7(Gambl)(UID:76561198208023211/CID:5692) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location ВПП [048128]"
2018/11/05, 16:10:44 "Bike packed by player [MIR]Arti in coords [10697.3,10737.8,-0.301682] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:10:44 Client: Object 6:47 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 16:10:44 Client: Object 6:47 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 16:10:44 Client: Object 6:48 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 16:10:44 Client: Object 6:48 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 16:10:44 "server_updateObject.sqf _object null or nil, could not update object"
2018/11/05, 16:10:44 Client: Object 6:47 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 16:10:47 "INFO - Player: Gambl(UID:76561198208023211/CID:5692) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 16:10:48 "<infiSTAR.de> SLOG: Gambl (76561198208023211) | Menu Checks are broken!"
2018/11/05, 16:10:48 "<infiSTAR.de> SLOG: Gambl (76561198208023211) | Menu Checks are broken!"
2018/11/05, 16:10:48 "["PVAHR_0_a90786d2d751b854b5d2039",["Gambl","76561198208023211","SLOG",[77,101,110,117,32,67,104,101,99,107,115,32,97,114,101,32,98,114,111,107,101,110,33]]]"
2018/11/05, 16:10:48 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Gambl(76561198208023211)"
2018/11/05, 16:10:48 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is not in playableUnits. ["76561198208023211","Gambl"]"
2018/11/05, 16:10:48 Client: Remote object 7:17 not found
2018/11/05, 16:10:48 Client: Remote object 7:22 not found
2018/11/05, 16:10:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.8453. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.8453."
2018/11/05, 16:11:00 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.8453, players: 5, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:11:09 Server: Object 5:110 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:11:09 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 2x ItemGPS from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:11:17 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player AlexXxandeR with ID 76561198066565697 try deposit to bank 14001 ... now AlexXxandeR has COINS:1136, BANK:23123 "
2018/11/05, 16:11:24 "EVENTSHAKER# Start MAJOR Mission SM6 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:11:24 "MISSION - MAJOR 6 - Start"
2018/11/05, 16:11:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/05, 16:12:00 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 5, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:12:04 Server: Object 5:111 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:12:04 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x M24_des_EP1 from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 600 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:12:04 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x M240_DZ from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,800 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:12:10 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Gambl(76561198208023211)"
2018/11/05, 16:12:12 "INFO - Player: PID#7(Gambl)(UID:76561198208023211/CID:5692) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 16:12:12 Server: Object 7:52 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:12:12 Server: Object 7:53 not found (message 98)
2018/11/05, 16:12:12 Server: Object 7:54 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 16:12:12 Server: Object 7:55 not found (message 98)
2018/11/05, 16:12:12 Server: Object 7:56 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 16:12:12 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Gambl with UID 76561198208023211 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 16:12:12 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Gambl with UID 76561198208023211 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 16:12:12 "INFO - Player: PID#7(Gambl)(UID:76561198208023211/CID:5692) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location ВПП [048128]"
2018/11/05, 16:12:15 "INFO - Player: Gambl(UID:76561198208023211/CID:5692) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 16:12:28 "#LOGIN#: Player Gambl with ID 76561198208023211 connected!"
2018/11/05, 16:12:30 Server: Object 5:114 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:12:30 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 2x 100Rnd_762x51_M240 from gear at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 600 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:12:33 Server: Object 4:215 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:12:33 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) purchased 1x ItemAntibiotic into backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 600 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:12:33 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) purchased 1x ItemMorphine into backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:12:33 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) purchased 2x ItemBloodbag into backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:12:33 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) purchased 3x ItemPainkiller into backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 60 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:12:48 Server: Object 5:115 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:12:48 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 10x 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:12:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/05, 16:12:52 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player AlexXxandeR with ID 76561198066565697 try withdraw from bank 2001 ... now AlexXxandeR has COINS:2177, BANK:21122 "
2018/11/05, 16:13:01 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 5, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:13:01 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a SOLDIERS HELI - at position [14282.1,2595.89]"
2018/11/05, 16:13:01 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a SOLDIERS HELI - at position [14282.1,2475.89]"
2018/11/05, 16:13:12 "#FPSFixer: Player Gambl with ID 76561198208023211 FPS: 35 in coords: [4803.01,2474.36,0.00135994] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:13:14 Server: Object 4:231 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:13:14 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) purchased 2x ItemBandage into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 60 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:13:37 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 try deposit to bank 4000 ... now prizrak65 has COINS:78, BANK:31610 "
2018/11/05, 16:13:40 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Nikita  with ID 76561198394535192 try withdraw from bank 20000 ... now Nikita  has COINS:20000, BANK:21425 "
2018/11/05, 16:13:43 Server: Object 6:61 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:13:43 "Trader Menu: [MIR]Arti (76561198336060814) sold 1x ItemVault from gear at торговую зону Клена! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 5,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:13:48 Server: Object 6:62 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:13:48 "Trader Menu: [MIR]Arti (76561198336060814) sold 1x ItemVault from backpack at торговую зону Клена! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 5,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:13:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 16 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/05, 16:14:01 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.1976, players: 5, AI units: 15 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:14:09 Server: Object 6:64 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:14:09 "Trader Menu: [MIR]Arti (76561198336060814) purchased 1x ItemAntibiotic into gear at торговую зону Клена! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 600 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:14:09 "Trader Menu: [MIR]Arti (76561198336060814) purchased 1x ItemPainkiller into gear at торговую зону Клена! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 20 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:14:09 "Trader Menu: [MIR]Arti (76561198336060814) purchased 1x ItemMorphine into gear at торговую зону Клена! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:14:38 Server: Object 6:67 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:14:38 "Trader Menu: [MIR]Arti (76561198336060814) purchased 1x 20Rnd_762x51_B_SCAR into gear at торговую зону Клена! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 600 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:14:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 44.5682. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 44.5682."
2018/11/05, 16:15:01 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 5, AI units: 15 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:15:18 Server: Object 7:186 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:15:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.584. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 8 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 4 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.584."
2018/11/05, 16:16:02 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 5, AI units: 15 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:16:46 "HEARDSOMETHING# Make shoot sounds near player AlexXxandeR in 643 metres with ["DMR_DZ","20Rnd_762x51_DMR"] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:16:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 16:16:52 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - МР.KOT(76561198088233186)"
2018/11/05, 16:16:52 "<infiSTAR.de> Player-Log: МР.KOT(76561198088233186) - 0h 16min"
2018/11/05, 16:16:55 "INFO - Player: PID#8(МР.KOT)(UID:76561198088233186/CID:5704) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 16:16:55 Server: Object 8:23 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:16:55 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player МР.KOT with UID 76561198088233186 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 16:16:55 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player МР.KOT with UID 76561198088233186 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 16:16:55 "INFO - Player: PID#8(МР.KOT)(UID:76561198088233186/CID:5704) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Новый Собор [072077]"
2018/11/05, 16:16:57 "INFO - Player: МР.KOT(UID:76561198088233186/CID:5704) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 16:17:02 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 6, AI units: 15 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:17:11 "#LOGIN#: Player МР.KOT with ID 76561198088233186 connected!"
2018/11/05, 16:17:25 Server: Object 5:135 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:17:25 Server: Object 5:136 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:17:25 Server: Object 5:137 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:17:26 Server: Object 5:139 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:17:26 Server: Object 5:140 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:17:26 Server: Object 5:141 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:17:26 Server: Object 5:146 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:17:26 Server: Object 5:145 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:17:26 Server: Object 5:147 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:17:26 Server: Object 5:148 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:17:26 Server: Object 5:149 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:17:26 Server: Object 5:153 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:17:26 Server: Object 5:150 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:17:26 Server: Object 5:151 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:17:26 Server: Object 5:152 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:17:26 Server: Object 5:155 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:17:26 Server: Object 5:154 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:17:26 Server: Object 5:156 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:17:26 Server: Object 5:157 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:17:26 Server: Object 5:160 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:17:26 Server: Object 5:158 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:17:26 Server: Object 5:159 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:17:26 Server: Object 5:161 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:17:26 Server: Object 5:162 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:17:26 "Bike packed by player prizrak65 in coords [4077.29,10783.3,0.0190125] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:17:26 Client: Object 5:163 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 16:17:26 Client: Object 5:164 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 16:17:26 Client: Object 5:164 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 16:17:26 Client: Object 5:163 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 16:17:26 "server_updateObject.sqf _object null or nil, could not update object"
2018/11/05, 16:17:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/05, 16:17:55 "#FPSFixer: Player МР.KOT with ID 76561198088233186 FPS: 18 in coords: [7254.89,7646.81,0.00140381] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:18:02 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 6, AI units: 15 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:18:10 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 6, FPS 46.7836, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 16:18:10 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 21, West Units (Players): 6, East Units (AI): 15, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 24, SERVER FPS: 46.7836 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:18:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.1976. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 8 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.1976."
2018/11/05, 16:18:59 "P1ayer PID#6([MIR]Arti) hit by PID#3(Nikita ) with CH_47F_EP1_DZE from 2 meters in  for 0.00415934 damage"
2018/11/05, 16:19:03 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 6, AI units: 15 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:19:27 "CRASHSPAWNER: Spawning crash site (CrashSite_RU) at [7506.11,4824.83,0] with 11 items."
2018/11/05, 16:19:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.7612. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 8 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.7612."
2018/11/05, 16:19:49 "#FPSFixer: Player Nikita  with ID 76561198394535192 FPS: 34 in coords: [12925.3,12747.8,0.00160217] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:19:57 "#FPSFixer: Player AlexXxandeR with ID 76561198066565697 FPS: 60 in coords: [6340.36,7790.37,-0.00747681] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:20:03 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.3373, players: 6, AI units: 15 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:20:03 Server: Object 6:80 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:20:03 "DELETE: Player PID#6([MIR]Arti)(76561198336060814) deleted object with ID: 16835"
2018/11/05, 16:20:03 "Trader Menu: [MIR]Arti (76561198336060814) sold 1x CH_47F_EP1_DZE from gear at зону торговли Героев for 20,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:20:24 Server: Object 6:81 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:20:25 "**** server_verifySender **** [[271,[12915.7,12760.8,0.00289917]],"UH1H_DZE",false,"ItemKeyBlue1727",B 1-1-B:2 ([MIR]Arti) REMOTE,"evEnQgbAfg4my"] * PublishVehicle2 * [12915.7,12760.8,0.00289917] * evEnQgbAfg4my * 76561198336060814 * B 1-1-B:2 ([MIR]Arti) REMOTE ****"
2018/11/05, 16:20:25 "PUBLISH: PID#6([MIR]Arti)(76561198336060814) bought UH1H_DZE with UID 14127271127611211 @Ольша [129025]"
2018/11/05, 16:20:25 "Trader Menu: [MIR]Arti (76561198336060814) purchased 1x UH1H_DZE into gear at зону торговли Героев for 20,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:20:36 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: UH1H_DZE (objid: 16853) UNLOCKED @129025 [12915.7,12760.6,0.0090332]"
2018/11/05, 16:20:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.1976. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.1976."
2018/11/05, 16:21:01 Server: Object 6:84 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:21:01 "Trader Menu: [MIR]Arti (76561198336060814) sold 1x 100Rnd_127x99_M2 from backpack at зону торговли Героев for 1,500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:21:01 "Trader Menu: [MIR]Arti (76561198336060814) sold 1x m107_DZ from backpack at зону торговли Героев for 8,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:21:01 "Trader Menu: [MIR]Arti (76561198336060814) sold 1x BAF_LRR_scoped from backpack at зону торговли Героев for 3,500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:21:01 "Trader Menu: [MIR]Arti (76561198336060814) sold 5x 10Rnd_127x99_m107 from backpack at зону торговли Героев for 3,500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:21:01 "Trader Menu: [MIR]Arti (76561198336060814) sold 3x 5Rnd_86x70_L115A1 from backpack at зону торговли Героев for 1,200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:21:03 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 6, AI units: 15 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:21:05 Server: Object 4:325 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 16:21:09 "#FPSFixer: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 FPS: 61 in coords: [4098.15,10742.9,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:21:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 13 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 7 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 16:21:50 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - AlexXxandeR(76561198066565697)"
2018/11/05, 16:21:50 "INFO - Player: AlexXxandeR(UID:76561198066565697/CID:5673) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location Старый Собор [063075]"
2018/11/05, 16:21:50 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: AlexXxandeR with uid 76561198066565697 disconnected ..."
2018/11/05, 16:21:50 Client: Remote object 4:0 not found
2018/11/05, 16:21:50 Client: Remote object 4:22 not found
2018/11/05, 16:21:50 Client: Object 7:306 (type Type_149) not found.
2018/11/05, 16:21:50 Client: Object 8:76 (type Type_149) not found.
2018/11/05, 16:22:04 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 5, AI units: 15 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:22:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 20 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 5 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/05, 16:22:58 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: UH1H_DZE (objid: 16853) LOCKED @114039 ([11421.2,11368.7,-0.0730286]) [11421.2,11368.7,-0.0730286] BY Nikita (76561198394535192)"
2018/11/05, 16:22:58 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: UH1H_DZE (objid: 16853) UNLOCKED @114039 ([11421.2,11368.7,-0.0728455]) [11421.2,11368.7,-0.0728455] BY Nikita (76561198394535192)"
2018/11/05, 16:23:04 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 5, AI units: 15 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:23:08 Server: Object 6:86 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:23:08 "Trader Menu: [MIR]Arti (76561198336060814) purchased 2x FoodMRE into gear at торговую зону Клена! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:23:19 Server: Object 6:87 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:23:19 "Trader Menu: [MIR]Arti (76561198336060814) purchased 2x 20Rnd_762x51_B_SCAR into gear at торговую зону Клена! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:23:25 Server: Object 3:54 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:23:25 "Trader Menu: Nikita  (76561198394535192) purchased 4x 100Rnd_762x51_M240 into gear at торговую зону Клена! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 4,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:23:34 Server: Object 6:90 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:23:34 "Trader Menu: [MIR]Arti (76561198336060814) purchased 1x ItemBloodbag into gear at торговую зону Клена! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:23:40 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Nikita  with ID 76561198394535192 try deposit to bank 16000 ... now Nikita  has COINS:0, BANK:37425 "
2018/11/05, 16:23:41 "#FPSFixer: Player [MIR]Arti with ID 76561198336060814 FPS: 30 in coords: [11460.4,11340.9,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:23:45 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: UH1H_DZE (objid: 16853) LOCKED @114039 ([11421.8,11368.1,-0.0594177]) [11421.8,11368.1,-0.0594177] BY Nikita (76561198394535192)"
2018/11/05, 16:23:47 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: UH1H_DZE (objid: 16853) UNLOCKED @114039 ([11421.8,11368.1,-0.0588379]) [11421.8,11368.1,-0.0588379] BY Nikita (76561198394535192)"
2018/11/05, 16:23:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.6322. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.6322."
2018/11/05, 16:23:52 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player [MIR]Arti with ID 76561198336060814 try deposit to bank 24880 ... now [MIR]Arti has COINS:0, BANK:46698 "
2018/11/05, 16:24:04 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.1928, players: 6, AI units: 15 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:24:16 "P1ayer PID#7(Gambl) hit by AI with UH1H_DZ from 218 meters in head_hit for 0.1594 damage"
2018/11/05, 16:24:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 10 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 47 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/05, 16:25:00 "MISSION - MAJOR 6 - Activated - player in 1200m, spawning crates and additional AI"
2018/11/05, 16:25:00 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - Begin"
2018/11/05, 16:25:00 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - End"
2018/11/05, 16:25:01 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - Begin"
2018/11/05, 16:25:01 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - End"
2018/11/05, 16:25:01 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6076.64,3006.93,0]"
2018/11/05, 16:25:01 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of BANDITS - 1 Infantry, 2 Stormtrooper, 3 Sniper, 1 Boss, 1 Elite 1 Nuker at position [6085.33,3013.53,0]"
2018/11/05, 16:25:02 Duplicate weapon ItemGPS detected for RUS_Soldier_Sab
2018/11/05, 16:25:05 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.6322, players: 6, AI units: 25 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:25:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.1976. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.1976."
2018/11/05, 16:25:57 "MISSION - MAJOR 6 - Players moved away without contact, performing partial cleaning"
2018/11/05, 16:26:05 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 6, AI units: 15 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:26:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.7143. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 8 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.7143."
2018/11/05, 16:27:05 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 6, AI units: 15 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:27:46 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/05, 16:27:46 "SOLDIER AI (air) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Nikita  from 37.1896m"
2018/11/05, 16:27:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.3373. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 4 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.3373."
2018/11/05, 16:28:05 Server: Object 3:56 not found (message 69)
2018/11/05, 16:28:05 Server: Object 3:57 not found (message 69)
2018/11/05, 16:28:05 "DELETE: PUID(76561198394535192) requested destroy on object UH1H_DZE ID:16853 UID:0"
2018/11/05, 16:28:05 Server: Object 3:60 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:28:05 Client: Object 3:57 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 16:28:06 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 49.2308, players: 6, AI units: 14 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:28:14 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 6, FPS 36.7816, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 16:28:14 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 19, West Units (Players): 5, East Units (AI): 14, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 18, SERVER FPS: 36.7816 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:28:19 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - AlexXxandeR(76561198066565697)"
2018/11/05, 16:28:22 "INFO - Player: PID#9(AlexXxandeR)(UID:76561198066565697/CID:5673) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 16:28:22 Server: Object 9:23 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:28:22 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player AlexXxandeR with UID 76561198066565697 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 16:28:22 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player AlexXxandeR with UID 76561198066565697 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 16:28:23 "INFO - Player: PID#9(AlexXxandeR)(UID:76561198066565697/CID:5673) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Старый Собор [063075]"
2018/11/05, 16:28:37 Server: Object 7:418 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:28:37 "Trader Menu: Gambl (76561198208023211) sold 1x 1Rnd_HE_M203 from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:28:40 "INFO - Player: AlexXxandeR(UID:76561198066565697/CID:5673) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 16:28:41 "#LOGIN#: Player AlexXxandeR with ID 76561198066565697 connected!"
2018/11/05, 16:28:42 Server: Object 7:421 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:28:42 "Trader Menu: Gambl (76561198208023211) sold 1x Attachment_GP25 from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 400 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:28:42 "Trader Menu: Gambl (76561198208023211) sold 1x Attachment_PSO1 from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:28:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 8 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 16:28:59 Server: Object 7:432 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:28:59 "Trader Menu: Gambl (76561198208023211) sold 1x SVD_PSO1_Gh_DZ from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:29:06 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.0588, players: 6, AI units: 14 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:29:07 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player AlexXxandeR with ID 76561198066565697 try withdraw from bank 151 ... now AlexXxandeR has COINS:268, BANK:20971 "
2018/11/05, 16:29:22 "#FPSFixer: Player AlexXxandeR with ID 76561198066565697 FPS: 58 in coords: [6340.36,7790.39,-0.00698853] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:29:30 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/05, 16:29:30 "SOLDIER AI (air) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by МР.KOT from 149.547m"
2018/11/05, 16:29:34 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/05, 16:29:34 "SOLDIER AI (air) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by [MIR]Arti from 58.6671m"
2018/11/05, 16:29:38 Server: Object 7:440 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:29:38 "Trader Menu: Gambl (76561198208023211) sold 1x 200Rnd_556x45_M249 from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:29:38 "Trader Menu: Gambl (76561198208023211) sold 1x 75Rnd_545x39_RPK from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 150 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:29:38 "Trader Menu: Gambl (76561198208023211) sold 1x 100Rnd_556x45_M249 from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 300 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:29:38 "Trader Menu: Gambl (76561198208023211) sold 1x 50Rnd_762x54_UK59 from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:29:38 "Trader Menu: Gambl (76561198208023211) sold 2x 100Rnd_762x51_M240 from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 600 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:29:38 "Trader Menu: Gambl (76561198208023211) sold 2x 10Rnd_762x54_SVD from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 300 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:29:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.048. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.048."
2018/11/05, 16:29:59 "MISSION - MINOR 10 - Timeout"
2018/11/05, 16:30:03 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Gambl with ID 76561198208023211 try deposit to bank 4250 ... now Gambl has COINS:0, BANK:121809 "
2018/11/05, 16:30:04 "MISSION - MINOR 10 - Cleaning completed"
2018/11/05, 16:30:06 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 6, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:30:06 "MISSION - MINOR 10 - End"
2018/11/05, 16:30:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 14 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 16:30:49 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Nikita  with UID 76561198394535192 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 16:30:49 Server: Object info 3:22 not found during Changing Owner
2018/11/05, 16:30:49 Server: Object info 3:21 not found during Changing Owner
2018/11/05, 16:31:02 "EVENTSHAKER# MINOR Mission SM10 completed ..."
2018/11/05, 16:31:07 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 6, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:31:16 "#FPSFixer: Player Gambl with ID 76561198208023211 FPS: 29 in coords: [6351.07,7774.38,22.3505] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:31:24 "MISSION - MAJOR 6 - Timeout"
2018/11/05, 16:31:25 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-B:1 (Nikita ) REMOTE is complete, player name is Nikita  in coords [6811.6,5942.09,0]."
2018/11/05, 16:31:26 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Set new date to [2012,8,2,11,0] with message: А вот и день...."
2018/11/05, 16:31:29 "MISSION - MAJOR 6 - Cleaning completed"
2018/11/05, 16:31:31 "MISSION - MAJOR 6 - End"
2018/11/05, 16:31:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/05, 16:32:07 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 6, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:32:24 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-B:2 ([MIR]Arti) REMOTE is complete, player name is [MIR]Arti in coords [6948.95,5984.53,0]."
2018/11/05, 16:32:31 "EVENTSHAKER# MAJOR Mission SM6 completed ..."
2018/11/05, 16:32:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.1976. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 9 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.1976."
2018/11/05, 16:32:56 "Bike packed by player МР.KOT in coords [7174.32,6016.8,0.0513306] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:32:56 Server: Object 2:2841 not found (message 25)
2018/11/05, 16:32:56 Client: Object 6:107 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 16:32:56 Client: Object 6:107 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 16:32:56 Client: Object 6:106 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 16:32:56 Client: Object 6:106 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 16:32:56 "server_updateObject.sqf _object null or nil, could not update object"
2018/11/05, 16:33:07 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.3373, players: 6, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:33:37 "P1ayer PID#8(МР.KOT) hit by PID#6([MIR]Arti) with SCAR_H_LNG_Sniper/B_762x51_noTracer <ammo left:15> from 78 meters in head_hit for 0 damage"
2018/11/05, 16:33:42 "P1ayer PID#6([MIR]Arti) hit by PID#8(МР.KOT) with m240_scoped_EP1_DZE/B_762x51_Ball <ammo left:59> from 67 meters in head_hit for 0.0322341 damage"
2018/11/05, 16:33:45 "Player UID#76561198336060814 CID#5714 PID#6([MIR]Arti) as Survivor2_DZ died at Вышное [072093]"
2018/11/05, 16:33:45 "DeathMessage: [MIR]Arti был убит игроком МР.KOT с m240_scoped_EP1_DZE с расстояния 65м"
2018/11/05, 16:33:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 9 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 14 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/05, 16:33:55 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Gambl with ID 76561198208023211 try withdraw from bank 3000 ... now Gambl has COINS:3000, BANK:118809 "
2018/11/05, 16:33:57 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - [MIR]Arti(76561198336060814)"
2018/11/05, 16:33:57 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is not in playableUnits. ["76561198336060814","[MIR]Arti"]"
2018/11/05, 16:33:57 Client: Remote object 6:17 not found
2018/11/05, 16:34:08 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.7143, players: 6, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:34:36 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - [MIR]Arti(76561198336060814)"
2018/11/05, 16:34:40 "INFO - Player: PID#6([MIR]Arti)(UID:76561198336060814/CID:5716) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 16:34:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 1 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 9 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 5 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 22 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 16:34:50 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Nikita  with ID 76561198394535192 try withdraw from bank 4000 ... now Nikita  has COINS:4000, BANK:33425 "
2018/11/05, 16:34:57 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player [MIR]Arti with UID 76561198336060814 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 16:34:57 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player [MIR]Arti with UID 76561198336060814 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 16:34:57 "INFO - Player: PID#6([MIR]Arti)(UID:76561198336060814/CID:5716) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Балота [044127]"
2018/11/05, 16:35:07 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: hilux1_civil_1_open_DZE (objid: 16828) UNLOCKED @048050 [4846,10323.6,0.00650024]"
2018/11/05, 16:35:08 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.3373, players: 6, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:35:11 "INFO - Player: [MIR]Arti(UID:76561198336060814/CID:5716) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 16:35:11 "#LOGIN#: Player [MIR]Arti with ID 76561198336060814 connected!"
2018/11/05, 16:35:27 Server: Object 3:115 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:35:27 "**** server_verifySender **** [[245,[6292.99,7806.43,0.000152588]],"SUV_Camo",false,"ItemKeyBlack1928",B 1-1-B:1 (Nikita ) REMOTE,"Hhbm1WI!ZePIL"] * PublishVehicle2 * [6292.99,7806.43,0.000152588] * Hhbm1WI!ZePIL * 76561198394535192 * B 1-1-B:1 (Nikita ) REMOTE ****"
2018/11/05, 16:35:27 "PUBLISH: PID#3(Nikita )(76561198394535192) bought SUV_Camo with UID 840624578062113 @Старый Собор [062075]"
2018/11/05, 16:35:27 "Trader Menu: Nikita  (76561198394535192) purchased 1x SUV_Camo into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 4,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:35:31 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_Camo (objid: 16854) UNLOCKED @062075 [6292.98,7806.42,0.000274658]"
2018/11/05, 16:35:41 "#FPSFixer: Player [MIR]Arti with ID 76561198336060814 FPS: 36 in coords: [4440.43,2632.36,0.00139475] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:35:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 1 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 1 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 7 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 12 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 16:36:08 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.9042, players: 6, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:36:13 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: hilux1_civil_1_open_DZE (objid: 16828) LOCKED @048050 [4846,10323.6,0.00650024]"
2018/11/05, 16:36:32 Server: Object 5:390 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:36:32 Server: Object 5:389 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:36:32 Server: Object 5:388 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:36:32 Server: Object 5:407 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:36:32 Server: Object 5:412 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:36:32 Server: Object 5:411 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:36:32 Server: Object 5:408 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:36:32 Server: Object 5:409 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:36:32 Server: Object 5:410 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:36:32 Server: Object 5:414 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:36:32 Server: Object 5:413 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:36:32 Server: Object 5:419 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:36:32 Server: Object 5:417 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:36:32 Server: Object 5:418 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:36:32 Server: Object 5:416 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:36:32 Server: Object 5:415 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:36:32 Server: Object 5:422 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:36:32 Server: Object 5:424 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:36:32 Server: Object 5:423 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:36:32 Server: Object 5:420 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:36:32 Server: Object 5:421 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:36:32 Server: Object 5:426 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:36:32 Server: Object 5:425 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:36:33 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-B:2 ([MIR]Arti) REMOTE is complete, player name is [MIR]Arti in coords [4441.87,2633.85,0]."
2018/11/05, 16:36:41 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-E:1 (Gambl) REMOTE is complete, player name is Gambl in coords [7228.4,7667.96,0]."
2018/11/05, 16:36:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 12 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 16:37:09 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.3373, players: 6, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:37:13 "#FPSFixer: Player Nikita  with ID 76561198394535192 FPS: 24 in coords: [7581.95,7477.76,0.00222778] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:37:15 "#FPSFixer: Player МР.KOT with ID 76561198088233186 FPS: 29 in coords: [7229.76,6013.26,0.0015564] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:37:22 "#FPSFixer: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 FPS: 22 in coords: [4844.18,10265.4,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:37:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 8 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 16:38:08 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Sync date on clients to [2012,8,2,11,6]."
2018/11/05, 16:38:09 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 6, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:38:19 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 6, FPS 47.619, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 16:38:19 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 18, West Units (Players): 6, East Units (AI): 12, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 9, SERVER FPS: 47.619 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:38:39 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Gambl with ID 76561198208023211 try withdraw from bank 4400 ... now Gambl has COINS:7400, BANK:114409 "
2018/11/05, 16:38:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.3373. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.3373."
2018/11/05, 16:38:52 Server: Object 7:567 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:38:52 "Trader Menu: Gambl (76561198208023211) purchased 1x ItemPainkiller into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 20 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:38:56 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-C:1 (prizrak65) REMOTE is complete, player name is prizrak65 in coords [4843.21,10251.7,0]."
2018/11/05, 16:39:09 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 6, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:39:17 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16763) LOCKED @063075 ([6338.05,7796.15,0]) [6338.05,7796.15,0] BY AlexXxandeR(76561198066565697)"
2018/11/05, 16:39:18 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16763) UNLOCKED @063075 ([6338.05,7796.15,0]) [6338.05,7796.15,0] BY AlexXxandeR(76561198066565697)"
2018/11/05, 16:39:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 11 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 7 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/05, 16:40:10 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 7, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:40:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 1 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 10 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 14 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 16:41:10 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 7, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:41:48 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - RemBoSS(76561198090089125)"
2018/11/05, 16:41:48 "<infiSTAR.de> Player-Log: RemBoSS(76561198090089125) - 0h 41min"
2018/11/05, 16:41:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.3373. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 7 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.3373."
2018/11/05, 16:42:01 "INFO - Player: PID#10(RemBoSS)(UID:76561198090089125/CID:5663) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 16:42:01 Server: Object 10:23 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:42:01 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player RemBoSS with UID 76561198090089125 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 16:42:01 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player RemBoSS with UID 76561198090089125 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 16:42:01 "INFO - Player: PID#10(RemBoSS)(UID:76561198090089125/CID:5663) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Ольша [129025]"
2018/11/05, 16:42:07 "INFO - Player: RemBoSS(UID:76561198090089125/CID:5663) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 16:42:10 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.3373, players: 7, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:42:17 "#LOGIN#: Player RemBoSS with ID 76561198090089125 connected!"
2018/11/05, 16:42:45 Server: Object 5:487 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:42:45 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 2x ItemGPS from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:42:45 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 4x Binocular from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 120 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:42:45 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 2x NVGoggles_DZE from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:42:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/05, 16:43:01 "#FPSFixer: Player RemBoSS with ID 76561198090089125 FPS: 13 in coords: [12915.8,12767.6,0.00141907] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:43:10 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.3373, players: 7, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:43:14 Server: Object 5:488 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:43:14 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x SCAR_L_CQC_CCO_SD from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 800 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:43:14 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x SCAR_L_STD_EGLM_RCO from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 700 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:43:14 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 2x Attachment_SCOPED from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 400 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:43:14 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 2x AK74_Kobra_DZ from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:43:34 Server: Object 5:489 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:43:34 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x 30Rnd_545x39_AK from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 50 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:43:34 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x 30Rnd_762x39_SA58 from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 35 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:43:45 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Gambl with ID 76561198208023211 try deposit to bank 2380 ... now Gambl has COINS:0, BANK:116789 "
2018/11/05, 16:43:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 16:44:11 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.3373, players: 7, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:44:15 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 try deposit to bank 4000 ... now prizrak65 has COINS:783, BANK:35610 "
2018/11/05, 16:44:24 "EVENTSHAKER# Start MINOR Mission SM9 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:44:24 "MISSION - MINOR 9 - Start"
2018/11/05, 16:44:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 4 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 16:45:11 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.9042, players: 7, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:45:34 "Bike packed by player prizrak65 in coords [4115.7,11636.2,0.0269165] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:45:35 Client: Object 5:493 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 16:45:35 Client: Object 5:494 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 16:45:35 Client: Object 5:494 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 16:45:35 Client: Object 5:493 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 16:45:35 "server_updateObject.sqf _object null or nil, could not update object"
2018/11/05, 16:45:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 8 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 16:46:11 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.0588, players: 8, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:46:30 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers(76561198411562871)"
2018/11/05, 16:46:30 "<infiSTAR.de> Player-Log: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers(76561198411562871) - 0h 45min"
2018/11/05, 16:46:41 "INFO - Player: PID#11(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers)(UID:76561198411562871/CID:5628) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 16:46:41 Server: Object 11:23 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:46:41 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with UID 76561198411562871 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 16:46:41 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with UID 76561198411562871 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 16:46:41 "INFO - Player: PID#11(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers)(UID:76561198411562871/CID:5628) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Старый Собор [063075]"
2018/11/05, 16:46:42 "#FPSFixer: Player AlexXxandeR with ID 76561198066565697 FPS: 60 in coords: [6227.9,7783,-0.0177917] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:46:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 10 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 16:46:54 "INFO - Player: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers(UID:76561198411562871/CID:5628) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 16:46:57 "#LOGIN#: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 connected!"
2018/11/05, 16:47:12 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.048, players: 8, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:47:41 "#FPSFixer: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 FPS: 28 in coords: [6331.5,7789.95,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:47:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 9 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 60 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 16:48:02 "#FPSFixer: Player Gambl with ID 76561198208023211 FPS: 29 in coords: [6325.67,7680.01,0.0476379] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:48:07 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 try withdraw from bank 2000 ... now Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers has COINS:2000, BANK:120455 "
2018/11/05, 16:48:12 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 8, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:48:23 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 8, FPS 47.7612, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 16:48:23 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 20, West Units (Players): 8, East Units (AI): 12, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 2, SERVER FPS: 47.7612 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:48:27 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_Camo (objid: 16854) LOCKED @045047 ([4519.92,10568.6,0]) [4519.92,10568.6,0] BY Nikita (76561198394535192)"
2018/11/05, 16:48:39 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) purchased 1x Attachment_ACOG into backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,400 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:48:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.7612. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 9 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.7612."
2018/11/05, 16:48:52 "Bike packed by player [MIR]Arti in coords [6360.17,7779.55,-0.61145] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:48:52 Client: Object 6:180 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 16:48:52 Client: Object 6:180 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 16:48:52 Client: Object 6:181 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 16:48:52 Client: Object 6:181 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 16:48:52 "server_updateObject.sqf _object null or nil, could not update object"
2018/11/05, 16:49:00 "EVENTSHAKER# Start MAJOR Mission SM7 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:49:00 "MISSION - MAJOR 7 - Start"
2018/11/05, 16:49:09 Server: Object 11:97 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:49:09 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) purchased 1x ItemBandage into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 30 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:49:09 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) purchased 1x ItemBloodbag into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:49:12 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.1928, players: 8, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:49:16 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_Camo (objid: 16854) UNLOCKED @045047 ([4519.92,10568.6,0]) [4519.92,10568.6,0] BY Nikita (76561198394535192)"
2018/11/05, 16:49:17 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) purchased 1x ItemMorphine into backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:49:39 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-I:1 (Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers) REMOTE is complete, player name is Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers in coords [6377.46,7786.2,0]."
2018/11/05, 16:49:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.7612. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.7612."
2018/11/05, 16:50:13 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.1928, players: 8, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:50:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 16:50:59 "BANDITS BASE - CREATING TURRETS"
2018/11/05, 16:50:59 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6920.68,11351.9,10.9464]"
2018/11/05, 16:50:59 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6930.23,11361.6,10.7948]"
2018/11/05, 16:50:59 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6889.56,11456.8,2.53463]"
2018/11/05, 16:50:59 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6912.13,11439.7,4.50708]"
2018/11/05, 16:50:59 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6890.38,11367.7,2.30887]"
2018/11/05, 16:50:59 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6861.01,11500,10.7375]"
2018/11/05, 16:50:59 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6863.79,11407.3,3.237]"
2018/11/05, 16:50:59 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6933.95,11457,3.238]"
2018/11/05, 16:51:13 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 8, AI units: 20 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:51:15 "BANDITS BASE - RESET"
2018/11/05, 16:51:27 "#FPSFixer: Player [MIR]Arti with ID 76561198336060814 FPS: 27 in coords: [6343.7,7782.44,0.00149536] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:51:44 Server: Object 8:221 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:51:44 "DELETE: Player PID#8(МР.KOT)(76561198088233186) deleted object with ID: 16833"
2018/11/05, 16:51:44 "Trader Menu: МР.KOT (76561198088233186) sold 1x UH60M_MEV_EP1_DZ from gear at зону торговли Авиатехникой for 6,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:51:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 12 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 16:52:13 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 8, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:52:18 Server: Object 9:229 not found (message 132)
2018/11/05, 16:52:39 Server: Object 8:249 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:52:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 16:53:01 "#FPSFixer: Player Nikita  with ID 76561198394535192 FPS: 22 in coords: [12904.1,12759.1,4.56749] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:53:14 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 8, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:53:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.7612. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 9 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 17 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.7612."
2018/11/05, 16:54:14 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.3373, players: 8, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:54:29 "Bike packed by player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers in coords [8170.95,8819.81,-0.614105] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:54:29 Client: Object 11:114 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 16:54:29 Client: Object 11:115 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 16:54:29 Client: Object 11:115 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 16:54:29 Client: Object 11:114 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 16:54:29 "server_updateObject.sqf _object null or nil, could not update object"
2018/11/05, 16:54:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.048. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.048."
2018/11/05, 16:54:59 Server: Object 9:270 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:54:59 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 1x Attachment_Sup545 from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 400 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:55:14 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 8, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:55:26 Server: Object 9:280 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:55:26 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 1x Saiga12K from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 300 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:55:29 "#FPSFixer: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 FPS: 21 in coords: [4056.27,11666.2,0.0012207] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:55:41 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player AlexXxandeR with ID 76561198066565697 try deposit to bank 701 ... now AlexXxandeR has COINS:17, BANK:21672 "
2018/11/05, 16:55:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.048. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.048."
2018/11/05, 16:55:51 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-C:1 (prizrak65) REMOTE is complete, player name is prizrak65 in coords [4085.32,11656.1,0]."
2018/11/05, 16:56:00 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/05, 16:56:00 "SOLDIER AI (air) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 362.501m"
2018/11/05, 16:56:00 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/05, 16:56:00 "SOLDIER AI (air) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 359.718m"
2018/11/05, 16:56:00 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/05, 16:56:00 "SOLDIER AI (air) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 349.939m"
2018/11/05, 16:56:01 "HEARDSOMETHING# Make shoot sounds near player RemBoSS in 523 metres with ["m107_DZ","10rnd_127x99_m107"] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:56:05 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Locked Vehicle destroyed @079064 - UH1H_DZ, worldspace [132.462,[7997.34,8924.68,4.09192]], CharId 0, objID 0, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/05, 16:56:11 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 8047 @081065 [8175.67,8816.26,0.138]"
2018/11/05, 16:56:11 Server: Object 8:260 not found (message 132)
2018/11/05, 16:56:14 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 8, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:56:29 "#FPSFixer: Player МР.KOT with ID 76561198088233186 FPS: 16 in coords: [6363.07,7782.6,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:56:34 Server: Object 5:516 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:56:34 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) purchased 3x 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag into gear at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 600 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:56:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 6 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 16:57:03 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player [MIR]Arti with ID 76561198336060814 try withdraw from bank 1850 ... now [MIR]Arti has COINS:1850, BANK:44848 "
2018/11/05, 16:57:05 Server: Object 3:187 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:57:05 "DELETE: Player PID#3(Nikita )(76561198394535192) deleted object with ID: 16854"
2018/11/05, 16:57:06 "Trader Menu: Nikita  (76561198394535192) sold 1x SUV_Camo from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:57:13 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player RemBoSS with ID 76561198090089125 try deposit to bank 5000 ... now RemBoSS has COINS:0, BANK:5612 "
2018/11/05, 16:57:15 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 8, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:57:23 Server: Object 6:250 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:57:23 "Trader Menu: [MIR]Arti (76561198336060814) purchased 1x DZ_GunBag_EP1 into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:57:27 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Nikita  with ID 76561198394535192 try withdraw from bank 1000 ... now Nikita  has COINS:2000, BANK:32425 "
2018/11/05, 16:57:28 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) LOCKED Safe with code: 8047 @081065 [8175.67,8816.26,0.138]"
2018/11/05, 16:57:38 Server: Object 8:284 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:57:38 "Trader Menu: МР.KOT (76561198088233186) sold 1x SCAR_H_CQC_CCO_SD from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 800 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:57:39 "MISSION - MAJOR 7 - Activated - player in 1200m, spawning crates and additional AI"
2018/11/05, 16:57:39 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - Begin"
2018/11/05, 16:57:39 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - End"
2018/11/05, 16:57:39 "MISSION - MINOR 9 - Activated - player in 1200m, spawning crates and additional AI"
2018/11/05, 16:57:39 "MISSION - MAJOR 7 - Spawning car!"
2018/11/05, 16:57:39 Server: Object 6:255 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:57:39 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - Begin"
2018/11/05, 16:57:39 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of BANDITS - 2 Infantry, 2 Stormtrooper, 1 Sniper, 0 Boss, 0 Elite 0 Nuker at position [10965.4,4945.95,0]"
2018/11/05, 16:57:39 "PUBLISH: Created datsun1_civil_3_open_DZE with ID "1454910150483445""
2018/11/05, 16:57:39 "Trader Menu: [MIR]Arti (76561198336060814) purchased 1x ItemAntibiotic into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 600 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:57:39 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - End"
2018/11/05, 16:57:39 "Trader Menu: [MIR]Arti (76561198336060814) purchased 1x ItemBandage into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 30 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:57:39 "Trader Menu: [MIR]Arti (76561198336060814) purchased 1x ItemBloodbag into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:57:39 "Trader Menu: [MIR]Arti (76561198336060814) purchased 1x ItemMorphine into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:57:40 "Trader Menu: [MIR]Arti (76561198336060814) purchased 1x ItemPainkiller into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 20 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:57:40 "MISSION - MAJOR 7 - Car spawned!"
2018/11/05, 16:57:40 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [11110.8,5053.22,0]"
2018/11/05, 16:57:40 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of BANDITS - 0 Infantry, 1 Stormtrooper, 1 Sniper, 0 Boss, 1 Elite 1 Nuker at position [11098.6,5044.2,0]"
2018/11/05, 16:57:40 Duplicate weapon ItemGPS detected for RUS_Soldier_Sab
2018/11/05, 16:57:41 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a BANDITS VEHICLE - at position [11113.3,5058.46,0]"
2018/11/05, 16:57:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 16:58:02 "Trader Menu: МР.KOT (76561198088233186) purchased 1x 100Rnd_762x54_PK into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 16:58:15 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 8, AI units: 21 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:58:17 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player МР.KOT with ID 76561198088233186 try deposit to bank 7830 ... now МР.KOT has COINS:0, BANK:17650 "
2018/11/05, 16:58:27 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 8, FPS 48.1928, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 16:58:27 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 29, West Units (Players): 8, East Units (AI): 21, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 3, SERVER FPS: 48.1928 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:58:40 "CRASHSPAWNER: Spawning crash site (CrashSite_EU) at [4169.42,9736.23,0] with 11 items."
2018/11/05, 16:58:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 16:58:55 MuzzleFlashROT - unknown animation source ammoRandom
2018/11/05, 16:58:55 Server: Object 7:804 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:58:55 Server: Object 7:807 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:58:55 Server: Object 7:806 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:58:55 Server: Object 7:805 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:59:02 Server: Object 5:528 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:59:02 Server: Object 5:533 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:59:02 Server: Object 5:537 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:59:02 Server: Object 5:538 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:59:02 Server: Object 5:539 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:59:02 Server: Object 5:540 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:59:02 Server: Object 5:541 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:59:02 Server: Object 5:544 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:59:02 Server: Object 5:542 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:59:02 Server: Object 5:543 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:59:02 Server: Object 5:545 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:59:02 Server: Object 5:546 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:59:02 Server: Object 5:552 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:59:02 Server: Object 5:547 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:59:02 Server: Object 5:548 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:59:02 Server: Object 5:549 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:59:02 Server: Object 5:550 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:59:02 Server: Object 5:551 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:59:02 Server: Object 5:554 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 16:59:02 Server: Object 5:553 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:59:02 Server: Object 5:555 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:59:02 Server: Object 5:556 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:59:02 Server: Object 5:561 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:59:02 Server: Object 5:557 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:59:02 Server: Object 5:558 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:59:02 Server: Object 5:559 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:59:02 Server: Object 5:560 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:59:02 Server: Object 5:563 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:59:02 Server: Object 5:562 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:59:02 Server: Object 5:564 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:59:02 Server: Object 5:565 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 16:59:03 "Bike packed by player prizrak65 in coords [4072.23,10779.3,0.00216675] ..."
2018/11/05, 16:59:03 Client: Object 5:566 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 16:59:03 Client: Object 5:567 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 16:59:03 Client: Object 5:567 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 16:59:03 Client: Object 5:566 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 16:59:03 "server_updateObject.sqf _object null or nil, could not update object"
2018/11/05, 16:59:15 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 8, AI units: 21 ..."
2018/11/05, 16:59:18 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 8047 @081065 [8175.67,8816.26,0.138]"
2018/11/05, 16:59:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.7612. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 11 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.7612."
2018/11/05, 17:00:03 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) LOCKED Safe with code: 8047 @081065 [8175.67,8816.26,0.138]"
2018/11/05, 17:00:09 Server: Object 5:578 not found (message 98)
2018/11/05, 17:00:09 Server: Object 5:579 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 17:00:13 "P1ayer PID#7(Gambl) hit by AI with HMMWV_Armored from 104 meters in head_hit for 2.46785 damage"
2018/11/05, 17:00:15 "P1ayer PID#7(UID#76561198208023211) hit by AI with HMMWV_Armored from 104 meters in head_hit for 6.73671 damage"
2018/11/05, 17:00:15 "Player UID#76561198208023211 CID#5692 PID#7(Gambl) as Survivor2_DZ died at Мста [113098]"
2018/11/05, 17:00:15 "DeathMessage: Gambl был убит игроком ИИ с HMMWV_Armored с расстояния 104м"
2018/11/05, 17:00:16 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 8, AI units: 21 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:00:16 "MISSION - MINOR 9 - Players moved away without contact, performing partial cleaning"
2018/11/05, 17:00:17 "MISSION - MAJOR 7 - Players moved away without contact, performing partial cleaning"
2018/11/05, 17:00:21 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 8047 @081065 [8175.67,8816.26,0.138]"
2018/11/05, 17:00:28 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Gambl(76561198208023211)"
2018/11/05, 17:00:28 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is near respawn_west. This is normal after death. ["76561198208023211","Gambl"]"
2018/11/05, 17:00:28 Client: Remote object 7:51 not found
2018/11/05, 17:00:34 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) LOCKED Safe with code: 8047 @081065 [8175.67,8816.26,0.138]"
2018/11/05, 17:00:36 Warning: Cleanup player - person 7:843 not found
2018/11/05, 17:00:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.3373. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 8 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 7 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 32 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.3373."
2018/11/05, 17:00:56 "MISSION - MINOR 9 - Activated - player in 1200m, spawning crates and additional AI"
2018/11/05, 17:00:56 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - Begin"
2018/11/05, 17:00:56 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - End"
2018/11/05, 17:00:56 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of BANDITS - 2 Infantry, 2 Stormtrooper, 1 Sniper, 0 Boss, 0 Elite 0 Nuker at position [10968.8,4947.46,0]"
2018/11/05, 17:00:57 "MISSION - MAJOR 7 - Activated - player in 1200m, spawning crates and additional AI"
2018/11/05, 17:00:57 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - Begin"
2018/11/05, 17:00:57 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - End"
2018/11/05, 17:00:57 "MISSION - MAJOR 7 - Spawning car!"
2018/11/05, 17:00:57 "PUBLISH: Created SUV_TK_CIV_EP1 with ID "147488650483644""
2018/11/05, 17:00:58 "MISSION - MAJOR 7 - Car spawned!"
2018/11/05, 17:00:58 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [11108.8,5057.86,0]"
2018/11/05, 17:00:58 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of BANDITS - 0 Infantry, 1 Stormtrooper, 1 Sniper, 0 Boss, 1 Elite 1 Nuker at position [11098.6,5045.46,0]"
2018/11/05, 17:00:59 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a BANDITS VEHICLE - at position [11113.9,5060.72,0]"
2018/11/05, 17:01:14 "Vehicles&Objects Spawner# HeliH spawned by player B 1-1-I:1 (Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers) REMOTE! Player name is Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (UID:76561198411562871) in coords [8093.13,8785.76,0.363708]."
2018/11/05, 17:01:16 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.9042, players: 7, AI units: 21 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:01:40 "#FPSFixer: Player RemBoSS with ID 76561198090089125 FPS: 26 in coords: [11335.1,5570.4,331.055] ..."
2018/11/05, 17:01:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 1 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 5 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/05, 17:02:01 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-I:1 (Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers) REMOTE is complete, player name is Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers in coords [8078.58,8773.49,0]."
2018/11/05, 17:02:02 "MISSION - MINOR 9 - Players moved away without contact, performing partial cleaning"
2018/11/05, 17:02:16 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 7, AI units: 16 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:02:17 "MISSION - MINOR 9 - Activated - player in 1200m, spawning crates and additional AI"
2018/11/05, 17:02:17 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - Begin"
2018/11/05, 17:02:17 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - End"
2018/11/05, 17:02:17 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of BANDITS - 2 Infantry, 2 Stormtrooper, 1 Sniper, 0 Boss, 0 Elite 0 Nuker at position [10966.9,4946.4,0]"
2018/11/05, 17:02:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.3373. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.3373."
2018/11/05, 17:03:13 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16763) LOCKED @109095 ([10983.2,5852.3,0.109741]) [10983.2,5852.3,0.109741] BY AlexXxandeR(76561198066565697)"
2018/11/05, 17:03:13 "P1ayer PID#8(МР.KOT) hit by AI with M2StaticMG from 892 meters in head_hit for 2.12786 damage"
2018/11/05, 17:03:17 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 7, AI units: 21 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:03:18 "#FPSFixer: Player AlexXxandeR with ID 76561198066565697 FPS: 62 in coords: [10978.9,5852.15,0.00213623] ..."
2018/11/05, 17:03:25 Server: Object 3:206 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 17:03:25 Server: Object 3:207 not found (message 69)
2018/11/05, 17:03:25 "DELETE: PUID(76561198394535192) requested destroy on object Mi17_DZE ID:16834 UID:0"
2018/11/05, 17:03:25 Client: Object 3:207 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 17:03:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 17:04:17 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.1928, players: 7, AI units: 21 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:04:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.048. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 7 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 2 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.048."
2018/11/05, 17:04:53 "#FPSFixer: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 FPS: 20 in coords: [8200.81,7445.93,0.0020752] ..."
2018/11/05, 17:05:17 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.1976, players: 8, AI units: 21 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:05:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 1 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 1 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 17:06:06 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Orcus(76561198064249725)"
2018/11/05, 17:06:06 "<infiSTAR.de> Player-Log: Orcus(76561198064249725) - 1h 05min"
2018/11/05, 17:06:07 "INFO - Player: PID#12(Orcus)(UID:76561198064249725/CID:5717) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 17:06:12 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Orcus with UID 76561198064249725 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:06:12 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Orcus with UID 76561198064249725 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:06:12 "INFO - Player: PID#12(Orcus)(UID:76561198064249725/CID:5717) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location ВПП [054132]"
2018/11/05, 17:06:13 "INFO - Player: Orcus(UID:76561198064249725/CID:5717) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 17:06:17 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.1976, players: 8, AI units: 21 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:06:23 "#LOGIN#: Player Orcus with ID 76561198064249725 connected!"
2018/11/05, 17:06:29 "P1ayer PID#3(Nikita ) hit by PID#9(AlexXxandeR) with Pecheneg_DZ/B_762x54_Ball <ammo left:96> from 228 meters in head_hit for 5.05566 damage"
2018/11/05, 17:06:29 "Player UID#76561198394535192 CID#5715 PID#3(Nikita ) as Soldier1_DZ died at Мста [113098]"
2018/11/05, 17:06:29 "DeathMessage: Nikita  был убит игроком AlexXxandeR с Pecheneg_DZ с расстояния 228м"
2018/11/05, 17:06:37 "#FPSFixer: Player [MIR]Arti with ID 76561198336060814 FPS: 16 in coords: [11390,5462.23,0.000305176] ..."
2018/11/05, 17:06:42 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Nikita (76561198394535192)"
2018/11/05, 17:06:42 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is near respawn_west. This is normal after death. ["76561198394535192","Nikita "]"
2018/11/05, 17:06:42 Warning: Cleanup player - person 3:232 not found
2018/11/05, 17:06:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.1976. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.1976."
2018/11/05, 17:07:06 "#FPSFixer: Player Orcus with ID 76561198064249725 FPS: 60 in coords: [5269.95,2226.48,0.00147724] ..."
2018/11/05, 17:07:18 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 8, AI units: 21 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:07:19 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Nikita (76561198394535192)"
2018/11/05, 17:07:22 "INFO - Player: PID#3(Nikita )(UID:76561198394535192/CID:5718) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 17:07:37 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Nikita  with UID 76561198394535192 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:07:37 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Nikita  with UID 76561198394535192 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:07:37 "INFO - Player: PID#3(Nikita )(UID:76561198394535192/CID:5718) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Мыс Крутой [135109]"
2018/11/05, 17:07:39 "INFO - Player: Nikita (UID:76561198394535192/CID:5718) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 17:07:39 "#LOGIN#: Player Nikita  with ID 76561198394535192 connected!"
2018/11/05, 17:07:49 "P1ayer PID#10(RemBoSS) hit by PID#9(AlexXxandeR) with Pecheneg_DZ/B_762x54_Ball <ammo left:86> from 145 meters in head_hit for 0.0870308 damage"
2018/11/05, 17:07:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 42.8954. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 1 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 13 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 11 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 42.8954."
2018/11/05, 17:07:50 "Player UID#76561198090089125 CID#5663 PID#10(RemBoSS) as Survivor2_DZ died at Мста [112097]"
2018/11/05, 17:07:50 "DeathMessage: RemBoSS был убит игроком AlexXxandeR с Pecheneg_DZ с расстояния 145м"
2018/11/05, 17:08:03 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - RemBoSS(76561198090089125)"
2018/11/05, 17:08:03 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is near respawn_west. This is normal after death. ["76561198090089125","RemBoSS"]"
2018/11/05, 17:08:03 Client: Remote object 10:0 not found
2018/11/05, 17:08:04 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-B:1 (Nikita ) REMOTE is complete, player name is Nikita  in coords [13515.5,4430.11,0]."
2018/11/05, 17:08:18 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 8, AI units: 21 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:08:22 "#FPSFixer: Player Nikita  with ID 76561198394535192 FPS: 33 in coords: [13485.2,4514.48,-0.0194321] ..."
2018/11/05, 17:08:31 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 8, FPS 47.4777, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 17:08:31 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 28, West Units (Players): 7, East Units (AI): 21, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 20, SERVER FPS: 47.4777 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:08:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 1 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 17:08:53 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - RemBoSS(76561198090089125)"
2018/11/05, 17:08:53 "TREASURE EVENT# Player near treasure is: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers"
2018/11/05, 17:08:55 "INFO - Player: PID#10(RemBoSS)(UID:76561198090089125/CID:5719) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 17:09:11 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player RemBoSS with UID 76561198090089125 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:09:11 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player RemBoSS with UID 76561198090089125 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:09:11 "INFO - Player: PID#10(RemBoSS)(UID:76561198090089125/CID:5719) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Три долины [133104]"
2018/11/05, 17:09:12 "#LOGIN#: Player RemBoSS with ID 76561198090089125 connected!"
2018/11/05, 17:09:12 "INFO - Player: RemBoSS(UID:76561198090089125/CID:5719) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 17:09:18 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.048, players: 8, AI units: 21 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:09:23 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-B:4 (RemBoSS) REMOTE is complete, player name is RemBoSS in coords [13347.3,4929.27,0]."
2018/11/05, 17:09:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 17:09:55 "#FPSFixer: Player RemBoSS with ID 76561198090089125 FPS: 31 in coords: [13294.2,4952.9,0.123636] ..."
2018/11/05, 17:10:19 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 8, AI units: 21 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:10:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.1928. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 8 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.1928."
2018/11/05, 17:11:19 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.3373, players: 8, AI units: 21 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:11:27 "HEARDSOMETHING# Make shoot sounds near player [MIR]Arti in 522 metres with ["FNFAL_DZ","20Rnd_762x51_FNFAL"] ..."
2018/11/05, 17:11:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.7612. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 6 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 9 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.7612."
2018/11/05, 17:12:05 "P1ayer PID#5(prizrak65) hit by AI with UH1H_DZ from 146 meters in head_hit for 0.216046 damage"
2018/11/05, 17:12:19 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.3373, players: 8, AI units: 21 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:12:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.3384. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.3384."
2018/11/05, 17:12:58 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - AlexXxandeR(76561198066565697)"
2018/11/05, 17:12:58 "INFO - Player: AlexXxandeR(UID:76561198066565697/CID:5673) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location Мста [111096]"
2018/11/05, 17:12:58 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: AlexXxandeR with uid 76561198066565697 disconnected ..."
2018/11/05, 17:12:58 Client: Remote object 9:17 not found
2018/11/05, 17:12:58 Client: Remote object 9:22 not found
2018/11/05, 17:12:58 Client: Remote object 7:48 not found
2018/11/05, 17:12:58 Client: Remote object 7:49 not found
2018/11/05, 17:13:06 Warning: Cleanup player - person 9:21 not found
2018/11/05, 17:13:19 "Player UID#76561198359965418 CID#5585 PID#5(prizrak65) as FR_OHara_DZ died at аэродром [046048]"
2018/11/05, 17:13:19 "DeathMessage: prizrak65 умер от зомби."
2018/11/05, 17:13:19 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Sync date on clients to [2012,8,2,11,41]."
2018/11/05, 17:13:20 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.9042, players: 7, AI units: 21 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:13:31 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - prizrak65(76561198359965418)"
2018/11/05, 17:13:31 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is near respawn_west. This is normal after death. ["76561198359965418","prizrak65"]"
2018/11/05, 17:13:31 Client: Remote object 5:17 not found
2018/11/05, 17:13:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.048. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 1 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 36 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.048."
2018/11/05, 17:14:14 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - prizrak65(76561198359965418)"
2018/11/05, 17:14:14 "INFO - Player: PID#5(prizrak65)(UID:76561198359965418/CID:5720) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 17:14:20 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.3373, players: 7, AI units: 21 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:14:24 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player prizrak65 with UID 76561198359965418 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:14:24 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player prizrak65 with UID 76561198359965418 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:14:24 "INFO - Player: PID#5(prizrak65)(UID:76561198359965418/CID:5720) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location электростанция [105127]"
2018/11/05, 17:14:27 "INFO - Player: prizrak65(UID:76561198359965418/CID:5720) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 17:14:30 "#LOGIN#: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 connected!"
2018/11/05, 17:14:37 "Bike packed by player RemBoSS in coords [11291.5,5591.57,-0.482483] ..."
2018/11/05, 17:14:37 Client: Object 10:140 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 17:14:37 Client: Object 10:141 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 17:14:37 Client: Object 10:141 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 17:14:37 Client: Object 10:140 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 17:14:37 "server_updateObject.sqf _object null or nil, could not update object"
2018/11/05, 17:14:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.7612. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 1 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 9 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.7612."
2018/11/05, 17:15:14 "#FPSFixer: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 FPS: 41 in coords: [10518.5,2607.93,0.00240421] ..."
2018/11/05, 17:15:20 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 7, AI units: 21 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:15:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.048. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 9 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 10 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.048."
2018/11/05, 17:16:08 "#FPSFixer: Player МР.KOT with ID 76561198088233186 FPS: 21 in coords: [11060.4,5681.15,0.00137329] ..."
2018/11/05, 17:16:21 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 7, AI units: 21 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:16:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/05, 17:17:21 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.9042, players: 7, AI units: 21 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:17:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.3373. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.3373."
2018/11/05, 17:18:21 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 7, AI units: 21 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:18:31 "P1ayer PID#3(Nikita ) hit by PID#11(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers) with BAF_AS50_TWS/B_127x99_Ball_noTracer suspicious from 275 meters in head_hit for 0.0861475 damage"
2018/11/05, 17:18:36 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 7, FPS 47.7612, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 17:18:36 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 28, West Units (Players): 7, East Units (AI): 21, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 12, SERVER FPS: 47.7612 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:18:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 1 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 11 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 17:19:17 Server: Object 8:359 not found (message 132)
2018/11/05, 17:19:21 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 7, AI units: 21 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:19:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.1928. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.1928."
2018/11/05, 17:20:22 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 7, AI units: 21 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:20:38 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 17:20:38 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 483.298m"
2018/11/05, 17:20:42 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 17:20:42 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 480.056m"
2018/11/05, 17:20:46 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 17:20:46 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 486.935m"
2018/11/05, 17:20:48 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 17:20:48 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 469.387m"
2018/11/05, 17:20:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.048. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.048."
2018/11/05, 17:20:51 "P1ayer PID#11(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers) hit by AI with AK_107_pso/B_545x39_Ball <ammo left:25> from 541 meters in head_hit for 0 damage"
2018/11/05, 17:20:54 "P1ayer PID#11(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers) hit by AI with AK_107_pso/B_545x39_Ball <ammo left:23> from 541 meters in head_hit for 0.0191448 damage"
2018/11/05, 17:21:22 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.9042, players: 7, AI units: 17 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:21:46 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 17:21:46 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 462.324m"
2018/11/05, 17:21:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 17:22:22 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 17:22:22 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 336.147m"
2018/11/05, 17:22:22 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 7, AI units: 15 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:22:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 6 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 17:23:23 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.3373, players: 7, AI units: 15 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:23:30 Server: Object 10:164 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 17:23:30 "DELETE: Player PID#10(RemBoSS)(76561198090089125) deleted object with ID: 16832"
2018/11/05, 17:23:30 "Trader Menu: RemBoSS (76561198090089125) sold 1x CH_47F_EP1_DZE from gear at зону торговли Героев for 20,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 17:23:42 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 17:23:42 "BANDIT AI (vehicle) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 197.75m"
2018/11/05, 17:23:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 10 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/05, 17:23:50 Server: Object 10:165 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:23:50 "Trader Menu: RemBoSS (76561198090089125) purchased 3x 20Rnd_762x51_SB_SCAR into gear at зону торговли Героев for 900 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 17:24:02 "#FPSFixer: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 FPS: 48 in coords: [11272.5,5238.67,0.00146484] ..."
2018/11/05, 17:24:09 "#FPSFixer: Player [MIR]Arti with ID 76561198336060814 FPS: 25 in coords: [12905.7,12761.1,-0.00375366] ..."
2018/11/05, 17:24:10 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 17:24:10 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 134.903m"
2018/11/05, 17:24:23 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 7, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:24:27 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 17:24:27 "BANDIT AI (vehicle) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 174.683m"
2018/11/05, 17:24:39 "#FPSFixer: Player Orcus with ID 76561198064249725 FPS: 60 in coords: [4583.84,10646.8,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 17:24:39 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 17:24:39 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 212.192m"
2018/11/05, 17:24:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 17:24:59 "P1ayer PID#11(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers) hit by AI with SVD_PSO1_DZ/B_762x54_noTracer <ammo left:9> from 203 meters in head_hit for 0.421587 damage"
2018/11/05, 17:25:00 "Player UID#76561198411562871 CID#5628 PID#11(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers) as Sniper1_DZ died at Мста [112101]"
2018/11/05, 17:25:00 "DeathMessage: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers был убит игроком ИИ с SVD_PSO1_DZ с расстояния 203м"
2018/11/05, 17:25:02 "MISSION - MINOR 9 - Fail"
2018/11/05, 17:25:04 "MISSION - MAJOR 7 - Fail"
2018/11/05, 17:25:07 "MISSION - MINOR 9 - Cleaning completed"
2018/11/05, 17:25:08 "MISSION - MINOR 9 - End"
2018/11/05, 17:25:12 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers(76561198411562871)"
2018/11/05, 17:25:12 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is near respawn_west. This is normal after death. ["76561198411562871","Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers"]"
2018/11/05, 17:25:12 Client: Remote object 11:17 not found
2018/11/05, 17:25:14 "MISSION - MAJOR 7 - Cleaning completed"
2018/11/05, 17:25:14 "MISSION - MAJOR 7 - End"
2018/11/05, 17:25:23 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 7, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:25:37 "EVENTSHAKER# MINOR Mission SM9 completed ..."
2018/11/05, 17:25:46 "#FPSFixer: Player Nikita  with ID 76561198394535192 FPS: 25 in coords: [12062.5,12638.8,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 17:25:48 "#FPSFixer: Player RemBoSS with ID 76561198090089125 FPS: 30 in coords: [12061.1,12645.5,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 17:25:48 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers(76561198411562871)"
2018/11/05, 17:25:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 6 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 17:25:49 "INFO - Player: PID#11(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers)(UID:76561198411562871/CID:5721) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 17:25:56 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with UID 76561198411562871 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:25:56 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with UID 76561198411562871 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:25:56 "INFO - Player: PID#11(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers)(UID:76561198411562871/CID:5721) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location завод [063125]"
2018/11/05, 17:26:00 "INFO - Player: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers(UID:76561198411562871/CID:5721) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 17:26:04 Server: Object 5:825 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:26:05 "#LOGIN#: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 connected!"
2018/11/05, 17:26:12 "EVENTSHAKER# MAJOR Mission SM7 completed ..."
2018/11/05, 17:26:24 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.048, players: 7, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:26:44 Server: Object 10:169 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:26:44 "**** server_verifySender **** [[277,[12072.7,12667.3,0]],"UH60M_MEV_EP1_DZ",false,"ItemKeyRed1426",B 1-1-B:4 (RemBoSS) REMOTE,"El^4BoArydod2"] * PublishVehicle2 * [12072.7,12667.3,0] * El^4BoArydod2 * 76561198090089125 * B 1-1-B:4 (RemBoSS) REMOTE ****"
2018/11/05, 17:26:44 "PUBLISH: PID#10(RemBoSS)(76561198090089125) bought UH60M_MEV_EP1_DZ with UID 17264277126675191 @ВПП [120026]"
2018/11/05, 17:26:44 "Trader Menu: RemBoSS (76561198090089125) purchased 1x UH60M_MEV_EP1_DZ into gear at зону торговли Авиатехникой for 12,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 17:26:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 2 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 17:26:49 "#FPSFixer: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 FPS: 31 in coords: [6417.94,2846.62,0.00143862] ..."
2018/11/05, 17:26:57 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: UH60M_MEV_EP1_DZ (objid: 16858) UNLOCKED @120026 [12072.7,12667.3,0]"
2018/11/05, 17:27:00 "P1ayer PID#5(prizrak65) hit by PID#12(Orcus) with Winchester1866_DZ/B_1866_Slug <ammo left:11> from 15 meters in head_hit for 0.187018 damage"
2018/11/05, 17:27:01 "Player UID#76561198359965418 CID#5720 PID#5(prizrak65) as Survivor2_DZ died at аэродром [046048]"
2018/11/05, 17:27:01 "DeathMessage: prizrak65 был убит игроком Orcus с Winchester1866_DZ с расстояния 15м"
2018/11/05, 17:27:01 "Player UID#76561198411562871 CID#5721 PID#11(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers) as Survivor2_DZ died at завод [064125]"
2018/11/05, 17:27:01 "DeathMessage: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers умер от зомби."
2018/11/05, 17:27:13 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - prizrak65(76561198359965418)"
2018/11/05, 17:27:13 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is near respawn_west. This is normal after death. ["76561198359965418","prizrak65"]"
2018/11/05, 17:27:14 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers(76561198411562871)"
2018/11/05, 17:27:14 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is near respawn_west. This is normal after death. ["76561198411562871","Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers"]"
2018/11/05, 17:27:23 "HEARDSOMETHING# Make shoot sounds near player RemBoSS in 577 metres with ["m107_DZ","10rnd_127x99_m107"] ..."
2018/11/05, 17:27:24 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 7, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:27:25 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers(76561198411562871)"
2018/11/05, 17:27:26 "INFO - Player: PID#11(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers)(UID:76561198411562871/CID:5722) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 17:27:29 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with UID 76561198411562871 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:27:29 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with UID 76561198411562871 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:27:29 "INFO - Player: PID#11(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers)(UID:76561198411562871/CID:5722) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location карьер [134094]"
2018/11/05, 17:27:31 "INFO - Player: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers(UID:76561198411562871/CID:5722) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 17:27:33 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - prizrak65(76561198359965418)"
2018/11/05, 17:27:34 "LOGIN RESULT: Exiting, player object null: B 1-1-A:1 REMOTE"
2018/11/05, 17:27:42 "#LOGIN#: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 connected!"
2018/11/05, 17:27:47 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-C:1 (Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers) REMOTE is complete, player name is Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers in coords [13416.1,5898.93,0]."
2018/11/05, 17:27:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.7612. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.7612."
2018/11/05, 17:27:49 "INFO - Player: PID#5(prizrak65)(UID:76561198359965418/CID:5723) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 17:27:50 Server: Object 5:868 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 17:27:50 Server: Object 5:867 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 17:27:50 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player prizrak65 with UID 76561198359965418 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:27:50 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player prizrak65 with UID 76561198359965418 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:27:50 "INFO - Player: PID#5(prizrak65)(UID:76561198359965418/CID:5723) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location ВПП [049131]"
2018/11/05, 17:27:51 "INFO - Player: prizrak65(UID:76561198359965418/CID:5723) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 17:27:51 "#LOGIN#: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 connected!"
2018/11/05, 17:27:58 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Orcus with ID 76561198064249725 try to get 183 coins from body prizrak65... now Orcus has COINS:183, BANK:14140 and body has 0 coins "
2018/11/05, 17:28:21 Server: Object 10:170 not found (message 132)
2018/11/05, 17:28:23 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - .I.N.G.U.S.H.(76561198256963057)"
2018/11/05, 17:28:23 "<infiSTAR.de> Player-Log: .I.N.G.U.S.H.(76561198256963057) - 1h 27min"
2018/11/05, 17:28:24 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 8, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:28:26 "#FPSFixer: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 FPS: 24 in coords: [13302.8,5896.37,1.36388] ..."
2018/11/05, 17:28:27 "INFO - Player: PID#14(.I.N.G.U.S.H.)(UID:76561198256963057/CID:5724) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 17:28:32 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player .I.N.G.U.S.H. with UID 76561198256963057 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:28:32 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player .I.N.G.U.S.H. with UID 76561198256963057 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:28:32 "INFO - Player: PID#14(.I.N.G.U.S.H.)(UID:76561198256963057/CID:5724) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location ВПП [049128]"
2018/11/05, 17:28:34 "#FPSFixer: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 FPS: 21 in coords: [4993.1,2222.63,0.00143862] ..."
2018/11/05, 17:28:35 "INFO - Player: .I.N.G.U.S.H.(UID:76561198256963057/CID:5724) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 17:28:37 "<infiSTAR.de> SLOG_NP: .I.N.G.U.S.H. (76561198256963057) | New Player: ["5724",[],[],[0,0,0,0],true,"DayZ Epoch","Survivor2_DZ",true,true,0,[],0,0,0,[],1000]"
2018/11/05, 17:28:37 "<infiSTAR.de> SLOG_NP: .I.N.G.U.S.H. (76561198256963057) | New Player: ["5724",[],[],[0,0,0,0],true,"DayZ Epoch","Survivor2_DZ",true,true,0,[],0,0,0,[],1000]"
2018/11/05, 17:28:37 "["PVAHR_0_a90786d2d751b854b5d2039",[".I.N.G.U.S.H.","76561198256963057","SLOG_NP",[78,101,119,32,80,108,97,121,101,114,58,32,91,34,53,55,50,52,34,44,91,93,44,91,93,44,91,48,44,48,44,48,44,48,93,44,116,114,117,101,44,34,68,97,121,90,32,69,112,111,99,104,32,49,46,48,46,54,46,50,34,44,34,83,117,114,118,105,118,111,114,50,95,68,90,34,44,116,114,117,101,44,116,114,117,101,44,48,44,91,93,44,48,44,48,44,48,44,91,93,44,49,48,48,48,93]]]"
2018/11/05, 17:28:40 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 8, FPS 47.9042, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 17:28:40 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 17, West Units (Players): 8, East Units (AI): 9, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 8, SERVER FPS: 47.9042 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:28:43 "#LOGIN#: Player .I.N.G.U.S.H. with ID 76561198256963057 connected!"
2018/11/05, 17:28:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.7612. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.7612."
2018/11/05, 17:28:51 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player RemBoSS with ID 76561198090089125 try deposit to bank 7100 ... now RemBoSS has COINS:0, BANK:12712 "
2018/11/05, 17:29:05 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Orcus with UID 76561198064249725 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:29:11 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player [MIR]Arti with ID 76561198336060814 try withdraw from bank 1500 ... now [MIR]Arti has COINS:1500, BANK:43348 "
2018/11/05, 17:29:24 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.9042, players: 8, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:29:27 "#FPSFixer: Player .I.N.G.U.S.H. with ID 76561198256963057 FPS: 55 in coords: [4813.3,2476.35,0.00143909] ..."
2018/11/05, 17:29:46 Server: Object 6:359 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:29:46 "Trader Menu: [MIR]Arti (76561198336060814) purchased 1x ItemBloodbag into gear at торговую зону Клена! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 17:29:46 "Trader Menu: [MIR]Arti (76561198336060814) purchased 1x ItemMorphine into gear at торговую зону Клена! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 17:29:46 "Trader Menu: [MIR]Arti (76561198336060814) purchased 2x ItemPainkiller into gear at торговую зону Клена! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 40 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 17:29:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 12 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 17:30:04 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player [MIR]Arti with ID 76561198336060814 try deposit to bank 1260 ... now [MIR]Arti has COINS:0, BANK:44608 "
2018/11/05, 17:30:25 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.9042, players: 8, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:30:48 Server: Object 6:355 not found (message 132)
2018/11/05, 17:30:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 1 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 10 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 17:31:25 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.9042, players: 8, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:31:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 1 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 9 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 17:31:54 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: hilux1_civil_1_open_DZE (objid: 16828) UNLOCKED @048050 [4846,10323.6,0.00650024]"
2018/11/05, 17:31:58 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-E:1 (prizrak65) REMOTE is complete, player name is prizrak65 in coords [5435.18,2091.07,0]."
2018/11/05, 17:32:15 "BANDITS BASE - CREATING TURRETS"
2018/11/05, 17:32:15 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6920.68,11351.9,10.9464]"
2018/11/05, 17:32:15 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6930.23,11361.6,10.7948]"
2018/11/05, 17:32:15 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6889.56,11456.8,2.53463]"
2018/11/05, 17:32:15 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6912.13,11439.7,4.50708]"
2018/11/05, 17:32:15 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6890.38,11367.7,2.30887]"
2018/11/05, 17:32:15 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6861.01,11500,10.7375]"
2018/11/05, 17:32:15 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6863.79,11407.3,3.237]"
2018/11/05, 17:32:15 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6933.95,11457,3.238]"
2018/11/05, 17:32:17 Server: Object 12:126 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 17:32:17 Server: Object 12:125 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 17:32:25 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: UH60M_MEV_EP1_DZ (objid: 16858) LOCKED @074038 ([7429.45,11484.4,0.0465393]) [7429.45,11484.4,0.0465393] BY Nikita (76561198394535192)"
2018/11/05, 17:32:25 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 8, AI units: 17 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:32:46 MuzzleFlashROT - unknown animation source ammoRandom
2018/11/05, 17:32:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 12 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 17:33:05 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Voron(76561198077224462)"
2018/11/05, 17:33:05 "<infiSTAR.de> Player-Log: Voron(76561198077224462) - 1h 32min"
2018/11/05, 17:33:08 "INFO - Player: PID#15(Voron)(UID:76561198077224462/CID:5703) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 17:33:08 Server: Object 15:23 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:33:08 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Voron with UID 76561198077224462 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:33:08 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Voron with UID 76561198077224462 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:33:08 "INFO - Player: PID#15(Voron)(UID:76561198077224462/CID:5703) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Балота [045131]"
2018/11/05, 17:33:13 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player .I.N.G.U.S.H. with UID 76561198256963057 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:33:13 "INFO - Player: Voron(UID:76561198077224462/CID:5703) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 17:33:20 "Bike packed by player prizrak65 in coords [6075.51,2232.36,0.00319195] ..."
2018/11/05, 17:33:20 Client: Object 5:972 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 17:33:20 Client: Object 5:973 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 17:33:20 Client: Object 5:973 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 17:33:20 Client: Object 5:972 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 17:33:20 "server_updateObject.sqf _object null or nil, could not update object"
2018/11/05, 17:33:24 "#LOGIN#: Player Voron with ID 76561198077224462 connected!"
2018/11/05, 17:33:26 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 9, AI units: 17 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:33:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.3384. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 7 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.3384."
2018/11/05, 17:34:08 "#FPSFixer: Player Voron with ID 76561198077224462 FPS: 49 in coords: [4589.17,2399.06,0.00145435] ..."
2018/11/05, 17:34:22 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: hilux1_civil_1_open_DZE (objid: 16828) LOCKED @052047 ([5263.77,10566.9,0.528717]) [5263.77,10566.9,0.528717] BY Orcus(76561198064249725)"
2018/11/05, 17:34:26 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.4848, players: 10, AI units: 17 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:34:36 "P1ayer PID#10(UID#76561198090089125) hit by AI with M2StaticMG from 294 meters in head_hit for 14.6409 damage"
2018/11/05, 17:34:36 "Player UID#76561198090089125 CID#5719 PID#10(RemBoSS) as Survivor2_DZ died at Чертов замок [072039]"
2018/11/05, 17:34:36 "DeathMessage: RemBoSS был убит игроком ИИ с M2StaticMG с расстояния 294м"
2018/11/05, 17:34:37 "BANDITS BASE - SPAWNING UNITS"
2018/11/05, 17:34:37 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of BANDITS - 0 Infantry, 2 Stormtrooper, 0 Sniper, 1 Boss, 1 Elite 0 Nuker at position [6891.76,11448.1,0]"
2018/11/05, 17:34:37 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of BANDITS - 0 Infantry, 2 Stormtrooper, 0 Sniper, 0 Boss, 1 Elite 1 Nuker at position [6868.05,11440.7,0]"
2018/11/05, 17:34:37 Duplicate weapon ItemGPS detected for RUS_Soldier_Sab
2018/11/05, 17:34:37 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of BANDITS - 0 Infantry, 2 Stormtrooper, 0 Sniper, 0 Boss, 1 Elite 1 Nuker at position [6869.96,11474.6,0]"
2018/11/05, 17:34:37 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of BANDITS - 0 Infantry, 2 Stormtrooper, 0 Sniper, 1 Boss, 1 Elite 0 Nuker at position [6891.76,11448.1,0]"
2018/11/05, 17:34:38 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of BANDITS - 0 Infantry, 2 Stormtrooper, 0 Sniper, 0 Boss, 1 Elite 1 Nuker at position [6868.05,11440.7,0]"
2018/11/05, 17:34:38 Duplicate weapon ItemGPS detected for RUS_Soldier_Sab
2018/11/05, 17:34:38 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of BANDITS - 0 Infantry, 2 Stormtrooper, 0 Sniper, 0 Boss, 1 Elite 1 Nuker at position [6869.96,11474.6,0]"
2018/11/05, 17:34:38 Duplicate weapon ItemGPS detected for RUS_Soldier_Sab
2018/11/05, 17:34:38 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - Start to spawn bandits hideout crate."
2018/11/05, 17:34:38 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 try to get 370 coins from body Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers... now Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers has COINS:370, BANK:120455 and body has 0 coins "
2018/11/05, 17:34:38 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - End of spawn bandits hideout crate."
2018/11/05, 17:34:39 "P1ayer PID#10(RemBoSS) hit by AI with M2StaticMG from 294 meters in head_hit for 8.39588 damage"
2018/11/05, 17:34:48 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - RemBoSS(76561198090089125)"
2018/11/05, 17:34:48 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is near respawn_west. This is normal after death. ["76561198090089125","RemBoSS"]"
2018/11/05, 17:34:48 Client: Remote object 10:176 not found
2018/11/05, 17:34:48 Client: Remote object 10:175 not found
