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Привет всем!
На версии 4.0 лайфа имело место выполнение действия по добыче ископаемых с помощью кирки и тд. на клавишу Q
Однако на версии 4.4 такого нет и приходится каждый раз заходить в инвентарь и нажимать на кирке Использовать чтобы совершить лишь одну попытку добычи.

Подскажите как можно добавить горячую клавишу Q для этого действия? Можно за вознаграждение!

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Привет всем!

На версии 4.0 лайфа имело место выполнение действия по добыче ископаемых с помощью кирки и тд. на клавишу Q

Однако на версии 4.4 такого нет и приходится каждый раз заходить в инвентарь и нажимать на кирке Использовать чтобы совершить лишь одну попытку добычи.

Подскажите как можно добавить горячую клавишу Q для этого действия? Можно за вознаграждение!


Дело в том, что забиндить можно любую клавишу)), смотри файлы: 




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Ссылка на сообщение
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Это понятно... но где взять само "действие киркой" ? Пытался сделать по примеру как в 4.0... не сработало...

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Это понятно... но где взять само "действие киркой" ? Пытался сделать по примеру как в 4.0... не сработало...


Выложи сюда код вышеперечисленных файлов.

Поделиться сообщением

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Собственно вот эти файлы на текущей версии 4.4 :


#include "..\..\script_macros.hpp"
*    File: fn_keyHandler.sqf
*    Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine
*    Description:
*    Main key handler for event 'keyDown'
private ["_handled","_shift","_alt","_code","_ctrl","_alt","_ctrlKey","_veh","_locked","_interactionKey","_mapKey","_interruptionKeys"];
_ctrl = SEL(_this,0);
_code = SEL(_this,1);
_shift = SEL(_this,2);
_ctrlKey = SEL(_this,3);
_alt = SEL(_this,4);
_speed = speed cursorTarget;
_handled = false;

_interactionKey = if((EQUAL(count (actionKeys "User10"),0))) then {219} else {(actionKeys "User10") select 0};
_mapKey = SEL(actionKeys "ShowMap",0);
//hint str _code;
_interruptionKeys = [17,30,31,32]; //A,S,W,D

//Vault handling...
if((_code in (actionKeys "GetOver") || _code in (actionKeys "salute") || _code in (actionKeys "SitDown") || _code in (actionKeys "Throw") || _code in (actionKeys "GetIn") || _code in (actionKeys "GetOut") || _code in (actionKeys "Fire") || _code in (actionKeys "ReloadMagazine") || _code in [16,18]) && ((player GVAR ["restrained",false]) || (player GVAR ["playerSurrender",false]) || life_isknocked || life_istazed)) exitWith {

if(life_action_inUse) exitWith {
    if(!life_interrupted && _code in _interruptionKeys) then {life_interrupted = true;};

//Hotfix for Interaction key not being able to be bound on some operation systems.
if(!(EQUAL(count (actionKeys "User10"),0)) && {(inputAction "User10" > 0)}) exitWith {
    //Interaction key (default is Left Windows, can be mapped via Controls -> Custom -> User Action 10)
    if(!life_action_inUse) then {
        [] spawn {
            private "_handle";
            _handle = [] spawn life_fnc_actionKeyHandler;
            waitUntil {scriptDone _handle};
            life_action_inUse = false;

if (life_container_active) then {
    switch (_code) do {
        //space key
        case 57: {
            [life_container_activeObj] spawn life_fnc_placedefinestorage;

switch (_code) do {
    //Space key for Jumping
    case 57: {
        if(isNil "jumpActionTime") then {jumpActionTime = 0;};
        if(_shift && {!(EQUAL(animationState player,"AovrPercMrunSrasWrflDf"))} && {isTouchingGround player} && {EQUAL(stance player,"STAND")} && {speed player > 2} && {!life_is_arrested} && {SEL((velocity player),2) < 2.5} && {time - jumpActionTime > 1.5}) then {
            jumpActionTime = time; //Update the time.
            [player,true] spawn life_fnc_jumpFnc; //Local execution
            [player,false] remoteExec ["life_fnc_jumpFnc",RANY]; //Global execution
            _handled = true;

