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epoch arma 3 Advanced Sling Loading v1.0

Доброго времени всем!


Проблема со скриптом , точней не со скриптом а с инфистаром!

Общем решил установить на сервер скрипт Advanced Sling Loading v1.0


И инфестар кикает и пишет:

BadCommandingMenu: #USER:ASL_Deploy_Ropes_Count_Menu (v0239)



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как прописать в инфестар

ответ: руками

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Я тоже это добавил, если кто-то из игроков пытается спустить трос сервер виснет и ркон отваливается. только рестарт помогает. Фильтры удалил с батлая вообще

Похоже не судьба...

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как прописать в инфестар

ответ: руками

ну понятно что не ногами ((((  :cool:

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Я тоже это добавил, если кто-то из игроков пытается спустить трос сервер виснет и ркон отваливается. только рестарт помогает. Фильтры удалил с батлая вообще

Похоже не судьба...

я тоже все фильтры удалил ничего не помогло банит 

создал файл в мисии 


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2016 Seth Duda

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


ASL_Advanced_Sling_Loading_Install = {

// Prevent advanced sling loading from installing twice
if(!isNil "ASL_ROPE_INIT") exitWith {};

diag_log "Advanced Sling Loading Loading...";

ASL_Rope_Get_Lift_Capability = {
	params ["_vehicle"];
	private ["_slingLoadMaxCargoMass"];
	_slingLoadMaxCargoMass = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _vehicle >> "slingLoadMaxCargoMass");
	if(_slingLoadMaxCargoMass <= 0) then {
		_slingLoadMaxCargoMass = 4000;

ASL_Get_Sling_Load_Points = {
	params ["_vehicle"];
	private ["_slingLoadPointsArray","_cornerPoints","_rearCenterPoint","_vehicleUnitVectorUp"];
	private ["_slingLoadPoints","_modelPoint","_modelPointASL","_surfaceIntersectStartASL","_surfaceIntersectEndASL","_surfaces","_intersectionASL","_intersectionObject"];
	_slingLoadPointsArray = [];
	_cornerPoints = [_vehicle] call ASL_Get_Corner_Points;
	_frontCenterPoint = (((_cornerPoints select 2) vectorDiff (_cornerPoints select 3)) vectorMultiply 0.5) vectorAdd (_cornerPoints select 3);
	_rearCenterPoint = (((_cornerPoints select 0) vectorDiff (_cornerPoints select 1)) vectorMultiply 0.5) vectorAdd (_cornerPoints select 1);
	_rearCenterPoint = ((_frontCenterPoint vectorDiff _rearCenterPoint) vectorMultiply 0.2) vectorAdd _rearCenterPoint;
	_frontCenterPoint = ((_rearCenterPoint vectorDiff _frontCenterPoint) vectorMultiply 0.2) vectorAdd _frontCenterPoint;
	_middleCenterPoint = ((_frontCenterPoint vectorDiff _rearCenterPoint) vectorMultiply 0.5) vectorAdd _rearCenterPoint;
	_vehicleUnitVectorUp = vectorNormalized (vectorUp _vehicle);
	_slingLoadPoints = [];
		_modelPoint = _x;
		_modelPointASL = AGLToASL (_vehicle modelToWorldVisual _modelPoint);
		_surfaceIntersectStartASL = _modelPointASL vectorAdd ( _vehicleUnitVectorUp vectorMultiply 5 );
		_surfaceIntersectEndASL = _modelPointASL vectorAdd ( _vehicleUnitVectorUp vectorMultiply -5 );
		_surfaces = lineIntersectsSurfaces [_surfaceIntersectStartASL, _surfaceIntersectEndASL, objNull, objNull, false, 100];
		_intersectionASL = [];
			_intersectionObject = _x select 2;
			if(_intersectionObject == _vehicle) exitWith {
				_intersectionASL = _x select 0;
		} forEach _surfaces;
		if(count _intersectionASL > 0) then {
			_slingLoadPoints pushBack (_vehicle worldToModelVisual (ASLToAGL _intersectionASL));
		} else {
			_slingLoadPoints pushBack [];
	} forEach [_frontCenterPoint, _middleCenterPoint, _rearCenterPoint];
	if(count (_slingLoadPoints select 1) > 0) then {
		_slingLoadPointsArray pushBack [_slingLoadPoints select 1];
		if(count (_slingLoadPoints select 0) > 0 && count (_slingLoadPoints select 2) > 0 ) then {
			if( ((_slingLoadPoints select 0) distance (_slingLoadPoints select 2)) > 3 ) then {
				_slingLoadPointsArray pushBack [_slingLoadPoints select 0,_slingLoadPoints select 2];
				if( ((_slingLoadPoints select 0) distance (_slingLoadPoints select 1)) > 3 ) then {
					_slingLoadPointsArray pushBack [_slingLoadPoints select 0,_slingLoadPoints select 1,_slingLoadPoints select 2];

ASL_Get_Sling_Load_Points = {
	params ["_vehicle"];
	private ["_slingLoadPointsArray","_cornerPoints","_rearCenterPoint","_frontToRearUnitVector","_vehicleLength","_vehicleUnitVectorUp","_numberOfSlingsCount","_distanceBetweenSlings"];
	private ["_slingLoadPoints","_modelPoint","_modelPointASL","_surfaceIntersectStartASL","_surfaceIntersectEndASL","_surfaces","_intersectionASL","_intersectionObject"];
	_slingLoadPointsArray = [];
	_cornerPoints = [_vehicle] call ASL_Get_Corner_Points;
	_frontCenterPoint = (((_cornerPoints select 2) vectorDiff (_cornerPoints select 3)) vectorMultiply 0.5) vectorAdd (_cornerPoints select 3);
	_rearCenterPoint = (((_cornerPoints select 0) vectorDiff (_cornerPoints select 1)) vectorMultiply 0.5) vectorAdd (_cornerPoints select 1);
	_frontToRearUnitVector = _frontCenterPoint vectorFromTo _rearCenterPoint;
	_vehicleLength = _frontCenterPoint distance _rearCenterPoint;
	_vehicleUnitVectorUp = vectorNormalized (vectorUp _vehicle);
	_numberOfSlingsCount = 1;
	while {_vehicleLength / (_numberOfSlingsCount + 1) >= 3 || _numberOfSlingsCount == 1} do {
		_distanceBetweenSlings = _vehicleLength / (_numberOfSlingsCount + 1);
		_slingLoadPoints = [];
		for "_i" from 1 to _numberOfSlingsCount do {
			_modelPoint = _frontCenterPoint vectorAdd (_frontToRearUnitVector vectorMultiply (_distanceBetweenSlings * _i));
			_modelPointASL = AGLToASL (_vehicle modelToWorldVisual _modelPoint);
			_surfaceIntersectStartASL = _modelPointASL vectorAdd ( _vehicleUnitVectorUp vectorMultiply 5 );
			_surfaceIntersectEndASL = _modelPointASL vectorAdd ( _vehicleUnitVectorUp vectorMultiply -5 );
			_surfaces = lineIntersectsSurfaces [_surfaceIntersectStartASL, _surfaceIntersectEndASL, objNull, objNull, false, 100];
			_intersectionASL = [];
				_intersectionObject = _x select 2;
				if(_intersectionObject == _vehicle) exitWith {
					_intersectionASL = _x select 0;
			} forEach _surfaces;
			if(count _intersectionASL == 0) exitWith {};
			_slingLoadPoints pushBack (_vehicle worldToModelVisual (ASLToAGL _intersectionASL));
		if(count _slingLoadPoints == _numberOfSlingsCount) then {
			_slingLoadPointsArray pushBack _slingLoadPoints;
		if(count _slingLoadPoints != _numberOfSlingsCount) exitWith {};
		_numberOfSlingsCount = _numberOfSlingsCount + 1;