2018/11/05, 17:34:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 49.2308. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 7 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 2 reammo boxes. Fps after: 49.2308."
2018/11/05, 17:35:26 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.3373, players: 10, AI units: 41 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:35:27 "P1ayer PID#3(UID#76561198394535192) hit by AI with M2StaticMG from 171 meters in head_hit for 5.93243 damage"
2018/11/05, 17:35:27 "Player UID#76561198394535192 CID#5718 PID#3(Nikita ) as Survivor2_DZ died at Чертов замок [070038]"
2018/11/05, 17:35:27 "DeathMessage: Nikita  был убит игроком ИИ с M2StaticMG с расстояния 171м"
2018/11/05, 17:35:31 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with UID 76561198411562871 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:35:40 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Nikita (76561198394535192)"
2018/11/05, 17:35:40 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is near respawn_west. This is normal after death. ["76561198394535192","Nikita "]"
2018/11/05, 17:35:47 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 17:35:47 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by [MIR]Arti from 209.118m"
2018/11/05, 17:35:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 10 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 17:35:49 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Voralex(76561198004396057)"
2018/11/05, 17:35:49 "<infiSTAR.de> Player-Log: Voralex(76561198004396057) - 1h 35min"
2018/11/05, 17:35:51 "P1ayer PID#6(UID#76561198336060814) hit by AI with DSHKM_TK_INS_EP1 from 202 meters in head_hit for 5.61002 damage"
2018/11/05, 17:35:51 "Player UID#76561198336060814 CID#5716 PID#6([MIR]Arti) as Survivor2_DZ died at Чертов замок [071040]"
2018/11/05, 17:35:51 "DeathMessage: [MIR]Arti был убит игроком ИИ с DSHKM_TK_INS_EP1 с расстояния 202м"
2018/11/05, 17:35:55 "#FPSFixer: Player МР.KOT with ID 76561198088233186 FPS: 11 in coords: [7043.4,11498.7,0.000793457] ..."
2018/11/05, 17:36:05 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - [MIR]Arti(76561198336060814)"
2018/11/05, 17:36:05 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is near respawn_west. This is normal after death. ["76561198336060814","[MIR]Arti"]"
2018/11/05, 17:36:05 Client: Remote object 6:138 not found
2018/11/05, 17:36:05 Client: Remote object 6:366 not found
2018/11/05, 17:36:05 Client: Remote object 6:365 not found
2018/11/05, 17:36:05 Warning: Cleanup player - person 6:367 not found
2018/11/05, 17:36:12 "INFO - Player: PID#16(Voralex)(UID:76561198004396057/CID:5689) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 17:36:12 Server: Object 16:23 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:36:12 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Voralex with UID 76561198004396057 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:36:12 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Voralex with UID 76561198004396057 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:36:12 "INFO - Player: PID#16(Voralex)(UID:76561198004396057/CID:5689) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location ВПП [120027]"
2018/11/05, 17:36:13 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Nikita (76561198394535192)"
2018/11/05, 17:36:15 "INFO - Player: PID#3(Nikita )(UID:76561198394535192/CID:5725) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 17:36:19 "INFO - Player: Voralex(UID:76561198004396057/CID:5689) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 17:36:20 "P1ayer PID#8(МР.KOT) hit by AI with AKM_DZ/B_762x39_Ball <ammo left:15> from 109 meters in head_hit for 4.06772 damage"
2018/11/05, 17:36:22 "Player UID#76561198088233186 CID#5704 PID#8(МР.KOT) as BAF_Soldier_Officer_MTP_DZ died at Чертов замок [070038]"
2018/11/05, 17:36:22 "DeathMessage: МР.KOT был убит игроком ИИ с AKM_DZ с расстояния 109м"
2018/11/05, 17:36:23 "BANDITS BASE - RESET"
2018/11/05, 17:36:24 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Nikita (76561198394535192)"
2018/11/05, 17:36:24 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is near respawn_west. This is normal after death. ["76561198394535192","Nikita "]"
2018/11/05, 17:36:24 Client: Remote object 2:3592 not found
2018/11/05, 17:36:25 Client: Object 16:29 (type Type_149) not found.
2018/11/05, 17:36:25 Client: Object 14:229 (type Type_149) not found.
2018/11/05, 17:36:25 Client: Object 15:113 (type Type_149) not found.
2018/11/05, 17:36:25 Client: Object 8:371 (type Type_149) not found.
2018/11/05, 17:36:26 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - RemBoSS(76561198090089125)"
2018/11/05, 17:36:27 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.7805, players: 9, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:36:28 "#LOGIN#: Player Voralex with ID 76561198004396057 connected!"
2018/11/05, 17:36:29 "INFO - Player: PID#10(RemBoSS)(UID:76561198090089125/CID:5726) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 17:36:29 "EVENTSHAKER# Start MINOR Mission SM1 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:36:29 "MISSION - MINOR 1 - Start"
2018/11/05, 17:36:34 Server: Object 2:3429 not found (message 221)
2018/11/05, 17:36:34 Server: Object 2:3435 not found (message 221)
2018/11/05, 17:36:34 Server: Object 2:3441 not found (message 221)
2018/11/05, 17:36:34 Server: Object 2:3447 not found (message 221)
2018/11/05, 17:36:34 Server: Object 2:3453 not found (message 221)
2018/11/05, 17:36:34 Server: Object 2:3459 not found (message 221)
2018/11/05, 17:36:34 Server: Object 2:3465 not found (message 221)
2018/11/05, 17:36:34 Server: Object 2:3471 not found (message 221)
2018/11/05, 17:36:35 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - МР.KOT(76561198088233186)"
2018/11/05, 17:36:35 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is near respawn_west. This is normal after death. ["76561198088233186","МР.KOT"]"
2018/11/05, 17:36:35 Client: Remote object 8:17 not found
2018/11/05, 17:36:46 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player RemBoSS with UID 76561198090089125 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:36:46 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player RemBoSS with UID 76561198090089125 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:36:46 "INFO - Player: PID#10(RemBoSS)(UID:76561198090089125/CID:5726) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Березино [121062]"
2018/11/05, 17:36:48 Server: Object 16:45 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:36:48 "**** server_verifySender **** [[82,[12072.7,12667.3,0]],"C130J_US_EP1_DZ",false,"ItemKeyRed1429",B 1-1-G:1 (Voralex) REMOTE,"pqTtAkMCLbAwJ"] * PublishVehicle2 * [12072.7,12667.3,0] * pqTtAkMCLbAwJ * 76561198004396057 * B 1-1-G:1 (Voralex) REMOTE ****"
2018/11/05, 17:36:48 "PUBLISH: PID#16(Voralex)(76561198004396057) bought C130J_US_EP1_DZ with UID 1786782126675794 @ВПП [120026]"
2018/11/05, 17:36:48 "Trader Menu: Voralex (76561198004396057) purchased 1x C130J_US_EP1_DZ into gear at зону торговли Авиатехникой for 40,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 17:36:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.9297. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 1 dead players, 0 dead ai, 1 animals, 16 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.9297."
2018/11/05, 17:36:50 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: C130J_US_EP1_DZ (objid: 16859) UNLOCKED @120026 [12072.7,12667.3,0]"
2018/11/05, 17:36:51 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: C130J_US_EP1_DZ (objid: 16859) LOCKED @120026 [12072.7,12667.3,0]"
2018/11/05, 17:36:52 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - [MIR]Arti(76561198336060814)"
2018/11/05, 17:36:52 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: C130J_US_EP1_DZ (objid: 16859) UNLOCKED @120026 [12072.7,12667.3,0]"
2018/11/05, 17:36:53 Server: Object 10:225 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 17:36:56 "INFO - Player: RemBoSS(UID:76561198090089125/CID:5726) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 17:36:56 "#LOGIN#: Player RemBoSS with ID 76561198090089125 connected!"
2018/11/05, 17:37:01 "INFO - Player: PID#6([MIR]Arti)(UID:76561198336060814/CID:5727) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 17:37:08 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player [MIR]Arti with UID 76561198336060814 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:37:08 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player [MIR]Arti with UID 76561198336060814 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:37:08 "INFO - Player: PID#6([MIR]Arti)(UID:76561198336060814/CID:5727) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Нижнее [126069]"
2018/11/05, 17:37:08 Server: Object info 2:3605 not found during Changing Owner
2018/11/05, 17:37:08 Server: Object info 2:3602 not found during Changing Owner
2018/11/05, 17:37:12 "#FPSFixer: Player Voralex with ID 76561198004396057 FPS: 60 in coords: [12072.8,12668.3,-0.189224] ..."
2018/11/05, 17:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - МР.KOT(76561198088233186)"
2018/11/05, 17:37:19 "INFO - Player: PID#8(МР.KOT)(UID:76561198088233186/CID:5728) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 17:37:19 "#LOGIN#: Player [MIR]Arti with ID 76561198336060814 connected!"
2018/11/05, 17:37:26 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player МР.KOT with UID 76561198088233186 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:37:26 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player МР.KOT with UID 76561198088233186 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:37:26 "INFO - Player: PID#8(МР.KOT)(UID:76561198088233186/CID:5728) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location ВПП [049130]"
2018/11/05, 17:37:26 Server: Object info 10:228 not found during Changing Owner
2018/11/05, 17:37:26 Server: Object info 10:227 not found during Changing Owner
2018/11/05, 17:37:27 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 9, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:37:29 "#FPSFixer: Player RemBoSS with ID 76561198090089125 FPS: 32 in coords: [12127.8,9094.35,0.00164413] ..."
2018/11/05, 17:37:34 "#LOGIN#: Player МР.KOT with ID 76561198088233186 connected!"
2018/11/05, 17:37:39 "DELETE: PUID(76561198359965418) requested destroy on object hilux1_civil_2_covered_DZE ID:16842 UID:0"
2018/11/05, 17:37:39 Client: Object 5:998 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 17:37:39 Client: Object 5:998 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 17:37:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/05, 17:38:01 "#FPSFixer: Player [MIR]Arti with ID 76561198336060814 FPS: 26 in coords: [12699,8358.2,-0.0924511] ..."
2018/11/05, 17:38:18 "#FPSFixer: Player МР.KOT with ID 76561198088233186 FPS: 26 in coords: [4881.89,2475.46,0.00143623] ..."
2018/11/05, 17:38:28 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 9, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:38:29 "Player UID#76561198359965418 CID#5723 PID#5(prizrak65) as Survivor2_DZ died at Надеждино [059104]"
2018/11/05, 17:38:29 "DeathMessage: prizrak65 умер от зомби."
2018/11/05, 17:38:34 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: HMMWV_Ambulance (objid: 16839) LOCKED @046128 [4601.25,2542.78,0.0381956]"
2018/11/05, 17:38:40 "HEARDSOMETHING# Make shoot sounds near player Orcus in 633 metres with ["Mk48_CCO_DZ","100Rnd_762x51_M240"] ..."
2018/11/05, 17:38:41 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - prizrak65(76561198359965418)"
2018/11/05, 17:38:41 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is not in playableUnits. ["76561198359965418","prizrak65"]"
2018/11/05, 17:38:44 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - RemBoSS(76561198090089125)"
2018/11/05, 17:38:44 "INFO - Player: RemBoSS(UID:76561198090089125/CID:5726) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location Березино [121062]"
2018/11/05, 17:38:44 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: RemBoSS with uid 76561198090089125 disconnected ..."
2018/11/05, 17:38:44 Client: Remote object 10:202 not found
2018/11/05, 17:38:44 Warning: Cleanup player - person 10:201 not found
2018/11/05, 17:38:44 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 9, FPS 46.5116, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 17:38:44 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 17, West Units (Players): 7, East Units (AI): 10, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 46, SERVER FPS: 46.5116 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:38:47 Warning: Cleanup player - person 10:201 not found
2018/11/05, 17:38:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.4848. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 1 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 15 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 12 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.4848."
2018/11/05, 17:39:28 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.7805, players: 9, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:39:44 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - [MIR]Arti(76561198336060814)"
2018/11/05, 17:39:44 "INFO - Player: [MIR]Arti(UID:76561198336060814/CID:5727) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location Нижнее [125069]"
2018/11/05, 17:39:44 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: [MIR]Arti with uid 76561198336060814 disconnected ..."
2018/11/05, 17:39:44 Client: Remote object 6:392 not found
2018/11/05, 17:39:44 Client: Object 16:46 (type Type_149) not found.
2018/11/05, 17:39:44 Client: Object 15:160 (type Type_149) not found.
2018/11/05, 17:39:44 Client: Object 14:236 (type Type_149) not found.
2018/11/05, 17:39:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.1928. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 10 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 29 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.1928."
2018/11/05, 17:40:25 "EVENTSHAKER# Start MAJOR Mission SM8 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:40:25 "MISSION - MAJOR 8 - Start"
2018/11/05, 17:40:28 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 49.2308, players: 9, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:40:40 Warning: Cleanup player - person 5:1019 not found
2018/11/05, 17:40:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.4848. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.4848."
2018/11/05, 17:41:01 Server: Object 12:206 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:41:01 Server: Object 12:205 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 17:41:01 Server: Object 12:204 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 17:41:08 Server: Object 6:392 not found (message 221)
2018/11/05, 17:41:10 "#FPSFixer: Player Orcus with ID 76561198064249725 FPS: 60 in coords: [5933.89,10544.5,-0.00119019] ..."
2018/11/05, 17:41:23 "P1ayer PID#15(Voron) hit by PID#14(.I.N.G.U.S.H.) with M4SPR_DZE/B_556x45_Ball <ammo left:27> from 19 meters in head_hit for 0 damage"
2018/11/05, 17:41:24 "Player UID#76561198077224462 CID#5703 PID#15(Voron) as Survivor2_DZ died at Балота [045127]"
2018/11/05, 17:41:24 "DeathMessage: Voron был убит игроком .I.N.G.U.S.H. с M4SPR_DZE с расстояния 18м"
2018/11/05, 17:41:25 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - berkut(76561198139474243)"
2018/11/05, 17:41:25 "<infiSTAR.de> Player-Log: berkut(76561198139474243) - 1h 40min"
2018/11/05, 17:41:27 "INFO - Player: PID#18(berkut)(UID:76561198139474243/CID:5729) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 17:41:29 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 8, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:41:31 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player berkut with UID 76561198139474243 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:41:31 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player berkut with UID 76561198139474243 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:41:31 "INFO - Player: PID#18(berkut)(UID:76561198139474243/CID:5729) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location ВПП [051129]"
2018/11/05, 17:41:35 "INFO - Player: berkut(UID:76561198139474243/CID:5729) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 17:41:36 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Voron(76561198077224462)"
2018/11/05, 17:41:36 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is near respawn_west. This is normal after death. ["76561198077224462","Voron"]"
2018/11/05, 17:41:36 Client: Remote object 15:17 not found
2018/11/05, 17:41:37 "<infiSTAR.de> SLOG_NP: berkut (76561198139474243) | New Player: ["5729",[],[],[0,0,0,0],true,"DayZ Epoch","Survivor2_DZ",true,true,0,[],0,0,0,[],1000]"
2018/11/05, 17:41:37 "<infiSTAR.de> SLOG_NP: berkut (76561198139474243) | New Player: ["5729",[],[],[0,0,0,0],true,"DayZ Epoch","Survivor2_DZ",true,true,0,[],0,0,0,[],1000]"
2018/11/05, 17:41:37 "["PVAHR_0_a90786d2d751b854b5d2039",["berkut","76561198139474243","SLOG_NP",[78,101,119,32,80,108,97,121,101,114,58,32,91,34,53,55,50,57,34,44,91,93,44,91,93,44,91,48,44,48,44,48,44,48,93,44,116,114,117,101,44,34,68,97,121,90,32,69,112,111,99,104,32,49,46,48,46,54,46,50,34,44,34,83,117,114,118,105,118,111,114,50,95,68,90,34,44,116,114,117,101,44,116,114,117,101,44,48,44,91,93,44,48,44,48,44,48,44,91,93,44,49,48,48,48,93]]]"
2018/11/05, 17:41:43 "#LOGIN#: Player berkut with ID 76561198139474243 connected!"
2018/11/05, 17:41:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.4848. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.4848."
2018/11/05, 17:41:52 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Voron(76561198077224462)"
2018/11/05, 17:41:54 "INFO - Player: PID#15(Voron)(UID:76561198077224462/CID:5730) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 17:41:56 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Voron with UID 76561198077224462 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:41:56 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Voron with UID 76561198077224462 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:41:56 "INFO - Player: PID#15(Voron)(UID:76561198077224462/CID:5730) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location ВПП [051127]"
2018/11/05, 17:41:57 "INFO - Player: Voron(UID:76561198077224462/CID:5730) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 17:42:10 "#LOGIN#: Player Voron with ID 76561198077224462 connected!"
2018/11/05, 17:42:14 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player МР.KOT with UID 76561198088233186 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:42:27 "#FPSFixer: Player berkut with ID 76561198139474243 FPS: 37 in coords: [5141.13,2441.93,0.0299788] ..."
2018/11/05, 17:42:28 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Pankerton(76561198146796842)"
2018/11/05, 17:42:28 "<infiSTAR.de> Player-Log: Pankerton(76561198146796842) - 1h 41min"
2018/11/05, 17:42:29 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.9042, players: 9, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:42:35 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Papa Carlo(76561198217758817)"
2018/11/05, 17:42:35 "<infiSTAR.de> Player-Log: Papa Carlo(76561198217758817) - 1h 41min"
2018/11/05, 17:42:35 "P1ayer PID#14(.I.N.G.U.S.H.) hit by AI with UH1H_DZ from 142 meters in head_hit for 0 damage"
2018/11/05, 17:42:35 "INFO - Player: PID#17(Pankerton)(UID:76561198146796842/CID:5686) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 17:42:36 Server: Object 17:23 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:42:36 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Pankerton with UID 76561198146796842 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:42:36 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Pankerton with UID 76561198146796842 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:42:36 "INFO - Player: PID#17(Pankerton)(UID:76561198146796842/CID:5686) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location лесопилка [125057]"
2018/11/05, 17:42:36 Server: Object info 2:3644 not found during Changing Owner
2018/11/05, 17:42:36 Server: Object info 2:3641 not found during Changing Owner
2018/11/05, 17:42:41 "INFO - Player: PID#19(Papa Carlo)(UID:76561198217758817/CID:5627) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 17:42:41 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Papa Carlo with UID 76561198217758817 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:42:41 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Papa Carlo with UID 76561198217758817 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:42:41 "INFO - Player: PID#19(Papa Carlo)(UID:76561198217758817/CID:5627) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Балота [046123]"
2018/11/05, 17:42:45 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Voron(76561198077224462)"
2018/11/05, 17:42:45 "INFO - Player: Voron(UID:76561198077224462/CID:5730) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location ВПП [051127]"
2018/11/05, 17:42:45 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: Voron with uid 76561198077224462 disconnected ..."
2018/11/05, 17:42:45 Client: Remote object 15:190 not found
2018/11/05, 17:42:46 "INFO - Player: Papa Carlo(UID:76561198217758817/CID:5627) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 17:42:46 Warning: Cleanup player - person 15:189 not found
2018/11/05, 17:42:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.6322. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 1 animals, 2 empty groups, 1 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 11 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 11 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.6322."
2018/11/05, 17:42:50 "INFO - Player: Pankerton(UID:76561198146796842/CID:5686) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 17:42:51 "<infiSTAR.de> SLOG: Pankerton (76561198146796842) | Menu Checks are broken!"
2018/11/05, 17:42:51 "<infiSTAR.de> SLOG: Pankerton (76561198146796842) | Menu Checks are broken!"
2018/11/05, 17:42:51 "["PVAHR_0_a90786d2d751b854b5d2039",["Pankerton","76561198146796842","SLOG",[77,101,110,117,32,67,104,101,99,107,115,32,97,114,101,32,98,114,111,107,101,110,33]]]"
2018/11/05, 17:42:51 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Pankerton(76561198146796842)"
2018/11/05, 17:42:51 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is not in playableUnits. ["76561198146796842","Pankerton"]"
2018/11/05, 17:42:51 Client: Remote object 17:20 not found
2018/11/05, 17:42:51 Client: Remote object 17:19 not found
2018/11/05, 17:42:51 Client: Remote object 17:17 not found
2018/11/05, 17:42:57 "#LOGIN#: Player Papa Carlo with ID 76561198217758817 connected!"
2018/11/05, 17:43:08 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Pankerton(76561198146796842)"
2018/11/05, 17:43:10 "INFO - Player: PID#17(Pankerton)(UID:76561198146796842/CID:5686) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 17:43:10 Server: Object 17:52 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:43:10 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Pankerton with UID 76561198146796842 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:43:10 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Pankerton with UID 76561198146796842 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:43:10 "INFO - Player: PID#17(Pankerton)(UID:76561198146796842/CID:5686) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location лесопилка [125057]"
2018/11/05, 17:43:11 "INFO - Player: Pankerton(UID:76561198146796842/CID:5686) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 17:43:26 "#LOGIN#: Player Pankerton with ID 76561198146796842 connected!"
2018/11/05, 17:43:30 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.9042, players: 10, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:43:32 "Pankerton (76561198146796842) UNLOCKED CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ with code: EYESCAN @125057 [12579.2,9618.31,0.037]"
2018/11/05, 17:43:41 "#FPSFixer: Player Papa Carlo with ID 76561198217758817 FPS: 16 in coords: [4671.46,2998.26,0.00255585] ..."
2018/11/05, 17:43:47 "Pankerton (76561198146796842) LOCKED CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ with code: 885 @125057 [12579.2,9618.31,0.037]"
2018/11/05, 17:43:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.4848. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 5 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.4848."
2018/11/05, 17:43:53 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: C130J_US_EP1_DZ (objid: 16859) LOCKED @041044 ([4177.46,10872.6,-0.00131226]) [4177.46,10872.6,-0.00131226] BY Voralex(76561198004396057)"
2018/11/05, 17:43:55 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: C130J_US_EP1_DZ (objid: 16859) UNLOCKED @041044 ([4177.46,10872.6,-0.00131226]) [4177.46,10872.6,-0.00131226] BY Voralex(76561198004396057)"
2018/11/05, 17:44:01 Server: Object 12:238 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:44:01 Server: Object 12:239 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:44:01 Server: Object 12:248 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 17:44:01 Server: Object 12:246 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:44:01 Server: Object 12:247 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:44:01 Server: Object 12:252 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 17:44:01 Server: Object 12:249 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:44:01 Server: Object 12:253 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 17:44:01 Server: Object 12:250 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:44:01 Server: Object 12:251 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:44:01 Server: Object 12:254 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 17:44:01 Server: Object 12:256 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 17:44:01 Server: Object 12:255 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:44:07 Server: Object 12:272 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:44:07 Server: Object 12:279 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:44:07 Server: Object 12:280 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 17:44:07 Server: Object 12:278 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:44:07 Server: Object 12:273 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:44:07 Server: Object 12:274 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:44:07 Server: Object 12:275 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:44:07 Server: Object 12:276 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:44:07 Server: Object 12:277 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:44:07 Server: Object 12:282 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 17:44:07 Server: Object 12:284 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:44:07 Server: Object 12:283 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:44:07 Server: Object 12:281 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 17:44:09 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Tishka(76561198154326629)"
2018/11/05, 17:44:09 "<infiSTAR.de> Player-Log: Tishka(76561198154326629) - 1h 43min"
2018/11/05, 17:44:10 "#FPSFixer: Player Pankerton with ID 76561198146796842 FPS: 26 in coords: [12575.9,9616.85,0.00143909] ..."
2018/11/05, 17:44:14 "INFO - Player: PID#21(Tishka)(UID:76561198154326629/CID:5731) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 17:44:18 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Tishka with UID 76561198154326629 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:44:18 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Tishka with UID 76561198154326629 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:44:18 "INFO - Player: PID#21(Tishka)(UID:76561198154326629/CID:5731) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location ВПП [048133]"
2018/11/05, 17:44:23 "<infiSTAR.de> SLOG_NP: Tishka (76561198154326629) | New Player: ["5731",[],[],[0,0,0,0],true,"DayZ Epoch","Survivor2_DZ",true,true,0,[],0,0,0,[],1000]"
2018/11/05, 17:44:23 "<infiSTAR.de> SLOG_NP: Tishka (76561198154326629) | New Player: ["5731",[],[],[0,0,0,0],true,"DayZ Epoch","Survivor2_DZ",true,true,0,[],0,0,0,[],1000]"
2018/11/05, 17:44:23 "["PVAHR_0_a90786d2d751b854b5d2039",["Tishka","76561198154326629","SLOG_NP",[78,101,119,32,80,108,97,121,101,114,58,32,91,34,53,55,51,49,34,44,91,93,44,91,93,44,91,48,44,48,44,48,44,48,93,44,116,114,117,101,44,34,68,97,121,90,32,69,112,111,99,104,32,49,46,48,46,54,46,50,34,44,34,83,117,114,118,105,118,111,114,50,95,68,90,34,44,116,114,117,101,44,116,114,117,101,44,48,44,91,93,44,48,44,48,44,48,44,91,93,44,49,48,48,48,93]]]"
2018/11/05, 17:44:27 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Hp(76561198033885782)"
2018/11/05, 17:44:27 "<infiSTAR.de> Player-Log: Hp(76561198033885782) - 1h 43min"
2018/11/05, 17:44:28 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: C130J_US_EP1_DZ (objid: 16859) LOCKED @042045 ([4209.4,10825.1,-0.00186157]) [4209.4,10825.1,-0.00186157] BY Voralex(76561198004396057)"
2018/11/05, 17:44:29 "#LOGIN#: Player Tishka with ID 76561198154326629 connected!"
2018/11/05, 17:44:30 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 36.3636, players: 10, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:44:32 "INFO - Player: PID#20(Hp)(UID:76561198033885782/CID:5674) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 17:44:32 Server: Object 20:23 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:44:32 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Hp with UID 76561198033885782 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:44:32 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Hp with UID 76561198033885782 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:44:32 "INFO - Player: PID#20(Hp)(UID:76561198033885782/CID:5674) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Пустошка [031074]"
2018/11/05, 17:44:33 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: C130J_US_EP1_DZ (objid: 16859) UNLOCKED @042045 ([4209.4,10825.1,-0.00131226]) [4209.4,10825.1,-0.00131226] BY Voralex(76561198004396057)"
2018/11/05, 17:44:37 Server: Object 12:311 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 17:44:38 "INFO - Player: Hp(UID:76561198033885782/CID:5674) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 17:44:48 "#LOGIN#: Player Hp with ID 76561198033885782 connected!"
2018/11/05, 17:44:50 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 44.9438. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 1 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 14 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 44.9438."
2018/11/05, 17:44:53 Server: Object 20:71 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:44:53 Server: Object 20:70 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:44:53 Server: Object 20:72 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:44:53 Server: Object 20:73 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:44:53 Server: Object 20:80 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:44:53 Server: Object 20:79 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:44:53 Server: Object 20:82 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 17:44:53 Server: Object 20:83 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:44:53 Server: Object 20:84 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 17:44:58 "EVENTSHAKER# Start MILITARY Mission SM4 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:44:58 "MISSION - MILITARY 4 - Roll = 0.934652, Chance = 0.65, mission will not start."
2018/11/05, 17:45:10 "Pankerton (76561198146796842) LOCKED CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ with code: 885 @125057 [12579.2,9618.31,0.037]"
2018/11/05, 17:45:12 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - prizrak65(76561198359965418)"
2018/11/05, 17:45:13 "#FPSFixer: Player Tishka with ID 76561198154326629 FPS: 44 in coords: [4905.22,2142.47,0.00143909] ..."
2018/11/05, 17:45:14 "INFO - Player: PID#23(prizrak65)(UID:76561198359965418/CID:5732) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 17:45:19 "#FPSFixer: Player .I.N.G.U.S.H. with ID 76561198256963057 FPS: 59 in coords: [5310.96,2077.47,0.00143909] ..."
2018/11/05, 17:45:27 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: C130J_US_EP1_DZ (objid: 16859) LOCKED @042045 ([4209.4,10825.1,-0.00131226]) [4209.4,10825.1,-0.00131226] BY Voralex(76561198004396057)"
2018/11/05, 17:45:28 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: C130J_US_EP1_DZ (objid: 16859) UNLOCKED @042045 ([4209.4,10825.1,-0.00131226]) [4209.4,10825.1,-0.00131226] BY Voralex(76561198004396057)"
2018/11/05, 17:45:29 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: HMMWV_Ambulance (objid: 16839) UNLOCKED @053132 [5313.72,2075.17,0.0594273]"
2018/11/05, 17:45:31 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 41.1311, players: 11, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:45:32 "#FPSFixer: Player Hp with ID 76561198033885782 FPS: 64 in coords: [3144.51,7907.24,0.00146484] ..."
2018/11/05, 17:45:34 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: Mi17_DZE (objid: 16766) UNLOCKED @125057 [12590.9,9590.21,-0.0440445]"
2018/11/05, 17:45:37 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player prizrak65 with UID 76561198359965418 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:45:37 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player prizrak65 with UID 76561198359965418 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:45:37 "INFO - Player: PID#23(prizrak65)(UID:76561198359965418/CID:5732) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Электрозаводск [098130]"
2018/11/05, 17:45:39 "MISSION - MINOR 1 - Activated - player in 1200m, spawning crates and additional AI"
2018/11/05, 17:45:39 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - Begin"
2018/11/05, 17:45:39 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - End"
2018/11/05, 17:45:39 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of BANDITS - 0 Infantry, 0 Stormtrooper, 2 Sniper, 0 Boss, 1 Elite 1 Nuker at position [10181.5,2637.84,0]"
2018/11/05, 17:45:42 "INFO - Player: prizrak65(UID:76561198359965418/CID:5732) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 17:45:42 "#LOGIN#: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 connected!"
2018/11/05, 17:45:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 44.0771. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 19 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 8 reammo boxes. Fps after: 44.0771."
2018/11/05, 17:45:58 "EVENTSHAKER# MILITARY Mission SM4 completed ..."
2018/11/05, 17:46:14 "#FPSFixer: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 FPS: 50 in coords: [9880.17,2267.37,0.00205231] ..."
2018/11/05, 17:46:31 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 41.4508, players: 11, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:46:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 43.3604. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 9 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 16 reammo boxes. Fps after: 43.3604."
2018/11/05, 17:46:56 "CRASHSPAWNER: Spawning crash site (CrashSite_EU) at [7950.15,9766.08,0] with 12 items."
2018/11/05, 17:46:58 "#FPSFixer: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 FPS: 23 in coords: [10897,4182.07,0.000640869] ..."
2018/11/05, 17:47:04 "MISSION - MAJOR 8 - Activated - player in 1200m, spawning crates and additional AI"
2018/11/05, 17:47:04 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - Begin"
2018/11/05, 17:47:04 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - End"
2018/11/05, 17:47:04 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - Begin"
2018/11/05, 17:47:04 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - End"
2018/11/05, 17:47:04 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [9016.49,9234.83,0]"
2018/11/05, 17:47:04 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of BANDITS - 0 Infantry, 1 Stormtrooper, 1 Sniper, 1 Boss, 2 Elite 1 Nuker at position [8998.08,9218.97,0]"
2018/11/05, 17:47:05 Duplicate weapon ItemGPS detected for RUS_Soldier_Sab
2018/11/05, 17:47:05 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a BANDITS VEHICLE - at position [9020.51,9240.03,0]"
2018/11/05, 17:47:31 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 41.1311, players: 11, AI units: 22 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:47:35 "MISSION - MAJOR 8 - Players moved away without contact, performing partial cleaning"
2018/11/05, 17:47:47 "Hp (76561198033885782) FAILED unlocking Safe with code: 2143 (actual: 3259) @031074 [3148.31,7912.82,0.14]"
2018/11/05, 17:47:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 40.6091. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 6 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 14 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 40.6091."
2018/11/05, 17:47:54 "Hp (76561198033885782) FAILED unlocking Safe with code: 2143 (actual: 3259) @031074 [3148.31,7912.82,0.14]"
2018/11/05, 17:48:10 "Hp (76561198033885782) FAILED unlocking Safe with code: 2163 (actual: 0368) @031074 [3149.71,7911.81,0.14]"
2018/11/05, 17:48:17 "Hp (76561198033885782) FAILED unlocking Safe with code: 2163 (actual: 3259) @031074 [3148.31,7912.82,0.14]"
2018/11/05, 17:48:21 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines.45Rnd_545x39_RPK'.
2018/11/05, 17:48:21 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'.
2018/11/05, 17:48:21 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 17:48:21 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'.
2018/11/05, 17:48:21 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 17:48:21 Warning Message: Error: creating magazine 45Rnd_545x39_RPK with scope=private
2018/11/05, 17:48:21 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'.
2018/11/05, 17:48:21 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 17:48:21 Warning Message: No entry '.displayNameShort'.
2018/11/05, 17:48:21 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 17:48:21 Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'.
2018/11/05, 17:48:21 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 17:48:21 Warning Message: No entry '.Library'.
2018/11/05, 17:48:21 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'.
2018/11/05, 17:48:21 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 17:48:21 Warning Message: No entry '.type'.
2018/11/05, 17:48:21 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 17:48:21 Warning Message: No entry '.count'.
2018/11/05, 17:48:21 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 17:48:21 Warning Message: No entry '.maxLeadSpeed'.
2018/11/05, 17:48:21 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 17:48:21 Warning Message: No entry '.initSpeed'.
2018/11/05, 17:48:21 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 17:48:21 Warning Message: No entry '.reloadAction'.
2018/11/05, 17:48:21 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 17:48:21 Warning Message: No entry '.modelSpecial'.
2018/11/05, 17:48:21 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 17:48:21 Warning Message: No entry '.ammo'.
2018/11/05, 17:48:21 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 17:48:21 "Hp (76561198033885782) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 2163 @031074 [3150.97,7910.85,0.14]"
2018/11/05, 17:48:31 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Sync date on clients to [2012,8,2,12,16]."
2018/11/05, 17:48:32 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 43.8356, players: 11, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:48:45 "Hp (76561198033885782) LOCKED Safe with code: 2163 @031074 [3150.97,7910.85,0.14]"
2018/11/05, 17:48:47 "P1ayer PID#8(МР.KOT) hit by PID#19(Papa Carlo) with DMR_DZ/B_762x51_noTracer <ammo left:19> from 182 meters in head_hit for 0.950664 damage"
2018/11/05, 17:48:47 "Hp (76561198033885782) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 2163 @031074 [3150.97,7910.85,0.14]"
2018/11/05, 17:48:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 44.4444. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 12 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 44.4444."
2018/11/05, 17:48:50 "Hp (76561198033885782) LOCKED Safe with code: 2163 @031074 [3150.97,7910.85,0.14]"
2018/11/05, 17:48:50 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 11, FPS 43.0108, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 6, Max Nearby Zeds 7, Max Global Zeds 140, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.6, MaxModels 70, MaxWeapHolders 70."
2018/11/05, 17:48:50 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 24, West Units (Players): 11, East Units (AI): 13, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 18, SERVER FPS: 43.0108 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:49:00 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: Mi17_DZE (objid: 16766) LOCKED @063075 ([6385.38,7775.86,-0.0418701]) [6385.38,7775.86,-0.0418701] BY Pankerton(76561198146796842)"
2018/11/05, 17:49:01 "MISSION - MINOR 1 - Players moved away without contact, performing partial cleaning"
2018/11/05, 17:49:02 "Player UID#76561198088233186 CID#5728 PID#8(МР.KOT) as BAF_Soldier_Officer_MTP_DZ died at Балота [047125]"
2018/11/05, 17:49:02 "DeathMessage: МР.KOT был убит игроком Papa Carlo с DMR_DZ с расстояния 179м"
2018/11/05, 17:49:14 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - МР.KOT(76561198088233186)"
2018/11/05, 17:49:14 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is near respawn_west. This is normal after death. ["76561198088233186","МР.KOT"]"
2018/11/05, 17:49:14 Client: Remote object 8:507 not found
2018/11/05, 17:49:14 Client: Remote object 8:506 not found
2018/11/05, 17:49:14 Warning: Cleanup player - person 8:508 not found
2018/11/05, 17:49:16 Warning: Cleanup player - person 8:508 not found
2018/11/05, 17:49:23 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Tishka with UID 76561198154326629 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:49:32 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.3384, players: 10, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:49:47 "MISSION - MINOR 1 - Activated - player in 1200m, spawning crates and additional AI"
2018/11/05, 17:49:47 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - Begin"
2018/11/05, 17:49:47 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - End"
2018/11/05, 17:49:47 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of BANDITS - 0 Infantry, 0 Stormtrooper, 2 Sniper, 0 Boss, 1 Elite 1 Nuker at position [10182.9,2639.21,0]"
2018/11/05, 17:49:47 Duplicate weapon ItemGPS detected for RUS_Soldier_Sab
2018/11/05, 17:49:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.7612. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 2 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.7612."
2018/11/05, 17:50:01 "Hp (76561198033885782) FAILED unlocking Safe with code: 1455 (actual: 3259) @031074 [3148.31,7912.82,0.14]"
2018/11/05, 17:50:09 "Hp (76561198033885782) FAILED unlocking Safe with code: 1455 (actual: 3259) @031074 [3148.31,7912.82,0.14]"
2018/11/05, 17:50:18 "Hp (76561198033885782) FAILED unlocking Safe with code: 2163 (actual: 0368) @031074 [3149.71,7911.81,0.14]"
2018/11/05, 17:50:27 "Hp (76561198033885782) FAILED unlocking Safe with code: 2163 (actual: 0368) @031074 [3149.71,7911.81,0.14]"
2018/11/05, 17:50:33 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.3373, players: 10, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:50:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.0704. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 9 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 23 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.0704."
2018/11/05, 17:51:07 "Hp (76561198033885782) FAILED unlocking Safe with code: 0638 (actual: 3259) @031074 [3148.31,7912.82,0.14]"
2018/11/05, 17:51:15 "Hp (76561198033885782) FAILED unlocking Safe with code: 0638 (actual: 0368) @031074 [3149.71,7911.81,0.14]"
2018/11/05, 17:51:17 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: Mi17_DZE (objid: 16766) UNLOCKED @063075 ([6385.38,7775.86,-0.0314941]) [6385.38,7775.86,-0.0314941] BY Pankerton(76561198146796842)"
2018/11/05, 17:51:21 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: Mi17_DZE (objid: 16766) LOCKED @063075 ([6385.38,7775.86,-0.0314941]) [6385.38,7775.86,-0.0314941] BY Pankerton(76561198146796842)"
2018/11/05, 17:51:33 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 10, AI units: 14 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:51:36 "HEARDSOMETHING# Make shoot sounds near player Pankerton in 587 metres with ["AK_107_pso","30Rnd_545x39_AK"] ..."
2018/11/05, 17:51:40 "Hp (76561198033885782) FAILED unlocking Safe with code: 3259 (actual: 0368) @031074 [3149.71,7911.81,0.14]"
2018/11/05, 17:51:45 "Hp (76561198033885782) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 3259 @031074 [3148.31,7912.82,0.14]"
2018/11/05, 17:51:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/05, 17:52:33 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 10, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:52:47 Server: Object 17:152 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 17:52:47 "**** server_verifySender **** [[185,[6292.99,7806.43,0.000152588]],"MTVR_DES_EP1",false,"ItemKeyGreen2477",B 1-1-G:2 (Pankerton) REMOTE,"r^ZmTUErG*KRW"] * PublishVehicle2 * [6292.99,7806.43,0.000152588] * r^ZmTUErG*KRW * 76561198146796842 * B 1-1-G:2 (Pankerton) REMOTE ****"
2018/11/05, 17:52:47 "PUBLISH: PID#17(Pankerton)(76561198146796842) bought MTVR_DES_EP1 with UID 1304618578066753 @Старый Собор [062075]"
2018/11/05, 17:52:47 "Trader Menu: Pankerton (76561198146796842) purchased 1x MTVR_DES_EP1 into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 4,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 17:52:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 17:52:52 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: MTVR_DES_EP1 (objid: 16860) UNLOCKED @062075 [6292.97,7806.41,0.000427246]"
2018/11/05, 17:53:25 "Hp (76561198033885782) FAILED unlocking Safe with code: 9 (actual: 0368) @031074 [3149.71,7911.81,0.14]"
2018/11/05, 17:53:34 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.0588, players: 10, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:53:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 17:54:17 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: Mi17_DZE (objid: 16766) UNLOCKED @063075 ([6385.38,7775.86,-0.0314941]) [6385.38,7775.86,-0.0314941] BY Pankerton(76561198146796842)"
2018/11/05, 17:54:28 "P1ayer PID#21(Tishka) hit by PID#19(Papa Carlo) with DMR_DZ/B_762x51_noTracer <ammo left:4> from 453 meters in head_hit for 0.505269 damage"
2018/11/05, 17:54:30 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 17:54:30 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 457.973m"
2018/11/05, 17:54:34 "Hp (76561198033885782) LOCKED Safe with code: 3259 @031074 [3148.31,7912.82,0.14]"
2018/11/05, 17:54:34 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 10, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:54:35 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 17:54:35 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 464.736m"
2018/11/05, 17:54:38 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 17:54:38 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 461.206m"
2018/11/05, 17:54:41 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 17:54:41 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 451.798m"
2018/11/05, 17:54:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.7805. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 13 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 10 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.7805."
2018/11/05, 17:54:53 "#FPSFixer: Player Voralex with ID 76561198004396057 FPS: 60 in coords: [4321.13,6199.56,146.019] ..."
2018/11/05, 17:54:54 "P1ayer PID#21(Tishka) hit by PID#19(Papa Carlo) with DMR_DZ/B_762x51_noTracer <ammo left:2> from 455 meters in head_hit for 0.0152869 damage"
2018/11/05, 17:54:57 "P1ayer PID#21(Tishka) hit by PID#19(Papa Carlo) with DMR_DZ/B_762x51_noTracer <ammo left:1> from 455 meters in head_hit for 1.3472 damage"
2018/11/05, 17:54:58 "Player UID#76561198154326629 CID#5731 PID#21(Tishka) as CZ_Soldier_Sniper_EP1_DZ died at Балота [045127]"
2018/11/05, 17:54:58 "DeathMessage: Tishka был убит игроком Papa Carlo с DMR_DZ с расстояния 455м"
2018/11/05, 17:55:10 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Tishka(76561198154326629)"
2018/11/05, 17:55:10 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is near respawn_west. This is normal after death. ["76561198154326629","Tishka"]"
2018/11/05, 17:55:10 Client: Remote object 21:17 not found
2018/11/05, 17:55:30 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Tishka(76561198154326629)"
2018/11/05, 17:55:32 "INFO - Player: PID#21(Tishka)(UID:76561198154326629/CID:5733) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 17:55:35 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.7805, players: 10, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:55:44 Server: Object 14:310 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:55:44 "DELETE: Player PID#14(.I.N.G.U.S.H.)(76561198256963057) deleted object with ID: 16838"
2018/11/05, 17:55:44 "Trader Menu: .I.N.G.U.S.H. (76561198256963057) sold 1x HMMWV_DES_EP1 from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 2,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 17:55:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 1 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 67 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/05, 17:55:56 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Tishka with UID 76561198154326629 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:55:56 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Tishka with UID 76561198154326629 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:55:56 "INFO - Player: PID#21(Tishka)(UID:76561198154326629/CID:5733) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location ВПП [051131]"
2018/11/05, 17:55:58 "INFO - Player: Tishka(UID:76561198154326629/CID:5733) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 17:55:58 "#LOGIN#: Player Tishka with ID 76561198154326629 connected!"
2018/11/05, 17:56:04 Server: Object 21:265 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:56:04 Server: Object 21:267 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 17:56:04 Server: Object 21:266 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:56:04 Server: Object 21:268 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:56:08 "Hp (76561198033885782) UNLOCKED CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ with code: EYESCAN @031074 [3146.34,7931.51,0.0002136]"
2018/11/05, 17:56:20 "Hp (76561198033885782) LOCKED CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ with code: 271 @031074 [3146.34,7931.51,0.0002136]"
2018/11/05, 17:56:21 Server: Object 14:339 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 17:56:21 "DELETE: Player PID#14(.I.N.G.U.S.H.)(76561198256963057) deleted object with ID: 16839"
2018/11/05, 17:56:21 "Trader Menu: .I.N.G.U.S.H. (76561198256963057) sold 1x HMMWV_Ambulance from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 2,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 17:56:23 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Tishka with UID 76561198154326629 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:56:32 Server: Object 12:430 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:56:32 "#FPSFixer: Player Tishka with ID 76561198154326629 FPS: 43 in coords: [5165.96,2318.38,0.00143909] ..."
2018/11/05, 17:56:35 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 44.8179, players: 10, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:56:38 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Tishka with UID 76561198154326629 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 17:56:40 "PUBLISH: Created CSJ_GyroC with ID "101522079546986""
2018/11/05, 17:56:40 "Vehicles&Objects Spawner# CSJ_GyroC spawned by player B 1-1-L:1 (Hp) REMOTE! Player name is Hp (UID:76561198033885782) in coords [3166.15,7954.02,0]."
2018/11/05, 17:56:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.7143. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.7143."
2018/11/05, 17:57:21 "MISSION - MINOR 1 - Success"
2018/11/05, 17:57:21 "MISSION - MINOR 1 - Mission end. Player in 30m, name: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers"
2018/11/05, 17:57:22 "MISSION - MINOR 1 - Mission end. Player in 1000m, name: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers"
2018/11/05, 17:57:29 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: C130J_US_EP1_DZ (objid: 16859) LOCKED @042045 ([4200.63,10829.1,-0.00137329]) [4200.63,10829.1,-0.00137329] BY Voralex(76561198004396057)"
2018/11/05, 17:57:32 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: C130J_US_EP1_DZ (objid: 16859) UNLOCKED @042045 ([4200.63,10829.1,-0.00137329]) [4200.63,10829.1,-0.00137329] BY Voralex(76561198004396057)"
2018/11/05, 17:57:35 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 43.0108, players: 10, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:57:37 Server: Object 14:346 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:57:37 "**** server_verifySender **** [[156,[6292.99,7806.43,0.000152588]],"SUV_TK_CIV_EP1",false,"ItemKeyBlack1300",B 1-1-M:1 (.I.N.G.U.S.H.) REMOTE,"t^gRl$^Rk@646"] * PublishVehicle2 * [6292.99,7806.43,0.000152588] * t^gRl$^Rk@646 * 76561198256963057 * B 1-1-M:1 (.I.N.G.U.S.H.) REMOTE ****"
2018/11/05, 17:57:37 "PUBLISH: PID#14(.I.N.G.U.S.H.)(76561198256963057) bought SUV_TK_CIV_EP1 with UID 1333615678067043 @Старый Собор [062075]"
2018/11/05, 17:57:37 "Trader Menu: .I.N.G.U.S.H. (76561198256963057) purchased 1x SUV_TK_CIV_EP1 into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 3,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 17:57:42 Server: Object 14:348 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 17:57:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 10 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 60 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 17:57:50 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_TK_CIV_EP1 (objid: 16862) UNLOCKED @062075 [6292.98,7806.42,0.000274658]"
2018/11/05, 17:58:11 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_TK_CIV_EP1 (objid: 16862) LOCKED @063075 ([6333.5,7801.96,0.00012207]) [6333.5,7801.96,0.00012207] BY .I.N.G.U.S.H.(76561198256963057)"
2018/11/05, 17:58:36 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 49.2308, players: 10, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:58:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.9297. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 2 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 8 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.9297."
2018/11/05, 17:58:56 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 10, FPS 48.9297, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 6, Max Nearby Zeds 7, Max Global Zeds 140, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.6, MaxModels 70, MaxWeapHolders 70."
2018/11/05, 17:58:56 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 19, West Units (Players): 10, East Units (AI): 9, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 5, SERVER FPS: 48.9297 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:59:11 Server: Object 14:353 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 17:59:11 "Trader Menu: .I.N.G.U.S.H. (76561198256963057) purchased 2x ItemMorphine into backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 17:59:11 "Trader Menu: .I.N.G.U.S.H. (76561198256963057) purchased 2x ItemPainkiller into backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 40 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 17:59:34 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/05, 17:59:34 "SOLDIER AI (air) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Papa Carlo from 271.08m"
2018/11/05, 17:59:35 Server: Object 23:90 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:59:36 Server: Object 23:92 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 17:59:36 Server: Object 23:91 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 17:59:36 Server: Object 23:95 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:59:36 Server: Object 23:94 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 17:59:36 Server: Object 23:99 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 17:59:36 Server: Object 23:93 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 17:59:36 Server: Object 23:97 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 17:59:36 Server: Object 23:96 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:59:36 Server: Object 23:98 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 17:59:36 Server: Object 23:108 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:59:36 Server: Object 23:100 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 17:59:36 Server: Object 23:101 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:59:36 Server: Object 23:102 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:59:36 Server: Object 23:103 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:59:36 Server: Object 23:104 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:59:36 Server: Object 23:105 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:59:36 Server: Object 23:106 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:59:36 Server: Object 23:107 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:59:36 Server: Object 23:109 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:59:36 Server: Object 23:117 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:59:36 Server: Object 23:110 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 17:59:36 Server: Object 23:111 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:59:36 Server: Object 23:112 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:59:36 Server: Object 23:113 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:59:36 Server: Object 23:114 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:59:36 Server: Object 23:115 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:59:36 Server: Object 23:116 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:59:36 Server: Object 23:126 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:59:36 Server: Object 23:118 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 17:59:36 Server: Object 23:119 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:59:36 Server: Object 23:120 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:59:36 Server: Object 23:121 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:59:36 Server: Object 23:122 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:59:36 Server: Object 23:123 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:59:36 Server: Object 23:124 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:59:36 Server: Object 23:125 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:59:36 Server: Object 23:127 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 17:59:36 Server: Object 23:128 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:59:36 Server: Object 23:129 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:59:36 Server: Object 23:130 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:59:36 Server: Object 23:131 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 17:59:36 Server: Object 23:132 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 17:59:36 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.3373, players: 11, AI units: 8 ..."
2018/11/05, 17:59:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.9297. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 7 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.9297."
2018/11/05, 18:00:01 Server: Object 14:364 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:00:01 "Trader Menu: .I.N.G.U.S.H. (76561198256963057) sold 1x 5Rnd_86x70_L115A1 from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:00:01 "Trader Menu: .I.N.G.U.S.H. (76561198256963057) sold 1x 64Rnd_9x19_SD_Bizon from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 125 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:00:03 Server: Object 23:170 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:00:09 MuzzleFlashROT - unknown animation source ammoRandom
2018/11/05, 18:00:24 "#FPSFixer: Player Orcus with ID 76561198064249725 FPS: 61 in coords: [6369.22,7779.4,0.00146484] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:00:26 Server: Object 2:2641 not found (message 221)
2018/11/05, 18:00:26 Server: Object 2:2653 not found (message 221)
2018/11/05, 18:00:27 "MISSION - MAJOR 8 - Timeout"
2018/11/05, 18:00:32 "MISSION - MAJOR 8 - Cleaning completed"
2018/11/05, 18:00:33 "MISSION - MAJOR 8 - End"
2018/11/05, 18:00:34 "EVENTSHAKER# MAJOR Mission SM8 completed ..."
2018/11/05, 18:00:36 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.3373, players: 11, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:00:44 "#FPSFixer: Player berkut with ID 76561198139474243 FPS: 50 in coords: [6001.04,2452.87,0.248619] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:00:48 Server: Object 14:374 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:00:48 "Trader Menu: .I.N.G.U.S.H. (76561198256963057) sold 1x Attachment_Sup545 from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 400 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:00:48 "Trader Menu: .I.N.G.U.S.H. (76561198256963057) sold 1x Bizon_SD_DZ from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:00:48 "Trader Menu: .I.N.G.U.S.H. (76561198256963057) sold 1x M1911_DZ from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 10 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:00:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.048. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 22 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 16 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.048."
2018/11/05, 18:01:09 Server: Object 21:338 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:01:12 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Set new date to [2012,8,2,19,0] with message: Вечер в хату...."
2018/11/05, 18:01:12 Server: Object 14:379 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:01:12 "Trader Menu: .I.N.G.U.S.H. (76561198256963057) sold 1x M4SPR_DZE from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 600 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:01:12 "Trader Menu: .I.N.G.U.S.H. (76561198256963057) sold 1x M24_DZ from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 600 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:01:15 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - dimon(76561198830708992)"
2018/11/05, 18:01:15 "<infiSTAR.de> Player-Log: dimon(76561198830708992) - 2h 00min"
2018/11/05, 18:01:16 "MISSION - MINOR 1 - Cleaning completed"
2018/11/05, 18:01:17 "MISSION - MINOR 1 - End"
2018/11/05, 18:01:25 "EVENTSHAKER# PVP Missions process stopped & exiting ..."
2018/11/05, 18:01:26 "INFO - Player: PID#24(dimon)(UID:76561198830708992/CID:5734) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 18:01:33 "HEARDSOMETHING# Make shoot sounds near player Papa Carlo in 617 metres with ["CZ550_DZ","5Rnd_17HMR"] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:01:33 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player dimon with UID 76561198830708992 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 18:01:33 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player dimon with UID 76561198830708992 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 18:01:33 "INFO - Player: PID#24(dimon)(UID:76561198830708992/CID:5734) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location завод [061133]"
2018/11/05, 18:01:37 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.8453, players: 11, AI units: 7 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:01:40 "EVENTSHAKER# MINOR Mission SM1 completed ..."
2018/11/05, 18:01:42 "#FPSFixer: Player Papa Carlo with ID 76561198217758817 FPS: 15 in coords: [4815.46,2471.7,0.00135803] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:01:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 44.8179. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 44.8179."
2018/11/05, 18:01:51 "INFO - Player: dimon(UID:76561198830708992/CID:5734) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 18:01:52 "#LOGIN#: Player dimon with ID 76561198830708992 connected!"
2018/11/05, 18:01:52 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Tishka with UID 76561198154326629 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 18:01:54 "<infiSTAR.de> SLOG_NP: dimon (76561198830708992) | New Player: ["5734",[],[],[0,0,0,0],true,"DayZ Epoch","Survivor2_DZ",true,true,0,[],0,0,0,[],1000]"
2018/11/05, 18:01:54 "<infiSTAR.de> SLOG_NP: dimon (76561198830708992) | New Player: ["5734",[],[],[0,0,0,0],true,"DayZ Epoch","Survivor2_DZ",true,true,0,[],0,0,0,[],1000]"
2018/11/05, 18:01:54 "["PVAHR_0_a90786d2d751b854b5d2039",["dimon","76561198830708992","SLOG_NP",[78,101,119,32,80,108,97,121,101,114,58,32,91,34,53,55,51,52,34,44,91,93,44,91,93,44,91,48,44,48,44,48,44,48,93,44,116,114,117,101,44,34,68,97,121,90,32,69,112,111,99,104,32,49,46,48,46,54,46,50,34,44,34,83,117,114,118,105,118,111,114,50,95,68,90,34,44,116,114,117,101,44,116,114,117,101,44,48,44,91,93,44,48,44,48,44,48,44,91,93,44,49,48,48,48,93]]]"
2018/11/05, 18:02:09 Server: Object 14:384 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:02:09 "Trader Menu: .I.N.G.U.S.H. (76561198256963057) purchased 1x MG36_camo into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:02:26 "#FPSFixer: Player dimon with ID 76561198830708992 FPS: 16 in coords: [6169.94,2090.7,0.00153828] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:02:35 Server: Object 14:386 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:02:35 "Trader Menu: .I.N.G.U.S.H. (76561198256963057) purchased 5x 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag into backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:02:37 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.4848, players: 11, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:02:48 "#FPSFixer: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 FPS: 31 in coords: [7844.92,3181.26,-0.109928] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:02:49 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_TK_CIV_EP1 (objid: 16862) UNLOCKED @063075 ([6333.5,7801.96,0.000152588]) [6333.5,7801.96,0.000152588] BY .I.N.G.U.S.H.(76561198256963057)"
2018/11/05, 18:02:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.4848. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.4848."
2018/11/05, 18:03:04 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_TK_CIV_EP1 (objid: 16862) LOCKED @063075 ([6345.75,7779.61,0.00012207]) [6345.75,7779.61,0.00012207] BY .I.N.G.U.S.H.(76561198256963057)"
2018/11/05, 18:03:16 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_TK_CIV_EP1 (objid: 16862) UNLOCKED @063075 ([6345.75,7779.62,0.000152588]) [6345.75,7779.62,0.000152588] BY .I.N.G.U.S.H.(76561198256963057)"
2018/11/05, 18:03:17 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: Mi17_DZE (objid: 16766) LOCKED @063075 ([6368.93,7769.83,-0.0754089]) [6368.93,7769.83,-0.0754089] BY Pankerton(76561198146796842)"
2018/11/05, 18:03:19 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Hp with ID 76561198033885782 try withdraw from bank 9000 ... now Hp has COINS:9000, BANK:250500 "
2018/11/05, 18:03:25 Server: Object 17:199 not found (message 132)
2018/11/05, 18:03:33 Server: Object 12:487 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 18:03:33 Server: Object 12:488 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 18:03:38 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.9297, players: 11, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:03:42 Server: Object 20:152 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:03:42 "Trader Menu: Hp (76561198033885782) purchased 6x PartGlass into backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:03:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.4545. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.4545."
2018/11/05, 18:03:57 "#FPSFixer: Player .I.N.G.U.S.H. with ID 76561198256963057 FPS: 38 in coords: [6346.79,7776.63,0.00546265] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:03:57 "#FPSFixer: Player Hp with ID 76561198033885782 FPS: 64 in coords: [6317.51,7788.06,0.00137329] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:03:58 Server: Object 20:159 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:03:58 "Trader Menu: Hp (76561198033885782) purchased 4x PartWheel into backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 800 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:04:03 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_TK_CIV_EP1 (objid: 16862) LOCKED @063075 ([6338.84,7785.63,-0.00152588]) [6338.84,7785.63,-0.00152588] BY .I.N.G.U.S.H.(76561198256963057)"
2018/11/05, 18:04:05 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: Mi17_DZE (objid: 16766) UNLOCKED @063075 ([6369.05,7769.78,-0.0697327]) [6369.05,7769.78,-0.0697327] BY Pankerton(76561198146796842)"
2018/11/05, 18:04:11 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Hp with ID 76561198033885782 try deposit to bank 7000 ... now Hp has COINS:0, BANK:257500 "
2018/11/05, 18:04:11 "#FPSFixer: Player Pankerton with ID 76561198146796842 FPS: 21 in coords: [6372.88,7773.92,0.00146484] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:04:19 "#FPSFixer: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 FPS: 42 in coords: [4626.36,10495.7,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:04:22 Server: Object 14:405 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:04:22 "Trader Menu: .I.N.G.U.S.H. (76561198256963057) sold 1x equip_hose from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 3 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:04:22 "Trader Menu: .I.N.G.U.S.H. (76561198256963057) sold 1x Binocular from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 30 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:04:22 "Trader Menu: .I.N.G.U.S.H. (76561198256963057) sold 1x ItemKnife from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 5 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:04:23 "Trader Menu: .I.N.G.U.S.H. (76561198256963057) sold 1x ItemToolbox from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 50 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:04:23 "Trader Menu: .I.N.G.U.S.H. (76561198256963057) sold 1x ItemFlashlight from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 10 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:04:23 "Trader Menu: .I.N.G.U.S.H. (76561198256963057) sold 1x NVGoggles_DZE from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:04:38 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 11, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:04:42 "P1ayer PID#21(Tishka) hit by PID#19(Papa Carlo) with DMR_DZ/B_762x51_noTracer <ammo left:19> from 213 meters in head_hit for 0.0959467 damage"
2018/11/05, 18:04:43 Server: Object 14:416 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:04:43 "Trader Menu: .I.N.G.U.S.H. (76561198256963057) purchased 1x ItemCrowbar into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 80 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:04:43 "Trader Menu: .I.N.G.U.S.H. (76561198256963057) purchased 1x ItemEtool into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:04:43 "Trader Menu: .I.N.G.U.S.H. (76561198256963057) purchased 1x ItemHatchet into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 15 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:04:43 "Trader Menu: .I.N.G.U.S.H. (76561198256963057) purchased 1x ItemPickaxe into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 30 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:04:48 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_TK_CIV_EP1 (objid: 16862) UNLOCKED @063075 ([6338.84,7785.64,-0.00152588]) [6338.84,7785.64,-0.00152588] BY .I.N.G.U.S.H.(76561198256963057)"
2018/11/05, 18:04:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 1 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 22 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/05, 18:04:56 "P1ayer PID#21(Tishka) hit by PID#19(Papa Carlo) with DMR_DZ/B_762x51_noTracer <ammo left:16> from 212 meters in head_hit for 2.01488 damage"
2018/11/05, 18:04:57 "Player UID#76561198154326629 CID#5733 PID#21(Tishka) as MVD_Soldier_DZ died at Балота [046128]"
2018/11/05, 18:04:57 "DeathMessage: Tishka был убит игроком Papa Carlo с DMR_DZ с расстояния 212м"
2018/11/05, 18:05:08 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Tishka(76561198154326629)"
2018/11/05, 18:05:08 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is near respawn_west. This is normal after death. ["76561198154326629","Tishka"]"
2018/11/05, 18:05:08 Client: Remote object 21:405 not found
2018/11/05, 18:05:08 Client: Remote object 21:404 not found
2018/11/05, 18:05:08 Client: Object 18:62 (type Type_149) not found.
2018/11/05, 18:05:08 Client: Object 20:166 (type Type_149) not found.
2018/11/05, 18:05:08 Client: Object 16:86 (type Type_149) not found.
2018/11/05, 18:05:08 Client: Object 12:515 (type Type_149) not found.
2018/11/05, 18:05:08 Client: Object 17:215 (type Type_149) not found.
2018/11/05, 18:05:09 Client: Object 19:132 (type Type_149) not found.
2018/11/05, 18:05:09 Client: Object 11:506 (type Type_149) not found.
2018/11/05, 18:05:11 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: MTVR_DES_EP1 (objid: 16860) LOCKED @063075 ([6379.08,7800.8,-0.000946045]) [6379.08,7800.8,-0.000946045] BY Pankerton(76561198146796842)"
2018/11/05, 18:05:38 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 10, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:05:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.6322. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 1 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 9 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 9 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.6322."
2018/11/05, 18:06:05 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: MTVR_DES_EP1 (objid: 16860) UNLOCKED @063075 ([6379.08,7800.8,-0.00100708]) [6379.08,7800.8,-0.00100708] BY Pankerton(76561198146796842)"
2018/11/05, 18:06:39 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.3384, players: 10, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:06:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.9297. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 3 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 15 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 25 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.9297."
2018/11/05, 18:07:01 Server: Object 16:88 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:07:01 Server: Object 16:87 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:07:01 "DELETE: PUID(76561198004396057) requested destroy on object C130J_US_EP1_DZ ID:16859 UID:0"
2018/11/05, 18:07:01 "Player UID#76561198004396057 CID#5689 PID#16(Voralex) as Survivor2_DZ died at Wilderness [065018]"
2018/11/05, 18:07:01 "DeathMessage: Voralex умер от взрыва."
2018/11/05, 18:07:01 Client: Object 16:88 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 18:07:01 Server: Object 16:93 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:07:01 Server: Object 16:94 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:07:01 Server: Object 16:95 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:07:02 Server: Object 16:96 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:07:07 "HEARDSOMETHING# Make shoot sounds near player prizrak65 in 512 metres with ["BAF_LRR_scoped","5Rnd_86x70_L115A1"] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:07:13 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Voralex(76561198004396057)"
2018/11/05, 18:07:13 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is near respawn_west. This is normal after death. ["76561198004396057","Voralex"]"
2018/11/05, 18:07:13 Client: Remote object 16:17 not found
2018/11/05, 18:07:39 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.4848, players: 10, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:07:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.3384. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.3384."
2018/11/05, 18:08:00 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: Mi17_DZE (objid: 16766) UNLOCKED @063075 ([6384.72,7791.37,0.560089]) [6384.72,7791.37,0.560089] BY Pankerton(76561198146796842)"
2018/11/05, 18:08:15 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: MTVR_DES_EP1 (objid: 16860) LOCKED @063075 ([6395.75,7803.29,-0.00109863]) [6395.75,7803.29,-0.00109863] BY Pankerton(76561198146796842)"
2018/11/05, 18:08:16 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: MTVR_DES_EP1 (objid: 16860) UNLOCKED @063075 ([6395.75,7803.29,-0.00109863]) [6395.75,7803.29,-0.00109863] BY Pankerton(76561198146796842)"
2018/11/05, 18:08:40 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.6322, players: 10, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:08:46 Server: Object 17:240 not found (message 132)
2018/11/05, 18:08:46 Server: Object 17:242 not found (message 132)
2018/11/05, 18:08:46 Server: Object 17:244 not found (message 132)
2018/11/05, 18:08:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.1928. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.1928."
2018/11/05, 18:08:53 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Voralex(76561198004396057)"
2018/11/05, 18:08:54 "INFO - Player: PID#16(Voralex)(UID:76561198004396057/CID:5689) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 18:08:54 Server: Object 16:128 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:08:54 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Voralex with UID 76561198004396057 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 18:08:54 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Voralex with UID 76561198004396057 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 18:08:54 "INFO - Player: PID#16(Voralex)(UID:76561198004396057/CID:5689) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location ВПП [120027]"
2018/11/05, 18:08:55 "INFO - Player: Voralex(UID:76561198004396057/CID:5689) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 18:09:00 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 10, FPS 49.2308, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 6, Max Nearby Zeds 7, Max Global Zeds 140, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.6, MaxModels 70, MaxWeapHolders 70."
2018/11/05, 18:09:00 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 16, West Units (Players): 10, East Units (AI): 6, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 18, SERVER FPS: 49.2308 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:09:05 Server: Object 20:204 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:09:05 Server: Object 20:210 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:09:05 Server: Object 20:206 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:09:05 Server: Object 20:211 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:09:05 Server: Object 20:205 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:09:05 Server: Object 20:207 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:09:05 Server: Object 20:208 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:09:05 Server: Object 20:209 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:09:05 Server: Object 20:215 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:09:05 Server: Object 20:212 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:09:05 Server: Object 20:216 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:09:05 Server: Object 20:213 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:09:05 Server: Object 20:214 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:09:05 Server: Object 20:225 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:09:05 Server: Object 20:222 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:09:05 Server: Object 20:231 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:09:05 Server: Object 20:230 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:09:05 Server: Object 20:221 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:09:05 Server: Object 20:229 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:09:05 Server: Object 20:228 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:09:05 Server: Object 20:217 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:09:05 Server: Object 20:218 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:09:05 Server: Object 20:219 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:09:05 Server: Object 20:220 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:09:05 Server: Object 20:227 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:09:05 Server: Object 20:223 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:09:05 Server: Object 20:224 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:09:05 Server: Object 20:226 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:09:05 Server: Object 20:235 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:09:05 Server: Object 20:236 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:09:05 Server: Object 20:232 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:09:05 Server: Object 20:233 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:09:05 Server: Object 20:238 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:09:06 Server: Object 20:237 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:09:06 Server: Object 20:234 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:09:10 "#LOGIN#: Player Voralex with ID 76561198004396057 connected!"
2018/11/05, 18:09:12 Server: Object 16:132 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:09:12 "**** server_verifySender **** [[119,[12072.7,12667.3,0]],"C130J_US_EP1_DZ",false,"ItemKeyYellow400",B 1-1-G:1 (Voralex) REMOTE,"G1E$EHCR8Deel"] * PublishVehicle2 * [12072.7,12667.3,0] * G1E$EHCR8Deel * 76561198004396057 * B 1-1-G:1 (Voralex) REMOTE ****"
2018/11/05, 18:09:12 "PUBLISH: PID#16(Voralex)(76561198004396057) bought C130J_US_EP1_DZ with UID 19811119126677738 @ВПП [120026]"
2018/11/05, 18:09:12 "Trader Menu: Voralex (76561198004396057) purchased 1x C130J_US_EP1_DZ into gear at зону торговли Авиатехникой for 40,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:09:13 Server: Object 16:139 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:09:13 Server: Object 16:144 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:09:13 Server: Object 16:140 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:09:13 Server: Object 16:141 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:09:13 Server: Object 16:142 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:09:13 Server: Object 16:143 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:09:16 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: C130J_US_EP1_DZ (objid: 16863) UNLOCKED @120026 [12072.7,12667.3,0]"
2018/11/05, 18:09:29 "Hp (76561198033885782) LOCKED CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ with code: 271 @031074 [3146.34,7931.51,0.0002136]"
2018/11/05, 18:09:40 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.3384, players: 10, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:09:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 1 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 9 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 11 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/05, 18:09:54 "#FPSFixer: Player Voralex with ID 76561198004396057 FPS: 19 in coords: [12072.7,12667.3,-0.19104] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:10:24 Server: Object 14:455 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:10:24 Server: Object 14:454 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:10:24 Server: Object 14:452 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:10:24 Server: Object 14:453 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:10:28 MuzzleFlashROT - unknown animation source ammoRandom
2018/11/05, 18:10:40 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.7805, players: 11, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:10:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.3384. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.3384."
2018/11/05, 18:10:56 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - AlexXxandeR(76561198066565697)"
2018/11/05, 18:10:58 "INFO - Player: PID#25(AlexXxandeR)(UID:76561198066565697/CID:5673) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 18:10:58 Server: Object 25:23 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:10:58 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player AlexXxandeR with UID 76561198066565697 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 18:10:58 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player AlexXxandeR with UID 76561198066565697 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 18:10:58 "INFO - Player: PID#25(AlexXxandeR)(UID:76561198066565697/CID:5673) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Мста [111096]"
2018/11/05, 18:10:59 "INFO - Player: AlexXxandeR(UID:76561198066565697/CID:5673) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 18:11:14 "#LOGIN#: Player AlexXxandeR with ID 76561198066565697 connected!"
2018/11/05, 18:11:19 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: MTVR_DES_EP1 (objid: 16860) LOCKED @063075 ([6338.05,7805.5,-0.00201416]) [6338.05,7805.5,-0.00201416] BY Pankerton(76561198146796842)"
2018/11/05, 18:11:38 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: MTVR_DES_EP1 (objid: 16860) UNLOCKED @063075 ([6338.05,7805.5,-0.00201416]) [6338.05,7805.5,-0.00201416] BY Pankerton(76561198146796842)"
2018/11/05, 18:11:41 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.3384, players: 11, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:11:47 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: Mi17_DZE (objid: 16766) LOCKED @063075 ([6352.72,7798.56,0.639679]) [6352.72,7798.56,0.639679] BY Pankerton(76561198146796842)"
2018/11/05, 18:11:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.048. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 1 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 8 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.048."
2018/11/05, 18:11:54 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: MTVR_DES_EP1 (objid: 16860) LOCKED @063075 ([6338.05,7805.5,-0.00201416]) [6338.05,7805.5,-0.00201416] BY Pankerton(76561198146796842)"
2018/11/05, 18:11:58 "#FPSFixer: Player AlexXxandeR with ID 76561198066565697 FPS: 60 in coords: [11161.1,5657.49,0.00180054] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:12:41 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 49.0798, players: 11, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:12:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.3384. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 25 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 50 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.3384."
2018/11/05, 18:12:51 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: MTVR_DES_EP1 (objid: 16860) UNLOCKED @063075 ([6338.05,7805.5,-0.00201416]) [6338.05,7805.5,-0.00201416] BY Pankerton(76561198146796842)"
2018/11/05, 18:13:25 "HEARDSOMETHING# Make shoot sounds near player Pankerton in 549 metres with ["m107_DZ","10rnd_127x99_m107"] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:13:26 Server: Object 11:540 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:13:26 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) sold 2x HandGrenade_West from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 400 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:13:29 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16763) UNLOCKED @109095 [10983.2,5852.19,0.109955]"
2018/11/05, 18:13:41 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 49.0798, players: 11, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:13:42 Server: Object 11:541 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:13:42 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) sold 1x BAF_LRR_scoped from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 2,500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:13:42 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) sold 5x 5Rnd_86x70_L115A1 from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:13:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.048. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 1 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.048."
2018/11/05, 18:14:01 Server: Object 11:550 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:14:01 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) sold 1x ItemVault from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 5,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:14:01 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) sold 4x Binocular_Vector from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 2,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:14:02 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) sold 3x ItemGPS from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 750 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:14:02 Server: Object 11:551 not found (message 98)
2018/11/05, 18:14:02 Server: Object 11:552 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 18:14:02 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) sold 2x NVGoggles_DZE from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:14:02 Server: Object 20:273 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:14:03 "EVENTSHAKER# Start MILITARY Mission SM1 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:14:03 "MISSION - MILITARY 1 - Start"
2018/11/05, 18:14:03 Server: Object 23:313 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:14:03 Server: Object 23:312 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:14:05 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: MTVR_DES_EP1 (objid: 16860) LOCKED @057071 ([5728.84,8214.61,0.0126038]) [5728.84,8214.61,0.0126038] BY Pankerton(76561198146796842)"
2018/11/05, 18:14:14 Server: Object 11:559 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:14:14 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) sold 1x ItemGoldBar10oz from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:14:14 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) sold 2x ItemBriefcase100oz from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 20,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:14:38 Server: Object 11:561 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:14:38 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) purchased 4x ItemToolbox into backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 800 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:14:42 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.6322, players: 11, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:14:48 Server: Object 11:562 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:14:48 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) purchased 1x ItemToolbox into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:14:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.9297. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.9297."
2018/11/05, 18:15:26 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 try deposit to bank 32500 ... now Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers has COINS:520, BANK:152955 "
2018/11/05, 18:15:29 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-H:2 (Papa Carlo) REMOTE is complete, player name is Papa Carlo in coords [6354.15,7784.85,0]."
2018/11/05, 18:15:42 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 44.5682, players: 11, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:15:46 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-H:1 (Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers) REMOTE is complete, player name is Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers in coords [6359.51,7778.73,0]."
2018/11/05, 18:15:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.4545. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 2 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.4545."
2018/11/05, 18:16:15 "Hp (76561198033885782) LOCKED CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ with code: 271 @031074 [3146.34,7931.51,0.0002136]"
2018/11/05, 18:16:31 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: MTVR_DES_EP1 (objid: 16860) UNLOCKED @048057 ([4811.48,9627.78,-3.05176e-005]) [4811.48,9627.78,-3.05176e-005] BY Pankerton(76561198146796842)"
2018/11/05, 18:16:35 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/05, 18:16:35 "SOLDIER AI (air) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by AlexXxandeR from 59.4595m"
2018/11/05, 18:16:35 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/05, 18:16:35 "SOLDIER AI (air) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by AlexXxandeR from 49.1222m"
2018/11/05, 18:16:42 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: C130J_US_EP1_DZ (objid: 16863) LOCKED @049056 ([4901.36,9681.35,-0.00164795]) [4901.36,9681.35,-0.00164795] BY Voralex(76561198004396057)"
2018/11/05, 18:16:42 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.0588, players: 11, AI units: 4 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:16:44 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/05, 18:16:44 "SOLDIER AI (air) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by AlexXxandeR from 341.723m"
2018/11/05, 18:16:46 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Locked Vehicle destroyed @110098 - UH1H_DZ, worldspace [350.306,[11018.1,5546.83,38.8159]], CharId 0, objID 0, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/05, 18:16:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 42.5532. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 7 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 42.5532."
2018/11/05, 18:17:03 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: Mi17_DZE (objid: 16766) UNLOCKED @048057 ([4828.22,9642.36,0.642273]) [4828.22,9642.36,0.642273] BY Pankerton(76561198146796842)"
2018/11/05, 18:17:11 "#FPSFixer: Player Papa Carlo with ID 76561198217758817 FPS: 20 in coords: [7052.92,8323.34,0.0237122] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:17:34 "#FPSFixer: Player Orcus with ID 76561198064249725 FPS: 60 in coords: [6337.33,7778.66,0.00146484] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:17:43 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 49.0798, players: 11, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:17:46 "EVENTSHAKER# Start MINOR Mission SM3 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:17:46 "MISSION - MINOR 3 - Start"
2018/11/05, 18:17:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.3384. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 7 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 2 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.3384."
2018/11/05, 18:18:33 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: MTVR_DES_EP1 (objid: 16860) LOCKED @047058 ([4791.74,9510.88,0.0243225]) [4791.74,9510.88,0.0243225] BY Pankerton(76561198146796842)"
2018/11/05, 18:18:43 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 11, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:18:44 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: C130J_US_EP1_DZ (objid: 16863) UNLOCKED @049056 ([4901.36,9681.35,-0.00131226]) [4901.36,9681.35,-0.00131226] BY Voralex(76561198004396057)"
2018/11/05, 18:18:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.3373. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.3373."
2018/11/05, 18:18:58 "#FPSFixer: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 FPS: 41 in coords: [7732.68,8619.48,0.04599] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:19:05 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 11, FPS 46.3768, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 6, Max Nearby Zeds 7, Max Global Zeds 140, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.6, MaxModels 70, MaxWeapHolders 70."
2018/11/05, 18:19:05 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 14, West Units (Players): 11, East Units (AI): 3, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 12, SERVER FPS: 46.3768 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:19:06 "#FPSFixer: Player dimon with ID 76561198830708992 FPS: 17 in coords: [6125.42,1998.04,0.0014267] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:19:29 "#FPSFixer: Player Hp with ID 76561198033885782 FPS: 63 in coords: [3794.52,12138.5,122.279] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:19:44 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 11, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:19:46 Server: Object 14:499 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:19:46 Server: Object 14:496 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:19:46 Server: Object 14:497 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:19:46 Server: Object 14:498 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:19:46 Server: Object 14:502 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:19:46 Server: Object 14:509 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:19:46 Server: Object 14:510 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:19:46 Server: Object 14:511 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:19:46 Server: Object 14:503 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:19:46 Server: Object 14:504 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:19:46 Server: Object 14:500 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:19:46 Server: Object 14:501 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:19:46 Server: Object 14:508 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:19:46 Server: Object 14:507 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:19:46 Server: Object 14:505 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:19:46 Server: Object 14:506 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:19:46 Server: Object 14:513 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:19:46 Server: Object 14:512 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:19:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/05, 18:20:16 "MISSION - MILITARY 1 - Activated - player in 1200m, spawning crates and additional AI"
2018/11/05, 18:20:16 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [4695.97,14723.2,0]"
2018/11/05, 18:20:16 No speaker given for Alexandr Hajek
2018/11/05, 18:20:16 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of SOLDIERS - 0 Infantry, 1 Stormtrooper, 2 Sniper, 1 Boss, 1 Elite 1 Nuker at position [4699.45,14726,0]"
2018/11/05, 18:20:21 "#FPSFixer: Player berkut with ID 76561198139474243 FPS: 45 in coords: [5762.99,3020.66,0.178925] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:20:25 "EVENTSHAKER# Start MAJOR Mission SM6 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:20:25 "MISSION - MAJOR 6 - Start"
2018/11/05, 18:20:25 "MISSION - MAJOR 6 - Activated - player in 1200m, spawning crates and additional AI"
2018/11/05, 18:20:25 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - Begin"
2018/11/05, 18:20:25 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - End"
2018/11/05, 18:20:25 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - Begin"
2018/11/05, 18:20:25 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - End"
2018/11/05, 18:20:25 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [2880.13,5177.16,0]"
2018/11/05, 18:20:25 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of BANDITS - 1 Infantry, 2 Stormtrooper, 3 Sniper, 1 Boss, 1 Elite 1 Nuker at position [2888.19,5186.84,0]"
2018/11/05, 18:20:44 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 44.4444, players: 11, AI units: 20 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:20:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 44.1989. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 1 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 44.1989."
2018/11/05, 18:20:51 "BANDITS BASE - CREATING TURRETS"
2018/11/05, 18:20:51 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6920.68,11351.9,10.9464]"
2018/11/05, 18:20:51 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6930.23,11361.6,10.7948]"
2018/11/05, 18:20:51 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6889.56,11456.8,2.53463]"
2018/11/05, 18:20:51 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6912.13,11439.7,4.50708]"
2018/11/05, 18:20:51 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6890.38,11367.7,2.30887]"
2018/11/05, 18:20:51 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6861.01,11500,10.7375]"
2018/11/05, 18:20:51 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6863.79,11407.3,3.237]"
2018/11/05, 18:20:51 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6933.95,11457,3.238]"
2018/11/05, 18:21:01 "BANDITS BASE - RESET"
2018/11/05, 18:21:12 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 8047 @081065 [8175.67,8816.26,0.138]"
2018/11/05, 18:21:32 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_TK_CIV_EP1 (objid: 16862) LOCKED @024101 ([2449.7,5232.67,0.415573]) [2449.7,5232.67,0.415573] BY .I.N.G.U.S.H.(76561198256963057)"
2018/11/05, 18:21:40 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Papa Carlo(76561198217758817)"
2018/11/05, 18:21:40 "INFO - Player: Papa Carlo(UID:76561198217758817/CID:5627) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location Wilderness [080065]"
2018/11/05, 18:21:40 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: Papa Carlo with uid 76561198217758817 disconnected ..."
2018/11/05, 18:21:40 Client: Remote object 19:17 not found
2018/11/05, 18:21:40 Client: Remote object 19:22 not found
2018/11/05, 18:21:44 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 11, AI units: 20 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:21:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 11 empty groups, 1 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 8 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 5 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/05, 18:22:03 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers(76561198411562871)"
2018/11/05, 18:22:03 "INFO - Player: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers(UID:76561198411562871/CID:5722) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location Wilderness [081065]"
2018/11/05, 18:22:03 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with uid 76561198411562871 disconnected ..."
2018/11/05, 18:22:03 Client: Remote object 11:332 not found
2018/11/05, 18:22:03 Server: Object 23:357 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:22:09 "P1ayer PID#17(Pankerton) hit by PID#16(Voralex) with C130J_US_EP1_DZ from 1 meters in  for 0.0453402 damage"
2018/11/05, 18:22:15 Server: Object 24:154 not found (message 98)
2018/11/05, 18:22:15 Server: Object 24:155 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 18:22:16 MuzzleFlashROT - unknown animation source ammoRandom
2018/11/05, 18:22:19 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/05, 18:22:19 "SOLDIER AI (ground) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Hp from 350.735m"
2018/11/05, 18:22:23 "#FPSFixer: Player Pankerton with ID 76561198146796842 FPS: 24 in coords: [6625.47,14192.1,-0.129089] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:22:25 Server: Object 24:158 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:22:30 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Papa Carlo(76561198217758817)"
2018/11/05, 18:22:32 "INFO - Player: PID#19(Papa Carlo)(UID:76561198217758817/CID:5627) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 18:22:32 Server: Object 19:189 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:22:32 Server: Object 19:190 not found (message 98)
2018/11/05, 18:22:32 Server: Object 19:191 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 18:22:32 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Papa Carlo with UID 76561198217758817 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 18:22:32 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Papa Carlo with UID 76561198217758817 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 18:22:33 "INFO - Player: PID#19(Papa Carlo)(UID:76561198217758817/CID:5627) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Wilderness [080065]"
2018/11/05, 18:22:33 "INFO - Player: Papa Carlo(UID:76561198217758817/CID:5627) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 18:22:41 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/05, 18:22:41 "SOLDIER AI (ground) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Hp from 311.006m"
2018/11/05, 18:22:45 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 11, AI units: 18 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:22:48 "#LOGIN#: Player Papa Carlo with ID 76561198217758817 connected!"
2018/11/05, 18:22:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 15 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 18:22:51 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers(76561198411562871)"
2018/11/05, 18:22:53 "INFO - Player: PID#11(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers)(UID:76561198411562871/CID:5722) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 18:22:53 Server: Object 11:599 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:22:53 Server: Object 11:600 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 18:22:53 Server: Object 11:601 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 18:22:53 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with UID 76561198411562871 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 18:22:53 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with UID 76561198411562871 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 18:22:53 "INFO - Player: PID#11(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers)(UID:76561198411562871/CID:5722) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Wilderness [081065]"
2018/11/05, 18:22:54 "INFO - Player: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers(UID:76561198411562871/CID:5722) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 18:23:09 "#LOGIN#: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 connected!"
2018/11/05, 18:23:32 "#FPSFixer: Player Papa Carlo with ID 76561198217758817 FPS: 19 in coords: [8070.82,8801.52,0.00149536] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:23:44 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Sync date on clients to [2012,8,2,19,22]."
2018/11/05, 18:23:45 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.3384, players: 11, AI units: 18 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:23:47 Server: Object 23:425 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:23:47 Server: Object 23:423 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:23:47 Server: Object 23:424 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:23:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 41.8848. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 14 reammo boxes. Fps after: 41.8848."
2018/11/05, 18:23:52 "#FPSFixer: Player .I.N.G.U.S.H. with ID 76561198256963057 FPS: 51 in coords: [2709.56,5133.51,0.00134277] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:23:53 "#FPSFixer: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 FPS: 46 in coords: [8030.1,8807.88,0.0232544] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:23:54 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 18:23:54 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by .I.N.G.U.S.H. from 111.579m"
2018/11/05, 18:23:56 "P1ayer PID#14(.I.N.G.U.S.H.) hit by AI with SVD_PSO1_Gh_DZ/B_762x54_noTracer <ammo left:9> from 127 meters in head_hit for 0.0891066 damage"
2018/11/05, 18:23:57 "#FPSFixer: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 FPS: 30 in coords: [4720.37,10356.8,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:24:02 Server: Object 12:786 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:24:05 "Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 7925 @081065 [8176.13,8819.14,0.089]"
2018/11/05, 18:24:09 Server: Object 12:802 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:24:09 Server: Object 12:801 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:24:09 Server: Object 12:803 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:24:09 Server: Object 12:805 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:24:09 Server: Object 12:806 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:24:09 Server: Object 12:807 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:24:09 Server: Object 12:804 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:24:13 "HEARDSOMETHING# Make shoot sounds near player dimon in 573 metres with ["DMR_DZ","20Rnd_762x51_DMR"] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:24:20 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/05, 18:24:20 "SOLDIER AI (ground) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Hp from 362.62m"
2018/11/05, 18:24:26 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/05, 18:24:26 "SOLDIER AI (ground) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Hp from 363.677m"
2018/11/05, 18:24:29 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/05, 18:24:29 "SOLDIER AI (ground) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Hp from 360.268m"
2018/11/05, 18:24:39 Server: Object 12:823 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:24:39 Server: Object 12:822 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:24:39 Server: Object 12:821 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:24:39 "Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) LOCKED Safe with code: 7925 @081065 [8176.13,8819.14,0.089]"
2018/11/05, 18:24:46 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 40.9207, players: 11, AI units: 14 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:24:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 37.4707. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 8 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 14 reammo boxes. Fps after: 37.4707."
2018/11/05, 18:25:08 "P1ayer PID#17(Pankerton) hit by PID#16(Voralex) with C130J_US_EP1_DZ from 1 meters in  for 0.125013 damage"
2018/11/05, 18:25:46 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 42.5532, players: 11, AI units: 14 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:25:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 43.0108. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 7 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 30 reammo boxes. Fps after: 43.0108."
2018/11/05, 18:25:52 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 18:25:52 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by .I.N.G.U.S.H. from 65.7874m"
2018/11/05, 18:26:05 "MISSION - MINOR 3 - Activated - player in 1200m, spawning crates and additional AI"
2018/11/05, 18:26:05 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - Begin"
2018/11/05, 18:26:05 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - End"
2018/11/05, 18:26:05 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of BANDITS - 0 Infantry, 1 Stormtrooper, 2 Sniper, 0 Boss, 1 Elite 1 Nuker at position [9412.81,4017.42,0]"
2018/11/05, 18:26:06 Duplicate weapon ItemGPS detected for RUS_Soldier_Sab
2018/11/05, 18:26:27 "P1ayer PID#20(Hp) hit by AI with M2StaticMG from 386 meters in head_hit for 0 damage"
2018/11/05, 18:26:28 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 18:26:28 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by .I.N.G.U.S.H. from 71.8654m"
2018/11/05, 18:26:46 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 41.0256, players: 11, AI units: 17 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:26:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 41.0256. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 1 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 12 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 13 reammo boxes. Fps after: 41.0256."
2018/11/05, 18:26:56 "MISSION - MINOR 3 - Players moved away without contact, performing partial cleaning"
2018/11/05, 18:27:06 "MISSION - MINOR 3 - Activated - player in 1200m, spawning crates and additional AI"
2018/11/05, 18:27:06 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - Begin"
2018/11/05, 18:27:06 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - End"
2018/11/05, 18:27:06 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of BANDITS - 0 Infantry, 1 Stormtrooper, 2 Sniper, 0 Boss, 1 Elite 1 Nuker at position [9416.16,4019.41,0]"
2018/11/05, 18:27:07 Duplicate weapon ItemGPS detected for RUS_Soldier_Sab