    //Surrender (Shift + B)
    case 48: {
        if(_shift) then {
            if(player GVAR ["playerSurrender",false]) then {
                player SVAR ["playerSurrender",false,true];
            } else {
                [] spawn life_fnc_surrender;
            _handled = true;

    //Map Key
    case _mapKey: {
        switch (playerSide) do {
            case west: {if(!visibleMap) then {[] spawn life_fnc_copMarkers;}};
            case independent: {if(!visibleMap) then {[] spawn life_fnc_medicMarkers;}};
            case civilian: {if(!visibleMap) then {[] spawn life_fnc_civMarkers;}};

    //Holster / recall weapon. (Shift + H)
    case 35: {
        if(_shift && !_ctrlKey && !(EQUAL(currentWeapon player,""))) then {
            life_curWep_h = currentWeapon player;
            player action ["SwitchWeapon", player, player, 100];
            player switchCamera cameraView;

        if(!_shift && _ctrlKey && !isNil "life_curWep_h" && {!(EQUAL(life_curWep_h,""))}) then {
            if(life_curWep_h in [RIFLE,LAUNCHER,PISTOL]) then {
                player selectWeapon life_curWep_h;

    //Interaction key (default is Left Windows, can be mapped via Controls -> Custom -> User Action 10)
    case _interactionKey: {
        if(!life_action_inUse) then {
            [] spawn  {
                private "_handle";
                _handle = [] spawn life_fnc_actionKeyHandler;
                waitUntil {scriptDone _handle};
                life_action_inUse = false;

    //Restraining (Shift + R)
    case 19: {
        if(_shift) then {_handled = true;};
        if(_shift && playerSide == west && {!isNull cursorTarget} && {cursorTarget isKindOf "Man"} && {(isPlayer cursorTarget)} && {(side cursorTarget in [civilian,independent])} && {alive cursorTarget} && {cursorTarget distance player < 3.5} && {!(cursorTarget GVAR "Escorting")} && {!(cursorTarget GVAR "restrained")} && {speed cursorTarget < 1}) then {
            [] call life_fnc_restrainAction;

    //Knock out, this is experimental and yeah... (Shift + G)
    case 34: {
        if(_shift) then {_handled = true;};
        if(_shift && playerSide == civilian && !isNull cursorTarget && cursorTarget isKindOf "Man" && isPlayer cursorTarget && alive cursorTarget && cursorTarget distance player < 4 && speed cursorTarget < 1) then {
            if((animationState cursorTarget) != "Incapacitated" && (currentWeapon player == primaryWeapon player OR currentWeapon player == handgunWeapon player) && currentWeapon player != "" && !life_knockout && !(player GVAR ["restrained",false]) && !life_istazed && !life_isknocked) then {
                [cursorTarget] spawn life_fnc_knockoutAction;

    //T Key (Trunk)
    case 20: {
        if(!_alt && !_ctrlKey && !dialog && {!life_action_inUse}) then {
            if(vehicle player != player && alive vehicle player) then {
                if((vehicle player) in life_vehicles) then {
                    [vehicle player] call life_fnc_openInventory;
            } else {
                private "_list";
                _containers = [getPosATL player, ["Box_IND_Grenades_F","B_supplyCrate_F"], 2.5] call life_fnc_nearestObjects;
                if (count _containers > 0) then {
                    _container = _containers select 0;
                    [_container] call life_fnc_openInventory;
                } else {
                    _list = ["landVehicle","Air","Ship"];
                    if(KINDOF_ARRAY(cursorTarget,_list) && {player distance cursorTarget < 7} && {vehicle player == player} && {alive cursorTarget} && {!life_action_inUse}) then {
                        if(cursorTarget in life_vehicles) then {
                            [cursorTarget] call life_fnc_openInventory;

    //L Key?
    case 38: {
        //If cop run checks for turning lights on.
        if(_shift && playerSide in [west,independent]) then {
            if(vehicle player != player && (typeOf vehicle player) in ["C_Offroad_01_F","B_MRAP_01_F","C_SUV_01_F","C_Hatchback_01_sport_F","B_Heli_Light_01_F","B_Heli_Transport_01_F"]) then {
                if(!isNil {vehicle player GVAR "lights"}) then {
                    if(playerSide == west) then {
                        [vehicle player] call life_fnc_sirenLights;
                    } else {
                        [vehicle player] call life_fnc_medicSirenLights;
                    _handled = true;

        if(!_alt && !_ctrlKey) then { [] call life_fnc_radar; };

