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Нужна помощь с конфигом мода

Добрый день! Нашёл интересный мод на фурнитуру, может кто знает - Furniture Kits [1.0]. Там есть печка на 4 конфорки, чем и заинтересовала... Но проблема, что кроме ванильной кастрюли нельзя ничего поставить, даже модовые кастрюли которые привязаны к классу ванильной кастрюли... В скриптах сам копался. благо автор дал добро, но мозгов не хватило... Может кто в курсе как сделать, чтобы можно было любые кастрюли и сковородку добавлять? И в том же моде есть автомобильный стеллаж, куда кроме ванильных колёс ничего не поставить. Как сделать чтобы модовые можно было? 


P.S. При чем, что интересно ещё - на верстак из этого мода вешаются и ванильные и модовые молотки например... Но по аналогии с молотками с кастрюлями не прокатило... 


Общий конфиг:

class CfgPatches {
	class M_Furniture_Base {
		units[] = {"M_Gun_Rack", "M_Gun_Wall", "M_Shelf", "M_WorkBenchTable", "M_Medical_Bag", "M_Fridge", "M_Gas_Stove", "M_Gun_Cabinet", "M_Gun_Rack_Tan", "M_Gun_Rack_Green"};
		weapons[] = {};
		requiredVersion = 0.1;
		requiredAddons[] = {"DZ_Data", "DZ_Scripts", "M_Furniture_Base_Kit", "DZ_Gear_Tools", "DZ_Gear_Containers", "DZ_Weapons_Melee"};

class CfgMods {
	class M_Furniture_Base {
		dir = "M_Furniture_Base";
		picture = "";
		action = "";
		hideName = 1;
		hidePicture = 1;
		name = "M_Furniture_Base";
		credits = "1";
		author = "1";
		authorID = "0";
		version = 1.0;
		extra = 0;
		type = "mod";
		dependencies[] = {"Game", "World"};
		class defs {
			class imageSets {
				files[] = {"M_Kits\Gui\imagesets\FKIcons.imageset"};
			class gameScriptModule {
				value = "";
				files[] = {"M_Kits/scripts/3_Game"};
			class worldScriptModule {
				value = "";
				files[] = {"M_Kits\scripts\4_world"};

class cfgWeapons {
	class RifleCore;	// External class reference
	class Rifle_Base : RifleCore {
		inventorySlot[] = {"Shoulder", "Melee", "Shoulder1", "Shoulder2", "Shoulder3", "Shoulder4", "Shoulder5", "Shoulder6", "Shoulder7", "Shoulder8", "Shoulder9", "Shoulder10", "Shoulder11", "Shoulder12", "Shoulder13", "Shoulder14", "Shoulder15", "Shoulder16", "Shoulder17", "Shoulder18", "Shoulder19", "Shoulder20", "Shoulder21", "Shoulder22", "Shoulder23", "Shoulder24", "Shoulder25", "Shoulder26", "Shoulder27", "Shoulder28", "Shoulder29", "Shoulder30"};
	class PistolCore;	// External class reference
	class Pistol_Base : PistolCore {
		inventorySlot[] = {"Pistol", "Pistol1", "Pistol2", "Pistol3", "Pistol4", "Pistol5", "Pistol6", "Pistol7", "Pistol8", "Pistol9", "Pistol10", "Pistol11", "Pistol12"};