2018/11/05, 18:27:10 Server: Object 12:887 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:27:21 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-L:1 (Hp) REMOTE is complete, player name is Hp in coords [5043.41,14873,0]."
2018/11/05, 18:27:37 "P1ayer PID#17(Pankerton) hit by PID#16(Voralex) with C130J_US_EP1_DZ from 1 meters in  for 0.169571 damage"
2018/11/05, 18:27:42 "CRASHSPAWNER: Spawning crash site (CrashSite_US) at [11571.1,7476.41,0] with 10 items."
2018/11/05, 18:27:42 CrashSite_US: MainTurret - unknown animation source MainTurret
2018/11/05, 18:27:42 CrashSite_US: MainGun - unknown animation source mainGun
2018/11/05, 18:27:42 CrashSite_US: Gatling - unknown animation source Gatling
2018/11/05, 18:27:45 Server: Object 23:633 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:27:47 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 41.6667, players: 11, AI units: 17 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:27:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 40.6091. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 12 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 5 reammo boxes. Fps after: 40.6091."
2018/11/05, 18:28:09 "#FPSFixer: Player AlexXxandeR with ID 76561198066565697 FPS: 59 in coords: [8410.83,4424.56,0.0454102] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:28:36 "Bike packed by player Papa Carlo in coords [7563.99,8067.81,-0.523346] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:28:36 Client: Object 19:200 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 18:28:36 Client: Object 19:201 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 18:28:36 Client: Object 19:201 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 18:28:36 Client: Object 19:200 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 18:28:36 "server_updateObject.sqf _object null or nil, could not update object"
2018/11/05, 18:28:36 Client: Object 19:200 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 18:28:38 "Bike packed by player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers in coords [6722.11,7255.83,0.0290222] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:28:39 Client: Object 11:607 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 18:28:39 Client: Object 11:606 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 18:28:39 Client: Object 11:606 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 18:28:39 Client: Object 11:607 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 18:28:39 "server_updateObject.sqf _object null or nil, could not update object"
2018/11/05, 18:28:47 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 42.1053, players: 11, AI units: 17 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:28:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 43.1267. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 14 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 9 reammo boxes. Fps after: 43.1267."
2018/11/05, 18:28:55 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/05, 18:28:55 "SOLDIER AI (ground) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Hp from 378.033m"
2018/11/05, 18:29:10 Server: Object 14:680 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:29:10 Server: Object 14:679 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:29:10 Server: Object 14:678 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:29:11 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 11, FPS 43.7158, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 6, Max Nearby Zeds 7, Max Global Zeds 140, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.6, MaxModels 70, MaxWeapHolders 70."
2018/11/05, 18:29:11 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 27, West Units (Players): 11, East Units (AI): 16, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 27, SERVER FPS: 43.7158 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:29:14 "#FPSFixer: Player Voralex with ID 76561198004396057 FPS: 51 in coords: [2978.43,10425.6,275.95] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:29:19 Server: Object 12:979 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:29:36 "MISSION - MILITARY 1 - Success"
2018/11/05, 18:29:38 "MISSION - MILITARY 1 - Mission end. Bot in 1000m, name: Chernarus Soldier"
2018/11/05, 18:29:38 "MISSION - MILITARY 1 - Mission end. Bot in 1000m, name: Ethan Hirasaki"
2018/11/05, 18:29:43 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Orcus(76561198064249725)"
2018/11/05, 18:29:43 "INFO - Player: Orcus(UID:76561198064249725/CID:5717) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location Старый Собор [062077]"
2018/11/05, 18:29:43 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: Orcus with uid 76561198064249725 disconnected ..."
2018/11/05, 18:29:43 Client: Remote object 12:17 not found
2018/11/05, 18:29:43 Client: Remote object 12:93 not found
2018/11/05, 18:29:44 Warning: Cleanup player - person 12:92 not found
2018/11/05, 18:29:46 "P1ayer PID#17(Pankerton) hit by PID#16(Voralex) with C130J_US_EP1_DZ from 1 meters in  for 0.00253022 damage"
2018/11/05, 18:29:48 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 10, AI units: 16 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:29:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 44.1989. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 9 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 32 reammo boxes. Fps after: 44.1989."
2018/11/05, 18:29:55 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_TK_CIV_EP1 (objid: 16862) UNLOCKED @024101 ([2449.71,5232.68,0.415909]) [2449.71,5232.68,0.415909] BY .I.N.G.U.S.H.(76561198256963057)"
2018/11/05, 18:30:01 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/05, 18:30:01 "SOLDIER AI (ground) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Hp from 11.974m"
2018/11/05, 18:30:38 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Set new date to [2012,8,2,3,0] with message: Время сейчас ночное...."
2018/11/05, 18:30:48 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.9297, players: 10, AI units: 15 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:30:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.8453. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.8453."
2018/11/05, 18:31:11 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-H:2 (Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers) REMOTE is complete, player name is Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers in coords [6695.72,7264.87,0]."
2018/11/05, 18:31:14 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - berkut(76561198139474243)"
2018/11/05, 18:31:14 "INFO - Player: berkut(UID:76561198139474243/CID:5729) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location Козловка [048110]"
2018/11/05, 18:31:14 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: berkut with uid 76561198139474243 disconnected ..."
2018/11/05, 18:31:14 Client: Remote object 18:17 not found
2018/11/05, 18:31:14 Client: Remote object 18:24 not found
2018/11/05, 18:31:18 Warning: Cleanup player - person 18:23 not found
2018/11/05, 18:31:22 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16763) LOCKED @088110 ([8858.82,4270.08,0.0851746]) [8858.82,4270.08,0.0851746] BY AlexXxandeR(76561198066565697)"
2018/11/05, 18:31:40 Server: Object 14:689 not found (message 98)
2018/11/05, 18:31:40 Server: Object 14:690 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 18:31:41 Server: Object 14:691 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 18:31:41 Server: Object 14:692 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 18:31:41 Server: Object 14:693 not found (message 69)
2018/11/05, 18:31:41 Server: Object 14:694 not found (message 69)
2018/11/05, 18:31:42 Server: Object 14:695 not found (message 98)
2018/11/05, 18:31:42 Server: Object 14:696 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 18:31:46 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - .I.N.G.U.S.H.(76561198256963057)"
2018/11/05, 18:31:46 "PLAYER COMBAT LOGGED: .I.N.G.U.S.H.(76561198256963057) at location [2855.36,5141.71,1.37697]"
2018/11/05, 18:31:46 "INFO - Player: .I.N.G.U.S.H.(UID:76561198256963057/CID:5724) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location Зеленогорск [028102]"
2018/11/05, 18:31:46 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: .I.N.G.U.S.H. with uid 76561198256963057 disconnected ..."
2018/11/05, 18:31:46 Client: Remote object 14:17 not found
2018/11/05, 18:31:46 Client: Remote object 14:156 not found
2018/11/05, 18:31:47 Client: Object 11:609 (type Type_149) not found.
2018/11/05, 18:31:47 Client: Object 17:286 (type Type_149) not found.
2018/11/05, 18:31:47 Client: Object 24:329 (type Type_149) not found.
2018/11/05, 18:31:47 "MISSION - MAJOR 6 - Fail"
2018/11/05, 18:31:49 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.9297, players: 8, AI units: 15 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:31:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.9297. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 9 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.9297."
2018/11/05, 18:31:52 "MISSION - MAJOR 6 - Cleaning completed"
2018/11/05, 18:31:53 "MISSION - MAJOR 6 - End"
2018/11/05, 18:32:30 "EVENTSHAKER# MAJOR Mission SM6 completed ..."
2018/11/05, 18:32:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.7805. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.7805."
2018/11/05, 18:32:49 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 16.1453, players: 8, AI units: 8 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:33:49 "Bike packed by player Hp in coords [5045.5,14849,0.0746155] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:33:49 Client: Object 20:284 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 18:33:49 Client: Object 20:283 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 18:33:49 Client: Object 20:283 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 18:33:49 Client: Object 20:284 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 18:33:49 "server_updateObject.sqf _object null or nil, could not update object"
2018/11/05, 18:33:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.9297. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.9297."
2018/11/05, 18:33:50 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.1928, players: 8, AI units: 8 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:33:51 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - dimon(76561198830708992)"
2018/11/05, 18:33:51 "INFO - Player: dimon(UID:76561198830708992/CID:5734) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location завод [066124]"
2018/11/05, 18:33:51 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: dimon with uid 76561198830708992 disconnected ..."
2018/11/05, 18:33:51 Client: Remote object 24:17 not found
2018/11/05, 18:33:51 Client: Remote object 24:24 not found
2018/11/05, 18:33:51 Warning: Cleanup player - person 24:23 not found
2018/11/05, 18:34:12 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 18:34:12 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by AlexXxandeR from 406.629m"
2018/11/05, 18:34:19 Server: Object 11:633 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:34:20 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 18:34:20 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by AlexXxandeR from 400.51m"
2018/11/05, 18:34:39 Warning: Cleanup player - person 24:23 not found
2018/11/05, 18:34:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 49.6894. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 1 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 9 reammo boxes. Fps after: 49.6894."
2018/11/05, 18:34:50 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.6322, players: 7, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:35:18 "MISSION - MILITARY 1 - Cleaning completed"
2018/11/05, 18:35:19 "MISSION - MILITARY 1 - End"
2018/11/05, 18:35:25 "#FPSFixer: Player Hp with ID 76561198033885782 FPS: 60 in coords: [4365.71,13652.3,89.5273] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:35:42 "BANDITS BASE - CREATING TURRETS"
2018/11/05, 18:35:42 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6920.68,11351.9,10.9464]"
2018/11/05, 18:35:42 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6930.23,11361.6,10.7948]"
2018/11/05, 18:35:42 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6889.56,11456.8,2.53463]"
2018/11/05, 18:35:42 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6912.13,11439.7,4.50708]"
2018/11/05, 18:35:42 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6890.38,11367.7,2.30887]"
2018/11/05, 18:35:42 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6861.01,11500,10.7375]"
2018/11/05, 18:35:42 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6863.79,11407.3,3.237]"
2018/11/05, 18:35:42 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6933.95,11457,3.238]"
2018/11/05, 18:35:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.7805. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 1 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 14 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.7805."
2018/11/05, 18:35:51 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 49.3827, players: 7, AI units: 14 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:35:55 "BANDITS BASE - RESET"
2018/11/05, 18:35:56 "HEARDSOMETHING# Make shoot sounds near player Hp in 609 metres with ["FNFAL_DZ","20Rnd_762x51_FNFAL"] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:36:12 "EVENTSHAKER# MILITARY Mission SM1 completed ..."
2018/11/05, 18:36:15 "P1ayer PID#17(Pankerton) hit by PID#16(Voralex) with C130J_US_EP1_DZ from 1 meters in  for 0.0244385 damage"
2018/11/05, 18:36:15 "P1ayer PID#23(prizrak65) hit by PID#16(Voralex) with C130J_US_EP1_DZ from 1 meters in  for 0.0227144 damage"
2018/11/05, 18:36:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 49.2308. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 12 empty groups, 1 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 49.2308."
2018/11/05, 18:36:51 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 49.0798, players: 7, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:36:57 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 18:36:57 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by AlexXxandeR from 410.765m"
2018/11/05, 18:37:02 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 18:37:02 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by AlexXxandeR from 419.169m"
2018/11/05, 18:37:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.6322. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.6322."
2018/11/05, 18:37:52 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.7805, players: 7, AI units: 4 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:37:55 "#FPSFixer: Player Pankerton with ID 76561198146796842 FPS: 18 in coords: [7497.87,14159.9,-0.161224] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:38:06 "P1ayer PID#17(Pankerton) hit by PID#16(Voralex) with C130J_US_EP1_DZ from 1 meters in  for 0.00249545 damage"
2018/11/05, 18:38:06 "P1ayer PID#23(prizrak65) hit by PID#16(Voralex) with C130J_US_EP1_DZ from 1 meters in  for 0.00255457 damage"
2018/11/05, 18:38:47 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 18:38:47 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by AlexXxandeR from 261.715m"
2018/11/05, 18:38:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.6322. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 1 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.6322."
2018/11/05, 18:38:52 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.9042, players: 8, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:38:55 Server: Object 20:323 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:38:55 "Trader Menu: Hp (76561198033885782) sold 1x Binocular_Vector from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:38:55 "Trader Menu: Hp (76561198033885782) sold 2x ItemGPS from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:38:55 "Trader Menu: Hp (76561198033885782) sold 2x NVGoggles_DZE from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:39:05 Server: Object 20:328 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:39:06 "Trader Menu: Hp (76561198033885782) sold 1x m240_scoped_EP1_DZE from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 2,500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:39:06 "Trader Menu: Hp (76561198033885782) sold 5x HandGrenade_West from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:39:09 "#FPSFixer: Player Papa Carlo with ID 76561198217758817 FPS: 21 in coords: [7506.04,8105.14,0.0010376] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:39:16 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 8, FPS 48.4848, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 18:39:16 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 10, West Units (Players): 7, East Units (AI): 3, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 4, SERVER FPS: 48.4848 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:39:19 Server: Object 20:335 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:39:19 "Trader Menu: Hp (76561198033885782) sold 1x M24_des_EP1 from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 600 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:39:25 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - ZzKOTzZ(76561198137056522)"
2018/11/05, 18:39:25 "<infiSTAR.de> Player-Log: ZzKOTzZ(76561198137056522) - 2h 38min"
2018/11/05, 18:39:31 "INFO - Player: PID#26(ZzKOTzZ)(UID:76561198137056522/CID:5652) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 18:39:31 Server: Object 26:23 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:39:31 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player ZzKOTzZ with UID 76561198137056522 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 18:39:31 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player ZzKOTzZ with UID 76561198137056522 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 18:39:31 "INFO - Player: PID#26(ZzKOTzZ)(UID:76561198137056522/CID:5652) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Wilderness [039037]"
2018/11/05, 18:39:32 Server: Object 20:336 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:39:32 "Trader Menu: Hp (76561198033885782) sold 2x 100Rnd_762x54_PK from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 600 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:39:32 "Trader Menu: Hp (76561198033885782) sold 3x 100Rnd_762x51_M240 from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 900 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:39:41 "INFO - Player: ZzKOTzZ(UID:76561198137056522/CID:5652) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 18:39:46 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16763) UNLOCKED @088110 ([8858.8,4270,0.0845032]) [8858.8,4270,0.0845032] BY AlexXxandeR(76561198066565697)"
2018/11/05, 18:39:47 "#LOGIN#: Player ZzKOTzZ with ID 76561198137056522 connected!"
2018/11/05, 18:39:47 "#FPSFixer: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 FPS: 65 in coords: [8153.57,5738.58,272.378] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:39:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 7 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/05, 18:39:52 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 49.3827, players: 8, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:40:15 Server: Object 20:358 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:40:16 "Trader Menu: Hp (76561198033885782) sold 4x 100Rnd_762x51_M240 from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:40:28 Server: Object 25:51 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:40:28 Server: Object 25:52 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:40:28 Server: Object 25:53 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:40:28 Server: Object 25:50 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:40:28 Server: Object 25:57 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:40:28 Server: Object 25:56 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:40:31 "#FPSFixer: Player ZzKOTzZ with ID 76561198137056522 FPS: 73 in coords: [4027.04,11648.2,0.0012207] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:40:32 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Hp with ID 76561198033885782 try deposit to bank 8800 ... now Hp has COINS:0, BANK:266300 "
2018/11/05, 18:40:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.048. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 7 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.048."
2018/11/05, 18:40:53 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.7805, players: 8, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:41:33 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player ZzKOTzZ with ID 76561198137056522 try withdraw from bank 2900 ... now ZzKOTzZ has COINS:2965, BANK:338398 "
2018/11/05, 18:41:44 "#FPSFixer: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 FPS: 40 in coords: [7640.4,7932.82,0.196808] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:41:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 18:41:53 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 49.2308, players: 8, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:42:10 Server: Object 26:67 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:42:10 "Trader Menu: ZzKOTzZ (76561198137056522) purchased 1x PartVRotor into backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:42:10 "Trader Menu: ZzKOTzZ (76561198137056522) purchased 1x PartEngine into backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 800 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:42:10 "Trader Menu: ZzKOTzZ (76561198137056522) purchased 1x PartFueltank into backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 300 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:42:10 "Trader Menu: ZzKOTzZ (76561198137056522) purchased 3x PartGeneric into backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 600 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:42:23 Server: Object 25:72 not found (message 98)
2018/11/05, 18:42:23 Server: Object 25:73 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 18:42:44 "HEARDSOMETHING# Make shoot sounds near player ZzKOTzZ in 566 metres with ["m107_DZ","10rnd_127x99_m107"] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:42:48 "CRASHSPAWNER: Spawning crash site (CrashSite_EU) at [10709.7,8782.33,0] with 11 items."
2018/11/05, 18:42:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.7805. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.7805."
2018/11/05, 18:42:52 "P1ayer PID#23(prizrak65) hit by PID#16(Voralex) with C130J_US_EP1_DZ from 1 meters in  for 0.0097562 damage"
2018/11/05, 18:42:52 "P1ayer PID#17(Pankerton) hit by PID#16(Voralex) with C130J_US_EP1_DZ from 1 meters in  for 0.0120511 damage"
2018/11/05, 18:42:53 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.048, players: 8, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:43:18 Server: Object 23:652 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 18:43:18 Server: Object 23:653 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 18:43:19 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-H:2 (Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers) REMOTE is complete, player name is Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers in coords [6935.06,8362.72,0]."
2018/11/05, 18:43:31 "PUBLISH: Created CSJ_GyroC with ID "13816229116519798""
2018/11/05, 18:43:31 "Vehicles&Objects Spawner# CSJ_GyroC spawned by player B 1-1-B:1 (ZzKOTzZ) REMOTE! Player name is ZzKOTzZ (UID:76561198137056522) in coords [4018.36,11651.5,0]."
2018/11/05, 18:43:40 "MISSION - MINOR 3 - Success"
2018/11/05, 18:43:40 "MISSION - MINOR 3 - Mission end. Bot in 30m, name: Kiril Petrenko"
2018/11/05, 18:43:41 "MISSION - MINOR 3 - Mission end. Bot in 1000m, name: Vilem Fojt"
2018/11/05, 18:43:41 "MISSION - MINOR 3 - Mission end. Bot in 1000m, name: Daniel Bulba"
2018/11/05, 18:43:42 "MISSION - MINOR 3 - Mission end. Bot in 1000m, name: Bronislav Vitek"
2018/11/05, 18:43:42 "MISSION - MINOR 3 - Mission end. Bot in 1000m, name: Ruslan Hujer"
2018/11/05, 18:43:42 "MISSION - MINOR 3 - Mission end. Bot in 1000m, name: Andrej Vanek"
2018/11/05, 18:43:42 "MISSION - MINOR 3 - Mission end. Bot in 1000m, name: Jakub Jelinek"
2018/11/05, 18:43:42 "MISSION - MINOR 3 - Mission end. Bot in 1000m, name: Rostislav Zelenka"
2018/11/05, 18:43:43 "MISSION - MINOR 3 - Mission end. Bot in 1000m, name: Kiril Petrenko"
2018/11/05, 18:43:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.7805. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 6 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 1 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 11 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 7 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.7805."
2018/11/05, 18:43:54 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.9297, players: 8, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:43:56 Server: Object 20:379 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:44:11 Server: Object 20:381 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:44:11 "Trader Menu: Hp (76561198033885782) sold 1x 100Rnd_127x99_M2 from backpack at зону торговли Бандитов for 1,500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:44:11 "Trader Menu: Hp (76561198033885782) sold 1x 48Rnd_40mm_MK19 from backpack at зону торговли Бандитов for 3,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:44:11 "Trader Menu: Hp (76561198033885782) sold 2x 29Rnd_30mm_AGS30 from backpack at зону торговли Бандитов for 6,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:44:27 Server: Object 23:692 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:44:39 Server: Object 23:716 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:44:39 Server: Object 23:714 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:44:39 Server: Object 23:715 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:44:39 Server: Object 23:717 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:44:39 Server: Object 23:718 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:44:39 Server: Object 23:719 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:44:39 Server: Object 23:720 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:44:39 Server: Object 23:721 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:44:39 Server: Object 23:722 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:44:39 Server: Object 23:742 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:44:42 "EVENTSHAKER# Start MAJOR Mission SM7 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:44:42 "MISSION - MAJOR 7 - Start"
2018/11/05, 18:44:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 49.0798. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 49.0798."
2018/11/05, 18:44:54 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 49.3827, players: 8, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:45:00 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-H:1 (Papa Carlo) REMOTE is complete, player name is Papa Carlo in coords [7499.89,8097.04,0]."
2018/11/05, 18:45:25 "Player UID#76561198359965418 CID#5732 PID#23(prizrak65) as Survivor2_DZ died at аэродром [048051]"
2018/11/05, 18:45:25 "DeathMessage: prizrak65 умер от зомби."
2018/11/05, 18:45:37 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16763) LOCKED @093113 ([9396.03,4002.32,0.0146179]) [9396.03,4002.32,0.0146179] BY AlexXxandeR(76561198066565697)"
2018/11/05, 18:45:37 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - prizrak65(76561198359965418)"
2018/11/05, 18:45:37 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is near respawn_west. This is normal after death. ["76561198359965418","prizrak65"]"
2018/11/05, 18:45:37 Client: Remote object 23:17 not found
2018/11/05, 18:45:37 Client: Remote object 23:759 not found
2018/11/05, 18:45:37 Client: Remote object 23:760 not found
2018/11/05, 18:45:38 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16763) UNLOCKED @093113 ([9396.03,4002.32,0.0146179]) [9396.03,4002.32,0.0146179] BY AlexXxandeR(76561198066565697)"
2018/11/05, 18:45:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.9297. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 95 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.9297."
2018/11/05, 18:45:55 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.4848, players: 8, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:46:04 "#FPSFixer: Player AlexXxandeR with ID 76561198066565697 FPS: 60 in coords: [9396.03,4002.32,-0.0167694] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:46:04 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: MTVR_DES_EP1 (objid: 16860) UNLOCKED @047058 ([4791.75,9510.89,0.0245056]) [4791.75,9510.89,0.0245056] BY Pankerton(76561198146796842)"
2018/11/05, 18:46:15 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: C130J_US_EP1_DZ (objid: 16863) LOCKED @049057 ([4909.9,9601.56,-0.0335083]) [4909.9,9601.56,-0.0335083] BY Voralex(76561198004396057)"
2018/11/05, 18:46:36 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Voralex(76561198004396057)"
2018/11/05, 18:46:36 "INFO - Player: Voralex(UID:76561198004396057/CID:5689) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location аэродром [048057]"
2018/11/05, 18:46:36 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: Voralex with uid 76561198004396057 disconnected ..."
2018/11/05, 18:46:36 Client: Remote object 16:127 not found
2018/11/05, 18:46:38 Warning: Cleanup player - person 16:126 not found
2018/11/05, 18:46:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 18:46:53 Server: Object 20:412 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:46:53 Server: Object 20:415 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:46:53 Server: Object 20:416 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:46:53 Server: Object 20:413 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:46:53 Server: Object 20:414 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:46:53 Server: Object 20:420 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:46:53 Server: Object 20:419 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:46:53 Server: Object 20:418 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:46:53 Server: Object 20:424 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:46:53 Server: Object 20:423 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:46:53 Server: Object 20:417 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:46:53 Server: Object 20:422 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:46:53 Server: Object 20:421 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:46:53 Server: Object 20:428 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:46:53 Server: Object 20:426 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:46:53 Server: Object 20:427 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:46:53 Server: Object 20:432 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:46:53 Server: Object 20:431 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:46:53 Server: Object 20:430 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:46:53 Server: Object 20:425 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:46:53 Server: Object 20:429 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:46:53 Server: Object 20:435 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:46:53 Server: Object 20:434 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:46:53 Server: Object 20:433 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:46:53 Server: Object 20:438 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:46:53 Server: Object 20:437 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:46:53 Server: Object 20:436 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:46:53 Server: Object 20:441 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:46:53 Server: Object 20:439 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:46:53 Server: Object 20:445 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:46:53 Server: Object 20:440 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:46:53 Server: Object 20:444 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:46:53 Server: Object 20:443 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:46:53 Server: Object 20:442 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:46:53 Server: Object 20:446 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:46:55 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.0588, players: 7, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:47:05 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - prizrak65(76561198359965418)"
2018/11/05, 18:47:06 "INFO - Player: PID#23(prizrak65)(UID:76561198359965418/CID:5735) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 18:47:13 "Hp (76561198033885782) UNLOCKED CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ with code: EYESCAN @031074 [3153.81,7946.12,0.004]"
2018/11/05, 18:47:26 "Hp (76561198033885782) LOCKED CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ with code: 142 @031074 [3153.81,7946.12,0.004]"
2018/11/05, 18:47:28 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player prizrak65 with UID 76561198359965418 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 18:47:28 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player prizrak65 with UID 76561198359965418 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 18:47:28 "INFO - Player: PID#23(prizrak65)(UID:76561198359965418/CID:5735) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Электрозаводск [096133]"
2018/11/05, 18:47:30 "INFO - Player: prizrak65(UID:76561198359965418/CID:5735) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 18:47:30 "#LOGIN#: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 connected!"
2018/11/05, 18:47:30 "MISSION - MINOR 3 - Cleaning completed"
2018/11/05, 18:47:31 "MISSION - MINOR 3 - End"
2018/11/05, 18:47:32 Server: Object 23:799 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:47:36 "Hp (76561198033885782) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 1455 @031074 [3146.89,7913.91,0.14]"
2018/11/05, 18:47:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 18:47:55 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.9042, players: 7, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:47:59 "EVENTSHAKER# MINOR Mission SM3 completed ..."
2018/11/05, 18:48:06 "#FPSFixer: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 FPS: 59 in coords: [9672.83,2031.67,0.0014019] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:48:12 "Hp (76561198033885782) LOCKED Safe with code: 1455 @031074 [3146.89,7913.91,0.14]"
2018/11/05, 18:48:31 Server: Object 26:103 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:48:31 "Trader Menu: ZzKOTzZ (76561198137056522) sold 1x BAF_AS50_scoped_DZ from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 10,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:48:45 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player ZzKOTzZ with ID 76561198137056522 try deposit to bank 10000 ... now ZzKOTzZ has COINS:265, BANK:348398 "
2018/11/05, 18:48:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.7612. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.7612."
2018/11/05, 18:48:56 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 7, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:49:18 "HEARDSOMETHING# Make shoot sounds near player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers in 529 metres with ["LeeEnfield_DZ","10Rnd_303British"] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:49:21 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 7, FPS 48.3384, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 18:49:21 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 11, West Units (Players): 7, East Units (AI): 4, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 16, SERVER FPS: 48.3384 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:49:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 1 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 8 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/05, 18:49:56 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.9042, players: 7, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:50:21 "CRASHSPAWNER: Spawning crash site (CrashSite_UN) at [2841.93,8964.55,0] with 11 items."
2018/11/05, 18:50:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 1 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 9 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 6 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 18:50:56 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 7, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:51:40 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: MTVR_DES_EP1 (objid: 16860) LOCKED @063075 ([6347.42,7783.32,-0.000518799]) [6347.42,7783.32,-0.000518799] BY Pankerton(76561198146796842)"
2018/11/05, 18:51:45 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: Mi17_DZE (objid: 16766) LOCKED @063075 [6333.28,7791.29,0.646454]"
2018/11/05, 18:51:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 18:51:57 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 7, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:52:26 Server: Object 26:198 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:52:26 Server: Object 26:199 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:52:26 Server: Object 26:207 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:52:26 Server: Object 26:205 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:52:26 Server: Object 26:208 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:52:26 Server: Object 26:206 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:52:26 Server: Object 26:209 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:52:26 Server: Object 26:211 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:52:26 Server: Object 26:210 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:52:26 Server: Object 26:216 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:52:26 Server: Object 26:214 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:52:26 Server: Object 26:217 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:52:26 Server: Object 26:212 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:52:26 Server: Object 26:213 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:52:26 Server: Object 26:215 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:52:41 "MISSION - MAJOR 7 - Activated - player in 1200m, spawning crates and additional AI"
2018/11/05, 18:52:41 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - Begin"
2018/11/05, 18:52:41 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - End"
2018/11/05, 18:52:41 "MISSION - MAJOR 7 - Spawning car!"
2018/11/05, 18:52:41 "PUBLISH: Created HMMWV_DES_EP1 with ID "20468103583710347""
2018/11/05, 18:52:42 "MISSION - MAJOR 7 - Car spawned!"
2018/11/05, 18:52:42 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [10130.1,5846.78,0]"
2018/11/05, 18:52:42 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of BANDITS - 0 Infantry, 1 Stormtrooper, 1 Sniper, 0 Boss, 1 Elite 1 Nuker at position [10120.3,5833.25,0]"
2018/11/05, 18:52:42 Duplicate weapon ItemGPS detected for RUS_Soldier_Sab
2018/11/05, 18:52:42 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a BANDITS VEHICLE - at position [10131.1,5852.02,0]"
2018/11/05, 18:52:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 1 logout boxes, 8 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/05, 18:52:57 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 7, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:53:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 18:53:53 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: MTVR_DES_EP1 (objid: 16860) UNLOCKED @063075 ([6347.42,7783.32,-0.000518799]) [6347.42,7783.32,-0.000518799] BY Pankerton(76561198146796842)"
2018/11/05, 18:53:56 Server: Object 25:101 not found (message 132)
2018/11/05, 18:53:56 Server: Object 25:103 not found (message 132)
2018/11/05, 18:53:57 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 7, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:54:08 Server: Object 25:109 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:54:08 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 1x KSVK_DZE from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 2,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:54:08 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 3x 5Rnd_127x108_KSVK from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 600 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:54:09 "Hp (76561198033885782) FAILED unlocking Safe with code: 3259 (actual: 0368) @031074 [3149.71,7911.81,0.14]"
2018/11/05, 18:54:20 "P1ayer PID#26(UID#76561198137056522) hit by PID#11(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers) with BAF_AS50_TWS/B_127x99_Ball_noTracer <ammo left:6> from 414 meters in head_hit for 16.0426 damage"
2018/11/05, 18:54:20 "Player UID#76561198137056522 CID#5652 PID#26(ZzKOTzZ) as GUE_Soldier_Sniper_DZ died at аэродром [046056]"
2018/11/05, 18:54:20 "DeathMessage: ZzKOTzZ был убит игроком Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers с BAF_AS50_TWS с расстояния 414м"
2018/11/05, 18:54:27 "Hp (76561198033885782) FAILED unlocking Safe with code: 3259 (actual: 0368) @031074 [3149.71,7911.81,0.14]"
2018/11/05, 18:54:30 Server: Object 25:122 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:54:30 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 1x 20Rnd_9x39_SP5_VSS from vehicle at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 75 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:54:30 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 1x m240_scoped_EP1_DZE from vehicle at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 2,500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:54:30 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 1x Pecheneg_DZ from vehicle at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 2,500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:54:30 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 1x VSS_vintorez_DZE from vehicle at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:54:30 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 4x 5Rnd_127x108_KSVK from vehicle at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 800 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:54:30 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 6x HandGrenade_West from vehicle at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:54:32 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - ZzKOTzZ(76561198137056522)"
2018/11/05, 18:54:32 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is near respawn_west. This is normal after death. ["76561198137056522","ZzKOTzZ"]"
2018/11/05, 18:54:32 Client: Remote object 26:17 not found
2018/11/05, 18:54:36 "Hp (76561198033885782) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 3259 @031074 [3148.31,7912.82,0.14]"
2018/11/05, 18:54:39 Server: Object 25:123 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:54:39 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 1x HandGrenade_West from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:54:39 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 1x AK_107_GL_kobra from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 850 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:54:40 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 2x 10Rnd_127x99_m107 from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 700 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:54:48 Server: Object 25:124 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:54:48 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 1x RPK74_DZ from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:54:48 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 1x M4SPR_DZE from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 600 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:54:48 "#FPSFixer: Player Hp with ID 76561198033885782 FPS: 62 in coords: [3147.76,7912.03,0.00146484] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:54:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.048. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 92 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.048."
2018/11/05, 18:54:52 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - ZzKOTzZ(76561198137056522)"
2018/11/05, 18:54:53 "INFO - Player: PID#26(ZzKOTzZ)(UID:76561198137056522/CID:5736) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 18:54:57 Server: Object 25:129 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:54:58 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 1x G36K_Camo_DZ from vehicle at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 300 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:54:58 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 1x Mk48_CCO_DZ from vehicle at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 2,300 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:54:58 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 1x SVD_PSO1_Gh_DZ from vehicle at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:54:58 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 7, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:54:58 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 1x SVD_PSO1_DZ from vehicle at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:54:58 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 1x M4A1_AIM_SD_camo from vehicle at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,300 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:54:58 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 1x Sa58V_RCO_EP1 from vehicle at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 400 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:55:03 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player ZzKOTzZ with UID 76561198137056522 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 18:55:03 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player ZzKOTzZ with UID 76561198137056522 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 18:55:03 "INFO - Player: PID#26(ZzKOTzZ)(UID:76561198137056522/CID:5736) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Высота [064122]"
2018/11/05, 18:55:05 Server: Object 25:133 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 18:55:05 Server: Object 25:134 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 18:55:06 "INFO - Player: ZzKOTzZ(UID:76561198137056522/CID:5736) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 18:55:09 "#LOGIN#: Player ZzKOTzZ with ID 76561198137056522 connected!"
2018/11/05, 18:55:12 "DELETE DIRECT: SERVER deleted object with ID: 16767"
2018/11/05, 18:55:12 "PUBLISH: PID#20(Hp)(76561198033885782) upgraded BRDM2_TK_EP1 with UID 13655218793110498 @Пустошка [031074]"
2018/11/05, 18:55:20 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: BRDM2_TK_EP1 (objid: 16866) LOCKED @031074 [3156.47,7931.21,0.000244141]"
2018/11/05, 18:55:22 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: BRDM2_TK_EP1 (objid: 16866) UNLOCKED @031074 [3156.47,7931.21,0.000244141]"
2018/11/05, 18:55:24 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: BRDM2_TK_EP1 (objid: 16866) LOCKED @031074 [3156.47,7931.21,0.000244141]"
2018/11/05, 18:55:46 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: BRDM2_TK_EP1 (objid: 16866) UNLOCKED @031074 [3156.47,7931.21,0.000244141]"
2018/11/05, 18:55:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 16 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 61 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 18:55:52 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 try to get 265 coins from body ZzKOTzZ... now Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers has COINS:785, BANK:152955 and body has 0 coins "
2018/11/05, 18:55:53 "#FPSFixer: Player ZzKOTzZ with ID 76561198137056522 FPS: 23 in coords: [6548.88,3102.75,0.00170708] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:55:58 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 7, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:56:02 "#FPSFixer: Player Pankerton with ID 76561198146796842 FPS: 15 in coords: [5782.2,7417.23,0.00390625] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:56:17 MuzzleFlashROT - unknown animation source ammoRandom
2018/11/05, 18:56:24 "#FPSFixer: Player Papa Carlo with ID 76561198217758817 FPS: 12 in coords: [9805.23,6234.9,0.00125122] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:56:46 Server: Object 25:172 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:56:46 Server: Object 25:173 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:56:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 18:56:58 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.1928, players: 7, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:57:06 Server: Object 25:178 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:57:07 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 3x 20Rnd_762x51_DMR from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 900 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:57:17 Server: Object 25:183 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:57:17 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 7x 100Rnd_762x51_M240 from vehicle at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 2,100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:57:17 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 5x 100Rnd_762x54_PK from vehicle at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:57:17 Server: Object 25:184 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 18:57:17 Server: Object 25:185 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 18:57:17 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 2x 20Rnd_762x51_DMR from vehicle at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 600 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:57:33 "HEARDSOMETHING# Make shoot sounds near player Papa Carlo in 546 metres with ["M24_DZ","5Rnd_762x51_M24"] ..."
2018/11/05, 18:57:33 "Hp (76561198033885782) LOCKED Safe with code: 3259 @031074 [3148.31,7912.82,0.14]"
2018/11/05, 18:57:40 Server: Object 25:186 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 18:57:40 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 1x PartVRotor from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 600 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:57:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.3373. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 11 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.3373."
2018/11/05, 18:57:59 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 7, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:58:18 Server: Object 26:340 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:58:19 "Hp (76561198033885782) UNLOCKED CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ with code: EYESCAN @031074 [3146.34,7931.51,0.0002136]"
2018/11/05, 18:58:32 "Hp (76561198033885782) LOCKED CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ with code: 271 @031074 [3146.34,7931.51,0.0002136]"
2018/11/05, 18:58:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 9 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 7 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 18:58:57 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Sync date on clients to [2012,8,2,3,28]."
2018/11/05, 18:58:59 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 7, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:59:03 "Server setDamage on tree or plant t_populus3s.p3d chopped down by Hp(76561198033885782)"
2018/11/05, 18:59:25 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 7, FPS 47.4777, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 18:59:25 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 17, West Units (Players): 7, East Units (AI): 10, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 11, SERVER FPS: 47.4777 ..."
2018/11/05, 18:59:28 "Server setDamage on tree or plant t_populus3s.p3d chopped down by Hp(76561198033885782)"
2018/11/05, 18:59:38 Server: Object 25:205 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:59:38 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 1x Sa61_EP1 from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 50 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:59:38 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 1x M9_DZ from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 50 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:59:44 Server: Object 25:212 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 18:59:44 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 1x Mosin_DZ from vehicle at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 18:59:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.048. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 8 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.048."
2018/11/05, 18:59:59 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 7, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:00:16 "#FPSFixer: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 FPS: 50 in coords: [5091.02,9636.75,0.00158691] ..."
2018/11/05, 19:00:16 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player AlexXxandeR with ID 76561198066565697 try deposit to bank 26001 ... now AlexXxandeR has COINS:241, BANK:47673 "
2018/11/05, 19:00:32 "Hp (76561198033885782) LOCKED CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ with code: 271 @031074 [3146.34,7931.51,0.0002136]"
2018/11/05, 19:00:43 Server: Object 26:385 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 19:00:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/05, 19:01:00 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 7, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:01:04 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Set new date to [2012,8,2,5,0] with message: Время сейчас утреннее...."
2018/11/05, 19:01:30 MuzzleFlashROT - unknown animation source ammoRandom
2018/11/05, 19:01:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 19:02:00 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 7, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:02:36 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-H:2 (Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers) REMOTE is complete, player name is Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers in coords [4929.15,9298.43,0]."
2018/11/05, 19:02:47 "Hp (76561198033885782) UNLOCKED CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ with code: EYESCAN @031074 [3153.81,7946.12,0.004]"
2018/11/05, 19:02:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.7612. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 12 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.7612."
2018/11/05, 19:02:53 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player ZzKOTzZ with ID 76561198137056522 try withdraw from bank 2900 ... now ZzKOTzZ has COINS:2900, BANK:342998 "
2018/11/05, 19:03:00 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.9042, players: 7, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:03:06 Server: Object 25:289 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 19:03:06 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 1x 100Rnd_556x45_M249 from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 300 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 19:03:06 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 10x 30Rnd_556x45_G36 from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 19:03:06 "Hp (76561198033885782) LOCKED CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ with code: 142 @031074 [3153.81,7946.12,0.004]"
2018/11/05, 19:03:13 Server: Object 26:489 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 19:03:13 "Trader Menu: ZzKOTzZ (76561198137056522) purchased 1x PartEngine into gear at южный рынок for 800 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 19:03:13 "Trader Menu: ZzKOTzZ (76561198137056522) purchased 1x PartVRotor into gear at южный рынок for 1,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 19:03:13 "Trader Menu: ZzKOTzZ (76561198137056522) purchased 1x PartFueltank into gear at южный рынок for 300 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 19:03:13 "Trader Menu: ZzKOTzZ (76561198137056522) purchased 4x PartGeneric into gear at южный рынок for 800 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 19:03:20 Server: Object 20:557 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 19:03:27 Server: Object 25:290 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 19:03:27 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 1x ItemEpinephrine from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 10 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 19:03:27 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 3x ItemBloodbag from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 60 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 19:03:27 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 4x ItemMorphine from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 19:03:47 "HEARDSOMETHING# Make shoot sounds near player ZzKOTzZ in 539 metres with ["DMR_DZ","20Rnd_762x51_DMR"] ..."
2018/11/05, 19:03:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.7612. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.7612."
2018/11/05, 19:03:56 "#FPSFixer: Player AlexXxandeR with ID 76561198066565697 FPS: 56 in coords: [6308.61,7790.8,0.00140381] ..."
2018/11/05, 19:04:00 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.1928, players: 7, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:04:25 "EVENTSHAKER# Start MINOR Mission SM9 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:04:25 "MISSION - MINOR 9 - Start"
2018/11/05, 19:04:25 "MISSION - MINOR 9 - Activated - player in 1200m, spawning crates and additional AI"
2018/11/05, 19:04:25 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - Begin"
2018/11/05, 19:04:25 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - End"
2018/11/05, 19:04:25 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of BANDITS - 2 Infantry, 2 Stormtrooper, 1 Sniper, 0 Boss, 0 Elite 0 Nuker at position [9838.99,3864.09,0]"
2018/11/05, 19:04:32 Server: Object 20:582 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 19:04:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.048. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 8 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 5 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.048."
2018/11/05, 19:04:58 "PUBLISH: Created CSJ_GyroC with ID "18848326355811084""
2018/11/05, 19:04:58 "Vehicles&Objects Spawner# CSJ_GyroC spawned by player B 1-1-B:1 (ZzKOTzZ) REMOTE! Player name is ZzKOTzZ (UID:76561198137056522) in coords [7763.98,3557.7,0]."
2018/11/05, 19:05:01 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 7, AI units: 15 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:05:37 Server: Object 25:323 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 19:05:37 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 4x 30Rnd_556x45_G36SD from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 19:05:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/05, 19:05:50 Server: Object 25:342 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 19:05:50 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) purchased 11x ItemJerrycan into backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 110 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 19:06:01 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.048, players: 7, AI units: 15 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:06:19 "Hp (76561198033885782) LOCKED CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ with code: 142 @031074 [3153.81,7946.12,0.004]"
2018/11/05, 19:06:35 "Hp (76561198033885782) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 3259 @031074 [3148.31,7912.82,0.14]"
2018/11/05, 19:06:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.7612. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.7612."
2018/11/05, 19:06:49 "#FPSFixer: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 FPS: 23 in coords: [8740.19,3935.57,0.00106812] ..."
2018/11/05, 19:07:00 "Bike packed by player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers in coords [6180.56,7206.77,-0.577881] ..."
2018/11/05, 19:07:01 Client: Object 11:711 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 19:07:01 Client: Object 11:712 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 19:07:01 Client: Object 11:712 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 19:07:01 Client: Object 11:711 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 19:07:01 "server_updateObject.sqf _object null or nil, could not update object"
2018/11/05, 19:07:01 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.9042, players: 7, AI units: 15 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:07:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 9 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 19:07:57 "MISSION - MINOR 9 - Players moved away without contact, performing partial cleaning"
2018/11/05, 19:08:02 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 7, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:08:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 3 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/05, 19:09:02 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 7, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:09:30 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 7, FPS 48.048, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 19:09:30 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 17, West Units (Players): 7, East Units (AI): 10, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 12, SERVER FPS: 48.048 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:09:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.7612. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.7612."
2018/11/05, 19:10:02 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.9042, players: 7, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:10:28 "#FPSFixer: Player Hp with ID 76561198033885782 FPS: 63 in coords: [3149.04,7905.51,0.00146484] ..."
2018/11/05, 19:10:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/05, 19:11:03 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 7, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:11:29 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: BRDM2_TK_EP1 (objid: 16866) LOCKED @031074 ([3143.47,7914.1,0.138458]) [3143.47,7914.1,0.138458] BY Hp(76561198033885782)"
2018/11/05, 19:11:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 7 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/05, 19:12:02 "Hp (76561198033885782) LOCKED Safe with code: 3259 @031074 [3148.31,7912.82,0.14]"
2018/11/05, 19:12:03 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 7, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:12:18 "HEARDSOMETHING# Make shoot sounds near player Hp in 501 metres with ["DMR_DZ","20Rnd_762x51_DMR"] ..."
2018/11/05, 19:12:29 "Hp (76561198033885782) UNLOCKED CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ with code: EYESCAN @031074 [3146.34,7931.51,0.0002136]"
2018/11/05, 19:12:41 "Hp (76561198033885782) LOCKED CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ with code: 271 @031074 [3146.34,7931.51,0.0002136]"
2018/11/05, 19:12:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 19:13:03 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 7, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:13:07 Server: Object 26:549 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 19:13:08 Server: Object 26:576 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:13:08 Server: Object 26:580 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 19:13:08 Server: Object 26:581 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:13:08 Server: Object 26:577 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 19:13:08 Server: Object 26:578 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:13:08 Server: Object 26:579 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:13:43 "#FPSFixer: Player Papa Carlo with ID 76561198217758817 FPS: 13 in coords: [10733,5663.46,0.00100708] ..."
2018/11/05, 19:13:45 "#FPSFixer: Player ZzKOTzZ with ID 76561198137056522 FPS: 68 in coords: [5032.79,9995.9,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 19:13:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 19:14:04 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 7, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:14:13 "P1ayer PID#25(UID#76561198066565697) hit by PID#11(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers) with BAF_AS50_TWS/B_127x99_Ball_noTracer <ammo left:4> from 1247 meters in head_hit for 5.73038 damage"
2018/11/05, 19:14:13 "Player UID#76561198066565697 CID#5673 PID#25(AlexXxandeR) as GUE_Soldier_Sniper_DZ died at Новый Собор [066069]"
2018/11/05, 19:14:13 "DeathMessage: AlexXxandeR был убит игроком Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers с BAF_AS50_TWS с расстояния 1247м"
2018/11/05, 19:14:25 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - AlexXxandeR(76561198066565697)"
2018/11/05, 19:14:25 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is near respawn_west. This is normal after death. ["76561198066565697","AlexXxandeR"]"
2018/11/05, 19:14:25 Client: Remote object 25:17 not found
2018/11/05, 19:14:25 Client: Remote object 25:22 not found
2018/11/05, 19:14:25 Warning: Cleanup player - person 25:394 not found
2018/11/05, 19:14:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.3373. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.3373."
2018/11/05, 19:15:04 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 7, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:15:09 Server: Object 23:836 not found (message 132)
2018/11/05, 19:15:18 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - AlexXxandeR(76561198066565697)"
2018/11/05, 19:15:20 "INFO - Player: PID#25(AlexXxandeR)(UID:76561198066565697/CID:5737) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 19:15:24 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player AlexXxandeR with UID 76561198066565697 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 19:15:24 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player AlexXxandeR with UID 76561198066565697 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 19:15:24 "INFO - Player: PID#25(AlexXxandeR)(UID:76561198066565697/CID:5737) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location ВПП [054133]"
2018/11/05, 19:15:25 "INFO - Player: AlexXxandeR(UID:76561198066565697/CID:5737) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 19:15:26 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-H:2 (Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers) REMOTE is complete, player name is Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers in coords [6666.98,7228.12,0]."
2018/11/05, 19:15:30 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Hp(76561198033885782)"
2018/11/05, 19:15:30 "INFO - Player: Hp(UID:76561198033885782/CID:5674) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location Пустошка [031074]"
2018/11/05, 19:15:30 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: Hp with uid 76561198033885782 disconnected ..."
2018/11/05, 19:15:30 Client: Remote object 20:17 not found
2018/11/05, 19:15:30 Client: Remote object 20:22 not found
2018/11/05, 19:15:32 Warning: Cleanup player - person 20:21 not found
2018/11/05, 19:15:36 "#LOGIN#: Player AlexXxandeR with ID 76561198066565697 connected!"
2018/11/05, 19:15:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 1 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 9 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 57 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 19:15:57 "#FPSFixer: Player Pankerton with ID 76561198146796842 FPS: 14 in coords: [6344.24,7789.26,0.00140381] ..."
2018/11/05, 19:16:04 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 6, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:16:19 "#FPSFixer: Player AlexXxandeR with ID 76561198066565697 FPS: 60 in coords: [5394.77,2066.06,0.00143862] ..."
2018/11/05, 19:16:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 19:17:03 "#FPSFixer: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 FPS: 41 in coords: [6741.92,7574.89,0.00140381] ..."
2018/11/05, 19:17:05 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 6, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:17:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 1 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 19:18:02 Server: Object 25:469 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:18:02 Server: Object 25:468 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:18:02 Server: Object 25:483 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:18:02 Server: Object 25:482 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 19:18:02 Server: Object 25:479 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:18:02 Server: Object 25:480 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:18:02 Server: Object 25:481 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:18:02 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 19:18:02 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Papa Carlo from 624.123m"
2018/11/05, 19:18:05 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 6, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:18:44 Server: Object 25:498 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:18:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 2 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/05, 19:19:05 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 6, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:19:26 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 19:19:26 "BANDIT AI (vehicle) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Papa Carlo from 628.769m"
2018/11/05, 19:19:34 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 6, FPS 48.048, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 19:19:34 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 14, West Units (Players): 6, East Units (AI): 8, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 20, SERVER FPS: 48.048 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:19:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/05, 19:20:06 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 6, AI units: 8 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:20:31 "HEARDSOMETHING# Make shoot sounds near player Papa Carlo in 504 metres with ["m107_DZ","10rnd_127x99_m107"] ..."
2018/11/05, 19:20:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.048. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.048."
2018/11/05, 19:21:03 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 19:21:03 "BANDIT AI (vehicle) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Papa Carlo from 458.185m"
2018/11/05, 19:21:06 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 6, AI units: 7 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:21:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.3373. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.3373."
2018/11/05, 19:21:52 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 19:21:52 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Papa Carlo from 335.978m"
2018/11/05, 19:22:06 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 6, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:22:27 Server: Object 25:593 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:22:27 Server: Object 25:605 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:22:27 Server: Object 25:604 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:22:27 Server: Object 25:603 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:22:33 Server: Object 25:627 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 19:22:33 Server: Object 25:624 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:22:33 Server: Object 25:625 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:22:33 Server: Object 25:626 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:22:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/05, 19:22:57 "#FPSFixer: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 FPS: 41 in coords: [6103.4,8284.06,0.00149536] ..."
2018/11/05, 19:23:01 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 19:23:01 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Papa Carlo from 233.616m"
2018/11/05, 19:23:07 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 6, AI units: 5 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:23:39 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 19:23:39 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Papa Carlo from 479.536m"
2018/11/05, 19:23:48 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 19:23:48 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Papa Carlo from 487.624m"
2018/11/05, 19:23:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 19:24:07 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 6, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:24:08 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player AlexXxandeR with UID 76561198066565697 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 19:24:29 "MISSION - MINOR 9 - Timeout"
2018/11/05, 19:24:34 "MISSION - MINOR 9 - Cleaning completed"
2018/11/05, 19:24:35 "MISSION - MINOR 9 - End"
2018/11/05, 19:24:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.048. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 1 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.048."
2018/11/05, 19:25:02 "CRASHSPAWNER: Spawning crash site (CrashSite_UN) at [5443.1,5545.1,0] with 11 items."
2018/11/05, 19:25:07 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 6, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:25:32 "EVENTSHAKER# MINOR Mission SM9 completed ..."
2018/11/05, 19:25:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.7612. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 1 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 6 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.7612."
2018/11/05, 19:25:58 "MISSION - MAJOR 7 - Success"
2018/11/05, 19:25:58 "MISSION - MAJOR 7 - Mission end. Player in 30m, name: Papa Carlo"
2018/11/05, 19:25:59 "MISSION - MAJOR 7 - Mission end. Bot in 1000m, name: Benjamin Hutchinson"
2018/11/05, 19:25:59 "MISSION - MAJOR 7 - Mission end. Player in 1000m, name: Papa Carlo"
2018/11/05, 19:26:00 "MISSION - MAJOR 7 - Mission end. Bot in 1000m, name: Dalibor Hruby"
2018/11/05, 19:26:00 "MISSION - MAJOR 7 - Mission end. Bot in 1000m, name: Fedor Dvorak"
2018/11/05, 19:26:08 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.9042, players: 6, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:26:09 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player AlexXxandeR with UID 76561198066565697 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 19:26:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 6 empty groups, 1 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 8 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 19:27:08 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 6, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:27:49 Server: Object 23:919 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 19:27:49 Server: Object 23:924 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 19:27:49 Server: Object 23:923 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 19:27:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 6 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/05, 19:27:54 Server: Object 11:793 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 19:27:54 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) sold 5x 20Rnd_762x51_B_SCAR from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 19:27:57 "MISSION - MAJOR 7 - Cleaning completed"
2018/11/05, 19:27:58 "MISSION - MAJOR 7 - End"
2018/11/05, 19:28:08 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.048, players: 6, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:28:27 Server: Object 25:666 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 19:28:27 Server: Object 25:665 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 19:28:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.3373. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 6 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.3373."
2018/11/05, 19:28:58 "EVENTSHAKER# MAJOR Mission SM7 completed ..."
2018/11/05, 19:29:09 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 6, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:29:38 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 7, FPS 47.4777, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 19:29:38 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 9, West Units (Players): 6, East Units (AI): 3, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 22, SERVER FPS: 47.4777 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:29:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 6 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 19:30:09 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 7, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:30:10 "#FPSFixer: Player Papa Carlo with ID 76561198217758817 FPS: 16 in coords: [7819.23,7265.89,0.0146179] ..."
2018/11/05, 19:30:13 Server: Object 23:933 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 19:30:13 Server: Object 23:938 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 19:30:13 Server: Object 23:944 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 19:30:13 Server: Object 23:943 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 19:30:25 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Orcus(76561198064249725)"
2018/11/05, 19:30:27 "INFO - Player: PID#27(Orcus)(UID:76561198064249725/CID:5717) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 19:30:27 Server: Object 27:23 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:30:27 Server: Object 27:24 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 19:30:27 Server: Object 27:25 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 19:30:27 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Orcus with UID 76561198064249725 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 19:30:27 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Orcus with UID 76561198064249725 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 19:30:27 "INFO - Player: PID#27(Orcus)(UID:76561198064249725/CID:5717) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Старый Собор [062077]"
2018/11/05, 19:30:28 "INFO - Player: Orcus(UID:76561198064249725/CID:5717) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 19:30:43 "#LOGIN#: Player Orcus with ID 76561198064249725 connected!"
2018/11/05, 19:30:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.7612. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 7 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.7612."
2018/11/05, 19:31:09 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.9042, players: 7, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:31:27 "#FPSFixer: Player Orcus with ID 76561198064249725 FPS: 60 in coords: [6327.61,7784.51,0.00140381] ..."
2018/11/05, 19:31:30 Server: Object 11:848 not found (message 132)
2018/11/05, 19:31:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 6 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 19:31:56 "#FPSFixer: Player ZzKOTzZ with ID 76561198137056522 FPS: 63 in coords: [4367.34,11496.9,0.00289917] ..."
2018/11/05, 19:32:08 Server: Object 27:78 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:32:08 "Trader Menu: Orcus (76561198064249725) sold 2x 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 19:32:08 "Trader Menu: Orcus (76561198064249725) sold 2x 8Rnd_9x18_MakarovSD from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 20 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 19:32:10 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 7, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:32:38 Server: Object 27:79 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 19:32:38 "Trader Menu: Orcus (76561198064249725) sold 1x SCAR_L_STD_Mk4CQT from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 400 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 19:32:44 Server: Object 25:765 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 19:32:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 6 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 16 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 11 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 19:32:52 Server: Object 19:315 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 19:32:52 "Trader Menu: Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) sold 1x m107_DZ from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 5,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 19:32:52 "Trader Menu: Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) sold 5x HandGrenade_West from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 19:33:04 Server: Object 19:316 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 19:33:04 "Trader Menu: Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) sold 1x ItemVault from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 5,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 19:33:04 "Trader Menu: Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) sold 1x NVGoggles_DZE from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 19:33:04 "Trader Menu: Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) sold 2x Binocular_Vector from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 19:33:10 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 7, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:33:19 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-H:2 (Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers) REMOTE is complete, player name is Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers in coords [6388.57,7786.95,0]."
2018/11/05, 19:33:21 Server: Object 19:325 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 19:33:21 Server: Object 19:324 not found (message 98)
2018/11/05, 19:33:23 Server: Object 27:80 not found (message 132)
2018/11/05, 19:33:23 Server: Object 27:82 not found (message 132)
2018/11/05, 19:33:23 Server: Object 27:84 not found (message 132)
2018/11/05, 19:33:25 "#FPSFixer: Player AlexXxandeR with ID 76561198066565697 FPS: 60 in coords: [4772.73,2555.6,0.00135708] ..."
2018/11/05, 19:33:34 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Orcus with ID 76561198064249725 try withdraw from bank 4000 ... now Orcus has COINS:4703, BANK:10140 "
2018/11/05, 19:33:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 6 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 14 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 16 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/05, 19:33:50 Server: Object 19:326 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:33:50 "Trader Menu: Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) sold 2x 100Rnd_762x51_M240 from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 600 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 19:34:05 "CRASHSPAWNER: Spawning crash site (CrashSite_UN) at [4718.49,9142.36,0] with 8 items."
2018/11/05, 19:34:08 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Sync date on clients to [2012,8,2,5,32]."
2018/11/05, 19:34:10 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 7, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:34:10 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Papa Carlo with ID 76561198217758817 try deposit to bank 12100 ... now Papa Carlo has COINS:1000, BANK:156050 "
2018/11/05, 19:34:15 "#FPSFixer: Player Pankerton with ID 76561198146796842 FPS: 23 in coords: [5811.78,7444.24,-0.0236511] ..."
2018/11/05, 19:34:30 Server: Object 19:327 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:34:30 "Trader Menu: Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) purchased 1x ItemToolbox into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 19:34:49 "Bike packed by player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers in coords [6701.1,8422.81,-0.530975] ..."
2018/11/05, 19:34:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 6 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 19:34:49 "server_updateObject.sqf _object null or nil, could not update object"
2018/11/05, 19:35:04 Server: Object 27:89 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 19:35:04 "Trader Menu: Orcus (76561198064249725) sold 6x 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 300 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 19:35:10 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.3373, players: 7, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:35:30 Server: Object 27:90 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:35:30 "Trader Menu: Orcus (76561198064249725) purchased 3x 5Rnd_86x70_L115A1 into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 4,500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 19:35:31 Server: Object 19:336 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:35:31 "Trader Menu: Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) purchased 3x ItemToolbox into backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 600 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 19:35:45 Server: Object 19:341 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 19:35:45 "Trader Menu: Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) purchased 1x ItemToolbox into backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 19:35:47 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 try to get 1401 coins from body AlexXxandeR... now Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers has COINS:3686, BANK:152955 and body has 0 coins "
2018/11/05, 19:35:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.7612. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 6 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.7612."
2018/11/05, 19:35:51 Server: Object 27:93 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:35:51 "Trader Menu: Orcus (76561198064249725) purchased 4x 8Rnd_9x18_MakarovSD into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 19:36:03 "#FPSFixer: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 FPS: 31 in coords: [6686.27,8439.89,0.000976563] ..."
2018/11/05, 19:36:11 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 7, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:36:21 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-H:1 (Papa Carlo) REMOTE is complete, player name is Papa Carlo in coords [6395.87,7835.2,0]."
2018/11/05, 19:36:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.3373. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 6 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 2 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.3373."
2018/11/05, 19:37:01 Server: Object 23:975 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 19:37:08 Server: Object 23:1022 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 19:37:11 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.9042, players: 7, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:37:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 6 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 17 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 2 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/05, 19:38:10 Server: Object 27:131 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:38:10 "**** server_verifySender **** [[296,[6292.99,7806.43,0.000152588]],"MMT_Civ",true,"0",B 1-1-L:1 (Orcus) REMOTE,"f8NJOk#T7h3LY"] * PublishVehicle2 * [6292.99,7806.43,0.000152588] * f8NJOk#T7h3LY * 76561198064249725 * B 1-1-L:1 (Orcus) REMOTE ****"
2018/11/05, 19:38:10 "PUBLISH: PID#27(Orcus)(76561198064249725) bought MMT_Civ with UID 19369296780613076 @Старый Собор [062075]"
2018/11/05, 19:38:10 "Trader Menu: Orcus (76561198064249725) purchased 1x MMT_Civ into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 60 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 19:38:11 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.1928, players: 7, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:38:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.7612. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 6 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 8 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 20 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.7612."
2018/11/05, 19:39:12 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 7, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:39:21 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-H:2 (Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers) REMOTE is complete, player name is Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers in coords [7080.74,8899.52,0]."
2018/11/05, 19:39:39 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - prizrak65(76561198359965418)"
2018/11/05, 19:39:39 "INFO - Player: prizrak65(UID:76561198359965418/CID:5735) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location аэродром [050053]"
2018/11/05, 19:39:39 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: prizrak65 with uid 76561198359965418 disconnected ..."
2018/11/05, 19:39:39 Client: Remote object 23:786 not found
2018/11/05, 19:39:43 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 7, FPS 47.7612, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 19:39:43 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 9, West Units (Players): 6, East Units (AI): 3, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 0, SERVER FPS: 47.7612 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:39:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.3373. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 6 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 51 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.3373."
2018/11/05, 19:40:12 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 7, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:40:33 "EVENTSHAKER# Start MINOR Mission SM2 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:40:33 "MISSION - MINOR 2 - Start"
2018/11/05, 19:40:33 "MISSION - MINOR 2 - Activated - player in 1200m, spawning crates and additional AI"
2018/11/05, 19:40:33 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - Begin"
2018/11/05, 19:40:33 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - End"
2018/11/05, 19:40:33 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - Begin"
2018/11/05, 19:40:33 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - End"
2018/11/05, 19:40:33 "MISSION - MINOR 2 - Spawning car!"
2018/11/05, 19:40:33 "PUBLISH: Created HMMWV_DZ with ID "21629113938313219""
2018/11/05, 19:40:34 "MISSION - MINOR 2 - Car spawned!"
2018/11/05, 19:40:34 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of BANDITS - 0 Infantry, 0 Stormtrooper, 1 Sniper, 0 Boss, 1 Elite 1 Nuker at position [8447.22,9406.08,0]"
2018/11/05, 19:40:34 Duplicate weapon ItemGPS detected for RUS_Soldier_Sab
2018/11/05, 19:40:34 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a BANDITS VEHICLE - at position [8453.75,9411.93,0]"
2018/11/05, 19:40:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.7612. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.7612."
2018/11/05, 19:41:12 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.3373, players: 7, AI units: 8 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:41:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 19:42:13 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.048, players: 7, AI units: 8 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:42:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 19:42:54 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 19:42:54 "BANDIT AI (vehicle) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Papa Carlo from 378.809m"
2018/11/05, 19:43:13 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 7, AI units: 7 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:43:37 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 19:43:37 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Papa Carlo from 184.894m"
2018/11/05, 19:43:42 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 19:43:42 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Papa Carlo from 190.867m"
2018/11/05, 19:43:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 19:43:56 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 19:43:56 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Papa Carlo from 305.585m"
2018/11/05, 19:44:13 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 8, AI units: 4 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:44:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 1 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/05, 19:44:51 "MISSION - MINOR 2 - Success"
2018/11/05, 19:44:51 "MISSION - MINOR 2 - Mission end. Player in 30m, name: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers"
2018/11/05, 19:44:53 "MISSION - MINOR 2 - Mission end. Player in 1000m, name: Papa Carlo"
2018/11/05, 19:44:53 "MISSION - MINOR 2 - Mission end. Bot in 1000m, name: Christopher Miller"
2018/11/05, 19:44:53 "MISSION - MINOR 2 - Mission end. Bot in 1000m, name: Filip Vandrovec"
2018/11/05, 19:44:53 "MISSION - MINOR 2 - Mission end. Player in 1000m, name: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers"
2018/11/05, 19:44:57 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - HuKoJla_TecJla(76561198024311157)"
2018/11/05, 19:44:57 "<infiSTAR.de> Player-Log: HuKoJla_TecJla(76561198024311157) - 3h 44min"
2018/11/05, 19:45:01 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - prizrak65(76561198359965418)"
2018/11/05, 19:45:02 "INFO - Player: PID#28(HuKoJla_TecJla)(UID:76561198024311157/CID:5690) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 19:45:02 Server: Object 28:23 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:45:02 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player HuKoJla_TecJla with UID 76561198024311157 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 19:45:02 "INFO - Player: PID#23(prizrak65)(UID:76561198359965418/CID:5735) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 19:45:02 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player HuKoJla_TecJla with UID 76561198024311157 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 19:45:02 "INFO - Player: PID#28(HuKoJla_TecJla)(UID:76561198024311157/CID:5690) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location ВПП [048128]"
2018/11/05, 19:45:02 Server: Object 23:1055 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:45:02 Server: Object 23:1056 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 19:45:02 Server: Object 23:1058 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 19:45:02 Server: Object 23:1057 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 19:45:02 Server: Object 23:1059 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 19:45:02 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player prizrak65 with UID 76561198359965418 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 19:45:02 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player prizrak65 with UID 76561198359965418 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 19:45:02 "INFO - Player: PID#23(prizrak65)(UID:76561198359965418/CID:5735) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location аэродром [050053]"
2018/11/05, 19:45:03 Server: Object info 2:4848 not found during Changing Owner
2018/11/05, 19:45:03 Server: Object info 2:4845 not found during Changing Owner
2018/11/05, 19:45:03 "INFO - Player: prizrak65(UID:76561198359965418/CID:5735) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 19:45:09 "INFO - Player: HuKoJla_TecJla(UID:76561198024311157/CID:5690) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 19:45:10 Server: Object 25:887 not found (message 98)
2018/11/05, 19:45:10 Server: Object 25:888 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 19:45:10 Server: Object 25:884 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 19:45:10 Server: Object 25:885 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 19:45:14 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.3373, players: 8, AI units: 4 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:45:18 "#LOGIN#: Player HuKoJla_TecJla with ID 76561198024311157 connected!"
2018/11/05, 19:45:18 "#LOGIN#: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 connected!"
2018/11/05, 19:45:20 "HEARDSOMETHING# Make shoot sounds near player Pankerton in 625 metres with ["FNFAL_DZ","20Rnd_762x51_FNFAL"] ..."
2018/11/05, 19:45:23 Server: Object 23:1076 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 19:45:23 Server: Object 23:1075 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 19:45:33 Server: Object 27:141 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:45:33 Server: Object 27:142 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:45:33 Server: Object 27:144 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 19:45:33 Server: Object 27:143 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 19:45:33 Server: Object 27:147 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:45:33 Server: Object 27:146 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 19:45:33 Server: Object 27:150 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:45:33 Server: Object 27:145 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:45:33 Server: Object 27:149 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 19:45:33 Server: Object 27:148 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:45:40 Server: Object 25:912 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 19:45:40 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 1x MG36_camo from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 600 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 19:45:40 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 1x PKM_DZ from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 19:45:40 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 1x SVD_PSO1_Gh_DZ from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 19:45:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 1 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 9 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/05, 19:46:02 "#FPSFixer: Player HuKoJla_TecJla with ID 76561198024311157 FPS: 39 in coords: [4806.33,2511.24,0.00143909] ..."
2018/11/05, 19:46:02 "#FPSFixer: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 FPS: 33 in coords: [5025.17,9989.45,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 19:46:11 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 19:46:11 "BANDIT AI (vehicle) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 57.5352m"
2018/11/05, 19:46:14 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.1928, players: 8, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:46:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 8 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 12 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 19:47:07 "#FPSFixer: Player Papa Carlo with ID 76561198217758817 FPS: 21 in coords: [8438.47,9397.09,0.00180054] ..."
2018/11/05, 19:47:12 Server: Object 26:675 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:47:13 "EVENTSHAKER# Start MAJOR Mission SM4 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:47:13 "MISSION - MAJOR 4 - Start"
2018/11/05, 19:47:14 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 8, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:47:43 Server: Object 25:936 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:47:43 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 1x M4A1_HWS_GL_camo from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 19:47:43 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 1x G36C_camo from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 300 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 19:47:43 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 1x Saiga12K from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 300 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 19:47:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 7 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 18 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 4 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 19:48:15 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.3373, players: 8, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:48:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 7 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 10 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 3 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/05, 19:49:01 "MISSION - MINOR 2 - Cleaning completed"
2018/11/05, 19:49:02 "MISSION - MINOR 2 - End"
2018/11/05, 19:49:15 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.048, players: 8, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:49:36 "EVENTSHAKER# MINOR Mission SM2 completed ..."
2018/11/05, 19:49:47 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 8, FPS 47.619, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 19:49:47 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 11, West Units (Players): 8, East Units (AI): 3, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 27, SERVER FPS: 47.619 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:49:48 "#FPSFixer: Player Orcus with ID 76561198064249725 FPS: 59 in coords: [2868.24,9747.76,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 19:49:49 Server: Object 25:961 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 19:49:49 "Trader Menu: AlexXxandeR (76561198066565697) sold 1x AK74_DZ from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 300 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 19:49:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.048. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 7 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.048."
2018/11/05, 19:49:49 "Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 7925 @081065 [8176.13,8819.14,0.089]"
2018/11/05, 19:50:06 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - HuKoJla_TecJla(76561198024311157)"
2018/11/05, 19:50:06 "INFO - Player: HuKoJla_TecJla(UID:76561198024311157/CID:5690) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location Балота [047123]"
2018/11/05, 19:50:06 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: HuKoJla_TecJla with uid 76561198024311157 disconnected ..."
2018/11/05, 19:50:06 Client: Remote object 28:17 not found
2018/11/05, 19:50:06 Client: Remote object 28:22 not found
2018/11/05, 19:50:06 Warning: Cleanup player - person 28:21 not found
2018/11/05, 19:50:08 Warning: Cleanup player - person 28:21 not found
2018/11/05, 19:50:15 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 7, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:50:30 "Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) LOCKED Safe with code: 7925 @081065 [8176.13,8819.14,0.089]"
2018/11/05, 19:50:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 7 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 19:51:03 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) LOCKED Safe with code: 8047 @081065 [8175.67,8816.26,0.138]"
2018/11/05, 19:51:14 "Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 7925 @081065 [8176.13,8819.14,0.089]"
2018/11/05, 19:51:16 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.048, players: 7, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:51:30 "Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) LOCKED Safe with code: 7925 @081065 [8176.13,8819.14,0.089]"
2018/11/05, 19:51:32 MuzzleFlashROT - unknown animation source ammoRandom
2018/11/05, 19:51:33 "#FPSFixer: Player ZzKOTzZ with ID 76561198137056522 FPS: 66 in coords: [4076.12,10533.8,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 19:51:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 7 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 7 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 19:52:07 "DELETE: Player PID#19(Papa Carlo)(76561198217758817) deleted object with ID: 16600"
2018/11/05, 19:52:16 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 7, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:52:24 "#FPSFixer: Player AlexXxandeR with ID 76561198066565697 FPS: 45 in coords: [6347.23,7794.25,-0.0244446] ..."
2018/11/05, 19:52:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.1928. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 7 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 23 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 10 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.1928."
2018/11/05, 19:53:09 "#FPSFixer: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 FPS: 43 in coords: [8076.86,8798.01,0.00149536] ..."
2018/11/05, 19:53:16 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 7, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:53:21 "#FPSFixer: Player Pankerton with ID 76561198146796842 FPS: 17 in coords: [6259.53,7605.43,0.00146484] ..."
2018/11/05, 19:53:47 "HEARDSOMETHING# Make shoot sounds near player prizrak65 in 598 metres with ["CZ550_DZ","5Rnd_17HMR"] ..."
2018/11/05, 19:53:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 7 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 6 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/05, 19:53:53 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: MTVR_DES_EP1 (objid: 16860) LOCKED @065082 ([6512.96,7068.35,0.0207214]) [6512.96,7068.35,0.0207214] BY AlexXxandeR(76561198066565697)"
2018/11/05, 19:54:10 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - AlexXxandeR(76561198066565697)"
2018/11/05, 19:54:10 "INFO - Player: AlexXxandeR(UID:76561198066565697/CID:5737) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location Старый Собор [065083]"
2018/11/05, 19:54:10 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: AlexXxandeR with uid 76561198066565697 disconnected ..."
2018/11/05, 19:54:10 Client: Remote object 25:649 not found
2018/11/05, 19:54:17 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 7, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:54:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 8 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 7 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 19:54:56 Warning: Cleanup player - person 25:648 not found
2018/11/05, 19:55:06 "DELETE: Player PID#11(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers)(76561198411562871) deleted object with UID: 1175323087863660"
2018/11/05, 19:55:06 Server: Object 2:3178 not found (message 132)
2018/11/05, 19:55:17 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 6, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:55:19 Server: Object 11:903 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:55:35 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - ZzKOTzZ(76561198137056522)"
2018/11/05, 19:55:35 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is not in playableUnits. ["76561198137056522","ZzKOTzZ"]"
2018/11/05, 19:55:35 Client: Remote object 26:271 not found
2018/11/05, 19:55:40 Server: Object 27:215 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 19:55:45 Server: Object 27:240 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 19:55:45 Server: Object 27:239 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 19:55:45 Server: Object 27:233 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:55:45 Server: Object 27:234 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:55:45 Server: Object 27:235 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:55:45 Server: Object 27:236 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:55:45 Server: Object 27:237 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:55:45 Server: Object 27:238 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:55:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 19:56:17 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 5, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:56:39 Server: Object 19:430 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 19:56:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 1 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 13 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/05, 19:57:15 "Trader Menu: Pankerton (76561198146796842) purchased 6x FoodMRE into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 600 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 19:57:18 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 5, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:57:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/05, 19:58:18 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 5, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:58:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 8 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 19:59:02 Server: Object 23:1239 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:59:18 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 5, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:59:21 Server: Object 27:271 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 19:59:21 Server: Object 27:270 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:59:21 Server: Object 27:272 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:59:21 Server: Object 27:273 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:59:21 Server: Object 27:274 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:59:21 Server: Object 27:281 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 19:59:21 Server: Object 27:289 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 19:59:21 Server: Object 27:277 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:59:21 Server: Object 27:278 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:59:21 Server: Object 27:279 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:59:21 Server: Object 27:280 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:59:21 Server: Object 27:288 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 19:59:21 Server: Object 27:285 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:59:21 Server: Object 27:282 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:59:21 Server: Object 27:283 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:59:21 Server: Object 27:284 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:59:21 Server: Object 27:286 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:59:21 Server: Object 27:287 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:59:21 Server: Object 27:292 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 19:59:21 Server: Object 27:291 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:59:21 Server: Object 27:297 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 19:59:21 Server: Object 27:296 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 19:59:21 Server: Object 27:290 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:59:21 Server: Object 27:295 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:59:21 Server: Object 27:293 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:59:21 Server: Object 27:294 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 19:59:38 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers(76561198411562871)"
2018/11/05, 19:59:38 "INFO - Player: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers(UID:76561198411562871/CID:5722) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location Wilderness [081065]"
2018/11/05, 19:59:38 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with uid 76561198411562871 disconnected ..."
2018/11/05, 19:59:38 Client: Remote object 11:598 not found
2018/11/05, 19:59:38 Client: Object 19:460 (type Type_149) not found.
2018/11/05, 19:59:38 Client: Object 17:1025 (type Type_149) not found.
2018/11/05, 19:59:49 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 9 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 19:59:52 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 4, FPS 46.5116, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 19:59:52 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 7, West Units (Players): 4, East Units (AI): 3, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 16, SERVER FPS: 46.5116 ..."
2018/11/05, 19:59:59 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Papa Carlo(76561198217758817)"
2018/11/05, 19:59:59 "INFO - Player: Papa Carlo(UID:76561198217758817/CID:5627) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location Wilderness [081065]"
2018/11/05, 19:59:59 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: Papa Carlo with uid 76561198217758817 disconnected ..."
2018/11/05, 19:59:59 Client: Remote object 19:188 not found