    //Y Player Menu
    case 21: {
        if(!_alt && !_ctrlKey && !dialog && !(player GVAR ["restrained",false]) && {!life_action_inUse}) then {
            [] call life_fnc_p_openMenu;

    //F Key
    case 33: {
        if(playerSide in [west,independent] && {vehicle player != player} && {!life_siren_active} && {((driver vehicle player) == player)}) then {
            [] spawn {
                life_siren_active = true;
                sleep 4.7;
                life_siren_active = false;

            _veh = vehicle player;
            if(isNil {_veh GVAR "siren"}) then {_veh SVAR ["siren",false,true];};
            if((_veh GVAR "siren")) then {
                titleText [localize "STR_MISC_SirensOFF","PLAIN"];
                _veh SVAR ["siren",false,true];
            } else {
                titleText [localize "STR_MISC_SirensON","PLAIN"];
                _veh SVAR ["siren",true,true];
                if(playerSide == west) then {
                    [_veh] remoteExec ["life_fnc_copSiren",RCLIENT];
                } else {
                    [_veh] remoteExec ["life_fnc_medicSiren",RCLIENT];

    //O Key
    case 24: {
        if(_shift) then {
            if (soundVolume != 1) then {
                1 fadeSound 1;
                systemChat localize "STR_MISC_soundnormal";
            } else {
                1 fadeSound 0.1;
                systemChat localize "STR_MISC_soundfade";

    //U Key
    case 22: {
        if(!_alt && !_ctrlKey) then {
            if(vehicle player == player) then {
                _veh = cursorTarget;
            } else {
                _veh = vehicle player;

            if(_veh isKindOf "House_F" && {playerSide == civilian}) then {
                if(_veh in life_vehicles && player distance _veh < 8) then {
                    _door = [_veh] call life_fnc_nearestDoor;
                    if(EQUAL(_door,0)) exitWith {hint localize "STR_House_Door_NotNear"};
                    _locked = _veh GVAR [format["bis_disabled_Door_%1",_door],0];

                    if(EQUAL(_locked,0)) then {
                        _veh SVAR [format["bis_disabled_Door_%1",_door],1,true];
                        _veh animate [format["door_%1_rot",_door],0];
                        systemChat localize "STR_House_Door_Lock";
                    } else {
                        _veh SVAR [format["bis_disabled_Door_%1",_door],0,true];
                        _veh animate [format["door_%1_rot",_door],1];
                        systemChat localize "STR_House_Door_Unlock";
            } else {
                _locked = locked _veh;
                if(_veh in life_vehicles && player distance _veh < 8) then {
                    if(EQUAL(_locked,2)) then {
                        if(local _veh) then {
                            _veh lock 0;
                        } else {
                            [_veh,0] remoteExecCall ["life_fnc_lockVehicle",_veh];
                        systemChat localize "STR_MISC_VehUnlock";
                    } else {
                        if(local _veh) then {
                            _veh lock 2;
                        } else {
                            [_veh,2] remoteExecCall ["life_fnc_lockVehicle",_veh];
                        systemChat localize "STR_MISC_VehLock";








#include "..\..\script_macros.hpp"/*
    File: fn_actionKeyHandler.sqf
    Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine

    Master action key handler, handles requests for picking up various items and
    interacting with other players (Cops = Cop Menu for unrestrain,escort,stop escort, arrest (if near cop hq), etc).
_curTarget = cursorTarget;
if(life_action_inUse) exitWith {}; //Action is in use, exit to prevent spamming.
if(life_interrupted) exitWith {life_interrupted = false;};
_isWater = surfaceIsWater (visiblePositionASL player);

if(EQUAL(LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"global_ATM"),1)) then{
    //Check if the player is near an ATM.
    if((call life_fnc_nearATM) && {!dialog}) exitWith {
        [] call life_fnc_atmMenu;