class CfgVehicles {
	class Inventory_Base;	// External class reference
	class Container_Base;	// External class reference
	class M_Furniture_Base : Container_Base {
		scope = 2;
		destroyOnEmpty = 0;
		varQuantityDestroyOnMin = 0;
		class DamageSystem {
			class GlobalHealth {
				class Health {
					hitpoints = 1000000000;
	class M_Gun_Rack : M_Furniture_Base {
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "#Nome_GunRack";
		descriptionShort = "#Descricao_GunRack";
		model = "M_Kits\Furnitures\Gun_Rack\Gun_Rack.p3d";
		bounding = "BSphere";
		overrideDrawArea = 3.0;
		forceFarBubble = "true";
		handheld = "true";
		carveNavmesh = 1;
		canBeDigged = 0;
		weight = 50000;
		itemSize[] = {10, 10};
		physLayer = "item_large";
		rotationFlags = 0;
		class Cargo {
			itemsCargoSize[] = {10, 3};
			openable = 0;
			allowOwnedCargoManipulation = 0;
		attachments[] = {"Shoulder24", "Shoulder25", "Shoulder26", "Shoulder27", "Pistol1", "Pistol2", "Pistol3", "Pistol4", "Pistol5", "Pistol6", "Pistol7", "Pistol8", "Pistol9", "Pistol10", "Pistol11", "Pistol12", "Plate1", "Plate2", "Plate3", "Plate4"};
		class GUIInventoryAttachmentsProps {
			class M_Rifles {
				name = "#Slot_Rifles";
				description = "";
				attachmentSlots[] = {"Shoulder24", "Shoulder25", "Shoulder26", "Shoulder27"};
				icon = "set:FKIcons image:Rifle1";
			class M_Pistol {
				name = "#Slot_Pistolas";
				description = "";
				attachmentSlots[] = {"Pistol1", "Pistol2", "Pistol3", "Pistol4", "Pistol5", "Pistol6", "Pistol7", "Pistol8", "Pistol9", "Pistol10", "Pistol11", "Pistol12"};
				icon = "set:dayz_inventory image:pistol";
			class M_Plate {
				name = "#Slot_Coletes";
				description = "";
				attachmentSlots[] = {"Plate1", "Plate2", "Plate3", "Plate4"};
				icon = "set:FKIcons image:Colete";
	class M_Gun_Rack_Holo : M_Gun_Rack {
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "Gun Rack HOLO";
		model = "M_Kits\Furnitures\Gun_Rack\Gun_Rack_Holo.p3d";
	class M_Gun_Wall : M_Furniture_Base {
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "#Nome_GunWall";
		descriptionShort = "#Descricao_GunWall";
		model = "M_Kits\Furnitures\Gun_Wall\Gun_Wall.p3d";
		bounding = "BSphere";
		overrideDrawArea = 3.0;
		forceFarBubble = "true";
		handheld = "true";
		carveNavmesh = 1;
		canBeDigged = 0;
		weight = 30000;
		itemSize[] = {10, 10};
		physLayer = "item_large";
		rotationFlags = 0;
		class Cargo {
			itemsCargoSize[] = {10, 3};
			openable = 0;
			allowOwnedCargoManipulation = 0;
		attachments[] = {"Shoulder24", "Shoulder25", "Shoulder26", "Shoulder27", "MochilaSlot1", "MochilaSlot2"};
		class GUIInventoryAttachmentsProps {
			class M_Rifles {
				name = "#Slot_Rifles";
				description = "";
				attachmentSlots[] = {"Shoulder24", "Shoulder25", "Shoulder26", "Shoulder27"};
				icon = "set:FKIcons image:Rifle1";
			class M_Mochilas {
				name = "#Slot_Mochilas";
				description = "";
				attachmentSlots[] = {"MochilaSlot1", "MochilaSlot2"};
				icon = "set:dayz_inventory image:back";
	class M_Gun_Wall_Holo : M_Gun_Wall {
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "Gun Wall HOLO";
		model = "M_Kits\Furnitures\Gun_Wall\Gun_Wall_Holo.p3d";
	class M_Shelf : M_Furniture_Base {
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "#Nome_Prateleira";
		descriptionShort = "#Descricao_Prateleira";
		model = "M_Kits\Furnitures\Shelf\Shelf.p3d";
		bounding = "BSphere";
		overrideDrawArea = 3.0;
		forceFarBubble = "true";
		handheld = "true";
		carveNavmesh = 1;
		canBeDigged = 0;
		weight = 30000;
		itemSize[] = {10, 10};
		physLayer = "item_large";
		rotationFlags = 0;
		class Cargo {
			itemsCargoSize[] = {10, 2};
			openable = 0;
			allowOwnedCargoManipulation = 0;
		attachments[] = {"Roda1", "Roda2", "Roda3", "Roda4", "Roda5", "Roda6", "Bateria1", "Bateria2", "Bateria3", "Bateria4", "Bateria5", "Bateria6", "BateriaCaminhao1", "BateriaCaminhao2", "Radiador1", "Radiador2", "Radiador3", "Radiador4"};
		class GUIInventoryAttachmentsProps {
			class M_Rodas {
				name = "#Slot_Rodas";
				description = "";
				attachmentSlots[] = {"Roda1", "Roda2", "Roda3", "Roda4", "Roda5", "Roda6"};
				icon = "set:dayz_inventory image:wheel";
			class M_Baterias {
				name = "#Slot_BateriasCarro";
				description = "";
				attachmentSlots[] = {"Bateria1", "Bateria2", "Bateria3", "Bateria4", "Bateria5", "Bateria6"};
				icon = "set:dayz_inventory image:carbattery";
			class M_Baterias_Truck {
				name = "#Slot_BateriasCaminhao";
				description = "";
				attachmentSlots[] = {"BateriaCaminhao1", "BateriaCaminhao2"};
				icon = "set:dayz_inventory image:carbattery";
			class M_Radiador {
				name = "#Slot_Radiador";
				description = "";
				attachmentSlots[] = {"Radiador1", "Radiador2", "Radiador3", "Radiador4"};
				icon = "set:dayz_inventory image:radiator";
	class M_Shelf_Holo : M_Shelf {
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "Shelf HOLO";
		model = "M_Kits\Furnitures\Shelf\Shelf_Holo.p3d";
	class M_WorkBenchTable : M_Furniture_Base {
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "#Nome_MesaDeTrabalho";
		descriptionShort = "#Descricao_MesaDeTrabalho";
		model = "M_Kits\Furnitures\WorkBench\WorkBenchTable\WorkBench.p3d";
		bounding = "BSphere";
		overrideDrawArea = 3.0;
		forceFarBubble = "true";
		handheld = "true";
		carveNavmesh = 1;
		canBeDigged = 0;
		weight = 30000;
		itemSize[] = {10, 10};
		physLayer = "item_large";
		rotationFlags = 0;
		class Cargo {
			itemsCargoSize[] = {10, 20};
			openable = 0;
			allowOwnedCargoManipulation = 0;
		attachments[] = {"Diagrama", "CaixaDeFerramenta", "Alicate1", "Alicate2", "ChapaMetal", "ChaveDeFenda1", "ChaveDeFenda2", "Martelo1", "Martelo2", "Martelo3", "Martelo4", "Pa1", "Pa2", "PeDeCabra1", "Serrinha1", "Serrinha2", "Serrote1", "Serrote2", "Kits_Slot", "Firewood", "WoodenStick", "Material_Nails", "Material_WoodenPlanks", "Material_L1_WoodenLogs", "Material_MetalSheets", "MetalWire", "Material_MetalWire", "Wall_Barbedwire_1", "Wall_Barbedwire_2", "Stones", "Body", "Headgear"};
		class GUIInventoryAttachmentsProps {
			class M_ToolBox {
				name = "#Nome_CaixaDeFerramenta";
				description = "";
				attachmentSlots[] = {"CaixaDeFerramenta"};
				icon = "set:FKIcons image:ToolBox";
			class M_BluePrint {
				name = "#Nome_Diagrama";
				description = "";
				attachmentSlots[] = {"Diagrama"};
				icon = "set:dayz_inventory image:book";
			class M_Ferramentas {
				name = "#Slot_FerramentasPequenas";
				description = "";
				attachmentSlots[] = {"Alicate1", "Alicate2", "ChaveDeFenda1", "ChaveDeFenda2", "Martelo1", "Martelo2", "Martelo3", "Martelo4"};
				icon = "set:FKIcons image:Ferramentas";
			class M_Ferramentas_2 {
				name = "#Slot_FerramentasGrandes";
				description = "";
				attachmentSlots[] = {"Pa1", "Pa2", "PeDeCabra1", "Serrinha1", "Serrinha2", "Serrote1", "Serrote2", "ChapaMetal"};
				icon = "set:FKIcons image:Ferramentas";
			class WoodMaterials {
				name = "Wood Materials";
				description = "";
				attachmentSlots[] = {"Firewood", "WoodenStick", "Material_Nails", "Material_WoodenPlanks", "Material_L1_WoodenLogs"};
				icon = "set:FKIcons image:CraftItens";
				view_index = 1;
			class MetalMaterials {
				name = "Metal Materials";
				description = "";