ASL_Rope_Set_Mass = {
	private ["_obj","_mass"];
	_obj = [_this,0] call BIS_fnc_param;
	_mass = [_this,1] call BIS_fnc_param;
	_obj setMass _mass;

ASL_Rope_Adjust_Mass = {
	params ["_obj","_heli",["_ropes",[]]];
	private ["_mass","_lift","_originalMass","_heavyLiftMinLift"];
	_lift = [_heli] call ASL_Rope_Get_Lift_Capability;
	_originalMass = getMass _obj;
	_heavyLiftMinLift = missionNamespace getVariable ["ASL_HEAVY_LIFTING_MIN_LIFT_OVERRIDE",5000];
	if( _originalMass >= ((_lift)*0.8) && _lift >= _heavyLiftMinLift ) then {
		private ["_originalMassSet","_ends","_endDistance","_ropeLength"];
		_originalMassSet = (getMass _obj) == _originalMass;
		while { _obj in (ropeAttachedObjects _heli) && _originalMassSet } do {
				_ends = ropeEndPosition _x;
				_endDistance = (_ends select 0) distance (_ends select 1);
				_ropeLength = ropeLength _x;
				if((_ropeLength - 2) <= _endDistance && ((position _heli) select 2) > 0 ) then {
					[[_obj, ((_lift)*0.8)],"ASL_Rope_Set_Mass",_obj,true] call ASL_RemoteExec;
					_originalMassSet = false;
			} forEach _ropes;
			sleep 0.1;
		while { _obj in (ropeAttachedObjects _heli) } do {
			sleep 0.5;
		[[_obj, _originalMass],"ASL_Rope_Set_Mass",_obj,true] call ASL_RemoteExec;

 Constructs an array of all active rope indexes and position labels (e.g. [[rope index,"Front"],[rope index,"Rear"]])
 for a specified vehicle
ASL_Get_Active_Ropes = {
	params ["_vehicle"];
	private ["_activeRopes","_existingRopes","_ropeLabelSets","_ropeIndex","_totalExistingRopes","_ropeLabels"];
	_activeRopes = [];
	_existingRopes = _vehicle getVariable ["ASL_Ropes",[]];
	_ropeLabelSets = [["Центр"],["Передний","Сзади"],["Передний","Центр","Сзади"]];
	_ropeIndex = 0;
	_totalExistingRopes = count _existingRopes;
		if(count _x > 0) then {
			_ropeLabels = _ropeLabelSets select (_totalExistingRopes - 1);
			_activeRopes pushBack [_ropeIndex,_ropeLabels select _ropeIndex];
		_ropeIndex = _ropeIndex + 1;
	} forEach _existingRopes;

 Constructs an array of all inactive rope indexes and position labels (e.g. [[rope index,"Front"],[rope index,"Rear"]])
 for a specified vehicle
ASL_Get_Inactive_Ropes = {
	params ["_vehicle"];
	private ["_inactiveRopes","_existingRopes","_ropeLabelSets","_ropeIndex","_totalExistingRopes","_ropeLabels"];
	_inactiveRopes = [];
	_existingRopes = _vehicle getVariable ["ASL_Ropes",[]];
	_ropeLabelSets = [["Центр"],["Передний","Сзади"],["Передний","Центр","Сзади"]];
	_ropeIndex = 0;
	_totalExistingRopes = count _existingRopes;
		if(count _x == 0) then {
			_ropeLabels = _ropeLabelSets select (_totalExistingRopes - 1);
			_inactiveRopes pushBack [_ropeIndex,_ropeLabels select _ropeIndex];
		_ropeIndex = _ropeIndex + 1;
	} forEach _existingRopes;

ASL_Get_Active_Ropes_With_Cargo = {
	params ["_vehicle"];
	private ["_activeRopesWithCargo","_existingCargo","_activeRopes","_cargo"];
	_activeRopesWithCargo = [];
	_existingCargo = _vehicle getVariable ["ASL_Cargo",[]];
	_activeRopes = _this call ASL_Get_Active_Ropes;
		_cargo = _existingCargo select (_x select 0);
		if(!isNull _cargo) then {
			_activeRopesWithCargo pushBack _x;
	} forEach _activeRopes;

ASL_Get_Active_Ropes_Without_Cargo = {
	params ["_vehicle"];
	private ["_activeRopesWithoutCargo","_existingCargo","_activeRopes","_cargo"];
	_activeRopesWithoutCargo = [];
	_existingCargo = _vehicle getVariable ["ASL_Cargo",[]];
	_activeRopes = _this call ASL_Get_Active_Ropes;
		_cargo = _existingCargo select (_x select 0);
		if(isNull _cargo) then {
			_activeRopesWithoutCargo pushBack _x;
	} forEach _activeRopes;

ASL_Get_Ropes = {
	params ["_vehicle","_ropeIndex"];
	private ["_allRopes","_selectedRopes"];
	_selectedRopes = [];
	_allRopes = _vehicle getVariable ["ASL_Ropes",[]];
	if(count _allRopes > _ropeIndex) then {
		_selectedRopes = _allRopes select _ropeIndex;

ASL_Get_Ropes_Count = {
	params ["_vehicle"];
	count (_vehicle getVariable ["ASL_Ropes",[]]);

ASL_Get_Cargo = {
	params ["_vehicle","_ropeIndex"];
	private ["_allCargo","_selectedCargo"];
	_selectedCargo = objNull;
	_allCargo = _vehicle getVariable ["ASL_Cargo",[]];
	if(count _allCargo > _ropeIndex) then {
		_selectedCargo = _allCargo select _ropeIndex;
ASL_Get_Ropes_And_Cargo = {
	params ["_vehicle","_ropeIndex"];
	private ["_selectedCargo","_selectedRopes"];
	_selectedCargo = (_this call ASL_Get_Cargo);
	_selectedRopes = (_this call ASL_Get_Ropes);
	[_selectedRopes, _selectedCargo];

ASL_Show_Select_Ropes_Menu = {
	params ["_title", "_functionName","_ropesIndexAndLabelArray",["_ropesLabel","Ropes"]];
	ASL_Show_Select_Ropes_Menu_Array = [[_title,false]];
		ASL_Show_Select_Ropes_Menu_Array pushBack [ (_x select 1) + " " + _ropesLabel, [0], "", -5, [["expression", "["+(str (_x select 0))+"] call " + _functionName]], "1", "1"];
	} forEach _ropesIndexAndLabelArray;
	ASL_Show_Select_Ropes_Menu_Array pushBack ["All " + _ropesLabel, [0], "", -5, [["expression", "{ [_x] call " + _functionName + " } forEach [0,1,2];"]], "1", "1"];
	showCommandingMenu "";
	showCommandingMenu "#USER:ASL_Show_Select_Ropes_Menu_Array";
ASL_Extend_Ropes = {
	params ["_vehicle","_player",["_ropeIndex",0]];
	if(local _vehicle) then {
		private ["_existingRopes"];
		_existingRopes = [_vehicle,_ropeIndex] call ASL_Get_Ropes;
		if(count _existingRopes > 0) then {
			_ropeLength = ropeLength (_existingRopes select 0);
			if(_ropeLength <= 100 ) then {
					ropeUnwind [_x, 3, 5, true];
				} forEach _existingRopes;
	} else {
		[_this,"ASL_Extend_Ropes",_vehicle,true] call ASL_RemoteExec;