if(isNull _curTarget) exitWith {
    if(_isWater) then {
        private "_fish";
        _fish = (nearestObjects[visiblePosition player,["Fish_Base_F"],3]) select 0;
        if(!isNil "_fish") then {
            [_fish] call life_fnc_catchFish;
    } else {
        _animals = [position player, ["Sheep_random_F","Goat_random_F","Hen_random_F","Cock_random_F","Rabbit_F"], 3.5] call life_fnc_nearestObjects;
        if (count _animals > 0) then {
            _animal = _animals select 0;
            if (!alive _animal) then {
                [_animal] call life_fnc_gutAnimal;
        } else {
            if(playerSide == civilian && !life_action_gathering) then {
                if(life_action_gathering) exitWith {}; //Action is in use, exit to prevent spamming.
                life_action_gathering = true;
                _handle = [] spawn life_fnc_gather;
                waitUntil {scriptDone _handle};
                life_action_gathering = false;

if((_curTarget isKindOf "B_supplyCrate_F" OR _curTarget isKindOf "Box_IND_Grenades_F") && {player distance _curTarget < 3} ) exitWith {
    if(alive _curTarget) then {
        [_curTarget] call life_fnc_containerMenu;

if(_curTarget isKindOf "House_F" && {player distance _curTarget < 12} OR ((nearestObject [[16019.5,16952.9,0],"Land_Dome_Big_F"]) == _curTarget OR (nearestObject [[16019.5,16952.9,0],"Land_Research_house_V1_F"]) == _curTarget)) exitWith {
    [_curTarget] call life_fnc_houseMenu;

if(dialog) exitWith {}; //Don't bother when a dialog is open.
if(vehicle player != player) exitWith {}; //He's in a vehicle, cancel!
life_action_inUse = true;

//Temp fail safe.
[] spawn {
    sleep 60;
    life_action_inUse = false;

//Check if it's a dead body.
if(_curTarget isKindOf "Man" && {!alive _curTarget} && !(_curTarget GVAR["Revive",false]) && {playerSide in [west,independent]}) exitWith {
    //Hotfix code by ins0
    if(((playerSide == west && {(EQUAL(LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"revive_cops"),1))}) || playerSide == independent) && {"Medikit" in (items player)}) then {
        [_curTarget] call life_fnc_revivePlayer;

//If target is a player then check if we can use the cop menu.
if(isPlayer _curTarget && _curTarget isKindOf "Man") then {
    if((_curTarget GVAR ["restrained",false]) && !dialog && playerSide == west) then {
        [_curTarget] call life_fnc_copInteractionMenu;
} else {
    //OK, it wasn't a player so what is it?

    _list = ["landVehicle","Ship","Air"];
    _isVehicle = if(KINDOF_ARRAY(_curTarget,_list)) then {true} else {false};
    _miscItems = ["Land_BottlePlastic_V1_F","Land_TacticalBacon_F","Land_Can_V3_F","Land_CanisterFuel_F","Land_Suitcase_F"];
    _animalTypes = ["Salema_F","Ornate_random_F","Mackerel_F","Tuna_F","Mullet_F","CatShark_F","Turtle_F"];
    _money = "Land_Money_F";

    //It's a vehicle! open the vehicle interaction key!
    if(_isVehicle) then {
        if(!dialog) then {
            if(player distance _curTarget < SEL(SEL(boundingBox _curTarget,1),0)+2) then {
                [_curTarget] call life_fnc_vInteractionMenu;
    } else {
        //Is it a animal type?
        if((typeOf _curTarget) in _animalTypes) then {
            if(EQUAL((typeOf _curTarget),"Turtle_F") && !alive _curTarget) then {
                private "_handle";
                _handle = [_curTarget] spawn life_fnc_catchTurtle;
                waitUntil {scriptDone _handle};
            } else {
                private "_handle";
                _handle = [_curTarget] spawn life_fnc_catchFish;
                waitUntil {scriptDone _handle};
        } else {
            //OK, it wasn't a vehicle so let's see what else it could be?
            if((typeOf _curTarget) in _miscItems) then {
                [_curTarget,player,false] remoteExecCall ["TON_fnc_pickupAction",RSERV];
            } else {
                //It wasn't a misc item so is it money?
                if(EQUAL((typeOf _curTarget),_money) && {!(_curTarget GVAR ["inUse",false])}) then {
                    [_curTarget,player,true] remoteExecCall ["TON_fnc_pickupAction",RSERV];



Как сделать чтобы на Q бралась именно кирка и добывала ресурс... не понимаю((

Изменено пользователем exploadead (история изменений)