				attachmentSlots[] = {"Material_MetalSheets", "MetalWire", "Material_MetalWire", "Wall_Barbedwire_1", "Wall_Barbedwire_2"};
				icon = "set:FKIcons image:CraftItens";
				view_index = 4;
	class M_WorkBenchTable_Holo : M_WorkBenchTable {
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "Mesa de Trabalho Holo";
		model = "M_Kits\Furnitures\WorkBench\WorkBenchTable\WorkBench_Holo.p3d";
	class M_Gun_Cabinet : M_Furniture_Base {
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "Gun Cabinet";
		descriptionShort = "A rustic cabinet for displaying weapons";
		model = "M_Kits\Furnitures\Gun_Cabinet\Gun_Cabinet.p3d";
		bounding = "BSphere";
		overrideDrawArea = 3.0;
		forceFarBubble = "true";
		handheld = "true";
		carveNavmesh = 1;
		canBeDigged = 0;
		weight = 50000;
		itemSize[] = {10, 10};
		physLayer = "item_large";
		rotationFlags = 0;
		class Cargo {
			itemsCargoSize[] = {10, 3};
			openable = 0;
			allowOwnedCargoManipulation = 0;
		attachments[] = {"Shoulder24", "Shoulder25", "Shoulder26", "Shoulder27", "Shoulder28", "Shoulder29", "Att_CombinationLock"};
		class GUIInventoryAttachmentsProps {
			class M_Rifles {
				name = "#Slot_Rifles";
				description = "";
				attachmentSlots[] = {"Shoulder24", "Shoulder25", "Shoulder26", "Shoulder27", "Shoulder28", "Shoulder29"};
				icon = "set:FKIcons image:Rifle1";
			class CodeLock {
				name = "CodeLock";
				description = "";
				attachmentSlots[] = {"Att_CombinationLock"};
				icon = "cat_bb_attachments";
				view_index = 3;
		class AnimationSources {
			class Lid {
				source = "user";
				initPhase = 0;
				animPeriod = 1.5;
	class M_Gun_Cabinet_Holo : M_Gun_Cabinet {
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "Gun Cabinet HOLO";
		model = "M_Kits\Furnitures\Gun_Cabinet\Gun_Cabinet_Holo.p3d";
	class M_Medical_Bag : M_Furniture_Base {
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "#Nome_CaixaMedica";
		descriptionShort = "#Descricao_CaixaMedica";
		model = "M_Kits\Furnitures\Medical_Bag\Medical.p3d";
		weight = 500;
		itemSize[] = {5, 4};
		physLayer = "item_large";
		class Cargo {
			itemsCargoSize[] = {10, 5};
			openable = 0;
			allowOwnedCargoManipulation = 0;
		class AnimationSources {
			class Lid {
				source = "user";
				initPhase = 0;
				animPeriod = 1;
	class M_Medical_Bag_Holo : M_Medical_Bag {
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "Caixa Medica Holo";
		model = "M_Kits\Furnitures\Medical_Bag\Medical_Holo.p3d";
	class M_Fridge : M_Furniture_Base {
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "#Nome_Geladeira";
		descriptionShort = "#Descricao_Geladeira";
		model = "M_Kits\Furnitures\Fridge_Geladeira\Geladeira.p3d";
		weight = 500;
		itemSize[] = {10, 10};
		physLayer = "item_large";
		rotationFlags = 0;
		class Cargo {
			itemsCargoSize[] = {7, 10};
			openable = 0;
			allowOwnedCargoManipulation = 0;
		class AnimationSources {
			class Lid {
				source = "user";
				initPhase = 0;
				animPeriod = 1;
		attachments[] = {"SodaCan_1", "SodaCan_2", "SodaCan_3", "SodaCan_4", "SodaCan_5", "SodaCan_6", "SodaCan_7", "SodaCan_8", "SodaCan_9", "SodaCan_10", "SodaCan_11", "SodaCan_12", "SodaCan_13", "SodaCan_14", "SodaCan_15", "SodaCan_16", "SodaCan_17", "SodaCan_18", "SodaCan_19", "SodaCan_20", "SodaCan_21", "SodaCan_22", "SodaCan_23", "SodaCan_24", "SodaCan_25", "SodaCan_26", "SodaCan_27", "SodaCan_28", "SodaCan_29", "SodaCan_30", "SodaCan_31", "SodaCan_32", "FoodCan_1", "FoodCan_2", "FoodCan_3", "FoodCan_4", "FoodCan_5", "FoodCan_6", "FoodCan_7", "FoodCan_8", "FoodCan_9", "FoodCan_10", "FoodCan_11", "FoodCan_12", "FoodCan_13", "FoodCan_14", "FoodCan_15", "FoodCan_16", "FoodCan_17", "FoodCan_18", "FoodCan_19", "FoodCan_20", "WaterBottle_1", "WaterBottle_2", "WaterBottle_3", "WaterBottle_4", "WaterBottle_5", "WaterBottle_6", "WaterBottle_7", "WaterBottle_8", "WaterBottle_9", "WaterBottle_10", "WaterBottle_11", "WaterBottle_12"};
		class GUIInventoryAttachmentsProps {
			class M_Refri {
				name = "#Slot_Refrigerante";
				description = "";
				attachmentSlots[] = {"SodaCan_1", "SodaCan_2", "SodaCan_3", "SodaCan_4", "SodaCan_5", "SodaCan_6", "SodaCan_7", "SodaCan_8", "SodaCan_9", "SodaCan_10", "SodaCan_11", "SodaCan_12", "SodaCan_13", "SodaCan_14", "SodaCan_15", "SodaCan_16"};
				icon = "set:FKIcons image:Refrigerante";
			class M_Refri2 {
				name = "#Slot_Refrigerante";
				description = "";
				attachmentSlots[] = {"SodaCan_17", "SodaCan_18", "SodaCan_19", "SodaCan_20", "SodaCan_21", "SodaCan_22", "SodaCan_23", "SodaCan_24", "SodaCan_25", "SodaCan_26", "SodaCan_27", "SodaCan_28", "SodaCan_29", "SodaCan_30", "SodaCan_31", "SodaCan_32"};
				icon = "set:FKIcons image:Refrigerante";
			class M_Comida {
				name = "#Slot_Comidas";
				description = "";
				attachmentSlots[] = {"FoodCan_1", "FoodCan_2", "FoodCan_3", "FoodCan_4", "FoodCan_5", "FoodCan_6", "FoodCan_7", "FoodCan_8", "FoodCan_9", "FoodCan_10", "FoodCan_11", "FoodCan_12", "FoodCan_13", "FoodCan_14", "FoodCan_15", "FoodCan_16", "FoodCan_17", "FoodCan_18", "FoodCan_19", "FoodCan_20"};
				icon = "set:FKIcons image:LatinhasDeComida";
			class M_Agua {
				name = "#Slot_Agua";
				description = "";
				attachmentSlots[] = {"WaterBottle_1", "WaterBottle_2", "WaterBottle_3", "WaterBottle_4", "WaterBottle_5", "WaterBottle_6", "WaterBottle_7", "WaterBottle_8", "WaterBottle_9", "WaterBottle_10", "WaterBottle_11", "WaterBottle_12"};
				icon = "set:FKIcons image:Agua";
	class M_Fridge_Holo : M_Fridge {
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "Geladeira HOLO";
		model = "M_Kits\Furnitures\Fridge_Geladeira\Geladeira_Holo.p3d";
	class M_Gas_Stove : M_Furniture_Base {
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "#Nome_Fogao";
		descriptionShort = "#Descricao_Fogao";
		model = "M_Kits\Furnitures\Gas_Stove\Fogao.p3d";
		bounding = "BSphere";
		overrideDrawArea = 3.0;
		forceFarBubble = "true";
		handheld = "true";
		carveNavmesh = 1;
		canBeDigged = 0;
		weight = 30000;
		itemSize[] = {10, 10};
		physLayer = "item_large";
		rotationFlags = 0;
		attachments[] = {"BigGas", "Pot1", "Pot2", "Pot3", "Pot4"};
		class GUIInventoryAttachmentsProps {
			class M_Pot {
				name = "#Slot_Panela";
				description = "";
				attachmentSlots[] = {"Pot1", "Pot2", "Pot3", "Pot4"};
				icon = "set:dayz_inventory image:cookingequipment";
			class M_GasCanister {
				name = "#Slot_Gas";
				description = "";
				attachmentSlots[] = {"BigGas"};
				icon = "set:dayz_inventory image:gascanister";
		class AnimationSources {
			class flame {
				source = "user";
				initPhase = 1;
				animPeriod = 0.1;
			class flame2 {
				source = "user";
				initPhase = 1;
				animPeriod = 0.1;
			class flame3 {
				source = "user";
				initPhase = 1;
				animPeriod = 0.1;
			class flame4 {
				source = "user";
				initPhase = 1;
				animPeriod = 0.1;
		class EnergyManager {
			switchOnAtSpawn = 0;
			autoSwitchOff = 1;
			autoSwitchOffWhenInCargo = 1;
			energyStorageMax = 0;
			energyUsagePerSecond = 1;
			energyAtSpawn = 0;
			powerSocketsCount = 0;
			plugType = 7;
			attachmentAction = 1;
			updateInterval = 10;
	class M_Gas_Stove_Holo : M_Gas_Stove {
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "Gas Stove HOLO";
		model = "M_Kits\Furnitures\Gas_Stove\Fogao_Holo.p3d";