ASL_Extend_Ropes_Action = {
	private ["_vehicle"];
	_vehicle = vehicle player;
	if([_vehicle] call ASL_Can_Extend_Ropes) then {
		private ["_activeRopes"];
		_activeRopes = [_vehicle] call ASL_Get_Active_Ropes;
		if(count _activeRopes > 1) then {
			player setVariable ["ASL_Extend_Index_Vehicle", _vehicle];
			["Удлинить Груз Канаты","ASL_Extend_Ropes_Index_Action",_activeRopes] call ASL_Show_Select_Ropes_Menu;
		} else {
			if(count _activeRopes == 1) then {
				[_vehicle,player,(_activeRopes select 0) select 0] call ASL_Extend_Ropes;

ASL_Extend_Ropes_Index_Action = {
	params ["_ropeIndex"];
	private ["_vehicle","_canDeployRopes"];
	_vehicle = player getVariable ["ASL_Extend_Index_Vehicle", objNull];
	if(_ropeIndex >= 0 && !isNull _vehicle && [_vehicle] call ASL_Can_Extend_Ropes) then {
		[_vehicle,player,_ropeIndex] call ASL_Extend_Ropes;

ASL_Extend_Ropes_Action_Check = {
	if(vehicle player == player) exitWith {false};
	[vehicle player] call ASL_Can_Extend_Ropes;

ASL_Can_Extend_Ropes = {
	params ["_vehicle"];
	private ["_existingRopes","_activeRopes"];
	if(player distance _vehicle > 10) exitWith { false };
	if!([_vehicle] call ASL_Is_Supported_Vehicle) exitWith { false };
	_existingRopes = _vehicle getVariable ["ASL_Ropes",[]];
	if((count _existingRopes) == 0) exitWith { false };
	_activeRopes = [_vehicle] call ASL_Get_Active_Ropes;
	if((count _activeRopes) == 0) exitWith { false };

ASL_Shorten_Ropes = {
	params ["_vehicle","_player",["_ropeIndex",0]];
	if(local _vehicle) then {
		private ["_existingRopes"];
		_existingRopes = [_vehicle,_ropeIndex] call ASL_Get_Ropes;
		if(count _existingRopes > 0) then {
			_ropeLength = ropeLength (_existingRopes select 0);
			if(_ropeLength <= 2 ) then {
				_this call ASL_Release_Cargo;
			} else {
					if(_ropeLength >= 10) then {
						ropeUnwind [_x, 3, -5, true];
					} else {
						ropeUnwind [_x, 3, -1, true];
				} forEach _existingRopes;
	} else {
		[_this,"ASL_Shorten_Ropes",_vehicle,true] call ASL_RemoteExec;

ASL_Shorten_Ropes_Action = {
	private ["_vehicle"];
	_vehicle = vehicle player;
	if([_vehicle] call ASL_Can_Shorten_Ropes) then {
		private ["_activeRopes"];
		_activeRopes = [_vehicle] call ASL_Get_Active_Ropes;
		if(count _activeRopes > 1) then {
			player setVariable ["ASL_Shorten_Index_Vehicle", _vehicle];
			["Укоротить Груз Канаты","ASL_Shorten_Ropes_Index_Action",_activeRopes] call ASL_Show_Select_Ropes_Menu;
		} else {
			if(count _activeRopes == 1) then {
				[_vehicle,player,(_activeRopes select 0) select 0] call ASL_Shorten_Ropes;

ASL_Shorten_Ropes_Index_Action = {
	params ["_ropeIndex"];
	private ["_vehicle"];
	_vehicle = player getVariable ["ASL_Shorten_Index_Vehicle", objNull];
	if(_ropeIndex >= 0 && !isNull _vehicle && [_vehicle] call ASL_Can_Shorten_Ropes) then {
		[_vehicle,player,_ropeIndex] call ASL_Shorten_Ropes;

ASL_Shorten_Ropes_Action_Check = {
	if(vehicle player == player) exitWith {false};
	[vehicle player] call ASL_Can_Shorten_Ropes;

ASL_Can_Shorten_Ropes = {
	params ["_vehicle"];
	private ["_existingRopes","_activeRopes"];
	if(player distance _vehicle > 10) exitWith { false };
	if!([_vehicle] call ASL_Is_Supported_Vehicle) exitWith { false };
	_existingRopes = _vehicle getVariable ["ASL_Ropes",[]];
	if((count _existingRopes) == 0) exitWith { false };
	_activeRopes = [_vehicle] call ASL_Get_Active_Ropes;
	if((count _activeRopes) == 0) exitWith { false };
ASL_Release_Cargo = {
	params ["_vehicle","_player",["_ropeIndex",0]];
	if(local _vehicle) then {
		private ["_existingRopesAndCargo","_existingRopes","_existingCargo","_allCargo"];
		_existingRopesAndCargo = [_vehicle,_ropeIndex] call ASL_Get_Ropes_And_Cargo;
		_existingRopes = _existingRopesAndCargo select 0;
		_existingCargo = _existingRopesAndCargo select 1; 
			_existingCargo ropeDetach _x;
		} forEach _existingRopes;
		_allCargo = _vehicle getVariable ["ASL_Cargo",[]];
		_allCargo set [_ropeIndex,objNull];
		_vehicle setVariable ["ASL_Cargo",_allCargo, true];
		_this call ASL_Retract_Ropes;
	} else {
		[_this,"ASL_Release_Cargo",_vehicle,true] call ASL_RemoteExec;
ASL_Release_Cargo_Action = {
	private ["_vehicle"];
	_vehicle = vehicle player;
	if([_vehicle] call ASL_Can_Release_Cargo) then {
		private ["_activeRopes"];
		_activeRopes = [_vehicle] call ASL_Get_Active_Ropes_With_Cargo;
		if(count _activeRopes > 1) then {
			player setVariable ["ASL_Release_Cargo_Index_Vehicle", _vehicle];
			["Отцепить груз","ASL_Release_Cargo_Index_Action",_activeRopes,"Cargo"] call ASL_Show_Select_Ropes_Menu;
		} else {
			if(count _activeRopes == 1) then {
				[_vehicle,player,(_activeRopes select 0) select 0] call ASL_Release_Cargo;

ASL_Release_Cargo_Index_Action = {
	params ["_ropesIndex"];
	private ["_vehicle"];
	_vehicle = player getVariable ["ASL_Release_Cargo_Index_Vehicle", objNull];
	if(_ropesIndex >= 0 && !isNull _vehicle && [_vehicle] call ASL_Can_Release_Cargo) then {
		[_vehicle,player,_ropesIndex] call ASL_Release_Cargo;

ASL_Release_Cargo_Action_Check = {
	if(vehicle player == player) exitWith {false};
	[vehicle player] call ASL_Can_Release_Cargo;

ASL_Can_Release_Cargo = {
	params ["_vehicle"];
	private ["_existingRopes","_activeRopes"];
	if(player distance _vehicle > 10) exitWith { false };
	if!([_vehicle] call ASL_Is_Supported_Vehicle) exitWith { false };
	_existingRopes = _vehicle getVariable ["ASL_Ropes",[]];
	if((count _existingRopes) == 0) exitWith { false };
	_activeRopes = [_vehicle] call ASL_Get_Active_Ropes_With_Cargo;
	if((count _activeRopes) == 0) exitWith { false };