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Собственно вот эти файлы на текущей версии 4.4 :


#include "..\..\script_macros.hpp"
*    File: fn_keyHandler.sqf
*    Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine
*    Description:
*    Main key handler for event 'keyDown'
private ["_handled","_shift","_alt","_code","_ctrl","_alt","_ctrlKey","_veh","_locked","_interactionKey","_mapKey","_interruptionKeys"];
_ctrl = SEL(_this,0);
_code = SEL(_this,1);
_shift = SEL(_this,2);
_ctrlKey = SEL(_this,3);
_alt = SEL(_this,4);
_speed = speed cursorTarget;
_handled = false;

_interactionKey = if((EQUAL(count (actionKeys "User10"),0))) then {219} else {(actionKeys "User10") select 0};
_mapKey = SEL(actionKeys "ShowMap",0);
//hint str _code;
_interruptionKeys = [17,30,31,32]; //A,S,W,D

//Vault handling...
if((_code in (actionKeys "GetOver") || _code in (actionKeys "salute") || _code in (actionKeys "SitDown") || _code in (actionKeys "Throw") || _code in (actionKeys "GetIn") || _code in (actionKeys "GetOut") || _code in (actionKeys "Fire") || _code in (actionKeys "ReloadMagazine") || _code in [16,18]) && ((player GVAR ["restrained",false]) || (player GVAR ["playerSurrender",false]) || life_isknocked || life_istazed)) exitWith {

if(life_action_inUse) exitWith {
    if(!life_interrupted && _code in _interruptionKeys) then {life_interrupted = true;};

//Hotfix for Interaction key not being able to be bound on some operation systems.
if(!(EQUAL(count (actionKeys "User10"),0)) && {(inputAction "User10" > 0)}) exitWith {
    //Interaction key (default is Left Windows, can be mapped via Controls -> Custom -> User Action 10)
    if(!life_action_inUse) then {
        [] spawn {
            private "_handle";
            _handle = [] spawn life_fnc_actionKeyHandler;
            waitUntil {scriptDone _handle};
            life_action_inUse = false;

if (life_container_active) then {
    switch (_code) do {
        //space key
        case 57: {
            [life_container_activeObj] spawn life_fnc_placedefinestorage;

switch (_code) do {
    //Space key for Jumping
    case 57: {
        if(isNil "jumpActionTime") then {jumpActionTime = 0;};
        if(_shift && {!(EQUAL(animationState player,"AovrPercMrunSrasWrflDf"))} && {isTouchingGround player} && {EQUAL(stance player,"STAND")} && {speed player > 2} && {!life_is_arrested} && {SEL((velocity player),2) < 2.5} && {time - jumpActionTime > 1.5}) then {
            jumpActionTime = time; //Update the time.
            [player,true] spawn life_fnc_jumpFnc; //Local execution
            [player,false] remoteExec ["life_fnc_jumpFnc",RANY]; //Global execution
            _handled = true;

    //Surrender (Shift + B)
    case 48: {
        if(_shift) then {
            if(player GVAR ["playerSurrender",false]) then {
                player SVAR ["playerSurrender",false,true];
            } else {
                [] spawn life_fnc_surrender;
            _handled = true;

    //Map Key
    case _mapKey: {
        switch (playerSide) do {
            case west: {if(!visibleMap) then {[] spawn life_fnc_copMarkers;}};
            case independent: {if(!visibleMap) then {[] spawn life_fnc_medicMarkers;}};
            case civilian: {if(!visibleMap) then {[] spawn life_fnc_civMarkers;}};

    //Holster / recall weapon. (Shift + H)
    case 35: {
        if(_shift && !_ctrlKey && !(EQUAL(currentWeapon player,""))) then {
            life_curWep_h = currentWeapon player;
            player action ["SwitchWeapon", player, player, 100];
            player switchCamera cameraView;

        if(!_shift && _ctrlKey && !isNil "life_curWep_h" && {!(EQUAL(life_curWep_h,""))}) then {
            if(life_curWep_h in [RIFLE,LAUNCHER,PISTOL]) then {
                player selectWeapon life_curWep_h;

    //Interaction key (default is Left Windows, can be mapped via Controls -> Custom -> User Action 10)
    case _interactionKey: {
        if(!life_action_inUse) then {
            [] spawn  {
                private "_handle";
                _handle = [] spawn life_fnc_actionKeyHandler;
                waitUntil {scriptDone _handle};
                life_action_inUse = false;