	class M_GunRack_ComPortas_Base : M_Furniture_Base {
		scope = 0;
		displayName = "#Nome_GunRack";
		descriptionShort = "#Descricao_GunRack";
		model = "M_Kits\Furnitures\Gun_Rack_ComPortas\Gun_Rack_ComPortas.p3d";
		bounding = "BSphere";
		overrideDrawArea = 3.0;
		forceFarBubble = "true";
		handheld = "true";
		carveNavmesh = 1;
		canBeDigged = 0;
		weight = 50000;
		itemSize[] = {10, 10};
		physLayer = "item_large";
		rotationFlags = 0;
		hiddenSelections[] = {"zbytek", "PortaEsquerda", "PortaDireita"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"", "", ""};
		class Cargo {
			itemsCargoSize[] = {10, 3};
			openable = 0;
			allowOwnedCargoManipulation = 0;
		attachments[] = {"Shoulder24", "Shoulder25", "Shoulder26", "Shoulder27", "Pistol1", "Pistol2", "Pistol3", "Pistol4", "Pistol5", "Pistol6", "Pistol7", "Pistol8", "Pistol9", "Pistol10", "Pistol11", "Pistol12", "Plate1", "Plate2", "Plate3", "Plate4", "Att_CombinationLock"};
		class GUIInventoryAttachmentsProps {
			class M_Rifles {
				name = "#Slot_Rifles";
				description = "";
				attachmentSlots[] = {"Shoulder24", "Shoulder25", "Shoulder26", "Shoulder27"};
				icon = "set:FKIcons image:Rifle1";
			class M_Pistol {
				name = "#Slot_Pistolas";
				description = "";
				attachmentSlots[] = {"Pistol1", "Pistol2", "Pistol3", "Pistol4", "Pistol5", "Pistol6", "Pistol7", "Pistol8", "Pistol9", "Pistol10", "Pistol11", "Pistol12"};
				icon = "set:dayz_inventory image:pistol";
			class M_Plate {
				name = "#Slot_Coletes";
				description = "";
				attachmentSlots[] = {"Plate1", "Plate2", "Plate3", "Plate4"};
				icon = "set:FKIcons image:Colete";
			class CodeLock {
				name = "CodeLock";
				description = "";
				attachmentSlots[] = {"Att_CombinationLock"};
				icon = "cat_bb_attachments";
				view_index = 3;
		class AnimationSources {
			class Lid {
				source = "user";
				initPhase = 0;
				animPeriod = 1;
	class M_Gun_Rack_Tan : M_GunRack_ComPortas_Base {
		scope = 2;
		hiddenSelections[] = {"zbytek", "PortaEsquerda", "PortaDireita"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"M_Kits\Furnitures\Gun_Rack_ComPortas\Texturas\Tan\GunRackTan_co.paa", "M_Kits\Furnitures\Gun_Rack_ComPortas\Texturas\Tan\GunRackTanPorta_co.paa", "M_Kits\Furnitures\Gun_Rack_ComPortas\Texturas\Tan\GunRackTanPorta_co.paa"};
		class AnimationSources {
			class Lid {
				source = "user";
				initPhase = 0;
				animPeriod = 1;
			class Lock {
				source = "user";
				initPhase = 1;
				animPeriod = 0.1;
	class M_Gun_Rack_Tan_Holo : M_Gun_Rack_Tan {
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "Gun Rack Tan HOLO";
		model = "M_Kits\Furnitures\Gun_Rack\Gun_Rack_Holo.p3d";
	class M_Gun_Rack_Green : M_GunRack_ComPortas_Base {
		scope = 2;
		hiddenSelections[] = {"zbytek", "PortaEsquerda", "PortaDireita"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"M_Kits\Furnitures\Gun_Rack_ComPortas\Texturas\Green\GunRackGreen_co.paa", "M_Kits\Furnitures\Gun_Rack_ComPortas\Texturas\Green\GunRackGreenPorta_co.paa", "M_Kits\Furnitures\Gun_Rack_ComPortas\Texturas\Green\GunRackGreenPorta_co.paa"};
		class AnimationSources {
			class Lid {
				source = "user";
				initPhase = 0;
				animPeriod = 1;
			class Lock {
				source = "user";
				initPhase = 1;
				animPeriod = 0.1;
	class M_Gun_Rack_Green_Holo : M_Gun_Rack_Green {
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "Gun Rack Tan HOLO";
		model = "M_Kits\Furnitures\Gun_Rack\Gun_Rack_Holo.p3d";
	class Clothing_Base;	// External class reference
	class Clothing : Clothing_Base {};
	class PlateCarrierVest : Clothing {
		inventorySlot[] = {"Vest", "Plate1", "Plate2", "Plate3", "Plate4", "Plate5", "Plate6"};
	class ModularVestSystem_Heavy : PlateCarrierVest {
		inventorySlot[] = {"Vest", "MVS_vest", "Plate1", "Plate2", "Plate3", "Plate4", "Plate5", "Plate6"};
	class ModularVestSystem_Base : PlateCarrierVest {
		inventorySlot[] = {"Vest", "MVS_vest", "Plate1", "Plate2", "Plate3", "Plate4", "Plate5", "Plate6"};
	class HighCapacityVest_ColorBase;	// External class reference
	class ModularChestRig_Base : HighCapacityVest_ColorBase {
		inventorySlot[] = {"Vest", "MVS_vest", "Plate1", "Plate2", "Plate3", "Plate4", "Plate5", "Plate6"};
	class DryBag_ColorBase : Clothing {
		inventorySlot[] = {"Back", "MochilaSlot1", "MochilaSlot2", "MochilaSlot3", "MochilaSlot4", "MochilaSlot5", "MochilaSlot6"};
	class HuntingBag : Clothing {
		inventorySlot[] = {"Back", "MochilaSlot1", "MochilaSlot2", "MochilaSlot3", "MochilaSlot4", "MochilaSlot5", "MochilaSlot6"};
	class MountainBag_ColorBase : Clothing {
		inventorySlot[] = {"Back", "MochilaSlot1", "MochilaSlot2", "MochilaSlot3", "MochilaSlot4", "MochilaSlot5", "MochilaSlot6"};
	class MVS_Pack_Base : MountainBag_ColorBase {
		inventorySlot[] = {"Back", "MVS_pack", "MochilaSlot1", "MochilaSlot2", "MochilaSlot3", "MochilaSlot4", "MochilaSlot5", "MochilaSlot6"};
	class MVS_Rucksack_Base : MVS_Pack_Base {
		inventorySlot[] = {"Back", "MVS_pack", "MochilaSlot1", "MochilaSlot2", "MochilaSlot3", "MochilaSlot4", "MochilaSlot5", "MochilaSlot6"};
	class AssaultBag_ColorBase : Clothing {
		inventorySlot[] = {"Back", "MochilaSlot1", "MochilaSlot2", "MochilaSlot3", "MochilaSlot4", "MochilaSlot5", "MochilaSlot6"};
	class CoyoteBag_ColorBase : Clothing {
		inventorySlot[] = {"Back", "MochilaSlot1", "MochilaSlot2", "MochilaSlot3", "MochilaSlot4", "MochilaSlot5", "MochilaSlot6"};
	class AliceBag_ColorBase : Clothing {
		inventorySlot[] = {"Back", "MochilaSlot1", "MochilaSlot2", "MochilaSlot3", "MochilaSlot4", "MochilaSlot5", "MochilaSlot6"};
	class Switchable_Base;	// External class reference
	class Powered_Base;	// External class reference
	class Pliers : Inventory_Base {
		inventorySlot[] = {"Pliers", "Pliers1", "Alicate1", "Alicate2"};
	class Screwdriver : Inventory_Base {
		inventorySlot[] = {"Screwdriver", "MassScrewDriver", "Screwdriver1", "Screwdriver2", "ChaveDeFenda1", "ChaveDeFenda2"};
	class Hammer : Inventory_Base {
		inventorySlot[] = {"Hammer", "MassHammer", "Hammer1", "Hammer2", "Hammer3", "Martelo1", "Martelo2", "Martelo3", "Martelo4"};
	class Shovel : Inventory_Base {
		inventorySlot[] = {"Shoulder", "Melee", "Shovel1", "Pa1", "Pa2"};
	class Crowbar : Inventory_Base {
		inventorySlot[] = {"Shoulder", "Melee", "PeDeCabra1"};
	class Hacksaw : Inventory_Base {
		inventorySlot[] = {"Hacksaw", "Saw", "Saw1", "Saw2", "Saw3", "Serrinha1", "Serrinha2"};
	class HandSaw : Inventory_Base {
		inventorySlot[] = {"HandSaw", "Saw", "Saw1", "Saw2", "Saw3", "Serrote1", "Serrote2"};
	class Box_Base;	// External class reference
	class MetalPlate : Inventory_Base {
		inventorySlot[] = {"Truck_01_MetalSheets", "Material_MetalSheets", "Material_L3_MetalSheets", "Material_L1W1_MetalSheets", "Material_L1W2_MetalSheets", "Material_L1W3_MetalSheets", "Material_L2W1_MetalSheets", "Material_L2W2_MetalSheets", "Material_L2W3_MetalSheets", "Material_L3W1_MetalSheets", "Material_L3W2_MetalSheets", "Material_L3W3_MetalSheets", "ChapaMetal"};
	class FirstAidKit : Container_Base {
		inventorySlot[] = {"FirstAid", "FirstAidKit1", "FirstAidKit2", "FirstAidKit3", "FirstAidKit4"};
	class AmmoBox : Container_Base {
		inventorySlot[] = {"300RoundBox", "AmmoBox1", "AmmoBox2", "AmmoBox3", "AmmoBox"};