== E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\arma2oaserver.exe
== "E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\arma2oaserver.exe"  -port=2302 -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 -noSound -noPause "-config=E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Epoch_Configs\Alpha\config.cfg" "-cfg=E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Epoch_Configs\Alpha\basic.cfg" "-profiles=E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Epoch_Configs\Alpha" -name=Alpha "-mod=@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server;"
Exe timestamp: 2018/06/08 18:12:39
Current time:  2018/11/05 20:00:33

Version 1.63.131129
Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
Updating base class ->NonStrategic, by ca\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HouseBase/
Updating base class ->HouseBase, by ca\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins/
Updating base class ->DestructionEffects, by ca\config.bin/CfgVehicles/House/DestructionEffects/
Updating base class ->FlagCarrierCore, by ca\ca_pmc\config.bin/CfgVehicles/FlagCarrier/
Updating base class ->VehicleMagazine, by ca\weapons\config.bin/CfgMagazines/14Rnd_FFAR/
Updating base class Default->RifleCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/Rifle/
Updating base class ->LauncherCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/RocketPods/
Updating base class ->RocketPods, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/FFARLauncher/
Updating base class ->UH60_Base, by ca\air\config.bin/CfgVehicles/MH60S/
Updating base class ->Car, by ca\wheeled2\lada\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Lada_base/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UN_CDF_Soldier_base_EP1/HitPoints/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Commander/HitPoints/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Soldier_Militia/HitPoints/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Soldier_Officer/HitPoints/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Soldier_Sniper/HitPoints/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Soldier_Spotter/HitPoints/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lamp_Small_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lamp_Street1_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lamp_Street2_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lampa_Ind_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_PowLines_Conc2L_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseMediumOrange->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_sidl/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseMediumOrange->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_sidl_2/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseMediumOrange->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_sidl_3/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseWeakYellow->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_ind/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseWeakYellow->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_ind_zebr/
Updating base class RscStandardDisplay->, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayStart/
Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscShortcutButtonMain, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/controls/CA_Exit/
Updating base class CA_IGUI_Title->RscText, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/Gear_Title/
Updating base class Available_items_Text->RscText, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/CA_ItemName/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item7->CA_Gear_slot_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_item8/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item7->CA_Gear_slot_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_item9/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item7->CA_Gear_slot_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_item10/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item7->CA_Gear_slot_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_item11/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item7->CA_Gear_slot_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_item12/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item5->CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item6/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item5->CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item7/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item5->CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item8/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_special1->CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory1/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7->CA_Gear_slot_inventory1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory8/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7->CA_Gear_slot_inventory1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory9/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7->CA_Gear_slot_inventory1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory10/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7->CA_Gear_slot_inventory1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory11/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7->CA_Gear_slot_inventory1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory12/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item1->CA_Gear_slot_handgun, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_special1/
Updating base class RscIGUIShortcutButton->RscActiveText, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/ButtonClose/
Updating base class RscText->, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscTitles/Default/
Updating base class ->ViewOptics, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Mi17_base/Turrets/MainTurret/ViewOptics/
Updating base class ->ViewOptics, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UH1H_base/Turrets/MainTurret/ViewOptics/
Updating base class ->ViewOptics, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UH1_Base/Turrets/MainTurret/ViewOptics/
Updating base class Strategic->, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Bomb/
Updating base class HighCommand->Logic, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HighCommandSubordinate/
Updating base class NonStrategic->BuiltItems, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Fort_RazorWire/
Updating base class ->DefaultEventhandlers, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CSJ_GyroP/EventHandlers/
Updating base class AnimationSources->AnimationSources, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CSJ_GyroC/AnimationSources/
Updating base class ->DefaultEventhandlers, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CSJ_GyroC/EventHandlers/
Updating base class BuiltItems->Generator_Base, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Generator_DZ/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/29Rnd_30mm_AGS30/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/48Rnd_40mm_MK19/
Updating base class 4000Rnd_762x51_M134->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/2000Rnd_762x51_M134/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/100Rnd_127x99_M2/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/50Rnd_127x107_DSHKM/
Updating base class 4000Rnd_762x51_M134->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/pook_1300Rnd_762x51_M60/
Updating base class 100Rnd_762x51_M240->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/pook_250Rnd_762x51/
Updating base class 6Rnd_Grenade_Camel->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/pook_12Rnd_Grenade_Camel/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/3Rnd_GyroGrenade/
Updating base class DropWeapon->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgActions/PutWeapon/
Updating base class DropMagazine->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgActions/PutMagazine/
Updating base class Land_HouseBlock_C1->House, by zero_buildings\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_HouseBlock_C4/
Updating base class Land_HouseV_1I2->House, by zero_buildings\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_HouseV_1I3/
Updating base class NonStrategic->House, by zero_buildings\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_A_MunicipalOffice/
Updating base class Land_HouseV_1I2->House, by zero_buildings\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_HouseV_1L2/
Updating base class Land_HouseV_1I2->House, by zero_buildings\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_HouseV_3I3/
Updating base class House->DZE_OpenHouse, by warehouse\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Ind_Pec_03/
2018/11/05, 20:00:41 Initializing Steam server - Game Port: 2302, Steam Query Port: 2303
2018/11/05, 20:00:42 Connected to Steam servers
2018/11/05, 20:01:07 Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
2018/11/05, 20:01:07 Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
2018/11/05, 20:01:09 Server error: Player without identity prizrak65 (id 906865621)
2018/11/05, 20:01:09 Server error: Player without identity prizrak65 (id 906865621)
2018/11/05, 20:01:09 Server error: Player without identity prizrak65 (id 906865621)
2018/11/05, 20:01:09 Server error: Player without identity prizrak65 (id 906865621)
2018/11/05, 20:01:09 Server error: Player without identity prizrak65 (id 906865621)
2018/11/05, 20:01:09 Server error: Player without identity prizrak65 (id 906865621)
2018/11/05, 20:01:09 Server error: Player without identity prizrak65 (id 906865621)
2018/11/05, 20:01:09 Server error: Player without identity prizrak65 (id 906865621)
2018/11/05, 20:01:09 Server error: Player without identity prizrak65 (id 906865621)
2018/11/05, 20:01:09 Server error: Player without identity prizrak65 (id 906865621)
2018/11/05, 20:01:09 Server error: Player without identity prizrak65 (id 906865621)
2018/11/05, 20:01:09 Server error: Player without identity prizrak65 (id 906865621)
2018/11/05, 20:01:09 Server error: Player without identity prizrak65 (id 906865621)
2018/11/05, 20:01:09 Server error: Player without identity prizrak65 (id 906865621)
2018/11/05, 20:01:09 Server error: Player without identity prizrak65 (id 906865621)
2018/11/05, 20:01:09 Server error: Player without identity prizrak65 (id 906865621)
2018/11/05, 20:01:10 Server error: Player without identity prizrak65 (id 906865621)
2018/11/05, 20:01:10 Server error: Player without identity prizrak65 (id 906865621)
2018/11/05, 20:01:10 Server error: Player without identity prizrak65 (id 906865621)
2018/11/05, 20:01:10 Server error: Player without identity prizrak65 (id 906865621)
2018/11/05, 20:01:10 Server error: Player without identity prizrak65 (id 906865621)
2018/11/05, 20:01:27 Strange convex component81 in zero_buildings\models\housev_3i3_i.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 20:01:32 Strange convex component31 in zero_buildings\models\proxies\th_arches.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 20:01:33 Strange convex component207 in zero_buildings\models\a_tvtower\a_tvtower_base.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component44 in zero_buildings\models\houseblock\houseblock_c4.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component288 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component289 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component290 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component291 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component292 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component293 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component294 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component295 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component296 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component297 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component298 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component299 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component300 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component301 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component302 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component303 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component304 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component305 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component306 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component307 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component308 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component309 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component310 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component311 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component312 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component313 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component314 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component315 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component316 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component317 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component252 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component253 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component254 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component255 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component256 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component257 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component258 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component259 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component260 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component261 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component262 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component263 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component264 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component265 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component266 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component267 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component268 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component269 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component270 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component271 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component272 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component273 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component274 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component275 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component276 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component277 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component278 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component279 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component280 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component281 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component249 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component250 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component251 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component252 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component253 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component254 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component255 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component256 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component257 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component258 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component259 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component260 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component261 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component262 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component263 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component264 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component265 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component266 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component267 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component268 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component269 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component270 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component271 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component272 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component273 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component274 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component275 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component276 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component277 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 20:01:35 Strange convex component278 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/05, 20:01:42 "PRELOAD_ Functions\init [[<No group>:0 (FunctionsManager)],any]"
2018/11/05, 20:01:42 "MPframework inited"
2018/11/05, 20:01:43 "*** REALDATE *** Module starting ..."
2018/11/05, 20:01:43 "*** REALDATE *** Full Received Info From System: [2018,11,5,20,1,43,1,308,0]"
2018/11/05, 20:01:43 "*** REALDATE *** Current real date: [2018,11,5,20,1,43,1,308,0]"
2018/11/05, 20:01:43 "*** REALDATE *** Current day number: 1"
2018/11/05, 20:01:43 "*** REALDATE *** Current real day name is: Monday"
2018/11/05, 20:01:43 "*** REALDATE *** Short date is: [2018,11,5,20,1]"
2018/11/05, 20:01:43 "*** REALDATE *** Current day game set to Monday (AFTER ANOTHER PRIORITY DATE ACCEPT)..."
2018/11/05, 20:01:43 "dayz_preloadFinished reset"
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 "<infiSTAR.de> updatearmalog callExtension: [05.11.2018][20:01:52] Downloaded and installed new armalog.dll"
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 "IAH_fnc_getIntFromString: 1"
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 "<infiSTAR.de> infiSTAR dll loaded successfully"
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 "<infiSTAR.de> ok"
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 "<infiSTAR.de> Loading infiSTAR code.."
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 "Epoch detected"
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 "<infiSTAR.de> BIS_fnc_init done - AntiHack STARTING...!"
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 Warning Message: Script low_admins.sqf not found
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 Warning Message: Script normal_admins.sqf not found
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 Warning Message: Script super_admins.sqf not found
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 Warning Message: Script blacklist.sqf not found
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 "<infiSTAR.de> iproductVersion: 15-02-2018 04-00-45-v1448 | Server productVersion: ["ArmA 2 OA","ArmA2OA",163,131129] | worldName: Chernarus | dayz_instance: 11 | missionName: DayZ_Epoch_11"
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 "<infiSTAR.de> start: <infiSTAR.de> iproductVersion: 15-02-2018 04-00-45-v1448 | Server productVersion: ["ArmA 2 OA","ArmA2OA",163,131129] | worldName: Chernarus | dayz_instance: 11 | missionName: DayZ_Epoch_11"
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 "<infiSTAR.de> _fnc_RandomGen: {
_abc = ['z','y','x','w','v','u','t','s','r','q','p','o','n','m','l','k','j','i','h','g','f','e','d','c','b','a'];
_gen = _abc select (random ((count _abc)-1));
_arr = ['a','9','f','3','9','5','0','6','9','8','d','b','7','1','6','9','5','c','4','5','d','2','1','b','2','0','c','d','b','4','5','8','0'];
for '_i' from 0 to (8+(round(random 3))) do {_gen = _gen + str(round(random 9)) + (_arr select (random ((count _arr)-1)));};
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 "<infiSTAR.de> _simple: y6b5d40200652256b2f2c55"
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 "<infiSTAR.de> _dialogIds: e49384d327884686b453519"
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 "<infiSTAR.de> _badtxts: k55887267265d61425a49"
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar1: r383731012b2d5b695d8996"
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar2: i6d7659032b4d155a6b1638"
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar0: k69905161273b6c2d853d"
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar3: o2b1d65002515501766"
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar4: c834139826d598d094518"
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar5: d7939857d3b55790b3d"
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar6: f79991d8087159619412d8b"
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar8: d675f96425b973879383d"
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar9: z5b248c45715c3f4b856c5567"
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar11: r1c87764d2d757d65867b1585"
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar12: u00662a521401505578355b"
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar13: m24804d24997256843b0c45"
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar19: o05327d3c80473a177c7597"
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar27: d8b8d68312b6d356810356c"
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar26: l625c69278c45991835813b"
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar25: d09659f49285c15926b1b"
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar31: g6d2d3d7854993b22796119"
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar33: o39322d792d6419895d0095"
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar34: x85348d157d167a29193a"
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar35: c4b0c458b472b46650b1215"
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar36: p8d991d204c2511157569"
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar37: w666d13494c8855613d7b"
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar39: l4d3f95897c1b0c80241d9d"
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 "<infiSTAR.de> _clickOnMapTimer: x69105f81262d4622356942"
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 "<infiSTAR.de> _clickOnMapCaught: e3b2b2f657221331541"
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 "<infiSTAR.de> _fnc_handlerandvar10: h1b0d26896b5089291088"
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 "<infiSTAR.de> _remark: i822b4b3981148521952c6384"
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 "<infiSTAR.de> _AHpos: m844a794b793c62384c6c"
2018/11/05, 20:01:52 "<infiSTAR.de> _loadedcheckpos: i89683b170d8a2285451510"
2018/11/05, 20:01:53 "<infiSTAR.de> _loadedchecktime: o25401f6c3710122146"
2018/11/05, 20:01:53 "<infiSTAR.de> _MenuChecksRunningx: n255074195362549557"
2018/11/05, 20:01:53 "<infiSTAR.de> _oneachframe: s45914b7979334525482c4476"
2018/11/05, 20:01:53 "<infiSTAR.de> _anotherloop: e6d35293965391a514d80"
2018/11/05, 20:01:53 "<infiSTAR.de> _clientoncetwo: j8086047b3955313d37369d"
2018/11/05, 20:01:53 "<infiSTAR.de> _lastUnlock: a394b3b207539993a0d4569"
2018/11/05, 20:01:53 "<infiSTAR.de> _AdminReqCheck: l9d52752b44882b4b8c3521"
2018/11/05, 20:01:53 "<infiSTAR.de> _antidupeCheckVar: u551b79761b41004d7349"
2018/11/05, 20:01:53 "<infiSTAR.de> _antiantihack1_rndvar: b4647467105223d147c3148"
2018/11/05, 20:01:53 "<infiSTAR.de> _antiantihack2_rndvar: i312c3d2169692920533b"
2018/11/05, 20:01:53 "<infiSTAR.de> _antidupePVResVar: w5343245f66621b5989448b"
2018/11/05, 20:01:53 "<infiSTAR.de> _antidupePVCheckVar: PVAHR_0_a143a4470143c7344018871"
2018/11/05, 20:01:53 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar10: PVAHR_0_w168b2844071635448b40"
2018/11/05, 20:01:53 "<infiSTAR.de> AntiHack LOADED!"
2018/11/05, 20:01:53 "<infiSTAR.de> CREATING AdminMenu"
2018/11/05, 20:01:53 "<infiSTAR.de> AdminMenu LOADED!"
2018/11/05, 20:01:53 "<infiSTAR.de> ADDING SERVERSIDE HANDLERS"
2018/11/05, 20:01:53 "<infiSTAR.de> AntiHack FULLY LOADED"
2018/11/05, 20:01:53 "<infiSTAR.de> starting main server loop"
2018/11/05, 20:01:54 "HIVE: Starting"
2018/11/05, 20:01:54 "z\addons\dayz_code\system\REsec.sqf:Monitoring Remote Exe..."
2018/11/05, 20:01:54 ["TIME SYNC: Local Time set to:",[2012,8,2,11,1],"Fullmoon:",true,"Date given by HiveExt.dll:",[2018,11,5,11,1]]
2018/11/05, 20:01:54 "HIVE: trying to get objects"
2018/11/05, 20:01:54 "HIVE: found 671 objects"
2018/11/05, 20:01:54 "HIVE: Request sent"
2018/11/05, 20:01:54 "HIVE: Streamed 671 objects"
2018/11/05, 20:01:55 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers(76561198411562871)"
2018/11/05, 20:01:55 "<infiSTAR.de> Player-Log: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers(76561198411562871) - 0h 00min"
2018/11/05, 20:01:56 "Res3tting B!S effects..."
2018/11/05, 20:01:59 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines.45Rnd_545x39_RPK'.
2018/11/05, 20:01:59 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'.
2018/11/05, 20:01:59 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 20:01:59 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'.
2018/11/05, 20:01:59 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 20:01:59 Warning Message: Error: creating magazine 45Rnd_545x39_RPK with scope=private
2018/11/05, 20:01:59 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'.
2018/11/05, 20:01:59 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 20:01:59 Warning Message: No entry '.displayNameShort'.
2018/11/05, 20:01:59 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 20:01:59 Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'.
2018/11/05, 20:01:59 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 20:01:59 Warning Message: No entry '.Library'.
2018/11/05, 20:01:59 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'.
2018/11/05, 20:01:59 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 20:01:59 Warning Message: No entry '.type'.
2018/11/05, 20:01:59 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 20:01:59 Warning Message: No entry '.count'.
2018/11/05, 20:01:59 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 20:01:59 Warning Message: No entry '.maxLeadSpeed'.
2018/11/05, 20:01:59 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 20:01:59 Warning Message: No entry '.initSpeed'.
2018/11/05, 20:01:59 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 20:01:59 Warning Message: No entry '.reloadAction'.
2018/11/05, 20:01:59 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 20:01:59 Warning Message: No entry '.modelSpecial'.
2018/11/05, 20:01:59 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 20:01:59 Warning Message: No entry '.ammo'.
2018/11/05, 20:01:59 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 20:02:01 "HIVE: BENCHMARK - Server_monitor.sqf finished streaming 671 objects in 6.515 seconds (unscheduled)"
2018/11/05, 20:02:01 "Total Number of spawn locations 6"
2018/11/05, 20:02:20 "CLEANUP: INITIALIZING Vehicle SCRIPT"
2018/11/05, 20:02:20 "EPOCH EVENTS INIT"
2018/11/05, 20:02:20 "CRASHSPAWNER: Starting crash site spawner. Frequency: 15±10 min. Spawn chance: 0.55"
2018/11/05, 20:02:20 "DEBUG: Spawning a care package (Misc_cargo_cont_net1) at [7588.76,12431.5,0] with 3 items."
2018/11/05, 20:02:20 "CRASHSPAWNER: Spawning crash site (CrashSite_RU) at [10345.9,8538.3,0] with 8 items."
2018/11/05, 20:02:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 0.815411. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 5 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 0.815411."
2018/11/05, 20:02:21 "DEBUG: Spawning a care package (Misc_cargo_cont_net3) at [5598.18,9027.01,0] with 10 items."
2018/11/05, 20:02:23 "HIVE: Vehicle Spawn limit reached!"
2018/11/05, 20:02:23 "HIVE: Spawning # of Ammo Boxes: 20"
2018/11/05, 20:02:25 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Total vehicles 108, key vehicles 44, public vehicles 64, limit public vehicles is 60 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:02:25 "Vehicles&Objects Spawner# Loading..."
2018/11/05, 20:02:25 "Vehicles&Objects Spawner# Random seed spRS_1749816336860609 generated..."
2018/11/05, 20:02:25 "Vehicles&Objects Spawner# Loaded..."
2018/11/05, 20:02:25 "Bike Spawner is loading..."
2018/11/05, 20:02:25 "Bike Spawner is loaded!"
2018/11/05, 20:02:25 "#PLAYER EVENT HANDLERS - LOADING...!"
2018/11/05, 20:02:25 "#PLAYER EVENT HANDLERS - LOADING COMPLETE...!"
2018/11/05, 20:02:25 "DAY NIGHT CONTROL# Starting ... "
2018/11/05, 20:02:25 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Initialize ..."
2018/11/05, 20:02:25 "EVENTSHAKER# - Starting ..."
2018/11/05, 20:02:27 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a SOLDIERS HELI - at position [14182.1,2695.89]"
2018/11/05, 20:02:27 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a SOLDIERS HELI - at position [14382.1,2675.89]"
2018/11/05, 20:02:27 "HIVE: Spawning # of Veins: 30"
2018/11/05, 20:02:28 "<infiSTAR.de> Player-Log: prizrak65(76561198359965418) - 0h 00min"
2018/11/05, 20:02:28 "BANDITS BASE - BEGIN"
2018/11/05, 20:02:28 "INFO - Player: PID#3(prizrak65)(UID:76561198359965418/CID:5735) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 20:02:29 Server: Object 3:23 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:02:29 Server: Object 3:27 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 20:02:29 Server: Object 3:26 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 20:02:29 Server: Object 3:25 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 20:02:29 Server: Object 3:24 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 20:02:29 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player prizrak65 with UID 76561198359965418 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 20:02:29 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player prizrak65 with UID 76561198359965418 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 20:02:29 "INFO - Player: PID#3(prizrak65)(UID:76561198359965418/CID:5735) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location аэродром [045047]"
2018/11/05, 20:02:29 "HIVE: BENCHMARK - Server finished spawning 0 DynamicVehicles, 0 Debris, 20 SupplyCrates and 30 MineVeins in 28.531 seconds (scheduled)"
2018/11/05, 20:02:30 "INFO - Player: prizrak65(UID:76561198359965418/CID:5735) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 20:02:31 "#LOGIN#: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 connected!"
2018/11/05, 20:02:35 "INFO - Player: PID#4(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers)(UID:76561198411562871/CID:5722) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 20:02:35 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with UID 76561198411562871 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 20:02:35 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with UID 76561198411562871 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 20:02:35 "INFO - Player: PID#4(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers)(UID:76561198411562871/CID:5722) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Wilderness [081065]"
2018/11/05, 20:02:42 "INFO - Player: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers(UID:76561198411562871/CID:5722) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 20:02:43 "#LOGIN#: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 connected!"
2018/11/05, 20:02:45 "#FPSFixer: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 FPS: 24 in coords: [4584.84,10617.9,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:02:48 Warning: looped for animation: ca\anims\characters\data\anim\sdr\mov\erc\stp\non\non\amovpercmstpsnonwnondnon_amovpercmstpsraswpstdnon_end.rtm differs (looped now 0)! MoveName: amovpercmstpsnonwnondnon_amovpercmstpsraswpstdnon_end
2018/11/05, 20:02:56 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @028056 - UAZ_CDF, worldspace [341.69,[2860.43,9754.95,0.758667]], CharId 0, objID 16739, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/05, 20:02:56 "SECTOR - BEGIN"
2018/11/05, 20:02:56 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a SOLDIERS HELI - at position [13693.4,2884.84]"
2018/11/05, 20:02:57 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @073107 - SkodaBlue, worldspace [323.639,[7341.19,4656.44,0.0916595]], CharId 0, objID 16742, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/05, 20:02:59 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @071127 - SUV_Pink, worldspace [153.144,[7150.74,2612.93,0.0416579]], CharId 0, objID 16745, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/05, 20:02:59 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @068130 - SUV_Yellow, worldspace [235.055,[6893.84,2336.23,0.0423303]], CharId 0, objID 16746, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/05, 20:03:00 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @100137 - SUV_Yellow, worldspace [120.793,[10075.9,1606.77,0.265153]], CharId 0, objID 16749, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/05, 20:03:02 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @070125 - SUV_White, worldspace [167.397,[7075.09,2819.37,0.0394645]], CharId 0, objID 16750, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/05, 20:03:03 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @108126 - MTVR_DES_EP1, worldspace [202.145,[10891.6,2683.39,0.0856996]], CharId 0, objID 16752, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/05, 20:03:03 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @047049 - hilux1_civil_1_open_DZE, worldspace [100.568,[4717.01,10360.8,0.0355835]], CharId 0, objID 16751, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/05, 20:03:03 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @071108 - VWGolf, worldspace [58.0365,[7134.29,4542.21,0.0235596]], CharId 0, objID 16743, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/05, 20:03:04 "#FPSFixer: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 FPS: 48 in coords: [8096.87,8803.12,0.00146484] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:03:05 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @132089 - Lada2_TK_CIV_EP1, worldspace [191.843,[13260.1,6376.62,0.0456505]], CharId 0, objID 16755, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/05, 20:03:08 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @135089 - S1203_TK_CIV_EP1, worldspace [144.528,[13537.7,6441.9,0.033093]], CharId 0, objID 16754, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/05, 20:03:12 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @127073 - Ural_CDF, worldspace [298.375,[12750.5,8006.92,0.114758]], CharId 0, objID 16757, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/05, 20:03:20 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @125069 - datsun1_civil_2_covered_DZE, worldspace [295.564,[12517,8436.34,0.0559597]], CharId 0, objID 16758, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/05, 20:03:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/05, 20:03:27 "EVENTSHAKER# - Spawn missions & events processes ..."
2018/11/05, 20:03:27 "EVENTSHAKER# - All processes are spawned ..."
2018/11/05, 20:03:27 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 4, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:03:29 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @073130 - V3S_Refuel_TK_GUE_EP1_DZ, worldspace [24.3097,[7351.75,2285.06,0.165295]], CharId 0, objID 16845, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/05, 20:03:31 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - ZzKOTzZ(76561198137056522)"
2018/11/05, 20:03:31 "<infiSTAR.de> Player-Log: ZzKOTzZ(76561198137056522) - 0h 01min"
2018/11/05, 20:03:31 "INFO - Player: PID#5(ZzKOTzZ)(UID:76561198137056522/CID:5736) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 20:03:32 Server: Object 5:23 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:03:32 Server: Object 5:24 not found (message 98)
2018/11/05, 20:03:32 Server: Object 5:25 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 20:03:32 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player ZzKOTzZ with UID 76561198137056522 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 20:03:32 Server: Object 5:26 not found (message 98)
2018/11/05, 20:03:32 Server: Object 5:27 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 20:03:32 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player ZzKOTzZ with UID 76561198137056522 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 20:03:32 "INFO - Player: PID#5(ZzKOTzZ)(UID:76561198137056522/CID:5736) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location аэродром [042051]"
2018/11/05, 20:03:32 "INFO - Player: ZzKOTzZ(UID:76561198137056522/CID:5736) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 20:03:34 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Locked Vehicle destroyed @104068 - TT650_TK_CIV_EP1, worldspace [255.59,[10407.2,8536.04,0.00215149]], CharId 3837, objID 16830, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/05, 20:03:39 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Locked Vehicle destroyed @093132 - M1030_US_DES_EP1, worldspace [24.1032,[9325.24,2077.59,0.0257235]], CharId 3444, objID 16831, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/05, 20:03:42 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 8047 @081065 [8175.67,8816.26,0.138]"
2018/11/05, 20:03:47 "#LOGIN#: Player ZzKOTzZ with ID 76561198137056522 connected!"
2018/11/05, 20:03:58 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Papa Carlo(76561198217758817)"
2018/11/05, 20:03:58 "<infiSTAR.de> Player-Log: Papa Carlo(76561198217758817) - 0h 01min"
2018/11/05, 20:04:00 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Spawn new public vehicles ..."
2018/11/05, 20:04:00 "PUBLISH: Created Mi17_DZE with ID "5105272443227""
2018/11/05, 20:04:00 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Heli Mi17_DZE spawned in [4878.4,2443.53] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:04:01 "PUBLISH: Created UH60M_MEV_EP1_DZ with ID "1264714012605227""
2018/11/05, 20:04:01 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Heli UH60M_MEV_EP1_DZ spawned in [12419.7,12604.6] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:04:01 "PUBLISH: Created Kamaz_DZE with ID "5459312228227""
2018/11/05, 20:04:01 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Camp vehicle Kamaz_DZE spawned in [5232.16,2228.14] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:04:01 "PUBLISH: Created HMMWV_DZ with ID "546642426227""
2018/11/05, 20:04:01 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Camp vehicle HMMWV_DZ spawned in [5239.84,2426.31] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:04:02 "PUBLISH: Created Kamaz_DZE with ID "47831052340228""
2018/11/05, 20:04:02 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Camp vehicle Kamaz_DZE spawned in [4554.67,2339.77] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:04:02 "INFO - Player: PID#6(Papa Carlo)(UID:76561198217758817/CID:5627) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 20:04:02 "PUBLISH: Created GAZ_Vodnik_DZE with ID "48442402517228""
2018/11/05, 20:04:02 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Camp vehicle GAZ_Vodnik_DZE spawned in [4616.15,2517.38] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:04:02 "PUBLISH: Created Kamaz_DZE with ID "724882893228""
2018/11/05, 20:04:02 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle Kamaz_DZE spawned in [7020.18,2893.13] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:04:02 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Papa Carlo with UID 76561198217758817 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 20:04:02 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Papa Carlo with UID 76561198217758817 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 20:04:02 "INFO - Player: PID#6(Papa Carlo)(UID:76561198217758817/CID:5627) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Wilderness [081065]"
2018/11/05, 20:04:02 "PUBLISH: Created SUV_Pink with ID "74422232485228""
2018/11/05, 20:04:02 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle SUV_Pink spawned in [7213.11,2484.58] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:04:03 "PUBLISH: Created V3S_Open_TK_CIV_EP1 with ID "71341352329229""
2018/11/05, 20:04:03 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle V3S_Open_TK_CIV_EP1 spawned in [6904.81,2328.63] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:04:03 "PUBLISH: Created V3S_Open_TK_CIV_EP1 with ID "68011722314229""
2018/11/05, 20:04:03 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle V3S_Open_TK_CIV_EP1 spawned in [6572.02,2313.8] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:04:03 "PUBLISH: Created MTVR_DES_EP1 with ID "94181152085229""
2018/11/05, 20:04:03 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle MTVR_DES_EP1 spawned in [9189.09,2084.94] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:04:03 "PUBLISH: Created UAZ_Unarmed_TK_EP1 with ID "9585911919229""
2018/11/05, 20:04:03 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle UAZ_Unarmed_TK_EP1 spawned in [9355.61,1918.46] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:04:04 "PUBLISH: Created HMMWV_Ambulance_CZ_DES_EP1 with ID "10570831581230""
2018/11/05, 20:04:04 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle HMMWV_Ambulance_CZ_DES_EP1 spawned in [10340.4,1582.31] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:04:04 "PUBLISH: Created VWGolf with ID "10298531604230""
2018/11/05, 20:04:04 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle VWGolf spawned in [10068.5,1604.97] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:04:04 "PUBLISH: Created HMMWV_DZ with ID "10361232274230""
2018/11/05, 20:04:04 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle HMMWV_DZ spawned in [10131.2,2274.73] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:04:04 "PUBLISH: Created hilux1_civil_3_open_DZE with ID "109262082380230""
2018/11/05, 20:04:04 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle hilux1_civil_3_open_DZE spawned in [10695.7,2380.18] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:04:05 "PUBLISH: Created SkodaGreen with ID "105481062602231""
2018/11/05, 20:04:05 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle SkodaGreen spawned in [10316.3,2601.89] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:04:05 "PUBLISH: Created Lada1 with ID "110583082572231""
2018/11/05, 20:04:05 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle Lada1 spawned in [10826.5,2572.03] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:04:05 "PUBLISH: Created SkodaBlue with ID "133953296248231""
2018/11/05, 20:04:05 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle SkodaBlue spawned in [13164.8,6248.22] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:04:05 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) LOCKED Safe with code: 8047 @081065 [8175.67,8816.26,0.138]"
2018/11/05, 20:04:05 "PUBLISH: Created HMMWV_Ambulance_CZ_DES_EP1 with ID "129423007998231""
2018/11/05, 20:04:05 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle HMMWV_Ambulance_CZ_DES_EP1 spawned in [12710.4,7997.78] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:04:06 "PUBLISH: Created S1203_ambulance_EP1 with ID "131812628382232""
2018/11/05, 20:04:06 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle S1203_ambulance_EP1 spawned in [12949.4,8381.52] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:04:06 "PUBLISH: Created SkodaBlue with ID "128792849352232""
2018/11/05, 20:04:06 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle SkodaBlue spawned in [12646.6,9352.19] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:04:06 "PUBLISH: Created Volha_2_TK_CIV_EP1 with ID "128142459676232""
2018/11/05, 20:04:06 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle Volha_2_TK_CIV_EP1 spawned in [12581.7,9676.03] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:04:07 "PUBLISH: Created UAZ_Unarmed_UN_EP1 with ID "73331917750233""
2018/11/05, 20:04:07 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle UAZ_Unarmed_UN_EP1 spawned in [7100,7750,300] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:04:08 "INFO - Player: Papa Carlo(UID:76561198217758817/CID:5627) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 20:04:17 "#LOGIN#: Player Papa Carlo with ID 76561198217758817 connected!"
2018/11/05, 20:04:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.4545. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.4545."
2018/11/05, 20:04:27 "TREASURE EVENT# Players online: 5, starting event ..."
2018/11/05, 20:04:27 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.584, players: 5, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:04:29 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Pankerton(76561198146796842)"
2018/11/05, 20:04:29 "<infiSTAR.de> Player-Log: Pankerton(76561198146796842) - 0h 02min"
2018/11/05, 20:04:31 "#FPSFixer: Player ZzKOTzZ with ID 76561198137056522 FPS: 68 in coords: [4202.08,10312.7,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:04:32 "INFO - Player: PID#7(Pankerton)(UID:76561198146796842/CID:5686) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 20:04:33 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Pankerton with UID 76561198146796842 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 20:04:33 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Pankerton with UID 76561198146796842 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 20:04:33 Server: Object 7:23 not found (message 98)
2018/11/05, 20:04:33 Server: Object 7:24 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 20:04:33 "INFO - Player: PID#7(Pankerton)(UID:76561198146796842/CID:5686) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Старый Собор [062075]"
2018/11/05, 20:04:34 "INFO - Player: Pankerton(UID:76561198146796842/CID:5686) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 20:04:48 "#LOGIN#: Player Pankerton with ID 76561198146796842 connected!"
2018/11/05, 20:05:01 "#FPSFixer: Player Papa Carlo with ID 76561198217758817 FPS: 25 in coords: [8104.05,8791.4,0.00146484] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:05:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.048. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.048."
2018/11/05, 20:05:27 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 6, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:05:28 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Stanislavsky(76561198051472873)"
2018/11/05, 20:05:28 "<infiSTAR.de> Player-Log: Stanislavsky(76561198051472873) - 0h 03min"
2018/11/05, 20:05:32 "#FPSFixer: Player Pankerton with ID 76561198146796842 FPS: 21 in coords: [6261.54,7792.58,0.00180054] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:05:35 "INFO - Player: PID#8(Stanislavsky)(UID:76561198051472873/CID:5653) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 20:05:36 Server: Object 8:23 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:05:36 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Stanislavsky with UID 76561198051472873 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 20:05:36 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Stanislavsky with UID 76561198051472873 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 20:05:36 "INFO - Player: PID#8(Stanislavsky)(UID:76561198051472873/CID:5653) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Пустошка [031074]"
2018/11/05, 20:05:43 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 8047 @081065 [8175.67,8816.26,0.138]"
2018/11/05, 20:05:47 "Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 7925 @081065 [8176.13,8819.14,0.089]"
2018/11/05, 20:05:48 "INFO - Player: Stanislavsky(UID:76561198051472873/CID:5653) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 20:05:51 "#LOGIN#: Player Stanislavsky with ID 76561198051472873 connected!"
2018/11/05, 20:05:56 MuzzleFlashROT - unknown animation source ammoRandom
2018/11/05, 20:06:20 Server: Object 5:79 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:06:20 Server: Object 5:93 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:06:20 Server: Object 5:92 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:06:20 Server: Object 5:89 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:06:20 Server: Object 5:90 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:06:20 Server: Object 5:91 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:06:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 36.8664. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 4 reammo boxes. Fps after: 36.8664."
2018/11/05, 20:06:26 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Orcus(76561198064249725)"
2018/11/05, 20:06:26 "<infiSTAR.de> Player-Log: Orcus(76561198064249725) - 0h 05min"
2018/11/05, 20:06:28 "INFO - Player: PID#10(Orcus)(UID:76561198064249725/CID:5717) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 20:06:28 Server: Object 10:23 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:06:28 Server: Object 10:24 not found (message 98)
2018/11/05, 20:06:28 Server: Object 10:25 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 20:06:28 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Orcus with UID 76561198064249725 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 20:06:28 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Orcus with UID 76561198064249725 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 20:06:28 "INFO - Player: PID#10(Orcus)(UID:76561198064249725/CID:5717) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location аэродром [045044]"
2018/11/05, 20:06:28 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 39.2157, players: 7, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:06:29 "INFO - Player: Orcus(UID:76561198064249725/CID:5717) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 20:06:35 "#FPSFixer: Player Stanislavsky with ID 76561198051472873 FPS: 60 in coords: [3151.67,7926.23,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:06:43 "#LOGIN#: Player Orcus with ID 76561198064249725 connected!"
2018/11/05, 20:06:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines.45Rnd_545x39_RPK'.
2018/11/05, 20:06:54 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'.
2018/11/05, 20:06:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 20:06:54 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'.
2018/11/05, 20:06:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 20:06:54 Warning Message: Error: creating magazine 45Rnd_545x39_RPK with scope=private
2018/11/05, 20:06:54 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'.
2018/11/05, 20:06:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 20:06:54 Warning Message: No entry '.displayNameShort'.
2018/11/05, 20:06:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 20:06:54 Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'.
2018/11/05, 20:06:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 20:06:54 Warning Message: No entry '.Library'.
2018/11/05, 20:06:54 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'.
2018/11/05, 20:06:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 20:06:54 Warning Message: No entry '.type'.
2018/11/05, 20:06:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 20:06:54 Warning Message: No entry '.count'.
2018/11/05, 20:06:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 20:06:54 Warning Message: No entry '.maxLeadSpeed'.
2018/11/05, 20:06:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 20:06:54 Warning Message: No entry '.initSpeed'.
2018/11/05, 20:06:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 20:06:54 Warning Message: No entry '.reloadAction'.
2018/11/05, 20:06:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 20:06:54 Warning Message: No entry '.modelSpecial'.
2018/11/05, 20:06:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 20:06:54 Warning Message: No entry '.ammo'.
2018/11/05, 20:06:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 20:06:54 "Stanislavsky (76561198051472873) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 2163 @031074 [3150.97,7910.85,0.14]"
2018/11/05, 20:06:59 MuzzleFlashROT - unknown animation source ammoRandom
2018/11/05, 20:07:15 "Stanislavsky (76561198051472873) LOCKED Safe with code: 2163 @031074 [3150.97,7910.85,0.14]"
2018/11/05, 20:07:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/05, 20:07:27 "Stanislavsky (76561198051472873) UNLOCKED CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ with code: EYESCAN @031074 [3146.34,7931.51,0.0002136]"
2018/11/05, 20:07:27 "#FPSFixer: Player Orcus with ID 76561198064249725 FPS: 60 in coords: [4564.58,10867,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:07:28 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.1976, players: 8, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:07:33 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Starting ..."
2018/11/05, 20:07:34 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 8, FPS 47.619, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 20:07:34 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 16, West Units (Players): 7, East Units (AI): 9, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 24, SERVER FPS: 47.619 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:07:40 "Stanislavsky (76561198051472873) LOCKED CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ with code: 271 @031074 [3146.34,7931.51,0.0002136]"
2018/11/05, 20:08:04 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) LOCKED Safe with code: 8047 @081065 [8175.67,8816.26,0.138]"
2018/11/05, 20:08:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 16 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 7 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 20:08:28 ["HEARDSOMETHING# Started..."]
2018/11/05, 20:08:28 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 8, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:08:35 "HEARDSOMETHING# Make shoot sounds near player ZzKOTzZ in 566 metres with ["CZ550_DZ","5Rnd_17HMR"] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:09:01 "EVENTSHAKER# Start MINOR Mission SM8 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:09:01 "MISSION - MINOR 8 - Start"
2018/11/05, 20:09:11 Server: Object 3:92 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:09:11 Server: Object 3:94 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:09:11 Server: Object 3:93 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:09:17 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Voyaka(76561198197707621)"
2018/11/05, 20:09:17 "<infiSTAR.de> Player-Log: Voyaka(76561198197707621) - 0h 08min"
2018/11/05, 20:09:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 18 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 9 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/05, 20:09:22 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player ZzKOTzZ with UID 76561198137056522 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 20:09:27 "INFO - Player: PID#11(Voyaka)(UID:76561198197707621/CID:5738) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 20:09:29 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.3373, players: 9, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:09:31 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Voyaka with UID 76561198197707621 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 20:09:31 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Voyaka with UID 76561198197707621 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 20:09:31 "INFO - Player: PID#11(Voyaka)(UID:76561198197707621/CID:5738) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location завод [063127]"
2018/11/05, 20:09:47 "INFO - Player: Voyaka(UID:76561198197707621/CID:5738) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 20:09:47 "#LOGIN#: Player Voyaka with ID 76561198197707621 connected!"
2018/11/05, 20:09:49 "<infiSTAR.de> SLOG_NP: Voyaka (76561198197707621) | New Player: ["5738",[],[],[0,0,0,0],true,"DayZ Epoch","Survivor2_DZ",true,true,0,[],0,0,0,[],1000]"
2018/11/05, 20:09:49 "<infiSTAR.de> SLOG_NP: Voyaka (76561198197707621) | New Player: ["5738",[],[],[0,0,0,0],true,"DayZ Epoch","Survivor2_DZ",true,true,0,[],0,0,0,[],1000]"
2018/11/05, 20:09:49 "["PVAHR_0_w168b2844071635448b40",["Voyaka","76561198197707621","SLOG_NP",[78,101,119,32,80,108,97,121,101,114,58,32,91,34,53,55,51,56,34,44,91,93,44,91,93,44,91,48,44,48,44,48,44,48,93,44,116,114,117,101,44,34,68,97,121,90,32,69,112,111,99,104,32,49,46,48,46,54,46,50,34,44,34,83,117,114,118,105,118,111,114,50,95,68,90,34,44,116,114,117,101,44,116,114,117,101,44,48,44,91,93,44,48,44,48,44,48,44,91,93,44,49,48,48,48,93]]]"
2018/11/05, 20:10:20 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Moreman(76561198119129412)"
2018/11/05, 20:10:20 "<infiSTAR.de> Player-Log: Moreman(76561198119129412) - 0h 09min"
2018/11/05, 20:10:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 5 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 12 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 18 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/05, 20:10:25 "INFO - Player: PID#12(Moreman)(UID:76561198119129412/CID:5489) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 20:10:25 Server: Object 12:23 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:10:25 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Moreman with UID 76561198119129412 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 20:10:25 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Moreman with UID 76561198119129412 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 20:10:26 "INFO - Player: PID#12(Moreman)(UID:76561198119129412/CID:5489) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Wilderness [039035]"
2018/11/05, 20:10:27 "#FPSFixer: Player Voyaka with ID 76561198197707621 FPS: 26 in coords: [6361.64,2642.86,0.00141144] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:10:29 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.3373, players: 9, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:10:31 "INFO - Player: Moreman(UID:76561198119129412/CID:5489) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 20:10:39 "EVENTSHAKER# Start MAJOR Mission SM4 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:10:39 "MISSION - MAJOR 4 - Start"
2018/11/05, 20:10:41 "#LOGIN#: Player Moreman with ID 76561198119129412 connected!"
2018/11/05, 20:10:54 Server: Object 10:82 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:10:54 Server: Object 10:81 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:10:54 Server: Object 10:79 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:10:54 Server: Object 10:80 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:10:54 Server: Object 10:78 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:10:54 Server: Object 10:77 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:10:54 Server: Object 10:84 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:10:54 Server: Object 10:87 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:10:54 Server: Object 10:90 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:10:54 Server: Object 10:89 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:10:54 Server: Object 10:88 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:10:54 Server: Object 10:86 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:10:54 Server: Object 10:83 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:10:54 Server: Object 10:85 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:10:54 Server: Object 10:94 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:10:54 Server: Object 10:92 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:10:54 Server: Object 10:98 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:10:54 Server: Object 10:102 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:10:54 Server: Object 10:101 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:10:54 Server: Object 10:100 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:10:54 Server: Object 10:99 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:10:54 Server: Object 10:91 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:10:54 Server: Object 10:95 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:10:54 Server: Object 10:93 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:10:54 Server: Object 10:96 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:10:54 Server: Object 10:97 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:10:54 Server: Object 10:109 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:10:54 Server: Object 10:107 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:10:54 Server: Object 10:120 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:10:54 Server: Object 10:119 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:10:54 Server: Object 10:118 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:10:54 Server: Object 10:117 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:10:54 Server: Object 10:103 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:10:54 Server: Object 10:104 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:10:54 Server: Object 10:105 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:10:54 Server: Object 10:106 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:10:54 Server: Object 10:116 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:10:54 Server: Object 10:108 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:10:54 Server: Object 10:113 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:10:54 Server: Object 10:110 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:10:54 Server: Object 10:111 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:10:54 Server: Object 10:112 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:10:54 Server: Object 10:114 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:10:54 Server: Object 10:115 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:11:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.7612. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.7612."
2018/11/05, 20:11:25 "#FPSFixer: Player Moreman with ID 76561198119129412 FPS: 42 in coords: [3959.3,11779.8,0.00158691] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:11:29 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 9, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:11:34 Server: Object 7:338 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:11:34 "Trader Menu: Pankerton (76561198146796842) purchased 1x PartEngine into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 800 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:11:34 "Trader Menu: Pankerton (76561198146796842) purchased 1x PartVRotor into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:11:34 "Trader Menu: Pankerton (76561198146796842) purchased 1x PartFueltank into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 300 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:11:48 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 8047 @081065 [8175.67,8816.26,0.138]"
2018/11/05, 20:11:49 "PUBLISH: Created CSJ_GyroC with ID "7019907786695""
2018/11/05, 20:11:49 "Vehicles&Objects Spawner# CSJ_GyroC spawned by player B 1-1-B:3 (Pankerton) REMOTE! Player name is Pankerton (UID:76561198146796842) in coords [6324.36,7785.89,0]."
2018/11/05, 20:12:02 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) LOCKED Safe with code: 8047 @081065 [8175.67,8816.26,0.138]"
2018/11/05, 20:12:04 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Orcus(76561198064249725)"
2018/11/05, 20:12:04 "INFO - Player: Orcus(UID:76561198064249725/CID:5717) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location аэродром [051054]"
2018/11/05, 20:12:04 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: Orcus with uid 76561198064249725 disconnected ..."
2018/11/05, 20:12:04 Client: Remote object 10:20 not found
2018/11/05, 20:12:04 Client: Remote object 10:19 not found
2018/11/05, 20:12:04 Client: Remote object 10:17 not found
2018/11/05, 20:12:05 Warning: Cleanup player - person 10:21 not found
2018/11/05, 20:12:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 22 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 72 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 20:12:23 Server: Object 3:172 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:12:30 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 8, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:12:30 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a SOLDIERS HELI - at position [14282.1,2595.89]"
2018/11/05, 20:12:30 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a SOLDIERS HELI - at position [14282.1,2475.89]"
2018/11/05, 20:13:04 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Orcus(76561198064249725)"
2018/11/05, 20:13:05 "INFO - Player: PID#13(Orcus)(UID:76561198064249725/CID:5717) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 20:13:05 Server: Object 13:23 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:13:05 Server: Object 13:24 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 20:13:05 Server: Object 13:25 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 20:13:05 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Orcus with UID 76561198064249725 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 20:13:05 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Orcus with UID 76561198064249725 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 20:13:05 "INFO - Player: PID#13(Orcus)(UID:76561198064249725/CID:5717) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location аэродром [051054]"
2018/11/05, 20:13:06 "INFO - Player: Orcus(UID:76561198064249725/CID:5717) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 20:13:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 9 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 8 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/05, 20:13:21 "#LOGIN#: Player Orcus with ID 76561198064249725 connected!"
2018/11/05, 20:13:26 Server: Object 5:138 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:13:30 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.9297, players: 9, AI units: 15 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:13:32 Server: Object 5:170 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:14:04 "#FPSFixer: Player Orcus with ID 76561198064249725 FPS: 60 in coords: [5117.31,9861.72,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:14:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 15 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 20:14:30 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 9, AI units: 15 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:14:38 Server: Object 12:60 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:14:38 "Trader Menu: Moreman (76561198119129412) sold 1x Attachment_Kobra from gear at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 250 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:14:38 "Trader Menu: Moreman (76561198119129412) sold 1x PKM_DZ from gear at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:14:48 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/05, 20:14:48 "SOLDIER AI (air) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Stanislavsky from 80.7187m"
2018/11/05, 20:14:48 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/05, 20:14:48 "SOLDIER AI (air) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Stanislavsky from 80.7187m"
2018/11/05, 20:14:48 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/05, 20:14:48 "SOLDIER AI (air) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Stanislavsky from 80.7187m"
2018/11/05, 20:14:50 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Locked Vehicle destroyed @029073 - UH1H_DZ, worldspace [355.043,[2998.54,8050.66,3.16058]], CharId 0, objID 0, objUID 0, nearby ["Stanislavsky (76561198051472873)"]"
2018/11/05, 20:14:51 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-B:1 (prizrak65) REMOTE is complete, player name is prizrak65 in coords [4587.75,10642.3,0]."
2018/11/05, 20:15:02 Server: Object 12:61 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:15:02 "Trader Menu: Moreman (76561198119129412) sold 1x 100Rnd_762x54_PK from gear at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 300 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:15:03 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Voyaka with UID 76561198197707621 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 20:15:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 32 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 20:15:31 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.048, players: 9, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:16:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 6 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/05, 20:16:31 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.3373, players: 9, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:16:39 "HEARDSOMETHING# Make shoot sounds near player prizrak65 in 620 metres with ["FNFAL_DZ","20Rnd_762x51_FNFAL"] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:17:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 6 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 27 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 20:17:31 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.048, players: 9, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:17:39 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 9, FPS 47.7612, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 20:17:39 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 21, West Units (Players): 9, East Units (AI): 12, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 28, SERVER FPS: 47.7612 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:18:02 Server: Object 5:193 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:18:03 "DELETE: Player PID#4(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers)(76561198411562871) deleted object with ID: 16597"
2018/11/05, 20:18:03 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-B:3 (Pankerton) REMOTE is complete, player name is Pankerton in coords [12144.4,9727.57,0]."
2018/11/05, 20:18:12 "#FPSFixer: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 FPS: 40 in coords: [8086.42,8798.17,0.00137329] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:18:16 "#FPSFixer: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 FPS: 18 in coords: [4056.92,11666.4,0.00149536] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:18:18 Server: Object 8:257 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:18:18 Server: Object 8:256 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:18:18 Server: Object 8:258 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:18:18 Server: Object 8:259 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:18:18 Server: Object 8:260 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:18:18 Server: Object 8:261 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:18:18 Server: Object 8:262 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:18:18 Server: Object 8:263 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:18:18 Server: Object 8:264 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:18:18 Server: Object 8:265 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:18:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.1976. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 9 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 3 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.1976."
2018/11/05, 20:18:32 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 9, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:18:50 Server: Object 5:221 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:18:50 Server: Object 5:222 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:18:50 Server: Object 5:220 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:18:50 Server: Object 5:234 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:18:50 Server: Object 5:233 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:18:50 Server: Object 5:232 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:18:50 Server: Object 5:229 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:18:50 Server: Object 5:231 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:18:50 Server: Object 5:230 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:18:50 Server: Object 5:228 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:18:51 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-L:1 (Moreman) REMOTE is complete, player name is Moreman in coords [4082.18,11663.4,0]."
2018/11/05, 20:19:03 Server: Object 3:199 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:19:03 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x ItemJerrycan from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 5 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:19:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.7612. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 8 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 10 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.7612."
2018/11/05, 20:19:21 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Moreman with ID 76561198119129412 try deposit to bank 2000 ... now Moreman has COINS:50, BANK:42380 "
2018/11/05, 20:19:22 "Pankerton (76561198146796842) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 5984 @127057 [12770.8,9641.17,0.241]"
2018/11/05, 20:19:32 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.4848, players: 9, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:19:41 "DELETE DIRECT: SERVER deleted object with ID: 16386"
2018/11/05, 20:19:41 "Pankerton (76561198146796842) PACKED Safe with code: 5984 @127057 [12770.8,9641.17,0.241]"
2018/11/05, 20:19:42 Server: Object 3:200 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:19:42 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x Attachment_SA58RIS from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:19:42 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x Attachment_BELT from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 50 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:19:42 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x SVD_des_EP1 from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:19:45 "Pankerton (76561198146796842) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 6548 @127057 [12770.1,9641.29,0.241]"
2018/11/05, 20:20:01 Server: Object 3:201 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:20:01 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x 10Rnd_762x54_SVD from gear at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 150 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:20:07 "DELETE DIRECT: SERVER deleted object with ID: 16372"
2018/11/05, 20:20:07 "Pankerton (76561198146796842) PACKED Safe with code: 6548 @127057 [12770.1,9641.29,0.241]"
2018/11/05, 20:20:10 "Pankerton (76561198146796842) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 4021 @127057 [12769.4,9641.42,0.241]"
2018/11/05, 20:20:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 1 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 7 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 8 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 20:20:23 Server: Object 3:202 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:20:23 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x 10Rnd_762x54_SVD from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 150 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:20:23 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x 100Rnd_556x45_M249 from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 300 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:20:23 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x 50Rnd_762x54_UK59 from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:20:23 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 10x 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:20:30 "DELETE DIRECT: SERVER deleted object with ID: 16371"
2018/11/05, 20:20:30 "Pankerton (76561198146796842) PACKED Safe with code: 4021 @127057 [12769.4,9641.42,0.241]"
2018/11/05, 20:20:32 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 9, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:20:45 Server: Object 5:281 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:20:45 Server: Object 5:282 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:20:47 "Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) LOCKED Safe with code: 7925 @081065 [8176.13,8819.14,0.089]"
2018/11/05, 20:20:58 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 8047 @081065 [8175.67,8816.26,0.138]"
2018/11/05, 20:21:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 3 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/05, 20:21:24 MuzzleFlashROT - unknown animation source ammoRandom
2018/11/05, 20:21:27 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) LOCKED Safe with code: 8047 @081065 [8175.67,8816.26,0.138]"
2018/11/05, 20:21:33 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 9, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:21:34 "Pankerton (76561198146796842) UNLOCKED CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ with code: EYESCAN @125057 [12579.2,9618.31,0.037]"
2018/11/05, 20:21:39 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 8047 @081065 [8175.67,8816.26,0.138]"
2018/11/05, 20:21:45 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Voyaka(76561198197707621)"
2018/11/05, 20:21:45 "INFO - Player: Voyaka(UID:76561198197707621/CID:5738) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location завод [064128]"
2018/11/05, 20:21:45 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: Voyaka with uid 76561198197707621 disconnected ..."
2018/11/05, 20:21:45 Client: Remote object 11:17 not found
2018/11/05, 20:21:45 Client: Remote object 11:115 not found
2018/11/05, 20:21:54 "Pankerton (76561198146796842) LOCKED CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ with code: 885 @125057 [12579.2,9618.31,0.037]"
2018/11/05, 20:21:56 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) LOCKED Safe with code: 8047 @081065 [8175.67,8816.26,0.138]"
2018/11/05, 20:22:06 "#FPSFixer: Player Pankerton with ID 76561198146796842 FPS: 21 in coords: [12575.4,9622.92,0.00143909] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:22:09 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Pankerton(76561198146796842)"
2018/11/05, 20:22:09 "INFO - Player: Pankerton(UID:76561198146796842/CID:5686) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location лесопилка [125057]"
2018/11/05, 20:22:09 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: Pankerton with uid 76561198146796842 disconnected ..."
2018/11/05, 20:22:09 Client: Remote object 7:17 not found
2018/11/05, 20:22:09 Client: Remote object 7:22 not found
2018/11/05, 20:22:10 Warning: Cleanup player - person 7:21 not found
2018/11/05, 20:22:16 "#FPSFixer: Player ZzKOTzZ with ID 76561198137056522 FPS: 48 in coords: [4583.52,10643.5,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:22:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.048. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 1 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 78 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.048."
2018/11/05, 20:22:24 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Voyaka(76561198197707621)"
2018/11/05, 20:22:26 "INFO - Player: PID#11(Voyaka)(UID:76561198197707621/CID:5738) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 20:22:26 Server: Object 11:229 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:22:26 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Voyaka with UID 76561198197707621 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 20:22:26 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Voyaka with UID 76561198197707621 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 20:22:27 "INFO - Player: PID#11(Voyaka)(UID:76561198197707621/CID:5738) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location завод [064128]"
2018/11/05, 20:22:28 "INFO - Player: Voyaka(UID:76561198197707621/CID:5738) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 20:22:33 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 8, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:22:42 "#LOGIN#: Player Voyaka with ID 76561198197707621 connected!"
2018/11/05, 20:22:53 "#FPSFixer: Player Papa Carlo with ID 76561198217758817 FPS: 23 in coords: [8098.13,8813.76,0.00140381] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:22:56 "HEARDSOMETHING# Make shoot sounds near player Orcus in 545 metres with ["BAF_LRR_scoped","5Rnd_86x70_L115A1"] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:23:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.3373. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.3373."
2018/11/05, 20:23:26 "#FPSFixer: Player Voyaka with ID 76561198197707621 FPS: 22 in coords: [6471.17,2485.07,0.00147247] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:23:33 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 8, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:23:38 "#FPSFixer: Player Stanislavsky with ID 76561198051472873 FPS: 60 in coords: [3070.09,7695.06,0.00140381] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:24:05 Server: Object 3:236 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:24:05 Server: Object 3:234 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:24:05 Server: Object 3:235 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:24:05 Server: Object 3:241 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:24:05 Server: Object 3:237 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:24:05 Server: Object 3:238 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:24:05 Server: Object 3:239 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:24:05 Server: Object 3:240 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:24:05 Server: Object 3:246 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:24:05 Server: Object 3:247 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:24:05 Server: Object 3:242 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:24:05 Server: Object 3:243 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:24:05 Server: Object 3:244 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:24:05 Server: Object 3:245 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:24:05 Server: Object 3:250 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:24:05 Server: Object 3:248 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:24:05 Server: Object 3:249 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:24:09 "Bike packed by player prizrak65 in coords [4066.2,10775.6,0.00415039] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:24:09 Client: Object 3:251 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 20:24:09 Client: Object 3:251 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 20:24:09 Client: Object 3:252 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 20:24:09 Client: Object 3:252 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 20:24:09 "server_updateObject.sqf _object null or nil, could not update object"
2018/11/05, 20:24:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.7612. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.7612."
2018/11/05, 20:24:33 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 8, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:25:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 17 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 20:25:27 Server: Object 5:353 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:25:27 Server: Object 5:352 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:25:27 Server: Object 5:361 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:25:27 Server: Object 5:363 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:25:27 Server: Object 5:362 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:25:27 Server: Object 5:360 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:25:27 Server: Object 5:367 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:25:27 Server: Object 5:366 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:25:27 Server: Object 5:373 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:25:27 Server: Object 5:372 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:25:27 Server: Object 5:371 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:25:27 Server: Object 5:364 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:25:27 Server: Object 5:365 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:25:27 Server: Object 5:370 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:25:27 Server: Object 5:368 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:25:27 Server: Object 5:369 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:25:27 Server: Object 5:376 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:25:27 Server: Object 5:374 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:25:27 Server: Object 5:377 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:25:27 Server: Object 5:375 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:25:34 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.9042, players: 8, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:26:13 "P1ayer PID#8(Stanislavsky) hit by AI with UH1H_DZ from 238 meters in head_hit for 0.0324128 damage"
2018/11/05, 20:26:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 8 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/05, 20:26:34 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.3373, players: 8, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:27:06 Server: Object 4:131 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:27:06 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) sold 12x 5Rnd_86x70_L115A1 from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 2,400 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:27:06 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) sold 2x BAF_LRR_scoped from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 5,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:27:10 Server: Object 6:142 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:27:10 "Trader Menu: Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) sold 5x ItemGoldBar10oz from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 5,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:27:14 Server: Object 5:407 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:27:15 Server: Object 5:422 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:27:15 Server: Object 5:425 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:27:15 Server: Object 5:423 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:27:15 Server: Object 5:424 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:27:15 Server: Object 5:431 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:27:15 Server: Object 5:429 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:27:15 Server: Object 5:430 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:27:15 Server: Object 5:436 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:27:15 Server: Object 5:434 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:27:15 Server: Object 5:435 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:27:15 Server: Object 5:426 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:27:15 Server: Object 5:427 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:27:15 Server: Object 5:428 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:27:15 Server: Object 5:432 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:27:15 Server: Object 5:433 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:27:15 Server: Object 5:437 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:27:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 43.3604. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 14 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 8 reammo boxes. Fps after: 43.3604."
2018/11/05, 20:27:23 Server: Object 4:137 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:27:23 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) sold 5x 20Rnd_762x51_B_SCAR from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:27:28 Server: Object 6:151 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:27:28 "Trader Menu: Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) sold 1x AKS_GOLD from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 3,500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:27:34 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.9042, players: 8, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:27:41 Server: Object 4:140 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:27:41 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) sold 2x ItemGPS from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:27:41 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) sold 3x NVGoggles_DZE from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:27:41 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) sold 2x Binocular_Vector from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:27:43 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 8, FPS 48.1928, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 20:27:43 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 20, West Units (Players): 8, East Units (AI): 12, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 36, SERVER FPS: 48.1928 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:27:46 Server: Object 6:152 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:27:47 "Trader Menu: Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) sold 1x ChainSaw from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:27:47 "Trader Menu: Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) sold 2x Binocular_Vector from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:27:47 "Trader Menu: Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) sold 2x NVGoggles_DZE from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:28:11 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-B:1 (prizrak65) REMOTE is complete, player name is prizrak65 in coords [4102.01,10735.4,0]."
2018/11/05, 20:28:18 "#FPSFixer: Player Moreman with ID 76561198119129412 FPS: 51 in coords: [2089.4,10972.9,0.0167236] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:28:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 9 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 16 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/05, 20:28:26 Server: Object 4:155 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:28:26 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) purchased 4x FoodMRE into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 400 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:28:35 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 8, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:28:46 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Papa Carlo with ID 76561198217758817 try deposit to bank 10700 ... now Papa Carlo has COINS:0, BANK:166750 "
2018/11/05, 20:29:01 Server: Object 4:158 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:29:02 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) purchased 20x ItemTankTrap into backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 2,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:29:02 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) purchased 20x ItemPole into backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 2,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:29:05 "MISSION - MINOR 8 - Timeout"
2018/11/05, 20:29:06 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/05, 20:29:06 "SOLDIER AI (air) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Stanislavsky from 67.0286m"
2018/11/05, 20:29:06 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/05, 20:29:06 "SOLDIER AI (air) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Stanislavsky from 67.0286m"
2018/11/05, 20:29:10 "MISSION - MINOR 8 - Cleaning completed"
2018/11/05, 20:29:12 "MISSION - MINOR 8 - End"
2018/11/05, 20:29:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/05, 20:29:21 "#FPSFixer: Player Orcus with ID 76561198064249725 FPS: 60 in coords: [5075.49,9804.03,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:29:24 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 try deposit to bank 1186 ... now Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers has COINS:10000, BANK:154141 "
2018/11/05, 20:29:29 "Bike packed by player prizrak65 in coords [4577.53,10640.4,0.0161743] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:29:29 Server: Object 3:268 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:29:29 Server: Object 3:267 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:29:29 Server: Object 3:266 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:29:29 Client: Object 3:265 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 20:29:29 Client: Object 3:264 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 20:29:29 Client: Object 3:264 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 20:29:29 Client: Object 3:265 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 20:29:29 "server_updateObject.sqf _object null or nil, could not update object"
2018/11/05, 20:29:29 Server: Object 3:278 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:29:29 Server: Object 3:277 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:29:29 Server: Object 3:281 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:29:29 Server: Object 3:279 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:29:29 Server: Object 3:280 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:29:29 Server: Object 3:282 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:29:29 Server: Object 3:283 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:29:29 Server: Object 3:284 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:29:29 Server: Object 3:288 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:29:29 Server: Object 3:285 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:29:29 Server: Object 3:286 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:29:29 Server: Object 3:287 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:29:29 Server: Object 3:290 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:29:29 Server: Object 3:289 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:29:29 Server: Object 3:291 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:29:29 Server: Object 3:292 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:29:29 Server: Object 3:294 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:29:29 Server: Object 3:293 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:29:29 Server: Object 3:295 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:29:29 Server: Object 3:296 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:29:29 Server: Object 3:301 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:29:29 Server: Object 3:297 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:29:29 Server: Object 3:298 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:29:29 Server: Object 3:299 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:29:29 Server: Object 3:300 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:29:29 Server: Object 3:302 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:29:29 Server: Object 3:303 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:29:29 Server: Object 3:304 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:29:32 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 try deposit to bank 10000 ... now Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers has COINS:0, BANK:164141 "
2018/11/05, 20:29:35 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 8, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:30:08 "EVENTSHAKER# MINOR Mission SM8 completed ..."
2018/11/05, 20:30:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.3373. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 16 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 65 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.3373."
2018/11/05, 20:30:35 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 8, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:30:43 "MISSION - MAJOR 4 - Timeout"
2018/11/05, 20:30:48 Server: Object 8:479 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:30:48 "MISSION - MAJOR 4 - Cleaning completed"
2018/11/05, 20:30:48 "MISSION - MAJOR 4 - End"
2018/11/05, 20:30:54 MuzzleFlashROT - unknown animation source ammoRandom
2018/11/05, 20:30:55 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Set new date to [2012,8,2,11,0] with message: Время сейчас дневное...."
2018/11/05, 20:31:00 Server: Object 8:495 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:31:00 Server: Object 8:500 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:31:00 Server: Object 8:496 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:31:00 Server: Object 8:497 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:31:00 Server: Object 8:498 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:31:00 Server: Object 8:499 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:31:00 Server: Object 8:502 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:31:00 Server: Object 8:504 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:31:00 Server: Object 8:501 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:31:00 Server: Object 8:503 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:31:13 Server: Object 8:527 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:31:18 "HEARDSOMETHING# Make shoot sounds near player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers in 509 metres with ["LeeEnfield_DZ","10Rnd_303British"] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:31:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.3373. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 19 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.3373."
2018/11/05, 20:31:22 "Stanislavsky (76561198051472873) LOCKED CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ with code: 271 @031074 [3146.34,7931.51,0.0002136]"
2018/11/05, 20:31:36 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.048, players: 8, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:31:46 "EVENTSHAKER# MAJOR Mission SM4 completed ..."
2018/11/05, 20:32:14 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player prizrak65 with UID 76561198359965418 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 20:32:15 Server: Object info 3:22 not found during Changing Owner
2018/11/05, 20:32:15 Server: Object info 3:21 not found during Changing Owner
2018/11/05, 20:32:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.7612. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 7 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.7612."
2018/11/05, 20:32:30 "Stanislavsky (76561198051472873) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 2163 @031074 [3150.97,7910.85,0.14]"
2018/11/05, 20:32:36 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 8, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:33:15 Server: Object 4:169 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:33:15 "DELETE: Player PID#4(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers)(76561198411562871) deleted object with UID: 918933088021103"
2018/11/05, 20:33:19 "#FPSFixer: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 FPS: 55 in coords: [4593.74,10627.1,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:33:20 Server: Object 5:534 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:33:20 Server: Object 5:536 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:33:20 Server: Object 5:535 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:33:20 Server: Object 5:549 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:33:20 Server: Object 5:548 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:33:20 Server: Object 5:547 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:33:20 Server: Object 5:546 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:33:20 Server: Object 5:545 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:33:20 Server: Object 5:544 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:33:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 2 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 20:33:21 Server: Object 5:553 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:33:21 Server: Object 5:555 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:33:21 Server: Object 5:554 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:33:21 Server: Object 5:557 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:33:21 Server: Object 5:563 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:33:21 Server: Object 5:559 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:33:21 Server: Object 5:568 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:33:21 Server: Object 5:567 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:33:21 Server: Object 5:566 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:33:21 Server: Object 5:565 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:33:21 Server: Object 5:564 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:33:21 Server: Object 5:558 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:33:21 Server: Object 5:561 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:33:21 Server: Object 5:560 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:33:21 Server: Object 5:562 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:33:21 Server: Object 5:556 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:33:21 Server: Object 5:572 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:33:21 Server: Object 5:574 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:33:21 Server: Object 5:570 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:33:21 Server: Object 5:577 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:33:21 Server: Object 5:576 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:33:21 Server: Object 5:575 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:33:21 Server: Object 5:573 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:33:21 Server: Object 5:571 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:33:21 Server: Object 5:569 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:33:33 "Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 7925 @081065 [8176.13,8819.14,0.089]"
2018/11/05, 20:33:36 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 8, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:33:40 Server: Object 11:454 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:33:40 "DELETE: Player PID#11(Voyaka)(76561198197707621) deleted object with ID: 16843"
2018/11/05, 20:33:40 "Trader Menu: Voyaka (76561198197707621) sold 1x LadaLM from gear at южный рынок for 200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:34:13 Server: Object 11:463 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:34:13 "Trader Menu: Voyaka (76561198197707621) sold 1x equip_scrapelectronics from gear at южный рынок for 150 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:34:13 "Trader Menu: Voyaka (76561198197707621) sold 1x PartEngine from gear at южный рынок for 300 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:34:13 "Trader Menu: Voyaka (76561198197707621) sold 1x Binocular from gear at южный рынок for 30 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:34:13 "Trader Menu: Voyaka (76561198197707621) sold 1x ItemKeyKit from gear at южный рынок for 45 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:34:19 Server: Object 11:464 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:34:19 "Trader Menu: Voyaka (76561198197707621) sold 1x ItemWire from backpack at южный рынок for 30 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:34:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 2 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 20:34:37 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 8, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:34:38 Server: Object 4:174 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:34:39 "DELETE DIRECT: SERVER deleted object with UID: 86831198805604"
2018/11/05, 20:34:39 "PUBLISH: Player PID#4(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers)(76561198411562871) upgraded or downgraded object to CinderWallDoor_DZ with UID:1014411988052065 @Wilderness [080065]"
2018/11/05, 20:34:51 "Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) LOCKED Safe with code: 7925 @081065 [8176.13,8819.14,0.089]"
2018/11/05, 20:34:53 Server: Object 4:175 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:34:54 "DELETE DIRECT: SERVER deleted object with UID: 87401198805661"
2018/11/05, 20:34:54 "PUBLISH: Player PID#4(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers)(76561198411562871) upgraded or downgraded object to CinderWallDoor_DZ with UID:1015911988052080 @Wilderness [080065]"
2018/11/05, 20:34:55 "#FPSFixer: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 FPS: 38 in coords: [8084.55,8807.69,0.00134277] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:34:56 Server: Object 5:602 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:34:56 Server: Object 5:601 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:35:13 "Stanislavsky (76561198051472873) LOCKED CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ with code: 271 @031074 [3146.34,7931.51,0.0002136]"
2018/11/05, 20:35:13 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 8047 @081065 [8175.67,8816.26,0.138]"
2018/11/05, 20:35:14 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Voyaka with ID 76561198197707621 try deposit to bank 750 ... now Voyaka has COINS:5, BANK:750 "
2018/11/05, 20:35:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 9 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 12 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/05, 20:35:26 "DELETE DIRECT: SERVER deleted object with UID: 1015911988052080"
2018/11/05, 20:35:26 "PUBLISH: Player PID#6(Papa Carlo)(76561198217758817) upgraded or downgraded object to CinderWallDoorLocked_DZ with UID:1019111988052112 @Wilderness [080065]"
2018/11/05, 20:35:30 Server: Object 11:481 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:35:30 "Trader Menu: Voyaka (76561198197707621) sold 1x 75Rnd_762x39_RPK from gear at южный рынок for 150 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:35:30 "Trader Menu: Voyaka (76561198197707621) sold 1x 20Rnd_B_AA12_74Slug from gear at южный рынок for 125 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:35:30 "Trader Menu: Voyaka (76561198197707621) sold 1x 100Rnd_762x51_M240 from gear at южный рынок for 300 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:35:30 "Trader Menu: Voyaka (76561198197707621) sold 2x 17Rnd_9x19_glock17 from gear at южный рынок for 20 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:35:37 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.9042, players: 8, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:35:40 "DELETE DIRECT: SERVER deleted object with UID: 1014411988052065"
2018/11/05, 20:35:40 "PUBLISH: Player PID#6(Papa Carlo)(76561198217758817) upgraded or downgraded object to CinderWallDoorLocked_DZ with UID:1020511988052126 @Wilderness [080065]"
2018/11/05, 20:35:44 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/05, 20:35:44 "SOLDIER AI (air) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Stanislavsky from 221.271m"
2018/11/05, 20:35:49 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) LOCKED Safe with code: 8047 @081065 [8175.67,8816.26,0.138]"
2018/11/05, 20:36:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 19 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 80 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 20:36:27 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 0602 @080065 [8077.04,8797.8,0.03302]"
2018/11/05, 20:36:28 "Trader Menu: Voyaka (76561198197707621) purchased 4x 15Rnd_9x19_M9 into gear at южный рынок for 160 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:36:37 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.9042, players: 8, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:36:47 "Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 6024 @080065 [8080.51,8793.7,0]"
2018/11/05, 20:36:54 "HEARDSOMETHING# Make shoot sounds near player Orcus in 606 metres with ["M249_DZ","200Rnd_556x45_M249"] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:37:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.1976. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.1976."
2018/11/05, 20:37:21 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) LOCKED Safe with code: 0602 @080065 [8077.04,8797.8,0.03302]"
2018/11/05, 20:37:36 Server: Object 12:145 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:37:37 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Sync date on clients to [2012,8,2,11,6]."
2018/11/05, 20:37:38 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.3373, players: 8, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:37:47 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 8, FPS 47.0588, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 20:37:47 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 17, West Units (Players): 8, East Units (AI): 9, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 29, SERVER FPS: 47.0588 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:37:49 "Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 7925 @081065 [8176.13,8819.14,0.089]"
2018/11/05, 20:38:11 "Vehicles&Objects Spawner# HeliH spawned by player B 1-1-C:1 (Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers) REMOTE! Player name is Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (UID:76561198411562871) in coords [8098.59,8800.4,-0.447266]."
2018/11/05, 20:38:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.7612. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.7612."
2018/11/05, 20:38:27 "#FPSFixer: Player ZzKOTzZ with ID 76561198137056522 FPS: 43 in coords: [4043.05,11671.7,0.00161743] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:38:33 Server: Object 5:631 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:38:33 "DELETE: Player PID#5(ZzKOTzZ)(76561198137056522) deleted object with ID: 16851"
2018/11/05, 20:38:33 "Trader Menu: ZzKOTzZ (76561198137056522) sold 1x HMMWV_DZ from gear at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 2,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:38:38 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 8, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:38:38 "DELETE DIRECT: SERVER deleted object with ID: 16660"
2018/11/05, 20:38:38 "Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) PACKED Safe with code: 7925 @081065 [8176.13,8819.14,0.089]"
2018/11/05, 20:38:40 "#FPSFixer: Player Papa Carlo with ID 76561198217758817 FPS: 22 in coords: [8175.14,8819.04,0.00167847] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:38:41 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 8047 @081065 [8175.67,8816.26,0.138]"
2018/11/05, 20:38:43 Server: Object 5:642 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:38:44 "Trader Menu: ZzKOTzZ (76561198137056522) sold 1x SVD_PSO1_Gh_DZ from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:38:44 "Trader Menu: ZzKOTzZ (76561198137056522) sold 1x M14_DZ from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:38:59 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) LOCKED Safe with code: 8047 @081065 [8175.67,8816.26,0.138]"
2018/11/05, 20:39:14 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player ZzKOTzZ with ID 76561198137056522 try deposit to bank 1000 ... now ZzKOTzZ has COINS:3200, BANK:343998 "
2018/11/05, 20:39:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 14 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/05, 20:39:27 Server: Object 11:527 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:39:27 "Trader Menu: Voyaka (76561198197707621) sold 1x Attachment_Sup545 from gear at южный рынок for 400 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:39:27 "Trader Menu: Voyaka (76561198197707621) sold 1x Attachment_GP25 from gear at южный рынок for 400 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:39:34 Server: Object 5:644 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:39:34 "Trader Menu: ZzKOTzZ (76561198137056522) purchased 1x PartEngine into gear at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 800 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:39:34 "Trader Menu: ZzKOTzZ (76561198137056522) purchased 1x PartVRotor into gear at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:39:34 "Trader Menu: ZzKOTzZ (76561198137056522) purchased 1x PartFueltank into gear at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 300 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:39:34 "Trader Menu: ZzKOTzZ (76561198137056522) purchased 4x PartGeneric into gear at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 800 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:39:38 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 8, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:39:54 Server: Object 8:615 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:39:54 Server: Object 8:614 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:39:58 "GARAGE: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) retrieved UH1Y_DZE @080065 [8079.2,8796.77,0.00149536]"
2018/11/05, 20:39:59 "Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) LOCKED Safe with code: 6024 @080065 [8080.51,8793.7,0]"
2018/11/05, 20:39:59 Server: Object 11:535 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:39:59 "Trader Menu: Voyaka (76561198197707621) sold 1x Attachment_FL_Pist from gear at южный рынок for 50 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:39:59 "Trader Menu: Voyaka (76561198197707621) sold 1x G17_DZ from gear at южный рынок for 20 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:40:09 "PUBLISH: Created CSJ_GyroC with ID "645490116692395""
2018/11/05, 20:40:09 "Vehicles&Objects Spawner# CSJ_GyroC spawned by player B 1-1-B:2 (ZzKOTzZ) REMOTE! Player name is ZzKOTzZ (UID:76561198137056522) in coords [4059.33,11668.5,0]."
2018/11/05, 20:40:20 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Voyaka with ID 76561198197707621 try deposit to bank 1300 ... now Voyaka has COINS:10, BANK:2050 "
2018/11/05, 20:40:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 8 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 14 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 20:40:38 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 8, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:40:41 "#FPSFixer: Player Stanislavsky with ID 76561198051472873 FPS: 60 in coords: [3615.53,8321.04,0.00134277] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:40:54 Server: Object 8:625 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:41:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.7612. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.7612."
2018/11/05, 20:41:27 Server: Object 11:545 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:41:27 "Trader Menu: Voyaka (76561198197707621) sold 1x equip_gauzepackaged from gear at южный рынок for 10 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:41:35 Server: Object 3:454 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:41:35 Server: Object 3:453 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:41:38 Server: Object 11:554 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:41:38 "Trader Menu: Voyaka (76561198197707621) purchased 1x ItemPainkiller into gear at южный рынок for 20 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:41:39 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.9042, players: 8, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:42:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 1 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 11 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 6 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/05, 20:42:30 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/05, 20:42:30 "SOLDIER AI (air) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Orcus from 266.278m"
2018/11/05, 20:42:32 "#FPSFixer: Player Voyaka with ID 76561198197707621 FPS: 23 in coords: [7817.47,3493.56,-0.00163746] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:42:39 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 8, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:42:41 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-B:1 (prizrak65) REMOTE is complete, player name is prizrak65 in coords [4675.35,10554.9,0]."
2018/11/05, 20:43:02 MuzzleFlashROT - unknown animation source ammoRandom
2018/11/05, 20:43:10 "EVENTSHAKER# Start MINOR Mission SM6 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:43:10 "MISSION - MINOR 6 - Start"
2018/11/05, 20:43:11 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/05, 20:43:11 "SOLDIER AI (air) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Orcus from 303.695m"
2018/11/05, 20:43:14 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Locked Vehicle destroyed @048056 - UH1H_DZ, worldspace [76.8618,[4875.76,9738.81,3.08716]], CharId 0, objID 0, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/05, 20:43:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 10 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 20:43:39 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 8, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:43:52 "HEARDSOMETHING# Make shoot sounds near player Stanislavsky in 625 metres with ["m107_DZ","10rnd_127x99_m107"] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:43:54 Server: Object 5:667 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:43:54 "Trader Menu: ZzKOTzZ (76561198137056522) sold 1x Anzio_20 from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 4,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:44:10 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player ZzKOTzZ with ID 76561198137056522 try deposit to bank 4000 ... now ZzKOTzZ has COINS:300, BANK:347998 "
2018/11/05, 20:44:10 "Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 9399 @000124 [86.438,2868.81,0.0001678]"
2018/11/05, 20:44:15 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 6091 @000124 [81.787,2871.86,0]"
2018/11/05, 20:44:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 20:44:33 MuzzleFlashROT - unknown animation source ammoRandom
2018/11/05, 20:44:40 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 8, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:44:46 "DELETE DIRECT: SERVER deleted object with ID: 16343"
2018/11/05, 20:44:46 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) PACKED Safe with code: 6091 @000124 [81.787,2871.86,0]"
2018/11/05, 20:44:56 "DELETE DIRECT: SERVER deleted object with ID: 16342"
2018/11/05, 20:44:56 "Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) PACKED Safe with code: 9399 @000124 [86.438,2868.81,0.0001678]"
2018/11/05, 20:45:20 Server: Object 11:633 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:45:20 "Trader Menu: Voyaka (76561198197707621) sold 1x equip_rope from gear at южный рынок for 5 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:45:20 "Trader Menu: Voyaka (76561198197707621) sold 1x ItemSandbag from gear at южный рынок for 30 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:45:20 "Trader Menu: Voyaka (76561198197707621) sold 1x ItemFlashlight from gear at южный рынок for 10 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:45:20 "Trader Menu: Voyaka (76561198197707621) sold 1x ItemPickaxe from gear at южный рынок for 15 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:45:20 "Trader Menu: Voyaka (76561198197707621) sold 1x ItemMachete from gear at южный рынок for 40 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:45:20 "Trader Menu: Voyaka (76561198197707621) sold 1x ItemKnife from gear at южный рынок for 5 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:45:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 20:45:21 MuzzleFlashROT - unknown animation source ammoRandom
2018/11/05, 20:45:28 Server: Object 11:634 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:45:29 "Trader Menu: Voyaka (76561198197707621) sold 1x ItemGenerator from backpack at южный рынок for 300 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:45:32 Server: Object 3:501 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:45:32 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x Binocular_Vector from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:45:32 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 3x Binocular from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 90 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:45:33 Server: Object 5:727 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:45:40 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.1928, players: 8, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:45:50 Server: Object 11:645 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:45:50 "Trader Menu: Voyaka (76561198197707621) sold 1x Attachment_BELT from gear at южный рынок for 50 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:45:50 "Trader Menu: Voyaka (76561198197707621) sold 1x Mosin_DZ from gear at южный рынок for 200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:45:54 Server: Object 3:502 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:45:54 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x M4A1_AIM_SD_camo from gear at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,300 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:45:54 MuzzleFlashROT - unknown animation source ammoRandom
2018/11/05, 20:46:01 "Trader Menu: Voyaka (76561198197707621) sold 1x 5Rnd_762x54_Mosin from gear at южный рынок for 50 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:46:14 Server: Object 3:503 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:46:14 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x M4A1_HWS_GL_camo from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:46:14 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x SCAR_L_CQC_EGLM_Holo from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:46:14 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 2x Attachment_BELT from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:46:14 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 2x Attachment_FL from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:46:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 9 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 12 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 20:46:24 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Voyaka with ID 76561198197707621 try deposit to bank 651 ... now Voyaka has COINS:54, BANK:2701 "
2018/11/05, 20:46:37 Server: Object 3:504 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:46:37 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 2x 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:46:40 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 8, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:47:09 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 try deposit to bank 6000 ... now prizrak65 has COINS:845, BANK:41610 "
2018/11/05, 20:47:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 16 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 13 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/05, 20:47:34 "#FPSFixer: Player Moreman with ID 76561198119129412 FPS: 33 in coords: [3621.24,8977.46,0.00454712] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:47:41 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 8, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:47:51 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 8, FPS 47.619, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 20:47:51 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 11, West Units (Players): 8, East Units (AI): 3, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 12, SERVER FPS: 47.619 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:48:07 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-C:2 (Papa Carlo) REMOTE is complete, player name is Papa Carlo in coords [6521.69,7292.46,0]."
2018/11/05, 20:48:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.3373. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 2 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 17 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 2 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.3373."
2018/11/05, 20:48:41 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 8, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:48:43 "#FPSFixer: Player Orcus with ID 76561198064249725 FPS: 60 in coords: [5075.49,9804.03,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:49:08 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player ZzKOTzZ with ID 76561198137056522 try withdraw from bank 1800 ... now ZzKOTzZ has COINS:2100, BANK:346198 "
2018/11/05, 20:49:15 "HEARDSOMETHING# Make shoot sounds near player Voyaka in 641 metres with ["M249_DZ","200Rnd_556x45_M249"] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:49:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 20:49:29 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Papa Carlo with ID 76561198217758817 try withdraw from bank 2200 ... now Papa Carlo has COINS:2200, BANK:164550 "
2018/11/05, 20:49:41 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 8, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:49:43 Server: Object 5:862 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:49:43 "Trader Menu: ZzKOTzZ (76561198137056522) purchased 3x 20Rnd_762x51_B_SCAR into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,800 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:50:02 "EVENTSHAKER# Start MAJOR Mission SM10 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:50:02 "MISSION - MAJOR 10 - Start"
2018/11/05, 20:50:04 "Bike packed by player prizrak65 in coords [4094.09,10758.8,0.00195313] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:50:05 "server_updateObject.sqf _object null or nil, could not update object"
2018/11/05, 20:50:05 Server: Object 3:522 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:50:05 Server: Object 3:521 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:50:05 Server: Object 3:525 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:50:05 Server: Object 3:526 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:50:05 Server: Object 3:529 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:50:05 Server: Object 3:528 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:50:05 Server: Object 3:527 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:50:05 Server: Object 3:531 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:50:05 Server: Object 3:530 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:50:05 Server: Object 3:534 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:50:05 Server: Object 3:532 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:50:05 Server: Object 3:533 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:50:05 Server: Object 3:536 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:50:05 Server: Object 3:535 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:50:05 Server: Object 3:540 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:50:05 Server: Object 3:539 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:50:05 Server: Object 3:538 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:50:05 Server: Object 3:537 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:50:05 Server: Object 3:541 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:50:05 Server: Object 3:545 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:50:05 Server: Object 3:544 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:50:05 Server: Object 3:542 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:50:05 Server: Object 3:543 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:50:05 Server: Object 3:553 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:50:05 Server: Object 3:546 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:50:05 Server: Object 3:547 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:50:05 Server: Object 3:548 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:50:05 Server: Object 3:549 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:50:05 Server: Object 3:550 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:50:05 Server: Object 3:551 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:50:05 Server: Object 3:552 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:50:05 Server: Object 3:554 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:50:05 Server: Object 3:555 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:50:05 Server: Object 3:556 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:50:05 Server: Object 3:557 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:50:18 "MISSION - MINOR 6 - Activated - player in 1200m, spawning crates and additional AI"
2018/11/05, 20:50:18 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - Begin"
2018/11/05, 20:50:18 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - End"
2018/11/05, 20:50:18 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - Begin"
2018/11/05, 20:50:18 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - End"
2018/11/05, 20:50:18 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of BANDITS - 0 Infantry, 1 Stormtrooper, 2 Sniper, 1 Boss, 1 Elite 1 Nuker at position [10315.2,2836.14,0]"
2018/11/05, 20:50:19 Duplicate weapon ItemGPS detected for RUS_Soldier_Sab
2018/11/05, 20:50:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.7612. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.7612."
2018/11/05, 20:50:42 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 8, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:50:57 "#FPSFixer: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 FPS: 54 in coords: [4096.93,10742.9,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:51:03 "#FPSFixer: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 FPS: 25 in coords: [7210.34,7674.2,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:51:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 1 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 20:51:42 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.048, players: 8, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:52:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.3373. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 11 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.3373."
2018/11/05, 20:52:22 "Bike packed by player Papa Carlo in coords [7249.93,7674.99,-0.635498] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:52:22 Client: Object 6:210 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 20:52:22 Client: Object 6:209 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 20:52:22 Client: Object 6:209 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 20:52:22 Client: Object 6:210 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 20:52:22 "server_updateObject.sqf _object null or nil, could not update object"
2018/11/05, 20:52:22 Client: Object 6:209 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 20:52:42 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.9042, players: 8, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:53:17 "P1ayer PID#11(Voyaka) hit by AI with M14_CCO_DZ/B_762x51_noTracer <ammo left:15> from 174 meters in head_hit for 1.16531 damage"
2018/11/05, 20:53:17 "Player UID#76561198197707621 CID#5738 PID#11(Voyaka) as TK_Commander_EP1_DZ died at электростанция [104127]"
2018/11/05, 20:53:17 "DeathMessage: Voyaka был убит игроком ИИ с M14_CCO_DZ с расстояния 174м"
2018/11/05, 20:53:20 "MISSION - MINOR 6 - Players moved away without contact, performing partial cleaning"
2018/11/05, 20:53:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 13 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 63 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 20:53:29 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Voyaka(76561198197707621)"
2018/11/05, 20:53:29 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is near respawn_west. This is normal after death. ["76561198197707621","Voyaka"]"
2018/11/05, 20:53:29 Client: Remote object 11:777 not found
2018/11/05, 20:53:29 Client: Remote object 11:778 not found
2018/11/05, 20:53:42 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 8, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:53:44 "MISSION - MAJOR 10 - Activated - player in 1200m, spawning crates and additional AI"
2018/11/05, 20:53:44 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - Begin"
2018/11/05, 20:53:44 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - End"
2018/11/05, 20:53:44 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [7849.28,5051.05,0]"
2018/11/05, 20:53:44 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of BANDITS - 1 Infantry, 2 Stormtrooper, 3 Sniper, 1 Boss, 1 Elite 1 Nuker at position [7856.32,5053.51,0]"
2018/11/05, 20:53:44 Duplicate weapon ItemGPS detected for RUS_Soldier_Sab
2018/11/05, 20:54:01 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 20:54:01 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 499.953m"
2018/11/05, 20:54:02 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 20:54:02 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 463.71m"
2018/11/05, 20:54:02 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 20:54:02 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 462.455m"
2018/11/05, 20:54:03 "P1ayer PID#4(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers) hit by AI with DSHKM_TK_INS_EP1 from 477 meters in head_hit for 0.0126422 damage"
2018/11/05, 20:54:06 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 20:54:06 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 415.739m"
2018/11/05, 20:54:12 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 20:54:12 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 334.31m"
2018/11/05, 20:54:12 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-B:1 (prizrak65) REMOTE is complete, player name is prizrak65 in coords [4092.07,10727.3,0]."
2018/11/05, 20:54:16 "#FPSFixer: Player Papa Carlo with ID 76561198217758817 FPS: 17 in coords: [7918.81,5321.34,141.042] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:54:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.3373. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.3373."
2018/11/05, 20:54:21 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 20:54:21 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 272.469m"
2018/11/05, 20:54:26 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 20:54:26 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 254.287m"
2018/11/05, 20:54:29 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Voyaka(76561198197707621)"
2018/11/05, 20:54:29 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 20:54:29 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 245.736m"
2018/11/05, 20:54:31 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 20:54:31 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 247.778m"
2018/11/05, 20:54:32 "INFO - Player: PID#11(Voyaka)(UID:76561198197707621/CID:5739) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 20:54:33 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 20:54:33 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 259.285m"
2018/11/05, 20:54:42 "BANDITS BASE - CREATING TURRETS"
2018/11/05, 20:54:42 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6920.68,11351.9,10.9464]"
2018/11/05, 20:54:42 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6930.23,11361.6,10.7948]"
2018/11/05, 20:54:42 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6889.56,11456.8,2.53463]"
2018/11/05, 20:54:42 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6912.13,11439.7,4.50708]"
2018/11/05, 20:54:42 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6890.38,11367.7,2.30887]"
2018/11/05, 20:54:42 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6861.01,11500,10.7375]"
2018/11/05, 20:54:42 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6863.79,11407.3,3.237]"
2018/11/05, 20:54:42 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6933.95,11457,3.238]"
2018/11/05, 20:54:43 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.1928, players: 8, AI units: 11 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:54:51 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Voyaka with UID 76561198197707621 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 20:54:51 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Voyaka with UID 76561198197707621 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 20:54:51 "INFO - Player: PID#11(Voyaka)(UID:76561198197707621/CID:5739) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location электростанция [099129]"
2018/11/05, 20:54:53 "HEARDSOMETHING# Make shoot sounds near player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers in 551 metres with ["BAF_LRR_scoped","5Rnd_86x70_L115A1"] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:54:56 "MISSION - MINOR 6 - Activated - player in 1200m, spawning crates and additional AI"
2018/11/05, 20:54:56 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - Begin"
2018/11/05, 20:54:56 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - End"
2018/11/05, 20:54:56 "INFO - Player: Voyaka(UID:76561198197707621/CID:5739) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 20:54:56 "#LOGIN#: Player Voyaka with ID 76561198197707621 connected!"
2018/11/05, 20:54:56 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - Begin"
2018/11/05, 20:54:56 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - End"
2018/11/05, 20:54:56 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of BANDITS - 0 Infantry, 1 Stormtrooper, 2 Sniper, 1 Boss, 1 Elite 1 Nuker at position [10316.8,2840.72,0]"
2018/11/05, 20:55:15 "MISSION - MAJOR 10 - Success"
2018/11/05, 20:55:15 "MISSION - MAJOR 10 - Mission end. Player in 30m, name: Papa Carlo"
2018/11/05, 20:55:17 "MISSION - MAJOR 10 - Mission end. Player in 1000m, name: Papa Carlo"
2018/11/05, 20:55:17 "MISSION - MAJOR 10 - Mission end. Bot in 1000m, name: Marian Bulba"
2018/11/05, 20:55:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 6 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 20:55:32 "#FPSFixer: Player Voyaka with ID 76561198197707621 FPS: 23 in coords: [10039.2,2471.33,0.00148773] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:55:32 Server: Object 4:253 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 20:55:32 Server: Object 4:252 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 20:55:43 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 8, AI units: 17 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:56:11 Server: Object 3:577 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:56:11 Server: Object 3:578 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:56:11 Server: Object 3:579 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:56:11 Server: Object 3:584 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:56:11 Server: Object 3:581 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:56:11 Server: Object 3:582 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:56:11 Server: Object 3:583 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:56:11 Server: Object 3:585 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:56:11 Server: Object 3:586 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:56:11 Server: Object 3:587 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:56:11 Server: Object 3:588 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:56:11 Server: Object 3:591 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:56:11 Server: Object 3:589 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:56:11 Server: Object 3:590 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:56:11 Server: Object 3:594 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:56:11 Server: Object 3:592 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:56:11 Server: Object 3:593 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:56:11 Server: Object 3:596 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:56:11 Server: Object 3:595 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:56:11 Server: Object 3:598 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:56:11 Server: Object 3:597 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:56:13 "Bike packed by player prizrak65 in coords [4590.17,10635.8,0.015564] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:56:13 "server_updateObject.sqf _object null or nil, could not update object"
2018/11/05, 20:56:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 7 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/05, 20:56:43 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 8, AI units: 17 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:56:49 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 20:56:49 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by ZzKOTzZ from 230.883m"
2018/11/05, 20:57:02 "#FPSFixer: Player ZzKOTzZ with ID 76561198137056522 FPS: 71 in coords: [6650.71,11344.2,0.00100708] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:57:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 8 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 14 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 20:57:24 Server: Object 8:728 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:57:24 MuzzleFlashROT - unknown animation source ammoRandom
2018/11/05, 20:57:43 "#FPSFixer: Player Stanislavsky with ID 76561198051472873 FPS: 50 in coords: [3624.91,9012.85,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 20:57:44 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.9042, players: 8, AI units: 16 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:57:55 "MISSION - MAJOR 10 - Cleaning completed"
2018/11/05, 20:57:56 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 8, FPS 47.4777, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 20:57:56 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 24, West Units (Players): 8, East Units (AI): 16, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 21, SERVER FPS: 47.4777 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:57:57 "MISSION - MAJOR 10 - End"
2018/11/05, 20:58:04 "EVENTSHAKER# MAJOR Mission SM10 completed ..."
2018/11/05, 20:58:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.1928. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 9 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.1928."
2018/11/05, 20:58:39 "BANDITS BASE - SPAWNING UNITS"
2018/11/05, 20:58:39 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of BANDITS - 0 Infantry, 2 Stormtrooper, 0 Sniper, 1 Boss, 1 Elite 0 Nuker at position [6891.76,11448.1,0]"
2018/11/05, 20:58:39 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of BANDITS - 0 Infantry, 2 Stormtrooper, 0 Sniper, 0 Boss, 1 Elite 1 Nuker at position [6868.05,11440.7,0]"
2018/11/05, 20:58:39 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of BANDITS - 0 Infantry, 2 Stormtrooper, 0 Sniper, 0 Boss, 1 Elite 1 Nuker at position [6869.96,11474.6,0]"
2018/11/05, 20:58:40 Duplicate weapon ItemGPS detected for RUS_Soldier_Sab
2018/11/05, 20:58:40 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of BANDITS - 0 Infantry, 2 Stormtrooper, 0 Sniper, 1 Boss, 1 Elite 0 Nuker at position [6891.76,11448.1,0]"
2018/11/05, 20:58:40 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of BANDITS - 0 Infantry, 2 Stormtrooper, 0 Sniper, 0 Boss, 1 Elite 1 Nuker at position [6868.05,11440.7,0]"
2018/11/05, 20:58:40 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of BANDITS - 0 Infantry, 2 Stormtrooper, 0 Sniper, 0 Boss, 1 Elite 1 Nuker at position [6869.96,11474.6,0]"
2018/11/05, 20:58:40 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - Start to spawn bandits hideout crate."
2018/11/05, 20:58:40 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - End of spawn bandits hideout crate."