    //Restraining (Shift + R)
    case 19: {
        if(_shift) then {_handled = true;};
        if(_shift && playerSide == west && {!isNull cursorTarget} && {cursorTarget isKindOf "Man"} && {(isPlayer cursorTarget)} && {(side cursorTarget in [civilian,independent])} && {alive cursorTarget} && {cursorTarget distance player < 3.5} && {!(cursorTarget GVAR "Escorting")} && {!(cursorTarget GVAR "restrained")} && {speed cursorTarget < 1}) then {
            [] call life_fnc_restrainAction;

    //Knock out, this is experimental and yeah... (Shift + G)
    case 34: {
        if(_shift) then {_handled = true;};
        if(_shift && playerSide == civilian && !isNull cursorTarget && cursorTarget isKindOf "Man" && isPlayer cursorTarget && alive cursorTarget && cursorTarget distance player < 4 && speed cursorTarget < 1) then {
            if((animationState cursorTarget) != "Incapacitated" && (currentWeapon player == primaryWeapon player OR currentWeapon player == handgunWeapon player) && currentWeapon player != "" && !life_knockout && !(player GVAR ["restrained",false]) && !life_istazed && !life_isknocked) then {
                [cursorTarget] spawn life_fnc_knockoutAction;

    //T Key (Trunk)
    case 20: {
        if(!_alt && !_ctrlKey && !dialog && {!life_action_inUse}) then {
            if(vehicle player != player && alive vehicle player) then {
                if((vehicle player) in life_vehicles) then {
                    [vehicle player] call life_fnc_openInventory;
            } else {
                private "_list";
                _containers = [getPosATL player, ["Box_IND_Grenades_F","B_supplyCrate_F"], 2.5] call life_fnc_nearestObjects;
                if (count _containers > 0) then {
                    _container = _containers select 0;
                    [_container] call life_fnc_openInventory;
                } else {
                    _list = ["landVehicle","Air","Ship"];
                    if(KINDOF_ARRAY(cursorTarget,_list) && {player distance cursorTarget < 7} && {vehicle player == player} && {alive cursorTarget} && {!life_action_inUse}) then {
                        if(cursorTarget in life_vehicles) then {
                            [cursorTarget] call life_fnc_openInventory;

    //L Key?
    case 38: {
        //If cop run checks for turning lights on.
        if(_shift && playerSide in [west,independent]) then {
            if(vehicle player != player && (typeOf vehicle player) in ["C_Offroad_01_F","B_MRAP_01_F","C_SUV_01_F","C_Hatchback_01_sport_F","B_Heli_Light_01_F","B_Heli_Transport_01_F"]) then {
                if(!isNil {vehicle player GVAR "lights"}) then {
                    if(playerSide == west) then {
                        [vehicle player] call life_fnc_sirenLights;
                    } else {
                        [vehicle player] call life_fnc_medicSirenLights;
                    _handled = true;

        if(!_alt && !_ctrlKey) then { [] call life_fnc_radar; };

    //Y Player Menu
    case 21: {
        if(!_alt && !_ctrlKey && !dialog && !(player GVAR ["restrained",false]) && {!life_action_inUse}) then {
            [] call life_fnc_p_openMenu;

    //F Key
    case 33: {
        if(playerSide in [west,independent] && {vehicle player != player} && {!life_siren_active} && {((driver vehicle player) == player)}) then {
            [] spawn {
                life_siren_active = true;
                sleep 4.7;
                life_siren_active = false;

            _veh = vehicle player;
            if(isNil {_veh GVAR "siren"}) then {_veh SVAR ["siren",false,true];};
            if((_veh GVAR "siren")) then {
                titleText [localize "STR_MISC_SirensOFF","PLAIN"];
                _veh SVAR ["siren",false,true];
            } else {
                titleText [localize "STR_MISC_SirensON","PLAIN"];
                _veh SVAR ["siren",true,true];
                if(playerSide == west) then {
                    [_veh] remoteExec ["life_fnc_copSiren",RCLIENT];
                } else {
                    [_veh] remoteExec ["life_fnc_medicSiren",RCLIENT];