class CfgSlots {
	class Slot_Shoulder {};
	class Slot_Shoulder24 : Slot_Shoulder {
		name = "Shoulder24";
		displayName = "#Slot_Rifles";
		ghostIcon = "set:FKIcons image:Rifle1";
	class Slot_Shoulder25 : Slot_Shoulder {
		name = "Shoulder25";
		displayName = "#Slot_Rifles";
		ghostIcon = "set:FKIcons image:Rifle1";
	class Slot_Shoulder26 : Slot_Shoulder {
		name = "Shoulder26";
		displayName = "#Slot_Rifles";
		ghostIcon = "set:FKIcons image:Rifle1";
	class Slot_Shoulder27 : Slot_Shoulder {
		name = "Shoulder27";
		displayName = "#Slot_Rifles";
		ghostIcon = "set:FKIcons image:Rifle1";
	class Slot_Shoulder28 : Slot_Shoulder {
		name = "Shoulder28";
		displayName = "#Slot_Rifles";
		ghostIcon = "set:FKIcons image:Rifle1";
	class Slot_Shoulder29 : Slot_Shoulder {
		name = "Shoulder29";
		displayName = "#Slot_Rifles";
		ghostIcon = "set:FKIcons image:Rifle1";
	class Slot_Pistol {};
	class Slot_Pistol1 : Slot_Pistol {
		name = "Pistol1";
		displayName = "#Slot_Pistolas";
		ghostIcon = "set:dayz_inventory image:pistol";
	class Slot_Pistol2 : Slot_Pistol {
		name = "Pistol2";
		displayName = "#Slot_Pistolas";
		ghostIcon = "set:dayz_inventory image:pistol";
	class Slot_Pistol3 : Slot_Pistol {
		name = "Pistol3";
		displayName = "#Slot_Pistolas";
		ghostIcon = "set:dayz_inventory image:pistol";
	class Slot_Pistol4 : Slot_Pistol {
		name = "Pistol4";
		displayName = "#Slot_Pistolas";
		ghostIcon = "set:dayz_inventory image:pistol";
	class Slot_Pistol5 : Slot_Pistol {
		name = "Pistol5";
		displayName = "#Slot_Pistolas";
		ghostIcon = "set:dayz_inventory image:pistol";
	class Slot_Pistol6 : Slot_Pistol {
		name = "Pistol6";
		displayName = "#Slot_Pistolas";
		ghostIcon = "set:dayz_inventory image:pistol";
	class Slot_Pistol7 : Slot_Pistol {
		name = "Pistol7";
		displayName = "#Slot_Pistolas";
		ghostIcon = "set:dayz_inventory image:pistol";
	class Slot_Pistol8 : Slot_Pistol {
		name = "Pistol8";
		displayName = "#Slot_Pistolas";
		ghostIcon = "set:dayz_inventory image:pistol";
	class Slot_Pistol9 : Slot_Pistol {
		name = "Pistol9";
		displayName = "#Slot_Pistolas";
		ghostIcon = "set:dayz_inventory image:pistol";
	class Slot_Pistol10 : Slot_Pistol {
		name = "Pistol10";
		displayName = "#Slot_Pistolas";
		ghostIcon = "set:dayz_inventory image:pistol";
	class Slot_Pistol11 : Slot_Pistol {
		name = "Pistol11";
		displayName = "#Slot_Pistolas";
		ghostIcon = "set:dayz_inventory image:pistol";
	class Slot_Pistol12 : Slot_Pistol {
		name = "Pistol12";
		displayName = "#Slot_Pistolas";
		ghostIcon = "set:dayz_inventory image:pistol";
	class Slot_Vest;	// External class reference
	class Slot_Plate1 : Slot_Vest {
		name = "Plate1";
		displayName = "#Slot_Coletes";
		ghostIcon = "set:FKIcons image:Colete";
	class Slot_Plate2 : Slot_Vest {
		name = "Plate2";
		displayName = "#Slot_Coletes";
		ghostIcon = "set:FKIcons image:Colete";
	class Slot_Plate3 : Slot_Vest {
		name = "Plate3";
		displayName = "#Slot_Coletes";
		ghostIcon = "set:FKIcons image:Colete";
	class Slot_Plate4 : Slot_Vest {
		name = "Plate4";
		displayName = "#Slot_Coletes";
		ghostIcon = "set:FKIcons image:Colete";
	class Slot_Plate5 : Slot_Vest {
		name = "Plate5";
		displayName = "#Slot_Coletes";
		ghostIcon = "set:FKIcons image:Colete";
	class Slot_Plate6 : Slot_Vest {
		name = "Plate6";
		displayName = "#Slot_Coletes";
		ghostIcon = "set:FKIcons image:Colete";