ASL_Retract_Ropes = {
	params ["_vehicle","_player",["_ropeIndex",0]];
	if(local _vehicle) then {
		private ["_existingRopesAndCargo","_existingRopes","_existingCargo","_allRopes","_activeRopes"];
		_existingRopesAndCargo = [_vehicle,_ropeIndex] call ASL_Get_Ropes_And_Cargo;
		_existingRopes = _existingRopesAndCargo select 0;
		_existingCargo = _existingRopesAndCargo select 1; 
		if(isNull _existingCargo) then {
			_this call ASL_Drop_Ropes;
				[_x,_vehicle] spawn {
					params ["_rope","_vehicle"];
					private ["_count"];
					_count = 0;
					ropeUnwind [_rope, 3, 0];
					while {(!ropeUnwound _rope) && _count < 20} do {
						sleep 1;
						_count = _count + 1;
					ropeDestroy _rope;
			} forEach _existingRopes;
			_allRopes = _vehicle getVariable ["ASL_Ropes",[]];
			_allRopes set [_ropeIndex,[]];
			_vehicle setVariable ["ASL_Ropes",_allRopes,true];
		_activeRopes = [_vehicle] call ASL_Get_Active_Ropes;
		if(count _activeRopes == 0) then {
			_vehicle setVariable ["ASL_Ropes",nil,true];
	} else {
		[_this,"ASL_Retract_Ropes",_vehicle,true] call ASL_RemoteExec;

ASL_Retract_Ropes_Action = {
	private ["_vehicle","_canRetractRopes"];
	if(vehicle player == player) then {
		_vehicle = cursorTarget;
	} else {
		_vehicle = vehicle player;
	if([_vehicle] call ASL_Can_Retract_Ropes) then {
		private ["_activeRopes"];
		_activeRopes = [_vehicle] call ASL_Get_Active_Ropes_Without_Cargo;
		if(count _activeRopes > 1) then {
			player setVariable ["ASL_Retract_Ropes_Index_Vehicle", _vehicle];
			["Убрать Грузовые Канаты","ASL_Retract_Ropes_Index_Action",_activeRopes] call ASL_Show_Select_Ropes_Menu;
		} else {
			if(count _activeRopes == 1) then {
				[_vehicle,player,(_activeRopes select 0) select 0] call ASL_Retract_Ropes;

ASL_Retract_Ropes_Index_Action = {
	params ["_ropesIndex"];
	private ["_vehicle"];
	_vehicle = player getVariable ["ASL_Retract_Ropes_Index_Vehicle", objNull];
	if(_ropesIndex >= 0 && !isNull _vehicle && [_vehicle] call ASL_Can_Retract_Ropes) then {
		[_vehicle,player,_ropesIndex] call ASL_Retract_Ropes;

ASL_Retract_Ropes_Action_Check = {
	if(vehicle player == player) then {
		[cursorTarget] call ASL_Can_Retract_Ropes;
	} else {
		[vehicle player] call ASL_Can_Retract_Ropes;

ASL_Can_Retract_Ropes = {
	params ["_vehicle"];
	private ["_existingRopes","_activeRopes"];
	if(player distance _vehicle > 30) exitWith { false };
	if!([_vehicle] call ASL_Is_Supported_Vehicle) exitWith { false };
	_existingRopes = _vehicle getVariable ["ASL_Ropes",[]];
	if((count _existingRopes) == 0) exitWith { false };
	_activeRopes = [_vehicle] call ASL_Get_Active_Ropes_Without_Cargo;
	if((count _activeRopes) == 0) exitWith { false };

ASL_Deploy_Ropes = {
	params ["_vehicle","_player",["_cargoCount",1],["_ropeLength",15]];
	if(local _vehicle) then {
		private ["_existingRopes","_cargoRopes","_startLength","_slingLoadPoints"];
		_slingLoadPoints = [_vehicle] call ASL_Get_Sling_Load_Points;
		_existingRopes = _vehicle getVariable ["ASL_Ropes",[]];
		if(count _existingRopes == 0) then {
			if(count _slingLoadPoints == 0) exitWith {
				[["Vehicle doesn't support cargo ropes", false],"ASL_Hint",_player] call ASL_RemoteExec;
			if(count _slingLoadPoints < _cargoCount) exitWith {
				[["Vehicle doesn't support " + _cargoCount + " cargo ropes", false],"ASL_Hint",_player] call ASL_RemoteExec;
			_cargoRopes = [];
			_cargo = [];
			for "_i" from 0 to (_cargoCount-1) do
				_cargoRopes pushBack [];
				_cargo pushBack objNull;
			_vehicle setVariable ["ASL_Ropes",_cargoRopes,true];
			_vehicle setVariable ["ASL_Cargo",_cargo,true];
			for "_i" from 0 to (_cargoCount-1) do
				[_vehicle,_player,_i] call ASL_Deploy_Ropes_Index;
		} else {
			[["Vehicle already has cargo ropes deployed", false],"ASL_Hint",_player] call ASL_RemoteExec;
	} else {
		[_this,"ASL_Deploy_Ropes",_vehicle,true] call ASL_RemoteExec;

ASL_Deploy_Ropes_Index = {
	params ["_vehicle","_player",["_ropesIndex",0],["_ropeLength",15]];
	if(local _vehicle) then {
		private ["_existingRopes","_existingRopesCount","_allRopes"];
		_existingRopes = [_vehicle,_ropesIndex] call ASL_Get_Ropes;
		_existingRopesCount = [_vehicle] call ASL_Get_Ropes_Count;
		if(count _existingRopes == 0) then {
			_slingLoadPoints = [_vehicle] call ASL_Get_Sling_Load_Points;
			_cargoRopes = [];
			_cargoRopes pushBack ropeCreate [_vehicle, (_slingLoadPoints select (_existingRopesCount - 1)) select _ropesIndex, 0]; 
			_cargoRopes pushBack ropeCreate [_vehicle, (_slingLoadPoints select (_existingRopesCount - 1)) select _ropesIndex, 0]; 
			_cargoRopes pushBack ropeCreate [_vehicle, (_slingLoadPoints select (_existingRopesCount - 1)) select _ropesIndex, 0]; 
			_cargoRopes pushBack ropeCreate [_vehicle, (_slingLoadPoints select (_existingRopesCount - 1)) select _ropesIndex, 0]; 
				ropeUnwind [_x, 5, _ropeLength];
			} forEach _cargoRopes;
			_allRopes = _vehicle getVariable ["ASL_Ropes",[]];
			_allRopes set [_ropesIndex,_cargoRopes];
			_vehicle setVariable ["ASL_Ropes",_allRopes,true];
	} else {
		[_this,"ASL_Deploy_Ropes_Index",_vehicle,true] call ASL_RemoteExec;

ASL_Deploy_Ropes_Action = {
	private ["_vehicle","_canDeployRopes"];
	if(vehicle player == player) then {
		_vehicle = cursorTarget;
	} else {
		_vehicle = vehicle player;
	if([_vehicle] call ASL_Can_Deploy_Ropes) then {
		_canDeployRopes = true;
		if!(missionNamespace getVariable ["ASL_LOCKED_VEHICLES_ENABLED",false]) then {
			if( locked _vehicle > 1 ) then {
				["Техника закрыта, откройте технику, сядьте в неё,спешитесь, потом можно разверуть канаты",false] call ASL_Hint;
				_canDeployRopes = false;
		if(_canDeployRopes) then {
			_inactiveRopes = [_vehicle] call ASL_Get_Inactive_Ropes;
			if(count _inactiveRopes > 0) then {
				if(count _inactiveRopes > 1) then {
					player setVariable ["ASL_Deploy_Ropes_Index_Vehicle", _vehicle];	
					["Развернуть Грузовые Канаты","ASL_Deploy_Ropes_Index_Action",_inactiveRopes] call ASL_Show_Select_Ropes_Menu;
				} else {
					[_vehicle,player,(_inactiveRopes select 0) select 0] call ASL_Deploy_Ropes_Index;
			} else {
				_slingLoadPoints = [_vehicle] call ASL_Get_Sling_Load_Points;
				if(count _slingLoadPoints > 1) then {
					player setVariable ["ASL_Deploy_Count_Vehicle", _vehicle];
					ASL_Deploy_Ropes_Count_Menu = [
							["Deploy Ropes",false]
					ASL_Deploy_Ropes_Count_Menu pushBack ["За Один Груз", [0], "", -5, [["expression", "[1] call ASL_Deploy_Ropes_Count_Action"]], "1", "1"];
					if((count _slingLoadPoints) > 1) then {
						ASL_Deploy_Ropes_Count_Menu pushBack ["Для Двойной Груз", [0], "", -5, [["expression", "[2] call ASL_Deploy_Ropes_Count_Action"]], "1", "1"];
					if((count _slingLoadPoints) > 2) then {
						ASL_Deploy_Ropes_Count_Menu pushBack ["Для Тройной Груз", [0], "", -5, [["expression", "[3] call ASL_Deploy_Ropes_Count_Action"]], "1", "1"];
					showCommandingMenu "";
					showCommandingMenu "#USER:ASL_Deploy_Ropes_Count_Menu";
				} else {			
					[_vehicle,player] call ASL_Deploy_Ropes;