    //O Key
    case 24: {
        if(_shift) then {
            if (soundVolume != 1) then {
                1 fadeSound 1;
                systemChat localize "STR_MISC_soundnormal";
            } else {
                1 fadeSound 0.1;
                systemChat localize "STR_MISC_soundfade";

    //U Key
    case 22: {
        if(!_alt && !_ctrlKey) then {
            if(vehicle player == player) then {
                _veh = cursorTarget;
            } else {
                _veh = vehicle player;

            if(_veh isKindOf "House_F" && {playerSide == civilian}) then {
                if(_veh in life_vehicles && player distance _veh < 8) then {
                    _door = [_veh] call life_fnc_nearestDoor;
                    if(EQUAL(_door,0)) exitWith {hint localize "STR_House_Door_NotNear"};
                    _locked = _veh GVAR [format["bis_disabled_Door_%1",_door],0];

                    if(EQUAL(_locked,0)) then {
                        _veh SVAR [format["bis_disabled_Door_%1",_door],1,true];
                        _veh animate [format["door_%1_rot",_door],0];
                        systemChat localize "STR_House_Door_Lock";
                    } else {
                        _veh SVAR [format["bis_disabled_Door_%1",_door],0,true];
                        _veh animate [format["door_%1_rot",_door],1];
                        systemChat localize "STR_House_Door_Unlock";
            } else {
                _locked = locked _veh;
                if(_veh in life_vehicles && player distance _veh < 8) then {
                    if(EQUAL(_locked,2)) then {
                        if(local _veh) then {
                            _veh lock 0;
                        } else {
                            [_veh,0] remoteExecCall ["life_fnc_lockVehicle",_veh];
                        systemChat localize "STR_MISC_VehUnlock";
                    } else {
                        if(local _veh) then {
                            _veh lock 2;
                        } else {
                            [_veh,2] remoteExecCall ["life_fnc_lockVehicle",_veh];
                        systemChat localize "STR_MISC_VehLock";








#include "..\..\script_macros.hpp"/*
    File: fn_actionKeyHandler.sqf
    Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine

    Master action key handler, handles requests for picking up various items and
    interacting with other players (Cops = Cop Menu for unrestrain,escort,stop escort, arrest (if near cop hq), etc).
_curTarget = cursorTarget;
if(life_action_inUse) exitWith {}; //Action is in use, exit to prevent spamming.
if(life_interrupted) exitWith {life_interrupted = false;};
_isWater = surfaceIsWater (visiblePositionASL player);

if(EQUAL(LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"global_ATM"),1)) then{
    //Check if the player is near an ATM.
    if((call life_fnc_nearATM) && {!dialog}) exitWith {
        [] call life_fnc_atmMenu;

if(isNull _curTarget) exitWith {
    if(_isWater) then {
        private "_fish";
        _fish = (nearestObjects[visiblePosition player,["Fish_Base_F"],3]) select 0;
        if(!isNil "_fish") then {
            [_fish] call life_fnc_catchFish;
    } else {
        _animals = [position player, ["Sheep_random_F","Goat_random_F","Hen_random_F","Cock_random_F","Rabbit_F"], 3.5] call life_fnc_nearestObjects;
        if (count _animals > 0) then {
            _animal = _animals select 0;
            if (!alive _animal) then {
                [_animal] call life_fnc_gutAnimal;
        } else {
            if(playerSide == civilian && !life_action_gathering) then {
                if(life_action_gathering) exitWith {}; //Action is in use, exit to prevent spamming.
                life_action_gathering = true;
                _handle = [] spawn life_fnc_gather;
                waitUntil {scriptDone _handle};
                life_action_gathering = false;

if((_curTarget isKindOf "B_supplyCrate_F" OR _curTarget isKindOf "Box_IND_Grenades_F") && {player distance _curTarget < 3} ) exitWith {
    if(alive _curTarget) then {
        [_curTarget] call life_fnc_containerMenu;

if(_curTarget isKindOf "House_F" && {player distance _curTarget < 12} OR ((nearestObject [[16019.5,16952.9,0],"Land_Dome_Big_F"]) == _curTarget OR (nearestObject [[16019.5,16952.9,0],"Land_Research_house_V1_F"]) == _curTarget)) exitWith {
    [_curTarget] call life_fnc_houseMenu;

if(dialog) exitWith {}; //Don't bother when a dialog is open.
if(vehicle player != player) exitWith {}; //He's in a vehicle, cancel!
life_action_inUse = true;

