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Есть такой мод MoreDoors, автор разрешает его репак и модификацию, возникло желание запретить вешать CodeLock (разрешить только велосипедные замки), на одну из дверей, а именно ShantyDoor, для этого клонирую class MoreDoorBase:
class MoreDoorBase1 : Fence { scope = private; displayName = "Door"; descriptionShort = "$STR_CfgVehicles_Fence1"; bounding = "BSphere"; overrideDrawArea = 3.0; forceFarBubble = "true"; handheld = "false"; lootCategory = "Crafted"; carveNavmesh = 1; weight = 10000; itemSize[] = {2, 3}; hiddenSelections[] = {"door1", "door2", "door3", "door4"}; physLayer = "item_large"; createProxyPhysicsOnInit = "false"; createdProxiesOnInit[] = {"Deployed"}; rotationFlags = 2; class DamageSystem { class GlobalHealth { class Health { hitpoints = 100; healthLevels[] = {{1, {""}}, {0.7, {""}}, {0.5, {""}}, {0.3, {""}}, {0, {""}}}; }; }; class GlobalArmor { class Projectile { class Health { damage = 0; }; class Blood { damage = 0; }; class Shock { damage = 0; }; }; class Melee { class Health { damage = 0; }; class Blood { damage = 0; }; class Shock { damage = 0; }; }; class FragGrenade { class Health { damage = 0; }; class Blood { damage = 0; }; class Shock { damage = 0; }; }; }; }; attachments[] = {"Att_CombinationLock"}; class GUIInventoryAttachmentsProps { class Base { name = "$STR_CfgVehicles_Fence_Att_Category_Base"; description = ""; attachmentSlots[] = {"Att_CombinationLock"}; icon = "cat_bb_base"; selection = "wall"; }; class Attachments { name = "$STR_CfgVehicles_Fence_Att_Category_Attachments"; description = ""; attachmentSlots[] = {"Wall_Camonet", "Wall_Barbedwire_1", "Wall_Barbedwire_2"}; icon = "cat_bb_attachments"; selection = "wall"; }; class Material { name = "$STR_CfgVehicles_Fence_Att_Category_Materials"; description = ""; attachmentSlots[] = {"Material_Nails", "Material_WoodenPlanks", "Material_MetalSheets", "Material_MetalWire"}; icon = "cat_bb_material"; selection = "wall"; }; }; class AnimationSources { class AnimSourceShown { source = "user"; animPeriod = 0.01; initPhase = 0; }; class AnimSourceHidden { source = "user"; animPeriod = 0.01; initPhase = 1; }; class AnimRotate { source = "user"; component = "Door1"; animPeriod = 1; initPhase = 0; initOpened = 0.5; }; class Wall_Interact_Rotate : AnimRotate {}; class Wall_Barbedwire_1_Mounted_Rotate : AnimRotate {}; class Wall_Barbedwire_2_Mounted_Rotate : AnimRotate {}; class Wall_Camonet_Rotate : AnimRotate {}; class Wall_Gate_Rotate : AnimRotate {}; class Wall_Base_Down_Rotate : AnimRotate {}; class Wall_Base_Up_Rotate : AnimRotate {}; class Wall_Wood_Down_Rotate : AnimRotate {}; class Wall_Wood_Up_Rotate : AnimRotate {}; class Wall_Metal_Down_Rotate : AnimRotate {}; class Wall_Metal_Up_Rotate : AnimRotate {}; class Material_WoodenLogs : AnimSourceHidden {}; class Material_MetalWire : AnimSourceHidden {}; class Wall_Barbedwire_1 : AnimSourceHidden {}; class Wall_Barbedwire_1_Mounted : AnimSourceHidden {}; class Wall_Barbedwire_2 : AnimSourceHidden {}; class Wall_Barbedwire_2_Mounted : AnimSourceHidden {}; class Wall_Camonet : AnimSourceHidden {}; class Deployed : AnimSourceHidden {}; class Base : AnimSourceHidden {}; class Wall_Platform : AnimSourceHidden {}; class Wall_Platform_Stairs_Left : AnimSourceHidden {}; class Wall_Platform_Stairs_Right : AnimSourceHidden {}; class Wall_Gate : AnimSourceHidden {}; class Wall_Base_Down : AnimSourceHidden {}; class Wall_Base_Up : AnimSourceHidden {}; class Wall_Metal_Down : AnimSourceHidden {}; class Wall_Metal_Up : AnimSourceHidden {}; class Wall_Wood_Down : AnimSourceHidden {}; class Wall_Wood_Up : AnimSourceHidden {}; }; class Construction { class wall { class wall_gate { name = "$STR_CfgVehicles_Construction_Part_Gate"; is_gate = 1; id = 5; required_parts[] = {}; conflicted_parts[] = {}; collision_data[] = {}; build_action_type = 1; dismantle_action_type = 1; material_type = 5; }; }; }; class PointLights { class PointLight { color[] = {1, 1, 1, 0.05}; ambient[] = {0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01}; position = "light"; hitpoint = "bulb"; selection = "bulb"; size = 0; radius = 5; brightness = 0.001; dayLight = 1; heatHazeRadius = 0; heatHazePower = 0; fireEffect = 0; fireEffectOctaves = 0; fireEffectPersistence = 0; fireEffectFract = 0; }; }; };
Возникает вопрос, как в новом классе прописать только использование CombinationLock" и "Att_CombinationLock4"?
Подозреваю, что атач прописан строкой attachments[] = {"Att_CombinationLock"};, но что это за Att_CombinationLockне могу найти 😞
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