class CfgNonAIVehicles {
	class ProxyAttachment;	// External class reference
	class ProxyShoulder24 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "Shoulder24";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\Slot\Shoulder24.p3d";
	class ProxyShoulder25 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "Shoulder25";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\Slot\Shoulder25.p3d";
	class ProxyShoulder26 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "Shoulder26";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\Slot\Shoulder26.p3d";
	class ProxyShoulder27 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "Shoulder27";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\Slot\Shoulder27.p3d";
	class ProxyShoulder28 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "Shoulder28";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\Slot\Shoulder28.p3d";
	class ProxyShoulder29 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "Shoulder29";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\Slot\Shoulder29.p3d";
	class ProxyPistol1 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "Pistol1";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\Slot\Pistol1.p3d";
	class ProxyPistol2 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "Pistol2";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\Slot\Pistol2.p3d";
	class ProxyPistol3 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "Pistol3";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\Slot\Pistol3.p3d";
	class ProxyPistol4 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "Pistol4";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\Slot\Pistol4.p3d";
	class ProxyPistol5 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "Pistol5";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\Slot\Pistol5.p3d";
	class ProxyPistol6 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "Pistol6";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\Slot\Pistol6.p3d";
	class ProxyPistol7 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "Pistol7";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\Slot\Pistol7.p3d";
	class ProxyPistol8 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "Pistol8";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\Slot\Pistol8.p3d";
	class ProxyPistol9 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "Pistol9";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\Slot\Pistol9.p3d";
	class ProxyPistol10 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "Pistol10";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\Slot\Pistol10.p3d";
	class ProxyPistol11 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "Pistol11";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\Slot\Pistol11.p3d";
	class ProxyPistol12 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "Pistol12";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\Slot\Pistol12.p3d";
	class ProxyPlate1 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "Plate1";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\Slot\Plate1.p3d";
	class ProxyPlate2 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "Plate2";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\Slot\Plate2.p3d";
	class ProxyPlate3 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "Plate3";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\Slot\Plate3.p3d";
	class ProxyPlate4 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "Plate4";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\Slot\Plate4.p3d";
	class ProxyPlate5 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "Plate5";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\Slot\Plate5.p3d";
	class ProxyPlate6 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "Plate6";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\Slot\Plate6.p3d";