2018/11/05, 20:58:44 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 8, AI units: 40 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:58:54 Server: Object 8:763 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:58:54 Server: Object 8:759 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:58:54 Server: Object 8:760 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:58:54 Server: Object 8:761 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:58:54 Server: Object 8:762 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:58:54 Server: Object 8:768 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:58:54 Server: Object 8:767 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:58:54 Server: Object 8:772 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:58:54 Server: Object 8:766 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:58:54 Server: Object 8:769 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:58:54 Server: Object 8:771 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:58:54 Server: Object 8:770 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:58:55 Server: Object 8:783 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:58:55 Server: Object 8:782 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:58:55 Server: Object 8:780 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:58:55 Server: Object 8:781 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:58:55 Server: Object 8:790 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:58:55 Server: Object 8:786 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:58:55 Server: Object 8:784 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:58:55 Server: Object 8:785 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:58:55 Server: Object 8:787 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:58:55 Server: Object 8:788 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:58:55 Server: Object 8:789 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:59:13 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Voyaka with ID 76561198197707621 try to get 54 coins from body Voyaka... now Voyaka has COINS:54, BANK:2701 and body has 0 coins "
2018/11/05, 20:59:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 20:59:24 Server: Object 6:235 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:59:24 "Trader Menu: Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) sold 1x HandGrenade_West from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:59:24 "Trader Menu: Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) sold 1x BAF_LRR_scoped from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 2,500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:59:30 Server: Object 6:242 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:59:30 "Trader Menu: Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) sold 4x 5Rnd_86x70_L115A1 from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 800 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:59:40 Server: Object 6:251 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:59:40 "Trader Menu: Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) sold 1x ItemVault from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 5,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:59:40 Server: Object 6:252 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 20:59:40 Server: Object 6:253 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 20:59:40 "Trader Menu: Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) sold 3x Binocular_Vector from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:59:40 "Trader Menu: Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) sold 3x NVGoggles_DZE from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:59:44 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 8, AI units: 40 ..."
2018/11/05, 20:59:52 Server: Object 4:276 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:59:52 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) sold 1x ItemVault from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 5,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:59:53 Server: Object 6:260 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 20:59:53 "Trader Menu: Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) sold 5x 20Rnd_762x51_DMR from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 20:59:58 Server: Object 4:277 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 20:59:58 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) purchased 1x PartGeneric into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:00:05 Server: Object 4:278 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:00:05 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) purchased 1x PartEngine into backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 800 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:00:05 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) purchased 2x PartGeneric into backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 400 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:00:11 Server: Object 6:272 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:00:11 "Trader Menu: Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) sold 25x ItemGoldBar10oz from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 25,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:00:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 21:00:21 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Papa Carlo with ID 76561198217758817 try deposit to bank 39000 ... now Papa Carlo has COINS:0, BANK:203550 "
2018/11/05, 21:00:33 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 21:00:33 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by ZzKOTzZ from 97.2614m"
2018/11/05, 21:00:36 Server: Object 8:813 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:00:36 Server: Object 8:811 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:00:36 Server: Object 8:812 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:00:45 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 8, AI units: 39 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:00:52 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 21:00:52 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by ZzKOTzZ from 124.092m"
2018/11/05, 21:00:56 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 21:00:56 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by ZzKOTzZ from 81.0802m"
2018/11/05, 21:01:10 "CRASHSPAWNER: Spawning crash site (CrashSite_RU) at [8732.9,9218.64,0] with 12 items."
2018/11/05, 21:01:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.7612. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.7612."
2018/11/05, 21:01:30 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 21:01:30 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by ZzKOTzZ from 60.6617m"
2018/11/05, 21:01:30 "HEARDSOMETHING# Make shoot sounds near player Moreman in 550 metres with ["M249_DZ","200Rnd_556x45_M249"] ..."
2018/11/05, 21:01:33 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 21:01:33 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by ZzKOTzZ from 92.227m"
2018/11/05, 21:01:34 "P1ayer PID#5(ZzKOTzZ) hit by AI with m240_scoped_EP1_DZE/B_762x51_Ball <ammo left:88> from 42 meters in head_hit for 0.53402 damage"
2018/11/05, 21:01:45 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 8, AI units: 35 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:01:56 "Player UID#76561198137056522 CID#5736 PID#5(ZzKOTzZ) as GUE_Soldier_Sniper_DZ died at Чертов замок [067039]"
2018/11/05, 21:01:56 "DeathMessage: ZzKOTzZ был убит игроком ИИ с m240_scoped_EP1_DZE с расстояния 64м"
2018/11/05, 21:01:56 "BANDITS BASE - RESET"
2018/11/05, 21:02:08 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - ZzKOTzZ(76561198137056522)"
2018/11/05, 21:02:08 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is not in playableUnits. ["76561198137056522","ZzKOTzZ"]"
2018/11/05, 21:02:08 Client: Remote object 5:17 not found
2018/11/05, 21:02:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.7612. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 17 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 8 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 3 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.7612."
2018/11/05, 21:02:45 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.1976, players: 8, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:02:48 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - ZzKOTzZ(76561198137056522)"
2018/11/05, 21:02:49 "INFO - Player: PID#5(ZzKOTzZ)(UID:76561198137056522/CID:5740) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 21:02:52 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player ZzKOTzZ with UID 76561198137056522 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 21:02:52 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player ZzKOTzZ with UID 76561198137056522 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 21:02:52 "INFO - Player: PID#5(ZzKOTzZ)(UID:76561198137056522/CID:5740) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location ВПП [055127]"
2018/11/05, 21:02:53 "INFO - Player: ZzKOTzZ(UID:76561198137056522/CID:5740) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 21:03:05 "#LOGIN#: Player ZzKOTzZ with ID 76561198137056522 connected!"
2018/11/05, 21:03:06 MuzzleFlashROT - unknown animation source ammoRandom
2018/11/05, 21:03:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.7612. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.7612."
2018/11/05, 21:03:46 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.9042, players: 8, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:03:49 "#FPSFixer: Player ZzKOTzZ with ID 76561198137056522 FPS: 66 in coords: [5484.3,2598.43,0.00157166] ..."
2018/11/05, 21:03:51 "#FPSFixer: Player Orcus with ID 76561198064249725 FPS: 58 in coords: [5062.73,9949.69,0.00146484] ..."
2018/11/05, 21:03:53 Server: Object 13:66 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:03:53 Server: Object 13:61 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:03:53 Server: Object 13:62 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:03:53 Server: Object 13:63 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:03:53 Server: Object 13:64 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:03:53 Server: Object 13:65 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:03:53 Server: Object 13:67 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:03:53 Server: Object 13:68 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:03:53 Server: Object 13:69 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:03:53 Server: Object 13:70 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:03:53 Server: Object 13:71 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:03:53 Server: Object 13:72 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:03:53 Server: Object 13:76 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:03:53 Server: Object 13:73 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:03:53 Server: Object 13:74 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:03:53 Server: Object 13:75 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:03:53 Server: Object 13:77 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:03:59 Server: Object 13:85 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:03:59 Server: Object 13:86 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:03:59 Server: Object 13:87 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:04:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.3373. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.3373."
2018/11/05, 21:04:43 "P1ayer PID#11(Voyaka) hit by PID#4(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers) with UH1Y_DZE from 216 meters in head_hit for 0.0330389 damage"
2018/11/05, 21:04:43 "Player UID#76561198197707621 CID#5739 PID#11(Voyaka) as Survivor2_DZ died at электростанция [104127]"
2018/11/05, 21:04:43 "DeathMessage: Voyaka был убит игроком Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers с UH1Y_DZE с расстояния 199м"
2018/11/05, 21:04:46 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.3384, players: 8, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:04:56 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Voyaka(76561198197707621)"
2018/11/05, 21:04:56 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is near respawn_west. This is normal after death. ["76561198197707621","Voyaka"]"
2018/11/05, 21:04:56 Warning: Cleanup player - person 11:950 not found
2018/11/05, 21:04:58 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 21:04:58 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 316.142m"
2018/11/05, 21:05:03 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 21:05:03 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 310.188m"
2018/11/05, 21:05:05 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 21:05:05 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 307.609m"
2018/11/05, 21:05:07 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 21:05:07 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 314.3m"
2018/11/05, 21:05:12 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 21:05:12 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 291.28m"
2018/11/05, 21:05:14 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 21:05:14 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 299.914m"
2018/11/05, 21:05:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 10 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 21:05:46 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.3373, players: 8, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:05:46 "MISSION - MINOR 6 - Success"
2018/11/05, 21:05:46 "MISSION - MINOR 6 - Mission end. Player in 30m, name: Papa Carlo"
2018/11/05, 21:05:47 "MISSION - MINOR 6 - Mission end. Bot in 1000m, name: Jaromir Jurcik"
2018/11/05, 21:05:47 "MISSION - MINOR 6 - Mission end. Player in 1000m, name: Papa Carlo"
2018/11/05, 21:05:50 Server: Object 5:965 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:05:50 Server: Object 5:978 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:05:50 Server: Object 5:977 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:05:50 Server: Object 5:980 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:05:50 Server: Object 5:979 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:05:50 Server: Object 5:976 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:06:08 Server: Object 5:986 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:06:08 Server: Object 5:993 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:06:08 Server: Object 5:992 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:06:08 Server: Object 5:990 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:06:08 Server: Object 5:991 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:06:13 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Voyaka(76561198197707621)"
2018/11/05, 21:06:15 "INFO - Player: PID#11(Voyaka)(UID:76561198197707621/CID:5741) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 21:06:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 12 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:739 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:748 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:743 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:740 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:741 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:742 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:745 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:744 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:746 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:747 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:750 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:751 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:749 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:754 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:753 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:752 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:765 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:764 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:763 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:762 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:759 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:760 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:761 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:770 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:768 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:774 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:777 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:776 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:775 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:766 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:767 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:771 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:769 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:772 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:773 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:779 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:781 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:783 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:782 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:780 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:778 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:787 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:785 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:794 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:793 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:792 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:791 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:784 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:790 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:786 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:788 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:789 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:796 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:798 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:800 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:799 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:797 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:06:23 Server: Object 3:795 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:06:47 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 8, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:06:51 "#FPSFixer: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 FPS: 37 in coords: [4846.3,10271.2,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 21:07:15 "#FPSFixer: Player Voyaka with ID 76561198197707621 FPS: 35 in coords: [-18700,25800,0] ..."
2018/11/05, 21:07:19 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Voyaka with UID 76561198197707621 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 21:07:19 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Voyaka with UID 76561198197707621 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 21:07:19 "INFO - Player: PID#11(Voyaka)(UID:76561198197707621/CID:5741) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Березино [122063]"
2018/11/05, 21:07:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 6 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 21:07:28 "INFO - Player: Voyaka(UID:76561198197707621/CID:5741) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 21:07:28 "#LOGIN#: Player Voyaka with ID 76561198197707621 connected!"
2018/11/05, 21:07:30 "#FPSFixer: Player Moreman with ID 76561198119129412 FPS: 48 in coords: [3478.78,6941.68,0.00128174] ..."
2018/11/05, 21:07:47 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 8, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:08:00 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 8, FPS 47.7612, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 21:08:00 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 11, West Units (Players): 8, East Units (AI): 3, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 57, SERVER FPS: 47.7612 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:08:10 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 try to get 54 coins from body Voyaka... now Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers has COINS:3654, BANK:164141 and body has 0 coins "
2018/11/05, 21:08:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.048. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 9 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.048."
2018/11/05, 21:08:39 "#FPSFixer: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 FPS: 26 in coords: [10433.7,2550.81,1.88111] ..."
2018/11/05, 21:08:47 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 8, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:09:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 28 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 37 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/05, 21:09:26 "HEARDSOMETHING# Make shoot sounds near player Orcus in 526 metres with ["Mk48_CCO_DZ","100Rnd_762x51_M240"] ..."
2018/11/05, 21:09:33 "#FPSFixer: Player Papa Carlo with ID 76561198217758817 FPS: 18 in coords: [10366.4,2900.98,74.4745] ..."
2018/11/05, 21:09:47 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.3373, players: 8, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:09:55 "EVENTSHAKER# Start MAJOR Mission SM11 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:09:55 "MISSION - MAJOR 11 - Start"
2018/11/05, 21:10:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 9 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 14 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 21:10:27 "MISSION - MINOR 6 - Cleaning completed"
2018/11/05, 21:10:28 "MISSION - MINOR 6 - End"
2018/11/05, 21:10:48 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 8, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:10:54 Server: Object 8:975 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:10:54 Server: Object 8:979 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:10:54 Server: Object 8:978 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:10:54 Server: Object 8:976 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:10:54 Server: Object 8:977 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:10:54 Server: Object 8:986 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:10:54 Server: Object 8:985 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:10:54 Server: Object 8:993 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:10:54 Server: Object 8:980 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:10:54 Server: Object 8:981 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:10:54 Server: Object 8:982 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:10:54 Server: Object 8:983 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:10:54 Server: Object 8:984 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:10:54 Server: Object 8:992 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:10:54 Server: Object 8:989 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:10:54 Server: Object 8:987 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:10:54 Server: Object 8:988 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:10:54 Server: Object 8:990 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:10:54 Server: Object 8:991 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:10:55 Server: Object 8:994 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:10:55 Server: Object 8:995 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:10:55 Server: Object 8:996 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:11:19 "EVENTSHAKER# MINOR Mission SM6 completed ..."
2018/11/05, 21:11:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 9 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/05, 21:11:48 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 8, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:12:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 16 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/05, 21:12:28 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-B:1 (prizrak65) REMOTE is complete, player name is prizrak65 in coords [4873.43,10281.9,0]."
2018/11/05, 21:12:48 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Sync date on clients to [2012,8,2,11,41]."
2018/11/05, 21:12:48 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 8, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:13:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 21:13:40 Server: Object 5:1111 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:13:41 "Trader Menu: ZzKOTzZ (76561198137056522) sold 1x SVD_PSO1_DZ from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:13:42 Server: Object 12:225 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 21:13:42 Server: Object 12:226 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 21:13:49 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.9042, players: 8, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:13:50 Server: Object 5:1115 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:13:50 "Trader Menu: ZzKOTzZ (76561198137056522) sold 5x 10Rnd_762x54_SVD from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 750 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:14:01 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Moreman(76561198119129412)"
2018/11/05, 21:14:01 "INFO - Player: Moreman(UID:76561198119129412/CID:5489) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location Гора Зеленая [033091]"
2018/11/05, 21:14:01 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: Moreman with uid 76561198119129412 disconnected ..."
2018/11/05, 21:14:01 Client: Remote object 12:17 not found
2018/11/05, 21:14:01 Client: Remote object 12:22 not found
2018/11/05, 21:14:01 Client: Object 11:1052 (type Type_149) not found.
2018/11/05, 21:14:01 Client: Object 8:1013 (type Type_149) not found.
2018/11/05, 21:14:01 Client: Object 5:1123 (type Type_149) not found.
2018/11/05, 21:14:01 Client: Object 6:308 (type Type_149) not found.
2018/11/05, 21:14:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.048. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.048."
2018/11/05, 21:14:38 Server: Object 5:1129 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:14:38 "Trader Menu: ZzKOTzZ (76561198137056522) sold 1x 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 50 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:14:46 Server: Object 4:319 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:14:46 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) purchased 5x ItemFuelBarrel into backpack at Unknown Trader for 1,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:14:49 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 7, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:14:50 Server: Object 5:1136 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:14:50 "Trader Menu: ZzKOTzZ (76561198137056522) purchased 1x ItemKeyKit into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:15:07 Server: Object 5:1141 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:15:08 "Trader Menu: ZzKOTzZ (76561198137056522) purchased 1x PartGeneric into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:15:10 "HEARDSOMETHING# Make shoot sounds near player Stanislavsky in 618 metres with ["FNFAL_DZ","20Rnd_762x51_FNFAL"] ..."
2018/11/05, 21:15:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 21:15:49 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 7, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:15:52 MuzzleFlashROT - unknown animation source ammoRandom
2018/11/05, 21:15:56 Server: Object 3:858 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:15:56 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x Binocular_Vector from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:15:56 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x ItemGPS from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 250 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:15:56 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x ItemFlashlightRed from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 15 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:15:56 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 3x Binocular from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 90 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:16:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 21:16:22 Server: Object 3:859 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:16:22 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x Attachment_SCOPED from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:16:22 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x Attachment_BELT from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 50 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:16:22 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x Attachment_FL_Pist from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 50 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:16:32 "#FPSFixer: Player Stanislavsky with ID 76561198051472873 FPS: 60 in coords: [5026.84,9502.33,56.2827] ..."
2018/11/05, 21:16:49 Server: Object 3:860 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:16:49 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x 20Rnd_762x51_FNFAL from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 50 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:16:49 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x 50Rnd_762x54_UK59 from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:16:49 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x 100Rnd_556x45_M249 from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 300 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:16:49 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x 10Rnd_762x54_SVD from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 150 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:16:49 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 3x 100Rnd_762x54_PK from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 900 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:16:49 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 2x 100Rnd_762x51_M240 from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 600 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:16:50 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.9042, players: 7, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:17:18 Server: Object 4:331 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:17:18 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) sold 4x ItemFuelBarrelEmpty from gear at Unknown Trader for 200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:17:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 9 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 16 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 21:17:24 Server: Object 4:332 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:17:24 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) sold 1x ItemFuelBarrelEmpty from backpack at Unknown Trader for 50 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:17:26 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 try deposit to bank 4000 ... now prizrak65 has COINS:100, BANK:45610 "
2018/11/05, 21:17:33 Server: Object 4:333 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:17:33 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) purchased 4x ItemFuelBarrel into gear at Unknown Trader for 800 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:17:50 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.3373, players: 7, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:17:59 Server: Object 11:1145 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:17:59 Server: Object 11:1146 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:18:04 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 7, FPS 47.3373, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 21:18:04 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 10, West Units (Players): 7, East Units (AI): 3, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 30, SERVER FPS: 47.3373 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:18:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 15 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 21 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 21:18:50 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 7, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:19:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.1976. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.1976."
2018/11/05, 21:19:45 "Bike packed by player prizrak65 in coords [4099.85,10748.6,0.0100098] ..."
2018/11/05, 21:19:45 Client: Object 3:872 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 21:19:45 Client: Object 3:872 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 21:19:45 Client: Object 3:873 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 21:19:45 Client: Object 3:873 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 21:19:45 "server_updateObject.sqf _object null or nil, could not update object"
2018/11/05, 21:19:47 Server: Object 3:892 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:19:47 Server: Object 3:891 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:19:47 Server: Object 3:899 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:19:47 Server: Object 3:898 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:19:47 Server: Object 3:907 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:19:47 Server: Object 3:906 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:19:47 Server: Object 3:893 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:19:47 Server: Object 3:894 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:19:47 Server: Object 3:895 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:19:47 Server: Object 3:896 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:19:47 Server: Object 3:897 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:19:47 Server: Object 3:905 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:19:47 Server: Object 3:902 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:19:47 Server: Object 3:900 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:19:47 Server: Object 3:901 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:19:47 Server: Object 3:903 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:19:47 Server: Object 3:904 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:19:47 Server: Object 3:910 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:19:47 Server: Object 3:909 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:19:47 Server: Object 3:908 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:19:51 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 7, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:20:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.7612. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 13 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 3 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.7612."
2018/11/05, 21:20:45 "#FPSFixer: Player ZzKOTzZ with ID 76561198137056522 FPS: 54 in coords: [6284.22,7707.33,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 21:20:51 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 7, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:21:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.7612. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 17 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 5 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.7612."
2018/11/05, 21:21:24 "EVENTSHAKER# Start MINOR Mission SM11 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:21:24 "MISSION - MINOR 11 - Start"
2018/11/05, 21:21:51 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 7, AI units: 4 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:21:52 "HEARDSOMETHING# Make shoot sounds near player prizrak65 in 540 metres with ["LeeEnfield_DZ","10Rnd_303British"] ..."
2018/11/05, 21:22:13 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player ZzKOTzZ with ID 76561198137056522 try deposit to bank 1600 ... now ZzKOTzZ has COINS:0, BANK:345298 "
2018/11/05, 21:22:18 "#FPSFixer: Player Orcus with ID 76561198064249725 FPS: 60 in coords: [4990.69,10165.1,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 21:22:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 11 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 8 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 21:22:34 "#FPSFixer: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 FPS: 54 in coords: [4091.24,10726.8,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 21:22:40 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-B:1 (prizrak65) REMOTE is complete, player name is prizrak65 in coords [4093.24,10726.3,0]."
2018/11/05, 21:22:51 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.9042, players: 7, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:23:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.7612. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.7612."
2018/11/05, 21:23:44 "Bike packed by player prizrak65 in coords [4586.56,10637.7,-0.00878906] ..."
2018/11/05, 21:23:45 "server_updateObject.sqf _object null or nil, could not update object"
2018/11/05, 21:23:52 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 7, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:24:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 8 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 21:24:52 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.048, players: 7, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:25:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 1 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 21:25:52 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 7, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:26:06 "#FPSFixer: Player Voyaka with ID 76561198197707621 FPS: 27 in coords: [13049.9,10082.7,0.00147343] ..."
2018/11/05, 21:26:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/05, 21:26:46 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Stanislavsky with ID 76561198051472873 try withdraw from bank 1700 ... now Stanislavsky has COINS:1700, BANK:14000 "
2018/11/05, 21:26:51 Server: Object 8:1133 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 21:26:51 Server: Object 8:1127 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 21:26:51 "#FPSFixer: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 FPS: 38 in coords: [7296.36,5941.94,248.282] ..."
2018/11/05, 21:26:53 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 7, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:27:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 28 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 21:27:53 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 7, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:28:02 "MISSION - MINOR 11 - Activated - player in 1200m, spawning crates and additional AI"
2018/11/05, 21:28:02 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - Begin"
2018/11/05, 21:28:02 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - End"
2018/11/05, 21:28:02 "MISSION - MINOR 11 - Spawning car!"
2018/11/05, 21:28:02 "PUBLISH: Created ATV_CZ_EP1 with ID "77516458005269""
2018/11/05, 21:28:03 "MISSION - MINOR 11 - Car spawned!"
2018/11/05, 21:28:03 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of BANDITS - 0 Infantry, 0 Stormtrooper, 2 Sniper, 1 Boss, 1 Elite 1 Nuker at position [2495.63,5812.79,0]"
2018/11/05, 21:28:04 Duplicate weapon ItemGPS detected for RUS_Soldier_Sab
2018/11/05, 21:28:04 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a BANDITS VEHICLE - at position [2492.75,5815.33,0]"
2018/11/05, 21:28:08 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 7, FPS 47.619, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 21:28:08 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 16, West Units (Players): 7, East Units (AI): 9, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 22, SERVER FPS: 47.619 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:28:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 12 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 15 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 21:28:23 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 21:28:23 "BANDIT AI (vehicle) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 608.496m"
2018/11/05, 21:28:26 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Orcus(76561198064249725)"
2018/11/05, 21:28:26 "INFO - Player: Orcus(UID:76561198064249725/CID:5717) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location аэродром [050051]"
2018/11/05, 21:28:26 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: Orcus with uid 76561198064249725 disconnected ..."
2018/11/05, 21:28:26 Client: Remote object 13:17 not found
2018/11/05, 21:28:26 Client: Remote object 13:22 not found
2018/11/05, 21:28:26 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 21:28:26 "BANDIT AI (vehicle) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 525.622m"
2018/11/05, 21:28:27 Warning: Cleanup player - person 13:21 not found
2018/11/05, 21:28:32 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 21:28:32 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 338.528m"
2018/11/05, 21:28:35 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 21:28:35 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 275.792m"
2018/11/05, 21:28:53 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.1976, players: 6, AI units: 5 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:29:00 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 21:29:00 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 135.094m"
2018/11/05, 21:29:01 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 21:29:01 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 134.285m"
2018/11/05, 21:29:06 "#FPSFixer: Player Papa Carlo with ID 76561198217758817 FPS: 19 in coords: [2480.24,5786.22,110.463] ..."
2018/11/05, 21:29:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.1976. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.1976."
2018/11/05, 21:29:27 Server: Object 8:1189 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:29:27 "Trader Menu: Stanislavsky (76561198051472873) purchased 1x ItemToolbox into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:29:35 "MISSION - MINOR 11 - Success"
2018/11/05, 21:29:35 "MISSION - MINOR 11 - Mission end. Player in 30m, name: Papa Carlo"
2018/11/05, 21:29:36 "MISSION - MINOR 11 - Mission end. Player in 1000m, name: Papa Carlo"
2018/11/05, 21:29:36 "MISSION - MINOR 11 - Mission end. Bot in 1000m, name: Marian Svoboda"
2018/11/05, 21:29:36 "MISSION - MINOR 11 - Mission end. Bot in 1000m, name: Dmytro Vosahlo"
2018/11/05, 21:29:37 "MISSION - MINOR 11 - Mission end. Bot in 1000m, name: Slavomir Ledvina"
2018/11/05, 21:29:37 "MISSION - MINOR 11 - Mission end. Bot in 1000m, name: Dobromil Nobski"
2018/11/05, 21:29:54 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 6, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:29:59 "MISSION - MAJOR 11 - Timeout"
2018/11/05, 21:30:04 "MISSION - MAJOR 11 - Cleaning completed"
2018/11/05, 21:30:06 "MISSION - MAJOR 11 - End"
2018/11/05, 21:30:15 Server: Object 8:1196 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:30:15 "Trader Menu: Stanislavsky (76561198051472873) purchased 1x Attachment_Sup545 into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 800 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:30:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.3373. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.3373."
2018/11/05, 21:30:30 "HEARDSOMETHING# Make shoot sounds near player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers in 560 metres with ["BAF_LRR_scoped","5Rnd_86x70_L115A1"] ..."
2018/11/05, 21:30:54 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 6, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:31:02 "EVENTSHAKER# MAJOR Mission SM11 completed ..."
2018/11/05, 21:31:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.3373. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.3373."
2018/11/05, 21:31:45 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-B:1 (prizrak65) REMOTE is complete, player name is prizrak65 in coords [4662.61,10587.2,0]."
2018/11/05, 21:31:54 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.1976, players: 6, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:31:59 "MISSION - MINOR 11 - Cleaning completed"
2018/11/05, 21:32:00 "MISSION - MINOR 11 - End"
2018/11/05, 21:32:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 12 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/05, 21:32:28 "EVENTSHAKER# MINOR Mission SM11 completed ..."
2018/11/05, 21:32:55 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 6, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:33:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 1 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/05, 21:33:30 "#FPSFixer: Player Stanislavsky with ID 76561198051472873 FPS: 43 in coords: [5419.56,7695.24,183.099] ..."
2018/11/05, 21:33:55 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 6, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:34:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/05, 21:34:45 Server: Object 3:1039 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:34:45 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x Binocular_Vector from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:34:45 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 4x Binocular from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 120 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:34:45 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 2x ItemGPS from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:34:55 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 6, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:35:02 Server: Object 8:1259 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:35:02 Server: Object 8:1258 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:35:02 Server: Object 8:1267 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:35:02 Server: Object 8:1256 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:35:02 Server: Object 8:1257 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:35:02 Server: Object 8:1265 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:35:02 Server: Object 8:1266 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:35:02 Server: Object 8:1260 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:35:02 Server: Object 8:1261 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:35:02 Server: Object 8:1262 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:35:02 Server: Object 8:1263 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:35:02 Server: Object 8:1264 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:35:02 Server: Object 8:1269 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:35:02 Server: Object 8:1268 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:35:02 Server: Object 8:1270 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:35:02 Server: Object 8:1275 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:35:02 Server: Object 8:1273 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:35:02 Server: Object 8:1276 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:35:02 Server: Object 8:1277 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:35:02 Server: Object 8:1271 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:35:02 Server: Object 8:1272 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:35:02 Server: Object 8:1274 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:35:03 MuzzleFlashROT - unknown animation source ammoRandom
2018/11/05, 21:35:14 Server: Object 3:1040 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:35:14 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x SVD_PSO1_DZ from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:35:14 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x SA58_ACOG_DZ from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 950 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:35:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.1976. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 1 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 10 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.1976."
2018/11/05, 21:35:33 Server: Object 3:1041 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:35:33 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x 10Rnd_762x54_SVD from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 150 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:35:33 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x 100Rnd_762x54_PK from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 300 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:35:33 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x 30Rnd_762x39_SA58 from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 35 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:35:55 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 6, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:36:00 "#FPSFixer: Player ZzKOTzZ with ID 76561198137056522 FPS: 42 in coords: [5659.55,4595.49,90.26] ..."
2018/11/05, 21:36:07 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 try deposit to bank 3000 ... now prizrak65 has COINS:755, BANK:48610 "
2018/11/05, 21:36:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.3373. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.3373."
2018/11/05, 21:36:38 "Stanislavsky (76561198051472873) LOCKED CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ with code: 271 @031074 [3146.34,7931.51,0.0002136]"
2018/11/05, 21:36:56 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 7, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:37:03 Server: Object 3:1046 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:37:03 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) purchased 1x ItemBloodbag into backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:37:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/05, 21:37:30 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Moreman(76561198119129412)"
2018/11/05, 21:37:34 "INFO - Player: PID#14(Moreman)(UID:76561198119129412/CID:5489) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 21:37:35 Server: Object 14:23 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:37:35 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Moreman with UID 76561198119129412 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 21:37:35 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Moreman with UID 76561198119129412 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 21:37:35 "INFO - Player: PID#14(Moreman)(UID:76561198119129412/CID:5489) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Гора Зеленая [033091]"
2018/11/05, 21:37:38 "INFO - Player: Moreman(UID:76561198119129412/CID:5489) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 21:37:39 "<infiSTAR.de> SLOG: Moreman (76561198119129412) | Menu Checks are broken!"
2018/11/05, 21:37:39 "<infiSTAR.de> SLOG: Moreman (76561198119129412) | Menu Checks are broken!"
2018/11/05, 21:37:39 "["PVAHR_0_w168b2844071635448b40",["Moreman","76561198119129412","SLOG",[77,101,110,117,32,67,104,101,99,107,115,32,97,114,101,32,98,114,111,107,101,110,33]]]"
2018/11/05, 21:37:39 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Moreman(76561198119129412)"
2018/11/05, 21:37:39 "INFO - Player: Moreman(UID:76561198119129412/CID:5489) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location Гора Зеленая [033091]"
2018/11/05, 21:37:39 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: Moreman with uid 76561198119129412 disconnected ..."
2018/11/05, 21:37:39 Client: Remote object 14:17 not found
2018/11/05, 21:37:39 Client: Remote object 14:22 not found
2018/11/05, 21:37:39 Warning: Cleanup player - person 14:21 not found
2018/11/05, 21:37:56 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 7, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:38:13 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 7, FPS 47.619, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 21:38:13 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 9, West Units (Players): 6, East Units (AI): 3, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 11, SERVER FPS: 47.619 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:38:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/05, 21:38:43 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Moreman(76561198119129412)"
2018/11/05, 21:38:45 "INFO - Player: PID#14(Moreman)(UID:76561198119129412/CID:5489) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 21:38:45 Server: Object 14:52 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:38:46 Server: Object 14:53 not found (message 98)
2018/11/05, 21:38:46 Server: Object 14:54 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 21:38:46 Server: Object 14:55 not found (message 98)
2018/11/05, 21:38:46 Server: Object 14:56 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 21:38:46 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Moreman with UID 76561198119129412 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 21:38:46 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Moreman with UID 76561198119129412 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 21:38:46 "INFO - Player: PID#14(Moreman)(UID:76561198119129412/CID:5489) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Гора Зеленая [033091]"
2018/11/05, 21:38:47 "INFO - Player: Moreman(UID:76561198119129412/CID:5489) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 21:38:56 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.1976, players: 7, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:38:59 "Stanislavsky (76561198051472873) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 2747 @031074 [3152.23,7910.99,0.100098]"
2018/11/05, 21:39:01 "#LOGIN#: Player Moreman with ID 76561198119129412 connected!"
2018/11/05, 21:39:17 "DELETE DIRECT: SERVER deleted object with UID: 906330679115911"
2018/11/05, 21:39:17 "Stanislavsky (76561198051472873) PACKED Safe with code: 2747 @031074 [3152.23,7910.99,0.100098]"
2018/11/05, 21:39:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 21:39:36 Server: Object 11:1460 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:39:36 "DELETE: Player PID#11(Voyaka)(76561198197707621) deleted object with ID: 16796"
2018/11/05, 21:39:36 "Trader Menu: Voyaka (76561198197707621) sold 1x SUV_Green from gear at южный рынок for 500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:39:45 "#FPSFixer: Player Moreman with ID 76561198119129412 FPS: 23 in coords: [3336.02,6184.47,0.00137329] ..."
2018/11/05, 21:39:57 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 7, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:39:59 Server: Object 11:1475 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:39:59 "DELETE: Player PID#11(Voyaka)(76561198197707621) deleted object with ID: 16797"
2018/11/05, 21:39:59 "Trader Menu: Voyaka (76561198197707621) sold 1x Ural_CDF from gear at южный рынок for 1,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:40:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.3373. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.3373."
2018/11/05, 21:40:22 Server: Object 11:1476 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:40:22 "Trader Menu: Voyaka (76561198197707621) sold 1x ItemGenerator from gear at южный рынок for 300 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:40:22 "Trader Menu: Voyaka (76561198197707621) sold 1x ItemFlashlight from gear at южный рынок for 10 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:40:22 "Trader Menu: Voyaka (76561198197707621) sold 3x ItemSandbag from gear at южный рынок for 90 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:40:35 "Stanislavsky (76561198051472873) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 7201 @031074 [3152.01,7911.12,0.129913]"
2018/11/05, 21:40:40 "Trader Menu: Voyaka (76561198197707621) purchased 1x ItemCrowbar into gear at южный рынок for 80 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:40:41 "HEARDSOMETHING# Make shoot sounds near player ZzKOTzZ in 607 metres with ["m240_scoped_EP1_DZE","100Rnd_762x51_M240"] ..."
2018/11/05, 21:40:52 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Voyaka with ID 76561198197707621 try deposit to bank 1600 ... now Voyaka has COINS:220, BANK:4301 "
2018/11/05, 21:40:57 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.9042, players: 7, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:41:00 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Voyaka with ID 76561198197707621 try deposit to bank 101 ... now Voyaka has COINS:119, BANK:4402 "
2018/11/05, 21:41:01 "BANDITS BASE - CREATING TURRETS"
2018/11/05, 21:41:01 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6920.68,11351.9,10.9464]"
2018/11/05, 21:41:01 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6930.23,11361.6,10.7948]"
2018/11/05, 21:41:01 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6889.56,11456.8,2.53463]"
2018/11/05, 21:41:01 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6912.13,11439.7,4.50708]"
2018/11/05, 21:41:01 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6890.38,11367.7,2.30887]"
2018/11/05, 21:41:01 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6861.01,11500,10.7375]"
2018/11/05, 21:41:01 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6863.79,11407.3,3.237]"
2018/11/05, 21:41:01 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [6933.95,11457,3.238]"
2018/11/05, 21:41:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 21:41:26 "BANDITS BASE - RESET"
2018/11/05, 21:41:57 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.3373, players: 7, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:42:18 "#FPSFixer: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 FPS: 44 in coords: [4056.69,11663.8,0.00134277] ..."
2018/11/05, 21:42:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.3373. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 10 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 9 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.3373."
2018/11/05, 21:42:57 "#FPSFixer: Player Voyaka with ID 76561198197707621 FPS: 25 in coords: [8013.56,3304.41,0.00147676] ..."
2018/11/05, 21:42:58 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 7, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:43:02 "EVENTSHAKER# Start MINOR Mission SM4 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:43:02 "MISSION - MINOR 4 - Start"
2018/11/05, 21:43:02 "MISSION - MINOR 4 - Activated - player in 1200m, spawning crates and additional AI"
2018/11/05, 21:43:02 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - Begin"
2018/11/05, 21:43:02 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - End"
2018/11/05, 21:43:02 "MISSION - MINOR 4 - Spawning car!"
2018/11/05, 21:43:02 "PUBLISH: Created ATV_CZ_EP1 with ID "1365415135526168""
2018/11/05, 21:43:03 "MISSION - MINOR 4 - Car spawned!"
2018/11/05, 21:43:03 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of BANDITS - 0 Infantry, 1 Stormtrooper, 2 Sniper, 1 Boss, 0 Elite 1 Nuker at position [7498.45,3563.31,0]"
2018/11/05, 21:43:03 Duplicate weapon ItemGPS detected for RUS_Soldier_Sab
2018/11/05, 21:43:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/05, 21:43:52 "#FPSFixer: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 FPS: 45 in coords: [4855.5,9337.23,47.7728] ..."
2018/11/05, 21:43:54 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Voyaka(76561198197707621)"
2018/11/05, 21:43:54 "INFO - Player: Voyaka(UID:76561198197707621/CID:5741) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location Пригородки [080120]"
2018/11/05, 21:43:54 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: Voyaka with uid 76561198197707621 disconnected ..."
2018/11/05, 21:43:54 Client: Remote object 11:977 not found
2018/11/05, 21:43:54 Warning: Cleanup player - person 11:976 not found
2018/11/05, 21:43:54 "MISSION - MINOR 4 - Players moved away without contact, performing partial cleaning"
2018/11/05, 21:43:56 Warning: Cleanup player - person 11:976 not found
2018/11/05, 21:43:58 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 6, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:44:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.3373. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 24 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.3373."
2018/11/05, 21:44:58 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 6, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:44:58 "#FPSFixer: Player Papa Carlo with ID 76561198217758817 FPS: 16 in coords: [6322.89,7795.14,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 21:45:02 Server: Object 6:401 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:45:02 "Trader Menu: Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) sold 1x DMR_DZ from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:45:08 Server: Object 6:405 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:45:09 "Trader Menu: Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) sold 5x 20Rnd_762x51_DMR from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:45:16 Server: Object 4:367 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:45:16 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) sold 1x 5Rnd_86x70_L115A1 from vehicle at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:45:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.7612. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.7612."
2018/11/05, 21:45:21 "EVENTSHAKER# Start MAJOR Mission SM7 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:45:21 "MISSION - MAJOR 7 - Start"
2018/11/05, 21:45:25 "Trader Menu: Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) purchased 3x FoodMRE into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 300 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:45:28 Server: Object 4:368 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:45:28 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) sold 1x 100Rnd_762x54_PK from vehicle at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 300 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:45:28 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) sold 4x 200Rnd_556x45_M249 from vehicle at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 2,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:45:28 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) sold 2x 100Rnd_762x51_M240 from vehicle at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 600 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:45:28 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) sold 5x 20Rnd_762x51_B_SCAR from vehicle at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:45:28 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) sold 9x 20Rnd_762x51_DMR from vehicle at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 2,700 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:45:37 Server: Object 4:373 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:45:37 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) sold 1x DMR_DZ from vehicle at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:45:49 "Trader Menu: Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) sold 2x ItemVault from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 10,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:45:56 Server: Object 4:382 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:45:56 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) sold 1x VSS_vintorez_DZE from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:45:56 Server: Object 4:384 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 21:45:56 Server: Object 4:383 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 21:45:58 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.1976, players: 6, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:46:04 Server: Object 6:430 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:46:04 "Trader Menu: Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) sold 1x ItemGenerator from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 300 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:46:04 "Trader Menu: Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) sold 1x PartGeneric from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 50 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:46:04 "Trader Menu: Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) sold 1x PartFueltank from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 50 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:46:04 "Trader Menu: Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) sold 2x ItemVault from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 10,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:46:04 "Trader Menu: Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) sold 5x ItemTankTrap from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 50 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:46:04 "Trader Menu: Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) sold 2x ItemPole from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 40 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:46:04 "Trader Menu: Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) sold 2x ItemComboLock from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 2,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:46:04 "Trader Menu: Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) sold 4x NVGoggles_DZE from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 2,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:46:04 "Trader Menu: Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) sold 3x Binocular_Vector from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:46:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/05, 21:46:28 Server: Object 4:390 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:46:28 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) sold 1x ItemGPS from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 250 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:46:29 Server: Object 3:1077 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:46:29 Server: Object 3:1076 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:46:29 Server: Object 3:1078 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:46:29 Server: Object 3:1079 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:46:29 Server: Object 3:1080 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:46:29 Server: Object 3:1081 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:46:29 Server: Object 3:1089 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:46:29 Server: Object 3:1082 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:46:29 Server: Object 3:1083 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:46:29 Server: Object 3:1084 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:46:29 Server: Object 3:1085 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:46:29 Server: Object 3:1086 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:46:29 Server: Object 3:1087 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:46:29 Server: Object 3:1088 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:46:29 Server: Object 3:1090 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:46:29 Server: Object 3:1091 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:46:29 Server: Object 3:1092 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:46:29 Server: Object 3:1093 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:46:29 Server: Object 3:1094 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:46:29 Server: Object 3:1095 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:46:29 Server: Object 3:1096 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:46:29 Server: Object 3:1097 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:46:29 Server: Object 3:1101 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:46:29 Server: Object 3:1098 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:46:29 Server: Object 3:1099 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:46:29 Server: Object 3:1100 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:46:29 Server: Object 3:1103 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:46:29 Server: Object 3:1102 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:46:29 Server: Object 3:1104 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:46:29 Server: Object 3:1105 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:46:29 Server: Object 3:1108 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:46:29 Server: Object 3:1106 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:46:29 Server: Object 3:1107 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:46:29 Server: Object 3:1109 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:46:29 Server: Object 3:1110 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:46:30 "Bike packed by player prizrak65 in coords [4602.39,10642.9,0.00994873] ..."
2018/11/05, 21:46:30 Client: Object 3:1112 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 21:46:30 Client: Object 3:1112 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 21:46:30 Client: Object 3:1111 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 21:46:30 Client: Object 3:1111 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 21:46:30 "server_updateObject.sqf _object null or nil, could not update object"
2018/11/05, 21:46:41 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 try deposit to bank 10001 ... now Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers has COINS:2653, BANK:174142 "
2018/11/05, 21:46:45 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Papa Carlo with ID 76561198217758817 try deposit to bank 28690 ... now Papa Carlo has COINS:0, BANK:232240 "
2018/11/05, 21:46:59 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 6, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:47:16 Server: Object 6:442 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:47:16 "Trader Menu: Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) sold 4x Binocular_Vector from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 2,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 21:47:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/05, 21:47:58 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Sync date on clients to [2012,8,2,12,16]."
2018/11/05, 21:47:59 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.9042, players: 6, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:48:17 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 6, FPS 46.7836, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 21:48:17 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 10, West Units (Players): 6, East Units (AI): 4, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 19, SERVER FPS: 46.7836 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:48:19 "HEARDSOMETHING# Make shoot sounds near player prizrak65 in 578 metres with ["FNFAL_DZ","20Rnd_762x51_FNFAL"] ..."
2018/11/05, 21:48:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.3373. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.3373."
2018/11/05, 21:48:59 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 6, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:49:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 7 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/05, 21:49:26 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: UH1Y_DZE (objid: 16943) LOCKED @080065 ([8095.41,8799.56,0.12558]) [8095.41,8799.56,0.12558] BY Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers(76561198411562871)"
2018/11/05, 21:49:26 "GARAGE: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) stored UH1Y_DZE @080065 [8082.11,8795.75,0.00143433]"
2018/11/05, 21:49:26 "DELETE: Player PID#4(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers)(76561198411562871) deleted object with ID: 16943"
2018/11/05, 21:49:29 "MISSION - MAJOR 7 - Activated - player in 1200m, spawning crates and additional AI"
2018/11/05, 21:49:29 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - Begin"
2018/11/05, 21:49:29 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - End"
2018/11/05, 21:49:29 "MISSION - MAJOR 7 - Spawning car!"
2018/11/05, 21:49:29 "PUBLISH: Created hilux1_civil_1_open_DZE with ID "158742090776555""
2018/11/05, 21:49:30 "MISSION - MAJOR 7 - Car spawned!"
2018/11/05, 21:49:30 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [9328.54,9084.68,0]"
2018/11/05, 21:49:30 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of BANDITS - 0 Infantry, 1 Stormtrooper, 1 Sniper, 0 Boss, 1 Elite 1 Nuker at position [9317.03,9073.38,0]"
2018/11/05, 21:49:30 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a BANDITS VEHICLE - at position [9330.72,9086.93,0]"
2018/11/05, 21:49:39 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 0602 @080065 [8077.04,8797.8,0.03302]"
2018/11/05, 21:50:00 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.1976, players: 6, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:50:10 "MISSION - MAJOR 7 - Players moved away without contact, performing partial cleaning"
2018/11/05, 21:50:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 10 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/05, 21:50:28 "Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 6024 @080065 [8080.51,8793.7,0]"
2018/11/05, 21:50:44 Server: Object 5:1376 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 21:50:44 Server: Object 5:1377 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 21:51:00 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 6, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:51:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/05, 21:51:22 "Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) LOCKED Safe with code: 6024 @080065 [8080.51,8793.7,0]"
2018/11/05, 21:51:45 "Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) UNLOCKED CinderWallDoorLocked_DZ with code: EYESCAN @080065 [8079.49,8804.77,1.81268]"
2018/11/05, 21:52:00 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.9042, players: 6, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:52:01 "Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) LOCKED CinderWallDoorLocked_DZ with code: 958 @080065 [8079.49,8804.77,1.81268]"
2018/11/05, 21:52:11 Server: Object 14:277 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:52:11 Server: Object 14:283 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:52:11 Server: Object 14:284 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:52:11 Server: Object 14:286 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:52:11 Server: Object 14:285 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:52:17 Server: Object 14:295 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:52:17 Server: Object 14:296 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:52:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.1928. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 11 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 25 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.1928."
2018/11/05, 21:52:39 "#FPSFixer: Player Stanislavsky with ID 76561198051472873 FPS: 46 in coords: [3153.35,7906.24,0.00146484] ..."
2018/11/05, 21:53:01 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 6, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:53:04 Server: Object 14:315 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:53:04 Server: Object 14:326 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:53:04 Server: Object 14:330 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:53:04 Server: Object 14:325 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:53:04 Server: Object 14:328 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:53:04 Server: Object 14:327 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:53:04 Server: Object 14:324 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:53:04 Server: Object 14:329 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:53:05 Server: Object 14:335 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:53:05 Server: Object 14:337 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:53:05 Server: Object 14:341 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:53:05 Server: Object 14:340 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:53:05 Server: Object 14:339 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:53:05 Server: Object 14:338 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:53:05 Server: Object 14:336 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:53:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 11 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/05, 21:53:52 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines.45Rnd_545x39_RPK'.
2018/11/05, 21:53:52 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'.
2018/11/05, 21:53:52 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 21:53:52 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'.
2018/11/05, 21:53:52 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 21:53:52 Warning Message: Error: creating magazine 45Rnd_545x39_RPK with scope=private
2018/11/05, 21:53:52 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'.
2018/11/05, 21:53:52 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 21:53:52 Warning Message: No entry '.displayNameShort'.
2018/11/05, 21:53:52 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 21:53:52 Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'.
2018/11/05, 21:53:52 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 21:53:52 Warning Message: No entry '.Library'.
2018/11/05, 21:53:52 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'.
2018/11/05, 21:53:52 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 21:53:52 Warning Message: No entry '.type'.
2018/11/05, 21:53:52 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 21:53:52 Warning Message: No entry '.count'.
2018/11/05, 21:53:52 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 21:53:52 Warning Message: No entry '.maxLeadSpeed'.
2018/11/05, 21:53:52 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 21:53:52 Warning Message: No entry '.initSpeed'.
2018/11/05, 21:53:52 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 21:53:52 Warning Message: No entry '.reloadAction'.
2018/11/05, 21:53:52 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 21:53:52 Warning Message: No entry '.modelSpecial'.
2018/11/05, 21:53:52 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 21:53:52 Warning Message: No entry '.ammo'.
2018/11/05, 21:53:52 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 21:53:59 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) LOCKED Safe with code: 0602 @080065 [8077.04,8797.8,0.03302]"
2018/11/05, 21:54:01 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 6, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:54:11 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines.45Rnd_545x39_RPK'.
2018/11/05, 21:54:11 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'.
2018/11/05, 21:54:11 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 21:54:11 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'.
2018/11/05, 21:54:11 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 21:54:11 Warning Message: Error: creating magazine 45Rnd_545x39_RPK with scope=private
2018/11/05, 21:54:11 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'.
2018/11/05, 21:54:11 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 21:54:11 Warning Message: No entry '.displayNameShort'.
2018/11/05, 21:54:11 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 21:54:11 Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'.
2018/11/05, 21:54:11 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 21:54:11 Warning Message: No entry '.Library'.
2018/11/05, 21:54:11 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'.
2018/11/05, 21:54:11 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 21:54:11 Warning Message: No entry '.type'.
2018/11/05, 21:54:11 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 21:54:11 Warning Message: No entry '.count'.
2018/11/05, 21:54:11 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 21:54:11 Warning Message: No entry '.maxLeadSpeed'.
2018/11/05, 21:54:11 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 21:54:11 Warning Message: No entry '.initSpeed'.
2018/11/05, 21:54:11 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 21:54:11 Warning Message: No entry '.reloadAction'.
2018/11/05, 21:54:11 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 21:54:11 Warning Message: No entry '.modelSpecial'.
2018/11/05, 21:54:11 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 21:54:11 Warning Message: No entry '.ammo'.
2018/11/05, 21:54:11 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/05, 21:54:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.1976. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 14 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 45 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.1976."
2018/11/05, 21:55:01 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.1976, players: 6, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:55:05 Server: Object 3:1221 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:55:05 Server: Object 3:1220 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:55:05 Server: Object 3:1226 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:55:05 Server: Object 3:1228 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:55:05 Server: Object 3:1227 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:55:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.6322. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.6322."
2018/11/05, 21:55:39 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Moreman with UID 76561198119129412 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 21:55:40 Server: Object 5:1419 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 21:55:40 Server: Object 5:1418 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 21:55:50 "#FPSFixer: Player ZzKOTzZ with ID 76561198137056522 FPS: 48 in coords: [6388.85,7765.87,0.00131226] ..."
2018/11/05, 21:56:02 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 6, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:56:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.1976. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.1976."
2018/11/05, 21:57:02 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 6, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:57:16 Server: Object 6:481 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 21:57:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/05, 21:57:41 "HEARDSOMETHING# Make shoot sounds near player Papa Carlo in 623 metres with ["CZ550_DZ","5Rnd_17HMR"] ..."
2018/11/05, 21:57:54 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - ZzKOTzZ(76561198137056522)"
2018/11/05, 21:57:54 "INFO - Player: ZzKOTzZ(UID:76561198137056522/CID:5740) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location Старый Собор [062074]"
2018/11/05, 21:57:54 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: ZzKOTzZ with uid 76561198137056522 disconnected ..."
2018/11/05, 21:57:54 Client: Remote object 5:914 not found
2018/11/05, 21:57:57 Warning: Cleanup player - person 5:913 not found
2018/11/05, 21:58:02 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 5, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:58:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.8453. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.8453."
2018/11/05, 21:58:22 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 5, FPS 45.7143, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 21:58:22 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 8, West Units (Players): 5, East Units (AI): 3, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 22, SERVER FPS: 45.7143 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:58:48 "#FPSFixer: Player Moreman with ID 76561198119129412 FPS: 46 in coords: [2462.08,5235.81,0.000793457] ..."
2018/11/05, 21:59:03 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.7143, players: 5, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 21:59:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/05, 21:59:22 Server: Object 6:493 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 21:59:40 Server: Object 14:389 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 21:59:40 Server: Object 14:390 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 22:00:03 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 5, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:00:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 4 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/05, 22:00:38 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Set new date to [2012,8,2,19,0] with message: Вжух и наступил вечер...."
2018/11/05, 22:00:49 "Stanislavsky (76561198051472873) LOCKED Safe with code: 7201 @031074 [3152.01,7911.12,0.129913]"
2018/11/05, 22:00:51 "Stanislavsky (76561198051472873) LOCKED Safe with code: 2163 @031074 [3150.97,7910.85,0.14]"
2018/11/05, 22:01:03 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.7143, players: 5, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:01:05 "Stanislavsky (76561198051472873) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 7201 @031074 [3152.01,7911.12,0.129913]"
2018/11/05, 22:01:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/05, 22:01:24 "#FPSFixer: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 FPS: 48 in coords: [4847.38,10266.3,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 22:01:56 "Stanislavsky (76561198051472873) LOCKED Safe with code: 7201 @031074 [3152.01,7911.12,0.129913]"
2018/11/05, 22:02:03 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 5, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:02:10 "#FPSFixer: Player Papa Carlo with ID 76561198217758817 FPS: 14 in coords: [6790.97,7986.72,0.0284729] ..."
2018/11/05, 22:02:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 8 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 22:02:25 "Stanislavsky (76561198051472873) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 7201 @031074 [3152.01,7911.12,0.129913]"
2018/11/05, 22:02:39 "EVENTSHAKER# PVP Missions process stopped & exiting ..."
2018/11/05, 22:02:40 "Stanislavsky (76561198051472873) LOCKED Safe with code: 7201 @031074 [3152.01,7911.12,0.129913]"
2018/11/05, 22:02:43 "#FPSFixer: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 FPS: 29 in coords: [6467.37,7795.02,0.0761719] ..."
2018/11/05, 22:02:57 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Stanislavsky(76561198051472873)"
2018/11/05, 22:02:57 "INFO - Player: Stanislavsky(UID:76561198051472873/CID:5653) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location Пустошка [031074]"
2018/11/05, 22:02:57 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: Stanislavsky with uid 76561198051472873 disconnected ..."
2018/11/05, 22:02:57 Client: Remote object 8:17 not found
2018/11/05, 22:02:57 Client: Remote object 8:22 not found
2018/11/05, 22:02:59 Warning: Cleanup player - person 8:21 not found
2018/11/05, 22:03:02 "MISSION - MINOR 4 - Timeout"
2018/11/05, 22:03:04 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.8453, players: 4, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:03:07 "MISSION - MINOR 4 - Cleaning completed"
2018/11/05, 22:03:09 "MISSION - MINOR 4 - End"
2018/11/05, 22:03:19 Server: Object 4:420 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 22:03:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 57 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/05, 22:03:23 "Trader Menu: Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) sold 1x ItemAmethyst from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 7,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 22:03:32 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Papa Carlo with ID 76561198217758817 try deposit to bank 9000 ... now Papa Carlo has COINS:0, BANK:241240 "
2018/11/05, 22:04:04 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.4545, players: 4, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:04:09 "EVENTSHAKER# MINOR Mission SM4 completed ..."
2018/11/05, 22:04:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.7143. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.7143."
2018/11/05, 22:04:24 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 try withdraw from bank 11000 ... now Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers has COINS:12653, BANK:163142 "
2018/11/05, 22:04:54 Server: Object 4:441 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 22:04:54 "DELETE: Player PID#4(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers)(76561198411562871) deleted object with ID: 16869"
2018/11/05, 22:04:54 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) sold 1x HMMWV_DZ from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 2,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 22:05:04 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.584, players: 4, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:05:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/05, 22:05:21 Server: Object 4:465 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 22:05:21 "**** server_verifySender **** [[337,[6292.99,7806.43,0.000152588]],"SUV_UN_EP1",false,"ItemKeyBlue304",B 1-1-C:1 (Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers) REMOTE,"Leew4FqQRS!LD"] * PublishVehicle2 * [6292.99,7806.43,0.000152588] * Leew4FqQRS!LD * 76561198411562871 * B 1-1-C:1 (Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers) REMOTE ****"
2018/11/05, 22:05:21 "PUBLISH: PID#4(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers)(76561198411562871) bought SUV_UN_EP1 with UID 1380033778067507 @Старый Собор [062075]"
2018/11/05, 22:05:21 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) purchased 1x SUV_UN_EP1 into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 12,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 22:05:22 "MISSION - MAJOR 7 - Timeout"
2018/11/05, 22:05:26 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_UN_EP1 (objid: 16954) UNLOCKED @062075 [6292.98,7806.42,0.000274658]"
2018/11/05, 22:05:27 "MISSION - MAJOR 7 - Cleaning completed"
2018/11/05, 22:05:27 "MISSION - MAJOR 7 - End"
2018/11/05, 22:05:28 "EVENTSHAKER# MAJOR Mission SM7 completed ..."
2018/11/05, 22:05:34 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-B:1 (prizrak65) REMOTE is complete, player name is prizrak65 in coords [4841.65,10250.6,0]."
2018/11/05, 22:06:05 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 4, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:06:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 13 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 3 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/05, 22:07:05 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.8453, players: 4, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:07:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/05, 22:08:05 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.8453, players: 4, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:08:15 "P1ayer PID#6(Papa Carlo) hit by PID#4(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers) with SUV_UN_EP1 from 1 meters in  for 0.472188 damage"
2018/11/05, 22:08:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.584. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.584."
2018/11/05, 22:08:21 "DELETE: PUID(76561198411562871) requested destroy on object SUV_UN_EP1 ID:16954 UID:0"
2018/11/05, 22:08:26 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 4, FPS 45.8453, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 22:08:26 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 7, West Units (Players): 4, East Units (AI): 3, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 3, SERVER FPS: 45.8453 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:09:06 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.7143, players: 4, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:09:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.8453. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.8453."
2018/11/05, 22:09:23 Server: Object 3:1304 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 22:09:23 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x ItemGPS from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 250 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 22:09:23 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x NVGoggles_DZE from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 22:09:23 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x Binocular from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 30 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 22:09:23 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x Binocular_Vector from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 22:09:52 Server: Object 3:1305 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 22:09:52 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x Attachment_SCOPED from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 22:09:52 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x Attachment_PSO1 from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 500 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 22:09:52 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x Attachment_BELT from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 50 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 22:09:52 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x Attachment_Kobra from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 250 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 22:09:53 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x M14_DZ from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 22:09:53 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x M24_DZ from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 600 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 22:10:06 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.8453, players: 4, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:10:16 Server: Object 3:1306 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 22:10:16 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag from gear at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 50 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 22:10:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/05, 22:10:45 Server: Object 3:1307 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 22:10:45 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 50 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 22:10:45 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 1x 5Rnd_762x51_M24 from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 75 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 22:10:45 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 3x 20Rnd_762x51_DMR from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 900 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 22:10:45 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 5x 10Rnd_762x54_SVD from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 750 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 22:10:45 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) sold 2x 50Rnd_762x54_UK59 from backpack at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 22:11:06 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 4, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:11:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.584. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.584."
2018/11/05, 22:11:22 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 try deposit to bank 6000 ... now prizrak65 has COINS:560, BANK:54610 "
2018/11/05, 22:11:30 Server: Object 4:512 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 22:11:30 Server: Object 4:510 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 22:11:30 Server: Object 4:513 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 22:11:30 Server: Object 4:511 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 22:12:06 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 4, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:12:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 3 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/05, 22:13:07 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 4, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:13:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 8 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/05, 22:13:33 "CRASHSPAWNER: Spawning crash site (CrashSite_RU) at [8171.58,12064,0] with 8 items."
2018/11/05, 22:14:07 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 4, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:14:07 "#FPSFixer: Player Moreman with ID 76561198119129412 FPS: 43 in coords: [4119.83,3636.56,0.0020752] ..."
2018/11/05, 22:14:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.8453. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 1 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 7 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 2 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.8453."
2018/11/05, 22:15:07 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 4, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:15:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.7143. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.7143."
2018/11/05, 22:16:08 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.8453, players: 4, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:16:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 18 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/05, 22:17:06 "#FPSFixer: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 FPS: 23 in coords: [4062.94,11661,0.00128174] ..."
2018/11/05, 22:17:08 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 4, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:17:13 "EVENTSHAKER# Start MINOR Mission SM1 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:17:13 "MISSION - MINOR 1 - Start"
2018/11/05, 22:17:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/05, 22:17:34 "#FPSFixer: Player Papa Carlo with ID 76561198217758817 FPS: 11 in coords: [4634.51,10459.4,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 22:18:08 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.584, players: 4, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:18:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/05, 22:18:30 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 4, FPS 45.7143, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 22:18:30 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 7, West Units (Players): 4, East Units (AI): 3, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 26, SERVER FPS: 45.7143 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:19:08 "#FPSFixer: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 FPS: 26 in coords: [4702.08,10337.1,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 22:19:09 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 4, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:19:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/05, 22:20:09 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 4, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:20:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/05, 22:21:09 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 4, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:21:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 12 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 5 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/05, 22:22:10 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 4, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:22:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/05, 22:23:08 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Sync date on clients to [2012,8,2,19,22]."
2018/11/05, 22:23:10 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 4, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:23:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 9 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/05, 22:24:07 "EVENTSHAKER# Start MAJOR Mission SM13 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:24:07 "MISSION - MAJOR 13 - Start"
2018/11/05, 22:24:08 "MISSION - MAJOR 13 - Activated - player in 1200m, spawning crates and additional AI"
2018/11/05, 22:24:08 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - Begin"
2018/11/05, 22:24:08 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - End"
2018/11/05, 22:24:08 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC BANDIT - at position [4808.58,9470.04,0]"
2018/11/05, 22:24:08 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of BANDITS - 1 Infantry, 2 Stormtrooper, 3 Sniper, 1 Boss, 1 Elite 1 Nuker at position [4812.52,9479.27,0]"
2018/11/05, 22:24:08 Duplicate weapon ItemGPS detected for RUS_Soldier_Sab
2018/11/05, 22:24:09 Server: Object 3:1346 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 22:24:09 Server: Object 3:1350 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 22:24:09 Server: Object 3:1342 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 22:24:10 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 4, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:24:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.7143. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.7143."
2018/11/05, 22:25:10 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 4, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:25:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/05, 22:26:11 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.7143, players: 4, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:26:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/05, 22:27:11 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 4, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:27:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/05, 22:28:11 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 4, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:28:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.1976. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 8 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.1976."
2018/11/05, 22:28:26 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 try withdraw from bank 4000 ... now prizrak65 has COINS:4560, BANK:50610 "
2018/11/05, 22:28:35 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 4, FPS 46.5116, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 22:28:35 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 17, West Units (Players): 4, East Units (AI): 13, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 37, SERVER FPS: 46.5116 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:29:12 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 4, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:29:12 Server: Object 3:1366 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 22:29:12 Server: Object 3:1365 not found (message 98)
2018/11/05, 22:29:12 Server: Object 3:1367 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 22:29:12 Server: Object 3:1368 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 22:29:12 "Bike packed by player prizrak65 in coords [4093.69,11652.5,0.0144348] ..."
2018/11/05, 22:29:12 Server: Object 3:1370 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 22:29:12 Server: Object 3:1369 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 22:29:12 Server: Object 3:1372 not found (message 69)
2018/11/05, 22:29:13 Server: Object 3:1371 not found (message 69)
2018/11/05, 22:29:13 Client: Object 3:1371 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 22:29:13 "server_updateObject.sqf _object null or nil, could not update object"
2018/11/05, 22:29:13 Server: Object 3:1374 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 22:29:13 Server: Object 3:1373 not found (message 98)
2018/11/05, 22:29:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 3 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/05, 22:30:12 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 4, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:30:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/05, 22:30:58 Server: Object 3:1376 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 22:30:58 "**** server_verifySender **** [[128,[4037.26,11673.5,0.00289917]],"hilux1_civil_3_open_DZE",false,"ItemKeyRed937",B 1-1-B:1 (prizrak65) REMOTE,"J4eX7^6yKfGiN"] * PublishVehicle2 * [4037.26,11673.5,0.00289917] * J4eX7^6yKfGiN * 76561198359965418 * B 1-1-B:1 (prizrak65) REMOTE ****"
2018/11/05, 22:30:58 "PUBLISH: PID#3(prizrak65)(76561198359965418) bought hilux1_civil_3_open_DZE with UID 13081128116739044 @Wilderness [040036]"
2018/11/05, 22:30:58 "Trader Menu: prizrak65 (76561198359965418) purchased 1x hilux1_civil_3_open_DZE into gear at торговую зону Башни! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 800 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 22:31:02 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Set new date to [2012,8,2,3,0] with message: Время ночи...."
2018/11/05, 22:31:09 "#FPSFixer: Player Moreman with ID 76561198119129412 FPS: 32 in coords: [6575.56,2400.35,0.00143909] ..."
2018/11/05, 22:31:12 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 4, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:31:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/05, 22:31:26 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: hilux1_civil_3_open_DZE (objid: 16955) UNLOCKED @040036 [4037.27,11669.5,0.00662231]"
2018/11/05, 22:32:13 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 4, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:32:19 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 try withdraw from bank 40000 ... now prizrak65 has COINS:43760, BANK:10610 "
2018/11/05, 22:32:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/05, 22:33:13 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.584, players: 4, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:33:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.8453. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 39 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.8453."
2018/11/05, 22:34:00 "#FPSFixer: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 FPS: 41 in coords: [4131.76,11638.8,0.000335693] ..."
2018/11/05, 22:34:13 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 4, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:34:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 74 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/05, 22:34:36 "#FPSFixer: Player Papa Carlo with ID 76561198217758817 FPS: 13 in coords: [4728.61,10323.5,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 22:35:14 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 4, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:35:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.8453. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 9 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.8453."
2018/11/05, 22:36:14 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 4, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:36:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/05, 22:37:14 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.7143, players: 4, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:37:16 "#FPSFixer: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 FPS: 37 in coords: [4747.6,10216.9,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 22:37:17 "MISSION - MINOR 1 - Timeout"
2018/11/05, 22:37:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.8453. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.8453."
2018/11/05, 22:37:22 "MISSION - MINOR 1 - Cleaning completed"
2018/11/05, 22:37:22 "MISSION - MINOR 1 - End"
2018/11/05, 22:37:31 Server: Object 4:811 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 22:37:31 Server: Object 4:809 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 22:37:31 Server: Object 4:808 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 22:37:31 Server: Object 4:810 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 22:37:31 Server: Object 4:807 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 22:37:31 Server: Object 4:806 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 22:37:31 Server: Object 4:817 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 22:37:31 Server: Object 4:816 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 22:37:31 Server: Object 4:815 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 22:38:11 Server: Object 14:751 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 22:38:14 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 4, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:38:20 "EVENTSHAKER# MINOR Mission SM1 completed ..."
2018/11/05, 22:38:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 16 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/05, 22:38:35 Server: Object 14:787 not found (message 99)
2018/11/05, 22:38:35 Server: Object 14:788 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 22:38:39 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 4, FPS 45.7143, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 22:38:39 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 17, West Units (Players): 4, East Units (AI): 13, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 28, SERVER FPS: 45.7143 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:38:56 Server: Object 14:799 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 22:38:56 "Trader Menu: Moreman (76561198119129412) sold 1x CZ550_DZ from gear at южный рынок for 400 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 22:39:08 Server: Object 14:808 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 22:39:08 "Trader Menu: Moreman (76561198119129412) sold 1x 5Rnd_17HMR from gear at южный рынок for 50 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 22:39:15 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 4, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:39:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.8453. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.8453."
2018/11/05, 22:39:51 Server: Object 14:811 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 22:39:51 "Trader Menu: Moreman (76561198119129412) sold 1x ItemSodaRbull from backpack at южный рынок for 200 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 22:39:51 "Trader Menu: Moreman (76561198119129412) sold 1x ItemSodaRabbit from backpack at южный рынок for 100 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 22:40:15 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.7143, players: 4, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:40:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 22:41:01 Server: Object 14:834 not found (message 70)
2018/11/05, 22:41:01 "DELETE: Player PID#14(Moreman)(76561198119129412) deleted object with ID: 16896"
2018/11/05, 22:41:01 "Trader Menu: Moreman (76561198119129412) sold 1x V3S_Open_TK_CIV_EP1 from gear at южный рынок for 1,000 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 22:41:15 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 4, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:41:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/05, 22:42:16 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 4, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:42:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 7 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 21 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/05, 22:42:22 "Bike Crafted From Toolbox Old_bike_TK_INS_EP1 by player B 1-1-C:2 (Papa Carlo) REMOTE is complete, player name is Papa Carlo in coords [4642.89,10306.6,0]."
2018/11/05, 22:43:11 Server: Object 14:843 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 22:43:11 Server: Object 14:848 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 22:43:11 Server: Object 14:849 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 22:43:12 Server: Object 14:850 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 22:43:12 Server: Object 14:851 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 22:43:12 MuzzleFlashROT - unknown animation source ammoRandom
2018/11/05, 22:43:16 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 4, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:43:18 Server: Object 14:856 not found (message 98)
2018/11/05, 22:43:18 Server: Object 14:857 not found (message 91)
2018/11/05, 22:43:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 21 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 81 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/05, 22:44:16 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 4, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:44:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/05, 22:45:17 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 4, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:45:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.4545. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.4545."
2018/11/05, 22:45:47 "MISSION - MAJOR 13 - Players moved away without contact, performing partial cleaning"
2018/11/05, 22:45:52 "MISSION - MAJOR 13 - Timeout"
2018/11/05, 22:45:57 "MISSION - MAJOR 13 - Cleaning completed"
2018/11/05, 22:45:59 "MISSION - MAJOR 13 - End"
2018/11/05, 22:46:15 "EVENTSHAKER# MAJOR Mission SM13 completed ..."
2018/11/05, 22:46:17 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 4, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:46:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 7 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/05, 22:47:17 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 4, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:47:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.8453. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 2 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.8453."
2018/11/05, 22:47:42 "#FPSFixer: Player Moreman with ID 76561198119129412 FPS: 32 in coords: [8091.37,3237.26,0.00143766] ..."
2018/11/05, 22:48:18 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.8453, players: 4, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:48:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 10 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 2 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/05, 22:48:43 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 4, FPS 45.8453, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 22:48:43 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 7, West Units (Players): 4, East Units (AI): 3, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 9, SERVER FPS: 45.8453 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:48:56 "Bike packed by player Papa Carlo in coords [8098.78,8814.96,-0.608856] ..."
2018/11/05, 22:48:56 Client: Object 6:924 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 22:48:56 Client: Object 6:925 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 22:48:56 Client: Object 6:925 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/05, 22:48:56 Client: Object 6:924 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/05, 22:48:56 "server_updateObject.sqf _object null or nil, could not update object"
2018/11/05, 22:49:18 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 4, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:49:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/05, 22:49:33 "#FPSFixer: Player prizrak65 with ID 76561198359965418 FPS: 42 in coords: [9467.24,11667.8,-0.0025177] ..."
2018/11/05, 22:50:00 "Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 6024 @080065 [8080.51,8793.7,0]"
2018/11/05, 22:50:18 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 4, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:50:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/05, 22:50:24 "#FPSFixer: Player Papa Carlo with ID 76561198217758817 FPS: 21 in coords: [8080.1,8792.66,0.00134277] ..."
2018/11/05, 22:50:28 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 0602 @080065 [8077.04,8797.8,0.03302]"
2018/11/05, 22:50:45 "Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) LOCKED Safe with code: 6024 @080065 [8080.51,8793.7,0]"
2018/11/05, 22:51:18 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 4, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:51:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/05, 22:51:57 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) LOCKED Safe with code: 0602 @080065 [8077.04,8797.8,0.03302]"
2018/11/05, 22:52:19 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.584, players: 4, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:52:19 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 8047 @081065 [8175.67,8816.26,0.138]"
2018/11/05, 22:52:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/05, 22:52:41 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) LOCKED Safe with code: 8047 @081065 [8175.67,8816.26,0.138]"
2018/11/05, 22:53:19 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 4, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:53:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.7143. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.7143."
2018/11/05, 22:53:25 "EVENTSHAKER# Start MINOR Mission SM9 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:53:26 "MISSION - MINOR 9 - Start"
2018/11/05, 22:53:26 "MISSION - MINOR 9 - Activated - player in 1200m, spawning crates and additional AI"
2018/11/05, 22:53:26 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - Begin"
2018/11/05, 22:53:26 "SPAWN CRATE SCRIPTS - End"
2018/11/05, 22:53:26 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of BANDITS - 2 Infantry, 2 Stormtrooper, 1 Sniper, 0 Boss, 0 Elite 0 Nuker at position [8197.28,9059.94,0]"
2018/11/05, 22:53:38 "#FPSFixer: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 FPS: 38 in coords: [8075.68,8831,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/05, 22:54:19 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.8453, players: 4, AI units: 8 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:54:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/05, 22:55:20 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 4, AI units: 8 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:55:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.4545. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.4545."
2018/11/05, 22:56:20 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 4, AI units: 8 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:56:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 10 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 13 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/05, 22:56:47 "Vehicles&Objects Spawner# MBG_Killhouse_2_InEditor spawned by player B 1-1-C:2 (Papa Carlo) REMOTE! Player name is Papa Carlo (UID:76561198217758817) in coords [8083.72,8815.62,-0.124512]."
2018/11/05, 22:57:03 "P1ayer PID#4(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers) hit by AI with FNFAL_DZ/B_762x51_Ball <ammo left:19> from 116 meters in head_hit for 0.16347 damage"
2018/11/05, 22:57:12 "Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 6024 @080065 [8080.51,8793.7,0]"
2018/11/05, 22:57:15 "Player UID#76561198411562871 CID#5722 PID#4(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers) as Sniper1_DZ died at Wilderness [080065]"
2018/11/05, 22:57:15 "DeathMessage: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers был убит игроком ИИ с FNFAL_DZ с расстояния 109м"
2018/11/05, 22:57:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.584. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.584."
2018/11/05, 22:57:21 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 17.0758, players: 4, AI units: 8 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:57:27 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers(76561198411562871)"
2018/11/05, 22:57:27 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is not in playableUnits. ["76561198411562871","Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers"]"
2018/11/05, 22:57:27 Client: Remote object 4:0 not found
2018/11/05, 22:57:27 Client: Remote object 4:954 not found
2018/11/05, 22:57:27 Client: Remote object 4:953 not found
2018/11/05, 22:57:35 "Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) LOCKED Safe with code: 6024 @080065 [8080.51,8793.7,0]"
2018/11/05, 22:57:57 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 22:57:57 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Papa Carlo from 75.9349m"
2018/11/05, 22:58:00 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 22:58:00 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Papa Carlo from 82.979m"
2018/11/05, 22:58:18 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers(76561198411562871)"
2018/11/05, 22:58:19 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Sync date on clients to [2012,8,2,3,27]."
2018/11/05, 22:58:20 "INFO - Player: PID#4(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers)(UID:76561198411562871/CID:5742) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 22:58:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/05, 22:58:21 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 17.4863, players: 4, AI units: 6 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:58:24 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with UID 76561198411562871 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 22:58:24 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with UID 76561198411562871 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 22:58:25 "INFO - Player: PID#4(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers)(UID:76561198411562871/CID:5742) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location ВПП [049129]"
2018/11/05, 22:58:27 "INFO - Player: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers(UID:76561198411562871/CID:5742) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 22:58:36 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers(76561198411562871)"
2018/11/05, 22:58:36 "INFO - Player: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers(UID:76561198411562871/CID:5742) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location ВПП [049129]"
2018/11/05, 22:58:36 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with uid 76561198411562871 disconnected ..."
2018/11/05, 22:58:36 Client: Remote object 4:980 not found
2018/11/05, 22:58:36 Client: Object 6:946 (type Type_149) not found.
2018/11/05, 22:58:43 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 22:58:43 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Papa Carlo from 301.014m"
2018/11/05, 22:58:43 "P1ayer PID#6(Papa Carlo) hit by AI with AK_107_pso/B_545x39_Ball <ammo left:29> from 262 meters in head_hit for 0 damage"
2018/11/05, 22:58:47 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 3, FPS 46.2428, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 22:58:47 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 8, West Units (Players): 3, East Units (AI): 5, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 3, SERVER FPS: 46.2428 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:59:17 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 22:59:17 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Papa Carlo from 260.358m"
2018/11/05, 22:59:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.8453. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.8453."
2018/11/05, 22:59:21 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Bandit is dead
2018/11/05, 22:59:21 "BANDIT AI (ground) - Chernarus Bandit was Killed by Papa Carlo from 160.84m"
2018/11/05, 22:59:21 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.7143, players: 3, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 22:59:58 "prizrak65 (76561198359965418) UNLOCKED Land_DZE_GarageWoodDoorLocked with code: EYESCAN @138036 [13855.6,11743.4,1.703]"
2018/11/05, 23:00:05 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Papa Carlo with ID 76561198217758817 try to get 2653 coins from body Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers... now Papa Carlo has COINS:2653, BANK:241240 and body has 0 coins "
2018/11/05, 23:00:10 "prizrak65 (76561198359965418) UNLOCKED Land_DZE_GarageWoodDoorLocked with code: EYESCAN @138036 [13855.6,11743.4,1.653]"
2018/11/05, 23:00:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.8453. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.8453."
2018/11/05, 23:00:22 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.7143, players: 3, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:01:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 23:01:22 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 3, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:01:24 "Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 6024 @080065 [8080.51,8793.7,0]"
2018/11/05, 23:01:27 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Set new date to [2012,8,2,5,0] with message: Вжух и наступило утро...."
2018/11/05, 23:01:34 "prizrak65 (76561198359965418) LOCKED Land_DZE_GarageWoodDoorLocked with code: 571 @138036 [13855.6,11743.4,1.653]"
2018/11/05, 23:01:44 "prizrak65 (76561198359965418) LOCKED Land_DZE_GarageWoodDoorLocked with code: 328 @138036 [13855.6,11743.4,1.703]"
2018/11/05, 23:02:11 "prizrak65 (76561198359965418) UNLOCKED Land_DZE_WoodDoorLocked with code: EYESCAN @138036 [13847.9,11745.8,2.889]"
2018/11/05, 23:02:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/05, 23:02:22 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 3, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:02:27 "prizrak65 (76561198359965418) LOCKED Land_DZE_WoodDoorLocked with code: 966 @138036 [13847.9,11745.8,2.889]"
2018/11/05, 23:03:05 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - prizrak65(76561198359965418)"
2018/11/05, 23:03:05 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is not in playableUnits. ["76561198359965418","prizrak65"]"
2018/11/05, 23:03:05 Client: Remote object 3:320 not found
2018/11/05, 23:03:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/05, 23:03:23 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 2, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:03:53 "EVENTSHAKER# Start MAJOR Mission SM3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:03:53 "MISSION - MAJOR 3 - Start"
2018/11/05, 23:04:06 "#FPSFixer: Player Moreman with ID 76561198119129412 FPS: 24 in coords: [9964.69,2609.18,0.00191498] ..."
2018/11/05, 23:04:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/05, 23:04:23 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 2, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:04:29 "Moreman (76561198119129412) UNLOCKED CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ with code: EYESCAN @099127 [9979.44,2616.61,0.001]"
2018/11/05, 23:04:44 "Moreman (76561198119129412) LOCKED CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ with code: 299 @099127 [9979.44,2616.61,0.001]"
2018/11/05, 23:05:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/05, 23:05:23 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 2, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:05:49 "Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) LOCKED Safe with code: 6024 @080065 [8080.51,8793.7,0]"
2018/11/05, 23:06:11 "DELETE DIRECT: SERVER deleted object with UID: 19132117881911054"
2018/11/05, 23:06:11 "PUBLISH: Player PID#6(Papa Carlo)(76561198217758817) upgraded or downgraded object to CinderWallDoorSmall_DZ with UID:19235117881911157 @Wilderness [080065]"
2018/11/05, 23:06:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 23:06:23 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 2, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:06:29 "DELETE DIRECT: SERVER deleted object with UID: 19235117881911157"
2018/11/05, 23:06:29 "PUBLISH: Player PID#6(Papa Carlo)(76561198217758817) upgraded or downgraded object to CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ with UID:19254117881911176 @Wilderness [080065]"
2018/11/05, 23:07:15 "Moreman (76561198119129412) UNLOCKED CinderWallDoorLocked_DZ with code: EYESCAN @099127 [9987.54,2622.38,0.001]"
2018/11/05, 23:07:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/05, 23:07:24 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.8453, players: 2, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:07:29 "Moreman (76561198119129412) LOCKED CinderWallDoorLocked_DZ with code: 683 @099127 [9987.54,2622.38,0.001]"
2018/11/05, 23:07:41 "#FPSFixer: Player Papa Carlo with ID 76561198217758817 FPS: 18 in coords: [8088.35,8807.88,0.00146484] ..."
2018/11/05, 23:07:55 "DELETE DIRECT: SERVER deleted object with UID: 19330117880811243"
2018/11/05, 23:07:55 "PUBLISH: Player PID#6(Papa Carlo)(76561198217758817) upgraded or downgraded object to CinderWallDoorSmall_DZ with UID:19349117880811262 @Wilderness [080065]"
2018/11/05, 23:08:08 "DELETE DIRECT: SERVER deleted object with UID: 19349117880811262"
2018/11/05, 23:08:08 "PUBLISH: Player PID#6(Papa Carlo)(76561198217758817) upgraded or downgraded object to CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ with UID:19361117880811274 @Wilderness [080065]"
2018/11/05, 23:08:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 23 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/05, 23:08:24 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 2, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:08:52 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 2, FPS 45.977, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 23:08:52 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 5, West Units (Players): 2, East Units (AI): 3, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 3, SERVER FPS: 45.977 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:08:53 "Moreman (76561198119129412) UNLOCKED CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ with code: EYESCAN @099127 [9979.44,2616.61,0.001]"
2018/11/05, 23:09:07 "Moreman (76561198119129412) LOCKED CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ with code: 299 @099127 [9979.44,2616.61,0.001]"
2018/11/05, 23:09:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/05, 23:09:24 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 2, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:09:53 "Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) UNLOCKED CinderWallDoorLocked_DZ with code: EYESCAN @080065 [8079.49,8804.77,1.85272]"
2018/11/05, 23:10:18 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Moreman(76561198119129412)"
2018/11/05, 23:10:18 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is not in playableUnits. ["76561198119129412","Moreman"]"
2018/11/05, 23:10:18 Client: Remote object 14:375 not found
2018/11/05, 23:10:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/05, 23:10:25 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 2, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:11:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/05, 23:11:25 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 2, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:11:28 "Papa Carlo (76561198217758817) LOCKED CinderWallDoorLocked_DZ with code: 733 @080065 [8079.49,8804.77,1.85272]"
2018/11/05, 23:11:42 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Voyaka(76561198197707621)"
2018/11/05, 23:11:44 "INFO - Player: PID#15(Voyaka)(UID:76561198197707621/CID:5741) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/05, 23:11:45 Server: Object 15:23 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 23:11:45 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Voyaka with UID 76561198197707621 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 23:11:45 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Voyaka with UID 76561198197707621 from server ..."
2018/11/05, 23:11:45 "INFO - Player: PID#15(Voyaka)(UID:76561198197707621/CID:5741) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Пригородки [080120]"
2018/11/05, 23:11:51 "INFO - Player: Voyaka(UID:76561198197707621/CID:5741) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/05, 23:12:00 "#LOGIN#: Player Voyaka with ID 76561198197707621 connected!"
2018/11/05, 23:12:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/05, 23:12:21 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Papa Carlo(76561198217758817)"
2018/11/05, 23:12:21 "INFO - Player: Papa Carlo(UID:76561198217758817/CID:5627) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location Wilderness [080065]"
2018/11/05, 23:12:21 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: Papa Carlo with uid 76561198217758817 disconnected ..."
2018/11/05, 23:12:21 Client: Remote object 6:17 not found
2018/11/05, 23:12:21 Client: Remote object 6:22 not found
2018/11/05, 23:12:24 "MISSION - MINOR 9 - Fail"
2018/11/05, 23:12:25 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.7143, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:12:29 "MISSION - MINOR 9 - Cleaning completed"
2018/11/05, 23:12:30 "MISSION - MINOR 9 - End"
2018/11/05, 23:12:32 "EVENTSHAKER# MINOR Mission SM9 completed ..."
2018/11/05, 23:12:44 "#FPSFixer: Player Voyaka with ID 76561198197707621 FPS: 21 in coords: [7985.61,3282.12,0.00143862] ..."
2018/11/05, 23:13:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 2 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 23:13:25 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:14:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/05, 23:14:26 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.0588, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:15:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 9 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 32 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/05, 23:15:26 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:15:36 MuzzleFlashROT - unknown animation source ammoRandom
2018/11/05, 23:16:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/05, 23:16:26 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:16:27 "Trader Menu: Voyaka (76561198197707621) sold 2x 17Rnd_9x19_glock17 from gear at южный рынок for 20 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 23:17:07 Server: Object 15:182 not found (message 94)
2018/11/05, 23:17:07 "Trader Menu: Voyaka (76561198197707621) sold 1x Attachment_FL_Pist from gear at южный рынок for 50 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 23:17:07 "Trader Menu: Voyaka (76561198197707621) sold 1x G17_DZ from gear at южный рынок for 20 Рублей"
2018/11/05, 23:17:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/05, 23:17:27 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:18:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 23:18:27 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:18:56 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 1, FPS 46.5116, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 23:18:56 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 4, West Units (Players): 1, East Units (AI): 3, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 5, SERVER FPS: 46.5116 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:19:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/05, 23:19:27 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:19:52 "CRASHSPAWNER: Spawning crash site (CrashSite_US) at [7278.2,7979.78,0] with 11 items."
2018/11/05, 23:19:52 CrashSite_US: MainTurret - unknown animation source MainTurret
2018/11/05, 23:19:52 CrashSite_US: MainGun - unknown animation source mainGun
2018/11/05, 23:19:52 CrashSite_US: Gatling - unknown animation source Gatling
2018/11/05, 23:20:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/05, 23:20:22 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Voyaka(76561198197707621)"
2018/11/05, 23:20:22 "INFO - Player: Voyaka(UID:76561198197707621/CID:5741) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location Пригородки [080120]"
2018/11/05, 23:20:22 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: Voyaka with uid 76561198197707621 disconnected ..."
2018/11/05, 23:20:22 Client: Remote object 15:17 not found
2018/11/05, 23:20:22 Client: Remote object 15:22 not found
2018/11/05, 23:20:24 Warning: Cleanup player - person 15:21 not found
2018/11/05, 23:20:28 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:21:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 14 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/05, 23:21:28 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:22:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/05, 23:22:28 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:23:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/05, 23:23:29 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:23:56 "MISSION - MAJOR 3 - Timeout"
2018/11/05, 23:24:01 "MISSION - MAJOR 3 - Cleaning completed"
2018/11/05, 23:24:02 "MISSION - MAJOR 3 - End"
2018/11/05, 23:24:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/05, 23:24:29 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:25:00 "EVENTSHAKER# MAJOR Mission SM3 completed ..."
2018/11/05, 23:25:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/05, 23:25:29 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:26:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/05, 23:26:29 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:27:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/05, 23:27:30 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:28:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 1 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 23:28:30 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:29:00 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 0, FPS 46.9208, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 23:29:00 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 3, West Units (Players): 0, East Units (AI): 3, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 0, SERVER FPS: 46.9208 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:29:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 23:29:30 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.0588, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:30:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.1976. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.1976."
2018/11/05, 23:30:31 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:31:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 23:31:31 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:32:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/05, 23:32:31 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:33:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/05, 23:33:29 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Sync date on clients to [2012,8,2,5,31]."
2018/11/05, 23:33:31 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:34:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/05, 23:34:32 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:35:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/05, 23:35:32 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:36:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/05, 23:36:32 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:37:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/05, 23:37:33 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:38:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/05, 23:38:33 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:39:04 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 0, FPS 46.1095, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 23:39:04 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 3, West Units (Players): 0, East Units (AI): 3, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 0, SERVER FPS: 46.1095 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:39:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/05, 23:39:33 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:40:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/05, 23:40:34 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:41:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/05, 23:41:34 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:42:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/05, 23:42:29 "CRASHSPAWNER: Spawning crash site (CrashSite_RU) at [6269.59,8241.38,0] with 11 items."
2018/11/05, 23:42:34 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:43:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/05, 23:43:35 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.8453, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:44:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/05, 23:44:35 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:45:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/05, 23:45:35 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:46:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 23:46:35 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.1976, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:47:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/05, 23:47:36 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.8453, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:48:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.7143. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.7143."
2018/11/05, 23:48:36 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:49:09 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 0, FPS 46.5116, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 23:49:09 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 3, West Units (Players): 0, East Units (AI): 3, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 0, SERVER FPS: 46.5116 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:49:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/05, 23:49:37 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:50:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 23:50:37 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:51:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/05, 23:51:37 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:52:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/05, 23:52:38 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:53:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/05, 23:53:38 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:54:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/05, 23:54:38 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:55:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/05, 23:55:39 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:56:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/05, 23:56:39 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:57:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/05, 23:57:39 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.7143, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:58:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/05, 23:58:40 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:59:05 "CRASHSPAWNER: Spawning crash site (CrashSite_UN) at [4928,8432.92,0] with 11 items."
2018/11/05, 23:59:13 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 0, FPS 47.619, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 7, Max Nearby Zeds 8, Max Global Zeds 160, Zeds Dmg x2, Max Heli Crashes 5, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x1.5, MaxModels 80, MaxWeapHolders 80."
2018/11/05, 23:59:13 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 3, West Units (Players): 0, East Units (AI): 3, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 0, SERVER FPS: 47.619 ..."
2018/11/05, 23:59:21 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/05, 23:59:40 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.1976, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."