ASL_Deploy_Ropes_Index_Action = {
	params ["_ropesIndex"];
	private ["_vehicle"];
	_vehicle = player getVariable ["ASL_Deploy_Ropes_Index_Vehicle", objNull];
	if(_ropesIndex >= 0 && !isNull _vehicle && [_vehicle] call ASL_Can_Deploy_Ropes) then {
		[_vehicle,player,_ropesIndex] call ASL_Deploy_Ropes_Index;

ASL_Deploy_Ropes_Count_Action = {
	params ["_count"];
	private ["_vehicle","_canDeployRopes"];
	_vehicle = player getVariable ["ASL_Deploy_Count_Vehicle", objNull];
	if(_count > 0 && !isNull _vehicle && [_vehicle] call ASL_Can_Deploy_Ropes) then {
		[_vehicle,player,_count] call ASL_Deploy_Ropes;

ASL_Deploy_Ropes_Action_Check = {
	if(vehicle player == player) then {
		[cursorTarget] call ASL_Can_Deploy_Ropes;
	} else {
		[vehicle player] call ASL_Can_Deploy_Ropes;

ASL_Can_Deploy_Ropes = {
	params ["_vehicle"];
	private ["_existingRopes","_activeRopes"];
	if(player distance _vehicle > 10) exitWith { false };
	if!([_vehicle] call ASL_Is_Supported_Vehicle) exitWith { false };
	_existingVehicle = player getVariable ["ASL_Ropes_Vehicle", []];
	if(count _existingVehicle > 0) exitWith { false };
	_existingRopes = _vehicle getVariable ["ASL_Ropes",[]];
	if((count _existingRopes) == 0) exitWith { true };
	_activeRopes = [_vehicle] call ASL_Get_Active_Ropes;
	if((count _existingRopes) > 0 && (count _existingRopes) == (count _activeRopes)) exitWith { false };

ASL_Get_Corner_Points = {
	params ["_vehicle"];
	private ["_centerOfMass","_bbr","_p1","_p2","_rearCorner","_rearCorner2","_frontCorner","_frontCorner2"];
	private ["_maxWidth","_widthOffset","_maxLength","_lengthOffset","_widthFactor","_lengthFactor","_maxHeight","_heightOffset"];
	// Correct width and length factor for air
	_widthFactor = 0.5;
	_lengthFactor = 0.5;
	if(_vehicle isKindOf "Air") then {
		_widthFactor = 0.3;
	if(_vehicle isKindOf "Helicopter") then {
		_widthFactor = 0.2;
		_lengthFactor = 0.45;
	_centerOfMass = getCenterOfMass _vehicle;
	_bbr = boundingBoxReal _vehicle;
	_p1 = _bbr select 0;
	_p2 = _bbr select 1;
	_maxWidth = abs ((_p2 select 0) - (_p1 select 0));
	_widthOffset = ((_maxWidth / 2) - abs ( _centerOfMass select 0 )) * _widthFactor;
	_maxLength = abs ((_p2 select 1) - (_p1 select 1));
	_lengthOffset = ((_maxLength / 2) - abs (_centerOfMass select 1 )) * _lengthFactor;
	_maxHeight = abs ((_p2 select 2) - (_p1 select 2));
	_heightOffset = _maxHeight/6;
	_rearCorner = [(_centerOfMass select 0) + _widthOffset, (_centerOfMass select 1) - _lengthOffset, (_centerOfMass select 2)+_heightOffset];
	_rearCorner2 = [(_centerOfMass select 0) - _widthOffset, (_centerOfMass select 1) - _lengthOffset, (_centerOfMass select 2)+_heightOffset];
	_frontCorner = [(_centerOfMass select 0) + _widthOffset, (_centerOfMass select 1) + _lengthOffset, (_centerOfMass select 2)+_heightOffset];
	_frontCorner2 = [(_centerOfMass select 0) - _widthOffset, (_centerOfMass select 1) + _lengthOffset, (_centerOfMass select 2)+_heightOffset];

ASL_Attach_Ropes = {
	params ["_cargo","_player"];
	_vehicleWithIndex = _player getVariable ["ASL_Ropes_Vehicle", [objNull,0]];
	_vehicle = _vehicleWithIndex select 0;
	if(!isNull _vehicle) then {
		if(local _vehicle) then {
			private ["_ropes","_attachmentPoints","_objDistance","_ropeLength","_allCargo"];
			_ropes = [_vehicle,(_vehicleWithIndex select 1)] call ASL_Get_Ropes;
			if(count _ropes == 4) then {
				_attachmentPoints = [_cargo] call ASL_Get_Corner_Points;
				_ropeLength = (ropeLength (_ropes select 0));
				_objDistance = (_cargo distance _vehicle) + 2;
				if( _objDistance > _ropeLength ) then {
					[["Грузовой веревки слишком коротки. Движение корабля ближе.", false],"ASL_Hint",_player] call ASL_RemoteExec;
				} else {		
					[_vehicle,_player] call ASL_Drop_Ropes;
					[_cargo, _attachmentPoints select 0, [0,0,-1]] ropeAttachTo (_ropes select 0);
					[_cargo, _attachmentPoints select 1, [0,0,-1]] ropeAttachTo (_ropes select 1);
					[_cargo, _attachmentPoints select 2, [0,0,-1]] ropeAttachTo (_ropes select 2);
					[_cargo, _attachmentPoints select 3, [0,0,-1]] ropeAttachTo (_ropes select 3);
					_allCargo = _vehicle getVariable ["ASL_Cargo",[]];
					_allCargo set [(_vehicleWithIndex select 1),_cargo];
					_vehicle setVariable ["ASL_Cargo",_allCargo, true];
					if(missionNamespace getVariable ["ASL_HEAVY_LIFTING_ENABLED",true]) then {
						[_cargo, _vehicle, _ropes] spawn ASL_Rope_Adjust_Mass;		
		} else {
			[_this,"ASL_Attach_Ropes",_vehicle,true] call ASL_RemoteExec;

ASL_Attach_Ropes_Action = {
	private ["_vehicle","_cargo","_canBeAttached"];
	_cargo = cursorTarget;
	_vehicle = (player getVariable ["ASL_Ropes_Vehicle", [objNull,0]]) select 0;
	if([_vehicle,_cargo] call ASL_Can_Attach_Ropes) then {
		_canBeAttached = true;
		if!(missionNamespace getVariable ["ASL_LOCKED_VEHICLES_ENABLED",false]) then {
			if( locked _cargo > 1 ) then {
				["Техника закрыта. Нужно открыть",false] call ASL_Hint;
				_canBeAttached = false;
		if!(missionNamespace getVariable ["ASL_EXILE_SAFEZONE_ENABLED",false]) then {
			if(!isNil "ExilePlayerInSafezone") then {
				if( ExilePlayerInSafezone ) then {
					["Cannot attach cargo ropes in safe zone",false] call ASL_Hint;
					_canBeAttached = false;
		if(_canBeAttached) then {
			[_cargo,player] call ASL_Attach_Ropes;