Конфиг слотов плиты:

class CfgPatches {
	class SlotGasStove {
		units[] = {};
		weapons[] = {};
		requiredVersion = 0.1;
		requiredAddons[] = {"DZ_Data", "DZ_Scripts", "DZ_Gear_Cooking"};

class CfgVehicles {
	class Bottle_Base;	// External class reference
	class Pot : Bottle_Base {
		inventorySlot[] = {"CookingEquipment", "DirectCookingA", "DirectCookingB", "DirectCookingC", "Pot1", "Pot2", "Pot3", "Pot4"};

class CfgSlots {
	class Slot_Pot1 {
		name = "Pot1";
		displayName = "#Slot_Panela";
		ghostIcon = "set:dayz_inventory image:cookingequipment";
	class Slot_Pot2 {
		name = "Pot2";
		displayName = "#Slot_Panela";
		ghostIcon = "set:dayz_inventory image:cookingequipment";
	class Slot_Pot3 {
		name = "Pot3";
		displayName = "#Slot_Panela";
		ghostIcon = "set:dayz_inventory image:cookingequipment";
	class Slot_Pot4 {
		name = "Pot4";
		displayName = "#Slot_Panela";
		ghostIcon = "set:dayz_inventory image:cookingequipment";
	class Slot_BigGas {
		name = "BigGas";
		displayName = "#Slot_Gas";
		ghostIcon = "set:dayz_inventory image:gascanister";

class CfgNonAIVehicles {
	class ProxyAttachment;	// External class reference
	class ProxyPot1 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "Pot1";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\SlotGasStove\Pot1.p3d";
	class ProxyPot2 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "Pot2";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\SlotGasStove\Pot2.p3d";
	class ProxyPot3 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "Pot3";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\SlotGasStove\Pot3.p3d";
	class ProxyPot4 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "Pot4";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\SlotGasStove\Pot4.p3d";
	class ProxyBigGas : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "BigGas";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\SlotGasStove\BigGas.p3d";

Конфиг стойки для авто:

class CfgPatches {
	class SlotPecasCarro {
		units[] = {};
		weapons[] = {};
		requiredVersion = 0.1;
		requiredAddons[] = {"DZ_Vehicles_Wheeled", "DZ_Data", "DZ_Vehicles_Parts", "DZ_Scripts"};

class CfgVehicles {
	class Inventory_Base;	// External class reference
	class CarWheel : Inventory_Base {};
	class HatchbackWheel : CarWheel {
		inventorySlot[] = {"NivaWheel_1_1", "NivaWheel_1_2", "NivaWheel_2_1", "NivaWheel_2_2", "NivaWheel_Spare_1", "Roda1", "Roda2", "Roda3", "Roda4", "Roda5", "Roda6"};
	class CivSedanWheel : CarWheel {
		inventorySlot[] = {"CivSedanWheel_1_1", "CivSedanWheel_1_2", "CivSedanWheel_2_1", "CivSedanWheel_2_2", "Roda1", "Roda2", "Roda3", "Roda4", "Roda5", "Roda6"};
	class Hatchback_02_Wheel : CarWheel {
		inventorySlot[] = {"Hatchback_02_Wheel_1_1", "Hatchback_02_Wheel_1_2", "Hatchback_02_Wheel_2_1", "Hatchback_02_Wheel_2_2", "Roda1", "Roda2", "Roda3", "Roda4", "Roda5", "Roda6"};
	class Sedan_02_Wheel : CarWheel {
		inventorySlot[] = {"Sedan_02_Wheel_1_1", "Sedan_02_Wheel_1_2", "Sedan_02_Wheel_2_1", "Sedan_02_Wheel_2_2", "Roda1", "Roda2", "Roda3", "Roda4", "Roda5", "Roda6"};
	class Truck_01_Wheel : CarWheel {
		inventorySlot[] = {"Truck_01_Wheel_1_1", "Truck_01_Wheel_2_1", "Truck_01_Wheel_Spare_1", "Truck_01_Wheel_Spare_2", "Roda1", "Roda2", "Roda3", "Roda4", "Roda5", "Roda6"};
	class TruckBattery : Inventory_Base {
		inventorySlot[] = {"TruckBattery", "LargeBattery", "BateriaCaminhao1", "BateriaCaminhao2"};
	class CarBattery : Inventory_Base {
		inventorySlot[] = {"CarBattery", "LargeBattery", "Bateria1", "Bateria2", "Bateria3", "Bateria4", "Bateria5", "Bateria6"};
	class CarRadiator : Inventory_Base {
		inventorySlot[] = {"CarRadiator", "Radiador1", "Radiador2", "Radiador3", "Radiador4"};