//Temp fail safe.
[] spawn {
    sleep 60;
    life_action_inUse = false;

//Check if it's a dead body.
if(_curTarget isKindOf "Man" && {!alive _curTarget} && !(_curTarget GVAR["Revive",false]) && {playerSide in [west,independent]}) exitWith {
    //Hotfix code by ins0
    if(((playerSide == west && {(EQUAL(LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"revive_cops"),1))}) || playerSide == independent) && {"Medikit" in (items player)}) then {
        [_curTarget] call life_fnc_revivePlayer;

//If target is a player then check if we can use the cop menu.
if(isPlayer _curTarget && _curTarget isKindOf "Man") then {
    if((_curTarget GVAR ["restrained",false]) && !dialog && playerSide == west) then {
        [_curTarget] call life_fnc_copInteractionMenu;
} else {
    //OK, it wasn't a player so what is it?

    _list = ["landVehicle","Ship","Air"];
    _isVehicle = if(KINDOF_ARRAY(_curTarget,_list)) then {true} else {false};
    _miscItems = ["Land_BottlePlastic_V1_F","Land_TacticalBacon_F","Land_Can_V3_F","Land_CanisterFuel_F","Land_Suitcase_F"];
    _animalTypes = ["Salema_F","Ornate_random_F","Mackerel_F","Tuna_F","Mullet_F","CatShark_F","Turtle_F"];
    _money = "Land_Money_F";

    //It's a vehicle! open the vehicle interaction key!
    if(_isVehicle) then {
        if(!dialog) then {
            if(player distance _curTarget < SEL(SEL(boundingBox _curTarget,1),0)+2) then {
                [_curTarget] call life_fnc_vInteractionMenu;
    } else {
        //Is it a animal type?
        if((typeOf _curTarget) in _animalTypes) then {
            if(EQUAL((typeOf _curTarget),"Turtle_F") && !alive _curTarget) then {
                private "_handle";
                _handle = [_curTarget] spawn life_fnc_catchTurtle;
                waitUntil {scriptDone _handle};
            } else {
                private "_handle";
                _handle = [_curTarget] spawn life_fnc_catchFish;
                waitUntil {scriptDone _handle};
        } else {
            //OK, it wasn't a vehicle so let's see what else it could be?
            if((typeOf _curTarget) in _miscItems) then {
                [_curTarget,player,false] remoteExecCall ["TON_fnc_pickupAction",RSERV];
            } else {
                //It wasn't a misc item so is it money?
                if(EQUAL((typeOf _curTarget),_money) && {!(_curTarget GVAR ["inUse",false])}) then {
                    [_curTarget,player,true] remoteExecCall ["TON_fnc_pickupAction",RSERV];



Как сделать чтобы на Q бралась именно кирка и добывала ресурс... не понимаю((

Клавиша Windows чем не устроила??)))

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Клавиша Windows чем не устроила??)))


Так на Win собирается только руками. Ресурсы которые требуют кирку не собираются на Win. Можно было бы сделать и на Win но как?))

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Неужели никто помочь не может? Вознаграждение материальное гарантирую!

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      Народ помогите! У меня проблема! В один момент все персонажи (игроки), когда залетают на остров одеты не в свою одежду и у всех в рюкзаках пустые пластиковые бутылки! не знаю вообще как это исправить! SOS! Есть подозрение что что то произошло с базой данных! но не уверен! Может кто сталкивался с такой проблемой? Как решали... не будьте равнодушными пожалуйста помогите... (началось с того что один из игроков покупал пластиковые бутылки и не заметил что купил слишком много что у него они стали вываливаться и появляться на земле (в рюкзаке место закончилось)) в момент покупки бутылок говорит что что то на секунду подвисло и после этого все кто залетает в игру стали появляться в его одежде и с бутылками. Это было вчера. Сегодня кто то купил одежду сантаклауса и теперь все появляются в одежде санты. Причем если корректно  выйти из миссии и после зайти на последнюю точку подключения все ок. А если выбрать любой город то все как я описывал выше. Плиз помогите решить этот полтергейст!) 
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