ASL_Attach_Ropes_Action_Check = {
	private ["_vehicleWithIndex","_cargo"];
	_vehicleWithIndex = player getVariable ["ASL_Ropes_Vehicle", [objNull,0]];
	_cargo = cursorTarget;
	[_vehicleWithIndex select 0,_cargo] call ASL_Can_Attach_Ropes;

ASL_Can_Attach_Ropes = {
	params ["_vehicle","_cargo"];
	if(!isNull _vehicle && !isNull _cargo) then {
		[_vehicle,_cargo] call ASL_Is_Supported_Cargo && vehicle player == player && player distance _cargo < 10 && _vehicle != _cargo;
	} else {

ASL_Drop_Ropes = {
	params ["_vehicle","_player",["_ropesIndex",0]];
	if(local _vehicle) then {
		private ["_helper","_existingRopes"];
		_helper = (_player getVariable ["ASL_Ropes_Pick_Up_Helper", objNull]);
		if(!isNull _helper) then {
			_existingRopes = [_vehicle,_ropesIndex] call ASL_Get_Ropes;		
				_helper ropeDetach _x;
			} forEach _existingRopes;
			detach _helper;
			deleteVehicle _helper;		
		_player setVariable ["ASL_Ropes_Vehicle", nil,true];
		_player setVariable ["ASL_Ropes_Pick_Up_Helper", nil,true];
	} else {
		[_this,"ASL_Drop_Ropes",_vehicle,true] call ASL_RemoteExec;

ASL_Drop_Ropes_Action = {
	private ["_vehicleAndIndex"];
	if([] call ASL_Can_Drop_Ropes) then {	
		_vehicleAndIndex = player getVariable ["ASL_Ropes_Vehicle", []];
		if(count _vehicleAndIndex == 2) then {
			[_vehicleAndIndex select 0, player, _vehicleAndIndex select 1] call ASL_Drop_Ropes;

ASL_Drop_Ropes_Action_Check = {
	[] call ASL_Can_Drop_Ropes;

ASL_Can_Drop_Ropes = {
	count (player getVariable ["ASL_Ropes_Vehicle", []]) > 0 && vehicle player == player;

ASL_Get_Closest_Rope = {
	private ["_nearbyVehicles","_closestVehicle","_closestRopeIndex","_closestDistance"];
	private ["_vehicle","_activeRope","_ropes","_ends"];
	private ["_end1","_end2","_minEndDistance"];
	_nearbyVehicles = missionNamespace getVariable ["ASL_Nearby_Vehicles",[]];
	_closestVehicle = objNull;
	_closestRopeIndex = 0;
	_closestDistance = -1;
		_vehicle = _x;
			_activeRope = _x;
			_ropes = [_vehicle,(_activeRope select 0)] call ASL_Get_Ropes;
				_ends = ropeEndPosition _x;
				if(count _ends == 2) then {
					_end1 = _ends select 0;
					_end2 = _ends select 1;
					_minEndDistance = ((position player) distance _end1) min ((position player) distance _end2);
					if(_closestDistance == -1 || _closestDistance > _minEndDistance) then {
						_closestDistance = _minEndDistance;
						_closestRopeIndex = (_activeRope select 0);
						_closestVehicle = _vehicle;
			} forEach _ropes;
		} forEach ([_vehicle] call ASL_Get_Active_Ropes);
	} forEach _nearbyVehicles;

ASL_Pickup_Ropes = {
	params ["_vehicle","_player",["_ropesIndex",0]];
	if(local _vehicle) then {
		private ["_existingRopesAndCargo","_existingRopes","_existingCargo","_helper","_allCargo"];
		_existingRopesAndCargo = [_vehicle,_ropesIndex] call ASL_Get_Ropes_And_Cargo;
		_existingRopes = _existingRopesAndCargo select 0;
		_existingCargo = _existingRopesAndCargo select 1;
		if(!isNull _existingCargo) then {
				_existingCargo ropeDetach _x;
			} forEach _existingRopes;
			_allCargo = _vehicle getVariable ["ASL_Cargo",[]];
			_allCargo set [_ropesIndex,objNull];
			_vehicle setVariable ["ASL_Cargo",_allCargo, true];
		_helper = "Land_Can_V2_F" createVehicle position _player;
			[_helper, [0, 0, 0], [0,0,-1]] ropeAttachTo _x;
			_helper attachTo [_player, [-0.1, 0.1, 0.15], "Pelvis"];
		} forEach _existingRopes;
		hideObject _helper;
		[[_helper],"ASL_Hide_Object_Global"] call ASL_RemoteExecServer;
		_player setVariable ["ASL_Ropes_Vehicle", [_vehicle,_ropesIndex],true];
		_player setVariable ["ASL_Ropes_Pick_Up_Helper", _helper,true];
	} else {
		[_this,"ASL_Pickup_Ropes",_vehicle,true] call ASL_RemoteExec;

ASL_Pickup_Ropes_Action = {
	private ["_nearbyVehicles","_canPickupRopes","_closestRope"];
	_nearbyVehicles = missionNamespace getVariable ["ASL_Nearby_Vehicles",[]];
	if([] call ASL_Can_Pickup_Ropes) then {
		_closestRope = [] call ASL_Get_Closest_Rope;
		if(!isNull (_closestRope select 0)) then {
			_canPickupRopes = true;
			if!(missionNamespace getVariable ["ASL_LOCKED_VEHICLES_ENABLED",false]) then {
				if( locked (_closestRope select 0) > 1 ) then {
					["Cannot pick up cargo ropes from locked vehicle",false] call ASL_Hint;
					_canPickupRopes = false;
			if(_canPickupRopes) then {
				[(_closestRope select 0), player, (_closestRope select 1)] call ASL_Pickup_Ropes;

ASL_Pickup_Ropes_Action_Check = {
	[] call ASL_Can_Pickup_Ropes;

ASL_Can_Pickup_Ropes = {
	count (player getVariable ["ASL_Ropes_Vehicle", []]) == 0 && count (missionNamespace getVariable ["ASL_Nearby_Vehicles",[]]) > 0 && vehicle player == player;


ASL_Is_Supported_Vehicle = {
	params ["_vehicle","_isSupported"];
	_isSupported = false;
	if(not isNull _vehicle) then {
			if(_vehicle isKindOf _x) then {
				_isSupported = true;
		} forEach (missionNamespace getVariable ["ASL_SUPPORTED_VEHICLES_OVERRIDE",ASL_SUPPORTED_VEHICLES]);


ASL_Is_Supported_Cargo = {
	params ["_vehicle","_cargo"];
	private ["_canSling"];
	_canSling = false;
	if(not isNull _vehicle && not isNull _cargo) then {
			if(_vehicle isKindOf (_x select 0)) then {
				if(_cargo isKindOf (_x select 2)) then {
					if( (toUpper (_x select 1)) == "CAN_SLING" ) then {
						_canSling = true;
					} else {
						_canSling = false;
		} forEach (missionNamespace getVariable ["ASL_SLING_RULES_OVERRIDE",ASL_SLING_RULES]);