class CfgSlots {
	class Slot_CivSedanWheel_1_1 {};
	class Slot_Roda1 : Slot_CivSedanWheel_1_1 {
		name = "Roda1";
		displayName = "#Slot_Rodas";
		ghostIcon = "set:dayz_inventory image:wheel";
	class Slot_Roda2 : Slot_CivSedanWheel_1_1 {
		name = "Roda2";
		displayName = "#Slot_Rodas";
		ghostIcon = "set:dayz_inventory image:wheel";
	class Slot_Roda3 : Slot_CivSedanWheel_1_1 {
		name = "Roda3";
		displayName = "#Slot_Rodas";
		ghostIcon = "set:dayz_inventory image:wheel";
	class Slot_Roda4 : Slot_CivSedanWheel_1_1 {
		name = "Roda4";
		displayName = "#Slot_Rodas";
		ghostIcon = "set:dayz_inventory image:wheel";
	class Slot_Roda5 : Slot_CivSedanWheel_1_1 {
		name = "Roda5";
		displayName = "#Slot_Rodas";
		ghostIcon = "set:dayz_inventory image:wheel";
	class Slot_Roda6 : Slot_CivSedanWheel_1_1 {
		name = "Roda6";
		displayName = "#Slot_Rodas";
		ghostIcon = "set:dayz_inventory image:wheel";
	class Slot_CarBattery {};
	class Slot_TruckBattery {};
	class Slot_Bateria1 : Slot_CarBattery {
		name = "Bateria1";
		displayName = "#Slot_BateriasCarro";
		ghostIcon = "set:dayz_inventory image:carbattery";
	class Slot_Bateria2 : Slot_CarBattery {
		name = "Bateria2";
		displayName = "#Slot_BateriasCarro";
		ghostIcon = "set:dayz_inventory image:carbattery";
	class Slot_Bateria3 : Slot_CarBattery {
		name = "Bateria3";
		displayName = "#Slot_BateriasCarro";
		ghostIcon = "set:dayz_inventory image:carbattery";
	class Slot_Bateria4 : Slot_CarBattery {
		name = "Bateria4";
		displayName = "#Slot_BateriasCarro";
		ghostIcon = "set:dayz_inventory image:carbattery";
	class Slot_Bateria5 : Slot_CarBattery {
		name = "Bateria5";
		displayName = "#Slot_BateriasCarro";
		ghostIcon = "set:dayz_inventory image:carbattery";
	class Slot_Bateria6 : Slot_CarBattery {
		name = "Bateria6";
		displayName = "#Slot_BateriasCarro";
		ghostIcon = "set:dayz_inventory image:carbattery";
	class Slot_BateriaCaminhao1 : Slot_TruckBattery {
		name = "BateriaCaminhao1";
		displayName = "#Slot_BateriasCaminhao";
		ghostIcon = "set:dayz_inventory image:carbattery";
	class Slot_BateriaCaminhao2 : Slot_TruckBattery {
		name = "BateriaCaminhao2";
		displayName = "#Slot_BateriasCaminhao";
		ghostIcon = "set:dayz_inventory image:carbattery";
	class Slot_CarRadiator {};
	class Slot_Radiador1 : Slot_CarRadiator {
		name = "Radiador1";
		displayName = "#Slot_Radiador";
		ghostIcon = "set:dayz_inventory image:radiator";
	class Slot_Radiador2 : Slot_CarRadiator {
		name = "Radiador2";
		displayName = "#Slot_Radiador";
		ghostIcon = "set:dayz_inventory image:radiator";
	class Slot_Radiador3 : Slot_CarRadiator {
		name = "Radiador3";
		displayName = "#Slot_Radiador";
		ghostIcon = "set:dayz_inventory image:radiator";
	class Slot_Radiador4 : Slot_CarRadiator {
		name = "Radiador4";
		displayName = "#Slot_Radiador";
		ghostIcon = "set:dayz_inventory image:radiator";

class CfgNonAIVehicles {
	class ProxyAttachment;	// External class reference
	class ProxyRoda1 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "Roda1";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\SlotPecasCarro\Roda1.p3d";
	class ProxyRoda2 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "Roda2";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\SlotPecasCarro\Roda2.p3d";
	class ProxyRoda3 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "Roda3";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\SlotPecasCarro\Roda3.p3d";
	class ProxyRoda4 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "Roda4";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\SlotPecasCarro\Roda4.p3d";
	class ProxyRoda5 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "Roda5";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\SlotPecasCarro\Roda5.p3d";
	class ProxyRoda6 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "Roda6";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\SlotPecasCarro\Roda6.p3d";
	class ProxyBateria1 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "Bateria1";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\SlotPecasCarro\Bateria1.p3d";
	class ProxyBateria2 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "Bateria2";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\SlotPecasCarro\Bateria2.p3d";
	class ProxyBateria3 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "Bateria3";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\SlotPecasCarro\Bateria3.p3d";
	class ProxyBateria4 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "Bateria4";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\SlotPecasCarro\Bateria4.p3d";
	class ProxyBateria5 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "Bateria5";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\SlotPecasCarro\Bateria5.p3d";
	class ProxyBateria6 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "Bateria6";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\SlotPecasCarro\Bateria6.p3d";
	class ProxyBateriaCaminhao1 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "BateriaCaminhao1";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\SlotPecasCarro\BateriaCaminhao1.p3d";
	class ProxyBateriaCaminhao2 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "BateriaCaminhao2";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\SlotPecasCarro\BateriaCaminhao2.p3d";
	class ProxyRadiador1 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "Radiador1";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\SlotPecasCarro\Radiador1.p3d";
	class ProxyRadiador2 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "Radiador2";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\SlotPecasCarro\Radiador2.p3d";
	class ProxyRadiador3 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "Radiador3";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\SlotPecasCarro\Radiador3.p3d";
	class ProxyRadiador4 : ProxyAttachment {
		scope = 2;
		inventorySlot = "Radiador4";
		model = "M_Kits\SlotsPersonalizados\SlotPecasCarro\Radiador4.p3d";


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1 answer to this question

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Тут есть подсказка в конфиге плиты:

class CfgVehicles {
	class Bottle_Base;	// External class reference
	class Pot : Bottle_Base {
		inventorySlot[] = {"CookingEquipment", "DirectCookingA", "DirectCookingB", "DirectCookingC", "Pot1", "Pot2", "Pot3", "Pot4"};

Тут добавлены небольшие изменения в ванильную кастрюлю, а именно - добавлено, на какие слоты её можно цеплять. То есть Pot1, 2 и т.д. 
Берём сковороду и делаем то же самое с ней.

class Inventory_Base;
class FryingPan: Inventory_Base
        inventorySlot[] = {"CookingEquipment", "DirectCookingA", "DirectCookingB", "DirectCookingC", "Pot1", "Pot2", "Pot3", "Pot4"};

Всё, теперь сковорода будет вставать на слоты плиты без проблем. Так же нужно поступить с прочими кастрюлями и сковородами из модов.

С колёсами - точно то же самое. 

class HatchbackWheel : CarWheel {
		inventorySlot[] = {"NivaWheel_1_1", "NivaWheel_1_2", "NivaWheel_2_1", "NivaWheel_2_2", "NivaWheel_Spare_1", "Roda1", "Roda2", "Roda3", "Roda4", "Roda5", "Roda6"};

Тут, как видишь, колёсам добавлены Roda1, 2 и т.д. Эти же слоты нужно указать и для модовых колёс.

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