== E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\arma2oaserver.exe
== "E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\arma2oaserver.exe"  -port=2302 -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 -noSound -noPause "-config=E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Epoch_Configs\Alpha\config.cfg" "-cfg=E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Epoch_Configs\Alpha\basic.cfg" "-profiles=E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Epoch_Configs\Alpha" -name=Alpha "-mod=@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server;"
Exe timestamp: 2018/06/08 18:12:39
Current time:  2018/11/06 00:00:34

Version 1.63.131129
Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
Updating base class ->NonStrategic, by ca\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HouseBase/
Updating base class ->HouseBase, by ca\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins/
Updating base class ->DestructionEffects, by ca\config.bin/CfgVehicles/House/DestructionEffects/
Updating base class ->FlagCarrierCore, by ca\ca_pmc\config.bin/CfgVehicles/FlagCarrier/
Updating base class ->VehicleMagazine, by ca\weapons\config.bin/CfgMagazines/14Rnd_FFAR/
Updating base class Default->RifleCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/Rifle/
Updating base class ->LauncherCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/RocketPods/
Updating base class ->RocketPods, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/FFARLauncher/
Updating base class ->UH60_Base, by ca\air\config.bin/CfgVehicles/MH60S/
Updating base class ->Car, by ca\wheeled2\lada\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Lada_base/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UN_CDF_Soldier_base_EP1/HitPoints/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Commander/HitPoints/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Soldier_Militia/HitPoints/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Soldier_Officer/HitPoints/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Soldier_Sniper/HitPoints/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Soldier_Spotter/HitPoints/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lamp_Small_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lamp_Street1_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lamp_Street2_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lampa_Ind_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_PowLines_Conc2L_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseMediumOrange->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_sidl/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseMediumOrange->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_sidl_2/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseMediumOrange->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_sidl_3/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseWeakYellow->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_ind/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseWeakYellow->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_ind_zebr/
Updating base class RscStandardDisplay->, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayStart/
Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscShortcutButtonMain, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/controls/CA_Exit/
Updating base class CA_IGUI_Title->RscText, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/Gear_Title/
Updating base class Available_items_Text->RscText, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/CA_ItemName/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item7->CA_Gear_slot_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_item8/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item7->CA_Gear_slot_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_item9/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item7->CA_Gear_slot_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_item10/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item7->CA_Gear_slot_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_item11/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item7->CA_Gear_slot_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_item12/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item5->CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item6/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item5->CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item7/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item5->CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item8/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_special1->CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory1/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7->CA_Gear_slot_inventory1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory8/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7->CA_Gear_slot_inventory1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory9/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7->CA_Gear_slot_inventory1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory10/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7->CA_Gear_slot_inventory1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory11/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7->CA_Gear_slot_inventory1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory12/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item1->CA_Gear_slot_handgun, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_special1/
Updating base class RscIGUIShortcutButton->RscActiveText, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/ButtonClose/
Updating base class RscText->, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscTitles/Default/
Updating base class ->ViewOptics, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Mi17_base/Turrets/MainTurret/ViewOptics/
Updating base class ->ViewOptics, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UH1H_base/Turrets/MainTurret/ViewOptics/
Updating base class ->ViewOptics, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UH1_Base/Turrets/MainTurret/ViewOptics/
Updating base class Strategic->, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Bomb/
Updating base class HighCommand->Logic, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HighCommandSubordinate/
Updating base class NonStrategic->BuiltItems, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Fort_RazorWire/
Updating base class ->DefaultEventhandlers, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CSJ_GyroP/EventHandlers/
Updating base class AnimationSources->AnimationSources, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CSJ_GyroC/AnimationSources/
Updating base class ->DefaultEventhandlers, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CSJ_GyroC/EventHandlers/
Updating base class BuiltItems->Generator_Base, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Generator_DZ/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/29Rnd_30mm_AGS30/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/48Rnd_40mm_MK19/
Updating base class 4000Rnd_762x51_M134->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/2000Rnd_762x51_M134/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/100Rnd_127x99_M2/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/50Rnd_127x107_DSHKM/
Updating base class 4000Rnd_762x51_M134->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/pook_1300Rnd_762x51_M60/
Updating base class 100Rnd_762x51_M240->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/pook_250Rnd_762x51/
Updating base class 6Rnd_Grenade_Camel->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/pook_12Rnd_Grenade_Camel/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/3Rnd_GyroGrenade/
Updating base class DropWeapon->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgActions/PutWeapon/
Updating base class DropMagazine->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgActions/PutMagazine/
Updating base class Land_HouseBlock_C1->House, by zero_buildings\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_HouseBlock_C4/
Updating base class Land_HouseV_1I2->House, by zero_buildings\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_HouseV_1I3/
Updating base class NonStrategic->House, by zero_buildings\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_A_MunicipalOffice/
Updating base class Land_HouseV_1I2->House, by zero_buildings\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_HouseV_1L2/
Updating base class Land_HouseV_1I2->House, by zero_buildings\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_HouseV_3I3/
Updating base class House->DZE_OpenHouse, by warehouse\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Ind_Pec_03/
2018/11/06,  0:00:43 Initializing Steam server - Game Port: 2302, Steam Query Port: 2303
2018/11/06,  0:00:44 Connected to Steam servers
2018/11/06,  0:13:51 Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
2018/11/06,  0:13:51 Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
2018/11/06,  0:13:53 Server error: Player without identity Hp (id 1192240160)
2018/11/06,  0:13:53 Server error: Player without identity Hp (id 1192240160)
2018/11/06,  0:13:53 Server error: Player without identity Hp (id 1192240160)
2018/11/06,  0:13:53 Server error: Player without identity Hp (id 1192240160)
2018/11/06,  0:13:53 Server error: Player without identity Hp (id 1192240160)
2018/11/06,  0:13:53 Server error: Player without identity Hp (id 1192240160)
2018/11/06,  0:13:53 Server error: Player without identity Hp (id 1192240160)
2018/11/06,  0:13:53 Server error: Player without identity Hp (id 1192240160)
2018/11/06,  0:13:53 Server error: Player without identity Hp (id 1192240160)
2018/11/06,  0:13:53 Server error: Player without identity Hp (id 1192240160)
2018/11/06,  0:13:53 Server error: Player without identity Hp (id 1192240160)
2018/11/06,  0:13:53 Server error: Player without identity Hp (id 1192240160)
2018/11/06,  0:13:53 Server error: Player without identity Hp (id 1192240160)
2018/11/06,  0:13:53 Server error: Player without identity Hp (id 1192240160)
2018/11/06,  0:13:53 Server error: Player without identity Hp (id 1192240160)
2018/11/06,  0:13:53 Server error: Player without identity Hp (id 1192240160)
2018/11/06,  0:13:53 Server error: Player without identity Hp (id 1192240160)
2018/11/06,  0:13:53 Server error: Player without identity Hp (id 1192240160)
2018/11/06,  0:13:53 Server error: Player without identity Hp (id 1192240160)
2018/11/06,  0:13:53 Server error: Player without identity Hp (id 1192240160)
2018/11/06,  0:13:53 Server error: Player without identity Hp (id 1192240160)
2018/11/06,  0:14:01 Strange convex component81 in zero_buildings\models\housev_3i3_i.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  0:14:06 Strange convex component31 in zero_buildings\models\proxies\th_arches.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  0:14:08 Strange convex component207 in zero_buildings\models\a_tvtower\a_tvtower_base.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  0:14:09 Strange convex component44 in zero_buildings\models\houseblock\houseblock_c4.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component288 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component289 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component290 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component291 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component292 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component293 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component294 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component295 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component296 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component297 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component298 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component299 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component300 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component301 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component302 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component303 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component304 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component305 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component306 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component307 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component308 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component309 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component310 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component311 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component312 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component313 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component314 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component315 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component316 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component317 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component252 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component253 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component254 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component255 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component256 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component257 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component258 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component259 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component260 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component261 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component262 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component263 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component264 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component265 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component266 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component267 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component268 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component269 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component270 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component271 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component272 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component273 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component274 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component275 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component276 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component277 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component278 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component279 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component280 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component281 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component249 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component250 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component251 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component252 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component253 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component254 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component255 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component256 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component257 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component258 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component259 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component260 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component261 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component262 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component263 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component264 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component265 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component266 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component267 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component268 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component269 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component270 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component271 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component272 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component273 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component274 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component275 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component276 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component277 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  0:14:10 Strange convex component278 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  0:14:18 "PRELOAD_ Functions\init [[<No group>:0 (FunctionsManager)],any]"
2018/11/06,  0:14:18 "MPframework inited"
2018/11/06,  0:14:18 "*** REALDATE *** Module starting ..."
2018/11/06,  0:14:18 "*** REALDATE *** Full Received Info From System: [2018,11,6,0,14,18,2,309,0]"
2018/11/06,  0:14:18 "*** REALDATE *** Current real date: [2018,11,6,0,14,18,2,309,0]"
2018/11/06,  0:14:18 "*** REALDATE *** Current day number: 2"
2018/11/06,  0:14:18 "*** REALDATE *** Current real day name is: Tuesday"
2018/11/06,  0:14:18 "*** REALDATE *** Short date is: [2018,11,6,0,14]"
2018/11/06,  0:14:18 "*** REALDATE *** Current day game set to Tuesday (AFTER ANOTHER PRIORITY DATE ACCEPT)..."
2018/11/06,  0:14:18 "dayz_preloadFinished reset"
2018/11/06,  0:14:27 "<infiSTAR.de> updatearmalog callExtension: [06.11.2018][00:14:27] Downloaded and installed new armalog.dll"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "IAH_fnc_getIntFromString: 1"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> infiSTAR dll loaded successfully"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> ok"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> Loading infiSTAR code.."
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "Epoch detected"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> BIS_fnc_init done - AntiHack STARTING...!"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 Warning Message: Script low_admins.sqf not found
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 Warning Message: Script normal_admins.sqf not found
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 Warning Message: Script super_admins.sqf not found
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 Warning Message: Script blacklist.sqf not found
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> iproductVersion: 15-02-2018 04-00-45-v1448 | Server productVersion: ["ArmA 2 OA","ArmA2OA",163,131129] | worldName: Chernarus | dayz_instance: 11 | missionName: DayZ_Epoch_11"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> start: <infiSTAR.de> iproductVersion: 15-02-2018 04-00-45-v1448 | Server productVersion: ["ArmA 2 OA","ArmA2OA",163,131129] | worldName: Chernarus | dayz_instance: 11 | missionName: DayZ_Epoch_11"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _fnc_RandomGen: {
_abc = ['z','y','x','w','v','u','t','s','r','q','p','o','n','m','l','k','j','i','h','g','f','e','d','c','b','a'];
_gen = _abc select (random ((count _abc)-1));
_arr = ['a','9','f','3','9','5','0','6','9','8','d','b','7','1','6','9','5','c','4','5','d','2','1','b','2','0','c','d','b','4','5','8','0'];
for '_i' from 0 to (8+(round(random 3))) do {_gen = _gen + str(round(random 9)) + (_arr select (random ((count _arr)-1)));};
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _simple: r8b5f456d67658d6511"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _dialogIds: h407d0d1899591f4599"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _badtxts: a20438248565d2b701212"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar1: w346666513d1f1f850b"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar2: k5b0d7c913a4577859122"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar0: c7416163349414529424456"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar3: g718c166a1122102685"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar4: v0461553b74156b163558"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar5: j794145191c621632407c36"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar6: g69191950209b451b1b"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar8: x85194548807481998159"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar9: q225830182b9604374f2f1c56"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar11: s39084b25009565269b"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar12: k4875204b8b6c617d849998"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar13: j319365146b4d15501b7c9b58"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar19: g4520653d8d503b764c41"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar27: t0538031725625f79121a8f66"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar26: n1b1d33851a7042701d5567"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar25: p1c8a103b755f1a9d20"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar31: k7d440a5a3f3c4b56244b"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar33: j1a3b2b6518844585994951"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar34: n6b37393d09647c4a4d304b"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar35: x8824591210066836218f"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar36: z82713929362955700630"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar37: e6d326b8b852d263a3d4d71"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar39: g650860656c111b724b96"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _clickOnMapTimer: o6c19942d1c851f4d106c50"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _clickOnMapCaught: x453c5010287a1f1d99"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _fnc_handlerandvar10: d4d682b6150982932597846"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _remark: k5b68751f9b3c84292c15"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _AHpos: r6a716d4b2d6925353014"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _loadedcheckpos: u30166b5d20988218695742"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _loadedchecktime: k858802715b679627140c"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _MenuChecksRunningx: e1951203f71503f2969132c"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _oneachframe: i8079195d458f6953459b5820"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _anotherloop: y1a801b3d7882139292"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _clientoncetwo: b532d3d796d10286570898b"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _lastUnlock: w6d269d6b07503665298b7c1d"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _AdminReqCheck: u828d244b4135355c4141"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _antidupeCheckVar: u6a1d683b23598165821648"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _antiantihack1_rndvar: x712c59589845453d54896650"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _antiantihack2_rndvar: r2d93467965393d06591585"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _antidupePVResVar: v745c263c693f9622527666"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _antidupePVCheckVar: PVAHR_0_a684981887c4116542c58"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar10: PVAHR_0_b32688b740c95615484"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> AntiHack LOADED!"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> CREATING AdminMenu"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> AdminMenu LOADED!"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> ADDING SERVERSIDE HANDLERS"
2018/11/06,  0:14:28 "<infiSTAR.de> AntiHack FULLY LOADED"
2018/11/06,  0:14:29 "<infiSTAR.de> starting main server loop"
2018/11/06,  0:14:29 "HIVE: Starting"
2018/11/06,  0:14:29 ["TIME SYNC: Local Time set to:",[2012,8,2,11,14],"Fullmoon:",true,"Date given by HiveExt.dll:",[2018,11,6,11,14]]
2018/11/06,  0:14:29 "HIVE: trying to get objects"
2018/11/06,  0:14:29 "HIVE: found 701 objects"
2018/11/06,  0:14:29 "HIVE: Request sent"
2018/11/06,  0:14:30 "HIVE: Streamed 701 objects"
2018/11/06,  0:14:31 "Res3tting B!S effects..."
2018/11/06,  0:14:34 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines.45Rnd_545x39_RPK'.
2018/11/06,  0:14:34 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'.
2018/11/06,  0:14:34 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06,  0:14:34 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'.
2018/11/06,  0:14:34 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06,  0:14:34 Warning Message: Error: creating magazine 45Rnd_545x39_RPK with scope=private
2018/11/06,  0:14:34 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'.
2018/11/06,  0:14:34 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06,  0:14:34 Warning Message: No entry '.displayNameShort'.
2018/11/06,  0:14:34 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06,  0:14:34 Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'.
2018/11/06,  0:14:34 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06,  0:14:34 Warning Message: No entry '.Library'.
2018/11/06,  0:14:34 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'.
2018/11/06,  0:14:34 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06,  0:14:34 Warning Message: No entry '.type'.
2018/11/06,  0:14:34 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06,  0:14:34 Warning Message: No entry '.count'.
2018/11/06,  0:14:34 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06,  0:14:34 Warning Message: No entry '.maxLeadSpeed'.
2018/11/06,  0:14:34 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06,  0:14:34 Warning Message: No entry '.initSpeed'.
2018/11/06,  0:14:34 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06,  0:14:34 Warning Message: No entry '.reloadAction'.
2018/11/06,  0:14:34 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06,  0:14:34 Warning Message: No entry '.modelSpecial'.
2018/11/06,  0:14:34 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06,  0:14:34 Warning Message: No entry '.ammo'.
2018/11/06,  0:14:34 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06,  0:14:36 "HIVE: BENCHMARK - Server_monitor.sqf finished streaming 701 objects in 6.48199 seconds (unscheduled)"
2018/11/06,  0:14:36 "Total Number of spawn locations 6"
2018/11/06,  0:14:36 "z\addons\dayz_code\system\REsec.sqf:Monitoring Remote Exe..."
2018/11/06,  0:14:51 "DEBUG: Spawning a care package (Misc_cargo_cont_net3) at [4115.24,8479.03,0] with 11 items."
2018/11/06,  0:14:51 "DEBUG: Spawning a care package (Misc_cargo_cont_net1) at [10235.6,8718.91,0] with 4 items."
2018/11/06,  0:14:51 "CRASHSPAWNER: Starting crash site spawner. Frequency: 15±10 min. Spawn chance: 0.55"
2018/11/06,  0:14:51 "CRASHSPAWNER: Spawning crash site (CrashSite_UN) at [10312.4,8700.9,0] with 12 items."
2018/11/06,  0:14:52 "HIVE: Spawning # of Vehicles: 6"
2018/11/06,  0:14:53 "PUBLISH: Created CH_47F_EP1_DZE with ID "22001127588878""
2018/11/06,  0:14:53 "PUBLISH: Created MH6J_DZ with ID "1974784005879""
2018/11/06,  0:14:54 "HIVE: Spawning # of Ammo Boxes: 20"
2018/11/06,  0:14:55 "HIVE: Spawning # of Veins: 30"
2018/11/06,  0:14:55 "HIVE: BENCHMARK - Server finished spawning 6 DynamicVehicles, 0 Debris, 20 SupplyCrates and 30 MineVeins in 19.517 seconds (scheduled)"
2018/11/06,  0:14:55 "EPOCH EVENTS INIT"
2018/11/06,  0:14:57 "CLEANUP: INITIALIZING Vehicle SCRIPT"
2018/11/06,  0:14:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 42.2164. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 5 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 42.2164."
2018/11/06,  0:14:58 "<infiSTAR.de> Player-Log: Hp(76561198033885782) - 0h 14min"
2018/11/06,  0:14:58 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Total vehicles 111, key vehicles 41, public vehicles 70, limit public vehicles is 120 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:14:58 "Vehicles&Objects Spawner# Loading..."
2018/11/06,  0:14:58 "Vehicles&Objects Spawner# Random seed spRS_6787424464751817 generated..."
2018/11/06,  0:14:58 "Vehicles&Objects Spawner# Loaded..."
2018/11/06,  0:14:58 "Bike Spawner is loading..."
2018/11/06,  0:14:58 "Bike Spawner is loaded!"
2018/11/06,  0:14:58 "#PLAYER EVENT HANDLERS - LOADING...!"
2018/11/06,  0:14:58 "#PLAYER EVENT HANDLERS - LOADING COMPLETE...!"
2018/11/06,  0:14:58 "EVENTSHAKER# - Starting ..."
2018/11/06,  0:14:58 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Initialize ..."
2018/11/06,  0:14:58 "DAY NIGHT CONTROL# Starting ... "
2018/11/06,  0:15:01 "BANDITS BASE - BEGIN"
2018/11/06,  0:15:09 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Hp(76561198033885782)"
2018/11/06,  0:15:09 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - __SERVER__()"
2018/11/06,  0:15:13 "INFO - Player: PID#3(Hp)(UID:76561198033885782/CID:5674) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/06,  0:15:13 Server: Object 3:23 not found (message 94)
2018/11/06,  0:15:13 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Hp with UID 76561198033885782 from server ..."
2018/11/06,  0:15:13 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Hp with UID 76561198033885782 from server ..."
2018/11/06,  0:15:13 "INFO - Player: PID#3(Hp)(UID:76561198033885782/CID:5674) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Пустошка [031074]"
2018/11/06,  0:15:16 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @130083 - HMMWV_DZ, worldspace [355.669,[13037.7,7040.55,0.000153542]], CharId 0, objID 16756, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06,  0:15:19 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @071076 - HMMWV_DZ, worldspace [334.834,[7102.09,7740.06,1.98465]], CharId 0, objID 16823, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06,  0:15:20 "INFO - Player: Hp(UID:76561198033885782/CID:5674) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/06,  0:15:23 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @080119 - SUV_Green, worldspace [27.0982,[8043.54,3413.26,0.192976]], CharId 0, objID 16787, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06,  0:15:24 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @062130 - Lada1_TK_CIV_EP1, worldspace [24.0854,[6295,2273.73,0.0250034]], CharId 0, objID 16786, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06,  0:15:24 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @080121 - UAZ_Unarmed_TK_CIV_EP1, worldspace [73.0376,[8072.95,3198.92,0.0545802]], CharId 0, objID 16788, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06,  0:15:25 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @134089 - Ural_TK_CIV_EP1, worldspace [354.869,[13464.4,6423.93,3.17868]], CharId 0, objID 16794, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06,  0:15:28 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @106132 - V3S_Open_TK_CIV_EP1, worldspace [309.704,[10626.3,2073.17,0.0603328]], CharId 0, objID 16791, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06,  0:15:28 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @092132 - MTVR_DES_EP1, worldspace [72.94,[9204.02,2072.25,0.0863805]], CharId 0, objID 16789, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06,  0:15:29 "SECTOR - BEGIN"
2018/11/06,  0:15:29 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a SOLDIERS HELI - at position [13693.4,2884.84]"
2018/11/06,  0:15:29 "#LOGIN#: Player Hp with ID 76561198033885782 connected!"
2018/11/06,  0:15:30 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @098134 - Volha_1_TK_CIV_EP1, worldspace [248.141,[9815.79,1938.84,0.111335]], CharId 0, objID 16790, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06,  0:15:32 Warning: looped for animation: ca\anims\characters\data\anim\sdr\mov\erc\stp\non\non\amovpercmstpsnonwnondnon_amovpercmstpsraswpstdnon_end.rtm differs (looped now 0)! MoveName: amovpercmstpsnonwnondnon_amovpercmstpsraswpstdnon_end
2018/11/06,  0:15:32 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @130098 - UAZ_CDF, worldspace [57.1298,[13080.8,5514.1,0.0466566]], CharId 0, objID 16795, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06,  0:15:32 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @103130 - Lada2, worldspace [137.863,[10332.3,2311.9,0.0970078]], CharId 0, objID 16792, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06,  0:15:34 Server: Object 3:76 not found (message 70)
2018/11/06,  0:15:34 Server: Object 3:77 not found (message 70)
2018/11/06,  0:15:34 Server: Object 3:83 not found (message 94)
2018/11/06,  0:15:34 Server: Object 3:85 not found (message 94)
2018/11/06,  0:15:34 Server: Object 3:84 not found (message 70)
2018/11/06,  0:15:34 Server: Object 3:95 not found (message 70)
2018/11/06,  0:15:34 Server: Object 3:94 not found (message 94)
2018/11/06,  0:15:34 Server: Object 3:93 not found (message 70)
2018/11/06,  0:15:34 Server: Object 3:92 not found (message 70)
2018/11/06,  0:15:34 Server: Object 3:101 not found (message 70)
2018/11/06,  0:15:34 Server: Object 3:98 not found (message 70)
2018/11/06,  0:15:34 Server: Object 3:105 not found (message 70)
2018/11/06,  0:15:34 Server: Object 3:99 not found (message 94)
2018/11/06,  0:15:34 Server: Object 3:103 not found (message 94)
2018/11/06,  0:15:34 Server: Object 3:106 not found (message 70)
2018/11/06,  0:15:34 Server: Object 3:104 not found (message 70)
2018/11/06,  0:15:34 Server: Object 3:96 not found (message 94)
2018/11/06,  0:15:34 Server: Object 3:97 not found (message 94)
2018/11/06,  0:15:34 Server: Object 3:100 not found (message 70)
2018/11/06,  0:15:34 Server: Object 3:102 not found (message 94)
2018/11/06,  0:15:34 Server: Object 3:114 not found (message 70)
2018/11/06,  0:15:34 Server: Object 3:113 not found (message 70)
2018/11/06,  0:15:35 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @120116 - hilux1_civil_2_covered_DZE, worldspace [44.4775,[12014.5,3735.76,0.667775]], CharId 0, objID 16793, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06,  0:15:37 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @061074 - VWGolf, worldspace [14.7556,[6147.42,7881.71,0.0307922]], CharId 0, objID 16813, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06,  0:15:37 MuzzleFlashROT - unknown animation source ammoRandom
2018/11/06,  0:15:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06,  0:15:59 "EVENTSHAKER# - All processes are spawned ..."
2018/11/06,  0:16:01 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:16:13 "#FPSFixer: Player Hp with ID 76561198033885782 FPS: 81 in coords: [3143.88,7970.95,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/06,  0:16:36 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Spawn new public vehicles ..."
2018/11/06,  0:16:36 "PUBLISH: Created UH60M_MEV_EP1_DZ with ID "548013210599982""
2018/11/06,  0:16:36 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Heli UH60M_MEV_EP1_DZ spawned in [4498.04,10598.6] ..."
2018/11/06,  0:16:36 "PUBLISH: Created datsun1_civil_2_covered_DZE with ID "70422492127982""
2018/11/06,  0:16:36 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle datsun1_civil_2_covered_DZE spawned in [6059.86,2127.24] ..."
2018/11/06,  0:16:37 "PUBLISH: Created SUV_Camo with ID "73571382248982""
2018/11/06,  0:16:37 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle SUV_Camo spawned in [6374.61,2247.52] ..."
2018/11/06,  0:16:37 "PUBLISH: Created datsun1_civil_2_covered_DZE with ID "72371552525982""
2018/11/06,  0:16:37 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle datsun1_civil_2_covered_DZE spawned in [6254.5,2525.18] ..."
2018/11/06,  0:16:37 "PUBLISH: Created MTVR_DES_EP1 with ID "76262972319983""
2018/11/06,  0:16:37 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle MTVR_DES_EP1 spawned in [6642.64,2319.19] ..."
2018/11/06,  0:16:37 "PUBLISH: Created UAZ_RU with ID "77152763081983""
2018/11/06,  0:16:37 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle UAZ_RU spawned in [6731.66,3080.56] ..."
2018/11/06,  0:16:38 "PUBLISH: Created LandRover_MG_TK_EP1_DZE with ID "803723214983""
2018/11/06,  0:16:38 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle LandRover_MG_TK_EP1_DZE spawned in [7053.8,3213.93] ..."
2018/11/06,  0:16:38 "PUBLISH: Created UAZ_RU with ID "88682953339983""
2018/11/06,  0:16:38 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle UAZ_RU spawned in [7884.62,3338.85] ..."
2018/11/06,  0:16:38 "PUBLISH: Created SUV_Pink with ID "91583543107984""
2018/11/06,  0:16:38 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle SUV_Pink spawned in [8174.44,3106.82] ..."
2018/11/06,  0:16:38 "PUBLISH: Created Lada2_TK_CIV_EP1 with ID "96423472518984""
2018/11/06,  0:16:38 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle Lada2_TK_CIV_EP1 spawned in [8657.96,2517.54] ..."
2018/11/06,  0:16:39 "PUBLISH: Created VolhaLimo_TK_CIV_EP1 with ID "110222651613984""
2018/11/06,  0:16:39 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle VolhaLimo_TK_CIV_EP1 spawned in [10037.5,1613.3] ..."
2018/11/06,  0:16:39 "PUBLISH: Created hilux1_civil_1_open_DZE with ID "11591742099984""
2018/11/06,  0:16:39 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle hilux1_civil_1_open_DZE spawned in [10606.6,2098.78] ..."
2018/11/06,  0:16:39 "PUBLISH: Created HMMWV_Ambulance with ID "130332503688985""
2018/11/06,  0:16:39 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle HMMWV_Ambulance spawned in [12047.5,3688.5] ..."
2018/11/06,  0:16:39 "PUBLISH: Created Lada2_TK_CIV_EP1 with ID "14402856181985""
2018/11/06,  0:16:39 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle Lada2_TK_CIV_EP1 spawned in [13416.3,6181.32] ..."
2018/11/06,  0:16:40 "PUBLISH: Created UAZ_Unarmed_TK_EP1 with ID "14448586424985""
2018/11/06,  0:16:40 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle UAZ_Unarmed_TK_EP1 spawned in [13463.2,6422.42] ..."
2018/11/06,  0:16:40 "PUBLISH: Created HMMWV_DZ with ID "140323596946985""
2018/11/06,  0:16:40 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle HMMWV_DZ spawned in [13047.1,6945.58] ..."
2018/11/06,  0:16:40 "PUBLISH: Created SUV_Green with ID "139882427266986""
2018/11/06,  0:16:40 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle SUV_Green spawned in [13002.4,7266.47] ..."
2018/11/06,  0:16:40 "PUBLISH: Created Skoda with ID "140192268112986""
2018/11/06,  0:16:40 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle Skoda spawned in [13032.9,8112.33] ..."
2018/11/06,  0:16:41 "PUBLISH: Created Lada2 with ID "13819869560986""
2018/11/06,  0:16:41 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle Lada2 spawned in [12833.1,9559.62] ..."
2018/11/06,  0:16:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.4545. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 22 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 88 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.4545."
2018/11/06,  0:17:01 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:17:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/06,  0:18:01 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:18:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/06,  0:19:02 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:19:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06,  0:20:02 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:20:05 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Starting ..."
2018/11/06,  0:20:07 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 1, FPS 46.1095, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 21, Max Nearby Zeds 24, Max Global Zeds 480, Zeds Dmg x10, Max Heli Crashes 15, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x3, MaxModels 85, MaxWeapHolders 85."
2018/11/06,  0:20:07 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 4, West Units (Players): 1, East Units (AI): 3, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 0, SERVER FPS: 46.1095 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:20:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06,  0:21:01 ["HEARDSOMETHING# Started..."]
2018/11/06,  0:21:02 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:21:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 13 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/06,  0:22:03 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:22:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.1976. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.1976."
2018/11/06,  0:23:03 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:23:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.8453. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 1 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.8453."
2018/11/06,  0:24:03 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 2, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:24:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/06,  0:25:03 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 2, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:25:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06,  0:26:04 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 2, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:26:06 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Pankerton(76561198146796842)"
2018/11/06,  0:26:06 "<infiSTAR.de> Player-Log: Pankerton(76561198146796842) - 0h 25min"
2018/11/06,  0:26:15 "INFO - Player: PID#4(Pankerton)(UID:76561198146796842/CID:5686) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/06,  0:26:16 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Pankerton with UID 76561198146796842 from server ..."
2018/11/06,  0:26:16 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Pankerton with UID 76561198146796842 from server ..."
2018/11/06,  0:26:16 "INFO - Player: PID#4(Pankerton)(UID:76561198146796842/CID:5686) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location лесопилка [125057]"
2018/11/06,  0:26:30 "Hp (76561198033885782) FAILED unlocking CinderWallDoorLocked_DZ with code: EYESCAN (actual: 958) @080065 [8079.49,8804.77,1.813]"
2018/11/06,  0:26:37 "INFO - Player: Pankerton(UID:76561198146796842/CID:5686) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/06,  0:26:38 "#LOGIN#: Player Pankerton with ID 76561198146796842 connected!"
2018/11/06,  0:26:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/06,  0:27:02 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Pankerton(76561198146796842)"
2018/11/06,  0:27:02 "INFO - Player: Pankerton(UID:76561198146796842/CID:5686) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location лесопилка [125057]"
2018/11/06,  0:27:02 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: Pankerton with uid 76561198146796842 disconnected ..."
2018/11/06,  0:27:02 Client: Remote object 4:17 not found
2018/11/06,  0:27:02 Client: Remote object 4:22 not found
2018/11/06,  0:27:03 Warning: Cleanup player - person 4:21 not found
2018/11/06,  0:27:04 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:27:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06,  0:28:04 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:28:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/06,  0:29:05 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:29:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 8 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06,  0:30:05 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:30:11 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 1, FPS 47.1976, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 21, Max Nearby Zeds 24, Max Global Zeds 480, Zeds Dmg x10, Max Heli Crashes 15, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x3, MaxModels 85, MaxWeapHolders 85."
2018/11/06,  0:30:11 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 4, West Units (Players): 1, East Units (AI): 3, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 0, SERVER FPS: 47.1976 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:30:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.3373. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.3373."
2018/11/06,  0:31:05 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:31:24 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Set new date to [2012,8,2,11,0] with message: Вжух и день наступил...."
2018/11/06,  0:31:42 "#FPSFixer: Player Hp with ID 76561198033885782 FPS: 50 in coords: [11996.6,12832.3,159.626] ..."
2018/11/06,  0:31:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06,  0:32:05 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:32:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06,  0:33:06 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:33:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06,  0:34:06 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:34:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06,  0:35:06 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:35:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/06,  0:36:07 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.8453, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:36:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06,  0:37:07 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.0588, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:37:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/06,  0:38:07 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.0588, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:38:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06,  0:39:07 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:39:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06,  0:40:08 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:40:15 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 1, FPS 46.6472, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 21, Max Nearby Zeds 24, Max Global Zeds 480, Zeds Dmg x10, Max Heli Crashes 15, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x3, MaxModels 85, MaxWeapHolders 85."
2018/11/06,  0:40:15 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 4, West Units (Players): 1, East Units (AI): 3, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 0, SERVER FPS: 46.6472 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:40:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/06,  0:41:08 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:41:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.1976. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 11 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.1976."
2018/11/06,  0:42:08 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:42:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/06,  0:43:09 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:43:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06,  0:44:09 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:44:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.584. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 6 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.584."
2018/11/06,  0:45:09 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:45:26 Server: Object 3:300 not found (message 70)
2018/11/06,  0:45:26 Server: Object 3:299 not found (message 70)
2018/11/06,  0:45:26 Server: Object 3:298 not found (message 70)
2018/11/06,  0:45:26 Server: Object 3:297 not found (message 70)
2018/11/06,  0:45:26 Server: Object 3:296 not found (message 94)
2018/11/06,  0:45:26 Server: Object 3:307 not found (message 94)
2018/11/06,  0:45:26 Server: Object 3:306 not found (message 94)
2018/11/06,  0:45:26 Server: Object 3:317 not found (message 94)
2018/11/06,  0:45:26 Server: Object 3:316 not found (message 70)
2018/11/06,  0:45:26 Server: Object 3:315 not found (message 70)
2018/11/06,  0:45:26 Server: Object 3:314 not found (message 94)
2018/11/06,  0:45:26 Server: Object 3:305 not found (message 94)
2018/11/06,  0:45:26 Server: Object 3:313 not found (message 70)
2018/11/06,  0:45:26 Server: Object 3:308 not found (message 94)
2018/11/06,  0:45:26 Server: Object 3:309 not found (message 94)
2018/11/06,  0:45:26 Server: Object 3:310 not found (message 94)
2018/11/06,  0:45:26 Server: Object 3:311 not found (message 94)
2018/11/06,  0:45:26 Server: Object 3:312 not found (message 94)
2018/11/06,  0:45:26 Server: Object 3:318 not found (message 99)
2018/11/06,  0:45:26 Server: Object 3:319 not found (message 91)
2018/11/06,  0:45:27 Server: Object 3:329 not found (message 70)
2018/11/06,  0:45:27 Server: Object 3:345 not found (message 70)
2018/11/06,  0:45:30 "Hp (76561198033885782) UNLOCKED CinderWallDoorLocked_DZ with code: EYESCAN @031074 [3163.81,7943.86,0.011]"
2018/11/06,  0:45:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 23 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 58 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/06,  0:46:10 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:46:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/06,  0:47:10 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:47:52 "#FPSFixer: Player Hp with ID 76561198033885782 FPS: 61 in coords: [3164.8,7924.61,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/06,  0:47:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06,  0:48:10 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:48:52 "DELETE DIRECT: SERVER deleted object with ID: 16967"
2018/11/06,  0:48:52 "PUBLISH: PID#3(Hp)(76561198033885782) upgraded UH60M_MEV_EP1_DZ with UID 609821179592918 @Пустошка [031074]"
2018/11/06,  0:48:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 8 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/06,  0:49:10 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:49:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 22 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 25 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06,  0:50:10 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Sync date on clients to [2012,8,2,11,18]."
2018/11/06,  0:50:11 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:50:19 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 1, FPS 46.9208, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 21, Max Nearby Zeds 24, Max Global Zeds 480, Zeds Dmg x10, Max Heli Crashes 15, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x3, MaxModels 85, MaxWeapHolders 85."
2018/11/06,  0:50:19 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 4, West Units (Players): 1, East Units (AI): 3, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 16, SERVER FPS: 46.9208 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:50:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 20 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/06,  0:50:59 Server: Object 3:479 not found (message 99)
2018/11/06,  0:50:59 Server: Object 3:477 not found (message 99)
2018/11/06,  0:50:59 Server: Object 3:489 not found (message 99)
2018/11/06,  0:51:11 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 2, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:51:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.8453. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.8453."
2018/11/06,  0:52:11 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 2, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:52:23 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Pankerton(76561198146796842)"
2018/11/06,  0:52:28 "INFO - Player: PID#5(Pankerton)(UID:76561198146796842/CID:5686) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/06,  0:52:29 Server: Object 5:23 not found (message 94)
2018/11/06,  0:52:29 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Pankerton with UID 76561198146796842 from server ..."
2018/11/06,  0:52:29 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Pankerton with UID 76561198146796842 from server ..."
2018/11/06,  0:52:29 "INFO - Player: PID#5(Pankerton)(UID:76561198146796842/CID:5686) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location лесопилка [125057]"
2018/11/06,  0:52:46 "INFO - Player: Pankerton(UID:76561198146796842/CID:5686) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/06,  0:52:47 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Pankerton(76561198146796842)"
2018/11/06,  0:52:47 "INFO - Player: Pankerton(UID:76561198146796842/CID:5686) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location лесопилка [125057]"
2018/11/06,  0:52:47 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: Pankerton with uid 76561198146796842 disconnected ..."
2018/11/06,  0:52:47 "<infiSTAR.de> SLOG: Pankerton (76561198146796842) | Menu Checks are broken!"
2018/11/06,  0:52:47 "<infiSTAR.de> SLOG: Pankerton (76561198146796842) | Menu Checks are broken!"
2018/11/06,  0:52:47 "["PVAHR_0_b32688b740c95615484",["Pankerton","76561198146796842","SLOG",[77,101,110,117,32,67,104,101,99,107,115,32,97,114,101,32,98,114,111,107,101,110,33]]]"
2018/11/06,  0:52:47 Client: Remote object 5:16 not found
2018/11/06,  0:52:47 Client: Remote object 5:22 not found
2018/11/06,  0:52:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.8453. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 20 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.8453."
2018/11/06,  0:53:08 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Pankerton(76561198146796842)"
2018/11/06,  0:53:09 "INFO - Player: PID#5(Pankerton)(UID:76561198146796842/CID:5686) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/06,  0:53:10 Server: Object 5:52 not found (message 94)
2018/11/06,  0:53:10 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Pankerton with UID 76561198146796842 from server ..."
2018/11/06,  0:53:10 Server: Object 5:53 not found (message 98)
2018/11/06,  0:53:10 Server: Object 5:54 not found (message 91)
2018/11/06,  0:53:10 Server: Object 5:55 not found (message 98)
2018/11/06,  0:53:10 Server: Object 5:56 not found (message 91)
2018/11/06,  0:53:10 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Pankerton with UID 76561198146796842 from server ..."
2018/11/06,  0:53:10 "INFO - Player: PID#5(Pankerton)(UID:76561198146796842/CID:5686) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location лесопилка [125057]"
2018/11/06,  0:53:12 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 2, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:53:13 "INFO - Player: Pankerton(UID:76561198146796842/CID:5686) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/06,  0:53:25 "#LOGIN#: Player Pankerton with ID 76561198146796842 connected!"
2018/11/06,  0:53:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/06,  0:54:09 "#FPSFixer: Player Pankerton with ID 76561198146796842 FPS: 21 in coords: [12778.6,9565.92,0.00143862] ..."
2018/11/06,  0:54:12 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 36.8664, players: 2, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:54:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 28 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 54 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/06,  0:55:12 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 2, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:55:50 Server: Object 3:674 not found (message 70)
2018/11/06,  0:55:50 Server: Object 3:673 not found (message 70)
2018/11/06,  0:55:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 1 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 11 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/06,  0:56:13 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 2, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:56:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/06,  0:57:13 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 2, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:57:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/06,  0:58:13 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 2, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:58:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/06,  0:59:13 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 2, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  0:59:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06,  1:00:14 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 2, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  1:00:23 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 2, FPS 46.7836, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 21, Max Nearby Zeds 24, Max Global Zeds 480, Zeds Dmg x10, Max Heli Crashes 15, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x3, MaxModels 85, MaxWeapHolders 85."
2018/11/06,  1:00:23 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 5, West Units (Players): 2, East Units (AI): 3, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 24, SERVER FPS: 46.7836 ..."
2018/11/06,  1:00:33 MuzzleFlashROT - unknown animation source ammoRandom
2018/11/06,  1:00:47 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Locked Vehicle destroyed @031074 - GAZ_Vodnik_DZE, worldspace [24.938,[3170.52,7922.49,0.000701904]], CharId 8594, objID 16670, objUID 0, nearby ["Hp (76561198033885782)"]"
2018/11/06,  1:00:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/06,  1:01:14 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 2, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  1:01:19 "Pankerton (76561198146796842) FAILED unlocking CinderWallDoorLocked_DZ with code: EYESCAN (actual: 958) @080065 [8079.49,8804.77,1.813]"
2018/11/06,  1:01:23 "Pankerton (76561198146796842) FAILED unlocking CinderWallDoorLocked_DZ with code:  (actual: 958) @080065 [8079.49,8804.77,1.813]"
2018/11/06,  1:01:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/06,  1:02:08 "Hp (76561198033885782) LOCKED CinderWallDoorLocked_DZ with code: 178 @031074 [3163.81,7943.86,0.011]"
2018/11/06,  1:02:14 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 2, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  1:02:16 "Hp (76561198033885782) UNLOCKED CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ with code: EYESCAN @031074 [3146.34,7931.51,0.0002136]"
2018/11/06,  1:02:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/06,  1:03:15 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 2, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  1:03:17 "Hp (76561198033885782) LOCKED CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ with code: 271 @031074 [3146.34,7931.51,0.0002136]"
2018/11/06,  1:03:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.1976. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 21 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 76 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.1976."
2018/11/06,  1:04:15 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.8453, players: 2, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  1:04:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/06,  1:05:15 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 2, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  1:05:25 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Hp(76561198033885782)"
2018/11/06,  1:05:25 "INFO - Player: Hp(UID:76561198033885782/CID:5674) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location Пустошка [031074]"
2018/11/06,  1:05:25 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: Hp with uid 76561198033885782 disconnected ..."
2018/11/06,  1:05:25 Client: Remote object 3:22 not found
2018/11/06,  1:05:27 Warning: Cleanup player - person 3:21 not found
2018/11/06,  1:05:56 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Pankerton with ID 76561198146796842 try withdraw from bank 200000 ... now Pankerton has COINS:204830, BANK:0 "
2018/11/06,  1:05:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/06,  1:06:10 "Trader Menu: Pankerton (76561198146796842) purchased 8x PipeBomb into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 200,000 Рублей"
2018/11/06,  1:06:15 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  1:06:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 1 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 7 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06,  1:07:16 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  1:07:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.8453. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.8453."
2018/11/06,  1:08:16 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  1:08:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/06,  1:09:16 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  1:09:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06,  1:10:17 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  1:10:27 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 1, FPS 45.8453, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 21, Max Nearby Zeds 24, Max Global Zeds 480, Zeds Dmg x10, Max Heli Crashes 15, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x3, MaxModels 85, MaxWeapHolders 85."
2018/11/06,  1:10:27 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 4, West Units (Players): 1, East Units (AI): 3, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 0, SERVER FPS: 45.8453 ..."
2018/11/06,  1:10:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/06,  1:11:17 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  1:11:19 "#FPSFixer: Player Pankerton with ID 76561198146796842 FPS: 19 in coords: [8230.33,7284.97,0.0840759] ..."
2018/11/06,  1:11:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/06,  1:12:17 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  1:12:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06,  1:13:18 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  1:13:30 Server: Object 5:387 not found (message 99)
2018/11/06,  1:13:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 7 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06,  1:14:07 Server: Object 5:430 not found (message 70)
2018/11/06,  1:14:07 "DELETE: Player PID#5(Pankerton)(76561198146796842) deleted object with ID: 16985"
2018/11/06,  1:14:07 "Trader Menu: Pankerton (76561198146796842) sold 1x Lada2 from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 100 Рублей"
2018/11/06,  1:14:18 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  1:14:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06,  1:15:03 Server: Object 5:460 not found (message 94)
2018/11/06,  1:15:03 "Trader Menu: Pankerton (76561198146796842) sold 1x Attachment_BELT from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 50 Рублей"
2018/11/06,  1:15:03 "Trader Menu: Pankerton (76561198146796842) sold 1x Mosin_DZ from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 200 Рублей"
2018/11/06,  1:15:03 "Trader Menu: Pankerton (76561198146796842) sold 1x M1911_DZ from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 10 Рублей"
2018/11/06,  1:15:09 Server: Object 5:461 not found (message 70)
2018/11/06,  1:15:09 "Trader Menu: Pankerton (76561198146796842) sold 1x M14_DZ from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,000 Рублей"
2018/11/06,  1:15:17 Server: Object 5:463 not found (message 70)
2018/11/06,  1:15:17 "Trader Menu: Pankerton (76561198146796842) sold 2x 20Rnd_762x51_DMR from backpack at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 600 Рублей"
2018/11/06,  1:15:18 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  1:15:20 Server: Object 5:464 not found (message 70)
2018/11/06,  1:15:20 "Trader Menu: Pankerton (76561198146796842) sold 1x 5Rnd_762x54_Mosin from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 50 Рублей"
2018/11/06,  1:15:20 "Trader Menu: Pankerton (76561198146796842) sold 1x 15Rnd_9x19_M9 from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 15 Рублей"
2018/11/06,  1:15:20 "Trader Menu: Pankerton (76561198146796842) sold 2x 7Rnd_45ACP_1911 from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 10 Рублей"
2018/11/06,  1:15:50 "Trader Menu: Pankerton (76561198146796842) sold 1x SmokeShell from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 10 Рублей"
2018/11/06,  1:15:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/06,  1:16:16 "Trader Menu: Pankerton (76561198146796842) sold 1x DZ_ALICE_Pack_EP1 from gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 30 Рублей"
2018/11/06,  1:16:18 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.0588, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  1:16:23 "Trader Menu: Pankerton (76561198146796842) purchased 1x DZ_CivilBackpack_EP1 into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 800 Рублей"
2018/11/06,  1:16:51 Server: Object 5:526 not found (message 70)
2018/11/06,  1:16:51 "**** server_verifySender **** [[3,[6292.99,7806.43,0.000152588]],"MTVR",false,"ItemKeyRed963",B 1-1-C:1 (Pankerton) REMOTE,"Hjx4e$TI6CA9m"] * PublishVehicle2 * [6292.99,7806.43,0.000152588] * Hjx4e$TI6CA9m * 76561198146796842 * B 1-1-C:1 (Pankerton) REMOTE ****"
2018/11/06,  1:16:51 "PUBLISH: PID#5(Pankerton)(76561198146796842) bought MTVR with UID 10890378064597 @Старый Собор [062075]"
2018/11/06,  1:16:51 "Trader Menu: Pankerton (76561198146796842) purchased 1x MTVR into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 4,000 Рублей"
2018/11/06,  1:16:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06,  1:17:05 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: MTVR (objid: 16987) UNLOCKED @062075 [6292.97,7806.41,0.000427246]"
2018/11/06,  1:17:19 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  1:17:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 17 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/06,  1:18:19 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  1:18:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06,  1:19:19 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  1:19:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06,  1:20:20 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  1:20:31 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 1, FPS 46.5116, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 21, Max Nearby Zeds 24, Max Global Zeds 480, Zeds Dmg x10, Max Heli Crashes 15, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x3, MaxModels 85, MaxWeapHolders 85."
2018/11/06,  1:20:31 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 4, West Units (Players): 1, East Units (AI): 3, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 0, SERVER FPS: 46.5116 ..."
2018/11/06,  1:20:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06,  1:21:20 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  1:21:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/06,  1:22:20 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  1:22:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06,  1:23:21 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  1:23:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06,  1:24:21 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  1:24:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/06,  1:25:20 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Sync date on clients to [2012,8,2,11,53]."
2018/11/06,  1:25:21 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  1:25:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06,  1:26:21 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  1:26:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/06,  1:27:10 "#FPSFixer: Player Pankerton with ID 76561198146796842 FPS: 23 in coords: [4662.85,9593.62,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/06,  1:27:22 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  1:27:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06,  1:28:22 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  1:28:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/06,  1:29:22 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  1:29:49 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: MTVR (objid: 16987) LOCKED @045057 ([4596,9650.46,0]) [4596,9650.46,0] BY Pankerton(76561198146796842)"
2018/11/06,  1:29:50 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: MTVR (objid: 16987) UNLOCKED @045057 ([4596,9650.46,0]) [4596,9650.46,0] BY Pankerton(76561198146796842)"
2018/11/06,  1:29:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 20 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 143 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06,  1:30:23 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  1:30:36 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 1, FPS 46.5116, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 21, Max Nearby Zeds 24, Max Global Zeds 480, Zeds Dmg x10, Max Heli Crashes 15, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x3, MaxModels 85, MaxWeapHolders 85."
2018/11/06,  1:30:36 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 4, West Units (Players): 1, East Units (AI): 3, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 9, SERVER FPS: 46.5116 ..."
2018/11/06,  1:30:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/06,  1:31:23 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  1:31:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/06,  1:32:23 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  1:32:58 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 7440BC19
Allocator: E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\dll\tbb4malloc_bi.dll
graphics:  No
resolution:  160x120x32
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_AddedMissingFlaresToChoppers in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_addedmissingflarestochoppers\
  CAMP_Armory_Misc in ca\mp_armory\misc\, CAWeapons_E_RPG18 in ca\weapons_e\rpg18\
  fal_trafficsigns in ca\fal_trafficsigns\
  CAStructures_E_HouseA_A_Office01 in ca\structures_e\housea\a_office01\
  CorePatch_CIT_24668 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_24668\
  CorePatch_CCP_62628 in CorePatch\corepatch_ccp_62628\
  CAStructures_E_Ind_IndPipes in ca\structures_e\ind\ind_pipes\
  Farm_WTower in ca\buildings2\farm_wtower\
  Ind_Vysypka in ca\buildings2\ind_cementworks\ind_vysypka\
  CAData_ParticleEffects in ca\data\particleeffects\, CARoads2Dam in ca\roads2\dam\
  CASounds_Missions in ca\soundmissions\, CASounds in ca\sounds\
  CorePatch_Dubbing_Fix in CorePatch\corepatch_dubbing\, CAAir_PMC in ca\air_pmc\
  CorePatch_CCP_68103 in CorePatch\corepatch_ccp_68103\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_EnabledTurnOutForTanks in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_enabledturnoutfortanks\
  CorePatch_CIT_27790 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_27790\
  MBG_Buildings_2 in mbg_buildings_2\
  CorePatch_CIT_24669 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_24669\
  CorePatch_CCP_69133 in CorePatch\corepatch_ccp_69133\
  CorePatch_CIT_24839 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_24839\
  CorePatch_CIT_62100 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_62100\, dayz_sfx in dayz_sfx\
  CAAir2_F35B in ca\air2\f35b\, CAAir2_Pchela1T in ca\air2\pchela1t\
  CAMusic in ca\music\, pond_test in ca\structures\pond\
  CAStructuresHouse_Church_05R in ca\structures\house\church_05r\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_RemovedVintorezLightFlashOnFiring in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_removedvintorezlightflashonfiring\
  dayz_equip in dayz_equip\, CorePatch_CIT_27791 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_27791\
  MBG_Buildings_3 in mbg_buildings_3\
  CorePatch_CIT_23501 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_23501\
  CAWheeled_E_M1030 in ca\wheeled_e\m1030\, Arma2_Ka52 in ca\air2\ka52\
  CAMisc_fix_Ch2 in ca\misc_fix\ch2\
  CA_Missions_GarbageCollector in ca\modules\garbage_collector\
  CA_Modules_Marta in ca\modules\marta\, CAFonts in ca\uifonts\
  CAWeapons_Saiga12K in ca\weapons\saiga12k\, CAWeapons_M1014 in ca\weapons\m1014\
  CAWheeled3_TT650 in ca\wheeled3\tt650\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_FixedFoldingChair in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_fixedfoldingchair\
  CAWeapons_PMC_XM8 in ca\weapons_pmc\xm8\, CAWeapons_E_PK in ca\weapons_e\pk\
  CorePatch_CIT_27792 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_27792\
  CA_Missions_BAF in ca\missions_baf\, CA_Dubbing_E in ca\dubbing_e\
  Takistan in ca\takistan\, Misc_PowerStation in ca\buildings2\misc_powerstation\
  CABuildings2 in ca\buildings2\
  CAStructures_IndPipe1_todo_delete in ca\buildings2\ind_pipeline\indpipe1\
  CA_HighCommand in ca\modules\hc\, CAWheeled2_BTR90 in ca\wheeled2\btr90\
  CAWheeled_W_BAF in ca\wheeled_w_baf\, pook_H13 in pook_h13\
  CorePatch_CIT_27793 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_27793\
  CAWeapons_E_Colt1911 in ca\weapons_e\colt1911\
  CAWeapons_E_KORD in ca\weapons_e\kord\, CAWheeled_E_HMMWV in ca\wheeled_e\hmmwv\
  CA_Dubbing_Counterattack in ca\dubbing\counterattack\, CA_Editor in ca\editor\
  CARoads2Bridge in ca\roads2\bridge\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_AI_MadeAINotEngageVodnikWithRifles in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\ai_madeainotengagevodnikwithrifles\
  CAStructures_E_Wall in ca\structures_e\wall\
  CorePatch_CIT_14421 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_14421\
  CAStructures_E_HouseA_A_Minaret in ca\structures_e\housea\a_minaret\
  CAStructures_E_Misc_Misc_Water in ca\structures_e\misc\misc_water\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_AI_DisabledATLauncherUseAgainstInfantry in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\ai_disabledatlauncheruseagainstinfantry\
  CorePatch_CIT_27794 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_27794\, CorePatch in CorePatch\
  CAWeapons_PMC in ca\weapons_pmc\, CA_Modules_PMC in ca\modules_pmc\
  CorePatch_CIT_19347 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_19347\
  CAStructures_E_HouseA_a_stationhouse in ca\structures_e\housea\a_stationhouse\
  CAWheeled_E_SUV in ca\wheeled_e\suv\, CAWheeled_E_V3S in ca\wheeled_e\v3s\
  CATracked in ca\tracked\, CALanguage_missions in ca\languagemissions\
  CATracked_E_us_m270mlrs in ca\tracked_e\us_m270mlrs\
  CALanguage_missions_e in ca\languagemissions_e\
  CorePatch_CCP_69138 in CorePatch\corepatch_ccp_69138\
  CACharacters_E_Head in ca\characters_e\heads\, CAAir2_C130J in ca\air2\c130j\
  CAStructures_Nav_pier in ca\structures\nav_pier\
  CAWeapons_ZU23 in ca\weapons\zu23\, CATracked_E in ca\tracked_e\
  CA_MPA_Scenarios in ca\mp_armory\armory_mp_scenarios\
  Warfare2_E in ca\warfare2_e\
  CorePatch_CIT_11696 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_11696\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Editor_AdditionalGroups in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\editor_additionalgroups\
  CA_PMC in ca\ca_pmc\
  Ind_MalyKomin in ca\buildings2\ind_cementworks\ind_malykomin\
  CAStructuresLand_Nav_Boathouse in ca\structures\nav_boathouse\
  CAWeapons in ca\weapons\, CA_Dubbing_PMC in ca\dubbing_pmc\
  ASC_EU_Lights in asc\asc_eu_lights\
  CorePatch_CIT_71737 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_71737\
  CorePatch_CIT_26237 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_26237\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_FixedMissileSmoke in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_fixedmissilesmoke\
  CorePatch_CIT_70197 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_70197\
  CAWheeled_E in ca\wheeled_e\, CA_Anims_Wmn in ca\anims\characters\config\wmn\
  A_Crane_02 in ca\buildings2\a_crane_02\
  CAStructures_IndPipe1 in ca\structures\ind_pipeline\indpipe1\
  CAStructuresInd_Quarry in ca\structures\ind_quarry\
  CAWeapons_AK in ca\weapons\ak\
  CAWeapons2_HuntingRifle in ca\weapons2\huntingrifle\
  CAVideo2_PMC in ca\video2_pmc\, CA_E in ca\ca_e\
  CA_Missions_E_SecOps in ca\missions_e\som\, USEC_LHA in usec_lha\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Visual_FixedPickupAndOffroadDriverHUD in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\visual_fixedpickupandoffroaddriverhud\
  CAWeapons_E_Igla in ca\weapons_e\igla\, CA_Animals_E in ca\animals_e\
  CATracked_E_M1_Abrams in ca\tracked_e\m1_abrams\, Warfare2 in ca\warfare2\
  CorePatch_CIT_5342 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_5342\
  CorePatch_GAU22 in CorePatch\corepatch_gau22\
  CABuildingParts_Signs in ca\buildings2\buildingparts\signs\
  CAMisc_fix_air in ca\misc_fix\air\, CAMisc_fix_A2FREE in ca\misc_fix\a2free\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_AI_MadeAINotEngageSCUDWithRifles in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\ai_madeainotengagescudwithrifles\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_AddedMissingSmokeLaunchersToHQVehicles in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_addedmissingsmokelauncherstohqvehicles\
  CACharacters_BAF_Head in ca\characters_d_baf\heads\, CARocks_E in ca\rocks_e\
  CAStructures_PMC_FuelStation in ca\structures_pmc\ind\fuelstation\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_ReducedGrenadeDeflection in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_reducedgrenadedeflection\
  dayz_code in z\addons\dayz_code\, CorePatch2 in corepatch2\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_AddedMissingSmokeLaunchersToVodnikBPPU in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_addedmissingsmokelauncherstovodnikbppu\
  CAAir_E in ca\air_e\, CorePatch_CIT_24913 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_24913\
  CATracked_E_ZSU in ca\tracked_e\zsu\, CA_Dubbing_Baf in ca\dubbing_baf\
  CorePatch_CIT_5343 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_5343\
  CATracked_E_T34 in ca\tracked_e\t34\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Sound_FixedMH60SDammageSound in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\sound_fixedmh60sdammagesound\
  CAWeapons_E_TOW in ca\weapons_e\tow\, CAAnimals in ca\animals\
  CAStructuresHouse in ca\structures\house\, CAWater2_Fregata in ca\water2\fregata\
  CAWater2 in ca\water2\, CAWeapons_E_ZU23 in ca\weapons_e\zu23\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_FixedTooHighGetOutTrucks in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_fixedtoohighgetouttrucks\
  CorePatch_CIT_39474 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_39474\
  CorePatch_UI in CorePatch\corepatch_ui\, CorePatch_Mi8 in CorePatch\corepatch_mi8\
  CorePatch_UralTransportMagazines in CorePatch\corepatch_uraltransportmagazines\
  CAWeapons_E_M252_81mm_Mortar in ca\weapons_e\m252_81mm_mortar\
  CAWeapons_PMC_AS50 in ca\weapons_pmc\as50\
  CorePatch_CCP_68351 in CorePatch\corepatch_ccp_68351\
  CAWeapons_E_FIM92_static in ca\weapons_e\fim92_static\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Editor_AddedLargeWeaponVariants in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\editor_addedlargeweaponvariants\
  CAStructures_Rail in ca\structures\rail\, CA_L39 in ca\l39\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_Gameplay_AddedSteppedOpticsToMi24 in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_addedsteppedopticstomi24\
  CAWeapons_E_AK in ca\weapons_e\ak\, GLT_BH_Wreck in glt_bh_wreck\
  CorePatch_CCP_66995 in CorePatch\corepatch_ccp_66995\
  CAStructures_E_Ind_Ind_Shed in ca\structures_e\ind\ind_shed\
  CorePatch_Weapons in CorePatch\corepatch_weapons\
  CorePatch_CIT_71262 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_71262\
  CAWeapons_E_M9 in ca\weapons_e\m9_beretta\, CAWheeled_E_LADA in ca\wheeled_e\lada\
  CAAir2_MV22 in ca\air2\mv22\
  CAStructuresHouse_HouseV2 in ca\structures\house\housev2\
  Warfare2Vehicles in ca\warfare2vehicles\, CAWater2_seafox in ca\water2\seafox\
  CAWheeled2_LADA in ca\wheeled2\lada\, MAP_EU in map_eu\
  CATracked_W_BAF in ca\tracked_w_baf\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_LWTSCameraForTUSKLoader in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_lwtscamerafortuskloader\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_AI_ImprovedAIDispersionCoefForCoaxMGs in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\ai_improvedaidispersioncoefforcoaxmgs\
  CAWeapons_E_Javelin in ca\weapons_e\javelin\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_CorrectedInfantryMovementSpeed in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_correctedinfantrymovementspeed\
  CAMP_Armory_Misc_Entrance_Gate in ca\mp_armory\misc\entrance_gate\
  CorePatch_CIT_40393 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_40393\
  CA_Modules_Alice2 in ca\modules_e\alice2\
  CorePatch_CIT_24780 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_24780\, sauerland in ca\sauerland\
  CAAir_E_UH1H_EP1 in ca\air_e\uh1h\
  CAWheeled_E_Pickup in ca\wheeled_e\datsun_armed\
  CA_Animals2_Rabbit in ca\animals2\rabbit\
  CA_Missions_FirstAidSystem in ca\modules\fa\, CA_Modules_Coin in ca\modules\coin\
  CAStructures_Nav in ca\structures\nav\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Editor_MadeAllBackpacksAvailableEmpty in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\editor_madeallbackpacksavailableempty\
  CAStructures_E_Misc_Misc_Interier in ca\structures_e\misc\misc_interier\
  CAStructures_PMC_Misc in ca\structures_pmc\misc\
  CorePatch_CIT_24764 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_24764\
  CorePatch_CIT_22551 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_22551\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_GetInOutAnimationsforM1A2Loader in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_getinoutanimationsform1a2loader\
  CATracked_E_T55 in ca\tracked_e\t55\, CATracked_E_T72 in ca\tracked_e\t72\
  CABuildings in ca\buildings\, Shed_small in ca\buildings2\shed_small\
  Ind_Pec in ca\buildings2\ind_cementworks\ind_pec\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Editor_NoBlackAreaOutsideMap in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\editor_noblackareaoutsidemap\
  CorePatch_CIT_23378 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_23378\
  CAStructures_E_Misc_Misc_Garbage in ca\structures_e\misc\misc_garbage\
  CAPlants in ca\plants\
  CAMP_Armory_Misc_Sign_Armex in ca\mp_armory\misc\sign_armex\
  fal_tierpark in ca\fal_tierpark\
  CAStructures_PMC_Buildings_Ruin_Cowshed in ca\structures_pmc\buildings\ruins\farm_cowshed\
  CAAir_E_UH60M in ca\air_e\uh60m\, CA_Modules_E_Jukebox in ca\modules_e\jukebox\
  CA_Anims_E_Wmn in ca\anims_e\config\wmn\
  CorePatch_CIT_71282 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_71282\
  CAWheeled_E_UAZ in ca\wheeled_e\uaz\
  CAWheeled_E_Old_bike in ca\wheeled_e\old_bike\
  CAWeapons_VSS_vintorez in ca\weapons\vss_vintorez\
  CorePatch_CCP_70799 in CorePatch\corepatch_ccp_70799\
  CAWeapons_E_G36 in ca\weapons_e\g36\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_CorrectedMetisViewModes in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_correctedmetisviewmodes\
  CorePatch_CCP_70490 in CorePatch\corepatch_ccp_70490\
  CorePatch_CIT_24693_24694 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_24693_24694\
  CorePatch_CIT_14483 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_14483\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_AI_ImprovedT90ATMissileUse in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\ai_improvedt90atmissileuse\
  CA_Modules_Silvie in ca\modules\silvie\
  CAStructuresLand_A_MunicipalOffice in ca\structures\a_municipaloffice\
  CAStructuresHouse_HouseBT in ca\structures\house\housebt\
  CAStructures_Castle in ca\structures\castle\, CAWeapons2_SMAW in ca\weapons2\smaw\
  CAWeapons2 in ca\weapons2\
  CAMP_Armory_Misc_Plasticpole in ca\mp_armory\misc\plasticpole\
  CATracked_E_BMP2 in ca\tracked_e\bmp\
  CorePatch_CCP_71144 in CorePatch\corepatch_ccp_71144\
  CA_E_ParticleEffects in ca\ca_e\data\particleeffects\
  CA_Sounds_Baf in ca\sounds_baf\, Anzio_20 in z\addons\anzio\
  dayz_buildings in z\addons\dayz_buildings\
  CAWeapons_E_Stinger in ca\weapons_e\stinger\
  CA_Animals2_WildBoar in ca\animals2\wildboar\
  CAWheeled3_M1030 in ca\wheeled3\m1030\, CA_Missions_PMC in ca\missions_pmc\
  CSJ_GyroAC in csj_gyroac\, KPFSWaySigns in kpfs_waysigns\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Editor_SetMissingMusicTrackDuration in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\editor_setmissingmusictrackduration\
  CAStructures_E_Ind_Ind_FuelStation in ca\structures_e\ind\ind_fuelstation\
  CAWeapons_PMC_AA_12 in ca\weapons_pmc\aa_12\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_FixedPickupGunnerOpticsView in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_fixedpickupgunneropticsview\
  CAweapons_E_m107 in ca\weapons_e\m107\, HALO_Test in ca\air2\halo\
  CA_Anims in ca\anims\, Ind_Mlyn in ca\buildings2\ind_cementworks\ind_mlyn\
  CAWheeled2_M1114_Armored in ca\wheeled2\hmmwv\m1114_armored\
  community_crossbow in z\addons\community_crossbow\
  CorePatch_NoPierDestruction in CorePatch\corepatch_nopierdestruction\
  CAStructures_E_Ind_Ind_Garage01 in ca\structures_e\ind\ind_garage01\
  CorePatch_CCP_68220 in CorePatch\corepatch_ccp_68220\
  CorePatch_CCP_67380 in CorePatch\corepatch_ccp_67380\, CASigns_E in ca\signs_e\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Editor_AddedInvisibleZoneProtection in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\editor_addedinvisiblezoneprotection\
  CAWeapons_E_D30 in ca\weapons_e\d30\, CA_Animals2_Dogs in ca\animals2\dogs\
  CAData in ca\, CA_Modules_ZoRA in ca\modules\zora\
  CATracked2_2S6M_Tunguska in ca\tracked2\2s6m_tunguska\, Utes in ca\utes\
  CAWater in ca\water\, CAWeapons_M252_81mm_Mortar in ca\weapons\m252_81mm_mortar\
  CAWheeled in ca\wheeled\, CAWheeled2_GAZ39371 in ca\wheeled2\gaz39371\
  CA_AIR_E_Su25 in ca\air_e\su25\, CorePatch_FIS_Fix in CorePatch\corepatch_fis\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Sound_FixedAliceEmptydoor in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\sound_fixedaliceemptydoor\
  CorePatch_CIT_13131 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_13131\
  CAWeapons_E_GrenadeLauncher in ca\weapons_e\grenadelauncher\
  CorePatch_CIT_24957 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_24957\
  CAStructuresHouse_a_stationhouse in ca\structures\house\a_stationhouse\
  CATracked2_AAV in ca\tracked2\aav\
  CAWeapons_E_LeeEnfield in ca\weapons_e\leeenfield\
  CAAir_E_AH64D in ca\air_e\ah64\
  CorePatch_CCP_66695 in CorePatch\corepatch_ccp_66695\
  CorePatch_CIT_14162 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_14162\
  CA_SoundsMissions_E in ca\soundmissions_e\
  CorePatch_Vehicles in CorePatch\corepatch_vehicles\
  CorePatch_CCP_67535 in CorePatch\corepatch_ccp_67535\
  CorePatch_CCP_67705 in CorePatch\corepatch_ccp_67705\
  CAStructures_E_HouseA_A_CityGate1 in ca\structures_e\housea\a_citygate1\
  CA_Animals2_Dogs_Pastor in ca\animals2\dogs\pastor\
  CA_Anims_Sdr in ca\anims\characters\config\sdr\
  Ind_Tank in ca\buildings2\ind_tank\
  CAWeapons_Metis_AT_13 in ca\weapons\metis_at_13\
  CAWeapons2_RPG18 in ca\weapons2\rpg18\, CAWheeled2_VWGolf in ca\wheeled2\vwgolf\
  CorePatch_CIT_27550 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_27550\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_AI_FixedSidewinderLaucherRangeProbabilities in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\ai_fixedsidewinderlaucherrangeprobabilities\
  CACharacters_BAF in ca\characters_d_baf\, CAWheeled_D_BAF in ca\wheeled_d_baf\
  CAStructures_PMC_Buildings_GeneralStore_PMC in ca\structures_pmc\buildings\generalstore\
  CAStructures_PMC_Misc_Shed in ca\structures_pmc\misc\shed\
  CorePatch_CIT_23450 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_23450\
  CorePatch_CCP_67740 in CorePatch\corepatch_ccp_67740\
  HouseRuins in ca\buildings2\houseruins\
  CA_Missions_BAF_Templates_SecOps in ca\missions_baf\templates\secopsbaf.west\
  dayz_communityassets in z\addons\dayz_communityassets\
  CorePatch_CCP_67741 in CorePatch\corepatch_ccp_67741\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_FixedAT1Model in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_fixedat1model\
  CATracked_E_M2A2_Bradley in ca\tracked_e\m2a2_bradley\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_FasterStepOver in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_fasterstepover\
  CorePatch_CIT_24651 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_24651\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_AI_ImprovedTunguskaAAMissileUse in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\ai_improvedtunguskaaamissileuse\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_FixedTransportCapabilitiesShipsAndBoats in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_fixedtransportcapabilitiesshipsandboats\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_AddedThermalViewToA2AirVehicles in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_addedthermalviewtoa2airvehicles\
  CorePatch_CIT_23451 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_23451\
  CorePatch_CIT_27347 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_27347\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Editor_MadeOldTractorAvailable in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\editor_madeoldtractoravailable\
  CA_Modules_E_Weather in ca\modules_e\weather\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_WorkingFreelookWhenTurnedOut in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_workingfreelookwhenturnedout\
  Barn_Metal in ca\buildings2\barn_metal\
  CAStructuresHouse_HouseV in ca\structures\house\housev\
  CAWheeled_PMC in ca\wheeled_pmc\
  CorePatch_CIT_19295 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_19295\
  CA_Modules_E_OO in ca\modules_e\oo\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_EnabledAlwaysLockingForCRV7_PG in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_enabledalwayslockingforcrv7_pg\
  st_collision in st_collision\
  CorePatch_CIT_43148 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_43148\
  CAWeapons_E_RPG7 in ca\weapons_e\rpg7\
  aif_arma1buildings in aif_napfobjects\aif_arma1buildings\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Visual_FixedPylonPositionsAH64 in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\visual_fixedpylonpositionsah64\
  zargabad in ca\zargabad\, CA_Dubbing in ca\dubbing\
  CAStructuresHouse_Shed_Ind in ca\structures\shed_ind\
  gdtmod_grass in gdtmod_grass\
  CorePatch_CIT_66136 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_66136\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_CorrectedDriverViewInBTR60 in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_correcteddriverviewinbtr60\
  CA_Missions2_PMC in ca\missions2_pmc\
  CAWeapons_E_Mk19_MiniTriPod in ca\weapons_e\mk19_minitripod\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_AddedShortLockDelayForNLAW in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_addedshortlockdelayfornlaw\
  CA_Missions_SecOps in ca\missions\som\, CAWeapons_Kord in ca\weapons\kord\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Editor_AdditionalMarkerColors in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\editor_additionalmarkercolors\
  CorePatch_AntiProne in CorePatch\corepatch_antiprone\
  CorePatch_Everything in CorePatch\corepatch_everything\
  CA_DubbingRadio_PMC in ca\dubbingradio_pmc\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_ActualModelsOfWeaponMagazinesVisibleOnTheGround in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_actualmodelsofweaponmagazinesvisibleontheground\
  CAAir_E_AH6J in ca\air_e\ah6j\
  CorePatch_CIT_24671 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_24671\
  CAWeapons_E_Metis in ca\weapons_e\metis_at_13\
  CorePatch_CIT_24841 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_24841\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Stringtable_FixedNLAWRangeDescription in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\stringtable_fixednlawrangedescription\
  CAWheeled_E_ATV in ca\wheeled_e\atv\, CA_Anims_Char in ca\anims\characters\config\
  CASounds_E in ca\sounds_e\, Napf in momo\napf\, CAAir_E_Halo in ca\air_e\halo\
  CA_MPA_MP in ca\mp_armory\armory_mp\
  CorePatch_CIT_24672 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_24672\
  CorePatch_CIT_24842 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_24842\, CAA10 in ca\a10\
  CA_Animals2_Chicken in ca\animals2\birds\chicken\
  Ind_Dopravnik in ca\buildings2\ind_cementworks\ind_dopravnik\
  CA_Heads in ca\characters\heads\, BI_SRRS in ca\modules\srrs\
  CA_Missions_AlternativeInjurySimulation in ca\modules\ais\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_RemovedTargetsDisplayFromA10AndAV8B in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_removedtargetsdisplayfroma10andav8b\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Settings_EnabledAutoGuideATForAllDifficultyLevels in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\settings_enabledautoguideatforalldifficultylevels\
  CorePatch_CIT_22990 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_22990\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Visual_FixedUnitTypeIconsBasedOnWeaponry in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\visual_fixedunittypeiconsbasedonweaponry\
  CAWheeled_PMC_ArmoredSUV in ca\wheeled_pmc\armoredsuv\
  CA_Anims_E_Sdr in ca\anims_e\config\sdr\
  Ind_Workshop01 in ca\buildings2\ind_workshop01\
  CorePatch_CIT_13857 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_13857\
  CorePatch_CCP_67747 in CorePatch\corepatch_ccp_67747\
  CAStructures_E_Ind_Ind_Coltan_Mine in ca\structures_e\ind\ind_coltan_mine\
  CAAir_PMC_KA137 in ca\air_pmc\ka137\
  CALanguageMissions_baf in ca\languagemissions_baf\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_AI_MadeAIUseCTWSVsInfantry in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\ai_madeaiusectwsvsinfantry\
  CAAir_E_CH_47F in ca\air_e\ch47\
  CorePatch_CIT_24657 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_24657\
  CAWeapons_E_AmmoBoxes in ca\weapons_e\ammoboxes\, CA_Missions_E in ca\missions_e\
  CA_CruiseMissile in ca\air2\cruisemissile\, CA_Animals2_Goat in ca\animals2\goat\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_AddedMFDForAH1Z in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_addedmfdforah1z\
  CorePatch_CIT_67715 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_67715\
  CorePatch_NoDestructionDamageToSomeBuildings in CorePatch\corepatch_nodestructiondamagetosomebuildings\
  CorePatch_CIT_14888 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_14888\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_MadeBicycleNotLockable in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_madebicyclenotlockable\
  CAWeapons_E_AGS in ca\weapons_e\ags30\, CAWeapons_E_MAAWS in ca\weapons_e\maaws\
  CATracked2_BMP3 in ca\tracked2\bmp3\, CAweapons_ksvk in ca\weapons\ksvk\
  CAWheeled2 in ca\wheeled2\, CorePatch_CIT_11850 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_11850\
  CorePatch_CCP_67406 in CorePatch\corepatch_ccp_67406\
  CAStructures_PMC in ca\structures_pmc\
  CorePatch_CIT_24659 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_24659\
  CorePatch_AdditionalObjects in CorePatch\corepatch_additionalobjects\
  CorePatch_CIT_13602_25047 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_13602_25047\
  CA_HC_Sounds in ca\missions\data\sounds\, CAWheeled3 in ca\wheeled3\
  CorePatch_CIT_7147 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_7147\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_MadeM1A2TUSKLoaderAbleToTurnIn in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_madem1a2tuskloaderabletoturnin\
  CorePatch_CCP_71037 in CorePatch\corepatch_ccp_71037\
  CAWeapons_E_scar in ca\weapons_e\scar\, CAWeapons_E_M47 in ca\weapons_e\m47\
  CA_Modules_PMC_SimpleFIrstAid in ca\modules_pmc\simplefirstaid\
  CAMisc_E_WF in ca\misc_e\wf\
  CorePatch_GC_Fix in CorePatch\corepatch_compatibility\
  CAStructures_PMC_Ind in ca\structures_pmc\ind\, CAMisc_E in ca\misc_e\
  CAWheeled_E_s1203 in ca\wheeled_e\s1203\, CAAir2 in ca\air2\
  CABuildings2_Misc_Cargo in ca\buildings2\misc_cargo\
  missions_ew in ca\missions_ew\
  CAStructuresHouse_A_FuelStation in ca\structures\house\a_fuelstation\
  CAStructures_A_CraneCon in ca\structures\a_cranecon\
  CAStructures_E_Misc_Misc_Lamp in ca\structures_e\misc\misc_lamp\
  CorePatch_M113_PMC in CorePatch\corepatch_m113_pmc\
  CAWeapons_E_DSHKM in ca\weapons_e\dshkm\
  CorePatch_CIT_72718 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_72718\
  Shapur_BAF in ca\shapur_baf\, GLT_BH_Wreck_burned in glt_bh_wreck_burned\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Visual_AdditionalBombMagazines in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\visual_additionalbombmagazines\
  CAAir3 in ca\air3\, A_statue in ca\buildings2\a_statue\
  Farm_Cowshed in ca\buildings2\farm_cowshed\, CA_Modules_UAV in ca\modules\uav\
  CorePatch_CCP_70400 in CorePatch\corepatch_ccp_70400\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_DisabledSPG9Locking in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_disabledspg9locking\
  CA_Modules_E_Functions in ca\modules_e\functions\
  CAWeapons_E_fnfal in ca\weapons_e\fnfal\, CAWeapons_E_ksvk in ca\weapons_e\ksvk\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_ReducedAK74andRPKRecoil in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_reducedak74andrpkrecoil\
  CAAir_E_Mi24 in ca\air_e\mi35\, CAWheeled_E_Old_moto in ca\wheeled_e\old_moto\
  CA_Missions_Templates_SecOps in ca\missions\templates\secops.west\
  CARocks2 in ca\rocks2\, CAStructuresShed_Small in ca\structures\shed\shed_small\
  CAWater2_LHD in ca\water2\lhd\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_AI_MadeTankGunnersUseATAndHEAmmo_Muzzle in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\ai_madetankgunnersuseatandheammo\muzzle\
  CorePatch_CCP_68114 in CorePatch\corepatch_ccp_68114\
  CAStructures_E_Mil in ca\structures_e\mil\
  CorePatch_CIT_70371 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_70371\
  CAMP_Armory_Misc_Sign_Direction in ca\mp_armory\misc\sign_direction\
  CATracked_BAF in ca\tracked_d_baf\, CAWeapons_E_STATIC in ca\weapons_e\static\
  CAAir_PMC_KA60 in ca\air_pmc\ka60\, CAWeapons_E_Makarov in ca\weapons_e\makarov\
  CAWheeled2_V3S in ca\wheeled2\v3s\
  CA_Modules_PMC_Functions in ca\modules_pmc\functions\
  CorePatch_CIT_8198 in CorePatch\corepatch_compatibility\
  CorePatch_CIT_39785 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_39785\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_FasterHandGrenadeThrowWithPistol in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_fasterhandgrenadethrowwithpistol\
  CA_DubbingRadio_E in ca\dubbingradio_e\, CAMusic_E in ca\music_e\
  CAWheeled_E_Volha in ca\wheeled_e\volha\
  CAStructures_Proxy_Ruins in ca\structures\proxy_ruins\
  CAStructures_Ruins in ca\structures\ruins\
  CATracked2_us_m270mlrs in ca\tracked2\us_m270mlrs\
  CAWeapons_bizon in ca\weapons\bizon\
  CorePatch_CIT_23000 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_23000\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Visual_FixedMi17Mi8UnitTypeIcon in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\visual_fixedmi17mi8unittypeicon\
  CACharacters_PMC in ca\characters_pmc\
  CorePatch_CIT_39786 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_39786\
  CACharacters_W_BAF in ca\characters_w_baf\
  CorePatch_CIT_25026 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_25026\
  CAWheeled_E_stryker in ca\wheeled_e\stryker\
  Church_01 in ca\buildings2\church_01\, CAMisc_fix_Weap in ca\misc_fix\weap\
  CorePatch_CIT_24887 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_24887\
  CAWeapons_E_M240 in ca\weapons_e\m240\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Stringtable_FixedWeaponNames in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\stringtable_fixedweaponnames\
  dayz_vehicles in dayz_vehicles\, CA_AIR_E_MQ9PredatorB in ca\air_e\mq9predatorb\
  Desert_E in ca\desert_e\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_RealisticKa52GunMovementLimits in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_realisticka52gunmovementlimits\
  CorePatch_CCP_67651 in CorePatch\corepatch_ccp_67651\
  CAStructures_E_Misc in ca\structures_e\misc\, CA_Missions in ca\missions\
  CAStructures_Railway in ca\structures\rail\railway\
  CorePatch_CIT_23002 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_23002\
  CorePatch_CCP_67122 in CorePatch\corepatch_ccp_67122\, zero in zero\
  CorePatch_CIT_24902 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_24902\
  CorePatch_CIT_16115 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_16115\
  CorePatch_Zargabad_Intro_Fix in CorePatch\corepatch_zargabad_intro\
  dayz_epoch in z\addons\dayz_epoch\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_FixedEarthenRampartDestruction in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_fixedearthenrampartdestruction\
  CAWeapons_E_Podnos_2b14_82mm in ca\weapons_e\podnos_2b14_82mm\
  CALanguage_e in ca\language_e\
  CorePatch_CCP_67652 in CorePatch\corepatch_ccp_67652\
  CAAir2_MQ9PredatorB in ca\air2\mq9predatorb\
  Shed_wooden in ca\buildings2\shed_wooden\
  Ind_Expedice in ca\buildings2\ind_cementworks\ind_expedice\
  CA_Modules_DynO in ca\modules\dyno\, CA_Modules_Alice in ca\modules\alice\
  Ind_SawMill in ca\structures\ind_sawmill\, CAWheeled2_MMT in ca\wheeled2\mmt\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Sound_FixedCTWS in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\sound_fixedctws\
  CorePatch_CIT_23003 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_23003\
  CorePatch_CCP_67310 in CorePatch\corepatch_ccp_67310\
  CorePatch_CIT_38229 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_38229\
  CorePatch_CIT_2793 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_2793\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_FixedBizonLightFlashOnFiring in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_fixedbizonlightflashonfiring\
  CorePatch_CIT_25593 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_25593\
  CA_AIR2_Su25 in ca\air2\su25\, CA_Animals2_Dogs_Fin in ca\animals2\dogs\fin\
  CATEC in ca\buildings2\buildingparts\signs\tec\
  CALanguage_PMC in ca\language_pmc\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_FixedM242AmmoStats in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_fixedm242ammostats\
  CARoads in ca\roads\, CA_Missions_E_Armory2 in ca\missions_e\armory\
  CA_Support in ca\modules_e\ssm\, CABuildings2_A_Pub in ca\buildings2\a_pub\
  CAStructuresHouse_A_Office01 in ca\structures\house\a_office01\
  CorePatch_CIT_25048 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_25048\
  CAWeapons_E in ca\weapons_e\, CAStructures_PMC_Walls in ca\structures_pmc\walls\
  dayz_weapons in dayz_weapons\
  CAStructures_E_Misc_Misc_Market in ca\structures_e\misc\misc_market\
  CAStructures_E_HouseA in ca\structures_e\housea\, GNT_C185 in gnt_c185\
  CAMP_Armory_Misc_Info_Board in ca\mp_armory\misc\info_board\
  CAMusic_PMC in ca\music_pmc\, CA_Animals2_Cow in ca\animals2\cow\
  Ind_SiloVelke in ca\buildings2\ind_cementworks\ind_silovelke\
  CAStructuresHouse_A_Office02 in ca\structures\house\a_office02\
  GLT_M300T in glt_m300t\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Visual_ReducedMissileSmoke in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\visual_reducedmissilesmoke\
  CorePatch_Characters in CorePatch\corepatch_characters\
  CorePatch_CCP_69186 in CorePatch\corepatch_ccp_69186\
  CorePatch_CIT_30970 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_30970\
  CorePatch_CCP_67330 in CorePatch\corepatch_ccp_67330\
  CorePatch_CIT_24719 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_24719\
  CAStructures_PMC_Buildings in ca\structures_pmc\buildings\
  CALanguage_Baf in ca\language_baf\
  CA_MPA_Challenges in ca\mp_armory\armory_mp_challenges\
  CAWheeled_E_Ikarus in ca\wheeled_e\ikarus\
  Ind_Shed_01 in ca\buildings2\ind_shed_01\
  CABuildingParts in ca\buildings2\buildingparts\, CACharacters2 in ca\characters2\
  CARoads2 in ca\roads2\, CAWater2_fishing_boat in ca\water2\fishing_boat\
  RedRyder in z\addons\redryder\
  CorePatch_CCP_70991 in CorePatch\corepatch_ccp_70991\
  JetSkiYanahuiAddon in jetskiyanahui\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_MadePilotsControlUnguidedRockets in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_madepilotscontrolunguidedrockets\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_FixedSPG9ReloadSpeed in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_fixedspg9reloadspeed\
  CAStructures_E_HouseC in ca\structures_e\housec\
  CAWheeled_E_BTR40 in ca\wheeled_e\btr40\
  Ind_Shed_02 in ca\buildings2\ind_shed_02\, WarfareBuildings in ca\misc3\wf\
  CA_Missions_BattlefieldClearance in ca\modules\bc\
  CAWater2_smallboat_1 in ca\water2\small_boat\
  CAMP_Armory_Misc_Infostands in ca\mp_armory\misc\infostands\
  ProvingGrounds_PMC in ca\provinggrounds_pmc\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Visual_CTWSMuzzleFlashAtWrongPosition in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\visual_ctwsmuzzleflashatwrongposition\
  CAStructures_PMC_Ruins in ca\structures_pmc\ruins\
  CorePatch_CIT_24772 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_24772\
  CAWheeled_E_SCUD in ca\wheeled_e\scud\, CAAir2_UH1Y in ca\air2\uh1y\
  ind_silomale in ca\buildings2\ind_cementworks\ind_silomale\
  CA_Modules_clouds in ca\modules\clouds\
  CAMP_Armory_Misc_Red_Light in ca\mp_armory\misc\red_light\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_AI_MadeTankGunnersUseATAndHEAmmo in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\ai_madetankgunnersuseatandheammo\
  warehouse in warehouse\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Sound_FixedMissingEffectsNames in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\sound_fixedmissingeffectsnames\
  CA_Missions_BAF_2 in ca\missions_2_baf\, CA_Modules_ARTY in ca\modules\arty\
  CAStructures_A_BuildingWIP in ca\structures\a_buildingwip\
  CAWater2_Destroyer in ca\water2\destroyer\
  CAWater2_seafox_EP1 in ca\misc_e\seafox\
  CorePatch_Compatibility in CorePatch\corepatch_compatibility\
  CorePatch_CCP_67317 in CorePatch\corepatch_ccp_67317\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_AI_MadeAINotEngageBTR40WithRifles in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\ai_madeainotengagebtr40withrifles\
  CAWeapons_E_M110 in ca\weapons_e\m110\, CAWheeled_E_BTR60 in ca\wheeled_e\btr60\
  CAWheeled_E_MTVR in ca\wheeled_e\mtvr\, CA_Missions_Armory2 in ca\missions\armory\
  CAWheeled_Pickup in ca\wheeled\datsun_armed\, CAWheeled2_MTVR in ca\wheeled2\mtvr\
  CAWheeled2_Kamaz in ca\wheeled2\kamaz\
  CAStructures_E_HouseA_A_Villa in ca\structures_e\housea\a_villa\
  dayz_anim in dayz_anim\, CATracked_E_M113 in ca\tracked_e\m113\
  CAWeapons_E_M2StaticMG in ca\weapons_e\m2\, CAAir_E_An2 in ca\air_e\an2\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_AI_MadeAKS74UNKobraFullySilenced in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\ai_madeaks74unkobrafullysilenced\
  CA_Missions_AmbientCombat in ca\modules\ambient_combat\
  CA_Modules_Animals in ca\modules\animals\
  CAStructuresHouse_Church_02 in ca\structures\house\church_02\
  CATracked2 in ca\tracked2\, CAWeapons_SPG9 in ca\weapons\spg9\
  CAStructures_E_Ind_Misc_PowerStation in ca\structures_e\ind\ind_powerstation\
  CAStructures_E_Misc_Misc_powerline in ca\structures_e\misc\misc_powerline\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_FixedMissileSpeeds in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_fixedmissilespeeds\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_AddedThermalViewToA2GroundVehicles in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_addedthermalviewtoa2groundvehicles\
  CAAir_E_A10 in ca\air_e\a10\
  CAStructures_E_HouseA_A_Mosque_big in ca\structures_e\housea\a_mosque_big\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_RemovedAirlockOfVikhrMissile in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_removedairlockofvikhrmissile\
  CAAir_BAF in ca\air_d_baf\, CAWheeled_E_LandRover in ca\wheeled_e\lr\
  CA_Animals2_Sheep in ca\animals2\sheep\
  CAStructuresHouse_Church_03 in ca\structures\house\church_03\
  CACharacters_PMC_Head in ca\characters_pmc\heads\, usec_ch53 in usec_ch53\
  CAStructures_E_Misc_Misc_cables in ca\structures_e\misc\misc_cables\
  CA_MPA in ca\mp_armory\
  CAStructures_E_Misc_Misc_Well in ca\structures_e\misc\misc_well\
  CAWeapons_E_Strela in ca\weapons_e\strela\
  CAWheeled_E_TT650 in ca\wheeled_e\tt650\
  CA_Modules_StratLayer in ca\modules\strat_layer\
  CAStructuresHouse_A_Hospital in ca\structures\house\a_hospital\
  CAWheeled2_M998A2_Avenger in ca\wheeled2\hmmwv\m998a2_avenger\
  CACharacters_E in ca\characters_e\, ST_bunnyhop in st_bunnyhop\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_Gameplay_ChangedCountermeasuresAmmoToChaffForSu25 in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_changedcountermeasuresammotochaffforsu25\
  CAWeapons_E_M119_Howitzer in ca\weapons_e\m119_howitzer\
  CAStructures_E_HouseA_A_Minaret_Porto in ca\structures_e\housea\a_minaret_porto\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Sound_FixedCarNoiseSound in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\sound_fixedcarnoisesound\
  CA_Modules_E_DynO in ca\modules_e\dyno\
  CorePatch_CIT_39865 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_39865\
  CARoads_PMC_Bridge in ca\roads_pmc\bridge\
  CorePatch_CCP_67542 in CorePatch\corepatch_ccp_67542\, st_evasive in st_evasive\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_AI_MadeAIUseMGOfStrykerMGS in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\ai_madeaiusemgofstrykermgs\
  CorePatch_Armory_Fix in CorePatch\corepatch_armory\, CAAir in ca\air\
  CA_Modules in ca\modules\, CAStructuresLand_Ind_Stack_Big in ca\structures\ind\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_EnabledBackPackCarryAbilityForA2Infantry in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_enabledbackpackcarryabilityfora2infantry\
  CAStructures_E_HouseK in ca\structures_e\housek\, CA_Modules_E in ca\modules_e\
  CAMP_Armory_Misc_Loudspeakers in ca\mp_armory\misc\loudspeakers\
  CorePatch_Ammo in CorePatch\corepatch_ammo\
  CorePatch_CIT_70470 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_70470\
  CAWheeled_E_Offroad in ca\wheeled_e\hilux_armed\, CA_AH64D in ca\ah64\
  Ind_Garage01 in ca\buildings2\ind_garage01\, A_TVTower in ca\structures\a_tvtower\
  CAWheeled2_Ikarus in ca\wheeled2\ikarus\
  CAStructures_E_HouseL in ca\structures_e\housel\
  CA_MPA_Core in ca\mp_armory\armory_core\, CAWeapons_BAF in ca\weapons_baf\
  CorePatch_Magazines in CorePatch\corepatch_magazines\
  CorePatch_CCP_67544 in CorePatch\corepatch_ccp_67544\
  dayz_server in z\addons\dayz_server\, CAWeapons_E_SPG9 in ca\weapons_e\spg9\
  CAAir2_ChukarTarget in ca\air2\chukar\
  CA_Modules_Functions in ca\modules\functions\
  CAStructuresBarn_W in ca\structures\barn_w\
  CAWheeled2_HMMWV_Ambulance in ca\wheeled2\hmmwv\m997a2_ambulance\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Visual_FixedPylonPositionsMi24 in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\visual_fixedpylonpositionsmi24\
  CA_Modules_E_UAV_Heli in ca\modules_e\uav_heli\, dayz_epoch_b in dayz_epoch_b\
  CA_Modules_E_UAV in ca\modules_e\uav\
  IndPipe2 in ca\buildings2\ind_pipeline\indpipe2\
  CAStructuresHouse_rail_station_big in ca\structures\rail\rail_station_big\
  CAStructures_Proxy_BuildingParts in ca\structures\proxy_buildingparts\
  CAWeapons_2b14_82mm_Mortar in ca\weapons\podnos_2b14_82mm\, CA_BAF in ca\data_baf\
  CARoads_E in ca\roads_e\, CorePatch_CIT_46056 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_46056\
  CorePatch_AdditionalMarkers in CorePatch\corepatch_additionalmarkers\
  CorePatch_Javelin_Fix in CorePatch\corepatch_javelin\
  CAStructures_E_Misc_Misc_Construction in ca\structures_e\misc\misc_construction\
  CorePatch_Shapur_Intro_Fix in CorePatch\corepatch_shapur_intro\
  mbg_african_buildings in mbg\mbg_generic_african_buildings\
  CA_Missions_E_Templates_SecOps in ca\missions_e\templates\secops.west\
  CAWeapons_E_Searchlight in ca\weapons_e\searchlight\
  Misc_WaterStation in ca\buildings2\misc_waterstation\
  A_GeneralStore_01 in ca\buildings2\a_generalstore_01\
  CATracked2_T34 in ca\tracked2\t34\, CAWeapons_Colt1911 in ca\weapons\colt1911\
  dayz in dayz\, CAWeapons_E_M14 in ca\weapons_e\m14\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_AI_MadeAIUseGrenadeLaunchers in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\ai_madeaiusegrenadelaunchers\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_MadeMissileSteerableForBMP3AndT90 in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_mademissilesteerableforbmp3andt90\
  CARocks in CA\Rocks\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_Gameplay_ChangedThermalDisplaySystem in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_changedthermaldisplaysystem\
  CAMP_Armory_Misc_Concrete_Wall in ca\mp_armory\misc\concrete_wall\
  CAWeapons_E_M136 in ca\weapons_e\m136\, CAAir3_Su34 in ca\air3\su34\
  CAHouseBlock_A in ca\buildings2\houseblocks\houseblock_a\
  CAStructures_Wall in ca\structures\wall\, CAWeapons_DMR in ca\weapons\dmr\
  CAWheeled2_LAV25 in ca\wheeled2\lav25\
  CAStructures_PMC_Buildings_Bunker in ca\structures_pmc\buildings\bunker\
  CorePatch_CIT_17245 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_17245\
  CAStructures_E_Ind in ca\structures_e\ind\
  CAStructures_E_HouseA_A_Statue in ca\structures_e\housea\a_statue\
  CAStructures_E_Wall_Wall_L in ca\structures_e\wall\wall_l\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_AI_ImprovedTankGunnerHEAndATAmmoUse in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\ai_improvedtankgunnerheandatammouse\
  CA_Anims_E in ca\anims_e\, CAAir_E_C130J in ca\air_e\c130j\
  CorePatch_CIT_25488 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_25488\
  CAAir_E_MI8 in ca\air_e\mi17\, CA_Animals2 in ca\animals2\
  CAHouseBlock_B in ca\buildings2\houseblocks\houseblock_b\
  CAMisc_fix_Str in ca\misc_fix\str\, CAStructures in ca\structures\
  CAWheeled_Offroad in ca\wheeled\hilux_armed\
  CAWheeled2_HMMWV_BASE in ca\wheeled2\hmmwv\
  CorePatch_CCP_69249 in CorePatch\corepatch_ccp_69249\
  CAWeapons_E_M16 in ca\weapons_e\m16\
  CorePatch_CIT_39580 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_39580\
  CAMP_Armory_Misc_Laptop in ca\mp_armory\misc\laptop\
  CorePatch_CCP_65710 in CorePatch\corepatch_ccp_65710\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_AI_ImprovedIglaPodAAMissileUse in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\ai_improvediglapodaamissileuse\
  CAAir_BAF_CH_47F in ca\air_d_baf\ch47\, CAStructures_E in ca\structures_e\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Sound_FixedGetInGetOutSoundOfSedan in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\sound_fixedgetingetoutsoundofsedan\
  zero_buildings in zero_buildings\
  CAStructures_E_HouseA_A_Mosque_small in ca\structures_e\housea\a_mosque_small\
  CAWheeled_E_Ural in ca\wheeled_e\ural\
  Rail_House_01 in ca\buildings2\rail_house_01\
  CAHouseBlock_C in ca\buildings2\houseblocks\houseblock_c\
  CAMisc_fix in ca\misc_fix\
  CAStructures_Misc_Powerlines in ca\structures\misc_powerlines\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_ImprovedSizeOfCompassAndGPS in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_improvedsizeofcompassandgps\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_DisabledOpticsViewInGRAD in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_disabledopticsviewingrad\
  CorePatch_CCP_63107 in CorePatch\corepatch_ccp_63107\
  CorePatch_LaserTargetCSide in CorePatch\corepatch_lasertargetcside\
  CorePatch_CIT_1694 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_1694\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_DisabledOpticsViewInMLRS in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_disabledopticsviewinmlrs\
  CorePatch_CIT_24664 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_24664\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_MoreSluggishATV in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_moresluggishatv\
  CorePatch_CIT_28047 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_28047\
  CAHouseBlock_D in ca\buildings2\houseblocks\houseblock_d\
  CorePatch_CIT_70648 in CorePatch\corepatch_cit_70648\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_DisabledGRADMLRSLocking in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_disabledgradmlrslocking\
  CA_Modules_E_Gita in ca\modules_e\gita\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Editor_AddedAllWeaponSlotsInfantryVariants in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\editor_addedallweaponslotsinfantryvariants\
  CALanguage_missions_PMC in ca\languagemissions_pmc\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_DisabledLockingForAllNonGuidedWeaponsWithAutoGuideATDisabled in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_disabledlockingforallnonguidedweaponswithautoguideatdisabled\
  CAStructures_E_Ind_Oil_Mine in ca\structures_e\ind\ind_oil_mine\
  MBG_Killhouses in mbg_killhouses\, Chernarus in ca\chernarus\, CAMisc in ca\misc\
  CAMisc2 in ca\misc2\, CAStructures_Mil in ca\structures\mil\
  CATracked2_T90 in ca\tracked2\t90\
  CAWeapons_Warfare_weapons in ca\weapons\static\
  CAWheeled2_TowingTractor in ca\wheeled2\towingtractor\
  dayz_communityweapons in z\addons\dayz_communityweapons\
  CorePatch_CCP_70342_71143 in CorePatch\corepatch_ccp_70342_71143\
  CAStructures_E_HouseA_A_BuildingWIP in ca\structures_e\housea\a_buildingwip\
  CorePatch_CCP_67739 in CorePatch\corepatch_ccp_67739\
  buildings3 in ca\buildings3\, CALanguage in ca\language\, CAUI in ca\ui\
  CAWheeled_E_BRDM2 in ca\wheeled_e\brdm2\
  CA_Animals2_Anim_Config in ca\animals2\animconfig\, CAMisc3 in ca\misc3\
  CASigns2 in ca\signs2\, CorePatch_Mi24 in CorePatch\corepatch_mi24\
  CorePatch_CCP_67587 in CorePatch\corepatch_ccp_67587\
  CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E_Gameplay_AdditionalLauncherRocketsWithEnlargedSize in ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\gameplay_additionallauncherrocketswithenlargedsize\
  CACharacters in ca\characters\, CAweapons_m107 in ca\weapons\m107\
  CAWeapons_AmmoBoxes in ca\weapons\ammoboxes\
Mods: @DayZ_Epoch_Server
Distribution: 0
Version 1.63.131129
Fault address:  7440BC19 01:0005AC19 C:\Windows\System32\CRYPT32.dll
file:     DayZ_Epoch_11
world:    Chernarus
Prev. code bytes: 8B C1 59 94 8B 00 89 04 24 F2 C3 2D 00 10 00 00
Fault code bytes: 85 00 EB E7 CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC

EAX:1D5DF000 EBX:00000014
ECX:1D5DE4FC EDX:00000014
ESI:00000001 EDI:00000000
SS:ESP:002B:1D6DE51C  EBP:1D6DE528
DS:002B  ES:002B  FS:0053  GS:002B
note: Minidump has been generated into the file E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Epoch_Configs\Alpha\arma2oaserver.mdmp

== E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\arma2oaserver.exe
== "E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\arma2oaserver.exe"  -port=2302 -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 -noSound -noPause "-config=E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Epoch_Configs\Alpha\config.cfg" "-cfg=E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Epoch_Configs\Alpha\basic.cfg" "-profiles=E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Epoch_Configs\Alpha" -name=Alpha "-mod=@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server;"
Exe timestamp: 2018/06/08 18:12:39
Current time:  2018/11/06 01:33:36

Version 1.63.131129
Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
Updating base class ->NonStrategic, by ca\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HouseBase/
Updating base class ->HouseBase, by ca\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins/
Updating base class ->DestructionEffects, by ca\config.bin/CfgVehicles/House/DestructionEffects/
Updating base class ->FlagCarrierCore, by ca\ca_pmc\config.bin/CfgVehicles/FlagCarrier/
Updating base class ->VehicleMagazine, by ca\weapons\config.bin/CfgMagazines/14Rnd_FFAR/
Updating base class Default->RifleCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/Rifle/
Updating base class ->LauncherCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/RocketPods/
Updating base class ->RocketPods, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/FFARLauncher/
Updating base class ->UH60_Base, by ca\air\config.bin/CfgVehicles/MH60S/
Updating base class ->Car, by ca\wheeled2\lada\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Lada_base/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UN_CDF_Soldier_base_EP1/HitPoints/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Commander/HitPoints/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Soldier_Militia/HitPoints/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Soldier_Officer/HitPoints/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Soldier_Sniper/HitPoints/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Soldier_Spotter/HitPoints/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lamp_Small_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lamp_Street1_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lamp_Street2_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lampa_Ind_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_PowLines_Conc2L_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseMediumOrange->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_sidl/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseMediumOrange->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_sidl_2/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseMediumOrange->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_sidl_3/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseWeakYellow->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_ind/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseWeakYellow->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_ind_zebr/
Updating base class RscStandardDisplay->, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayStart/
Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscShortcutButtonMain, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/controls/CA_Exit/
Updating base class CA_IGUI_Title->RscText, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/Gear_Title/
Updating base class Available_items_Text->RscText, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/CA_ItemName/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item7->CA_Gear_slot_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_item8/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item7->CA_Gear_slot_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_item9/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item7->CA_Gear_slot_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_item10/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item7->CA_Gear_slot_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_item11/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item7->CA_Gear_slot_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_item12/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item5->CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item6/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item5->CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item7/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item5->CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item8/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_special1->CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory1/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7->CA_Gear_slot_inventory1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory8/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7->CA_Gear_slot_inventory1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory9/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7->CA_Gear_slot_inventory1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory10/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7->CA_Gear_slot_inventory1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory11/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7->CA_Gear_slot_inventory1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory12/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item1->CA_Gear_slot_handgun, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_special1/
Updating base class RscIGUIShortcutButton->RscActiveText, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/ButtonClose/
Updating base class RscText->, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscTitles/Default/
Updating base class ->ViewOptics, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Mi17_base/Turrets/MainTurret/ViewOptics/
Updating base class ->ViewOptics, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UH1H_base/Turrets/MainTurret/ViewOptics/
Updating base class ->ViewOptics, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UH1_Base/Turrets/MainTurret/ViewOptics/
Updating base class Strategic->, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Bomb/
Updating base class HighCommand->Logic, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HighCommandSubordinate/
Updating base class NonStrategic->BuiltItems, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Fort_RazorWire/
Updating base class ->DefaultEventhandlers, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CSJ_GyroP/EventHandlers/
Updating base class AnimationSources->AnimationSources, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CSJ_GyroC/AnimationSources/
Updating base class ->DefaultEventhandlers, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CSJ_GyroC/EventHandlers/
Updating base class BuiltItems->Generator_Base, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Generator_DZ/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/29Rnd_30mm_AGS30/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/48Rnd_40mm_MK19/
Updating base class 4000Rnd_762x51_M134->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/2000Rnd_762x51_M134/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/100Rnd_127x99_M2/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/50Rnd_127x107_DSHKM/
Updating base class 4000Rnd_762x51_M134->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/pook_1300Rnd_762x51_M60/
Updating base class 100Rnd_762x51_M240->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/pook_250Rnd_762x51/
Updating base class 6Rnd_Grenade_Camel->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/pook_12Rnd_Grenade_Camel/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/3Rnd_GyroGrenade/
Updating base class DropWeapon->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgActions/PutWeapon/
Updating base class DropMagazine->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgActions/PutMagazine/
Updating base class Land_HouseBlock_C1->House, by zero_buildings\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_HouseBlock_C4/
Updating base class Land_HouseV_1I2->House, by zero_buildings\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_HouseV_1I3/
Updating base class NonStrategic->House, by zero_buildings\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_A_MunicipalOffice/
Updating base class Land_HouseV_1I2->House, by zero_buildings\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_HouseV_1L2/
Updating base class Land_HouseV_1I2->House, by zero_buildings\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_HouseV_3I3/
Updating base class House->DZE_OpenHouse, by warehouse\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Ind_Pec_03/
2018/11/06,  1:33:45 Initializing Steam server - Game Port: 2302, Steam Query Port: 2303
2018/11/06,  1:33:47 Connected to Steam servers

== E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\arma2oaserver.exe
== "E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\arma2oaserver.exe"  -port=2302 -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 -noSound -noPause "-config=E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Epoch_Configs\Alpha\config.cfg" "-cfg=E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Epoch_Configs\Alpha\basic.cfg" "-profiles=E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Epoch_Configs\Alpha" -name=Alpha "-mod=@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server;"
Exe timestamp: 2018/06/08 18:12:39
Current time:  2018/11/06 04:00:32

Version 1.63.131129
Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
Updating base class ->NonStrategic, by ca\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HouseBase/
Updating base class ->HouseBase, by ca\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins/
Updating base class ->DestructionEffects, by ca\config.bin/CfgVehicles/House/DestructionEffects/
Updating base class ->FlagCarrierCore, by ca\ca_pmc\config.bin/CfgVehicles/FlagCarrier/
Updating base class ->VehicleMagazine, by ca\weapons\config.bin/CfgMagazines/14Rnd_FFAR/
Updating base class Default->RifleCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/Rifle/
Updating base class ->LauncherCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/RocketPods/
Updating base class ->RocketPods, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/FFARLauncher/
Updating base class ->UH60_Base, by ca\air\config.bin/CfgVehicles/MH60S/
Updating base class ->Car, by ca\wheeled2\lada\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Lada_base/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UN_CDF_Soldier_base_EP1/HitPoints/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Commander/HitPoints/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Soldier_Militia/HitPoints/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Soldier_Officer/HitPoints/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Soldier_Sniper/HitPoints/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Soldier_Spotter/HitPoints/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lamp_Small_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lamp_Street1_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lamp_Street2_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lampa_Ind_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_PowLines_Conc2L_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseMediumOrange->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_sidl/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseMediumOrange->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_sidl_2/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseMediumOrange->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_sidl_3/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseWeakYellow->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_ind/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseWeakYellow->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_ind_zebr/
Updating base class RscStandardDisplay->, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayStart/
Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscShortcutButtonMain, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/controls/CA_Exit/
Updating base class CA_IGUI_Title->RscText, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/Gear_Title/
Updating base class Available_items_Text->RscText, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/CA_ItemName/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item7->CA_Gear_slot_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_item8/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item7->CA_Gear_slot_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_item9/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item7->CA_Gear_slot_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_item10/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item7->CA_Gear_slot_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_item11/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item7->CA_Gear_slot_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_item12/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item5->CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item6/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item5->CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item7/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item5->CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item8/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_special1->CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory1/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7->CA_Gear_slot_inventory1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory8/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7->CA_Gear_slot_inventory1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory9/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7->CA_Gear_slot_inventory1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory10/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7->CA_Gear_slot_inventory1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory11/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7->CA_Gear_slot_inventory1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory12/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item1->CA_Gear_slot_handgun, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_special1/
Updating base class RscIGUIShortcutButton->RscActiveText, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/ButtonClose/
Updating base class RscText->, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscTitles/Default/
Updating base class ->ViewOptics, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Mi17_base/Turrets/MainTurret/ViewOptics/
Updating base class ->ViewOptics, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UH1H_base/Turrets/MainTurret/ViewOptics/
Updating base class ->ViewOptics, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UH1_Base/Turrets/MainTurret/ViewOptics/
Updating base class Strategic->, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Bomb/
Updating base class HighCommand->Logic, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HighCommandSubordinate/
Updating base class NonStrategic->BuiltItems, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Fort_RazorWire/
Updating base class ->DefaultEventhandlers, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CSJ_GyroP/EventHandlers/
Updating base class AnimationSources->AnimationSources, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CSJ_GyroC/AnimationSources/
Updating base class ->DefaultEventhandlers, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CSJ_GyroC/EventHandlers/
Updating base class BuiltItems->Generator_Base, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Generator_DZ/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/29Rnd_30mm_AGS30/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/48Rnd_40mm_MK19/
Updating base class 4000Rnd_762x51_M134->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/2000Rnd_762x51_M134/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/100Rnd_127x99_M2/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/50Rnd_127x107_DSHKM/
Updating base class 4000Rnd_762x51_M134->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/pook_1300Rnd_762x51_M60/
Updating base class 100Rnd_762x51_M240->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/pook_250Rnd_762x51/
Updating base class 6Rnd_Grenade_Camel->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/pook_12Rnd_Grenade_Camel/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/3Rnd_GyroGrenade/
Updating base class DropWeapon->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgActions/PutWeapon/
Updating base class DropMagazine->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgActions/PutMagazine/
Updating base class Land_HouseBlock_C1->House, by zero_buildings\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_HouseBlock_C4/
Updating base class Land_HouseV_1I2->House, by zero_buildings\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_HouseV_1I3/
Updating base class NonStrategic->House, by zero_buildings\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_A_MunicipalOffice/
Updating base class Land_HouseV_1I2->House, by zero_buildings\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_HouseV_1L2/
Updating base class Land_HouseV_1I2->House, by zero_buildings\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_HouseV_3I3/
Updating base class House->DZE_OpenHouse, by warehouse\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Ind_Pec_03/
2018/11/06,  4:00:41 Initializing Steam server - Game Port: 2302, Steam Query Port: 2303
2018/11/06,  4:00:42 Connected to Steam servers
2018/11/06,  4:56:25 Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
2018/11/06,  4:56:25 Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
2018/11/06,  4:56:28 Server error: Player without identity Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (id 1724453463)
2018/11/06,  4:56:28 Server error: Player without identity Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (id 1724453463)
2018/11/06,  4:56:28 Server error: Player without identity Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (id 1724453463)
2018/11/06,  4:56:28 Server error: Player without identity Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (id 1724453463)
2018/11/06,  4:56:28 Server error: Player without identity Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (id 1724453463)
2018/11/06,  4:56:28 Server error: Player without identity Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (id 1724453463)
2018/11/06,  4:56:28 Server error: Player without identity Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (id 1724453463)
2018/11/06,  4:56:28 Server error: Player without identity Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (id 1724453463)
2018/11/06,  4:56:28 Server error: Player without identity Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (id 1724453463)
2018/11/06,  4:56:28 Server error: Player without identity Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (id 1724453463)
2018/11/06,  4:56:28 Server error: Player without identity Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (id 1724453463)
2018/11/06,  4:56:28 Server error: Player without identity Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (id 1724453463)
2018/11/06,  4:56:28 Server error: Player without identity Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (id 1724453463)
2018/11/06,  4:56:28 Server error: Player without identity Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (id 1724453463)
2018/11/06,  4:56:28 Server error: Player without identity Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (id 1724453463)
2018/11/06,  4:56:28 Server error: Player without identity Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (id 1724453463)
2018/11/06,  4:56:28 Server error: Player without identity Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (id 1724453463)
2018/11/06,  4:56:28 Server error: Player without identity Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (id 1724453463)
2018/11/06,  4:56:28 Server error: Player without identity Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (id 1724453463)
2018/11/06,  4:56:28 Server error: Player without identity Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (id 1724453463)
2018/11/06,  4:56:39 Strange convex component81 in zero_buildings\models\housev_3i3_i.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  4:56:44 Strange convex component31 in zero_buildings\models\proxies\th_arches.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  4:56:45 Strange convex component207 in zero_buildings\models\a_tvtower\a_tvtower_base.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component44 in zero_buildings\models\houseblock\houseblock_c4.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component288 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component289 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component290 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component291 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component292 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component293 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component294 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component295 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component296 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component297 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component298 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component299 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component300 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component301 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component302 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component303 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component304 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component305 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component306 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component307 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component308 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component309 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component310 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component311 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component312 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component313 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component314 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component315 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component316 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component317 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component252 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component253 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component254 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component255 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component256 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component257 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component258 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component259 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component260 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component261 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component262 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component263 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component264 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component265 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component266 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component267 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component268 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component269 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component270 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component271 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component272 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component273 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component274 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component275 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component276 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component277 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component278 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component279 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component280 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component281 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component249 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component250 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component251 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component252 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component253 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component254 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component255 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component256 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component257 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component258 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component259 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component260 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component261 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component262 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component263 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component264 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component265 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component266 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component267 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component268 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component269 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component270 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component271 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component272 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component273 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component274 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component275 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component276 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component277 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  4:56:47 Strange convex component278 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  4:56:54 "PRELOAD_ Functions\init [[<No group>:0 (FunctionsManager)],any]"
2018/11/06,  4:56:54 "MPframework inited"
2018/11/06,  4:56:55 "*** REALDATE *** Module starting ..."
2018/11/06,  4:56:55 "*** REALDATE *** Full Received Info From System: [2018,11,6,4,56,55,2,309,0]"
2018/11/06,  4:56:55 "*** REALDATE *** Current real date: [2018,11,6,4,56,55,2,309,0]"
2018/11/06,  4:56:55 "*** REALDATE *** Current day number: 2"
2018/11/06,  4:56:55 "*** REALDATE *** Current real day name is: Tuesday"
2018/11/06,  4:56:55 "*** REALDATE *** Short date is: [2018,11,6,4,56]"
2018/11/06,  4:56:55 "*** REALDATE *** Current day game set to Tuesday (AFTER ANOTHER PRIORITY DATE ACCEPT)..."
2018/11/06,  4:56:55 "dayz_preloadFinished reset"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> updatearmalog callExtension: [06.11.2018][04:57:04] Downloaded and installed new armalog.dll"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "IAH_fnc_getIntFromString: 1"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> infiSTAR dll loaded successfully"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> ok"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> Loading infiSTAR code.."
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "Epoch detected"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> BIS_fnc_init done - AntiHack STARTING...!"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 Warning Message: Script low_admins.sqf not found
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 Warning Message: Script normal_admins.sqf not found
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 Warning Message: Script super_admins.sqf not found
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 Warning Message: Script blacklist.sqf not found
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> iproductVersion: 15-02-2018 04-00-45-v1448 | Server productVersion: ["ArmA 2 OA","ArmA2OA",163,131129] | worldName: Chernarus | dayz_instance: 11 | missionName: DayZ_Epoch_11"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> start: <infiSTAR.de> iproductVersion: 15-02-2018 04-00-45-v1448 | Server productVersion: ["ArmA 2 OA","ArmA2OA",163,131129] | worldName: Chernarus | dayz_instance: 11 | missionName: DayZ_Epoch_11"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _fnc_RandomGen: {
_abc = ['z','y','x','w','v','u','t','s','r','q','p','o','n','m','l','k','j','i','h','g','f','e','d','c','b','a'];
_gen = _abc select (random ((count _abc)-1));
_arr = ['a','9','f','3','9','5','0','6','9','8','d','b','7','1','6','9','5','c','4','5','d','2','1','b','2','0','c','d','b','4','5','8','0'];
for '_i' from 0 to (8+(round(random 3))) do {_gen = _gen + str(round(random 9)) + (_arr select (random ((count _arr)-1)));};
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _simple: p18553651814c2582423540"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _dialogIds: k4d39101d4c454979117c10"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _badtxts: v051519893509296d628a"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar1: i866c49194029712b400052"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar2: e69728c187c753c4532"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar0: m384c7601594b0774388c"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar3: h1987493b6b7c8b0205"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar4: j1c4520313956468296267b"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar5: b5464842a5d806b6b0b42"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar6: b5875250c8c2c7b750b4c72"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar8: e258a246d862b9d7f424880"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar9: w467f38869080063b7d"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar11: p707c451b634984786d14"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar12: i325b312c123b896524745f"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar13: f8c8379195688891672"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar19: k0485358b4964562d8015"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar27: m768d33813c7d89825747"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar26: f0b69194c8025647d2d53"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar25: p446d458b509b3168698c65"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar31: y2c4165791d5d8c55200015"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar33: z5c82305954139c9c6b"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar34: y553d10392554714f40"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar35: q3b26659b612d752049"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar36: x4f298c252b5b50758c297500"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar37: v684b717185425680606511"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar39: d4b591c8823279495890030"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _clickOnMapTimer: q394b626d44487a5455936b21"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _clickOnMapCaught: i2921134556404521050135"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _fnc_handlerandvar10: f898f858d34608b1054"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _remark: y2515757070019918304b"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _AHpos: y79856907041d561b3371"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _loadedcheckpos: h31607c396c4c094b51"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _loadedchecktime: n0c363600864b805844925929"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _MenuChecksRunningx: m41543b003d077518257257"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _oneachframe: k831530995a5015987834"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _anotherloop: u9c1c8b113086609263"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _clientoncetwo: z091b828075622227162b85"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _lastUnlock: d5b6d18143c5b433d49"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _AdminReqCheck: r39314d0b20128b995c54"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _antidupeCheckVar: c85780069850683670975"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _antiantihack1_rndvar: b1505522b15853d7d7981"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _antiantihack2_rndvar: h18645b16183d620b1421"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _antidupePVResVar: n37157d6d2c1528536245"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _antidupePVCheckVar: PVAHR_0_h5c5951517521268b1c6d"
2018/11/06,  4:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar10: PVAHR_0_u2991198c4004110c3b"
2018/11/06,  4:57:05 "<infiSTAR.de> AntiHack LOADED!"
2018/11/06,  4:57:05 "<infiSTAR.de> CREATING AdminMenu"
2018/11/06,  4:57:05 "<infiSTAR.de> AdminMenu LOADED!"
2018/11/06,  4:57:05 "<infiSTAR.de> ADDING SERVERSIDE HANDLERS"
2018/11/06,  4:57:05 "<infiSTAR.de> AntiHack FULLY LOADED"
2018/11/06,  4:57:06 "<infiSTAR.de> starting main server loop"
2018/11/06,  4:57:06 "HIVE: Starting"
2018/11/06,  4:57:06 ["TIME SYNC: Local Time set to:",[2012,8,2,11,57],"Fullmoon:",true,"Date given by HiveExt.dll:",[2018,11,6,11,57]]
2018/11/06,  4:57:06 "HIVE: trying to get objects"
2018/11/06,  4:57:06 "HIVE: found 706 objects"
2018/11/06,  4:57:06 "HIVE: Request sent"
2018/11/06,  4:57:06 "HIVE: Streamed 706 objects"
2018/11/06,  4:57:07 "Res3tting B!S effects..."
2018/11/06,  4:57:10 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines.45Rnd_545x39_RPK'.
2018/11/06,  4:57:10 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'.
2018/11/06,  4:57:10 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06,  4:57:10 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'.
2018/11/06,  4:57:10 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06,  4:57:10 Warning Message: Error: creating magazine 45Rnd_545x39_RPK with scope=private
2018/11/06,  4:57:10 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'.
2018/11/06,  4:57:10 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06,  4:57:10 Warning Message: No entry '.displayNameShort'.
2018/11/06,  4:57:10 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06,  4:57:10 Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'.
2018/11/06,  4:57:10 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06,  4:57:10 Warning Message: No entry '.Library'.
2018/11/06,  4:57:10 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'.
2018/11/06,  4:57:10 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06,  4:57:10 Warning Message: No entry '.type'.
2018/11/06,  4:57:10 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06,  4:57:10 Warning Message: No entry '.count'.
2018/11/06,  4:57:10 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06,  4:57:10 Warning Message: No entry '.maxLeadSpeed'.
2018/11/06,  4:57:10 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06,  4:57:10 Warning Message: No entry '.initSpeed'.
2018/11/06,  4:57:10 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06,  4:57:10 Warning Message: No entry '.reloadAction'.
2018/11/06,  4:57:10 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06,  4:57:10 Warning Message: No entry '.modelSpecial'.
2018/11/06,  4:57:10 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06,  4:57:10 Warning Message: No entry '.ammo'.
2018/11/06,  4:57:10 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06,  4:57:13 "HIVE: BENCHMARK - Server_monitor.sqf finished streaming 706 objects in 6.86084 seconds (unscheduled)"
2018/11/06,  4:57:13 "Total Number of spawn locations 6"
2018/11/06,  4:57:13 "z\addons\dayz_code\system\REsec.sqf:Monitoring Remote Exe..."
2018/11/06,  4:57:32 "DEBUG: Spawning a care package (Misc_cargo_cont_net3) at [2957.48,10431.3,0] with 6 items."
2018/11/06,  4:57:32 "DEBUG: Spawning a care package (Misc_cargo_cont_net3) at [7590.76,8342.09,0] with 7 items."
2018/11/06,  4:57:32 "CRASHSPAWNER: Starting crash site spawner. Frequency: 15±10 min. Spawn chance: 0.55"
2018/11/06,  4:57:32 "CRASHSPAWNER: Spawning crash site (CrashSite_UN) at [3851.28,8025.25,0] with 8 items."
2018/11/06,  4:57:33 "HIVE: Spawning # of Vehicles: 1"
2018/11/06,  4:57:33 "HIVE: Spawning # of Ammo Boxes: 20"
2018/11/06,  4:57:35 "HIVE: Spawning # of Veins: 30"
2018/11/06,  4:57:35 "HIVE: BENCHMARK - Server finished spawning 1 DynamicVehicles, 0 Debris, 20 SupplyCrates and 30 MineVeins in 22.678 seconds (scheduled)"
2018/11/06,  4:57:36 "EPOCH EVENTS INIT"
2018/11/06,  4:57:37 "CLEANUP: INITIALIZING Vehicle SCRIPT"
2018/11/06,  4:57:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 44.6927. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 5 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 44.6927."
2018/11/06,  4:57:38 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Total vehicles 114, key vehicles 41, public vehicles 73, limit public vehicles is 120 ..."
2018/11/06,  4:57:38 "Vehicles&Objects Spawner# Loading..."
2018/11/06,  4:57:38 "Vehicles&Objects Spawner# Random seed spRS_7028294714668378 generated..."
2018/11/06,  4:57:38 "Vehicles&Objects Spawner# Loaded..."
2018/11/06,  4:57:38 "Bike Spawner is loading..."
2018/11/06,  4:57:38 "Bike Spawner is loaded!"
2018/11/06,  4:57:38 "#PLAYER EVENT HANDLERS - LOADING...!"
2018/11/06,  4:57:38 "#PLAYER EVENT HANDLERS - LOADING COMPLETE...!"
2018/11/06,  4:57:38 "EVENTSHAKER# - Starting ..."
2018/11/06,  4:57:38 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Initialize ..."
2018/11/06,  4:57:38 "DAY NIGHT CONTROL# Starting ... "
2018/11/06,  4:57:39 "<infiSTAR.de> Player-Log: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers(76561198411562871) - 0h 56min"
2018/11/06,  4:57:40 "BANDITS BASE - BEGIN"
2018/11/06,  4:57:58 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers(76561198411562871)"
2018/11/06,  4:57:58 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - __SERVER__()"
2018/11/06,  4:58:02 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @019131 - UAZ_Unarmed_TK_CIV_EP1, worldspace [141.982,[1988.22,2254.3,-0.000165462]], CharId 0, objID 16810, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06,  4:58:05 "INFO - Player: PID#3(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers)(UID:76561198411562871/CID:5742) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/06,  4:58:05 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @077120 - LandRover_MG_TK_EP1_DZE, worldspace [307.96,[7702.59,3273.93,-0.000854969]], CharId 0, objID 16814, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06,  4:58:05 Server: Object 3:23 not found (message 94)
2018/11/06,  4:58:05 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with UID 76561198411562871 from server ..."
2018/11/06,  4:58:05 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with UID 76561198411562871 from server ..."
2018/11/06,  4:58:05 "INFO - Player: PID#3(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers)(UID:76561198411562871/CID:5742) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location ВПП [049129]"
2018/11/06,  4:58:06 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @035131 - Volha_2_TK_CIV_EP1, worldspace [109.001,[3587.76,2200.74,3.43323e-005]], CharId 0, objID 16811, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06,  4:58:06 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @035128 - UAZ_Unarmed_TK_EP1, worldspace [224.83,[3515.37,2474.74,0.0039587]], CharId 0, objID 16812, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06,  4:58:08 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @120119 - Lada1, worldspace [335.321,[12036.5,3459.99,0.0458305]], CharId 0, objID 16816, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06,  4:58:08 "SECTOR - BEGIN"
2018/11/06,  4:58:08 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a SOLDIERS HELI - at position [13693.4,2884.84]"
2018/11/06,  4:58:13 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @133093 - VWGolf, worldspace [277.999,[13398.3,6016.93,0.025003]], CharId 0, objID 16818, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06,  4:58:13 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @132086 - V3S_Refuel_TK_GUE_EP1_DZ, worldspace [22.0354,[13233.5,6717.92,0.0444093]], CharId 0, objID 16819, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06,  4:58:14 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @131050 - Ural_CDF, worldspace [8.02291,[13143.1,10272,0.0827799]], CharId 0, objID 16822, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06,  4:58:14 "INFO - Player: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers(UID:76561198411562871/CID:5742) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/06,  4:58:15 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @134098 - SUV_Orange, worldspace [351.163,[13409.8,5479.68,0.0104294]], CharId 0, objID 16817, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06,  4:58:16 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @129052 - hilux1_civil_2_covered_DZE, worldspace [276,[12905.6,10073.3,0.0350003]], CharId 0, objID 16821, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06,  4:58:17 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Locked Vehicle destroyed @052047 - hilux1_civil_1_open_DZE, worldspace [323.376,[5263.72,10567,0.572784]], CharId 5508, objID 16828, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06,  4:58:21 "#LOGIN#: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 connected!"
2018/11/06,  4:58:22 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @125054 - SkodaGreen, worldspace [287.801,[12590.6,9941.52,0.0411587]], CharId 0, objID 16820, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06,  4:58:24 Warning: looped for animation: ca\anims\characters\data\anim\sdr\mov\erc\stp\non\non\amovpercmstpsnonwnondnon_amovpercmstpsraswpstdnon_end.rtm differs (looped now 0)! MoveName: amovpercmstpsnonwnondnon_amovpercmstpsraswpstdnon_end
2018/11/06,  4:58:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06,  4:58:39 "EVENTSHAKER# - All processes are spawned ..."
2018/11/06,  4:58:41 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  4:58:48 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @024095 - ATV_CZ_EP1, worldspace [63.959,[2482.13,5800.18,0.100983]], CharId 0, objID 16945, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06,  4:58:59 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Set new date to [2012,8,2,11,0] with message: Незаметно наступил день...."
2018/11/06,  4:59:05 "#FPSFixer: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 FPS: 34 in coords: [4839.65,2501.63,0.00143909] ..."
2018/11/06,  4:59:21 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Spawn new public vehicles ..."
2018/11/06,  4:59:21 "PUBLISH: Created UH60M_MEV_EP1_DZ with ID "840530724483549""
2018/11/06,  4:59:21 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Heli UH60M_MEV_EP1_DZ spawned in [4856.31,2447.58] ..."
2018/11/06,  4:59:22 "PUBLISH: Created Ural_CDF with ID "815023425593549""
2018/11/06,  4:59:22 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Camp vehicle Ural_CDF spawned in [4601.5,2559.06] ..."
2018/11/06,  4:59:22 "PUBLISH: Created S1203_ambulance_EP1 with ID "552227622953550""
2018/11/06,  4:59:22 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle S1203_ambulance_EP1 spawned in [1972.04,2295.63] ..."
2018/11/06,  4:59:22 "PUBLISH: Created V3S_Open_TK_EP1 with ID "711524522493550""
2018/11/06,  4:59:22 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle V3S_Open_TK_EP1 spawned in [3564.83,2249.36] ..."
2018/11/06,  4:59:23 "PUBLISH: Created SUV_Blue with ID "705123324613550""
2018/11/06,  4:59:23 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle SUV_Blue spawned in [3501.19,2461.46] ..."
2018/11/06,  4:59:23 "PUBLISH: Created SUV_Silver with ID "1577730834683550""
2018/11/06,  4:59:23 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle SUV_Silver spawned in [12226.7,3467.92] ..."
2018/11/06,  4:59:23 "PUBLISH: Created SUV_Silver with ID "1697821154003550""
2018/11/06,  4:59:23 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle SUV_Silver spawned in [13428,5399.78] ..."
2018/11/06,  4:59:23 "PUBLISH: Created UAZ_INS with ID "1667010454913551""
2018/11/06,  4:59:23 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle UAZ_INS spawned in [13119.2,5491.04] ..."
2018/11/06,  4:59:23 "PUBLISH: Created SkodaBlue with ID "169852465303551""
2018/11/06,  4:59:23 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle SkodaBlue spawned in [13434,6529.73] ..."
2018/11/06,  4:59:24 "PUBLISH: Created HMMWV_M1035_DES_EP1 with ID "1638014496853551""
2018/11/06,  4:59:24 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle HMMWV_M1035_DES_EP1 spawned in [12828.9,9685.09] ..."
2018/11/06,  4:59:24 "PUBLISH: Created SUV_White with ID "162012599303552""
2018/11/06,  4:59:24 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle SUV_White spawned in [12649.3,9929.89] ..."
2018/11/06,  4:59:24 "PUBLISH: Created UAZ_Unarmed_TK_CIV_EP1 with ID "16323214102203552""
2018/11/06,  4:59:24 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle UAZ_Unarmed_TK_CIV_EP1 spawned in [12770.6,10219.8] ..."
2018/11/06,  4:59:25 "PUBLISH: Created SUV_Orange with ID "16576172101643552""
2018/11/06,  4:59:25 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle SUV_Orange spawned in [13023.9,10164] ..."
2018/11/06,  4:59:25 "PUBLISH: Created MtvrRefuel_DES_EP1_DZ with ID "16721206104813552""
2018/11/06,  4:59:25 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle MtvrRefuel_DES_EP1_DZ spawned in [13168.6,10480.8] ..."
2018/11/06,  4:59:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 18 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/06,  4:59:41 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.0588, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:00:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 38.5542. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 9 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 50 reammo boxes. Fps after: 38.5542."
2018/11/06,  5:00:41 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:01:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/06,  5:01:42 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:02:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/06,  5:02:42 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:02:45 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Starting ..."
2018/11/06,  5:02:47 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 1, FPS 46.3768, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 21, Max Nearby Zeds 24, Max Global Zeds 480, Zeds Dmg x10, Max Heli Crashes 15, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x3, MaxModels 85, MaxWeapHolders 85."
2018/11/06,  5:02:47 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 4, West Units (Players): 1, East Units (AI): 3, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 0, SERVER FPS: 46.3768 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:03:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 12 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/06,  5:03:41 ["HEARDSOMETHING# Started..."]
2018/11/06,  5:03:42 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:04:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 1 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/06,  5:04:43 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.3373, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:05:05 "CRASHSPAWNER: Spawning crash site (CrashSite_US) at [9508.68,11658.3,0] with 9 items."
2018/11/06,  5:05:06 CrashSite_US: MainTurret - unknown animation source MainTurret
2018/11/06,  5:05:06 CrashSite_US: MainGun - unknown animation source mainGun
2018/11/06,  5:05:06 CrashSite_US: Gatling - unknown animation source Gatling
2018/11/06,  5:05:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06,  5:05:43 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:06:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06,  5:06:43 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:07:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/06,  5:07:43 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:08:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/06,  5:08:44 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.584, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:09:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/06,  5:09:44 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:10:11 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 try withdraw from bank 5000 ... now Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers has COINS:5000, BANK:158142 "
2018/11/06,  5:10:32 Server: Object 3:390 not found (message 70)
2018/11/06,  5:10:32 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) purchased 1x PartEngine into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 800 Рублей"
2018/11/06,  5:10:32 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) purchased 1x PartVRotor into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,000 Рублей"
2018/11/06,  5:10:32 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) purchased 3x PartGeneric into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 600 Рублей"
2018/11/06,  5:10:32 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) purchased 3x PartGlass into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 600 Рублей"
2018/11/06,  5:10:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/06,  5:10:44 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:11:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06,  5:11:44 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:12:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 8 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/06,  5:12:45 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:12:51 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 1, FPS 46.7836, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 21, Max Nearby Zeds 24, Max Global Zeds 480, Zeds Dmg x10, Max Heli Crashes 15, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x3, MaxModels 85, MaxWeapHolders 85."
2018/11/06,  5:12:51 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 4, West Units (Players): 1, East Units (AI): 3, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 3, SERVER FPS: 46.7836 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:13:22 Server: Object 3:414 not found (message 94)
2018/11/06,  5:13:22 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) purchased 1x PartGeneric into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 200 Рублей"
2018/11/06,  5:13:22 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) purchased 3x PartGlass into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 600 Рублей"
2018/11/06,  5:13:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06,  5:13:45 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:13:58 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 try withdraw from bank 4000 ... now Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers has COINS:5200, BANK:154142 "
2018/11/06,  5:14:12 Server: Object 3:421 not found (message 94)
2018/11/06,  5:14:12 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) purchased 1x Mk48_CCO_DZ into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 3,600 Рублей"
2018/11/06,  5:14:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06,  5:14:38 Server: Object 3:426 not found (message 70)
2018/11/06,  5:14:38 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) purchased 1x 100Rnd_762x51_M240 into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 1,000 Рублей"
2018/11/06,  5:14:45 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:14:55 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 try withdraw from bank 2400 ... now Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers has COINS:3000, BANK:151742 "
2018/11/06,  5:15:01 Server: Object 3:443 not found (message 99)
2018/11/06,  5:15:11 Server: Object 3:449 not found (message 94)
2018/11/06,  5:15:11 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) purchased 2x 100Rnd_762x51_M240 into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 2,000 Рублей"
2018/11/06,  5:15:20 "#FPSFixer: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 FPS: 37 in coords: [6364.53,7774.83,0.00143433] ..."
2018/11/06,  5:15:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06,  5:15:46 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:16:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06,  5:16:44 Server: Object 3:475 not found (message 94)
2018/11/06,  5:16:44 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) purchased 2x PartGlass into gear at торговую зону Старого Собора! В безопасной зоне скорость движения ограничена! for 400 Рублей"
2018/11/06,  5:16:46 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:17:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 7 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 20 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06,  5:17:46 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:18:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06,  5:18:46 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:19:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06,  5:19:43 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 0602 @080065 [8077.04,8797.8,0.033]"
2018/11/06,  5:19:47 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:20:06 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) LOCKED Safe with code: 0602 @080065 [8077.04,8797.8,0.033]"
2018/11/06,  5:20:17 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) UNLOCKED CinderWallDoorLocked_DZ with code: EYESCAN @080065 [8079.49,8804.77,1.813]"
2018/11/06,  5:20:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06,  5:20:44 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 8047 @081065 [8175.67,8816.26,0.138]"
2018/11/06,  5:20:47 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:21:00 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) LOCKED Safe with code: 8047 @081065 [8175.67,8816.26,0.138]"
2018/11/06,  5:21:29 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) LOCKED CinderWallDoorLocked_DZ with code: 958 @080065 [8079.49,8804.77,1.813]"
2018/11/06,  5:21:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06,  5:21:47 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:22:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06,  5:22:47 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:22:55 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 1, FPS 46.6472, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 21, Max Nearby Zeds 24, Max Global Zeds 480, Zeds Dmg x10, Max Heli Crashes 15, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x3, MaxModels 85, MaxWeapHolders 85."
2018/11/06,  5:22:55 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 4, West Units (Players): 1, East Units (AI): 3, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 0, SERVER FPS: 46.6472 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:23:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06,  5:23:48 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:24:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06,  5:24:48 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:25:22 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  5:25:22 "SOLDIER AI (air) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 566.985m"
2018/11/06,  5:25:23 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  5:25:23 "SOLDIER AI (air) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 584.868m"
2018/11/06,  5:25:27 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  5:25:27 "SOLDIER AI (air) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 603.446m"
2018/11/06,  5:25:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/06,  5:25:48 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:26:10 "SECTOR - CREATING TURRETS"
2018/11/06,  5:26:10 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13716.5,2874.97,20.37]"
2018/11/06,  5:26:10 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13654.8,2912.41,14.3]"
2018/11/06,  5:26:10 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13690.2,2886.7,2.486]"
2018/11/06,  5:26:11 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13733.6,2945.3,12.901]"
2018/11/06,  5:26:11 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13703.7,2941.4,8.769]"
2018/11/06,  5:26:11 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13714.8,2940.7,8.769]"
2018/11/06,  5:26:11 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13672.9,2872.4,2.79]"
2018/11/06,  5:26:11 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13694.6,2862.7,2.79]"
2018/11/06,  5:26:11 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13754.3,2868.9,2.797]"
2018/11/06,  5:26:11 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13783.8,2926.9,2.793]"
2018/11/06,  5:26:12 "CRASHSPAWNER: Spawning crash site (CrashSite_RU) at [11563.8,11279.5,0] with 9 items."
2018/11/06,  5:26:12 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13695.1,2941.42,5.2]"
2018/11/06,  5:26:12 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13687.4,2945.81,4.2]"
2018/11/06,  5:26:12 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13657.4,2898.31,6.04]"
2018/11/06,  5:26:12 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13668.7,2886.09,3.29]"
2018/11/06,  5:26:12 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13672.6,2903.2,0]"
2018/11/06,  5:26:12 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13699.1,2883.5,0]"
2018/11/06,  5:26:13 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13685.9,2889.8,0]"
2018/11/06,  5:26:13 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13694.9,2970.27,5.065]"
2018/11/06,  5:26:13 No speaker given for Lev Brazda
2018/11/06,  5:26:13 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13695.6,2944.29,5.638]"
2018/11/06,  5:26:13 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13651.9,2923.21,5.092]"
2018/11/06,  5:26:13 No speaker given for Boris Novotny
2018/11/06,  5:26:13 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13663.9,2878.26,5.09]"
2018/11/06,  5:26:13 No speaker given for Dalibor Klima
2018/11/06,  5:26:13 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13700.2,2945.71,5.677]"
2018/11/06,  5:26:13 No speaker given for Roman Kozel
2018/11/06,  5:26:13 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13777.6,2890.01,5.098]"
2018/11/06,  5:26:14 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13771.1,2961.09,5.124]"
2018/11/06,  5:26:14 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13721.1,2858.25,5.071]"
2018/11/06,  5:26:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06,  5:26:49 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 1, AI units: 25 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:26:56 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  5:26:56 "SOLDIER AI (ground) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 622.188m"
2018/11/06,  5:27:20 Ladder in zero_buildings\models\mil\camo\mil_house.p3d is vertical
2018/11/06,  5:27:23 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  5:27:23 "SOLDIER AI (ground) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 546.797m"
2018/11/06,  5:27:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06,  5:27:43 Ladder in zero_buildings\models\mil\camo\mil_house.p3d is vertical
2018/11/06,  5:27:49 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.7143, players: 1, AI units: 23 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:27:54 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  5:27:54 "SOLDIER AI (ground) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 527.024m"
2018/11/06,  5:28:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/06,  5:28:49 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 1, AI units: 22 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:29:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06,  5:29:49 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 1, AI units: 22 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:30:27 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  5:30:27 "SOLDIER AI (ground) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 477.992m"
2018/11/06,  5:30:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/06,  5:30:42 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  5:30:42 "SOLDIER AI (ground) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 475.755m"
2018/11/06,  5:30:50 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 1, AI units: 20 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:31:30 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  5:31:30 "SOLDIER AI (static) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 216.585m"
2018/11/06,  5:31:32 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  5:31:32 "SOLDIER AI (static) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 253.892m"
2018/11/06,  5:31:34 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  5:31:34 "SOLDIER AI (static) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 180.842m"
2018/11/06,  5:31:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 1 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 9 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06,  5:31:50 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 1, AI units: 17 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:32:17 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  5:32:17 "SOLDIER AI (ground) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 452.466m"
2018/11/06,  5:32:22 "#FPSFixer: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 FPS: 51 in coords: [13386.4,3286.67,0.00112915] ..."
2018/11/06,  5:32:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/06,  5:32:50 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Sync date on clients to [2012,8,2,11,33]."
2018/11/06,  5:32:50 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 1, AI units: 16 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:32:59 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 1, FPS 46.3768, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 21, Max Nearby Zeds 24, Max Global Zeds 480, Zeds Dmg x10, Max Heli Crashes 15, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x3, MaxModels 85, MaxWeapHolders 85."
2018/11/06,  5:32:59 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 17, West Units (Players): 1, East Units (AI): 16, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 2, SERVER FPS: 46.3768 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:33:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 2 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06,  5:33:51 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 1, AI units: 16 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:34:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 1 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 2 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06,  5:34:51 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 1, AI units: 16 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:35:06 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  5:35:06 "SOLDIER AI (static) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 551.81m"
2018/11/06,  5:35:15 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  5:35:15 "SOLDIER AI (ground) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 599.427m"
2018/11/06,  5:35:22 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  5:35:22 "SOLDIER AI (ground) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 576.151m"
2018/11/06,  5:35:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 1 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/06,  5:35:51 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 1, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:36:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06,  5:36:51 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 1, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:37:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 2 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06,  5:37:49 Server: Object 3:549 not found (message 99)
2018/11/06,  5:37:52 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 1, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:37:55 Server: Object 3:562 not found (message 91)
2018/11/06,  5:37:55 Server: Object 3:561 not found (message 98)
2018/11/06,  5:38:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/06,  5:38:52 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.1976, players: 1, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:39:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 7 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/06,  5:39:52 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 1, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:40:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06,  5:40:53 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 1, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:40:54 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  5:40:54 "SOLDIER AI (ground) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 381.802m"
2018/11/06,  5:41:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.1976. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 2 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.1976."
2018/11/06,  5:41:53 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 1, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:42:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 2 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06,  5:42:44 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  5:42:44 "SOLDIER AI (ground) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 432.335m"
2018/11/06,  5:42:53 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 1, AI units: 11 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:43:03 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 1, FPS 46.7836, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 21, Max Nearby Zeds 24, Max Global Zeds 480, Zeds Dmg x10, Max Heli Crashes 15, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x3, MaxModels 85, MaxWeapHolders 85."
2018/11/06,  5:43:03 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 12, West Units (Players): 1, East Units (AI): 11, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 1, SERVER FPS: 46.7836 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:43:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/06,  5:43:47 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  5:43:47 "SOLDIER AI (static) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 379.205m"
2018/11/06,  5:43:53 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.3373, players: 1, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:44:17 "CRASHSPAWNER: Spawning crash site (CrashSite_RU) at [10496.6,8377.3,0] with 8 items."
2018/11/06,  5:44:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 1 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/06,  5:44:54 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.8453, players: 1, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:45:31 Server: Object 3:651 not found (message 99)
2018/11/06,  5:45:31 Server: Object 3:652 not found (message 91)
2018/11/06,  5:45:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 1 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06,  5:45:54 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 1, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:46:07 Server: Object 3:671 not found (message 98)
2018/11/06,  5:46:07 Server: Object 3:672 not found (message 91)
2018/11/06,  5:46:07 Server: Object 3:673 not found (message 99)
2018/11/06,  5:46:07 Server: Object 3:674 not found (message 91)
2018/11/06,  5:46:07 Server: Object 3:676 not found (message 91)
2018/11/06,  5:46:07 Server: Object 3:675 not found (message 99)
2018/11/06,  5:46:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/06,  5:46:54 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 1, AI units: 10 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:47:22 "SECTOR - SPAWNING UNITS"
2018/11/06,  5:47:22 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of SOLDIERS - 0 Infantry, 0 Stormtrooper, 0 Sniper, 1 Boss, 2 Elite 0 Nuker at position [13717.7,2915.15,0]"
2018/11/06,  5:47:22 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of SOLDIERS - 0 Infantry, 0 Stormtrooper, 0 Sniper, 0 Boss, 2 Elite 1 Nuker at position [13717.7,2915.15,0]"
2018/11/06,  5:47:23 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of SOLDIERS - 0 Infantry, 0 Stormtrooper, 0 Sniper, 0 Boss, 2 Elite 1 Nuker at position [13717.7,2915.15,0]"
2018/11/06,  5:47:23 "SECTOR - SPAWNING LOOT"
2018/11/06,  5:47:23 "SECTOR - CRATES - Add Food"
2018/11/06,  5:47:23 "SECTOR - CRATES - Add Building Material"
2018/11/06,  5:47:23 "SECTOR - CRATES - Add Medics"
2018/11/06,  5:47:24 "SECTOR - CRATES - Add Parts"
2018/11/06,  5:47:24 "SECTOR - CRATES - Add Weapons"
2018/11/06,  5:47:24 "SECTOR - CRATES - Add Ammo"
2018/11/06,  5:47:24 "SECTOR - CRATES - Add Gold"
2018/11/06,  5:47:24 "SECTOR - CRATES - Add Misc Items"
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a6c is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a6c is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a6c is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a6c is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a6d is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a6d is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a6d is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a6d is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a6e is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a6e is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a6e is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a6e is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a6f is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a6f is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a6f is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a6f is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a70 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a70 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a70 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a70 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a71 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a71 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a71 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a71 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a72 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a72 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a72 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a72 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a73 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a73 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a73 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a73 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a74 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a74 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a74 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a74 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a75 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a75 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a75 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a75 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a76 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a76 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a76 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a76 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a77 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a77 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a77 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a77 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a78 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a78 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a78 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a78 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a79 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a79 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a79 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a79 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a7a is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a7a is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a7a is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a7a is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a7b is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a7b is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a7b is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a7b is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a7c is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a7c is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a7c is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a7c is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a7d is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a7d is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a7d is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a7d is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a7e is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a7e is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a7e is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a7e is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a7f is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a7f is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a7f is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a7f is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a80 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a80 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a80 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a80 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a81 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a81 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a81 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a81 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a82 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a82 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a82 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a82 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a83 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a83 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a83 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a83 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a84 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a84 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a84 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a84 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a85 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a85 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a85 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a85 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a86 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a86 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a86 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a86 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a87 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a87 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a87 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a87 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a88 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a88 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a88 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a88 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a89 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a89 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a89 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a89 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a8a is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a8a is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a8a is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a8a is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a8b is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a8b is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a8b is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a8b is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a8c is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a8c is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a8c is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a8c is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a8d is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a8d is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a8d is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a8d is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a8e is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a8e is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a8e is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a8e is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a8f is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a8f is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a8f is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a8f is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a90 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a90 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a98 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a98 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a9f is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23a9f is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23aa5 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23aaa is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23aaa is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23aaa is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23aaf is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23ab4 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23ac6 is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23acb is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23acc is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23acc is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:27 Server: Network message 23acf is pending
2018/11/06,  5:47:34 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  5:47:34 "SOLDIER AI (ground) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 81.9033m"
2018/11/06,  5:47:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 4 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 1 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/06,  5:47:55 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 1, AI units: 18 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:48:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 1 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06,  5:48:38 "#FPSFixer: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 FPS: 54 in coords: [13665.6,3065.97,0.00121689] ..."
2018/11/06,  5:48:48 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  5:48:48 "SOLDIER AI (static) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 125.707m"
2018/11/06,  5:48:55 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 1, AI units: 17 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:49:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 1 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06,  5:49:55 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 1, AI units: 17 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:50:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06,  5:50:55 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 1, AI units: 17 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:51:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 3 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/06,  5:51:56 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.7143, players: 1, AI units: 17 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:52:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 1 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/06,  5:52:56 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 1, AI units: 17 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:53:07 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 1, FPS 46.2428, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 21, Max Nearby Zeds 24, Max Global Zeds 480, Zeds Dmg x10, Max Heli Crashes 15, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x3, MaxModels 85, MaxWeapHolders 85."
2018/11/06,  5:53:07 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 18, West Units (Players): 1, East Units (AI): 17, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 0, SERVER FPS: 46.2428 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:53:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06,  5:53:56 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 1, AI units: 17 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:54:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06,  5:54:50 "P1ayer PID#3(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers) hit by AI with VSS_vintorez_DZE/B_9x39_SP5 <ammo left:20> from 136 meters in head_hit for 7.57619 damage"
2018/11/06,  5:54:50 "Player UID#76561198411562871 CID#5742 PID#3(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers) as Survivor2_DZ died at Остров Скалистый [133122]"
2018/11/06,  5:54:50 "DeathMessage: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers был убит игроком ИИ с VSS_vintorez_DZE с расстояния 136м"
2018/11/06,  5:54:52 "SECTOR - RESET"
2018/11/06,  5:54:57 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:55:02 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers(76561198411562871)"
2018/11/06,  5:55:02 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is near respawn_west. This is normal after death. ["76561198411562871","Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers"]"
2018/11/06,  5:55:02 Client: Remote object 3:754 not found
2018/11/06,  5:55:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 11 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06,  5:55:57 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:56:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/06,  5:56:57 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:57:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/06,  5:57:57 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:58:26 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers(76561198411562871)"
2018/11/06,  5:58:27 "INFO - Player: PID#3(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers)(UID:76561198411562871/CID:5743) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/06,  5:58:30 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with UID 76561198411562871 from server ..."
2018/11/06,  5:58:30 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with UID 76561198411562871 from server ..."
2018/11/06,  5:58:30 "INFO - Player: PID#3(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers)(UID:76561198411562871/CID:5743) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Три долины [129098]"
2018/11/06,  5:58:32 "INFO - Player: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers(UID:76561198411562871/CID:5743) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/06,  5:58:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06,  5:58:43 "#LOGIN#: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 connected!"
2018/11/06,  5:58:58 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  5:59:27 "#FPSFixer: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 FPS: 30 in coords: [12983.9,5544.71,0.00143814] ..."
2018/11/06,  5:59:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.048. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.048."
2018/11/06,  5:59:38 "PUBLISH: Created CSJ_GyroC with ID "2015311755437166""
2018/11/06,  5:59:38 "Vehicles&Objects Spawner# CSJ_GyroC spawned by player B 1-1-B:1 (Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers) REMOTE! Player name is Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (UID:76561198411562871) in coords [12987,5543.12,0]."
2018/11/06,  5:59:58 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:00:31 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Set new date to [2012,8,2,19,0] with message: Вечер в хату...."
2018/11/06,  6:00:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/06,  6:00:58 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:01:29 "DELETE: PUID(76561198411562871) requested destroy on object CSJ_GyroC ID:17002 UID:0"
2018/11/06,  6:01:29 Client: Object 3:797 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:29 Client: Object 3:797 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/06,  6:01:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:45 "SECTOR - CREATING TURRETS"
2018/11/06,  6:01:45 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13716.5,2874.97,20.37]"
2018/11/06,  6:01:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:45 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13654.8,2912.41,14.3]"
2018/11/06,  6:01:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:46 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13690.2,2886.7,2.486]"
2018/11/06,  6:01:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:46 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13733.6,2945.3,12.901]"
2018/11/06,  6:01:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:46 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13703.7,2941.4,8.769]"
2018/11/06,  6:01:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:46 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13714.8,2940.7,8.769]"
2018/11/06,  6:01:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:46 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13672.9,2872.4,2.79]"
2018/11/06,  6:01:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:46 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13694.6,2862.7,2.79]"
2018/11/06,  6:01:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:47 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13754.3,2868.9,2.797]"
2018/11/06,  6:01:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:47 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13783.8,2926.9,2.793]"
2018/11/06,  6:01:47 "EVENTSHAKER# PVP Missions process stopped & exiting ..."
2018/11/06,  6:01:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:47 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13695.1,2941.42,5.2]"
2018/11/06,  6:01:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:47 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13687.4,2945.81,4.2]"
2018/11/06,  6:01:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:47 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13657.4,2898.31,6.04]"
2018/11/06,  6:01:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:47 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13668.7,2886.09,3.29]"
2018/11/06,  6:01:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:47 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13672.6,2903.2,0]"
2018/11/06,  6:01:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:48 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13699.1,2883.5,0]"
2018/11/06,  6:01:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:48 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13685.9,2889.8,0]"
2018/11/06,  6:01:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:48 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13694.9,2970.27,5.065]"
2018/11/06,  6:01:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:48 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13695.6,2944.29,5.638]"
2018/11/06,  6:01:48 No speaker given for Rostislav Duda
2018/11/06,  6:01:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:48 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13651.9,2923.21,5.092]"
2018/11/06,  6:01:48 No speaker given for Petr Hujer
2018/11/06,  6:01:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:48 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13663.9,2878.26,5.09]"
2018/11/06,  6:01:48 No speaker given for Vlastimil Beran
2018/11/06,  6:01:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:48 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13700.2,2945.71,5.677]"
2018/11/06,  6:01:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:49 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13777.6,2890.01,5.098]"
2018/11/06,  6:01:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:49 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13771.1,2961.09,5.124]"
2018/11/06,  6:01:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:49 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13721.1,2858.25,5.071]"
2018/11/06,  6:01:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:59 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.1976, players: 1, AI units: 25 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:01:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:01:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 2 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06,  6:02:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:49 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 try to get 600 coins from body Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers... now Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers has COINS:600, BANK:151742 and body has 0 coins "
2018/11/06,  6:02:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:56 Ladder in zero_buildings\models\mil\camo\mil_house.p3d is vertical
2018/11/06,  6:02:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:59 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 1, AI units: 25 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:02:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:02:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:10 Ladder in zero_buildings\models\mil\camo\mil_house.p3d is vertical
2018/11/06,  6:03:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:11 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 1, FPS 45.1977, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 21, Max Nearby Zeds 24, Max Global Zeds 480, Zeds Dmg x10, Max Heli Crashes 15, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x3, MaxModels 85, MaxWeapHolders 85."
2018/11/06,  6:03:11 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 26, West Units (Players): 1, East Units (AI): 25, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 1, SERVER FPS: 45.1977 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:03:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06,  6:03:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:59 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 1, AI units: 25 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:03:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:03:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06,  6:04:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:59 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 1, AI units: 25 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:04:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:04:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:21 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  6:05:21 "SOLDIER AI (static) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 331.663m"
2018/11/06,  6:05:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:30 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  6:05:30 "SOLDIER AI (static) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 389.284m"
2018/11/06,  6:05:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:34 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  6:05:34 "SOLDIER AI (static) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 433.9m"
2018/11/06,  6:05:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:36 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  6:05:36 "SOLDIER AI (static) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 397.923m"
2018/11/06,  6:05:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/06,  6:05:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:39 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:40 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:41 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:42 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:43 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:44 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:45 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:46 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  6:05:46 "SOLDIER AI (static) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 399.076m"
2018/11/06,  6:05:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:46 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:47 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:48 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:49 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:50 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:51 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:52 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:53 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:54 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:55 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:56 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:57 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:58 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:05:59 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:00 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 1, AI units: 20 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:06:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:00 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:01 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:02 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:03 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:04 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:05 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:06 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:07 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:08 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:09 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:10 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:11 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:12 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:13 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:14 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:15 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:16 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:17 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:18 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:19 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:20 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:21 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:22 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:23 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:24 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  6:06:24 "SOLDIER AI (ground) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 614.054m"
2018/11/06,  6:06:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:24 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:25 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:26 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:27 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:28 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:29 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:30 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:31 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:32 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:33 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:34 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:35 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:36 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:37 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 5 empty groups, 1 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/06,  6:06:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:38 Client: Object 3:796 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  6:06:41 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  6:06:41 "SOLDIER AI (ground) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 541.632m"
2018/11/06,  6:06:58 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  6:06:58 "SOLDIER AI (static) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 500.355m"
2018/11/06,  6:07:00 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.7143, players: 1, AI units: 17 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:07:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/06,  6:07:38 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  6:07:38 "SOLDIER AI (static) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 447.831m"
2018/11/06,  6:07:59 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Sync date on clients to [2012,8,2,19,7]."
2018/11/06,  6:08:00 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 1, AI units: 16 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:08:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/06,  6:08:55 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  6:08:55 "SOLDIER AI (ground) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 563.805m"
2018/11/06,  6:09:01 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.8453, players: 1, AI units: 15 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:09:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06,  6:10:01 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 1, AI units: 15 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:10:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/06,  6:11:01 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 1, AI units: 15 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:11:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06,  6:12:01 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 1, AI units: 15 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:12:05 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with UID 76561198411562871 from server ..."
2018/11/06,  6:12:22 Server: Object 3:879 not found (message 70)
2018/11/06,  6:12:22 Server: Object 3:878 not found (message 70)
2018/11/06,  6:12:22 Server: Object 3:880 not found (message 70)
2018/11/06,  6:12:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 1 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06,  6:13:02 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 1, AI units: 15 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:13:11 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  6:13:11 "SOLDIER AI (ground) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 459.422m"
2018/11/06,  6:13:15 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 1, FPS 46.9208, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 21, Max Nearby Zeds 24, Max Global Zeds 480, Zeds Dmg x10, Max Heli Crashes 15, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x3, MaxModels 85, MaxWeapHolders 85."
2018/11/06,  6:13:15 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 15, West Units (Players): 1, East Units (AI): 14, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 0, SERVER FPS: 46.9208 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:13:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 1 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06,  6:14:02 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.8453, players: 1, AI units: 14 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:14:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06,  6:15:02 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 1, AI units: 14 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:15:08 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  6:15:08 "SOLDIER AI (ground) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 415.13m"
2018/11/06,  6:15:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 1 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06,  6:16:03 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 1, AI units: 13 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:16:10 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  6:16:10 "SOLDIER AI (ground) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 374.164m"
2018/11/06,  6:16:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 1 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06,  6:16:38 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  6:16:38 "SOLDIER AI (ground) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 438.344m"
2018/11/06,  6:16:42 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  6:16:42 "SOLDIER AI (ground) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 428.259m"
2018/11/06,  6:16:52 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  6:16:52 "SOLDIER AI (static) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 421.755m"
2018/11/06,  6:17:03 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 1, AI units: 9 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:17:24 "#FPSFixer: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 FPS: 37 in coords: [13304.6,2722.17,0.00195122] ..."
2018/11/06,  6:17:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 4 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/06,  6:17:39 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  6:17:39 "SOLDIER AI (ground) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 397.473m"
2018/11/06,  6:18:03 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 1, AI units: 8 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:18:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 1 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06,  6:19:03 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 1, AI units: 8 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:19:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 1 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/06,  6:19:42 "P1ayer PID#3(UID#76561198411562871) hit by AI with KORD_high from 98 meters in head_hit for 16.6386 damage"
2018/11/06,  6:19:42 "Player UID#76561198411562871 CID#5743 PID#3(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers) as Sniper1_DZ died at Остров Скалистый [136125]"
2018/11/06,  6:19:42 "DeathMessage: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers был убит игроком ИИ с KORD_high с расстояния 98м"
2018/11/06,  6:19:46 "SECTOR - RESET"
2018/11/06,  6:19:46 Server: Object 2:3202 not found (message 275)
2018/11/06,  6:19:54 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers(76561198411562871)"
2018/11/06,  6:19:54 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is near respawn_west. This is normal after death. ["76561198411562871","Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers"]"
2018/11/06,  6:19:54 Warning: Cleanup player - person 3:991 not found
2018/11/06,  6:20:04 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:20:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.3373. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 8 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.3373."
2018/11/06,  6:21:04 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:21:31 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers(76561198411562871)"
2018/11/06,  6:21:32 "INFO - Player: PID#3(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers)(UID:76561198411562871/CID:5744) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/06,  6:21:35 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with UID 76561198411562871 from server ..."
2018/11/06,  6:21:35 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with UID 76561198411562871 from server ..."
2018/11/06,  6:21:35 "INFO - Player: PID#3(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers)(UID:76561198411562871/CID:5744) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Три долины [130100]"
2018/11/06,  6:21:37 "INFO - Player: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers(UID:76561198411562871/CID:5744) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/06,  6:21:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06,  6:21:48 "#LOGIN#: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 connected!"
2018/11/06,  6:22:04 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:22:32 "#FPSFixer: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 FPS: 34 in coords: [13081,5306.45,0.00123787] ..."
2018/11/06,  6:22:37 "PUBLISH: Created CSJ_GyroC with ID "2162229953088544""
2018/11/06,  6:22:37 "Vehicles&Objects Spawner# CSJ_GyroC spawned by player B 1-1-B:1 (Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers) REMOTE! Player name is Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (UID:76561198411562871) in coords [13077.9,5308.13,0]."
2018/11/06,  6:22:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/06,  6:23:05 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:23:19 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 1, FPS 46.6472, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 21, Max Nearby Zeds 24, Max Global Zeds 480, Zeds Dmg x10, Max Heli Crashes 15, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x3, MaxModels 85, MaxWeapHolders 85."
2018/11/06,  6:23:19 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 1, West Units (Players): 1, East Units (AI): 0, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 0, SERVER FPS: 46.6472 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:23:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06,  6:24:05 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:24:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.3373. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.3373."
2018/11/06,  6:24:48 "SECTOR - CREATING TURRETS"
2018/11/06,  6:24:48 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13716.5,2874.97,20.37]"
2018/11/06,  6:24:48 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13654.8,2912.41,14.3]"
2018/11/06,  6:24:48 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13690.2,2886.7,2.486]"
2018/11/06,  6:24:48 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13733.6,2945.3,12.901]"
2018/11/06,  6:24:49 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13703.7,2941.4,8.769]"
2018/11/06,  6:24:49 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13714.8,2940.7,8.769]"
2018/11/06,  6:24:49 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13672.9,2872.4,2.79]"
2018/11/06,  6:24:49 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13694.6,2862.7,2.79]"
2018/11/06,  6:24:49 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13754.3,2868.9,2.797]"
2018/11/06,  6:24:49 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13783.8,2926.9,2.793]"
2018/11/06,  6:24:49 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13695.1,2941.42,5.2]"
2018/11/06,  6:24:50 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13687.4,2945.81,4.2]"
2018/11/06,  6:24:50 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13657.4,2898.31,6.04]"
2018/11/06,  6:24:50 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13668.7,2886.09,3.29]"
2018/11/06,  6:24:50 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13672.6,2903.2,0]"
2018/11/06,  6:24:50 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13699.1,2883.5,0]"
2018/11/06,  6:24:50 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13685.9,2889.8,0]"
2018/11/06,  6:24:51 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13694.9,2970.27,5.065]"
2018/11/06,  6:24:51 No speaker given for Kiril Vitek
2018/11/06,  6:24:51 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13695.6,2944.29,5.638]"
2018/11/06,  6:24:51 No speaker given for Roman Pazout
2018/11/06,  6:24:51 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13651.9,2923.21,5.092]"
2018/11/06,  6:24:51 No speaker given for Pavel Kulhanek
2018/11/06,  6:24:51 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13663.9,2878.26,5.09]"
2018/11/06,  6:24:51 No speaker given for Frantisek Jiroutek
2018/11/06,  6:24:51 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13700.2,2945.71,5.677]"
2018/11/06,  6:24:51 No speaker given for Petr Kropacek
2018/11/06,  6:24:51 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13777.6,2890.01,5.098]"
2018/11/06,  6:24:51 No speaker given for Michal Antonov
2018/11/06,  6:24:51 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13771.1,2961.09,5.124]"
2018/11/06,  6:24:51 No speaker given for Vasil Rybski
2018/11/06,  6:24:51 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13721.1,2858.25,5.071]"
2018/11/06,  6:24:51 No speaker given for Otakar Lebeda
2018/11/06,  6:25:05 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.584, players: 1, AI units: 25 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:25:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06,  6:26:05 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 1, AI units: 25 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:26:07 Ladder in zero_buildings\models\mil\camo\mil_house.p3d is vertical
2018/11/06,  6:26:32 Ladder in zero_buildings\models\mil\camo\mil_house.p3d is vertical
2018/11/06,  6:26:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 1 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/06,  6:27:06 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 1, AI units: 25 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:27:22 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  6:27:22 "SOLDIER AI (ground) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 115.955m"
2018/11/06,  6:27:29 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  6:27:29 "SOLDIER AI (static) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 119.574m"
2018/11/06,  6:27:30 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  6:27:30 "SOLDIER AI (static) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 109.36m"
2018/11/06,  6:27:32 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  6:27:32 "SOLDIER AI (static) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 151.437m"
2018/11/06,  6:27:34 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  6:27:34 "SOLDIER AI (static) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 103.658m"
2018/11/06,  6:27:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06,  6:27:52 Ladder in zero_buildings\models\mil\camo\mil_house.p3d is vertical
2018/11/06,  6:28:04 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  6:28:04 "SOLDIER AI (ground) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 136.694m"
2018/11/06,  6:28:06 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 1, AI units: 19 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:28:11 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  6:28:11 "SOLDIER AI (static) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 89.8951m"
2018/11/06,  6:28:17 Ladder in zero_buildings\models\mil\camo\mil_house.p3d is vertical
2018/11/06,  6:28:37 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 try to get 600 coins from body Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers... now Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers has COINS:600, BANK:151742 and body has 0 coins "
2018/11/06,  6:28:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 6 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06,  6:28:40 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  6:28:40 "SOLDIER AI (static) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 58.661m"
2018/11/06,  6:29:05 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  6:29:05 "SOLDIER AI (static) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 51.546m"
2018/11/06,  6:29:06 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 1, AI units: 16 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:29:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 3 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06,  6:30:07 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 1, AI units: 16 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:30:11 "P1ayer PID#3(UID#76561198411562871) hit by AI with DSHKM_TK_INS_EP1 from 63 meters in head_hit for 16.9981 damage"
2018/11/06,  6:30:11 "Player UID#76561198411562871 CID#5744 PID#3(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers) as Survivor2_DZ died at Остров Скалистый [137125]"
2018/11/06,  6:30:11 "DeathMessage: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers был убит игроком ИИ с DSHKM_TK_INS_EP1 с расстояния 63м"
2018/11/06,  6:30:14 "SECTOR - RESET"
2018/11/06,  6:30:23 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers(76561198411562871)"
2018/11/06,  6:30:23 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is near respawn_west. This is normal after death. ["76561198411562871","Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers"]"
2018/11/06,  6:30:23 Client: Remote object 3:1018 not found
2018/11/06,  6:30:23 Warning: Cleanup player - person 3:1080 not found
2018/11/06,  6:30:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 16 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06,  6:30:39 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers(76561198411562871)"
2018/11/06,  6:30:41 "INFO - Player: PID#3(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers)(UID:76561198411562871/CID:5745) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/06,  6:30:44 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with UID 76561198411562871 from server ..."
2018/11/06,  6:30:44 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with UID 76561198411562871 from server ..."
2018/11/06,  6:30:44 "INFO - Player: PID#3(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers)(UID:76561198411562871/CID:5745) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Три долины [129097]"
2018/11/06,  6:30:46 "INFO - Player: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers(UID:76561198411562871/CID:5745) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/06,  6:30:55 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Set new date to [2012,8,2,3,0] with message: Время сейчас ночное...."
2018/11/06,  6:30:57 "#LOGIN#: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 connected!"
2018/11/06,  6:31:01 MuzzleFlashROT - unknown animation source ammoRandom
2018/11/06,  6:31:07 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:31:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06,  6:31:41 "#FPSFixer: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 FPS: 26 in coords: [12973.9,5566.62,0.00146484] ..."
2018/11/06,  6:31:51 "PUBLISH: Created CSJ_GyroC with ID "2207612555659099""
2018/11/06,  6:31:51 "Vehicles&Objects Spawner# CSJ_GyroC spawned by player B 1-1-B:1 (Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers) REMOTE! Player name is Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (UID:76561198411562871) in coords [12976.7,5564.63,0]."
2018/11/06,  6:32:07 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:32:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 4 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/06,  6:33:07 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:33:23 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 1, FPS 46.2428, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 21, Max Nearby Zeds 24, Max Global Zeds 480, Zeds Dmg x10, Max Heli Crashes 15, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x3, MaxModels 85, MaxWeapHolders 85."
2018/11/06,  6:33:23 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 1, West Units (Players): 1, East Units (AI): 0, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 0, SERVER FPS: 46.2428 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:33:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06,  6:33:40 "SECTOR - CREATING TURRETS"
2018/11/06,  6:33:40 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13716.5,2874.97,20.37]"
2018/11/06,  6:33:40 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13654.8,2912.41,14.3]"
2018/11/06,  6:33:41 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13690.2,2886.7,2.486]"
2018/11/06,  6:33:41 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13733.6,2945.3,12.901]"
2018/11/06,  6:33:41 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13703.7,2941.4,8.769]"
2018/11/06,  6:33:41 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13714.8,2940.7,8.769]"
2018/11/06,  6:33:41 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13672.9,2872.4,2.79]"
2018/11/06,  6:33:41 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13694.6,2862.7,2.79]"
2018/11/06,  6:33:41 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13754.3,2868.9,2.797]"
2018/11/06,  6:33:42 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13783.8,2926.9,2.793]"
2018/11/06,  6:33:42 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13695.1,2941.42,5.2]"
2018/11/06,  6:33:42 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13687.4,2945.81,4.2]"
2018/11/06,  6:33:42 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13657.4,2898.31,6.04]"
2018/11/06,  6:33:42 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13668.7,2886.09,3.29]"
2018/11/06,  6:33:42 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13672.6,2903.2,0]"
2018/11/06,  6:33:43 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13699.1,2883.5,0]"
2018/11/06,  6:33:43 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13685.9,2889.8,0]"
2018/11/06,  6:33:43 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13694.9,2970.27,5.065]"
2018/11/06,  6:33:43 No speaker given for Bogdan Kravchuk
2018/11/06,  6:33:43 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13695.6,2944.29,5.638]"
2018/11/06,  6:33:43 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13651.9,2923.21,5.092]"
2018/11/06,  6:33:43 No speaker given for Dobromil Kropacek
2018/11/06,  6:33:43 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13663.9,2878.26,5.09]"
2018/11/06,  6:33:43 No speaker given for Otakar Nobski
2018/11/06,  6:33:43 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13700.2,2945.71,5.677]"
2018/11/06,  6:33:43 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13777.6,2890.01,5.098]"
2018/11/06,  6:33:43 No speaker given for Lukas Jelen
2018/11/06,  6:33:44 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13771.1,2961.09,5.124]"
2018/11/06,  6:33:44 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a STATIC SOLDIER - at position [13721.1,2858.25,5.071]"
2018/11/06,  6:34:08 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 1, AI units: 25 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:34:14 Ladder in zero_buildings\models\mil\camo\mil_house.p3d is vertical
2018/11/06,  6:34:20 Ladder in zero_buildings\models\mil\camo\mil_house.p3d is vertical
2018/11/06,  6:34:33 Ladder in zero_buildings\models\mil\camo\mil_house.p3d is vertical
2018/11/06,  6:34:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06,  6:35:07 Ladder in zero_buildings\models\mil\camo\mil_house.p3d is vertical
2018/11/06,  6:35:08 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 1, AI units: 25 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:35:20 Ladder in zero_buildings\models\mil\camo\mil_house.p3d is vertical
2018/11/06,  6:35:27 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  6:35:27 "SOLDIER AI (static) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 75.7963m"
2018/11/06,  6:35:29 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  6:35:29 "SOLDIER AI (static) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 95.5901m"
2018/11/06,  6:35:30 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  6:35:30 "SOLDIER AI (static) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 125.493m"
2018/11/06,  6:35:34 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  6:35:34 "SOLDIER AI (static) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 149.282m"
2018/11/06,  6:35:35 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  6:35:35 "SOLDIER AI (static) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 135.246m"
2018/11/06,  6:35:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06,  6:36:01 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  6:36:01 "SOLDIER AI (ground) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 110.026m"
2018/11/06,  6:36:08 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 1, AI units: 19 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:36:15 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  6:36:15 "SOLDIER AI (static) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 100.696m"
2018/11/06,  6:36:27 "#BANK&COINS - OPERATION RESUTLS: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 try to get 600 coins from body Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers... now Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers has COINS:600, BANK:151742 and body has 0 coins "
2018/11/06,  6:36:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 6 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06,  6:37:08 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 1, AI units: 18 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:37:27 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  6:37:27 "SOLDIER AI (static) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 99.5199m"
2018/11/06,  6:37:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06,  6:38:02 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  6:38:02 "SOLDIER AI (ground) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 140.193m"
2018/11/06,  6:38:09 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 1, AI units: 16 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:38:11 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  6:38:11 "SOLDIER AI (static) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 55.3905m"
2018/11/06,  6:38:27 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  6:38:27 "SOLDIER AI (ground) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 145.384m"
2018/11/06,  6:38:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/06,  6:39:09 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 1, AI units: 14 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:39:15 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  6:39:15 "SOLDIER AI (ground) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 81.4433m"
2018/11/06,  6:39:25 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  6:39:25 "SOLDIER AI (ground) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 87.0274m"
2018/11/06,  6:39:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06,  6:40:09 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 1, AI units: 12 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:40:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 2 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06,  6:41:02 "SECTOR - SPAWNING UNITS"
2018/11/06,  6:41:02 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of SOLDIERS - 0 Infantry, 0 Stormtrooper, 0 Sniper, 1 Boss, 2 Elite 0 Nuker at position [13717.7,2915.15,0]"
2018/11/06,  6:41:02 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of SOLDIERS - 0 Infantry, 0 Stormtrooper, 0 Sniper, 0 Boss, 2 Elite 1 Nuker at position [13717.7,2915.15,0]"
2018/11/06,  6:41:02 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a group of SOLDIERS - 0 Infantry, 0 Stormtrooper, 0 Sniper, 0 Boss, 2 Elite 1 Nuker at position [13717.7,2915.15,0]"
2018/11/06,  6:41:03 "SECTOR - SPAWNING LOOT"
2018/11/06,  6:41:03 "SECTOR - CRATES - Add Food"
2018/11/06,  6:41:03 "SECTOR - CRATES - Add Building Material"
2018/11/06,  6:41:03 "SECTOR - CRATES - Add Medics"
2018/11/06,  6:41:03 "SECTOR - CRATES - Add Parts"
2018/11/06,  6:41:03 "SECTOR - CRATES - Add Weapons"
2018/11/06,  6:41:03 "SECTOR - CRATES - Add Ammo"
2018/11/06,  6:41:04 "SECTOR - CRATES - Add Gold"
2018/11/06,  6:41:04 "SECTOR - CRATES - Add Misc Items"
2018/11/06,  6:41:10 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 1, AI units: 21 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:41:13 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  6:41:13 "SOLDIER AI (ground) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 117.971m"
2018/11/06,  6:41:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.7143. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 1 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.7143."
2018/11/06,  6:41:41 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  6:41:41 "SOLDIER AI (ground) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 91.5994m"
2018/11/06,  6:41:56 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  6:41:56 "SOLDIER AI (ground) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 84.1623m"
2018/11/06,  6:42:10 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 1, AI units: 18 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:42:31 Server: Object 3:1215 not found (message 99)
2018/11/06,  6:42:31 Server: Object 3:1212 not found (message 99)
2018/11/06,  6:42:31 Server: Object 3:1206 not found (message 99)
2018/11/06,  6:42:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06,  6:42:51 WARNING: Function 'name' - Chernarus Soldier is dead
2018/11/06,  6:42:51 "SOLDIER AI (ground) - Chernarus Soldier was Killed by Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers from 34.6558m"
2018/11/06,  6:43:06 Server: Object 3:1239 not found (message 98)
2018/11/06,  6:43:06 Server: Object 3:1240 not found (message 91)
2018/11/06,  6:43:09 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Sync date on clients to [2012,8,2,3,12]."
2018/11/06,  6:43:10 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.7143, players: 1, AI units: 17 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:43:27 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 1, FPS 46.3768, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 21, Max Nearby Zeds 24, Max Global Zeds 480, Zeds Dmg x10, Max Heli Crashes 15, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x3, MaxModels 85, MaxWeapHolders 85."
2018/11/06,  6:43:27 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 18, West Units (Players): 1, East Units (AI): 17, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 1, SERVER FPS: 46.3768 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:43:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 3 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06,  6:43:50 "P1ayer PID#3(UID#76561198411562871) hit by AI with M2StaticMG from 25 meters in head_hit for 17.63 damage"
2018/11/06,  6:43:50 "Player UID#76561198411562871 CID#5745 PID#3(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers) as Survivor2_DZ died at Остров Скалистый [137124]"
2018/11/06,  6:43:50 "DeathMessage: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers был убит игроком ИИ с M2StaticMG с расстояния 25м"
2018/11/06,  6:43:55 "SECTOR - RESET"
2018/11/06,  6:44:03 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers(76561198411562871)"
2018/11/06,  6:44:03 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is near respawn_west. This is normal after death. ["76561198411562871","Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers"]"
2018/11/06,  6:44:03 Client: Remote object 3:1252 not found
2018/11/06,  6:44:10 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:44:21 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers(76561198411562871)"
2018/11/06,  6:44:22 "INFO - Player: PID#3(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers)(UID:76561198411562871/CID:5746) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/06,  6:44:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 14 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 6 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/06,  6:44:49 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with UID 76561198411562871 from server ..."
2018/11/06,  6:44:49 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with UID 76561198411562871 from server ..."
2018/11/06,  6:44:49 "INFO - Player: PID#3(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers)(UID:76561198411562871/CID:5746) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Нижнее [126068]"
2018/11/06,  6:44:50 "INFO - Player: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers(UID:76561198411562871/CID:5746) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/06,  6:44:50 "#LOGIN#: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 connected!"
2018/11/06,  6:44:53 Server: Object 3:1286 not found (message 94)
2018/11/06,  6:44:53 Server: Object 3:1293 not found (message 70)
2018/11/06,  6:44:53 Server: Object 3:1292 not found (message 94)
2018/11/06,  6:44:53 Server: Object 3:1294 not found (message 94)
2018/11/06,  6:44:53 Server: Object 3:1295 not found (message 94)
2018/11/06,  6:44:53 Server: Object 3:1299 not found (message 94)
2018/11/06,  6:44:53 Server: Object 3:1296 not found (message 94)
2018/11/06,  6:44:53 Server: Object 3:1297 not found (message 94)
2018/11/06,  6:44:53 Server: Object 3:1298 not found (message 94)
2018/11/06,  6:44:53 Server: Object 3:1300 not found (message 94)
2018/11/06,  6:44:53 Server: Object 3:1301 not found (message 94)
2018/11/06,  6:44:53 Server: Object 3:1302 not found (message 94)
2018/11/06,  6:44:53 Server: Object 3:1303 not found (message 98)
2018/11/06,  6:44:53 Server: Object 3:1304 not found (message 91)
2018/11/06,  6:44:53 Server: Object 3:1306 not found (message 91)
2018/11/06,  6:44:53 Server: Object 3:1305 not found (message 98)
2018/11/06,  6:45:11 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:45:22 "#FPSFixer: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 FPS: 32 in coords: [12704.2,8411.12,0.00165844] ..."
2018/11/06,  6:45:34 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers(76561198411562871)"
2018/11/06,  6:45:34 "INFO - Player: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers(UID:76561198411562871/CID:5746) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location Нижнее [127069]"
2018/11/06,  6:45:34 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with uid 76561198411562871 disconnected ..."
2018/11/06,  6:45:34 Client: Remote object 3:1277 not found
2018/11/06,  6:45:34 Client: Remote object 3:1276 not found
2018/11/06,  6:45:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 21 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06,  6:46:11 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 0, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:46:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06,  6:47:11 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.0588, players: 0, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:47:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06,  6:48:12 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 0, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:48:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/06,  6:49:12 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 0, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:49:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06,  6:50:12 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 0, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:50:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/06,  6:51:12 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.0588, players: 0, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:51:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 1 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/06,  6:52:13 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 0, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:52:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/06,  6:53:13 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 0, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:53:31 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 0, FPS 46.5116, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 21, Max Nearby Zeds 24, Max Global Zeds 480, Zeds Dmg x10, Max Heli Crashes 15, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x3, MaxModels 85, MaxWeapHolders 85."
2018/11/06,  6:53:31 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 0, West Units (Players): 0, East Units (AI): 0, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 0, SERVER FPS: 46.5116 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:53:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06,  6:54:13 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.1976, players: 0, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:54:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/06,  6:55:14 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.7143, players: 0, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:55:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/06,  6:56:14 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 0, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:56:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/06,  6:57:14 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 0, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:57:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06,  6:58:14 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 0, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:58:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06,  6:59:15 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.0588, players: 0, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  6:59:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06,  7:00:15 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.1976, players: 0, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:00:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 1 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06,  7:01:15 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:01:19 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Set new date to [2012,8,2,5,0] with message: Наступило утро...."
2018/11/06,  7:01:35 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers(76561198411562871)"
2018/11/06,  7:01:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06,  7:01:38 "INFO - Player: PID#5(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers)(UID:76561198411562871/CID:5746) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/06,  7:01:38 Server: Object 5:23 not found (message 94)
2018/11/06,  7:01:38 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with UID 76561198411562871 from server ..."
2018/11/06,  7:01:38 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with UID 76561198411562871 from server ..."
2018/11/06,  7:01:39 "INFO - Player: PID#5(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers)(UID:76561198411562871/CID:5746) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Нижнее [127069]"
2018/11/06,  7:01:44 "INFO - Player: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers(UID:76561198411562871/CID:5746) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/06,  7:01:53 "#LOGIN#: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 connected!"
2018/11/06,  7:02:15 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:02:37 "#FPSFixer: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 FPS: 20 in coords: [12717.7,8419.35,0.00135803] ..."
2018/11/06,  7:02:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06,  7:03:08 "PUBLISH: Created CSJ_GyroC with ID "23690273842010976""
2018/11/06,  7:03:08 "Vehicles&Objects Spawner# CSJ_GyroC spawned by player B 1-1-B:1 (Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers) REMOTE! Player name is Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (UID:76561198411562871) in coords [12714.2,8419.5,0]."
2018/11/06,  7:03:16 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:03:35 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 1, FPS 46.9208, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 21, Max Nearby Zeds 24, Max Global Zeds 480, Zeds Dmg x10, Max Heli Crashes 15, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x3, MaxModels 85, MaxWeapHolders 85."
2018/11/06,  7:03:35 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 1, West Units (Players): 1, East Units (AI): 0, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 3, SERVER FPS: 46.9208 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:03:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06,  7:04:16 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:04:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06,  7:05:16 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:05:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06,  7:05:40 "CRASHSPAWNER: Spawning crash site (CrashSite_US) at [2933.61,8362.34,0] with 11 items."
2018/11/06,  7:06:17 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:06:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/06,  7:07:17 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:07:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06,  7:08:17 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:08:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/06,  7:08:38 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) UNLOCKED CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ with code: EYESCAN @080065 [8087.27,8808.27,-0.4]"
2018/11/06,  7:08:58 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 0602 @080065 [8077.04,8797.8,0.033]"
2018/11/06,  7:09:17 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:09:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06,  7:10:18 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:10:19 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) LOCKED Safe with code: 0602 @080065 [8077.04,8797.8,0.033]"
2018/11/06,  7:10:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/06,  7:11:18 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:11:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/06,  7:12:18 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:12:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.3373. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.3373."
2018/11/06,  7:13:03 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 0602 @080065 [8077.04,8797.8,0.033]"
2018/11/06,  7:13:19 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:13:29 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) LOCKED Safe with code: 0602 @080065 [8077.04,8797.8,0.033]"
2018/11/06,  7:13:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06,  7:13:39 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 1, FPS 46.5116, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 21, Max Nearby Zeds 24, Max Global Zeds 480, Zeds Dmg x10, Max Heli Crashes 15, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x3, MaxModels 85, MaxWeapHolders 85."
2018/11/06,  7:13:39 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 1, West Units (Players): 1, East Units (AI): 0, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 0, SERVER FPS: 46.5116 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:14:19 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:14:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 1 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06,  7:15:19 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:15:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06,  7:16:19 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:16:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/06,  7:17:20 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:17:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06,  7:18:15 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) UNLOCKED Safe with code: 0602 @080065 [8077.04,8797.8,0.033]"
2018/11/06,  7:18:18 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Sync date on clients to [2012,8,2,5,16]."
2018/11/06,  7:18:20 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:18:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06,  7:18:41 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) LOCKED Safe with code: 0602 @080065 [8077.04,8797.8,0.033]"
2018/11/06,  7:19:20 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:19:22 "Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) LOCKED CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ with code: 244 @080065 [8087.27,8808.27,-0.4]"
2018/11/06,  7:19:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06,  7:20:21 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:20:22 "#FPSFixer: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 FPS: 27 in coords: [8091.43,8791.35,0.0418396] ..."
2018/11/06,  7:20:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06,  7:21:21 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.1976, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:21:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06,  7:22:21 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:22:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06,  7:23:21 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:23:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06,  7:23:43 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 1, FPS 47.0588, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 21, Max Nearby Zeds 24, Max Global Zeds 480, Zeds Dmg x10, Max Heli Crashes 15, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x3, MaxModels 85, MaxWeapHolders 85."
2018/11/06,  7:23:43 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 1, West Units (Players): 1, East Units (AI): 0, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 0, SERVER FPS: 47.0588 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:24:22 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:24:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 16 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 59 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06,  7:25:22 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:25:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/06,  7:26:22 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:26:33 "DELETE: Player PID#5(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers)(76561198411562871) deleted object with ID: 16678"
2018/11/06,  7:26:33 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) sold 1x Mi17_DZE from gear at зону торговли Бандитов for 8,000 Рублей"
2018/11/06,  7:26:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06,  7:27:23 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:27:23 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) purchased 2x 10Rnd_127x99_m107 into gear at зону торговли Бандитов for 6,000 Рублей"
2018/11/06,  7:27:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06,  7:28:23 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:28:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06,  7:29:10 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) purchased 1x Skin_Sniper1_DZ into gear at зону торговли Бандитов for 1,000 Рублей"
2018/11/06,  7:29:23 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:29:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06,  7:30:23 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:30:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/06,  7:31:24 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:31:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 3 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06,  7:32:24 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:32:25 Server: Object 5:257 not found (message 70)
2018/11/06,  7:32:25 "DELETE: Player PID#5(Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers)(76561198411562871) deleted object with ID: 16965"
2018/11/06,  7:32:25 "Trader Menu: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (76561198411562871) sold 1x CH_47F_EP1_DZE from gear at зону торговли Бандитов for 20,000 Рублей"
2018/11/06,  7:32:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/06,  7:33:24 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:33:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06,  7:33:43 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with UID 76561198411562871 from server ..."
2018/11/06,  7:33:47 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 1, FPS 46.2428, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 21, Max Nearby Zeds 24, Max Global Zeds 480, Zeds Dmg x10, Max Heli Crashes 15, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x3, MaxModels 85, MaxWeapHolders 85."
2018/11/06,  7:33:47 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 1, West Units (Players): 1, East Units (AI): 0, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 3, SERVER FPS: 45.977 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:34:24 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:34:29 "PUBLISH: Created CSJ_GyroC with ID "14523137777912857""
2018/11/06,  7:34:29 "Vehicles&Objects Spawner# CSJ_GyroC spawned by player B 1-1-A:1 (Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers) REMOTE! Player name is Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers (UID:76561198411562871) in coords [1665.59,7778.56,0]."
2018/11/06,  7:34:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06,  7:35:25 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:35:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 1 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06,  7:35:52 "#FPSFixer: Player Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with ID 76561198411562871 FPS: 42 in coords: [2759.4,7891.49,46.0343] ..."
2018/11/06,  7:36:25 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.1976, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:36:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/06,  7:37:25 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.0588, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:37:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 5 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/06,  7:37:46 Server: Object 5:317 not found (message 99)
2018/11/06,  7:37:46 Server: Object 5:318 not found (message 91)
2018/11/06,  7:38:26 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:38:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06,  7:39:15 "DELETE: PUID(76561198411562871) requested destroy on object CSJ_GyroC ID:17009 UID:0"
2018/11/06,  7:39:15 Client: Object 5:323 (type Type_69) not found.
2018/11/06,  7:39:15 Client: Object 5:323 (type Type_70) not found.
2018/11/06,  7:39:26 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:39:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/06,  7:40:26 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 1, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:40:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 1 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/06,  7:41:06 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers(76561198411562871)"
2018/11/06,  7:41:06 "INFO - Player: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers(UID:76561198411562871/CID:5746) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location аэродром [046058]"
2018/11/06,  7:41:06 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: Jlblcblu u3 BraZZers with uid 76561198411562871 disconnected ..."
2018/11/06,  7:41:06 Client: Remote object 5:17 not found
2018/11/06,  7:41:06 Client: Remote object 5:264 not found
2018/11/06,  7:41:26 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 0, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:41:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 19 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/06,  7:42:27 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 0, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:42:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/06,  7:43:27 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 0, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:43:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/06,  7:43:51 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 0, FPS 46.2428, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 21, Max Nearby Zeds 24, Max Global Zeds 480, Zeds Dmg x10, Max Heli Crashes 15, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x3, MaxModels 85, MaxWeapHolders 85."
2018/11/06,  7:43:51 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 0, West Units (Players): 0, East Units (AI): 0, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 0, SERVER FPS: 46.2428 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:44:27 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 0, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:44:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06,  7:45:28 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 0, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:45:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 1 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/06,  7:46:28 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 0, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:46:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/06,  7:47:28 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 0, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:47:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06,  7:48:28 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 0, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:48:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/06,  7:49:29 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.0588, players: 0, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:49:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06,  7:50:29 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 0, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:50:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/06,  7:51:29 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 0, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:51:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06,  7:52:23 "CRASHSPAWNER: Spawning crash site (CrashSite_RU) at [10796,12298.7,0] with 11 items."
2018/11/06,  7:52:29 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 0, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:52:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06,  7:53:28 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Sync date on clients to [2012,8,2,5,51]."
2018/11/06,  7:53:30 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 0, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:53:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06,  7:53:55 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 0, FPS 46.6472, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 21, Max Nearby Zeds 24, Max Global Zeds 480, Zeds Dmg x10, Max Heli Crashes 15, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x3, MaxModels 85, MaxWeapHolders 85."
2018/11/06,  7:53:55 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 0, West Units (Players): 0, East Units (AI): 0, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 0, SERVER FPS: 46.6472 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:54:30 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 0, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:54:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/06,  7:55:30 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 0, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:55:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/06,  7:56:31 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 0, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:56:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.1976. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.1976."
2018/11/06,  7:57:31 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 0, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:57:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.3373. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.3373."
2018/11/06,  7:58:31 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 0, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:58:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06,  7:59:31 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 0, AI units: 0 ..."
2018/11/06,  7:59:38 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."