ASL_Hint = {
    params ["_msg",["_isSuccess",true]];
    if(!isNil "ExileClient_gui_notification_event_addNotification") then {
		if(_isSuccess) then {
			["Success", [_msg]] call ExileClient_gui_notification_event_addNotification; 
		} else {
			["Whoops", [_msg]] call ExileClient_gui_notification_event_addNotification; 
    } else {
        hint _msg;

ASL_Hide_Object_Global = {
	params ["_obj"];
	if( _obj isKindOf "Land_Can_V2_F" ) then {
		hideObjectGlobal _obj;

ASL_Find_Nearby_Vehicles = {
	private ["_nearVehicles","_nearVehiclesWithRopes","_vehicle","_ends","_end1","_end2"];
	_nearVehicles = [];
		_nearVehicles append  (position player nearObjects [_x, 30]);
	_nearVehiclesWithRopes = [];
		_vehicle = _x;
			_ropes = _vehicle getVariable ["ASL_Ropes",[]];
			if(count _ropes > (_x select 0)) then {
				_ropes = _ropes select (_x select 0);
					_ends = ropeEndPosition _x;
					if(count _ends == 2) then {
						_end1 = _ends select 0;
						_end2 = _ends select 1;
						if(((position player) distance _end1) < 5 || ((position player) distance _end2) < 5 ) then {
							_nearVehiclesWithRopes =  _nearVehiclesWithRopes + [_vehicle];
				} forEach _ropes;
		} forEach ([_vehicle] call ASL_Get_Active_Ropes);
	} forEach _nearVehicles;

ASL_Add_Player_Actions = {

	player addAction ["Удлинить Груз Канаты", { 
		[] call ASL_Extend_Ropes_Action;
	}, nil, 0, false, true, "", "call ASL_Extend_Ropes_Action_Check"];
	player addAction ["Укоротить Груз Канаты", { 
		[] call ASL_Shorten_Ropes_Action;
	}, nil, 0, false, true, "", "call ASL_Shorten_Ropes_Action_Check"];
	player addAction ["Отцепить груз", { 
		[] call ASL_Release_Cargo_Action;
	}, nil, 0, false, true, "", "call ASL_Release_Cargo_Action_Check"];
	player addAction ["Убрать канаты", { 
		[] call ASL_Retract_Ropes_Action;
	}, nil, 0, false, true, "", "call ASL_Retract_Ropes_Action_Check"];
	player addAction ["Развернуть канаты", { 
		[] call ASL_Deploy_Ropes_Action;
	}, nil, 0, false, true, "", "call ASL_Deploy_Ropes_Action_Check"];
	player addAction ["Убрать Грузовых Канатов", { 
		[] call ASL_Put_Away_Ropes_Action;
	}, nil, 0, false, true, "", "call ASL_Put_Away_Ropes_Action_Check"];

	player addAction ["Прицепить кнаты", { 
		[] call ASL_Attach_Ropes_Action;
	}, nil, 0, false, true, "", "call ASL_Attach_Ropes_Action_Check"];

	player addAction ["Отцепить канаты", { 
		[] call ASL_Drop_Ropes_Action;
	}, nil, 0, false, true, "", "call ASL_Drop_Ropes_Action_Check"];

	player addAction ["Взять канат в руки", { 
		[] call ASL_Pickup_Ropes_Action;
	}, nil, 0, false, true, "", "call ASL_Pickup_Ropes_Action_Check"];

	player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {
		player setVariable ["ASL_Actions_Loaded",false];

if(!isDedicated) then {
	[] spawn {
		while {true} do {
			if(!isNull player && isPlayer player) then {
				if!( player getVariable ["ASL_Actions_Loaded",false] ) then {
					[] call ASL_Add_Player_Actions;
					player setVariable ["ASL_Actions_Loaded",true];
			missionNamespace setVariable ["ASL_Nearby_Vehicles", (call ASL_Find_Nearby_Vehicles)];
			sleep 2;

ASL_RemoteExec = {
	params ["_params","_functionName","_target",["_isCall",false]];
	if(!isNil "ExileClient_system_network_send") then {
		["AdvancedSlingLoadingRemoteExecClient",[_params,_functionName,_target,_isCall]] call ExileClient_system_network_send;
	} else {
		if(_isCall) then {
			_params remoteExecCall [_functionName, _target];
		} else {
			_params remoteExec [_functionName, _target];

ASL_RemoteExecServer = {
	params ["_params","_functionName",["_isCall",false]];
	if(!isNil "ExileClient_system_network_send") then {
		["AdvancedSlingLoadingRemoteExecServer",[_params,_functionName,_isCall]] call ExileClient_system_network_send;
	} else {
		if(_isCall) then {
			_params remoteExecCall [_functionName, 2];
		} else {
			_params remoteExec [_functionName, 2];

if(isServer) then {
	// Adds support for exile network calls (Only used when running exile) //

	ExileServer_AdvancedSlingLoading_network_AdvancedSlingLoadingRemoteExecServer = {
		params ["_sessionId", "_messageParameters",["_isCall",false]];
		_messageParameters params ["_params","_functionName"];
			if(_isCall) then {
				_params call (missionNamespace getVariable [_functionName,{}]);
			} else {
				_params spawn (missionNamespace getVariable [_functionName,{}]);
	ASL_SUPPORTED_REMOTEEXECCLIENT_FUNCTIONS = ["ASL_Deploy_Ropes_Index","ASL_Rope_Set_Mass","ASL_Extend_Ropes","ASL_Shorten_Ropes","ASL_Release_Cargo","ASL_Retract_Ropes","ASL_Deploy_Ropes","ASL_Put_Away_Ropes","ASL_Hint","ASL_Attach_Ropes","ASL_Drop_Ropes"];
	ExileServer_AdvancedSlingLoading_network_AdvancedSlingLoadingRemoteExecClient = {
		params ["_sessionId", "_messageParameters"];
		_messageParameters params ["_params","_functionName","_target",["_isCall",false]];
			if(_isCall) then {
				_params remoteExecCall [_functionName, _target];
			} else {
				_params remoteExec [_functionName, _target];

	// Install Advanced Sling Loading on all clients (plus JIP) //
	publicVariable "ASL_Advanced_Sling_Loading_Install";
	remoteExecCall ["ASL_Advanced_Sling_Loading_Install", -2,true];

// Disable Old Script Version on SA Server
SA_Rope_Action_Check = {false};
SA_Rope_Pickup_Rope_Action_Check = {false};
SA_Rope_Drop_Rope_Action_Check = {false};
SA_Rope_Attach_Rope_Action_Check = {false};

diag_log "Advanced Sling Loading Loaded";


if(isServer) then {
	[] call ASL_Advanced_Sling_Loading_Install;

прописал в init.sqf


[] execVM "epoch_custome\functions\fn_advancedSlingLoadingInit.sqf";

тоже бан 


но уже при том как прицепил две машины и отцепляешь их

пишет в инфистаре 

BadCommandingMenu: #USER:ASL_Show_Select_Ropes_Menu_Array (v0239) 


И кстати менюшка выбора один два три троса очень быстро пропадает!!!! (админка выключена с включённой не банит )