== E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\arma2oaserver.exe
== "E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\arma2oaserver.exe"  -port=2302 -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 -noSound -noPause "-config=E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Epoch_Configs\Alpha\config.cfg" "-cfg=E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Epoch_Configs\Alpha\basic.cfg" "-profiles=E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Epoch_Configs\Alpha" -name=Alpha "-mod=@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server;"
Exe timestamp: 2018/06/08 18:12:39
Current time:  2018/11/06 08:00:58

Version 1.63.131129
Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
Updating base class ->NonStrategic, by ca\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HouseBase/
Updating base class ->HouseBase, by ca\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins/
Updating base class ->DestructionEffects, by ca\config.bin/CfgVehicles/House/DestructionEffects/
Updating base class ->FlagCarrierCore, by ca\ca_pmc\config.bin/CfgVehicles/FlagCarrier/
Updating base class ->VehicleMagazine, by ca\weapons\config.bin/CfgMagazines/14Rnd_FFAR/
Updating base class Default->RifleCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/Rifle/
Updating base class ->LauncherCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/RocketPods/
Updating base class ->RocketPods, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/FFARLauncher/
Updating base class ->UH60_Base, by ca\air\config.bin/CfgVehicles/MH60S/
Updating base class ->Car, by ca\wheeled2\lada\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Lada_base/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UN_CDF_Soldier_base_EP1/HitPoints/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Commander/HitPoints/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Soldier_Militia/HitPoints/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Soldier_Officer/HitPoints/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Soldier_Sniper/HitPoints/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Soldier_Spotter/HitPoints/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lamp_Small_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lamp_Street1_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lamp_Street2_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lampa_Ind_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_PowLines_Conc2L_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseMediumOrange->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_sidl/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseMediumOrange->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_sidl_2/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseMediumOrange->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_sidl_3/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseWeakYellow->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_ind/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseWeakYellow->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_ind_zebr/
Updating base class RscStandardDisplay->, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayStart/
Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscShortcutButtonMain, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/controls/CA_Exit/
Updating base class CA_IGUI_Title->RscText, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/Gear_Title/
Updating base class Available_items_Text->RscText, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/CA_ItemName/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item7->CA_Gear_slot_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_item8/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item7->CA_Gear_slot_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_item9/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item7->CA_Gear_slot_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_item10/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item7->CA_Gear_slot_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_item11/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item7->CA_Gear_slot_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_item12/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item5->CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item6/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item5->CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item7/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item5->CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item8/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_special1->CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory1/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7->CA_Gear_slot_inventory1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory8/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7->CA_Gear_slot_inventory1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory9/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7->CA_Gear_slot_inventory1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory10/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7->CA_Gear_slot_inventory1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory11/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7->CA_Gear_slot_inventory1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory12/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item1->CA_Gear_slot_handgun, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_special1/
Updating base class RscIGUIShortcutButton->RscActiveText, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/ButtonClose/
Updating base class RscText->, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscTitles/Default/
Updating base class ->ViewOptics, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Mi17_base/Turrets/MainTurret/ViewOptics/
Updating base class ->ViewOptics, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UH1H_base/Turrets/MainTurret/ViewOptics/
Updating base class ->ViewOptics, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UH1_Base/Turrets/MainTurret/ViewOptics/
Updating base class Strategic->, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Bomb/
Updating base class HighCommand->Logic, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HighCommandSubordinate/
Updating base class NonStrategic->BuiltItems, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Fort_RazorWire/
Updating base class ->DefaultEventhandlers, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CSJ_GyroP/EventHandlers/
Updating base class AnimationSources->AnimationSources, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CSJ_GyroC/AnimationSources/
Updating base class ->DefaultEventhandlers, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CSJ_GyroC/EventHandlers/
Updating base class BuiltItems->Generator_Base, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Generator_DZ/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/29Rnd_30mm_AGS30/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/48Rnd_40mm_MK19/
Updating base class 4000Rnd_762x51_M134->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/2000Rnd_762x51_M134/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/100Rnd_127x99_M2/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/50Rnd_127x107_DSHKM/
Updating base class 4000Rnd_762x51_M134->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/pook_1300Rnd_762x51_M60/
Updating base class 100Rnd_762x51_M240->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/pook_250Rnd_762x51/
Updating base class 6Rnd_Grenade_Camel->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/pook_12Rnd_Grenade_Camel/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/3Rnd_GyroGrenade/
Updating base class DropWeapon->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgActions/PutWeapon/
Updating base class DropMagazine->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgActions/PutMagazine/
Updating base class Land_HouseBlock_C1->House, by zero_buildings\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_HouseBlock_C4/
Updating base class Land_HouseV_1I2->House, by zero_buildings\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_HouseV_1I3/
Updating base class NonStrategic->House, by zero_buildings\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_A_MunicipalOffice/
Updating base class Land_HouseV_1I2->House, by zero_buildings\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_HouseV_1L2/
Updating base class Land_HouseV_1I2->House, by zero_buildings\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_HouseV_3I3/
Updating base class House->DZE_OpenHouse, by warehouse\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Ind_Pec_03/
2018/11/06,  8:01:06 Initializing Steam server - Game Port: 2302, Steam Query Port: 2303
2018/11/06,  8:01:08 Connected to Steam servers
2018/11/06,  9:36:29 Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
2018/11/06,  9:36:29 Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
2018/11/06,  9:36:32 Server error: Player without identity Bugor (id 119637040)
2018/11/06,  9:36:32 Server error: Player without identity Bugor (id 119637040)
2018/11/06,  9:36:32 Server error: Player without identity Bugor (id 119637040)
2018/11/06,  9:36:32 Server error: Player without identity Bugor (id 119637040)
2018/11/06,  9:36:32 Server error: Player without identity Bugor (id 119637040)
2018/11/06,  9:36:32 Server error: Player without identity Bugor (id 119637040)
2018/11/06,  9:36:32 Server error: Player without identity Bugor (id 119637040)
2018/11/06,  9:36:32 Server error: Player without identity Bugor (id 119637040)
2018/11/06,  9:36:32 Server error: Player without identity Bugor (id 119637040)
2018/11/06,  9:36:32 Server error: Player without identity Bugor (id 119637040)
2018/11/06,  9:36:32 Server error: Player without identity Bugor (id 119637040)
2018/11/06,  9:36:32 Server error: Player without identity Bugor (id 119637040)
2018/11/06,  9:36:32 Server error: Player without identity Bugor (id 119637040)
2018/11/06,  9:36:32 Server error: Player without identity Bugor (id 119637040)
2018/11/06,  9:36:32 Server error: Player without identity Bugor (id 119637040)
2018/11/06,  9:36:32 Server error: Player without identity Bugor (id 119637040)
2018/11/06,  9:36:32 Server error: Player without identity Bugor (id 119637040)
2018/11/06,  9:36:49 Strange convex component81 in zero_buildings\models\housev_3i3_i.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  9:36:54 Strange convex component31 in zero_buildings\models\proxies\th_arches.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  9:36:55 Strange convex component207 in zero_buildings\models\a_tvtower\a_tvtower_base.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component44 in zero_buildings\models\houseblock\houseblock_c4.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component288 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component289 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component290 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component291 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component292 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component293 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component294 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component295 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component296 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component297 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component298 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component299 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component300 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component301 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component302 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component303 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component304 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component305 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component306 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component307 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component308 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component309 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component310 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component311 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component312 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component313 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component314 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component315 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component316 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component317 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component252 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component253 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component254 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component255 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component256 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component257 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component258 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component259 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component260 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component261 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component262 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component263 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component264 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component265 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component266 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component267 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component268 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component269 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component270 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component271 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component272 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component273 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component274 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component275 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component276 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component277 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component278 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component279 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component280 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component281 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component249 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component250 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component251 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component252 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component253 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component254 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component255 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component256 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component257 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component258 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component259 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component260 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component261 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component262 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component263 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component264 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component265 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component266 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component267 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component268 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component269 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component270 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component271 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component272 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component273 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component274 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component275 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component276 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component277 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  9:36:57 Strange convex component278 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06,  9:37:04 "PRELOAD_ Functions\init [[<No group>:0 (FunctionsManager)],any]"
2018/11/06,  9:37:04 "MPframework inited"
2018/11/06,  9:37:05 "*** REALDATE *** Module starting ..."
2018/11/06,  9:37:05 "*** REALDATE *** Full Received Info From System: [2018,11,6,9,37,5,2,309,0]"
2018/11/06,  9:37:05 "*** REALDATE *** Current real date: [2018,11,6,9,37,5,2,309,0]"
2018/11/06,  9:37:05 "*** REALDATE *** Current day number: 2"
2018/11/06,  9:37:05 "*** REALDATE *** Current real day name is: Tuesday"
2018/11/06,  9:37:05 "*** REALDATE *** Short date is: [2018,11,6,9,37]"
2018/11/06,  9:37:05 "*** REALDATE *** Current day game set to Tuesday (AFTER ANOTHER PRIORITY DATE ACCEPT)..."
2018/11/06,  9:37:05 "dayz_preloadFinished reset"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> updatearmalog callExtension: [06.11.2018][09:37:14] Downloaded and installed new armalog.dll"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "IAH_fnc_getIntFromString: 1"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> infiSTAR dll loaded successfully"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> ok"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> Loading infiSTAR code.."
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "Epoch detected"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> BIS_fnc_init done - AntiHack STARTING...!"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 Warning Message: Script low_admins.sqf not found
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 Warning Message: Script normal_admins.sqf not found
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 Warning Message: Script super_admins.sqf not found
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 Warning Message: Script blacklist.sqf not found
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> iproductVersion: 15-02-2018 04-00-45-v1448 | Server productVersion: ["ArmA 2 OA","ArmA2OA",163,131129] | worldName: Chernarus | dayz_instance: 11 | missionName: DayZ_Epoch_11"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> start: <infiSTAR.de> iproductVersion: 15-02-2018 04-00-45-v1448 | Server productVersion: ["ArmA 2 OA","ArmA2OA",163,131129] | worldName: Chernarus | dayz_instance: 11 | missionName: DayZ_Epoch_11"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _fnc_RandomGen: {
_abc = ['z','y','x','w','v','u','t','s','r','q','p','o','n','m','l','k','j','i','h','g','f','e','d','c','b','a'];
_gen = _abc select (random ((count _abc)-1));
_arr = ['a','9','f','3','9','5','0','6','9','8','d','b','7','1','6','9','5','c','4','5','d','2','1','b','2','0','c','d','b','4','5','8','0'];
for '_i' from 0 to (8+(round(random 3))) do {_gen = _gen + str(round(random 9)) + (_arr select (random ((count _arr)-1)));};
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _simple: k20412469697c4b8744"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _dialogIds: g6514167d12178b604a92"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _badtxts: i995c7437686c39253780"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar1: j4b52057b8c85384c684946"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar2: x557b599b0d7c352b91234248"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar0: v2c8c71597f221986196060"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar3: m32484d6d1340121071"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar4: k40591d581c3589104c080219"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar5: y0d1c0879321546623879"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar6: q87398955921f7136147531"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar8: s0d4936905177359560568b"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar9: v8d6d7b528f6d26294b417213"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar11: v232d4099695133602d"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar12: p122b595040804b3d95356d26"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar13: s733d39824c697498415987"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar19: d5568417d2232357739316c"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar27: s1980251b395061662a619935"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar26: q8089552b864929895912"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar25: m4c721d8b341d194459256d1b"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar31: i859d3475408f37418d1056"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar33: r5b6f4c55792479543d"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar34: b0621871572834d3752627750"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar35: v4d24150b49224c5b0f9205"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar36: t562b762c3b8960022b850d"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar37: u0901308d19883955525d1b16"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar39: s00893b39665b55423969"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _clickOnMapTimer: u85295630488984356580"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _clickOnMapCaught: j702c4d79722691138480"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _fnc_handlerandvar10: i4f2841105585289574"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _remark: p0b285074190d14459941"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _AHpos: u6d750c5308812b517021352c"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _loadedcheckpos: v255b1c4c42517d098b557098"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _loadedchecktime: s2b84044b7b77392a7516"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _MenuChecksRunningx: p416854190a31104d1c7969"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _oneachframe: g2081857934302061386b53"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _anotherloop: u2b31659b1c3c454c551d7158"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _clientoncetwo: o8222868804937b98547c15"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _lastUnlock: n091941142d3b6b8280454c"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _AdminReqCheck: z9b701997951c33284b3c"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _antidupeCheckVar: y9381621b892b394d19813c"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _antiantihack1_rndvar: w19004531501f3f1b4d"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _antiantihack2_rndvar: v108d3f99200b431f6d542c"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _antidupePVResVar: j60763445493934451519"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _antidupePVCheckVar: PVAHR_0_v99071971828678881c73"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar10: PVAHR_0_i464b24836721299b750f30"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> AntiHack LOADED!"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> CREATING AdminMenu"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> AdminMenu LOADED!"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> ADDING SERVERSIDE HANDLERS"
2018/11/06,  9:37:14 "<infiSTAR.de> AntiHack FULLY LOADED"
2018/11/06,  9:37:16 "<infiSTAR.de> starting main server loop"
2018/11/06,  9:37:16 "HIVE: Starting"
2018/11/06,  9:37:16 ["TIME SYNC: Local Time set to:",[2012,8,2,11,37],"Fullmoon:",true,"Date given by HiveExt.dll:",[2018,11,6,11,37]]
2018/11/06,  9:37:16 "HIVE: trying to get objects"
2018/11/06,  9:37:16 "HIVE: found 711 objects"
2018/11/06,  9:37:16 "HIVE: Request sent"
2018/11/06,  9:37:16 "HIVE: Streamed 711 objects"
2018/11/06,  9:37:17 "Res3tting B!S effects..."
2018/11/06,  9:37:21 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines.45Rnd_545x39_RPK'.
2018/11/06,  9:37:21 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'.
2018/11/06,  9:37:21 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06,  9:37:21 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'.
2018/11/06,  9:37:21 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06,  9:37:21 Warning Message: Error: creating magazine 45Rnd_545x39_RPK with scope=private
2018/11/06,  9:37:21 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'.
2018/11/06,  9:37:21 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06,  9:37:21 Warning Message: No entry '.displayNameShort'.
2018/11/06,  9:37:21 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06,  9:37:21 Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'.
2018/11/06,  9:37:21 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06,  9:37:21 Warning Message: No entry '.Library'.
2018/11/06,  9:37:21 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'.
2018/11/06,  9:37:21 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06,  9:37:21 Warning Message: No entry '.type'.
2018/11/06,  9:37:21 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06,  9:37:21 Warning Message: No entry '.count'.
2018/11/06,  9:37:21 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06,  9:37:21 Warning Message: No entry '.maxLeadSpeed'.
2018/11/06,  9:37:21 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06,  9:37:21 Warning Message: No entry '.initSpeed'.
2018/11/06,  9:37:21 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06,  9:37:21 Warning Message: No entry '.reloadAction'.
2018/11/06,  9:37:21 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06,  9:37:21 Warning Message: No entry '.modelSpecial'.
2018/11/06,  9:37:21 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06,  9:37:21 Warning Message: No entry '.ammo'.
2018/11/06,  9:37:21 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06,  9:37:25 "HIVE: BENCHMARK - Server_monitor.sqf finished streaming 711 objects in 8.83887 seconds (unscheduled)"
2018/11/06,  9:37:25 "Total Number of spawn locations 6"
2018/11/06,  9:37:25 "z\addons\dayz_code\system\REsec.sqf:Monitoring Remote Exe..."
2018/11/06,  9:37:39 "DEBUG: Spawning a care package (Misc_cargo_cont_net2) at [2098.71,7436.65,0] with 6 items."
2018/11/06,  9:37:39 "DEBUG: Spawning a care package (Misc_cargo_cont_net1) at [9232.23,2122.15,0] with 5 items."
2018/11/06,  9:37:40 "CRASHSPAWNER: Starting crash site spawner. Frequency: 15±10 min. Spawn chance: 0.55"
2018/11/06,  9:37:40 "CRASHSPAWNER: Spawning crash site (CrashSite_UN) at [8865.05,9725.25,0] with 9 items."
2018/11/06,  9:37:41 "HIVE: Vehicle Spawn limit reached!"
2018/11/06,  9:37:41 "HIVE: Spawning # of Ammo Boxes: 20"
2018/11/06,  9:37:41 "HIVE: Spawning # of Veins: 30"
2018/11/06,  9:37:42 "HIVE: BENCHMARK - Server finished spawning 0 DynamicVehicles, 0 Debris, 20 SupplyCrates and 30 MineVeins in 17.1831 seconds (scheduled)"
2018/11/06,  9:37:42 "EPOCH EVENTS INIT"
2018/11/06,  9:37:44 "<infiSTAR.de> Player-Log: Bugor(76561198151776423) - 1h 36min"
2018/11/06,  9:37:44 "CLEANUP: INITIALIZING Vehicle SCRIPT"
2018/11/06,  9:37:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 39.801. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 5 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 39.801."
2018/11/06,  9:37:44 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Total vehicles 116, key vehicles 40, public vehicles 76, limit public vehicles is 120 ..."
2018/11/06,  9:37:44 "Vehicles&Objects Spawner# Loading..."
2018/11/06,  9:37:44 "Vehicles&Objects Spawner# Random seed spRS_9931415331342914 generated..."
2018/11/06,  9:37:44 "Vehicles&Objects Spawner# Loaded..."
2018/11/06,  9:37:44 "Bike Spawner is loading..."
2018/11/06,  9:37:44 "Bike Spawner is loaded!"
2018/11/06,  9:37:44 "#PLAYER EVENT HANDLERS - LOADING...!"
2018/11/06,  9:37:44 "#PLAYER EVENT HANDLERS - LOADING COMPLETE...!"
2018/11/06,  9:37:45 "EVENTSHAKER# - Starting ..."
2018/11/06,  9:37:45 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Initialize ..."
2018/11/06,  9:37:45 "DAY NIGHT CONTROL# Starting ... "
2018/11/06,  9:37:47 "BANDITS BASE - BEGIN"
2018/11/06,  9:38:04 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @120027 - Ural_TK_CIV_EP1, worldspace [279.675,[12051.9,12651.3,1.33]], CharId 0, objID 16815, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06,  9:38:06 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Bugor(76561198151776423)"
2018/11/06,  9:38:06 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - __SERVER__()"
2018/11/06,  9:38:14 "INFO - Player: PID#3(Bugor)(UID:76561198151776423/CID:5646) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/06,  9:38:15 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @049124 - SUV_Red, worldspace [126.694,[4934.5,2860.38,0.0287685]], CharId 0, objID 16841, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06,  9:38:15 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @066125 - S1203_ambulance_EP1, worldspace [139,[6630.94,2801.76,0]], CharId 0, objID 16844, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06,  9:38:15 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Bugor with UID 76561198151776423 from server ..."
2018/11/06,  9:38:15 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Bugor with UID 76561198151776423 from server ..."
2018/11/06,  9:38:15 "INFO - Player: PID#3(Bugor)(UID:76561198151776423/CID:5646) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location карьер [129094]"
2018/11/06,  9:38:15 "SECTOR - BEGIN"
2018/11/06,  9:38:15 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a SOLDIERS HELI - at position [13693.4,2884.84]"
2018/11/06,  9:38:17 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @103128 - SUV_Camo, worldspace [5.46494,[10395.5,2464.08,0.00192738]], CharId 0, objID 16846, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06,  9:38:18 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @077118 - SUV_Charcoal, worldspace [205.909,[7728.72,3557.6,0.0435758]], CharId 0, objID 16847, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06,  9:38:20 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @102133 - MtvrRefuel_DES_EP1_DZ, worldspace [267.862,[10276.9,1979.94,0.0590878]], CharId 0, objID 16850, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06,  9:38:23 "INFO - Player: Bugor(UID:76561198151776423/CID:5646) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/06,  9:38:26 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @016131 - Ural_CDF, worldspace [197.455,[1687.85,2194.2,0.00878286]], CharId 0, objID 16840, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06,  9:38:30 "#LOGIN#: Player Bugor with ID 76561198151776423 connected!"
2018/11/06,  9:38:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06,  9:38:45 "EVENTSHAKER# - All processes are spawned ..."
2018/11/06,  9:38:47 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  9:39:05 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Set new date to [2012,8,2,11,0] with message: Наступил день...."
2018/11/06,  9:39:14 "#FPSFixer: Player Bugor with ID 76561198151776423 FPS: 46 in coords: [12996.3,5935.14,0.000823975] ..."
2018/11/06,  9:39:17 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @131120 - Mi17_DZE, worldspace [67.3583,[13194.7,3344.74,0.838177]], CharId 0, objID 16887, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06,  9:39:22 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @136126 - CSJ_GyroC, worldspace [92.8001,[13668.2,2731.33,0.275037]], CharId 0, objID 17003, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06,  9:39:22 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @138123 - CSJ_GyroC, worldspace [238.021,[13867.6,3058.2,0.250039]], CharId 0, objID 17004, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06,  9:39:27 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Spawn new public vehicles ..."
2018/11/06,  9:39:28 "PUBLISH: Created UAZ_INS with ID "105615926045954""
2018/11/06,  9:39:28 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Camp vehicle UAZ_INS spawned in [4606.81,2603.55] ..."
2018/11/06,  9:39:28 "PUBLISH: Created Ural_CDF with ID "76306922355954""
2018/11/06,  9:39:28 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Camp vehicle Ural_CDF spawned in [1675.52,2234.81] ..."
2018/11/06,  9:39:28 "PUBLISH: Created Lada2_TK_CIV_EP1 with ID "1089232728605954""
2018/11/06,  9:39:28 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle Lada2_TK_CIV_EP1 spawned in [4937.77,2859.98] ..."
2018/11/06,  9:39:28 "PUBLISH: Created UAZ_Unarmed_TK_CIV_EP1 with ID "1237120525985954""
2018/11/06,  9:39:28 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle UAZ_Unarmed_TK_CIV_EP1 spawned in [6416.92,2598.04] ..."
2018/11/06,  9:39:29 "PUBLISH: Created SUV_Silver with ID "125846027855955""
2018/11/06,  9:39:29 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle SUV_Silver spawned in [6629.43,2785.32] ..."
2018/11/06,  9:39:29 "PUBLISH: Created Lada2 with ID "1362024235465955""
2018/11/06,  9:39:29 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle Lada2 spawned in [7665.36,3546.47] ..."
2018/11/06,  9:39:29 "PUBLISH: Created HMMWV_M1035_DES_EP1 with ID "1642721018925955""
2018/11/06,  9:39:29 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle HMMWV_M1035_DES_EP1 spawned in [10472.1,1892.46] ..."
2018/11/06,  9:39:29 "PUBLISH: Created SUV_Charcoal with ID "162755424045955""
2018/11/06,  9:39:29 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle SUV_Charcoal spawned in [10319.6,2403.78] ..."
2018/11/06,  9:39:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/06,  9:39:47 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  9:40:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/06,  9:40:48 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  9:41:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06,  9:41:48 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  9:42:00 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Bugor(76561198151776423)"
2018/11/06,  9:42:00 "INFO - Player: Bugor(UID:76561198151776423/CID:5646) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location карьер [130094]"
2018/11/06,  9:42:00 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: Bugor with uid 76561198151776423 disconnected ..."
2018/11/06,  9:42:00 Client: Remote object 3:22 not found
2018/11/06,  9:42:02 Warning: Cleanup player - person 3:21 not found
2018/11/06,  9:42:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 2 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06,  9:42:48 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.0588, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  9:42:51 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Starting ..."
2018/11/06,  9:42:53 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 0, FPS 46.1095, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 21, Max Nearby Zeds 24, Max Global Zeds 480, Zeds Dmg x10, Max Heli Crashes 15, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x3, MaxModels 85, MaxWeapHolders 85."
2018/11/06,  9:42:53 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 3, West Units (Players): 0, East Units (AI): 3, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 0, SERVER FPS: 46.1095 ..."
2018/11/06,  9:43:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 7 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06,  9:43:47 ["HEARDSOMETHING# Started..."]
2018/11/06,  9:43:48 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.0588, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  9:44:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/06,  9:44:49 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  9:45:15 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Dirzo(76561198147180840)"
2018/11/06,  9:45:15 "<infiSTAR.de> Player-Log: Dirzo(76561198147180840) - 1h 44min"
2018/11/06,  9:45:20 "INFO - Player: PID#4(Dirzo)(UID:76561198147180840/CID:5747) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/06,  9:45:25 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Dirzo with UID 76561198147180840 from server ..."
2018/11/06,  9:45:25 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Dirzo with UID 76561198147180840 from server ..."
2018/11/06,  9:45:25 "INFO - Player: PID#4(Dirzo)(UID:76561198147180840/CID:5747) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location завод [062126]"
2018/11/06,  9:45:39 Warning: looped for animation: ca\anims\characters\data\anim\sdr\mov\erc\stp\non\non\amovpercmstpsnonwnondnon_amovpercmstpsraswpstdnon_end.rtm differs (looped now 0)! MoveName: amovpercmstpsnonwnondnon_amovpercmstpsraswpstdnon_end
2018/11/06,  9:45:41 "#LOGIN#: Player Dirzo with ID 76561198147180840 connected!"
2018/11/06,  9:45:41 "INFO - Player: Dirzo(UID:76561198147180840/CID:5747) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/06,  9:45:44 "<infiSTAR.de> SLOG_NP: Dirzo (76561198147180840) | New Player: ["5747",[],[],[0,0,0,0],true,"DayZ Epoch","Survivor2_DZ",true,true,0,[],0,0,0,[],1000]"
2018/11/06,  9:45:44 "<infiSTAR.de> SLOG_NP: Dirzo (76561198147180840) | New Player: ["5747",[],[],[0,0,0,0],true,"DayZ Epoch","Survivor2_DZ",true,true,0,[],0,0,0,[],1000]"
2018/11/06,  9:45:44 "["PVAHR_0_i464b24836721299b750f30",["Dirzo","76561198147180840","SLOG_NP",[78,101,119,32,80,108,97,121,101,114,58,32,91,34,53,55,52,55,34,44,91,93,44,91,93,44,91,48,44,48,44,48,44,48,93,44,116,114,117,101,44,34,68,97,121,90,32,69,112,111,99,104,32,49,46,48,46,54,46,50,34,44,34,83,117,114,118,105,118,111,114,50,95,68,90,34,44,116,114,117,101,44,116,114,117,101,44,48,44,91,93,44,48,44,48,44,48,44,91,93,44,49,48,48,48,93]]]"
2018/11/06,  9:45:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 3 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/06,  9:45:49 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  9:46:20 "#FPSFixer: Player Dirzo with ID 76561198147180840 FPS: 14 in coords: [6283.75,2719.61,0.00100708] ..."
2018/11/06,  9:46:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/06,  9:46:50 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  9:47:07 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: DISCONNECT - Dirzo(76561198147180840)"
2018/11/06,  9:47:07 "INFO - Player: Dirzo(UID:76561198147180840/CID:5747) Status: LOGGED OUT, Location завод [063126]"
2018/11/06,  9:47:07 "PLAYERDISCONNECTLOG#: Dirzo with uid 76561198147180840 disconnected ..."
2018/11/06,  9:47:07 Client: Remote object 4:17 not found
2018/11/06,  9:47:07 Client: Remote object 4:26 not found
2018/11/06,  9:47:08 Warning: Cleanup player - person 4:25 not found
2018/11/06,  9:47:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.3373. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.3373."
2018/11/06,  9:47:50 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  9:48:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/06,  9:48:50 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  9:49:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06,  9:49:51 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  9:50:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06,  9:50:51 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  9:51:15 "CRASHSPAWNER: Spawning crash site (CrashSite_US) at [10326.9,8551.15,0] with 10 items."
2018/11/06,  9:51:15 CrashSite_US: MainTurret - unknown animation source MainTurret
2018/11/06,  9:51:15 CrashSite_US: MainGun - unknown animation source mainGun
2018/11/06,  9:51:15 CrashSite_US: Gatling - unknown animation source Gatling
2018/11/06,  9:51:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/06,  9:51:51 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  9:52:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 8 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06,  9:52:51 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  9:52:57 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 0, FPS 46.5116, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 21, Max Nearby Zeds 24, Max Global Zeds 480, Zeds Dmg x10, Max Heli Crashes 15, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x3, MaxModels 85, MaxWeapHolders 85."
2018/11/06,  9:52:57 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 3, West Units (Players): 0, East Units (AI): 3, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 0, SERVER FPS: 46.5116 ..."
2018/11/06,  9:53:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/06,  9:53:52 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  9:54:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06,  9:54:52 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  9:55:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06,  9:55:52 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  9:56:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06,  9:56:53 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  9:57:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/06,  9:57:53 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  9:58:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.3373. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.3373."
2018/11/06,  9:58:53 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06,  9:59:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06,  9:59:53 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:00:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06, 10:00:54 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:01:27 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Set new date to [2012,8,2,19,0] with message: Вжух и наступил вечер...."
2018/11/06, 10:01:28 "EVENTSHAKER# PVP Missions process stopped & exiting ..."
2018/11/06, 10:01:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06, 10:01:54 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.1976, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:02:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/06, 10:02:54 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.0588, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:03:01 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 0, FPS 46.5116, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 21, Max Nearby Zeds 24, Max Global Zeds 480, Zeds Dmg x10, Max Heli Crashes 15, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x3, MaxModels 85, MaxWeapHolders 85."
2018/11/06, 10:03:01 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 3, West Units (Players): 0, East Units (AI): 3, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 0, SERVER FPS: 46.5116 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:03:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/06, 10:03:54 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.3373, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:04:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/06, 10:04:55 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:05:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/06, 10:05:55 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:06:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06, 10:06:55 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:07:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/06, 10:07:56 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:08:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06, 10:08:56 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:09:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06, 10:09:56 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:10:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/06, 10:10:56 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:11:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/06, 10:11:57 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.1976, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:12:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/06, 10:12:57 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Sync date on clients to [2012,8,2,19,11]."
2018/11/06, 10:12:57 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:13:05 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 0, FPS 47.1976, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 21, Max Nearby Zeds 24, Max Global Zeds 480, Zeds Dmg x10, Max Heli Crashes 15, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x3, MaxModels 85, MaxWeapHolders 85."
2018/11/06, 10:13:05 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 3, West Units (Players): 0, East Units (AI): 3, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 0, SERVER FPS: 47.1976 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:13:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/06, 10:13:51 "CRASHSPAWNER: Spawning crash site (CrashSite_EU) at [3097.47,9572.7,0] with 11 items."
2018/11/06, 10:13:57 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:14:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/06, 10:14:58 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:15:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06, 10:15:58 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:16:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/06, 10:16:58 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:17:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06, 10:17:58 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:18:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/06, 10:18:59 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.0588, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:19:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06, 10:19:59 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:20:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/06, 10:20:59 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:21:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06, 10:22:00 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.0588, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:22:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/06, 10:23:00 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.0588, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:23:09 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 0, FPS 46.3768, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 21, Max Nearby Zeds 24, Max Global Zeds 480, Zeds Dmg x10, Max Heli Crashes 15, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x3, MaxModels 85, MaxWeapHolders 85."
2018/11/06, 10:23:09 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 3, West Units (Players): 0, East Units (AI): 3, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 0, SERVER FPS: 46.3768 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:23:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06, 10:24:00 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:24:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/06, 10:25:00 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:25:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06, 10:26:01 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:26:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06, 10:27:01 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:27:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/06, 10:28:01 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.9042, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:28:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.8453. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.8453."
2018/11/06, 10:29:02 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.8453, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:29:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06, 10:30:02 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:30:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.8453. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.8453."
2018/11/06, 10:30:51 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Set new date to [2012,8,2,3,0] with message: Вжух и наступила ночь...."
2018/11/06, 10:31:02 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:31:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/06, 10:32:03 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:32:45 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.3373. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.3373."
2018/11/06, 10:33:03 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.3373, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:33:13 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 0, FPS 46.2428, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 21, Max Nearby Zeds 24, Max Global Zeds 480, Zeds Dmg x10, Max Heli Crashes 15, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x3, MaxModels 85, MaxWeapHolders 85."
2018/11/06, 10:33:13 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 3, West Units (Players): 0, East Units (AI): 3, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 0, SERVER FPS: 46.2428 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:33:27 "CRASHSPAWNER: Spawning crash site (CrashSite_US) at [4100.85,8479.59,0] with 9 items."
2018/11/06, 10:33:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06, 10:34:03 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:34:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06, 10:35:03 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:35:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06, 10:36:04 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:36:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06, 10:37:04 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:37:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/06, 10:38:04 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.1976, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:38:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/06, 10:39:05 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:39:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/06, 10:40:05 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:40:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/06, 10:41:05 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:41:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/06, 10:42:05 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:42:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/06, 10:43:06 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:43:17 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 0, FPS 46.7836, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 21, Max Nearby Zeds 24, Max Global Zeds 480, Zeds Dmg x10, Max Heli Crashes 15, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x3, MaxModels 85, MaxWeapHolders 85."
2018/11/06, 10:43:17 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 3, West Units (Players): 0, East Units (AI): 3, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 0, SERVER FPS: 46.7836 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:43:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06, 10:44:06 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:44:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06, 10:45:06 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:45:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/06, 10:46:07 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:46:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/06, 10:47:07 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:47:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06, 10:48:06 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Sync date on clients to [2012,8,2,3,17]."
2018/11/06, 10:48:07 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:48:31 "CRASHSPAWNER: Spawning crash site (CrashSite_US) at [5609.66,10515.3,0] with 11 items."
2018/11/06, 10:48:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/06, 10:49:07 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.0588, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:49:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06, 10:50:08 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:50:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06, 10:51:08 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:51:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/06, 10:52:08 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:52:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06, 10:53:08 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.0588, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:53:21 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 0, FPS 46.7836, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 21, Max Nearby Zeds 24, Max Global Zeds 480, Zeds Dmg x10, Max Heli Crashes 15, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x3, MaxModels 85, MaxWeapHolders 85."
2018/11/06, 10:53:21 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 3, West Units (Players): 0, East Units (AI): 3, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 0, SERVER FPS: 46.7836 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:53:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.977. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.977."
2018/11/06, 10:54:09 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:54:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/06, 10:55:09 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:55:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/06, 10:56:09 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.0588, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:56:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.1976. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.1976."
2018/11/06, 10:57:10 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:57:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.4777. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.4777."
2018/11/06, 10:58:10 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:58:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06, 10:59:10 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 10:59:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/06, 11:00:10 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.0588, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 11:00:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/06, 11:01:11 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.1976, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 11:01:14 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Set new date to [2012,8,2,5,0] with message: Наступило утро...."
2018/11/06, 11:01:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/06, 11:02:11 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 11:02:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06, 11:03:11 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 11:03:25 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 0, FPS 47.0588, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 21, Max Nearby Zeds 24, Max Global Zeds 480, Zeds Dmg x10, Max Heli Crashes 15, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x3, MaxModels 85, MaxWeapHolders 85."
2018/11/06, 11:03:25 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 3, West Units (Players): 0, East Units (AI): 3, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 0, SERVER FPS: 47.0588 ..."
2018/11/06, 11:03:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/06, 11:04:12 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.0588, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 11:04:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06, 11:05:12 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 11:05:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06, 11:06:12 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 11:06:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06, 11:07:12 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 11:07:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06, 11:08:13 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 11:08:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/06, 11:09:13 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 11:09:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/06, 11:10:13 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 11:10:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.6472. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.6472."
2018/11/06, 11:11:08 "CRASHSPAWNER: Spawning crash site (CrashSite_UN) at [4655.08,11374.3,0] with 9 items."
2018/11/06, 11:11:14 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.0588, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 11:11:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06, 11:12:14 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.6472, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 11:12:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/06, 11:13:14 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 11:13:29 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 0, FPS 46.6472, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 21, Max Nearby Zeds 24, Max Global Zeds 480, Zeds Dmg x10, Max Heli Crashes 15, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x3, MaxModels 85, MaxWeapHolders 85."
2018/11/06, 11:13:29 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 3, West Units (Players): 0, East Units (AI): 3, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 0, SERVER FPS: 46.6472 ..."
2018/11/06, 11:13:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.0588. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.0588."
2018/11/06, 11:14:14 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 11:14:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06, 11:15:15 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.0588, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 11:15:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.9208. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.9208."
2018/11/06, 11:16:15 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.7836, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 11:16:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.1976. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.1976."
2018/11/06, 11:17:15 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.4777, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 11:17:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/06, 11:18:16 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.3373, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 11:18:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06, 11:19:16 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 11:19:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06, 11:20:16 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 11:20:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."
2018/11/06, 11:21:16 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.5116, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 11:21:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06, 11:22:17 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.9208, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 11:22:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06, 11:23:16 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Sync date on clients to [2012,8,2,5,21]."
2018/11/06, 11:23:17 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.1976, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 11:23:33 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 0, FPS 47.7612, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 21, Max Nearby Zeds 24, Max Global Zeds 480, Zeds Dmg x10, Max Heli Crashes 15, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x3, MaxModels 85, MaxWeapHolders 85."
2018/11/06, 11:23:33 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 3, West Units (Players): 0, East Units (AI): 3, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 0, SERVER FPS: 47.7612 ..."
2018/11/06, 11:23:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.619. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.619."
2018/11/06, 11:24:17 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 11:24:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06, 11:25:18 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.7612, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 11:25:45 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.7612. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.7612."
2018/11/06, 11:26:18 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 11:26:45 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.1928. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.1928."
2018/11/06, 11:27:18 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 11:27:45 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.4848. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.4848."
2018/11/06, 11:28:19 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 48.048, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 11:28:45 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.9042. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.9042."
2018/11/06, 11:29:19 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.3373, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 11:29:45 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.048. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.048."
2018/11/06, 11:30:19 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 11:30:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06, 11:31:20 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.8453, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 11:31:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.3768. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.3768."
2018/11/06, 11:32:20 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.1095, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 11:32:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06, 11:33:20 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.1976, players: 0, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 11:33:38 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 0, FPS 46.9208, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 21, Max Nearby Zeds 24, Max Global Zeds 480, Zeds Dmg x10, Max Heli Crashes 15, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x3, MaxModels 85, MaxWeapHolders 85."
2018/11/06, 11:33:38 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 3, West Units (Players): 0, East Units (AI): 3, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 0, SERVER FPS: 46.9208 ..."
2018/11/06, 11:33:44 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.5116. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.5116."

== E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\arma2oaserver.exe
== "E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\arma2oaserver.exe"  -port=2302 -malloc=tbbmalloc -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 -noSound -noPause "-config=E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Epoch_Configs\Alpha\config.cfg" "-cfg=E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Epoch_Configs\Alpha\basic.cfg" "-profiles=E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Epoch_Configs\Alpha" -name=Alpha "-mod=@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server;"
Exe timestamp: 2018/06/08 18:12:39
Current time:  2018/11/06 11:34:54

Version 1.63.131129
Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
Updating base class ->NonStrategic, by ca\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HouseBase/
Updating base class ->HouseBase, by ca\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins/
Updating base class ->DestructionEffects, by ca\config.bin/CfgVehicles/House/DestructionEffects/
Updating base class ->FlagCarrierCore, by ca\ca_pmc\config.bin/CfgVehicles/FlagCarrier/
Updating base class ->VehicleMagazine, by ca\weapons\config.bin/CfgMagazines/14Rnd_FFAR/
Updating base class Default->RifleCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/Rifle/
Updating base class ->LauncherCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/RocketPods/
Updating base class ->RocketPods, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/FFARLauncher/
Updating base class ->UH60_Base, by ca\air\config.bin/CfgVehicles/MH60S/
Updating base class ->Car, by ca\wheeled2\lada\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Lada_base/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UN_CDF_Soldier_base_EP1/HitPoints/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Commander/HitPoints/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Soldier_Militia/HitPoints/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Soldier_Officer/HitPoints/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Soldier_Sniper/HitPoints/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Soldier_Spotter/HitPoints/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lamp_Small_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lamp_Street1_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lamp_Street2_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lampa_Ind_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_PowLines_Conc2L_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseMediumOrange->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_sidl/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseMediumOrange->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_sidl_2/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseMediumOrange->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_sidl_3/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseWeakYellow->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_ind/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseWeakYellow->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_ind_zebr/
Updating base class RscStandardDisplay->, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayStart/
Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscShortcutButtonMain, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/controls/CA_Exit/
Updating base class CA_IGUI_Title->RscText, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/Gear_Title/
Updating base class Available_items_Text->RscText, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/CA_ItemName/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item7->CA_Gear_slot_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_item8/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item7->CA_Gear_slot_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_item9/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item7->CA_Gear_slot_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_item10/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item7->CA_Gear_slot_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_item11/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item7->CA_Gear_slot_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_item12/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item5->CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item6/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item5->CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item7/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item5->CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item8/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_special1->CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory1/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7->CA_Gear_slot_inventory1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory8/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7->CA_Gear_slot_inventory1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory9/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7->CA_Gear_slot_inventory1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory10/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7->CA_Gear_slot_inventory1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory11/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7->CA_Gear_slot_inventory1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory12/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item1->CA_Gear_slot_handgun, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_special1/
Updating base class RscIGUIShortcutButton->RscActiveText, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/ButtonClose/
Updating base class RscText->, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscTitles/Default/
Updating base class ->ViewOptics, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Mi17_base/Turrets/MainTurret/ViewOptics/
Updating base class ->ViewOptics, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UH1H_base/Turrets/MainTurret/ViewOptics/
Updating base class ->ViewOptics, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UH1_Base/Turrets/MainTurret/ViewOptics/
Updating base class Strategic->, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Bomb/
Updating base class HighCommand->Logic, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HighCommandSubordinate/
Updating base class NonStrategic->BuiltItems, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Fort_RazorWire/
Updating base class ->DefaultEventhandlers, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CSJ_GyroP/EventHandlers/
Updating base class AnimationSources->AnimationSources, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CSJ_GyroC/AnimationSources/
Updating base class ->DefaultEventhandlers, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CSJ_GyroC/EventHandlers/
Updating base class BuiltItems->Generator_Base, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Generator_DZ/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/29Rnd_30mm_AGS30/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/48Rnd_40mm_MK19/
Updating base class 4000Rnd_762x51_M134->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/2000Rnd_762x51_M134/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/100Rnd_127x99_M2/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/50Rnd_127x107_DSHKM/
Updating base class 4000Rnd_762x51_M134->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/pook_1300Rnd_762x51_M60/
Updating base class 100Rnd_762x51_M240->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/pook_250Rnd_762x51/
Updating base class 6Rnd_Grenade_Camel->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/pook_12Rnd_Grenade_Camel/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/3Rnd_GyroGrenade/
Updating base class DropWeapon->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgActions/PutWeapon/
Updating base class DropMagazine->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgActions/PutMagazine/
Updating base class Land_HouseBlock_C1->House, by zero_buildings\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_HouseBlock_C4/
Updating base class Land_HouseV_1I2->House, by zero_buildings\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_HouseV_1I3/
Updating base class NonStrategic->House, by zero_buildings\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_A_MunicipalOffice/
Updating base class Land_HouseV_1I2->House, by zero_buildings\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_HouseV_1L2/
Updating base class Land_HouseV_1I2->House, by zero_buildings\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_HouseV_3I3/
Updating base class House->DZE_OpenHouse, by warehouse\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Ind_Pec_03/
2018/11/06, 11:35:03 Initializing Steam server - Game Port: 2302, Steam Query Port: 2303
2018/11/06, 11:35:05 Connected to Steam servers

== E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\arma2oaserver.exe
== "E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\arma2oaserver.exe"  -port=2302 -malloc=tbbmalloc -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 -noSound -noPause "-config=E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Epoch_Configs\Alpha\config.cfg" "-cfg=E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Epoch_Configs\Alpha\basic.cfg" "-profiles=E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Epoch_Configs\Alpha" -name=Alpha "-mod=@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server;"
Exe timestamp: 2018/06/08 18:12:39
Current time:  2018/11/06 11:53:48

Version 1.63.131129
Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
Updating base class ->NonStrategic, by ca\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HouseBase/
Updating base class ->HouseBase, by ca\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins/
Updating base class ->DestructionEffects, by ca\config.bin/CfgVehicles/House/DestructionEffects/
Updating base class ->FlagCarrierCore, by ca\ca_pmc\config.bin/CfgVehicles/FlagCarrier/
Updating base class ->VehicleMagazine, by ca\weapons\config.bin/CfgMagazines/14Rnd_FFAR/
Updating base class Default->RifleCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/Rifle/
Updating base class ->LauncherCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/RocketPods/
Updating base class ->RocketPods, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/FFARLauncher/
Updating base class ->UH60_Base, by ca\air\config.bin/CfgVehicles/MH60S/
Updating base class ->Car, by ca\wheeled2\lada\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Lada_base/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UN_CDF_Soldier_base_EP1/HitPoints/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Commander/HitPoints/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Soldier_Militia/HitPoints/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Soldier_Officer/HitPoints/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Soldier_Sniper/HitPoints/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Soldier_Spotter/HitPoints/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lamp_Small_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lamp_Street1_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lamp_Street2_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lampa_Ind_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_PowLines_Conc2L_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseMediumOrange->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_sidl/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseMediumOrange->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_sidl_2/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseMediumOrange->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_sidl_3/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseWeakYellow->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_ind/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseWeakYellow->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_ind_zebr/
Updating base class RscStandardDisplay->, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayStart/
Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscShortcutButtonMain, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/controls/CA_Exit/
Updating base class CA_IGUI_Title->RscText, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/Gear_Title/
Updating base class Available_items_Text->RscText, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/CA_ItemName/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item7->CA_Gear_slot_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_item8/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item7->CA_Gear_slot_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_item9/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item7->CA_Gear_slot_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_item10/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item7->CA_Gear_slot_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_item11/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item7->CA_Gear_slot_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_item12/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item5->CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item6/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item5->CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item7/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item5->CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item8/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_special1->CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory1/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7->CA_Gear_slot_inventory1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory8/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7->CA_Gear_slot_inventory1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory9/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7->CA_Gear_slot_inventory1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory10/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7->CA_Gear_slot_inventory1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory11/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7->CA_Gear_slot_inventory1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory12/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item1->CA_Gear_slot_handgun, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_special1/
Updating base class RscIGUIShortcutButton->RscActiveText, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/ButtonClose/
Updating base class RscText->, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscTitles/Default/
Updating base class ->ViewOptics, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Mi17_base/Turrets/MainTurret/ViewOptics/
Updating base class ->ViewOptics, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UH1H_base/Turrets/MainTurret/ViewOptics/
Updating base class ->ViewOptics, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UH1_Base/Turrets/MainTurret/ViewOptics/
Updating base class Strategic->, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Bomb/
Updating base class HighCommand->Logic, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HighCommandSubordinate/
Updating base class NonStrategic->BuiltItems, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Fort_RazorWire/
Updating base class ->DefaultEventhandlers, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CSJ_GyroP/EventHandlers/
Updating base class AnimationSources->AnimationSources, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CSJ_GyroC/AnimationSources/
Updating base class ->DefaultEventhandlers, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CSJ_GyroC/EventHandlers/
Updating base class BuiltItems->Generator_Base, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Generator_DZ/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/29Rnd_30mm_AGS30/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/48Rnd_40mm_MK19/
Updating base class 4000Rnd_762x51_M134->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/2000Rnd_762x51_M134/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/100Rnd_127x99_M2/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/50Rnd_127x107_DSHKM/
Updating base class 4000Rnd_762x51_M134->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/pook_1300Rnd_762x51_M60/
Updating base class 100Rnd_762x51_M240->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/pook_250Rnd_762x51/
Updating base class 6Rnd_Grenade_Camel->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/pook_12Rnd_Grenade_Camel/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/3Rnd_GyroGrenade/
Updating base class DropWeapon->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgActions/PutWeapon/
Updating base class DropMagazine->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgActions/PutMagazine/
Updating base class Land_HouseBlock_C1->House, by zero_buildings\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_HouseBlock_C4/
Updating base class Land_HouseV_1I2->House, by zero_buildings\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_HouseV_1I3/
Updating base class NonStrategic->House, by zero_buildings\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_A_MunicipalOffice/
Updating base class Land_HouseV_1I2->House, by zero_buildings\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_HouseV_1L2/
Updating base class Land_HouseV_1I2->House, by zero_buildings\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_HouseV_3I3/
Updating base class House->DZE_OpenHouse, by warehouse\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Ind_Pec_03/
2018/11/06, 11:53:57 Initializing Steam server - Game Port: 2302, Steam Query Port: 2303
2018/11/06, 11:53:58 Connected to Steam servers

== E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\arma2oaserver.exe
== "E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\arma2oaserver.exe"  -port=2302 -malloc=tbbmalloc -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 -noSound -noPause "-config=E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Epoch_Configs\Alpha\config.cfg" "-cfg=E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Epoch_Configs\Alpha\basic.cfg" "-profiles=E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\Epoch_Configs\Alpha" -name=Alpha "-mod=@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server;"
Exe timestamp: 2018/06/08 18:12:39
Current time:  2018/11/06 12:00:31

Version 1.63.131129
Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
Updating base class ->NonStrategic, by ca\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HouseBase/
Updating base class ->HouseBase, by ca\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins/
Updating base class ->DestructionEffects, by ca\config.bin/CfgVehicles/House/DestructionEffects/
Updating base class ->FlagCarrierCore, by ca\ca_pmc\config.bin/CfgVehicles/FlagCarrier/
Updating base class ->VehicleMagazine, by ca\weapons\config.bin/CfgMagazines/14Rnd_FFAR/
Updating base class Default->RifleCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/Rifle/
Updating base class ->LauncherCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/RocketPods/
Updating base class ->RocketPods, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/FFARLauncher/
Updating base class ->UH60_Base, by ca\air\config.bin/CfgVehicles/MH60S/
Updating base class ->Car, by ca\wheeled2\lada\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Lada_base/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UN_CDF_Soldier_base_EP1/HitPoints/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Commander/HitPoints/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Soldier_Militia/HitPoints/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Soldier_Officer/HitPoints/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Soldier_Sniper/HitPoints/
Updating base class HitPoints->HitPoints, by CorePatch\corepatch_characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CDF_Soldier_Spotter/HitPoints/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lamp_Small_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lamp_Street1_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lamp_Street2_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_Lampa_Ind_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_EP1->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_PowLines_Conc2L_EP1/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseMediumOrange->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_sidl/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseMediumOrange->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_sidl_2/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseMediumOrange->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_sidl_3/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseWeakYellow->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_ind/
Updating base class StreetLamp_BaseWeakYellow->StreetLamp, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/Land_lampa_ind_zebr/
Updating base class RscStandardDisplay->, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayStart/
Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscShortcutButtonMain, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/controls/CA_Exit/
Updating base class CA_IGUI_Title->RscText, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/Gear_Title/
Updating base class Available_items_Text->RscText, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/CA_ItemName/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item7->CA_Gear_slot_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_item8/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item7->CA_Gear_slot_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_item9/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item7->CA_Gear_slot_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_item10/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item7->CA_Gear_slot_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_item11/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item7->CA_Gear_slot_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_item12/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item5->CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item6/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item5->CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item7/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item5->CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item8/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_special1->CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory1/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7->CA_Gear_slot_inventory1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory8/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7->CA_Gear_slot_inventory1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory9/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7->CA_Gear_slot_inventory1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory10/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7->CA_Gear_slot_inventory1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory11/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7->CA_Gear_slot_inventory1, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_inventory12/
Updating base class CA_Gear_slot_item1->CA_Gear_slot_handgun, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/G_GearItems/Controls/CA_Gear_slot_special1/
Updating base class RscIGUIShortcutButton->RscActiveText, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscDisplayGear/Controls/ButtonClose/
Updating base class RscText->, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/RscTitles/Default/
Updating base class ->ViewOptics, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Mi17_base/Turrets/MainTurret/ViewOptics/
Updating base class ->ViewOptics, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UH1H_base/Turrets/MainTurret/ViewOptics/
Updating base class ->ViewOptics, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/UH1_Base/Turrets/MainTurret/ViewOptics/
Updating base class Strategic->, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Bomb/
Updating base class HighCommand->Logic, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HighCommandSubordinate/
Updating base class NonStrategic->BuiltItems, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Fort_RazorWire/
Updating base class ->DefaultEventhandlers, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CSJ_GyroP/EventHandlers/
Updating base class AnimationSources->AnimationSources, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CSJ_GyroC/AnimationSources/
Updating base class ->DefaultEventhandlers, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CSJ_GyroC/EventHandlers/
Updating base class BuiltItems->Generator_Base, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Generator_DZ/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/29Rnd_30mm_AGS30/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/48Rnd_40mm_MK19/
Updating base class 4000Rnd_762x51_M134->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/2000Rnd_762x51_M134/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/100Rnd_127x99_M2/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/50Rnd_127x107_DSHKM/
Updating base class 4000Rnd_762x51_M134->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/pook_1300Rnd_762x51_M60/
Updating base class 100Rnd_762x51_M240->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/pook_250Rnd_762x51/
Updating base class 6Rnd_Grenade_Camel->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/pook_12Rnd_Grenade_Camel/
Updating base class VehicleMagazine->CA_Magazine, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgMagazines/3Rnd_GyroGrenade/
Updating base class DropWeapon->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgActions/PutWeapon/
Updating base class DropMagazine->None, by z\addons\dayz_code\config.bin/CfgActions/PutMagazine/
Updating base class Land_HouseBlock_C1->House, by zero_buildings\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_HouseBlock_C4/
Updating base class Land_HouseV_1I2->House, by zero_buildings\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_HouseV_1I3/
Updating base class NonStrategic->House, by zero_buildings\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_A_MunicipalOffice/
Updating base class Land_HouseV_1I2->House, by zero_buildings\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_HouseV_1L2/
Updating base class Land_HouseV_1I2->House, by zero_buildings\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_HouseV_3I3/
Updating base class House->DZE_OpenHouse, by warehouse\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Ind_Pec_03/
2018/11/06, 12:00:40 Initializing Steam server - Game Port: 2302, Steam Query Port: 2303
2018/11/06, 12:00:41 Connected to Steam servers
2018/11/06, 12:55:29 Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
2018/11/06, 12:55:29 Unsupported language Russian in stringtable
2018/11/06, 12:55:32 Server error: Player without identity Sa[Y]reX (id 748210574)
2018/11/06, 12:55:32 Server error: Player without identity Sa[Y]reX (id 748210574)
2018/11/06, 12:55:32 Server error: Player without identity Sa[Y]reX (id 748210574)
2018/11/06, 12:55:32 Server error: Player without identity Sa[Y]reX (id 748210574)
2018/11/06, 12:55:32 Server error: Player without identity Sa[Y]reX (id 748210574)
2018/11/06, 12:55:32 Server error: Player without identity Sa[Y]reX (id 748210574)
2018/11/06, 12:55:32 Server error: Player without identity Sa[Y]reX (id 748210574)
2018/11/06, 12:55:32 Server error: Player without identity Sa[Y]reX (id 748210574)
2018/11/06, 12:55:32 Server error: Player without identity Sa[Y]reX (id 748210574)
2018/11/06, 12:55:32 Server error: Player without identity Sa[Y]reX (id 748210574)
2018/11/06, 12:55:33 Server error: Player without identity Sa[Y]reX (id 748210574)
2018/11/06, 12:55:33 Server error: Player without identity Sa[Y]reX (id 748210574)
2018/11/06, 12:55:33 Server error: Player without identity Sa[Y]reX (id 748210574)
2018/11/06, 12:55:33 Server error: Player without identity Sa[Y]reX (id 748210574)
2018/11/06, 12:55:33 Server error: Player without identity Sa[Y]reX (id 748210574)
2018/11/06, 12:55:33 Server error: Player without identity Sa[Y]reX (id 748210574)
2018/11/06, 12:55:33 Server error: Player without identity Sa[Y]reX (id 748210574)
2018/11/06, 12:55:33 Server error: Player without identity Sa[Y]reX (id 748210574)
2018/11/06, 12:55:33 Server error: Player without identity Sa[Y]reX (id 748210574)
2018/11/06, 12:55:41 Strange convex component81 in zero_buildings\models\housev_3i3_i.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06, 12:55:46 Strange convex component31 in zero_buildings\models\proxies\th_arches.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06, 12:55:48 Strange convex component207 in zero_buildings\models\a_tvtower\a_tvtower_base.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component44 in zero_buildings\models\houseblock\houseblock_c4.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component288 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component289 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component290 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component291 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component292 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component293 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component294 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component295 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component296 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component297 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component298 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component299 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component300 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component301 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component302 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component303 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component304 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component305 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component306 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component307 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component308 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component309 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component310 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component311 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component312 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component313 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component314 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component315 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component316 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component317 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component252 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component253 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component254 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component255 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component256 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component257 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component258 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component259 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component260 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component261 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component262 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component263 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component264 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component265 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component266 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component267 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component268 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component269 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component270 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component271 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component272 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component273 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component274 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component275 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component276 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component277 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component278 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component279 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component280 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component281 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component249 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component250 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component251 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component252 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component253 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component254 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component255 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component256 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component257 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component258 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component259 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component260 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component261 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component262 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component263 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component264 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component265 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component266 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component267 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component268 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component269 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component270 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component271 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component272 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component273 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component274 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component275 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component276 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component277 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06, 12:55:50 Strange convex component278 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
2018/11/06, 12:55:58 "PRELOAD_ Functions\init [[<No group>:0 (FunctionsManager)],any]"
2018/11/06, 12:55:58 "MPframework inited"
2018/11/06, 12:55:59 "*** REALDATE *** Module starting ..."
2018/11/06, 12:55:59 "*** REALDATE *** Full Received Info From System: [2018,11,6,12,55,59,2,309,0]"
2018/11/06, 12:55:59 "*** REALDATE *** Current real date: [2018,11,6,12,55,59,2,309,0]"
2018/11/06, 12:55:59 "*** REALDATE *** Current day number: 2"
2018/11/06, 12:55:59 "*** REALDATE *** Current real day name is: Tuesday"
2018/11/06, 12:55:59 "*** REALDATE *** Short date is: [2018,11,6,12,55]"
2018/11/06, 12:55:59 "*** REALDATE *** Current day game set to Tuesday (AFTER ANOTHER PRIORITY DATE ACCEPT)..."
2018/11/06, 12:55:59 "dayz_preloadFinished reset"
2018/11/06, 12:56:08 "<infiSTAR.de> updatearmalog callExtension: [06.11.2018][12:56:08] Downloaded and installed new armalog.dll"
2018/11/06, 12:56:08 "IAH_fnc_getIntFromString: 1"
2018/11/06, 12:56:08 "<infiSTAR.de> infiSTAR dll loaded successfully"
2018/11/06, 12:56:08 "<infiSTAR.de> ok"
2018/11/06, 12:56:08 "<infiSTAR.de> Loading infiSTAR code.."
2018/11/06, 12:56:08 "Epoch detected"
2018/11/06, 12:56:08 "<infiSTAR.de> BIS_fnc_init done - AntiHack STARTING...!"
2018/11/06, 12:56:08 Warning Message: Script low_admins.sqf not found
2018/11/06, 12:56:08 Warning Message: Script normal_admins.sqf not found
2018/11/06, 12:56:08 Warning Message: Script super_admins.sqf not found
2018/11/06, 12:56:08 Warning Message: Script blacklist.sqf not found
2018/11/06, 12:56:08 "<infiSTAR.de> iproductVersion: 15-02-2018 04-00-45-v1448 | Server productVersion: ["ArmA 2 OA","ArmA2OA",163,131129] | worldName: Chernarus | dayz_instance: 11 | missionName: DayZ_Epoch_11"
2018/11/06, 12:56:08 "<infiSTAR.de> start: <infiSTAR.de> iproductVersion: 15-02-2018 04-00-45-v1448 | Server productVersion: ["ArmA 2 OA","ArmA2OA",163,131129] | worldName: Chernarus | dayz_instance: 11 | missionName: DayZ_Epoch_11"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _fnc_RandomGen: {
_abc = ['z','y','x','w','v','u','t','s','r','q','p','o','n','m','l','k','j','i','h','g','f','e','d','c','b','a'];
_gen = _abc select (random ((count _abc)-1));
_arr = ['a','9','f','3','9','5','0','6','9','8','d','b','7','1','6','9','5','c','4','5','d','2','1','b','2','0','c','d','b','4','5','8','0'];
for '_i' from 0 to (8+(round(random 3))) do {_gen = _gen + str(round(random 9)) + (_arr select (random ((count _arr)-1)));};
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _simple: u77408096227d333f5f254455"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _dialogIds: x885939206666846719"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _badtxts: l8d368f6d592c217d40742d"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar1: s89824c911d35871187"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar2: o61563514851d38491f868950"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar0: j7d356d7652620642655955"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar3: t7075356469653a6d0c2c"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar4: i175b6971850545597d15"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar5: n4c705f127265537d6969"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar6: q1706452b104b798075858248"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar8: j89504083721931887980"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar9: i27720b08829d6b947d59"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar11: g968c182977401384481028"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar12: j9b647b7d6984898d2919"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar13: x335b6d0d4c393d45718d9902"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar19: h898b49697d69893524291b6b"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar27: k58123c9f324856252568"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar26: e6675798d481b3c4164"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar25: l140622196b1b0f1f3216"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar31: p9d502931829d4d4431133d"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar33: k401b28483d8d183d22105f"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar34: u2457258c5c9b72682d5880"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar35: w493d2824303b624f394c343f"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar36: o95853d22910d39802615"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar37: f30661869602c546f068b"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar39: l299d6d2470824b21984b20"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _clickOnMapTimer: h813559838054699b214f"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _clickOnMapCaught: d6b7d131d5c73201b564d"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _fnc_handlerandvar10: n957b92169046789a8b614c"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _remark: e261b763464401179299c4703"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _AHpos: y83711b247b2d6b6188653d"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _loadedcheckpos: g965d2b744c1a63860512"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _loadedchecktime: i39597536206c142c59"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _MenuChecksRunningx: c5421895d7969552d965b"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _oneachframe: g468d689536521b1c5971591d"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _anotherloop: c4905401d051b73764a523749"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _clientoncetwo: j34081c761259795a6949"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _lastUnlock: z858872120d512668318539"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _AdminReqCheck: z755b0d862585366b6b839050"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _antidupeCheckVar: x28285495662b7c56453c65"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _antiantihack1_rndvar: l663f395c6f6b7d50923b2d"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _antiantihack2_rndvar: r117d825c1f6478750d"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _antidupePVResVar: s859c822522674055546b3c40"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _antidupePVCheckVar: PVAHR_0_x5b5b610291212b2f47"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> _randvar10: PVAHR_0_e6c281c21186a0265723d"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> AntiHack LOADED!"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> CREATING AdminMenu"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> AdminMenu LOADED!"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> ADDING SERVERSIDE HANDLERS"
2018/11/06, 12:56:09 "<infiSTAR.de> AntiHack FULLY LOADED"
2018/11/06, 12:56:10 "<infiSTAR.de> starting main server loop"
2018/11/06, 12:56:10 "HIVE: Starting"
2018/11/06, 12:56:11 ["TIME SYNC: Local Time set to:",[2012,8,2,11,56],"Fullmoon:",true,"Date given by HiveExt.dll:",[2018,11,6,11,56]]
2018/11/06, 12:56:11 "HIVE: trying to get objects"
2018/11/06, 12:56:11 "HIVE: found 709 objects"
2018/11/06, 12:56:11 "HIVE: Request sent"
2018/11/06, 12:56:11 "HIVE: Streamed 709 objects"
2018/11/06, 12:56:13 "Res3tting B!S effects..."
2018/11/06, 12:56:15 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines.45Rnd_545x39_RPK'.
2018/11/06, 12:56:15 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'.
2018/11/06, 12:56:15 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06, 12:56:15 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'.
2018/11/06, 12:56:15 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06, 12:56:15 Warning Message: Error: creating magazine 45Rnd_545x39_RPK with scope=private
2018/11/06, 12:56:15 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'.
2018/11/06, 12:56:15 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06, 12:56:15 Warning Message: No entry '.displayNameShort'.
2018/11/06, 12:56:15 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06, 12:56:15 Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'.
2018/11/06, 12:56:15 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06, 12:56:15 Warning Message: No entry '.Library'.
2018/11/06, 12:56:15 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'.
2018/11/06, 12:56:15 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06, 12:56:15 Warning Message: No entry '.type'.
2018/11/06, 12:56:15 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06, 12:56:15 Warning Message: No entry '.count'.
2018/11/06, 12:56:15 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06, 12:56:15 Warning Message: No entry '.maxLeadSpeed'.
2018/11/06, 12:56:15 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06, 12:56:15 Warning Message: No entry '.initSpeed'.
2018/11/06, 12:56:15 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06, 12:56:15 Warning Message: No entry '.reloadAction'.
2018/11/06, 12:56:15 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06, 12:56:15 Warning Message: No entry '.modelSpecial'.
2018/11/06, 12:56:15 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06, 12:56:15 Warning Message: No entry '.ammo'.
2018/11/06, 12:56:15 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
2018/11/06, 12:56:18 "HIVE: BENCHMARK - Server_monitor.sqf finished streaming 709 objects in 7.40991 seconds (unscheduled)"
2018/11/06, 12:56:18 "Total Number of spawn locations 6"
2018/11/06, 12:56:18 "z\addons\dayz_code\system\REsec.sqf:Monitoring Remote Exe..."
2018/11/06, 12:56:18 "DEBUG: Spawning a care package (Misc_cargo_cont_net3) at [7672.86,9039.84,0] with 9 items."
2018/11/06, 12:56:19 "DEBUG: Spawning a care package (Misc_cargo_cont_net1) at [6643.53,9469.59,0] with 5 items."
2018/11/06, 12:56:19 "CRASHSPAWNER: Starting crash site spawner. Frequency: 15±10 min. Spawn chance: 0.55"
2018/11/06, 12:56:19 "CRASHSPAWNER: Spawning crash site (CrashSite_UN) at [7090.13,9316.89,0] with 8 items."
2018/11/06, 12:56:37 "HIVE: Spawning # of Vehicles: 1"
2018/11/06, 12:56:37 "PUBLISH: Created HMMWV_M1151_M2_CZ_DES_EP1_DZE with ID "965512824363388""
2018/11/06, 12:56:37 "HIVE: Spawning # of Ammo Boxes: 20"
2018/11/06, 12:56:39 "HIVE: Spawning # of Veins: 30"
2018/11/06, 12:56:39 "HIVE: BENCHMARK - Server finished spawning 1 DynamicVehicles, 0 Debris, 20 SupplyCrates and 30 MineVeins in 20.4771 seconds (scheduled)"
2018/11/06, 12:56:39 "EPOCH EVENTS INIT"
2018/11/06, 12:56:41 "<infiSTAR.de> Player-Log: Sa[Y]reX(76561198143112441) - 0h 56min"
2018/11/06, 12:56:42 "CLEANUP: INITIALIZING Vehicle SCRIPT"
2018/11/06, 12:56:42 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 43.2432. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 5 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 43.2432."
2018/11/06, 12:56:42 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Total vehicles 115, key vehicles 40, public vehicles 75, limit public vehicles is 120 ..."
2018/11/06, 12:56:42 "Vehicles&Objects Spawner# Loading..."
2018/11/06, 12:56:42 "Vehicles&Objects Spawner# Random seed spRS_9880377788384103 generated..."
2018/11/06, 12:56:42 "Vehicles&Objects Spawner# Loaded..."
2018/11/06, 12:56:42 "Bike Spawner is loading..."
2018/11/06, 12:56:42 "Bike Spawner is loaded!"
2018/11/06, 12:56:42 "#PLAYER EVENT HANDLERS - LOADING...!"
2018/11/06, 12:56:42 "#PLAYER EVENT HANDLERS - LOADING COMPLETE...!"
2018/11/06, 12:56:42 "EVENTSHAKER# - Starting ..."
2018/11/06, 12:56:42 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Initialize ..."
2018/11/06, 12:56:42 "DAY NIGHT CONTROL# Starting ... "
2018/11/06, 12:56:45 "BANDITS BASE - BEGIN"
2018/11/06, 12:57:03 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @048110 - HMMWV_DES_EP1, worldspace [11.703,[4896.96,4325.68,1.25201]], CharId 0, objID 16837, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06, 12:57:04 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @099134 - HMMWV_DES_EP1, worldspace [243,[9979.94,1952.62,1.20038]], CharId 0, objID 16848, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06, 12:57:05 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @062077 - HMMWV_DES_EP1, worldspace [27.502,[6247.56,7650.53,1.237]], CharId 0, objID 16865, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06, 12:57:06 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - Sa[Y]reX(76561198143112441)"
2018/11/06, 12:57:06 "<infiSTAR.de> CONNECTLOG: CONNECT - __SERVER__()"
2018/11/06, 12:57:10 "INFO - Player: PID#3(Sa[Y]reX)(UID:76561198143112441/CID:5699) Status: LOGGING IN"
2018/11/06, 12:57:10 Server: Object 3:23 not found (message 94)
2018/11/06, 12:57:10 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Sa[Y]reX with UID 76561198143112441 from server ..."
2018/11/06, 12:57:10 "#DELETEMYCHARACTER# Delete character after cloth change for player Sa[Y]reX with UID 76561198143112441 from server ..."
2018/11/06, 12:57:10 "INFO - Player: PID#3(Sa[Y]reX)(UID:76561198143112441/CID:5699) Status: LOGIN PUBLISHING, Location Новый Собор [068080]"
2018/11/06, 12:57:10 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @052131 - Kamaz_DZE, worldspace [30.9727,[5232.17,2228.13,0]], CharId 0, objID 16889, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06, 12:57:13 "SECTOR - BEGIN"
2018/11/06, 12:57:13 "Rebalanced AI: Spawned a SOLDIERS HELI - at position [13693.4,2884.84]"
2018/11/06, 12:57:14 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @045130 - Kamaz_DZE, worldspace [104.973,[4554.67,2339.76,0]], CharId 0, objID 16891, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06, 12:57:16 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @072128 - SUV_Pink, worldspace [211.637,[7215.11,2484.97,0.0948043]], CharId 0, objID 16894, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06, 12:57:17 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @070124 - Kamaz_DZE, worldspace [6.08564,[7020.47,2893.09,-0.000599861]], CharId 0, objID 16893, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06, 12:57:19 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @103137 - HMMWV_Ambulance_CZ_DES_EP1, worldspace [83.8598,[10340.6,1580.15,0.257166]], CharId 0, objID 16899, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06, 12:57:19 "INFO - Player: Sa[Y]reX(UID:76561198143112441/CID:5699) Status: CLIENT LOADED & PLAYING"
2018/11/06, 12:57:19 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @099126 - MTVR_DES_EP1, worldspace [145.638,[9952.2,2714.7,0.109447]], CharId 0, objID 16897, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06, 12:57:20 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @093134 - UAZ_Unarmed_TK_EP1, worldspace [90.5751,[9355.43,1918.52,0.0466671]], CharId 0, objID 16898, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06, 12:57:22 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @106129 - hilux1_civil_3_open_DZE, worldspace [208.441,[10695.7,2379.5,0.0578279]], CharId 0, objID 16902, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06, 12:57:23 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @069130 - V3S_Open_TK_CIV_EP1, worldspace [135.001,[6904.82,2328.64,0]], CharId 0, objID 16895, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06, 12:57:25 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @103127 - SkodaGreen, worldspace [106.761,[10316.8,2601.53,0.042738]], CharId 0, objID 16903, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06, 12:57:25 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @131091 - SkodaBlue, worldspace [329.302,[13164.1,6248.31,0.0381594]], CharId 0, objID 16905, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06, 12:57:26 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @129069 - S1203_ambulance_EP1, worldspace [262.001,[12949.4,8381.52,0.0250144]], CharId 0, objID 16907, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06, 12:57:26 "#LOGIN#: Player Sa[Y]reX with ID 76561198143112441 connected!"
2018/11/06, 12:57:27 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @127073 - HMMWV_Ambulance_CZ_DES_EP1, worldspace [300.474,[12711.6,7997.91,0.11117]], CharId 0, objID 16906, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06, 12:57:29 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @129055 - Volha_2_TK_CIV_EP1, worldspace [28.1767,[12965.9,9815.61,0.0275002]], CharId 0, objID 16909, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06, 12:57:30 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @108127 - Lada1, worldspace [307.999,[10826.5,2572.03,0.0250463]], CharId 0, objID 16904, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06, 12:57:34 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @126060 - SkodaBlue, worldspace [284.233,[12646.7,9352.19,0.0292296]], CharId 0, objID 16908, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06, 12:57:42 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 48.048. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 1 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 48.048."
2018/11/06, 12:57:43 "EVENTSHAKER# - All processes are spawned ..."
2018/11/06, 12:57:45 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 12:57:47 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @062075 - Ural_CDF, worldspace [63.6848,[6278.75,7815.99,0.158325]], CharId 0, objID 16989, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06, 12:58:00 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_TK_CIV_EP1 (objid: 16826) UNLOCKED @068080 [6884.85,7353.27,0.00775146]"
2018/11/06, 12:58:03 "DAYNIGHTTIME# Set new date to [2012,8,2,11,0] with message: А вот и день...."
2018/11/06, 12:58:10 "#FPSFixer: Player Sa[Y]reX with ID 76561198143112441 FPS: 87 in coords: [6884.85,7353.27,-0.0395203] ..."
2018/11/06, 12:58:12 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @045059 - CSJ_GyroC, worldspace [279.637,[4537.52,9441.2,-0.0494995]], CharId 0, objID 16864, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06, 12:58:13 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @056058 - CSJ_GyroC, worldspace [309.28,[5603.41,9510.86,-0.0328979]], CharId 0, objID 16867, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06, 12:58:13 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @124027 - UH60M_MEV_EP1_DZ, worldspace [139.995,[12419.7,12604.6,-0.0257721]], CharId 0, objID 16888, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06, 12:58:15 "<infiSTAR.de> VEHICLE_DESTROYED: Vehicle destroyed @010113 - MH6J_DZ, worldspace [78.247,[1094.73,4004.56,0.0568085]], CharId 0, objID 16966, objUID 0, nearby []"
2018/11/06, 12:58:21 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Spawn new public vehicles ..."
2018/11/06, 12:58:21 "PUBLISH: Created UH1H_DZE with ID "15749274126253492""
2018/11/06, 12:58:21 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Heli UH1H_DZE spawned in [12257.3,12625] ..."
2018/11/06, 12:58:22 "PUBLISH: Created HMMWV_Ambulance with ID "871228622423492""
2018/11/06, 12:58:22 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Camp vehicle HMMWV_Ambulance spawned in [5219.73,2241.76] ..."
2018/11/06, 12:58:22 "PUBLISH: Created LandRover_CZ_EP1 with ID "805716323353493""
2018/11/06, 12:58:22 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Camp vehicle LandRover_CZ_EP1 spawned in [4564.26,2335.35] ..."
2018/11/06, 12:58:22 "PUBLISH: Created Ural_CDF with ID "1038228529113493""
2018/11/06, 12:58:22 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle Ural_CDF spawned in [6889.56,2911.06] ..."
2018/11/06, 12:58:22 "PUBLISH: Created SUV_Charcoal with ID "106904927163493""
2018/11/06, 12:58:22 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle SUV_Charcoal spawned in [7196.36,2715.86] ..."
2018/11/06, 12:58:23 "PUBLISH: Created Volha_1_TK_CIV_EP1 with ID "1081313522893494""
2018/11/06, 12:58:23 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle Volha_1_TK_CIV_EP1 spawned in [7318.42,2288.63] ..."
2018/11/06, 12:58:23 "PUBLISH: Created SUV_Red with ID "10398723253494""
2018/11/06, 12:58:23 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle SUV_Red spawned in [6904.49,2324.63] ..."
2018/11/06, 12:58:23 "PUBLISH: Created VolhaLimo_TK_CIV_EP1 with ID "1275323220673494""
2018/11/06, 12:58:23 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle VolhaLimo_TK_CIV_EP1 spawned in [9258.87,2067.09] ..."
2018/11/06, 12:58:23 "PUBLISH: Created SUV_Orange with ID "1322929720643494""
2018/11/06, 12:58:23 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle SUV_Orange spawned in [9734.84,2064.99] ..."
2018/11/06, 12:58:24 "PUBLISH: Created SkodaBlue with ID "133559119373494""
2018/11/06, 12:58:24 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle SkodaBlue spawned in [9861.02,1937.33] ..."
2018/11/06, 12:58:24 "PUBLISH: Created hilux1_civil_1_open_DZE with ID "1358523019103495""
2018/11/06, 12:58:24 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle hilux1_civil_1_open_DZE spawned in [10089.6,1910.12] ..."
2018/11/06, 12:58:24 "PUBLISH: Created UAZ_CDF with ID "139155617033495""
2018/11/06, 12:58:24 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle UAZ_CDF spawned in [10418.5,1702.59] ..."
2018/11/06, 12:58:24 "PUBLISH: Created hilux1_civil_1_open_DZE with ID "1416515923003495""
2018/11/06, 12:58:24 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle hilux1_civil_1_open_DZE spawned in [10670.5,2299.65] ..."
2018/11/06, 12:58:24 "PUBLISH: Created Ural_TK_CIV_EP1 with ID "1437421126423495""
2018/11/06, 12:58:24 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle Ural_TK_CIV_EP1 spawned in [10879,2641.95] ..."
2018/11/06, 12:58:25 "PUBLISH: Created UAZ_CDF with ID "1624730480113496""
2018/11/06, 12:58:25 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle UAZ_CDF spawned in [12750.8,8010.56] ..."
2018/11/06, 12:58:25 "PUBLISH: Created Lada2 with ID "162337084523496""
2018/11/06, 12:58:25 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle Lada2 spawned in [12736.8,8451.76] ..."
2018/11/06, 12:58:25 "PUBLISH: Created HMMWV_Ambulance with ID "1615930493773496""
2018/11/06, 12:58:25 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle HMMWV_Ambulance spawned in [12663.3,9376.63] ..."
2018/11/06, 12:58:25 "PUBLISH: Created UAZ_RU with ID "1645826198513496""
2018/11/06, 12:58:25 "REBALANCED SPAWNER# Car vehicle UAZ_RU spawned in [12961.6,9850.99] ..."
2018/11/06, 12:58:42 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 47.7612. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 47.7612."
2018/11/06, 12:58:45 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.3373, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 12:59:42 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 45.4545. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 45.4545."
2018/11/06, 12:59:46 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 47.619, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 13:00:42 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.7836. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.7836."
2018/11/06, 13:00:46 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.3768, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 13:01:42 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.2428. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.2428."
2018/11/06, 13:01:46 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 45.977, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 13:01:50 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Starting ..."
2018/11/06, 13:01:51 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Current Params: Players Online 1, FPS 46.6472, FPS Critical? - No, Max Local Zeds 21, Max Nearby Zeds 24, Max Global Zeds 480, Zeds Dmg x10, Max Heli Crashes 15, Max Animals 2, Max Global Animals 8, Loot x3, MaxModels 85, MaxWeapHolders 85."
2018/11/06, 13:01:51 "PON VARIABLES CHANGER# Total Alive Units: 4, West Units (Players): 1, East Units (AI): 3, Civilian Units: 0, Zombie Units: 0, SERVER FPS: 46.6472 ..."
2018/11/06, 13:02:23 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_TK_CIV_EP1 (objid: 16826) LOCKED @048057 ([4838.46,9637.93,0]) [4838.46,9637.93,0] BY Sa[Y]reX(76561198143112441)"
2018/11/06, 13:02:36 "<infiSTAR.de> LockUnlockVehicle: SUV_TK_CIV_EP1 (objid: 16826) UNLOCKED @048057 ([4838.46,9637.93,6.10352e-005]) [4838.46,9637.93,6.10352e-005] BY Sa[Y]reX(76561198143112441)"
2018/11/06, 13:02:42 "#CLEARING# Fps before: 46.1095. Deleted: 0 dead zeds, 0 dead players, 0 dead ai, 0 animals, 0 empty groups, 0 destroyed vehicles, 0 graves, 0 trenches, 0 bikes, 0 logout boxes, 0 lost zeds, 0 seaguls, 0 weaponholders, 0 flies, 0 present boxes, 0 reammo boxes. Fps after: 46.1095."
2018/11/06, 13:02:45 ["HEARDSOMETHING# Started..."]
2018/11/06, 13:02:47 "#***LOGSERVERFPS***# Server FPS: 46.2428, players: 1, AI units: 3 ..."
2018/11/06, 13:03:11 Warning: looped for animation: ca\anims\characters\data\anim\sdr\mov\erc\stp\non\non\amovpercmstpsnonwnondnon_amovpercmstpsraswpstdnon_end.rtm differs (looped now 0)! MoveName: amovpercmstpsnonwnondnon_amovpercmstpsraswpstdnon_end

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Что с Логами БД? Как я понял стоят кастомные скрипты на чистку сервера (Объекты, тупы, зомби, животные и т.п.) проверяйте как они обращаются к БД и как чистят. Банальный неправильный запрос может выдать ошибку что вполне может послужить крашу.
Если стоит кастомная БД, то проверьте заменили ли вы все DLL включая malloc, который может быть модифицирован, либо наоборот.
Попробуйте использовать другой malloc, если имеется в наличии.

Если все запросы в БД проходят успешно, то проверьте его полноценность.
Должно измениться [[ID объекта], [урон], [ID того - кто хозяин], [координаты.]]
А по факту у вас может быть так: ID объекта, урон, ID того - кто хозяин, ??? (то бишь запало на координатах и при попытке получить инфу об объекте - ошибка). Как одно из вариантов.

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была проблема.если сервер оверхостинг?

Изменено пользователем zra47 (история изменений)

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