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  • Похожие публикации

    • Автор: BR0wi
      Подскажите где найти людей, которые делаю моды на заказ. К кому вообще обращаться? Или что бы реализовать свои идеи нужно самому "год" сидеть и изучать все механики модинга?
    • Автор: CubeIn
      Приветствую господа, хочу создать новый проект, уникальный, но для этого нужен маппер.
      Я оставлю здесь свой дискрод, напишите в лс, кто готов взяться за крупный проект.
    • Автор: 6agu
      Пожалуйста, Войдите или Зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть это: Вложение.
    • Автор: 123new
      Много вопросов на данную тему наблюдаю от новичков, попробую прояснить немного сей вопрос.
      Предположим. что вы уже знаете на каких координатах вам надо спавнить определенное здание или объект\животное\бота, с каким углом поворота. И так. эта тема для вас.
      Сразу делаю пометку, метод, который добавили нам разработчики игры в патче 1.15, очень хорошо описал наш товарищ в сообщении форума:
      Рекоммендую вам использовать именно его!
      Ниже опубликованы старые методы.
      Если вы с расставили их с модифицированной версии Offline (Offline by Arksenor это называется), то вы получили и нашли код вида:
      GetGame().CreateObject("Land_CementWorks_ExpeditionB", "13251.875000 0.0 3748.525879").SetOrientation("-96.000000 0.000000 0.000000"); GetGame().CreateObject("Land_CementWorks_ExpeditionB", "13254.599609 0.0 3722.703613").SetOrientation("-96.000000 0.000000 0.000000"); GetGame().CreateObject("Land_CementWorks_ExpeditionB", "13257.344727 0.0 3696.718750").SetOrientation("-96.000000 0.000000 0.000000"); GetGame().CreateObject("Land_CementWorks_ExpeditionB", "13260.040039 0.0 3670.984131").SetOrientation("-96.000000 0.000000 0.000000"); GetGame().CreateObject("Land_CementWorks_ExpeditionB", "13262.756836 0.0 3645.180176").SetOrientation("-96.000000 0.000000 0.000000"); GetGame().CreateObject("Land_CementWorks_ExpeditionB", "13265.441406 0.0 3619.531982").SetOrientation("-96.000000 0.000000 0.000000"); GetGame().CreateObject("Land_CementWorks_ExpeditionB", "13268.124023 0.0 3593.995361").SetOrientation("-96.000000 0.000000 0.000000"); GetGame().CreateObject("Land_CementWorks_ExpeditionB", "13270.844727 0.0 3568.186523").SetOrientation("-96.000000 0.000000 0.000000"); GetGame().CreateObject("Land_CementWorks_ExpeditionB", "13273.514648 0.0 3542.561279").SetOrientation("-96.000000 0.000000 0.000000"); GetGame().CreateObject("Land_CementWorks_ExpeditionB", "13276.195313 0.0 3517.048828").SetOrientation("-96.000000 0.000000 0.000000"); GetGame().CreateObject("Land_CementWorks_ExpeditionB", "13278.399414 0.0 3496.097900").SetOrientation("-96.000000 0.000000 0.000000"); Здесь (по примеру первой строки) 1 значение в скобках - id постройки/объекта, 2 значение - координаты в формате X Y Z, разделенные пробелом, 3 - значение поворота примерно в том же формате.
      Как это делать в Offline - статья от автора Offine:
      И так, инструкция:
      1. Добавляем в начало init.c файла в вашей mpmissions следующий код:
      #include "$CurrentDir:mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\spawn_buildings.c" 2. Создаем в папке вашей активной mpmissions файлик spawn_buildings.c и заполняем его следующей информацией.
      void SpawnObject( string type, vector position, vector orientation ) { private string NameBlockLog = "[CreateObject] "; private string InfoLog = ""; if(type != "") { auto obj = GetGame().CreateObject( type, "0 0 0" ); if(obj) { if ((position[0] != 0) && (position[1] != 0) && (position[2] != 0)) { obj.SetPosition( position ); obj.SetOrientation( orientation ); obj.Update(); if (obj.CanAffectPathgraph()) { obj.SetAffectPathgraph(true, false); GetGame().GetCallQueue(CALL_CATEGORY_SYSTEM).CallLater(GetGame().UpdatePathgraphRegionByObject, 100, false, obj); } InfoLog = "[Type: '" + obj.GetType() + "' Position: '" + obj.GetPosition().ToString() + "' Orientation: '" + obj.GetOrientation().ToString() + "']"; Write_Log(NameBlockLog + " Object has been created successfully! Info " + InfoLog); } else { InfoLog = "[Type: '" + type + "' Position: '" + position + "' Orientation: '" + orientation + "']"; Write_Log(NameBlockLog + " Object can't be created! Incorrect writed position. Info " + InfoLog); } } else { InfoLog = "[Type: '" + type + "' Position: '" + position + "' Orientation: '" + orientation + "']"; Write_Log(NameBlockLog + " Object can't be created! Info " + InfoLog); } } else { InfoLog = "[Type: '" + type + "' Position: '" + position + "' Orientation: '" + orientation + "']"; Write_Log(NameBlockLog + " Object can't be created! Incorrect writed type. Info " + InfoLog); } } void Write_Log(string message) { Print(String(message)); } 3. Открываем созданный нами файл,  и в конце файла дописываем следующее:
      void SpawnAirfeeldBuildings() { SpawnObject( "Land_CementWorks_ExpeditionB", "13251.875000 0.0 3748.525879", "-96.000000 0.000000 0.000000"); SpawnObject( "Land_CementWorks_ExpeditionB", "13254.599609 0.0 3722.703613", "-96.000000 0.000000 0.000000"); SpawnObject( "Land_CementWorks_ExpeditionB", "13257.344727 0.0 3696.718750", "-96.000000 0.000000 0.000000"); } void SpawnKrasnoBuildings() { SpawnObject( "Land_CementWorks_ExpeditionB", "13251.875000 0.0 3748.525879", "-96.000000 0.000000 0.000000"); SpawnObject( "Land_CementWorks_ExpeditionB", "13254.599609 0.0 3722.703613", "-96.000000 0.000000 0.000000"); SpawnObject( "Land_CementWorks_ExpeditionB", "13257.344727 0.0 3696.718750", "-96.000000 0.000000 0.000000"); } Где после void - название функции идет, а между открытыми скобками вызов спавна самих зданий на указанных координатах.
      На примере 1 строки:
      Land_CementWorks_ExpeditionB - id постройки (type)
      13251.875000 0.0 3748.525879 - координаты в формате X Y Z
      -96.000000 0.000000 0.000000 - значение поворота в формате X Y Z
      Внимание: id постройки и координаты в примере указаны не верные и требуют подключения дополнительной модификации для корректной работы!!! Координаты не соответствуют названию функции!!!
      4. открываем в MpMissions в папке с вашей активной миссией init.c и перед ЗАКРЫВАЮЩЕЙ скобкой '}' дописываем нужную нам функцию (это будет активация спавна на карте):
      SpawnAirfeeldBuildings(); 5. Готово, Запускайте сервер, и в scripts.log вы увидите процедуру спавна ваших зданий и увидите, спавнятся ли они на карте или нет.
      Можно написать конечно и более готовую, универсальную систему спавна на карте со считыванием конфигурации из файла, но я считаю это лишним.
      Как заполнить добавленные здания лутом на карте:
      вариант 1:
      вариант 2: вручную заполнить xml-файл  mapgrouppos.xml в mpmssions данными о местоположении зданий, где rpy - значение поворота здания в формате Z Y X
      С помощью данной статьи вы можете разместить любой элемент игры(постройку, животное, зомби, бота), доступный к спавну через любую модификацию-админ. панель. Очень полезный мод в этом смысле BuilderItems, с его помощью можно творить поистину интересные локации!
    • Автор: Venom21
      Появилась такая проблема, нужно закрыть некоторые слоты под одежду, когда на определённый слот одет предмет…
      пример: возьмём экзоскелет от Фидова, там есть две версии которая одеваеться как на тело и ноги, и есть которая одеваться на разгрузку и пояс, так вот, нужно например чтобы при одетом экзаче на тело и ноги слоты под пояс и разгрузку блокировались, либо только под определенные предметы, если есть интерес то цену можем в личке обсудить…
      P.S. Разрешение от Фидова на переделку и переупаковку есть)
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